THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DAfr tT~7t' CkN±II]N [ATIONA Trinlty Y. P. U. Mr. G. L. Wagar was speaker at Trinity Y. P. Union meeting on Monday night. The speaker, in his elaquent style, addressed tee Un- ion on "'Character Building," us- ing eight different points which young people to-day must culti- vate in order ta prepare teem- selves for their place in a Chris- tian world. Mr. Wagar's tala proved ta be bath humorous and thaught-provoking apid members were delighted ta have hlm tala ta teem once again. The program was in charge of Jack Dunn's group and during tee first part of the prograni George Roberts rendered a fine cornet solo. Ada Clarke, Donald Venton, Harold Longworte and Jack Dunn conducted an inspiing warship service. The business meeting was given aver ta tee election of officers for 1940, Rev. S. Davison being in charge. Mr. Davison compliment- ed tee members on tee very suc- cessful season which. is drawing ta a close, and thanked members of tee executive for their leader- ship. It was announced tht thee Union had reached theer M. & M. fund objective of $100. The newly elected officers are: Honorary President - Rev. S. Da- vison; Past President - Wilfred Hgnley;- President - Hubert Hoo- p~et; Secretary - Ada Clarke; Lo- cal Treasurer' - Jack Dunn; M. & M. Treasurer - Mabel Brookham; Christian Missions - Gertrude De- weil, Harold Longworth, Veda Purdy, Bert Johnstan; Publica- tions - Louis Deweil; Recreation - Harry Taylor; Dramatics - Edite Truil; Leadership Traiing - Doris Dudley; Social Cammittee - Mur- iel Henderson, Amber Morton, Doris Wilkins; Pianist - Kennete Soanes; Ass't. - Marlon Dudley. Economy la in itsell a source of great revenue.-Seneca. The Carter Family and Staff (Bakers for Two Generations) Centre, C. H. Carter, Proprietor; top lef t to right: Dorothy Carter, Tom Carter, Charlie Carter, Doug. Carter, and Edythe Carter, who occupy utility Positions on the staff both in the baking and tea room departinents; lefi, from top down: Georgina Somerscales, Berruce Mutton and Celia Tait, the girls who take your orders at the soda fountain or at the tea room tables; right, from top down: Jo. Sheean, Alan Densem and Al. Randie, route salesmen with many years' experi- ence in courteous, efficient delivery service; bottom lef t to right: Tom Barton, well qualified baker, and Bull Tait, his assistant. Wish You Ail A Very Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year Our shincere' tbanks fôr your patronage, dufdng 1939. Mayw. continue to b. of service îto the families of Bowmanville District in 1940 r Wedding Woodward-Crawford A quiet but pretty wedding taok Placé December 2nd, at Holy Trinity Church Parsanage in Osh- awa, when Marion Evelyn, daugh- ter of Mrs. Crawfard and tee late Mr'. Edward Crawford, Oshawa, was unmted hInmarriage wite Ro- LAST MINUTE G1FTS For Every Member of the Family For Women & Girls Dressing Gowns *8.50 - $7.50 Wta Seaifg, plaids,, r J.uttaed ---98c - *2.50 Pyjamas -up tram *1.69 Ties - - ech 25o -$1.00 Fine Sox - Fr. 39o - $1.50 Suapondors, work and dieu. - - - 50c-$1.00 Gartors or Aimbaude - - - 25e'- 50a Gloe., kid and cape (Unol ail unlinol) - up tram *1.00 "1 1 :d oft - 81.25 - *1.50 _ O50e-2 for2esa Sweaters, bruih wool, Bach - - - 01.95 - 13.95 Flannolotte Pyjamas - - 980 t. $1.95 Flanolotte Gowns - - - Up from 59. WooI Pantin sand Vents - - - up «froim 850 Farile Glovos - up from 49o Kid Gloves - Up from *.25 Haudkorchlofs - - 5a ta $1.00 Puilovor Sweaters -- - Up from 98e Twin Sweaters Sets, fine weol ---*85 Ski SuIts, 2-plece - $6.95 up Sweaters, plain kuit, Up tram -- -----1.00 Men's Grenfeil Jackets - - - up troum *2.95 Tooke and Arrow Shirts - - - up from *1.50 Bar Pins - - Cuf Buttons Dress Studa - Caps - Boîta Windbreakerg, up trom *.95 Boys' Brooks, up tram *1.59 Novelty Tics - - - oach 25o Golf Soi - -- up tram 29o Boys' lMtta - - - - 750 Boys' Pyjamas - 7be - *1.29 Boys' Sweaters - 95o - $2.50 Boys' Suit@ - Up tram $4.95 Searfs - - - - from 49o Flowers - - - from 15o Umbrellas - - - from $1.50 P'unses - - - 69e - $3.95 ]PABII A»D M GLOVES From 49c to $125 si&k Sips --- upfrom 7 a 511k Gowns-------Up from 980 811k Bloomors- 3. 90 -$1.85 811k Vesta ---------- 490:$ 1.00 811k Paîties ---- ---29e -$*1.2 satin Dance Sets - Up tram *1.25 Silk Dance Sots - - up ram 980 Fine Bod Jackota...