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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1939, p. 1

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12,01 PepeW, i~b< VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THER$DY, DECEMBER l4th, 1939NMBR5 nowmanvile stores wi re- Main oenevery ovon nv fDtOM t-nlht until Christmm te tatke cure et bayera who havent lime iurlng the day te make thelr gft purchaces Ibis Yeu. the merohants are feuturng a greut varlety ef glit articles cuch a s cot are ceeu lu a town lt.eaIse ef BOWMmnvle. Atter cheoklng »Mr ypricea and comparlng thesu wlth' Tarante c-caUild bargalua, homo-tewn choppera Mdn that they eau buy chou,- or and botter right here in BoWmanviile's ob je ct i ve of thoir own town. Due to a n" $40000rahe ndtecavs nnderctanding, corne o et 4000 ece n h av ctàrec beat the gun by re- StUR incemplete, was the report nîainlng open W e d n ec d a y .made by Ray Dilling, Treasurer evenug. of the Bowmanvifle Branch of the Red Cross Society, ta the Execu- CHOIR REN DERS tive Cenmittee which met on SEVERAL NUMBERS subscrip'tions exceed$,0.Th AT ROTARY CLUB campaign la net closed by any being recelved by the treasurer. The Boys' Work Committec of If you have flot yet subscribed ]Rotary Club conducted the pro- there is stiil Ui e to do sa. granm on Friday and dispensed Subscr!berý number many hun- with the customary procedure of dreds. It lu lnteresting ta note ne a speaker by introduclng the High subseription was over $50 and School A Capella Choir under di- anly those were received. rection of Francis Sutton, Mus. This means that citizens in ail Bac., musical dfrector, ta the club. walks 'and stations ai lUfe have They sang several -numbers, had a share ln contributing te serions. andf otherwlse, Includlng this worthy cause,'ii. behalf of solections, by the entire group and war endeavours., by thie boys and girls choruses The treasurer and secretary are sepagately. working overtime preparlng per- Tliosè cf the club who had not manent receipts and membership heard U ten perorm.,forwere, cards. These reccipts and mcm- te rf e t ildyamaed while bership carda, toalal subscribers those who have failowed the pro- cf $l.00 or more, wilU be deliver- gre# ocf this acccmpllshed group ed in due course by Boy'Scouts ef ycung musician listened with wha have volunteered for this intense lnterest and appreciation. duty ta the Red Cross. A. Y-C Chltty intraduoed the The local Bed Cross Booms wil prograni. The only guest was D. be closed for work during the W. MceCormick,, Gait. President week preceding Christmas and Rmoa Stutt présided& until after January lst. Nfeed to. ho Cheerful and Confident To Avoid War of Nerves CasualIties W. J. Dunlop, Toronto, Tells Canadian Club tbi&t Person, ality Important Factor. M. J. Elliott, New President 0'~ o the tineat inspJrational, acasgiven iocally la someé :~tie* was preaented ut Menis Ca- Snadian Club fiursday nighh byi NW. J. ahnop Uicrst of Eton- 'sien Courses t Dietrsty ofTo- rcnto and anc ai tee beat cx- amples et a plcasing and weil bal- anced persenality ho be faund. Ho apako on "Care af Our Pen- sanalities.", Streaaing tee need for taking ourselves terougi the tines wiicb are naw upon us so teat we won't be victinis or* cusualties la te "War et Nerves", tee speaker pleaded wite is audience not ta become depressed. Every man inherits part oi te personality which la is, but teere la another part which can b. modlfied se that ho becomes a botter man - anc wha la la pur- suit cf hupplacas. fis la ne world for mistits, ho said. Mon must net became cxcited, because ta accomplisi aiytemng wonth-while, t h ere m uast b e thougit and planning bacc afit1. Thc plumiers have, tee happier lives. Thflre are several characheris- * tics wiici bespeak tee gaod type ot persenality. Cheerfuineas and confidence came first, because if every Canadien la anxious ta de Uic beat for hiniacif and ton is counn ho must have ses twa qualitios. Cheeniulness c omnecs parl by trying ta be big cnaugh not; ta be bothered by little teings and we must bégla teut training la' our homos, aur badges and churches. Origlalihy lsaunateer big point