............- s - - ' 'SP - THURSDAY, DECEMBER ZIST, 1939. Teddy Evans Sbad been counting of f the days on the calendar which ( hungz over the kcitchen table and I y otentatiously boasted of what he would do on December 24th.- Wheg; a mati, as gone dry for a whole year includingz a cold winter and a dusty summner, lie ceilainIy bad earnec $Domething froiti society. He had kept bis word, and would now certainly bend his elbow if be lived to*sec the :dav dawn on Ipecember 24th. Mr. Evans, beingz a Welshmax4 had a fine dramatic sense which caused bisa -ta peel of f the sheets on the calen- 'dar witb a ceremon ions flourish. 'Unveili*nsg a monument or laying a cornerstone côuld flot have been more spectacular.f Little Mrs. Evans had bad a year ef peace and bitterly dreadedthe op- proach of the Christmas season. She was a quiet littie sheil of a womnan witb crinkled hair and great yeliowV-- 1brown eyes, perpetually filled with OSHAWA Fre Parking Phone 1011 Friday - Saturday DEC. 22 -23' Ionues That WUI Live In Our Memory -Always "The Royal Vsit" Officiai Canadian Governmont Picturos - The Complote Story et Their MaJoaties' Visit NEVER SEEN BEFORE Addol Cartoon - Little Tough Mice. REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m. .&Valey of the iants' wlth Wayne Morris - Claire Trevor lU Tochnleolor. Suuday Elduite Preview Sunday after Mldnite 12.05 p.m. Ninotchka k Starrlng Ga!j Garbo - Melvyn Douglas Maý up a Party - Ticket hod er wlil b. admittol at 11.45 P.m. Ail Seats 35c. Mon. - tues..- Wed. Speclal Holiday Attraction "Marx Bros At the Circus" wltli Marx Bros. - Florence Rtc. Kenny Baker. Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. DUC. 28 -30 Rulors o'f the Sea", Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Mlargaret Lookwood. The Management and Staff vibh al our Patrons "A M àerry eChrlstmaà'> 9 h d le ýt SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TERME ON ELECTEIO HFRIGEIRATORS NO DOWN PAYMENT 1 Your first paymnent lu February OnIy $5.00 per Month until May Christmaw Tree Sets _ 2c 8-Lîght Noms .....-------------- ..... ...--- 9c Sl1k Bed Lampe Assorted Colora - Wlrod ---- - _ ---- --.98c Electrie Toasters 'i Tua» Over Style - Guarantool.--- --- -11 5 Only, Ail White1 Elcctrlc Washers aegu stylo, fully guaranteed. Od valu at $9.0Im-s95 Gila" coffée Brewers 19 aranteel Eiectrie Irons 98è Hundreda of Electrical Appliances IRONS, TOASTERS, LAMPE, CLOOKE PERCOLATORS, Etc. The largeat stock lu Oshawa te choose from at prices that you wli like. Cal! Us For Your ]Electrical Service, Radio Service, Rofrigeration Service, Sound Truck Advertlalng. Phono Service Department 144. 50 Ouly Latest Stylo Tri-lite Lampa Complote with shado. Rog. $9.00. Christmaa Speelal ----- ------- --__59 10 0OnIy, Ail Wave 1940 Console Radios Natlonaliy kuown mako. ~ Oood 889.00 value ......ji 10 Ouly, Brand Now Ivory or Walnut 4-tube Mantel Radios__ 12 5 Reg. 016.95.- Chriuinas Special--------1.5 Don Chrstias Eleotrie phone 84-..Service Dept. 744 - OSEAWA - 38-40 1 Opoen Evonbng D simoos t THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO astonisliment. She bcieved Ted, was second only to Lloyd «George brilliance of iptellect. If it lad n becu for the drink, - Edwarcj Eva would bave been one of the famoi Welslmen of Uic world. But it b; raclced and mmcnd im, battled ai beaten lin. She remembered. whi Teddy could stand up and breacli t gosPel, like Evan Roberts the evai gelist, burstinr into a sonir of saiv, tion that laid Uic sinners in wini rows. But the drink defcated lin. E cquid liad been a great lay-preachi going around Uic couutry, but yv conldn't depend on Teddy. Ot drink, and lie was a roistering shou ing fool. On thse manninz of the gzreat da r Mrs. Evans was sudclenly taken day with' an attack of nervous indigestiai -Grief broke out in thse Iousebold, fc if she couidn't go to town thse bo) -couldn't go, anc that was star 1tnagedy for Uic two littie feUlo Not gzo ta town ta buy their prese