-- ---.....$.1s W. wlah ailcaur patrons A Merry Chrlstmuan sd A Happy aud Prosperous New l'oa, IcQuch, Johnston & Cryderman bert Elgin, yaungest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rtandolph Woodward, Bowmanviile. Rev. J. C. jarrett performed tee ceremony. The bride îooked charming in* a frock of royal blue taffeta wite accessories ta match, and wore a coraage of white gardenias. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Warren Peters, wealiing a gown of sea coral crepe. Corporal Warren Peters of osh- awa was best man. Immediately flilowing: tee cere- mony a *wedding supper was served at tee home of tee bride's moteer,' King St. W. The bride's moteer received in navy printed silk crepe, assisted by Mrs. Wood- ward who chose black cirepe wite cut velvet. %f and Mrs Wood- ward wifl reside in e maville. Previous ta her marriage te bride was tee recipient of a mis- cellaneous shower by her girl friends. Wednesday evening fol- lowing their, marriage tee bride and groom were guests at a shawer at tee home of the groom's parents where teey re c ei ve d many lavely gifts. New Library Books The foilowing books have been received at Bawmanville Public Library teis monte: Escape - - - -' Vance The Bride- --------rwin Green Money- - - Stevenson Steadlast Light-- - Payne Sir Adami Disappeared - - - Oppenheim Stranger's Gate - Oppenheini Champlain Raad --McDoweil City of Gold- - - Young Last Sunrise - - - - Norris Across tee Years - Loring Konigsmaýrk - ' Mason The Queen's Doctar - Neumann The Danube - - - Lengyel Ramn Upon Godshill- Priestley Voyage of State-- Young of tee evening. She did not corne to give a definite speech, she ex- tplained, but rather to discuss with the meeting some of tee problema 1 which town and especiaily rural iclubs have that are quite different 1from city prablems. Sh. learned emuch from us and we gathered .many fine ideas from Iher. One i point she stressed was that Home and School Clubs should not cease to function to carry on Red Cross ,work important as tee latter is. We must carry on to help te coming generation ta try ta make a better world in which to live. JBusiness Directory Legal DL G. V. GOULU, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bankc of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanviile. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Ofice immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DR. J. C. DEVIITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinon Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office houri 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun- Ja. PRESIDENT SPEAKS _t'hone 790. Hause phone 883. AT Hf. & S. CLUBS X-Ray Equipment in Office. A meeting of Home and School Fu ra Drcor Clubs of Durham County was FUNERAL DIRECTORS heîd in St. John's Parish Hall, evcayhuaydy Bowmanviile, Tuesday evening, evcayhuaydy Dec. 5te. Mrs. F. W. Bowen was F. IF. Morris Co" in tee chair. The Hlgh- School Modern Motor Equlpment, Am.- Chair under theeleadership Of bulance and Invalid Car. CUl Francs Suttan, Mus.Bac., gave Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. sorne very ine numbers. Their renidition of teem was certalùily of Veterinarlan a very fine quallty. Mr. McEwen, Public School In- D. C~. DAVET, V.S., B.V.SO. spector, spoke brlefly. He com- mented on thee musicI our Bowmuanviil. schools, tee new course of study, Succossor te Dr. T. F. Tlgho but he stressed the fact teat Home Office: King St- Hast, At TlghO and Schopl Clubs are a sort of Resdoent - PHONE 843 lubricant ta keep teinga runnlng smootely -and could' be of great DENTIST value to help ta educate tee gen- eral public regarding school mat- DL IR. 0. DIOKEON ters. (Taranto) and Newcastle, Ont. Mrs. C. E. Silcox,' Provincial Over Langman's Store, Nowcas- President of Home and Sehool tIc. Oflice hours: Saturday on]y, Federation, was tee main speaker 9 a.m. ta 9 p.i trouble ta observe tee sunset these evenlngs, yau will see breath-taking colaur. And rain - rain can be lovely ta beel, to see, to hear. I do not mean test there is anything pleasant about getting soaking wet, but a mlst of rain on your face Is good for tee soul as well as tee complexion. And don't you feel like a Sultan as you sit warm, dry and secure, llstening t thee "ceaseless roar and pelting"' of thee