la a goad personality, because tere la. vory little ai it la te world and everyone la booking for a mmi wite good ideas. Of course, ho must be practical as well as original. To be original a. man must be cptiniistic. fie pcsslmlst seldoni produces unytelag origi- nal, because ho can't produce unA loua is mmnd la froc, happy. and la a vigoraus condition. Mon wlteý ideas must tackile thinga which arc difl¶cult, because by uccemplishing, they devclop chul stangcrý persanallties. *A mmi wihh geod personality miust aise have aggressiveness. Ho must fee1 teat his job la the boat job and teat he will earn more tabout 1h and be a succoas. f 111I ha vo nover sad teut educa- tlon la more important tean per- sonalty," ho contlnued. Persan- allty la greuter, I bolieve, because *ne matter what klnd of educutian a man ha, ho la lait unboas tee ls ' odpeonality te go wl th. Wnmn wli goci personalih rat bc loyal ta pninciple, t countr and ta empire. I now corne mon who are net loyal ta Uic mcn for wham teey work. They anc not honcat whcn Uicy etay in teose positions. fiey may have eýffciency &nd accuracy whlch are essential, but withaut idyulty, tee eteer hwa are net complote. We neod ha cultivate leyalty ta principlea, conviction and roaponslbllitlos, ho continued. 1 have ne, patience wite teose who criticizo men la positions oi ne- sponsibllty. Instead ai hladering by èrlticlsm, lot us help byup- R.CÀF. PROMOTION 0F LOCAL INTEREST The National Detense Dcpart- ment on Wednesday made an an- nouncement which la et great la- cal interest. Squadron Leader C. B. Sieman of Uic Royal Canadian *Air Force .hus been pronioted te Wing Commander. Hie la son-la- law of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slcmon, Bowmanvile. He la 34 ycars ai age and a nativre oainlnipeg. He jolacd thc B.C.A.F. la 1923 and for several years tlew la Uic Nortewest Territarica. In 1935 he marnced Misa Marlon Slemon of Bowmanville and they have one *daughtcr. For a tume he was talc- ing a apecial course la England. At prescrit Uiey aire stationed la *Western Canada. Mr. Joe DeCourcey, weil known Canadian band leader, was la tawn on Tuesday and may be playing at some local dance after the New Ycar. He rencwed ac-, qualatance wite the editor whom he met at Jasper Park, Alberta, two years aga. holding tease carrying Ureugh responaible tasks.' In conclusion the speaker sald we need ta say ta aurselves, "What am I dolag day by day te give myseli a better persanallty?' Election ai officers rcsultcd la M. J. Elliott bclag selected Presi- dent, rcplaclag A. R. Virgin who becames Hon. President. V icec President - C. B. spencer; sec.- Treas. - R. M. Ainslle; Executive - Past Presidents Gea. W. James, W. F. Bickard, MýP., W. H. Car- ruthers; Membership - R. M. Cet- tan;, E. P. Bradt, F. F. Morris, Jehn M. James, Dr. J. A. Butler, A. M. Thompsan, Rasa Stevens; Auditers - R. M. Cettan, L. W. Dippeil; Nomlaating Camniittee - Dr. G. C. Bannycastle, L. W. Dip-1 pell, F. F. Morris. Dr. G. C. Bennycastle intraduc- cd Mr. Dunlop, and retiring presi-c dent A. R. Virgin moved tee votei ot teanks.1 At tee Durhami County Hol- stein Breeders' annual meeting ut Selina A. J. Tamblyn, Ficîdman, reported active and remunerative sales ot cows during 1939. Thra' thc medium et thc Association 26 caws wcre sold for $3682.00. Thcy wcnt mostly ta New York or Pennsylvanla, but anc, sold by Fred Austin, was beught by Sam- uel Wallng, Haliburton. Other breeders maklng sales Uirough Mr. Tamblyn and the Association werc Bruce Tlak, Noble Metcalf, J. T. Brown, A. J. Tamblyn, F. W. Tamblyn, Elmer Ccx, Neil Muttan, Oscar Luxton, J oh n Cruickshank, Herb. Tink, Walter Reynolds, Gardon Kellogg and Arteur Bunnals. Average price rccelved was about $142.00. The filîdman gets 4% ai tic seing price for his tume and trouble and thc association 1 %. Officers for 1940 WIte E. A. Summers presidlng, these officers for 1940 were elch- cd: President - John Cruickshank, Stili Tinie to Give. Boy Scouts wlII Deliver Receipts to Contri- butors Solina; Vice Pros. - Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle; Sec'y.-Treas.