and sec tlie tovs tlit van mun an Irains on tracks, and cat candie apples andl pull Christmas crackers Samuel and Leonard, agcd eight an ten ycars, raised their voices in las lamentations Bwhjch calied dawn thei fatler's wratb. There was alway somethjlng to spoil a man's funs. Ho- could le look aiter twa children ci tlie day af lis 4eliverance? He ha, waited a whole ycar for this da: 'Mrs. Evans aske lins if lie tliouRh slie lad fallen sick 0of len own f ne Will. She was Uic anc wlio was ha', ingz the bard lnck. ne coulcl go. man was always footlaose; lie coulq walk out frnec, leaving a sick wif, and two di'sapponýd chfid ren, si what wqslie ragingr about? Whereuvon a cliange came avei Teddy Evans' temper. Tîcre wa trutli in the woman's clamaur fai once. He would take the boys, anc look aiter thens too. She needn' worv about tlat. A grreat oae can( ta sick little Mrs. Evans. Teddy wva- alv;ays kind ta thce.childrcn and may. be le would delay the celebration Perhaps lier sickness was a bléssing in disguise and 1er prayers were-be- îngz answered in a way she kncv not. Ail day long sbe consfonted lenseif witli this tliauglt. Teddy, boweven, lad othen plans, t I-poeaoal' luhWgen,i Wbu offrodlv, mmm i #suaw b *ll had oid geM rght ona dmeHov W I ., $69@50 up The Hydro Shop Phono 741 flowmanvle NELLIE McCLUNG'S CHRISTMAS STORY Pamous Authorm euaSn&da er Amiuai Story Meuuap for the Obriutmas Beson IEN THE HEART 0F A 30140" By Nellie MeClung He would turu the boys over toc of the neiglibours, a sober qn a bis wife whom Teddy regarded wi scant respect. Duli people, both them, with long lanteýrn 'faces. Th would brinR the boys home salt and early in the evening. They nev stayed in town after dark Trhe nig air was poison to them. Poor sini witb their gargies and theis ch protectors. But when Teddy and bis two liti Idy boys arrived at Millerton lie -forg in everytliingz in the gzaiety of the sci sot that opened before lim. EvU'one, 11ns seemed. bad comne to town. The f ro )US Street was surging witli people goi rad in and out of tihe stores. Flags we' nd flIying and bttntingz draped the doot ien ways. Christmas, garlands stretcht te across the windows. It was a perfe in- winter day, witli a cleàr sky av ra- fflintinR sunabine. In f ront of Il id- hotel a boys' orchestra was playiîj Rle and on the windows of thse sailli or room, donc in spruce * boulths a! >ou silver tinsel, lie read a welcornw Sig ýne which said "Leave yonr childre it- here." Inside lie could see man women at work. Wben he.opened ù aydoor the oleasant smell of cof f ,n greeted hin like an old f riend. )n. Yes, indecd, the ladies would lo' ýor after his boys. Tliey liad a committe ys who were doinr that very thing an rk they would send someone to tak s. them tlirougli the stores. No ther ts, was no charge;* it was a pleasurt id Then the vounn lady who had ne ed him became confidential. "Wc ar ,imakinir an experiment today," sh id eaid. "Wait, I will let our minister' id wife tell voir ail about it, it's he ir idea, and I'm afraid if the pla Ys doesn't work, lier heart will break.' ýw Today Evans was not concernhe )n with anyone's plan but bis owusa d thse moment, but lie fonnd himsel Y. listeninr as Mrs. Roberts Doured ou it a fantastic tale of:hope and f.w.r ce "We're new lere," she began, "ml v-husband is the minister of thi A Churcli, and we are tryinz to sav4 Id tlie people frons their sins. It's th( le drink that lias then in tllrall." io Teddv Evans recognized bier lani. uage. He had nsed these very words rHe must get away f rom liere. Let ni Is ont - thse woman is Poison, ht )r thouglit. ri~ "Ail year long these people labour ', i their f ields and homes, botb mai e and woman tarnizther moncy bard LS Bt whn th sheves re gathered ~in a looseness of spirit descends on the men and too often the Blessed 9day of Our Saviour's birth lias be- -camne a debancli. The wompn liere have told me witli tears in thii dcyes of the scenes they have lived throuihwlien