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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1939, p. 9

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THF ANAlTA'.r~TAnc7 I WA NVXI L NA RIO ___ IB ROnNONEWS - - - v.~ y- w- -~ Social and Personal PHONE 4rlO Merry Christmasl Glad te sec Mrs. C. S. McLaren out agein atter a lengthy illness. Nearly $125.00 was rcallzed at thc Red Coss Bazaar Saturday. Miss Enld Cobbledick, Wbltby, sent Uic wcekend et home. j Miss Thelma Myles, Whitby, vlsitcd Mr. and Mrs. D. Myles. Miss Ruth Logan, Bowmanville, .spent Sunday et home. iSchool closes to-morrow (Fri- day). There is no meeting of the I"Live-and Lcarn", club this weck.c Dr. Leslie, Toronto, spent Uic weekend iOrono.t Mr. Jack Hudson is out again after bis lengthy illness. Mrs. H. Lyctt is assisting ini thc P. 0.s Mr. 'Robert Keane, Toronto, spent Uic wcekcnd at'homne. Nominations are ta be held i Orono to-morrow. Miss C. Dunn, Hornby, visited Mrs. Ruddell. The school meeting of the l2thC section will be hcld ncxt Wed- nesday.q Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour,b Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm.d Scymnour Sunday. I Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. i Nelson Couvier on the birth of f a son. Miss Muriel Morton, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Mon- ton. Congratulations te Mr. Wm. Earrctt who celebrates bis birth- day Christmas eve. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. H. Walsh who celebrate their tj wedding, anniversary te-day. B Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCullougb, w Cobourg, visited at Mr. Walter w Sherwln's. P Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. E. Scarle, ci Mrs. Wm. Jordan visited in Osh- Pl awa. - Glad té sec Mrs. L. A. Dent is C able te be out again aftcr her lengthy illness. Several Oronoites a t ten d ed Clarkc Union Home and School Club Thursday night. Mr. and Mns. Alfred Shcrwin, Roseneath visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin. 1Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Jean, Nestleton, visited ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cobble- dick.le Since r. Brittian bas been i ai is da Y 0OU R h ESTATE Hc Or Ifyou wdflt a prompt, h economical, business- e IiIça administration of of youe estate, name as your EXECUTOR ta Sa] THZ Fir STERLING T USTS CORPORATION s 372 BAY? ST., TORONTO Hic OVER 28 YEARS EXPERIENCE co brE Dr. on; D. M. - W. J. Stutt; Chap. ;m Cuttdil; Hec. Sec. - T. Smitt n. Sec. - C. A. Chepmen;, Trcms xer - Neil Colville, M.D.; Lectur r- Hobt. Morton; D. of C. - Capi 4alker; Cornmittce Men - lst, Vý Wacorn; 2nd, Robt. Morton; 3rd ichard Morton; 4Ui, Fred Brima ombe; Sth, James A. Staiker. Thi 'cthren werc instailed by P.W.M "Send that pipe smoking friend of yours a half pound tin of Picobac and you'l please hlm one hwxdred per if . ~ cent P' sick, the lights in Park St. Church arc not yet completed, bence there was no dedicetion service Sunday. Ladies of Uic Womcn's InstU- tute assisted by Boy Scouts filled 300 Christmas bags Thursday ev- coing. Congratulations to Mrs. Wm. Jordan who won a prize in the Merchants Portrait company con- test. Ern Allen sponsored e dance in Orono town hall Fnidey, featur- ing Count De Shorbe and hi., So- phisticats. Friends werc glad to rcnew ac- quaintanceshlp with Hcv. A. Ed- mison, e former pastor of Park St. churcb who visitcd bere last wcck. The Boy Scouts are to be bighly commendcd for their work in connection with the Red Cross bazaar and community Christmas tree. St. Saviour's Anglican, Church hcld its annuel program and Christmas trcc Dec. 2Oth, with a splendid prograni being given and Santa distributing gifts. Messrs. N. F. Porter, H. E. Lo- gan, Rowland Smith and Colin Taylor rcndercd e splendid quar- tette selection