- H. C. Muir, Ceurtice; Fieldman- A. J. Tamblyn, Orono; Auditora - Bruce Tink and Hilton Peters; Directors: Darlington, Neil M ut taon and Bruce Tlak; Clarke, J. H. Joe and Carles Tamblyn; Hope, Art Burinais and Wmn. Bickhe; Cavan, Fred Fallas and W. J. Seymour; Cartwright, Leslie Coates and Chas. Smite. 1940 Field Day In recent years Uic four coun- tics of Durham, Ontario, Victoria and Petorborough have been co- apcrating la holding a Joint field day Wlte tee Holstein Association ofet accunty acting as Uic hast and tee oteors. boing tee guesta. Noxt summer It wil be Durham's humn ta be the. hst. It was decld- cd ho hold tee field day at Orono. Thore la a tirat class park la whlch ta hold tee afternoon prograni and teore are several flnc herds ai Holgteins ta be scen lathee <ontnuod on page 11) MAKS89H IRHDYDecorate Homes and Stores For Christmas Competition Wit Free Turkeys as Prizes Red Cross Fund Over $4,000 With Campaigu Incomplete Mlore Contibutions Nfeeded BABY IS INJURED IN CAR COLLISION SUNDAY_ NOON Mnr. und Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and Baby Recelve Injuries Wheu Cars Collie Almait Hoad-on Tince Bowmanviile p er saons, anc a year-eld child, were lajurei la an accident wcat ai te owmi Sunday noon, and werc tukon tc Bawmanvile Hospital for treat- ment. fiey are Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and child. Cochrane was drivlag west on tee highway, when according to tic stary ho told police, ho saw an eastbound car skldding on wel pavement. Ih craased ta tee nortli aide cf tee raad and when il atruck the sheulder came taward tee saute agua directly in te path ai Uic Cochrane car, wiicii it struck ut Uic right front fonder. fie eastbeund auto roiled over inta tee north ditci toilowing te collision. .Driver ai Uic skidding car was W. J. MacDonald, Toronto, sc- companicd by 'George Grapp, Penetang, who suffered an eye in- jury. MacDonald was bruiscd, but ctherwise unhurt. Mr. Ccci- rane suffered a frachuncd knee cap, is wife a spruaed ankle, and Uic baby a possible concus- sion. AIl are recovering slowly. Provincial Constable W. F. Thompson, who invcstigahed, shah- cd thut MacDonald wculd be charged with careless driving. Bote cars werc badly damugcd. POLICE STATION ACQUIRES NEW COLORFUL FLOOR fie floar af tee police station has taken on a new and colorful appearance due ta a caverlag ai new linoleum tels week. fie matter came up ut the coundil ut tee December meeting, wite the Police Conimittee taking ac- tien almeat imniediately. By-laws were latroduced ta tonm a Board et Education and aise te issue debentunes ta retire eteer debentures. fie firat by- law was pased and signcd, wiile, thé second reccivod is second reading and was laid on the table. Finance committee submitted accounts amaunting ho $1,408.06 wvhich were passed. fie fine brigade wiil receive 50% ai tee $75.00 paid by Russell Bragg, Shaw's, for brigade ser- vices ah a recent fine. Ih waa declded ta leave unhil next year, tee painting ai tire- mon's numes la tee fire hall. An accaunt ai $5.50 la ta be sent ta the Davis Hoult Ca. for rubber boots lest durlag tetire. fiey werc borrowcd froni tetire de- partment and iayc not been re- turned.1 Chairman ai tee Fine Commit- tee was auteorized ta notify Fine Chiot Hooper ta hand aver al papera from thc Fine Marsall ta George Lyle, Inspector. Council wiil meet again on Frniday, December 15te, for thc final meeting ai tic ycur. SANTA CLAUS HURE EVERY AFTERNOON Don'h forget Santa Claus la ap- pearing every alternoan tram 3 ta 5 on King Street and will give a candy cane te any youngater mite a coupon. Coupons have been sont out ta al acheoisla te ,istrict. At 5 p.m. teere ia the big draw for goad prizes, but te chlld whose nume la on Uic cou- pon drawn must be present ho wla the pnize. M. J. Elliott Newly clected President af Bow- manville Men's Canadian Club wha assumed office ut the banquet Thursday night. Mr. Eiliott lsaa fermer mayor ai Bowmanviile and an ex-Wardcn ai the United Caunties af Northumpjerland and Durham. ii, p 0 hil tc til S] G Bi ar G Fg hi ar D STo Publiustateima. WededayNext Week î Former Member of To- ronto Board of Trade Presents Practi c a 1 Ideas to Meeting Interest, informative