their men gzo igt drunk and figlit on tlie streets. So we are *here to guard the gate. We mnin' L chldren go the women cgn 20 i and sliop in peace, and we are serving coffee 'and sandwiches ta 411 wli will camne to us, trysng to of fset the wicked influence of the open door t' * min liere beside ns. I have tramne the boys to play but their instruments are poor liowever God can worka miracle if we are faithfnl."1 Teddv Evans knew then that hi only safety lay in fliglit. This wqman witb lier flamingr words -Wod enlist him if lie lingered. But hè conldn't leave abruptly whîle tlie w9magn was spoaiing. "We are depending on the Power of the old hymns of the Church. Mr. Evans," she said. "They are f illed with memories for thesç people, and bave ini tlim the riniz of eter- nity. Oh ves, and I must tell yon, thc liotel Ieeper gave us this idea wlien we asked him to close bis bar for the day. He said lie couldn't do that but lie- woud give us these sample rooms, and liere we are, try. ingz to lhold the fort." Teddy murmnred somte words of approval and tlianks, and macde foi the entrance. But bis countrywoman was there ahead of him and gave thc word to lier musicians wlio burst into the rousinz strains of the "Men of Harlocli." Patriotism would not allow Mr. Edward Evans to leave whle this was being Sung, and natur- ally lie ioined in the. swellinz chorus. He hadn't heard bis own voice for mantlis and there was sotnething in it now which brouglit release to bis It is liard to tell just wlien the miracle happcned. It may bave been in the moment that lie began to sing this familiar tune or maybe it was wlien Mrs. Roberts began 'Sliep- herds in the f ields abiding" Sung to thc tune Lcwes. He liad flot liea~L it he ne ck rd Lt th at r 10 a he :f se inj ip ýn ag ýre an ù ýfe :)0 fte an ak er ir( ne ar sh W he lai .11 Ici a el )III mi thi M ffi( Ig. ds Mt ht ut ail rd ed Dil ed ýe- ýre -ir ed ak ,re id id ýig ào he to ed ;tS a tis in ýst ilt as c h. re e, r- u, m tr Io ie in ,e it n >t ,e L ýr rit S D t 10= ENTERTAINER' Seouro RALPHK GOIRDON, the *wondorfully versatile e n t o r- tainor, for your noit outertain- ment, Illustrated ciroular fre. Addres628b Crawford Street, Toronto. 1 ~ Solina 1 pie 1 for yeams and didn't know ta Lnd loved it so. He thougit lie was don, ign with ail that. But it brouzbt bacl 'en thc smell -of the gorse and swee ny william that grow in the chuclyar( lie of the littie white-washed chapel a ce Cwmbadh, with the cincle of ever, greens behind it agaisnt the hil. . îok He was a little boy again in tht ce front seat. watching bis f ather witf nM the timing fork. .. Downstairs sai Lke the converted people, witl tlie un- !re convcrtcd in the gallery... His tenoi re. voice rang out over the thin sopranc let 'of the women like thé notes of Lre carnet. People coming down th( he street gatliered at the door to listen s He saw as in a dream, the faces ol ter bis neighbours. Someone opened th, anl door and the place f illed in a mo- 'lment, it seemed, Someone was shak- £d -inz him bv thse hand. To bis surprise at lie saw bis neiglibour with thse longt ,f face, but bis face was glown o ,t The lantenni was lighted. Al thse showman's instinct i Y Teddy Evans camesrin upwarc he wlien lie saw the people gathering ve around lin. "Sing old Timers sing, se Dewch ci conu awd," goîngl'ack to lis mother tangue, "Canu, Conu, Open 9- your mouths, it will do von good. IL Get the dust out of your sonîs for ne totporrow is Chiristmas Day. The e Lord lias donc great thiggs for us whereof wc are gzlad." r Thc word that Teddy Evans was In leadiugz the singing for tIse womesi d. over in thse sample raoms rau thlfaugli dthc streets and tlie poolroomn and >n even thse barroom began to cîcar. dThey wouldn't believe it'until they e-saw it with tlicir own eyes. Wlen ir rooms and the street was fuIl of ýd people too, Mrs. Roberts sent ane k of ber orchestra to put a packissg re box on the street. "Talk ta ,them," cI she whisPercd ta Tcddy. "TaIk to Uic tI people. Tliey will listen to you." ïg 10 Ten-edd told bis story. "I was te lke Pul o tc way to Damascus," » lie said, "I was intent on cloing cvii. cI was Roiug to get drunk tod.