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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE,, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER I4TH, 1939 1Enfield Recerit Visitors: Mr. Carl Fer- guson, Miss Ann Bottreil, Bowman- ville, Mr. N. Prescott,,Orono, at Mr. Alf Presctt'. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed- 'Win Ormiston and Walter, Bobcay- geon, with Mr. Hoskin Smith and called on old neiglbours... Mr. F. Mason, HarmonY, cailed on old frn- ends here. . Mr. and-M-rt Mervin Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Nicholson, Mr. Morris, Mount Forest, ut Mn. Godfry Bowman's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert were among the invited guests at Mr. Geo. Bray's, Oshawa, Dec. .lth, where they cele- brated Mn. Gilbert's and Mr. j3ray's birthdays, beingz the saine age. 1Meiers of thxe W.A. assembled at thxe homç of Mo. W. Ashton, Dec. Sth, and elected these officers: Pres., Miss Bessie Pascoe; Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Bowman; Sec., Miss Helen Stark; Treas., Mrs. W. Ash- Lt's Be Practical am Woolette P 1.985u Smart two-plece "«Gordon" styles Zipper nec>, Rusian neck, anti I colorful floral printeti demigus. 2 phmne anti corne lu sncb colorsas Wblte. ise: SmaUi, Medium, Ls 3< Se au St' an i. Ca: tht ch sp lu' pri Imported Hanc Coplei luNew ork rom mucli 'sger-price= rîagamani orrect tii the last fashion tietaiL. Made frets simniateti leatisers lun no ve1it y grains as well as amooth Calf grains Choome from ail tiese .a- sou's newest styles lu tise muatI .Crepe C hale 3~ Thse Modem Misswl be captivat- cd by a Gint of one of tisese slips; fuhionci of¶Crepe Obole, a Cour- taulti "Qnality-control" Fabric. 8 mar ti1y embroiereti, straigis cent, ani th adjustable sisouitier stais. Au outstandlug value. Rose anti White. lises: SB te 44. Chenille Ho use TeU be ai winsme as yon're wmmln eue of these Chic uew Chnll oiuse Coata. Cholce of a nmber of lusclous colours Me': Snart WOIl Pattel select anti with4 check ton; Piahisf, Mrs. G. Bowman; Blackstock by Misses Helen Stark, Isobel çhil- l4rs. Joe Watson and Charlie, Ted- Assist., Mrs. jas. Parr: Program esMytl Iwiea d morden, with Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Com. Mr; Af, resctt pd rs.Archer. Mrs. Cecil Fergusen, In- White. .. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Com, M& l1~Prscot M Ms. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. stitute Pres., and Mrs. Robt. Archer, Shaws. with Mr. and Mr9, J. T. Jas. Parr: Lundh Cern., Mrs, Mor- Vincent, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Institute Sec., were guests itnd made Rundie. ley Sleeman and Mrs. Milton Samis; Chas. Smith... Miss Mabel Van the draw for the three Christmas Congratulations te Mr. George Flower Cein., Mrs. F. Gilbert and Camp and Miss jean Bridgeman, cakes, on which tickets had been seld. Milîsen, Halifaxc, on bis marriage*te OIGS L. Bradley. This programn was pre- University of Toronto, witfi Mr. and ($15-20 was made in this mannier). Miss Margaret Levak, R.N. sented: Mrs. W. Ashton gnd Miss Mrs. Wm. Van Camp... Mrs. Fred The winners wene: lsf, Miss liazel Members of Women's Institute Wjilma, piano duet; Miss Hel Bailey in Toronto with Mrs. Geo. English; 2nd, Mrs. Creighton D eyitf; entertainied their husbands at fthe Stark, a reading; Mrs. Russell Or- McLaughlin. . . Mrs. Harrison and 3rd, Miss Doris Lamb. This wooltfie home ef Mrs. S. E. Werry. Tuesday. miston, a reading. Mrs. Harding Miss Smith, Oshawa, with Mr. and last meeting cof fhis season aud.,&rs. Durinq the evening a presentation gave ~ ~ ~ 3 a akoaetCosWr. Mrs. O. V. Shaw. .. Miss L. Ginn Wright extended sincere Christmnas was made te Mrs. J. J. .Smifh and Next meeting, Jan. 9th, at 2.30a with her grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Wishes te ail pretent. Mrs. Charles Smith expr.cssing best the home of Mrs. AIf. Prescott's. James Ginn.