and en- thusiasin were outstanding fea- turcs ai the first montely meeting ai the Chamber ai Commerce held in the Cauncil Chamber Friday night. It was latended te hold speakers they were aiter wcre unable ta came so the banquet was cailed off tili January which W. J. Dunlop Thomas Pingle will alsobth annual meeting PastGran Maser f te Masnloand election ai officers. President Past randMastr of he MWhai celebrated his 89th birthday Alex McGregor, truc ta advance Grand Lodge ai Canada, and Di- fcntly wit a efam igadhegf notices, caîîed the meeting t - rector of University af Toronto, la neai theadridef order right an time. The late- Extension, who addrcsscd the 0~J . & P. Ca. employeca and a camera therefore missed Uic pre- Mcn's Canadian Club ThursdaY' ime a h-aou ada liminary praceedinga and same. ai D ~years aga. An interview with this the reports.1 1night on "The Development Of -grand old-timer appears in an- The minutes read by Secretary tPersonahity. otier calumn. B. M. Cotton af the general and 1 directars' meetings revealed teat t~ considerable pragress had been1 made and several warte-while 'Santa Almost Overwhelmed rjcaacmlse organized leas than twa mantes. rS Te president also described in r ~detail same ai tee mare important1 e BY h lc nb of oungtersmatters discussed by tee directars.1 DuringreApp.a0ance iii Toe-R 1 ea -a c in ow n their ducs for 1939. _______etail Committee Active t jMo. Breslin, repartlag for the ' WiI e Twnflç4e a'clack. Th, iirst three days Retail Committde, stated t woa Santa llb inT w of îthis week he as n the lot next meetings hadt been held in which1 Every Day to Greet toIMason & Dale's hardware store, a chairinan, secretary and trea-8 OId Frens nd to an4 the last thee days he will sur:r were selected. The canvas- EIand Out Candy and Royal Theatre and tee Kingsway lecting aver $500 for theeBd' PrIzes Flower Shop. The same pragram Cross Saciety fram the merchants I > wlll take place tee fallawing and clerka. Plans were arrangcd wqýek. Coupons have been given for a Santa Claus parade an Dcc. t Kiddics and adulta congrcgated taý local school chilcfrcn and ta 9te, and for Santa's daily appear-y la Bowmanviile Saturday ai ter- rural pupils, but in case any ance on Main atreet fram 3 ta noon for that mast gloriaus occa- youngaters who do nat attend 5 p.m. when coupons wiil be given1 alan, thee arrivai ai Santa Claus. scIool have been missed, a sup- tee children and prizes awardedE Along about 3 p.m. those as-. ply ai coupons will bc an hand ecd day at 5 o'clock. He intimat-à sembled around thc platiorm on at Tic Statesma noffice, wherc cd any expensea cntaîlcd in tiese b thee lot next ta Chailis' Garage teey may be abtaincd. efaorts wauld be met by tic mer- r heard the Canadian Legion Band Incidentally, tee a t t r a c t i v c chants themselves. t playing as teey marchcd up Kirlg, float was Uic wark ai a group la- Program Committec Offers Ilieas Street, led by Uic tire truck de- cluding H. P. Daner, M. S. Dale, E. P. Bradt, Chairman ai Pro-q corated cspecially for tee occa- A. >K. Chitty, Gilbert Jones, wio gram Committec, make tic fol- s sion. Directly behind thc band arc gratetul ta Gee. E. Chase fer lowlng recommendations la his 1 Uic oy Siouts and Cuba la fulI,&tefan ai tee hydro truck., repart:V drasmachdsmairt]y, provlding- nswüll -notice -that King That speakers wdl cstablished a fine escont for gead old St. Nié£k. îret has been dccaratcd for and informed on C. of C. matters, perched aloit a float built ta re- Christmnas with cedar trees, colar- such as tee Sincoc club, be invit: semble a hanse. cd lights and otlier decoratians. cd ta tee annual meeting in Jan-a Santa had evidently summcred Merchants purchased tic trees uary, ta take thee orm ai a ban- i wcil and was asf fat and joily as and wite the ca-operation ai tee quet. It la icît sucli a meeting I ever la his red and white costume. tawn council brought them ta engenders a better spirit ai ce- f Even his whiakers leoked as town. operatian and friendliness tean a e teeugh teey had juat came tramn Though teere has been con- marc formal meeting; tee cleaners and his pack sack, siderable effort cxpended by