Sunday nigbt et Park St. Churcb, which is now beautifully decoratcd for the Christmaiscason. *Little Master Milnc, son of Dr. and Mrs. Milne, Orono, w as bumped by Mr. C. B. Tyrcll's car dniven by its owncr Fridey ai east week. Mn. Tyrrell was back- ing out when the child escaped from his mothen. Fortunatcly, he was not burt. Red Cross Us Huge Success Small gaily-dccorated Christ- mas trees werc used in decorating the Armouries Saturday for tbe Red Cross bazear. A roaring trade was donc at Uic vanious booths whicb included fency work, iarm produce (butter, cbickcns, cggs, cider, fruit, etc.), borne cooking, ublic school novelty bootb, etc. Drono Band playcd duning Uice iternoon and the Live and Learn s lub scrved a dainty tea et nicely t ippointed tables, putting a finish- xg toucb ta a pîcasant event. c a DIM AND DISTANT c HAPPENINGS N Frorn The Orono News of f Dccember 17, 1914 i C. R. Beer w"s in town and is c eaving Coîborne to take e posi- c ;on in a branch of Uic saine bank y LLamont, Alta. E Howard McGill, New Ontario, f svisiting bis aunt, Mrs. R. Gar- In. "Butcb" came down te visit c is brother George and wife, both a n thc sanitariurn et Weston. q Ioward got married aiter leaving a rono and took up land at HiI- ardten.. ti John Canscaddcn passcd away ýriday et bis home in Pontypool. ccased wai a one-time collecter p ifrates oai this rnunicipality. ce Orono L. O. L. No. 409 elcctedp hese offlcers: W.M.- Edward Mon- was announccd that Uic Januarn h; meeting would be on Uic usua S- ewtonville day, and thet Uic girls ai Uic "Liv( r-____ and Learn" club would likely b( t. W. M. S. of United Chunch met present te show somcthing ol V * Tuesday aiternoon. Miss I. Laing, wbat Uiey bad leerned and scrvt d, president, opened Uic meeting. It tee. Mns. Rolph will talk an "Buy- - was dccided (1) te purchase me- mansbip" et this meeting. e teriel for a quilt, (2) ta arder à. Biblical calendans to be sold ion Cbristmnai. Mns. J. T. Pearce had -change of this prograi: Hall cal responsive neading froi the Mis- sionary MonUily; a reading, "u tice" by Mrs. C. Morris; an article by Nellie McClung, "How Real Is Uic War to You?" read by Mrs. J. T. Pearce; jecitation, Leureen McCullough; gpocm, Mrs. Robt. Morton. Hev. J. McLachlen spoke .. on the importance of W. M.S. work. Officers clcctcd are: Presi- *dent - Miss I. Laing; Ist Vice Pres. -Mrs. J. McLachlan; 2nd Vice Mrs. J. T. Pearce; Se'y. - -rs Barr Roieso; PrssSe. - CONSTP T/O Cccii H Sabno; r es. - Mrs. 1 J. A. Bri;Pes e -Mns. Chas Morris; Missicniary Monthly v~~ Scc'y. - Mrs. Wiilis Joncs; Ch ris- tien Stewardship Sec'y. - Mns. C.-' lo' etcmo ontpto Burlcy; Tempenance Scc'y. - Mrs.*otle o o cnipin R. J. Hawe; Baby Band Se'y. - rab you of lite and vigoni Wheu Mrs. Chas. Marris. Sevenal ladies bowels don't work right, thc trouble commcnted on Uic work for the often lies ia what you cat. You past ycar and expressed Uic hope don't get "bulk". Such common ion better in the future. foode as meat, bread, potataca ar Recent Visitons: Mn. W. C. Lene conaumced in thc body. They fail to witb Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, aupply thc bulky mass that helps a Port Hope. . . Miss Rena Hoskin bowcl movement. *Crlsp, eruchy wiUi iniends in Orono. . . Mn. ALL-DRAN hclpe [n two ways: it .Henry Reichrath, Trenton, with contributes ta Uic "bulk" yau need; Mrà. A. Hicbrath. . . Mn. Mac- and [t also is a rich source of Gregor Joncs, Markbam, et home. Nature's intestinal tanic, Vitamin Mn. and Mns. Brown, Gunter, BI. Eat ALL-BR.AN cvery day, and Mrs. Cheslcy, Hamilton, et drink plenty af watcr, and sec wbat Mn. Wm. Milllgan's. . . Mn. end Mrs. Chas. Stapleton and Mn. Ev- a différence "regular" habits cau erett Stapleton, Orono, with Mr. Inake ia your lice. and Mns. George Stapieton Sr... Mn. and Mrs. Herry Vickers and d5D A faîily, Toronto, with Mn. and w w w Mrs. L. E. Milîson. . . Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Stàplcton with n.andop Mrs. Chai. Stapleton, Orono. ..Y Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie i Oshawa. Mns. Wm. Milligan is home > \ ' - - frorn hospital and is pnogressing favorebly. Mn. and Mns. Hcrb. Alexander foîerly Hilde Wallace), Mark- hem, have each had e sevene et- teck of pneumonie. Miss Elsie Wallaec as been helping ta nurse theni. Sorne frorn bere ettcndcd Uic beci ring oystcr suppen in New- castle Friday nlght. An ounce of cheeriulncss isX wontb a pound ai sadness ta serv God wlit.-Fuller. laf k doIm la ~ iiLon iN Cams.AI bof gru« , False Rumor Says Instihtt To Start Red Cross Croup At Uite Institute meeting Thurs- day a letter was read regerding Uic registering of Institute mem- bers for war work. Since thc De- partmcnt has requested each branch. to register, without dis- cussion Uic sccretary was request- cd ta write for particulars. The next day some bright (?) soul had started the false rumour that Uic Orono Institute were starting a Red Cross society of Uieir own. As a matter of fact each member is giving their utmost effort in, this work - but under thc banner of the Orono Red Cross. This shows how a mole bill is oftcn made into a mountain by lack of understanding - and an over- abundance of tongue. We hope this explanation will stop Uiis ru- mour wbich, if carried much fur- ther, will do irreparable damage ta the Institute and the Red Cross Society as weli. Crooked Creek There was a large attendance at Crooked Creek Sunday Scbool on Sunday, it being Uic last ser-' ,vice of Uic year. Sunday School will close for the winter months and re-open in Uic pring. A, very succcssful Christmas concert was beld in the scbool Saturday night. The Clarke farnily attended the Christmas concert at Welcome. On Uic way home Uiey had Uic inisfortune to have Uieir car break down. Mr. Raymond Hughes, Toronto, was home for the weekcnd and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloydc Clysdale. Clarke Union Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ramney havet novcd into Orono. Thcy wiil liveu with their son, Irwin Rainey whot recently lost his wife. We aret :orry te lose themn from. our sec-t tion.1 Mrs. Neil Raincy who bas beene on the sick list is rccovcring. Mr. Roy Berry is dclivery boyy Lt Armstrong's store for the holi-t day.c Mr. Thompson, Barrie, has beenk visiting Mr. Sandy Watson. Mr.s T'hornpson and Mr. Watson were . friends iScotland.a We wcre plcased to hear Mns.a John Rickaby's name mcntionedc over Uic Denton Masscy broad- east. Mrs. Rickaby is in her 89th0 'car. and bas knit four pairs Ofa riitts for the Christmas basket fund. 1 Home and School met Thursday () evening with a good attendance S and a good prograrn consisting of quartettes, duets, instrumentIs t, and solos. Gucst speaker was Dr. McKenzie of Orono. Aiter the meeting a presentation was made c to Mr. and Mrs. Everctt Cain wlioC were recently married. They wcrc presentcd* with a lovely china l zabinet. Mr. and Mrs. Cain Uiank- r Dd Uic committec for their lovely r resent.K f 1 . A F I - HAPPY KIDDIES GREET SANTA ON ORONO SATURDA Santa found trne Saturdayî ternoon to pay a bni visit Orono town hall wbcre be was le thusiasticaliy greeted by a lezi crowd of kiddies and adults, r to mention Orono Band. Prior to Senta's visit, J. J. Me lor prcsided aven Uic followii prograni, cvery item of which '.y enjoyed: Carol Singing, led1 Neil F. Porter with Mrs. R.1 Brown at t4e piano; selection 1 Orono Band, led by Milton Tai blyn; chorus by nine boys, ailAA tioch school students; girls' voc trio by three No. 9 school student words of congratulations by Ws den T. A. Reid; words of thand by Mn. Porter; selection by tû Band; and last but not lest ù, arrivai of Sente Claus