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. St. John's A. Y.P. A. met at the wishes for future happineas in their Hoskin Smith, Frank Gilbert and Parr, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. rectory, Dec. 7th. After thxe business new home at Hampton. Progressive......----------------- L. C. Pascoe wcre at Coeurir on James Parr. session g 1ameýs and a musical program Lest Heir was enjeyed and lunch Dec. 6th te hear the trial of Arthur The Girls' Club, "Les Hostesses a were enjoyed. was servcd. Millson and were pîeased te hear the la mode," held their f ifth'meeting in _____________________l hed teiran jury prenounce fthe verdict "not the Orange Hall, Dec. 7th, witl a a itna Women's Institute met Sln colppl edtera ___________ guilty."t godatnac.Mr.Abr r t the home of Mrs. Stanford Van nual concert at fthe chuncli Friday Mr. and Mns. Wilfred Bowman, presided. The subject for the meet- Cm nDc t.Bbesd a presided. Two dramatized stories,+ Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and Miss ing was the proper method of in taken by Mrs. Francis Werry. En- "Goblin Glen"' and "The Nighitingale"+ Bessie attended the progressive cnok- troduction, and Miss Rita Swain, niskillen. The program tnder flic di- were enactefi superably and fthe mus- mnole p)artv given by Dr. and Mrs. secretary, gave the demonstration. rection of Mrs. James Strong was: ical numbers including action sangs, C. W. Slemon at their home in Afternoon fea was prepqred anda papen on "Canadian Industries" by harnxonized choruses and instrumental Pyralin Sets for Freshpack Prophyiactic Brush Bowmanville, Dec. StIx. served in a very charming manner MRs. Tom Smith-, a neading on' fli selections were ail perforgied with ________________________Red_________ Cross prepared by Mns. James5 excellence. Mucli credit is due theirLa isho lteS tsfrf n G. Marlow and read by Mrs. Elliotf. music sqrioMs oadRb, à[k nfladlsittt hita rpe rv ecm Reports on the 38th W.!. Convention m s3rlor.Dnl ob aeaueu iilslggf.CrsmsWapdpoeawloi i and on the local girls' club wiork w ho presided at the piano, .and their Maur attractive ahades - s ct $ .0AU Brushes Guaranteed teacher, Mr. Walter Blackburn. modema shapes BV O~ m rown or BWe1k Dueka by Mrs. Albent Wrighf; a reading The home ef Mrs._ R. J. McKes- bv Mrs. Stanford Van C%.mpi on sock was thxe scene oif a coiixmunity In 3, 7 and 10 pieces lanoy Boxe$ 2, 3, 4and 5pi"oe Sie" r.Cecil Fruo gave gtliering Safurday night whèn ail 52.25 to $13.50 75e to 52.50 98e to $7,»0 a report of fthe Course on nilyman- met to do honour te Mn. and Mrs. _____________________________________________ ship" which was lield in H-ampton. Brlyce Brown. The sentiments cf ail Mrs. Ferguson conducted a contest pesê* were expressetl in a well ROUS5 WIlkiison Cutex BilUolds Shavlng Shavig on*e it smlso lth (what ý onavn i t amle o ce worded address affer which flic Essors - Razor Sets O Bowls Brunhes teyr wLere composed of). Refnesh- couple wene presentefi with an oc- i0mnts wene senved. . casional chair and a footstool. The $0.95 $3.00 8 $&-*450 $1.00 - $1.50 250 - 50c,- $1 M5e - $6.00 5 0 V E U R 0A miscellaneous shower was givei remainder of thxe evening was spent bv Cartwright te Mn. and