sev- That prizes be given for beat ri ri hanging trem tee rear ai theecral local merchants in prepara- (continued on page 7) 0 sleigh en top efthtee liuse, was tien for teis event, teese wha I tillcd ta overilawing.I have tried ta ebtain assistanceA After a short parade dowri tee from other merchantshave been NEW PRESIDENT b main street, he returned ta tee heartily disgusted. Some have tt platterin, where assistcd by sev- suggested teat teose wha do net eral local merchants, he pasaed contribute ta these events, cither baga of candies and words et gaed in money, wark, or bote, ahould cheer te thc youngsters wha werc place aigris in their windows atat- ' present. Fuily an heur had passcd ing that thcy *are not la favar ai bei are the chfldrcn had ail met the actions ai theeeteer merchants Santa and he had departed for and asking that people who cameI oteer points. ta tewn especiaily ta sec Santa Thia year Bowmanville has Clans should patronize the mer- been fortunate la abtaining his chants wha hclped instead ai buy-F services for marc tean anc day. lag la stores whcre tee merchants Each aiternoon tram 3 ta 5 he did notelag but criticize tee et- distributes candy canes te chil- torts et others wha make tels dren whe present coupons ta him. affair such an eutstanding suc- and gives eut valuable prizes at ceas. Acquit Constable of Peîjury' ln Connection with LiquorCase PRIZE PUPILS PRESENT RECITAL RECEl VU AWARDS Prize pupils ai music teachers in Bowmanviilc and district taak part in a recital spansored by te >shawa Music Teucicra' Associa- ion on Thuraday cvening in St. Andrew's Sunduy Sciool audi- trium, Oshawa. Tlloae taking part obtained te àighest marks in the Toronto Oanservahory ai Music Ex~amina- ans and include, Ruth Reynolds, aolina, (Piano Grade I), pupil ai Mias Daratey M. Edgcr; Betty Spencer, Bowmanvillc, (P i a n o .rade III), Callette Ferguson, Bowmanville, (Piano Grade VII), ind Ruth Logani, Orone, <Piano ,rade VIII), pupils ai Mra. E. S. Ferguson; Collette Ferguson (Via- In Grade Il), pupil ai E. Bartlctt; ind Bute James (Vocal Grade XC), pupil ai R. Geen. Prises reare prescntcd ta tee pupils. Mlany Contributions Stili Needed If Christmas Baskets are FilledI The appeul made last week by the Cammunity Weltare Com- mittec for aubacriptians and con- tributions ta, provide Christmas baskets for needy familles in Bowmanvile has breugit ferth several grutitying replies. How- ever, many dollars marc arc re- quired if teis lubor ai lave te pro- vide Christmas cheer la golag te, be adcquutcly and satisiuctarily donc. Don't lot it be said teut familles in town who have plenty and ta spare are so adli and laconsiderate teat they wiil nat contribute a morsel ai food or money te bring cheer and a wholeseme Christmas dinner te an unfertunate family wlio has nat tee wherewlteal ta, pravide suci a meal for parents and littlc anes. The commithec ah present la la a quandary what te do as tee re- spanse ha been so saui. Sc get busy to-day and tuke your Christ- mas cicer git ta any ai the fol- lawing: Mrs. V. H. Starey, Town Clerk Alec Lyle, or Tic States-1 man Office. Two iarmeriy weil known la- dies ef Durham Caunty, now la Toronto, in renewing teir sub- scriptian ta fie Stutesman on- clased donation. Mrs. (Dr.) L. B. Williams writcs: Enclosed fmd re- newul for Shatesman and alse $1.00 tawards your baskets cf Christmas Cicer for the lithle folks efthte old tawn. Mrs. W. B. Placi wrltes: Wil you kindly hand $3.00 ta Uiec cen- mittcc for thc iund for Christmas baskets. .Oteer donations which thecocm- mittee aise grateiuily ucknow- ledges arc: St. John's Churci ---------- $ 5.00 Lions Club --------------«---25.00 Oi'der ai Eastern Star ------- 5.00 A Friend ----------------------- 2.00 F. C. Vunstone-Bag etf leur fer euch basket. euse is Dsmuased Againat A. Mfilon, Oounty Constable for Durham for Over 20 Years Constable Arthur Million, Ty- rene, lash week was acquitted of perjury la Cobourg court by a jury. Judge D. B. Coleman pro- sided. The charge arose from W. Slipson's hearing on a lquor charge. Wihncsscs at Sipson~s liquor trial, hcld here la Octaber, testi- ficd teat MilIson had teld Uiem ta hclp teemacîves ta a couple ai pinta et beer froni a case which iad juat been seized la Uic raid on Simpson's home conducted by Millson and Provincial Constable Price Marris ai Bowmanvlle. The witncsses were Cliii ord Branni- gan and Mackey Richards et Bow- manville. Milson wus later charg- cd teat he canunittcd perjury by saying that thc botties had been taken witeout his consent. Accerdlag ta Brannlgan's evi- dence, sanie selzcd beer was la tee case at Simpson's home. Con- stable Morris was la Uic celiar looklng for more beer and Million was la charge ai the beor upstuIrs. 