who shoc hends with the kiddies who ailire oeived bags of nuts, candy an popcorn and an orange. Ever3 one had a good turne.end Senl was not kcpt away by Uic lackc snow, cithen, so ail ended well. W. 1. MEETING Orono Women's Institute me huda aternoon, special feî turcs being e sale of articles, ten-cent tee, and Uic preparing c two quilts for relief purpases, an a report of Uic convention bcld i Toronto by Mrs. W S Roy. Mrs. H. Allen*ýeid ice minute and also Uic trcasurcr's report i the absence of Mrs. H. Dean. Sev cral Christmas carols wenc sunk with Mrs. M. H. Staples et th piano. Roll cail followed by tel] ing of sonie chenished Chnistma memory. Mrs. W. S. Roy's interesting ani comprehensive report of Uic con vention showcd Uiree days o gaining knowlcdgc on variou subjects. Speakers included: Mn. Plumptrec who tendencd a civil welcomc; Mns. Marshall wbo urg ed Uic ladies te kccp on livini their usuel lives and doing Uic! usuel wonk; Mrs. Boswitch whg told of-the founding of the Insti tute et Stoney. Crcck by ber mo ther; Miss M. Clarke; Miss Eade Dr. Laing who spoke on rura children's heltb; Mr. Hoidgc wl-i spoke on Home Improvement; Dr ecynolds wbo telkcd on Agnicu] ture; Hon. Mn. Dewen and Dr Charlotte Whittan, banquet spea kens; Dr. Henne who spoke on the subject of Medical Insurence; Mis! S. Bennett wbo spoke on "Laws' and Dr. Carneron who talked ar and answercd questions on Can. cer. Mns. J. R. Cooper gave a repor' on Community activity and relie: and was elso-re-elected.' Mns. O. W. Rolph rnoved anÉ M'rs. J. R. Cooper scconded a vote of thanks te Mns. Roy for hei splcndid report. Mns. W. Seymnour, Mrs. 1. Win. ter and Mns. J. Gibson Jr., wenî appointed a commnittec to sel about sending chcer-giving dcli- cacies te shut-ins for Christmas. Curnenit events wes ebly giverx by Mrs. Rolph, after which the ladies continued quilting and pet- ronizing the booth until Uic tes iras scrvcd. Tea and social halfl Lour iollowcd, duning whicb it IdwibWISHING By The OId Box Stove Id ihthat roses would bloom ky in each life, BY HIRAM Instead ai 50 rnany thoros, Back on the 7th Concession if- I do wish thet pleasentries ahl day te werc rufe, This is the time of the year WE n- Instead ai so many stonnis; break out inta a terrible rash. WE rge I do wish, that sunshine would talk about municipal electians lot bigbten our way, finding ail kinds of feult with thE And make us fecl happy like chil- men wbo have worked hard tc e- dren et play, kecp us straigbt; wc are ini Ing And help us drive beant aches and hurry to get aur Christmas shop- as sorrow away, ping donc; Uierc's a general scat- by Instead of eternal strife. tening in the places wberc thE H. les esadtresdel n by I do wish that joy-bells would bnge n uky wla m. ring all Uic time, the slaughtcr of the innocents 'n- Instead ai deep sorrow 's knell, goes on apace; we arc eagerly ca I do wish that life was just anc looking around for someone to 1; golden chirne, whorn wc may be a bclp ion it is ~... Insead f aleadn bll; the season of thoughtfulness, Ls I do wish that birds would sing knlns n odfiosi he all the day long, and lest but not lcast Uic radio lie A chorus of mclody - one happy bas also broken out with its an- ok songnual rash 0f carols, sa, much sc, e- And bring gladest joys to e world- th0 wc will bear "Sulent Night" i d weary Uirong, soiten wc will be tired of il. 7- Instcad of unmetercd rhyme. AlI put together it's a strange ita season of the ycar, but still very ofI do wish that bus'ness was run wondcnful. just like play, Aiter ail this a idllow bates to Instead of this awiul grmnd, make a kick, but like a rash that I do wisb thet lufe wcre one long, bas to corne out so it is with a joyous day, kick where Hirami is concerned. Instead of the "sadful" kind; We bave been talking a lot about et I do wisb that someone wauld