Mns. D. in playigg games and lunch was L de'S t Th~~ompsen (nec Muriel Fallis) in served.La is SesM n êt I ISthe community hall on FlidaY even- Y.P.U. met Manday niglit and Formal by Dalon 1.25-2.75 Cigarettes - Cigars WodMe's Sets494M :T_____P R ___I ______LEM S______FIER ____ ing. Many beýutiful gifts were pre- elected these officens: Pres., Ileen _____________________________ senfed. Mn. Chas. Venning yvag fli Balson; Vice Pres., Margaret Bnec- Oaahmere Bouquet 50-75-$1 and Tobaccos colgate 's - - - 40_-80 able cliairman and a varird program kenridge; Sec., Pearl Leachi; Ass'f., Wobdbury's - 25o-4Oc-98 ista WrpeYaIq - -$.026 was enjoyed. Lunch and dancing Kathleen Baker; Treas., Francis B bbm rpe amlv 9 8 cempleted a fine evening. EverYane Wotten: Missionany Treas., Mns. W. Yarclley - - $1 10 $7.50 A e a loYrly$.fl 6 Jaqadwislies the happy couple a long and T. Baker: Canveners: Fellowship, Kolenard - $2.25-$8.50 - tBI1~F10 GMlette Rauer -- 98o hiappy ide. Jean Leach, Missionary, Gladys Yel-- Miss Eileen Devitt and fihe pupils lowlees: Citizcnship, Neil Yel lowlees; cf S.S. No. 1 held their Christmfas Cultural, Harvey Yellowees; Pianlsts, - FflTfPAC' concert, Friday afternoon with Rev. Mrs. Wesley Ycllowlees anid Kathx-- B dE. P.. Wood as dhairman. leen Baker. Auditors, Wes. YeTrow- The. New ]Photo hJbum Take Your Pictures ludoors Congratulations to Mrs. James lees and Walten Blackburn. Byers who celebnated lier 8OtIx bintix- Election of Spnday ScIxool cf ficers standad Z Nollwt Jachets. ~~~ ~~~~~~day on .Pec. 1lfi. also took place, tlic new ones being:35 rtCacty-------------$75FLOEETRAEA Jackets ~~~~~~~~~Miss Eva Brown is back at lien Superintendent, E. R. Taylor; Ass't., 30PitCpot.u .5F L O L C R C M R 9Çtcaching. Mrs. J. A crhrsup- Wes. Yellowlees; Sec., Wes. Wenry; D ueNdl *Cmlt ihBIB'i atre PU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~plied during lien sickness. Ass't., Neil Yelîowlees; Treas., A.DeLx Kdlomet thBbi-adatrm 00Ostwnd Wright lias been appoint- L. Pascoe: Auditons, B. G. Stevens 550 PritCpct._ -- 22 I "Gordon" I d caretaker cf flic local arena by and C. E. Shg-rtridge; .issionary as loorspot..On Mondav evening, Der, litIx, a Yellowlees and Mrs. N. 1'ellowlees; [l u t m aiey l un ci h l , Cr n M s rr K o ., n d Ro r s.L A .n T ai s. . Wanm a ' efit girls of Bach Vnig(neEn hopo fTeachers: Prirnary, Vera Baker and ! z r : »-A eufos Evrar$13 9 Broolin. Iirb wainactd a Ilert also; jnio Girs,'Pear JeteWs Eveingin Aheset RsespesshaRoties.Wt. tere chairman for the pnogram wbicli Leachi; Junior Boys, Mrs. Wes.. Yel- Perfume . Paris Perfume Perfume Pencils 25o Botties id Give. warm musical numbens by Dr. Rennie and Hardy, Intermediate BoysR. Gil- 25 0 12e-5e5e15e- 0 1 Sc 1.0 3c7*10 Cecil Heoey, port Penny. The nest bert. Pianists, Kathleen Baker, jean ... ..... i*of the eveningr was spent in dancing. Leach, Grace Yellowlees and Gladys lyiam as Dec. 2nd relatives cf Mn. and Mrs. Yellowlees. Pearl Leachi took change STATIONERY - in Fancy Boxes and Wooden Chests 25e to 53.00 Edward Darcy* (Mabel Spinks) cf the-devotional period and red a PEN & PENCIL SETS ...>................ ........ 98e to 59.00 gathered at their home for a sur- Christmas story: Mrs. Wqs. YeIlow- u tprise celebration cf thein 25th wedd- lees and Gladys Yellowlees favoured CAMERAS - Box and Foiding ........ .........5$1.25 to 59M2 m tinsg annivensary., The bride was witb a piano duet. _______________________________________________ i fo Womn an Mises.charming in lien white satin gçwn for ome mii MiSes ..of 25 yeans ago. Mrs. Cecil Hyde. Peter Pan coliar modela l in'- niece of Mrs. Darcy, nead an ad- Ham pton I AU are wrapped lineilo- * - . *dness and a floor lamp and flowers ,)NP ,R C olnP hB &s Pink, Blue, Maize ad:.were pneseflted. The beautiful wed- ding cake was made by Mrs. Russel Recent Visitors: Mrs. W. Watcli- rge. . Spinks and Mns. Ira Argue . prne bas been nursing Mrs. M. El- ,fond at Blackstock, whoboIsI a fine__________________________________ baby boy... Mn. and Mrs. L. Trull, TE'i1 !Llia,, iss Gladys Trull, Mn. and Mns. Raickbam gave a neading; Phyllis Holy Niglit", Ruthx Penfounsi: first Prayen, Mrs. Frank Wqr4en; read- x 'sHarold Salter witb Mn. and Mrs. W. Niddeny and Shirley Pingle f avored dliapten cf new study book on India, ing, Aura Osborne. Mrs, H. F. Cunningham, Cameron.. Mi. n. with a vocal duet; a humerous rend- Mns. Smith. CTcsei with Taps and Osbonne intnaduced the guest speSlcen, Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. W. Mns. Claude Dunlop, Coîdwaten, Mn. mng was given by Ganfli Per1ietf; a social fime, Mns. Chas. Wight, Providence, who GIFT C. Wenny, Oshawa, witli Mn. and and Mrs. Gee. Davey, Port Penny, Madlyn Wilcox f aveured with a Beneau Clasa met at the home cf very ably addressed thxe ladies on *Mrs. J. A. Werny. .. Mr. and Mrs. with Mn. and Mrs. T. Salten. .. Miss piano sole; chapten in fxe mjssionary Mns. Walter Sniden on Dec. 7th "Christian~ Citizenship", which was N " "]~'-E. Hoan, Bowmanville, Mn. and Connie Farncomb, Toronto, with Mn. studyi bock was pnesenfed by Mr. with an attendance ef 25. Mrs. W. inuch appneciated. Rev. W. C. Smith N e k e rSMrs. H. Kenn, Oshawa, Miss Amelia and Mns. Geo. Fanncemb.. . . Mn. and Rackham. C. Smithi pnesided for election cf înstalled the new officens. Refresh- Nichols, Mn. S. Lancaster, Port Mrs. Fred Billett, Toronto, at A. E. these cf ficers: Pres., M4s. H. F. ments wcre senved. ,J Hope, witli Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Billetts. .. Mn. and Mrs. T. Salten Osborne: lèt Vice, Mns. Will Bic- Congraulations f0 Mn. and Mn., 0"D 5 0 Ç EACH andElgin witliandMrs. F Mto . OsIx- Cuih am aend t xbiss . r . W. HClat-kle; 2nd Vice, Mns. Walter Sniden; Frank Carter who were recently an li iý r.Fitff s-Cninhm n iss._______a 3rd Vice, Mrs. Cecil Founç4 Treas., married, and wil libe at tlic home cf -dom do we 'have such awa. .. Mn. and Mns. Milton Stain- werfhy, Camenon, wene in tIhe village Mrs. Esli Oke; Ass'f., Mns. Blake Mn. Arthur Osborne for flie coming indrfl 1ie ani uni atfn and family and Mrs. H. Stevens Friday. .. Mn. Jas. Wamisley and Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Courtice; Scc'ys., Mns. ChaFodver sortmnent of rlch satiwt n n .W .Sanoi sn itn aldo lcMse Fred Cowling an.d Fred, Blackstcck, and Mrs. Blake Oke. Devotional fopic Mn. W. H. Nichols is quite in- Orono. .. Mn. Hanold Ashton, Miss Hem and other friends in flic vill- M rtpeo, new fancy checks, Tot's Elderdow 11June Ashton and Mns. Lonna Rahm age on Fniday on their nettim ttnp with Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil... was in change of Mns. Ross Peance. dispesed. nd sual iguresf youo p G R OB nG Box witli Mn. and Mns. Stewart Rodman, home fnom Toronto, . Miss Beatrice Mn. and Mns. Bill Dobson and San- S qal t. I you l a pB inate98 Pont Penny... Mn. and Mns. F. Bil- Leach, Oshawa, with Miss Wilma da ootwf n onWilf zly asorn t M anpetie DanylW Dîet'Pk lett with Mrs. T. Mci... Miss Leach. rTonwihM.JnWigt oe a nmer oandt-cese robe w lwen lueor PinknBaDe: Alice Asbton with Mns. I. Travell, Mn. AIf Randle lias accepfed a Mn. Wright retunning te Toronto