'II said how's chances for a couple ai plats et beer," related Brannîgan. Milison told him ta take ten but te keep Uiem out oi slght from Constable Morris, continued Brannigan. Oteer wltncsses gave corroborative evidence. Constable Million, constable for 30 years, tald Uic court that ho and Constable Morris had raidod Uic Simipson house and feund sev- on people inside, around tables. On. case af beer was selzed and thon M~orris and Simpson went down cellar. Thon telaga began ta happen whlch kcpt Millson busy. A woman came eut of a rooni and helped hersoif ta a bot- tle tram the case. 'II didn't see her take tee bottle actuafly, but when I hearci somctelng gurgllng aiter sho had gone bac la te oteer roani, I realized what it was and wcnt and teok it away fram her,11 testiiied Constable Million. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury boit ta-day ta apend tee wlnter mentes at St. Petersburg, Florida. ----T-.. - Wlth Whlch Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News r 'o ekly I b p Il LOCAL SOLDIERS FEEL NEGLECTED. BY HOMETOWN Other Towns Houer Army Lads While Those Prom Bowmau- ville Sit uni Wonder When and If While ather municipalities have and are -naking aultable recogni- tion ai their baya who eniisted for military service and giving teem officiai tareweils, Bowman- ville, as a municipality, hua made no recognition whutever tathese brave lads. This tact was brougit iarcibiy home when tic editor received a letter Wcdnesday marning signed by tour soldiers, ail iriends ai tic editar, wha icît teey cauld con- fide thir feelings ain im. fie letter was a personal anc but, un- der the circumahancea, we feel part cf ita contenta should be passed an ha aur local readerases that some limediate action ii be taken by the civic auteoni----s. We have no hesitancy la saylag that if tee Mayor and membera oi the town council aee fit ta grant themacîves maney for the ser- vices tey render ut home, sureiy tiey wiil be willing ta make a ýpresentation befitting tee service and sacrifice these brave lads are wiiling ha muke for the safoty and security ai those ah home. T'he letter la part reuda: Dear Mr. James,- Juat a few linos ta lot you know thut we arc ail O.K. and thaftk yau for aonding us fie Statesman wvhich we appreciate very much. There arc only four ci us tram 3owmanville la aur Begiment, mxd also we are the only cnes who haven't received aonieteing us a remcmbrance tram teir home :awn. Places like Stirling, Madoc, T'renton, etc., cither held a ban- quet and made presentations or sent thm something direct. Sure- ly a place tee size ai Bowman- ville could ut leash remember their soldiers. We sure have icît eost tee puat week or s0 when the names are callod out ta go ta abanquet and we are leit twid- ihing aur teumbs. 1h la reportcd we are puiling eut ai here Sunday for samewhere. Remember us ta everybody." A feeling ai siame and embar- rasament cames over one as yau cead tee nahurai dîsappaintmcnt if teese boys. But it'a nat; tee lte, if immediate action is taken. And tiat action shauld be taken by tee Town Cauncil ut its sta- tutary meeting Friduy nigit. To give advertcerc and eus- tomers a botter chance te benefit from adverticing plau- ed next week, the last beforo Christmas, The Statesman wil be publfched on Wednec- day next week inctead of T hnurcdilay. Correspondentc and advertisers are asked te pay particular attention te this notice and have eopy ln the office a day earller than usual because only throuth your co-operation wili th e earlier publication be pos- sible. NAMES 0F SOLDIERS WANTED BY LEGION The