people stealing Christmas trees, a- show us a field, and there bas been a desire to put a Wbcre flowers would bloomn a an end to this rutbless dcstruc- ofV perpetual yicld, tion. That's a good move. It's bad id Were gladness burig o'er it like enough when.they buy theni, but n some silver sliicld, worsc when they steal and de- Instead of duil clouds of gray. stroy. There is another side to fs* this thing and althougb it may in 1 do wish that everyone wore a look small on my part, yct I amn v- sweet srnile, quite sincere about it. I don't se g, Instead of so rnany irowns, the necessity of our towns decore- ,l I do wish that joy was heaped up ting every lemp post and tele- [- in a pile, phone pole with a beautiful young as Instead of witb tborny crowns; evergneen tree. I've noticed this id Wihpeint a rare scene, bourg. These young healtby trees ri ihcolors that barmonize, are cut down, used a few days, Df brigbt reds and green, serve no good purpose, and then .1 The wbole icbly blended in one are thrown away. I dQn't mmnd '. golden sheen, trees being used in the bouses for ce Instead of dulI drabs the whilc. I know wbat a joy tbey arc to 9- MRRY HRISMAS, all, but this purpose of town de- kg MRYCRSM coration is ta rny way of think- ir -Ralph Gordon. ing ruthless destruction. Wc bave ýO 628 Crawford St., Toronto. preachcd Uic preservation ai our forests, why not practise it. B; Township Council o n11 al o0Cwnil r. CLARKE COUNCIL___ I- Clarke Council met Dcc. 15th, Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. R. Has- r.Reeve T. A. Reid presiding and kill, Port Hope, with Mn. and Mrs. iail members present for'the clos- Stan. Porteous. . . Mn. C. Reid ie ing session of Uic, ycar. and son Hoss, Long Brancb, with 3s Bylaw was passed ion holding Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Reid... Mn. '; nominations «and election if nec- and Mrs. Wes. Strnger with Mn. ,n essery. and Mrs. Clarence Burley. .. Mr. In icmaterofthesped iritand Mrs. Marvîn, Morrish, Mn. In he attr f te see liit ndMrs. Irwin, Mn. Haysc and rtbylaw tbe clerk was instructcd toMisPnge trbowhM. *é Dhe isionfngncroSal the g-and MrEe.Geo. Henderson. Dhtsioal ngiee so th hih- Mr. Bert Crossley bas bought dwey could finish the task. an Oldsmobile. ýe Dr. McKcnzic made bis report Stan Porteous bai a very pain- ras M.O.H. and in it steted that ful foot ai the result of an acci- Uic township is in splendid con- dent in Uic woods. Charlie Cowan -dition. He had visited alI the has some very sore ribs too from ýe schools and found littlc te coin- a faîl, and Charles McNeil slipped Splain about cxcept in connection and feUl on Uic way to the spring, --wîth 2 or 3 wclls. The cause of wrcnching bis armi and bruising the trouble bad been reîovcd and bis fingers in Uic pail bandle. * ail school water supplies are now A number of Uic children visit- * n good condition. There was an cd Sente Claus in Orono on Sat- -epidemic of measles during Uic urdey. ~ arly arto he ycar which was _________ e inally bntoglit under ontrland a t present a mild cpidcrnîc ai ROTAR YCLUB3 r. scarlet fever wbich is confined ta ____ j two localities. <Continued front page 1) e The reeve was granted orders eon Uic treasurer in favor of the bas been unable te analyze. The E îoîîowing pensons for services larger Uic bar ai iran, steel or Lrcndered attending counicil and whatever the metal might be, the salaries: larger number ai crystals, cach T. A. Reid, Heeve ----------$ 80.00 forming e definite arca with ce- W. J. Patton, Dcp'ty-Reeve 80.00 mentcd boundaries. F. B. Lovekin, Councillor-- 80.00 At the beginning of the century H. Lowery, Councillor ---80.00 another metallurgical prableni be- Wrn. Laing, Councillor ---.80.00 gan ta be solvcd "Wby cen steel J. J. Mellor, 4Ui quartcr's be hardened?" Prior te that tume salary --------------------------125.00 