lendiui Tie glfts, eacis one igu lu Wite. Bmartly designeti Oshawa. pcsition as driver cf anc cf Cante's with them.. . Mn. John Çzraham, dilvduaily boxeti, and thse with smail collar, pocket, rlbbon Congratulations te Mn. and Mns. bread trucks. Oshawa, with Mrs. D. Graham.. ice Is so attractive, beit, and each one lu gift box. Au Roy McGill on the arrivaI cf a little A numben f nom Hampton attended Mn. Douglas Fontaine, Miss Ruthx extraordlnary value, se, c o m e dauglifen. the pot luck supper sponsoned by the McNcil, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. early. Temperance pnogram was given on Home and School club at Bfetbesda, A. McNeil. .. Mn. Frank Sanderson, ---------Sunday monning under thxe leadership Fridav eveninx. Miss Launa Phillips, Tenante, witl * _________________________ of Mns. Harvey McGill. Miss Betty Mns. A. Treneuth and Mrs. Mabel Mn. and Mrs. J. Sandersn... Mns.-Im dbags Stevens and Miss Dorothy Snowden, Taylor iattoehded the funcral cf a Tondif f and Dave, Bowmanville, atto M '8Maple Grove, gave the oratonical ad- cousin, Mns. Lillie Lewis cf Toronto Mns. E. Maunfjay's. .. Mrs. Fred Engia Faneldresses which they gave at fhe Teni- at Oakwood. Adams, Mrs. A. Randle, Hamptoni -, perance Convention, Orono. The girls The Boys' Club under leadership with Mn. and Mns. E. Stephienson. 0cerf ainly deserve a great deal cf of Mn. Harry Faulkner wene enter- Mn. John Gilbanks with Mn. Wfll oun ingpraise for the veny fine way in tained at the home of anc of the Gilbanks, Bowmanville. .. Mns. A. 1 ~ ~ ~ which they delvered tleir wonderful memibeis, Keith Billetf, WednesdaY Read and Clan with Mr.and A G S1 0: : dz 0 >ii'Robes of eye-fllllng Manie Ashton sang a dget veny Womçn's Institute met Thunsday Phillips with Mn. and Mns. D. Hig-C R S M S10sd z 4 0 rics lts ti se Christma ident Mns. E. Page in flic chair. Of- candy aWn4cokie necipes. Mns. W. .. Mnr.A. Beech with Mn. and Mrs. ilipa ivn 0fChrMad o ficers wene ail re-elected. Mns. Hobbs W. Horn cenducted the pr a~ni Everett Becdl, Columbus.. Mn Fine Wool ngis presented thec yearly report, after change cf centre group. Sient Nght" Geo. Riggs and Mrs. E. Ormiston in Cranherries.. . . . . . . . . , 3 1 .5lannel tsr 1 m m e di which group leader Mns. T. M. SIe- was sus and Cunnexxi Events read Tarant... Mrs. E. Bradley and .......... b 3 wltls Tart a mon tak charge f the pnroram f bv Miss Llu Reynolds: piano nun- redia with Mn. nd Mns.A. Mr- uM»Ic met .. .. . .. .. 2u>. I 11f . v~u co E Mn.1 and Mns. Jack Yellowlees. orseto. Sacrament cf the Lord's Sunpen was Pair Mr________________________Helen Baker, Peterbero, at observed at morning session. Next H R Y A U Mn. and Mns. 1. Bake's. .. Mn and. We aise apeclilse lu mhoe Sunday will lie White Gijt Sunday. Mn,.Mar Tunenand n. nd n,. repaira, work boots and Young Peoplem Society enfertained '~~.~~UUU ~~~ Ollie Flint, Oshawa, with Mn. and, bamieu msles anti repaire. the Cedardale Society Mondmy niglit Poe37-88Bwav It~.j.LVLALDL/Charlton McBride, Burton and Mary, JH Che.T.mtDc9t tehoeC.SpolyBxe GrersfrCrst Peterboro, Mn. and Mns. Alan ite, JHNLENZ CG.YTether,, g h o M JOiHYBxdGrcrelfo hbm andbouriyMr.nn, M. alie King st. W. - DownunviIie of Manjorle Down. Devetional tal'k, We eau prepare siiy prloed box for yen. n . f am, rn M. ri Eileen Beaucharnp; prayer, Josephine Wteand diOhwa,Mn. an W Ceurfice; tony con "Sulent Niglit,il b z' PAGZ SUt THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14TIt 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO

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