secrctary of the Canadian Legion, R. M. Cotton, wlshes to have tee names and addresses cf ail men who have enlisted in tic Canadian Active Service Forces or who have joined Uic navy fromi Bowmanville, Newcastle and Or- ena districts. From the proeeds cf Uic Christ- mas Cheer Draw the Legion in- tends flot only ta R2rovidc Christ- mas baskets for ex-service -on and their familles who are ln need but aise ta scnd a parcel, cf ciga- rettes, tobacca or other littie lux- unies as a teken cf remembrance and gogd cheer toecd enflsted. man. When givlng the naines ta Uic secretary please state the Regi- mental number, battalion or unit where stationcd or thc Army Post Office. For naval mon piease give rank, ship, home station or naval base. The annual draw for six tur- keys and six geese wll be made on Tucsday, December 19; names of winners wiil be announced ln The Statesman, December 2lat. Tickets ta participate in thc draw may be had from any member of the Canadian Legian.* HOW TO ADDRES SOLDIERS' LUER Mail for soldiers of the Cana- dian Active Service force who have proceeded or who may in Uic future proceed overseas must b. fuily prepaid and addressed asI foilows: Regimental No. Rank and Naine,, FuIl Nqamé-ôT>Rgiinnt- 6-f iIf C.A.S.F., cla Base Post Office, Canada. Example - Print in Block Let- tera: REGIMENTAL NO. C12345, PRIVATE JOHN DOE, I8th HIGHLANDERS 0F CANADA, cio BASE POST OFFICE, CANADA.- The return address should al- ways be placed an ail mail. NEWCASTLE NEWS on Page 6 ORONO NEWS on page 9 Durham HoIsteins Popular in U. S. Report Shows 26 Sold for $3,682 To Statesman Subscribers: We wlsh ta express aur siacere appreciation ofte wandcrful mariner la which our subscribers have responded ta our announcement that ALL subscriptions arc being placed on a PAID-IN-ADVANCE basis, starting January lst, 1940. As a matter <if fact the great majority af Statesman subscriptiens have been PAID-IN-ADVANCE for same time and the remainder are rapidly conferming ta tee plan. Every day we are receiving numeraus letters from subscribers, con- taining Uic sum et $2.00 ta place teir subscriptians on the PAID-IN-ADVANCE basis. "PAID-IN-ADVANCE" simply means teat when a sub- scriptien is expiring or has expired, tee subscriber pays the $2.00 subscription price te caver tee ensuing twelve months. Hence- forth notices wiil be sent eut the latter part of each month ta teose subscribers whose subscriptions expire on tee last day af tee falewlag monte. A period of 30 days grace will be allawed for payment of tee subscription. If not received within that tume it wiil be taken for granted teat the subscriber wîshes ta discontinue his or her paper. We do appreciate the many klndly remarks received in regard ta thc service being rendcred by The Statesman. We have endeavored te, make The Statesman a "COUNTY" news- paper, givlng a camplete county-wide news service af West Durham. Censider teat each issue of The Statesman costa the subscrlber ONLY FOUR CENTS and it is apparent that your Statesman subacriptian gives you the greateat value for your meney.of any cammodlty that you cai buy today. Despite Uic lacreasing coesa a publication and the tact that the price et newsprlat, ink.and, oteer ingredients ai news- paper-making: la due ta increase stiil turteer la the New Year, The Statesman has not lacreased its subscription rate nor does it intend ta do se. But it is essential la order teat your home town newspaper cai be conductcd on a aound financial basis that ALL subacribers be PAID-IN-ADVANCE. This is no new Idea, as daily newspapcrs, magazines and a nuniber et weckly publications have employed Uic system for many years. Again we wlsh ta teank the many subscrlbcrs who have recentiy rcnewed their subacriptions IN ADVANCE, as wefl as teose who, have aiways foilowed this plan. We look forward ta, having every subscription on a PAID-IN-ADVANCE b85is on January lat next. Wc trust teat every subacriber will do his or her part. Youravery truly, wy* II vmn ~te#mtt P.S.-The date to which your subccrlptlon ls pali, la chown on the label at the upper r1ght-hand corner cf this paper. d

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