%y, roan- ts ing drnnk. I had plauned it ail sum- a mer. But tliese womcss blocked my way witliout sayinz a word to me is They were here, that's ail, tryingz to ,n save noor sinners liké me, by their it presence, their coffee _and their It hymns. God must have put thens ýs here and no man can f ight against God. I don't want ta drink naw. The rcraving is icone, and that's a miracle,, and 1 want to lilp. the rest of you e and that's another miracle. I sec you aver there, jim, Tweed. You're fair asomctbinz to you jim, for von told r mse last ycar I wni lieading for ruin. 0You macle me so mad I straiglitened e up for a year just to let you sec I had thc backbone. Now let mce do sometliing for you. Sornething which f 'will comfart you ta yaur dying day rand warm your lieart as no drink ai 1gin ever did. Let us have sqpse fun ethat doesn't end in a licadaclie. Close tthe bar for taday, jins, and let 1Christmas Day be f ree f rom the ttaint of licjuom. Give the womcen a break. Look aronnd liere where they have their tables loaded witli their cookingz. Tbcy'ne f ighting with al t he weapons they bave, and Why anc Uiey 4oing it? So their chldren cati ihave a happy Christmas without fear and witliont shamne and tîcir men will go home with thern solser. iChristmas withont cuns&s - that's what tbey want, and they are entitled ta that. Sa close np thc ban, *jim, not by 'law but by your own desire to do somnething for youm people. To- morrow is the birtbday of the One who gave His life for other people. Let us show Uiat we lcuow somte- thing of wlat Cbristmas means." It is a matter of history now bow Jim Tweed turned the crowd ont af bis bar and locked the clocr;-,bow lie invited thse women to use thse big din- ing-room of Uic lotel to serve their guests, for Uic sample roons wene flot sufficient for the crawds that came to tlem; liow platters of bot chickeu and turkey, loaves of bread and pounids of butter came myster- iously out of the liotel kitchen when thein stores of food liad been caten;1 haw the money that would bave been spent aven bis bar was spent in the stores and thc mendiants and restaur- ant keepers lad neyer known such a day of buving, and liaw the people in the botel dining-romr, led by Teddv Evans. and to the accompan-1 iment of the hotel piano flajecl by1 thse ministe's wife, sang aIl thse oldi Christmas carois and liyman which ' many of thens had forgotten andi same had neyer beard bçfone; and E the older people and the chulldren went1 home eanlv to load their Christmsas 1 trees and the young people stayed ta dance in tIc dining-room wben the I tables were clcaned out; and the stars iookcd clown from a dlean bineI sky and the mau in tise moon actuallya 1 Wansen's Institute met Dec. l3th i in the vestry of the church.'Mrs. L. 1 J. Goodman, President. prcsided for .thse business peniad wlien. plans for r the Red Cross work were cansidered. iCommnittees were appointed to look after thse Christmas cheer to thc Eneedy, also the aged and shut-ins, and >decarating thse church for.Chistmas. RaIl caîl was answemed by White Gif t service. Mrs. H. Skinner, group leader, taak charge af this prognam: aiter singingz a Christmas canal. Mrs. Floyd Dudley taak thse devotional reading, taking as Iser theme "Beauty the beauty ai the stars, thse earth and Christmas time and lastlv thse beauty -of the Christ bith"; Mrs. T. DQwQ favored with a sala "Oh Little Town of BethîcheWI"; Mrs. Hadgson gave the Christmas tapic, Riviniz the con- dition af the world to-day, and stressing thse need of the peace which thc Christmas message gives. The gnou» served candy and appies. Young People's Unian pragrans Tliursday cvening* was in charge ai Miss Nina Hodgsan and Mn. Gardon Brent. Warshsp pcnîod, scripture b>' Miss Yvonne Byam; paem by Miss Winona