metal workers kncw that if steel B. H. Wood, messenger --- 25.00 were heated and then suddcnly Suni of $1,452.94 was placed to dipped into water it would bar- the credit ai Police Trustee Board den, but thcy didn't know why.1 ai Orono fon 1939, made up as It bas also been learned thatE iollows: Balance of levy aiter there is a definite temperature to1 praviding for debentune and in- wbich the steel mnust be beated1 tercst coupons, $790.94; Standing before it will handen. _ agreemnent witb the municipality A Frenchrnan made experi-1 of Clarke as to maintenance ai ments in this direction wîth a type1 sidewalks, $537.00; T o w n sbh p of thermometer wbich be enclos-,1 grant $100.00; Dog rate in Orono, cd in a picce ai metal whilc it.1 $25.00. was being beated and ta bis1 Treasurer was autborized ta amazement found that the ther-1 pay Hoad Account bills to end of mometen fluid rose as Uic funnacec 1939 under authonization of Road heat was incrcased until it reach-£ Supt. cd e point wbcre it remaincd con- Hebate of $2.15 dog taxes was. stant ion a few moments althougb made to each ai the following, the heat was still increasing.~ Allen Catbcart, Arison Gilroy, What beppened to produce Uiis Lew Hallowell, Harold McDonald phenomenal action was flot dis-t and Jack Reid. covered until 15 years ago wheni Treasurer reported that the the X-ray machine made it pas-r county bill for rates and scbools sible ta meke a more complete was $27,546.24, and also that $17,- analysis ai metals which it was1 176.17 is due to the scbools ai the faund were made up of atois.t township for general and local Wben the beat stanted Uic atonis( sc1-o rate. assumed definite positins whic THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21ST, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATFSMAM- R(IWVAWVTTTlZ (IJ'ràl>Tn LIONS CLUB ONE MORE SUGGESTION (Contlnued from Page 1) Horace Greeley, renowned edi- tor, received a letter frorn a wo- the Association, gave a short ac- man who stated that her church's count of the Hop Growing Indus- financial condition was rnost dis- try in Eastern Ontario. Mr. Ry-. tressing. She recounted how they 'e nolds along with two other far- had tried every known device to Ve mers and E. A. Summers, Agricul- raise money - fairs, strawberry 's tural Representative, r e c e n tI1y festivals, a donkey party, cyster he made a visit to Prescott county Suppers, ice creain socials, turkey to where a limited number are suc- banquets, poverty sociables, mock a cessfully growing this crop. One marriages, grab-bags, and ail the P-or two small plots of hops may others. She closed her letter ask- kbe experimented with d ur in g ig, "Will you be so kind as to ýe 1940. suggest some new device to keep dt The sanie directors were elected our struggling church frorn dis- Sand from this group will later be banding?" "Y chosen the executive. The direc- The answer was brief, but corn- to tors by townships are: Hope - prehensive. "Try religion," wrote 's Walter Reynolds, Elmore Scott; Greeley. 3s, Cavan - Wesley Brown, Gordon P; Staples; Manvers - George Neals, lO Alex. Sinclair; South Monaghan - A light hcart lives long. - n- Jay Whittington, W. C. Dawson; Shakespeare. o; Cartwright - J. H. Forder, Carl i.Wright; Darlington . Garnet Ric- xkard, Maurice Baker; Clarke - , W . ow an , E ertt Br wn.E y s i h t E d u c a tio n Lowere appointed auditors. m it Delegates will be sent to To- Efficiency aronto for the annual convention 1.of the Provincial Crop Improve- B iment Association during Febru- C.H.Tuc ary. isi Each county with a properly OItomeItlist !organized Crop Improvement As- Eye.n gAI dsociation receives a $100 grant SPOCWWis Lfrom the Crops Branch, Ontario Diuiey DId«. Department of Africulture. To (Onp. P. 0.