Brooks. tapic bv Mrs. j. Cook. piano selection b>' Miss Bessie HuIs: neadingz by Mn. Gardon Brent; Piano selection by Douglas Barr; eading by Mns. C. Bigelow. A gea- graphy match brouglit thÏe meeting to a close. Mns. Flovd Dudley, Billie, Donald andl Jean visited 1er sister, Mrs. C. Ineson, Toronto. Congratulatiaus ta Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb (nec Inene Cameron) on their marriage. A miscellaneous slower wras given to Miss Irene Cameron on Fniday evening at the hanse of lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. Cameron. After opening the many> gifts thse evening was spent in crokinale, çands and dancing. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mns. Les. Thosupson and Marie visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Graham. Bawmanville. Major Floyd Dudley, Trenton, paid his parents, Mn. andi Mns. Jas. Dudley' a short visit on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. E. S. Fergusan, Mn. and Mrs. A. D. Kean an4dlihild- n en, Mn. and Mrs. Gea. W. James, William and Ruths. Mr. C-haa. Haar, Town, and Mn. and Mns. Hoskin, Tyrone, spent a pleasant afternoan of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Freund. Thc accasion was featured witb a musical Pogram bv members of the Freund familv with Mrs. Ferguson at th2 piano. A daintv lunch ivas scrved. Cadmnus, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blair and Mrs. Auld and son, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. George Fowler. Young Pcoplc's Union met on Thursday night when a Christmas program was given in charge of worship service was taken by Mrs. J. E. Elliott; the topic "The Star in the East" by Miss Helen Fowl- er; reading, "The Touch of the Tender Hands" by Mr. S. McRo- berts; reading by Miss Helen Pnudden. Meeting closed with prayer by Rcv. D. M. Stinson. Members of Devitt's Orange L.odge, their wives and familles, and a few invited guesta enjoyed an oyster supper at the Orange H~all on Friday niglit. Tables were laden with ail sorts of good eats and about 50 sat down and did ample justice to the deliclous supper prepared by the ladies. Games and dancing followed. The committee i charge are to be congratulated on the decided suc- cess of tic evening. The teacher and pupila of S. S. No. 5, Cadmus, held a very on- oyable Christmas Concert on Fri- lay afternoon, Dcc. 15th. The parents and members of thc sec- tion as well as ex-pupils were in- vited and wcrc present in goodly numbcrs. Harold Bcacock, trus- ce, acted as chairman and called on thc acholars for choruses, drlls cg N ti ci PAGE TIflIEE one and with iof bey dely ever ight mis, hest ittle rgot see 2,it iont pin' ire )or- îed fect and the Renewil Tfime The month of Decembi ia generally regarded as rf neWal Urne for subscribe to The Statesman, andî this time we would suggei that those in arrears coix In and renew or serxd i thefr renewal as early a possible. Wlth the costs of publiai Ing a newspapcr mountin, every week owxng to thi war, it is important the subscribers renew prompt ly. Your label will tell yoi just exactly how you stand Unless it reads 1940 you ari in arrears. ,e- rat at 'e -s 19 'e 't ýt- )u d. re Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. S. Nottinghiam and Bernice. Myrtle. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton l!allet, Sea. grave, Mr. and Mrs. eflan McKeuzie, Coumbus, witli Mr. and Mrs. Raltil Davis. . . Mrs. R. J. McKessock at Mr. and Mrs. Everott Elliott's, Oshs- awa... Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Whit- nell. June and Lorraine, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Oshawa, with Mr. and 'rs akReynolds. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duncan and«- Mary, Mr. A. Gray, Toronto. Messrs Tom and Will Snowden, Maple Grove, Mr. Sam Snowden, Mrs. Dick Snowden. Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Perkins, Mr. and Mns. Clarence Tink and familv with Mn. and Mrs. G. White. ..Mr. and Mrs. Raîpli Davis witb Mr. and Mns. Alan McKenzie, Col- umbus. . . Mr. nd Mrs. Ernest'De- Barr, Violet and Grace, Mn. Bob Bramleigh. Columbus, with Messrs Charles and Frank Shortridge... Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoar. Miss M. A. Taylor, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. E. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and Wesley attcqded thse Debo-Gibner weddîniz in OshaWa, Saturday even- inz. Solina School meeting will be held at the schooî on Wednesday Dc 27th, at 2 pm.yDc Women's Institute met at the churcli on Thunsdav with Mrs. S. E. Werry presiding. Thse following com- mnittee was alppainted to canvass thse1 communitv in the interest of the Red Cross: Gardon Leask. Howard Mill- son, Jim Smales, Wesley Werry and Bruce Tink. Thse pragrans was in charge of Mrs. Frank Gilbert who demanstrated now Christmas tree de- corations may be made f_:grn coffee tins and variaus ways of niaking Christmas candv. Mrs. S. E. Werryv delivered an inspiring address on "The Spirit of Christmas ;" vocal selections by Miss Elda Monntjoy, Kedron, were enjoyed and Mrs. Isaac Hardv favoured with a piano solo. SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The purest form in which tobacco can lie smoked."» Please Accept Our Greetings and Let Us Thanik You for Your Past Patronage Do Phone 2653 Challis and Staff )DGE AND DE SOTO Sale. and Service E U.MVM Rccent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Oshawa, with Mrs. D. Graham. .. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson, Miss Audrey Thomp- son, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Thosupson. . . Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Billie and Mar- lene, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley. Christmnas meeting of the W. A. was beld at Mrs. Henry Ashton's. Bible reading was read by Mrs. T. Cowling and devotional by Mrs. M. Hobbs:- Program consist- cd of readmngs by Miss Eileen Cowling, Mns. E. Stephenson and Mrs. T. Monntjoy. A solo by Pauline Bridgett, after which Mr. and Mrs. Sauta Clans rendered a humonons duet and then pnesided oven the exchange of gifts. Lunch'- was served by Mns. A. Read's group. Churcli on Sunday at 3 p.m. Union, Darlington -l O ur Christmas Present to You - the Boyerf IBtter Prices on Y o ur E LE CTRI1C AL G lI t Boat Sepson'u Oreetingu tcOur Nany Bowmanville snd District Customeru Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Cynil Avery and Joyce, Brookliu, with Mn. and Mns. Leslie Wotten. . Miss Velma Fenguson with Mn. and Mns. J. Adanms, Ncwtonvjile. . Miss Lonaine Mcqnregon, Maple Grave, with hem grandpanents, Mn. and Mrs. William Wotten..-. Mn. and Mrs. James McLaughlin, Bnrketon, Mn. and Mns. Herb. Mc- Laughlin and family, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Russel Mc- Langhlin and family, attended au oyster suppen at Mr. Will Mc- Langhlin's when they celebnated Miss Rnby McLaughliu's and Mrs. Herb. McLanghlin's birthdays... Mn. and Mns. Aylmer Beech with Mr. and Mrs. Evenett Beech, Col- umbus. Union Christmas Concert was held on Monday evcning, the pro- gram causisting of dialogues, drills, folk dauces and choruses ,given by the sdhool pupils unden the leadenship of their teachen, Mn. McClary, followed by a candy social. w- 1 1 » "What would a nico girl like for Chrstmas?» "if it's me, mako if Sweet Caps." Tyrone and recitationa, as well as tivo very amusing dialogues, ."The Christmas Spirit" and "H1ave Courage to. Say Yes.' The entire programn was put on by Uic seven pupils, Betty Beacock, Nora Ginn, Marion, Eileen and Ele a n or Thompson, John Veale and Ron- ald Ginn, and reflected great cre- dit to their teacher, Miss Helen Fowlcr. The thanks of those pre- sent to teacher and pupils was voiced by Mr. Bcacock and Rev. D. M. Stinson. The younger pu- pils distributed the presents from the Cliristnis tree and treatcd al the guests to candy. Haydon 1 Ls n h d r. y n e 9 Il e s r r 1 Danr mtxnvv u h 9 d 9 ti S,