> qualify the county must have fifty or more members. A mem -_______ ybership fee of 25 cents is charged Nme 1 eto help augment the funds for the experiments. Every farmer Is reading more difficult in arti- should get behind this worth ficial light? while organization. It is expected Do you sec better at sorne times gthat each Fair Board will also co- than at others? operate with the Association. How long has this been cist- S The directors hope to meet ing? early in the new ycar to plan How long do the periods of projects for 1940. Suggestions blurring last? will be welcome from any fanmer How often do these periods rin the county. occur? Are they becoming more fre- quent? Crop Improvement These symptoms or some of theni may be accompamied by r <Contlnued from page 1) headaches and dizzincss or a léel- mng as though tic stomach would cutting, fishing and hunting, and turn. the mineral industry. At certain If you have headache, i what seasons of the ycar there are Part of thc head does thc ache sometirnes as many' as 25,000 men occur? in the woods cutting spruce for Are 1ýoth sides of the head ,af- paper makig, he said. fectcd or only one? Mr. McEwefi also spoke of thce When does it corne on? Whcn amusing rivalry 'between Fort at its worst? Ater close work, William and Port Arthur wbich driving, etc.? becarne so intense that if a Fort Does it stop you frorn work? or -William fan were at 'a hockey prevent sleep? game in Port- Arthur, he would Do you have ache frontal or >be afraid to cheer when his team back of neckl or between eyes? i scçred a goal; espcciaily if he Does Uic ache appear dull or%. happened to be sitting in a. Port sharp? Arthur section. 1 Whaf do you yourself bel.ieve'la t:It is comrnoxAbelief i southern. the cause? Ontario that government expendi- How long do they lâst when turcs in the nortli and west are you are si) afflicted? -out of ail proportion to rcturns. Does a rest by closing Uic cyca LActuaily, Uiis is -not truc due t o Èr a while bring relief? L the heavy royalties paid on min- If some of these are familier to erals, pulp and other products. you perhaps it is another of na. IThe people of Uic north feel tbey ture's warning that -there is Borne- are paying too much for al Uiey thing needing attention. Don't rne- receive and Uiere have been many glect your eyes. away from Ontario and join wiUi_____________ Manitoba. One of the unfortunate situa- tions in the norUi is the operation of two-footed timber wolves who Vfh~ IQ O~ manipulate timber purchases ' so Uiat thc government does h'ot Fe- ceive a proper emount for its These men have few scruplcs and do Uhir dirty work wiUi bribery k and oUier unlawful means te Uic detriment of Uic industry and Uic benefit of Uieir own finances, he concluded. Inspector McEwen was intro-I duced by Principal A. M. Thomp- I son and T. M. Chant moved the vote of thanks. TSRCE Members were also given a fi ADM RESe SF1C example of youthful oratory whé%l Miss Betty Smales of Bradley's School gave her address on "Pa- per" which won for her and for Durham county the oratory con- ÀF E L test beld recently. She will com- Bave the coupon. pete in a provincial'event at Tolmer a1U ronto in Uie spring. Russell Os- hyaex borne introduced Miss Smales to ftDRgrs& o the club and Wilfred Carruthers avrlt.rtf thanked her and made a presenta- ) Wri bcktor tion fromn the club. She was -- J. to companied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smales. Presentations seemed quite Uic order of Uic evening when Edsall "Bill" Oliver rose to congratulate James Marr on the recent addi- tion to his family. After receiv- ing a lovely bed caver, Mr. Marr made a suitable reply. Ray J. Dilling, chairman of thc Boys' and Girls' Work Commit- tee, was in charge of the meetiiag. Guests included G. K. MacArthur and 'n lPurdy.r ry al 6re ýe of ie y-

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