rain on tee roof. Many writers have described rain in its variaus moods and seamons; here la a quo- tation test is as vivid as red on green: «"a thick, ponderous, straight rain that talked teroatily as it feU." Day by day, gray wite mist or bright wite sunshine on bare, black trees, on brown fields, we approach Christmas, tee greatest festival of ail, because it cele- bratestee birte of Christ. Let us be cahù, and tremendously teank- fui that we have the privileges of a Christian country, teat we can give presents, and go ta church and sit down at *a snowy table laden wite good teings ta eat. Let us nat forget in tee hustle and bustle of comniercialized Christmas, what the day really means. And let ul remember that tels la Christmas in war time, a sad time for many who are parted from friends and families, and a teoughtful time for aIl the world. If we are wise, we will appreciate tels' festive season wite its warmth of friendship, lis beauti - fui music, its child-like thrilled expectancy, more than we ever have before. Little Dick was fond of white meat; Katie rather liked the teigh; How we battled for the wishbone, the others, two and three. Father had a fancy that a îeg was just the thing, And at last wauld came dear ma- ther, meekly asking for a wing. Oh, the gravy and plum pudding, what contentment used ta glow In tee faces 'round tee table where we gateered happy children, The good aid Christmas dinners cooked for hungry, happy chiîdren, By mother in the long, long ago. C.G.L. UNEWS Last week each group of te Trinity C.G.I.T. were busily en- gaged in wrapping presents for White Gift Sunday on Dec. 17te.i We adjaurned to separate groups and held individual meetings. Each group had a business meet- ing, a devational service, and spent the remaining time in dis- cussions and group antics. Fourj girls of tee Upstreamers group volunteered ta decorate tee bas- kets for White Gift Sunday. Mi__s Spargo, in charge of tee Up- streamers' devotional se r v ice, gave an interesting talk about the origin and the development of thee variaus churches. Miss Brown had charge of tee warship service in tee Live Wires group and teen teese enteusiastic members had aà Question Box. Mrs. Jackman led tee devational service in tee On- wego group. The Semper Fidelis had an enjayable meeting indulg- ing in business, devotion and dis- cussions. ST. PAUL'S W.M.S. St. Paul's W. M. S. Christmas meeting was held at the home of Mrs. D. S. McGregor Dec. l9th. Mrs. W. H. Carruthers was re- elected president and ail tee-o___- cers were retained for anoteer year. The meeting was apened with a Christmas hymin. The de- votional period was taken by Mrs. K. Werry, followed with prayer by Mrs. W. F. Banister. The Christmas message whiclv was1 very interesting was given by Mrs. Harold Ferguson. Mrs. Rata Dudley sang a lovely solo, "Night of Nights." Mrs. George Chase presented tee annual report which was very encauraging. A social hour was spent. RANGER NEWS The Rangers met Dec. 13te at tee public school. The work on the badges was continued. Mrs. Eminett taught tee campany some folk dances. Margaret Westaway amused'tee girls for hall an hour with a contest. Plans were made for a Christmas party ta be held Dec. 15th. Each patrol wiil take charge of same part of tee enter- tainment. Friday tee Guides and Rangers gateered at the public achool for teeir Christmas party. They play- ed many games and were visited bý Santa Claus. Santa was very generaus and presented each Guide and Ranger wite a present. Inside each present was written a stunt which tee girl must do ta deserve her gift. An hour of funi was tee result of teese stunts. TRINITY W. A. ELECTS OFFICERS T r i n i t y Woman's Association met December 12th, wte Mrs. E. Wood and her circle in charge of tee program. Meetng opened wite quiet music by Mrs. W. Hoskin. Mrs. F. Purdy read the scripture, and Mrs. C. W. Slemon offered prayer. Mrs. T. W. Cawker, president, presided for the business. Inter- estixng reports were given by te group secretaries. Mrs. Ross Strike presented teis slate of officers which was adopt- ed: Past President - Mrs. E. P. Bradt; President- Mrs. T. W. Cawker; lst Vice -Mms. S. R. James; 2nd Vice - Mrs. W. Webb; Rec. Sec'y. - Mrs. P. E. Green- field; Assistant- Mrs. W. A. Ed- ger; Treasurer- Mrs. R. Diiling; Flowers - Mils. W. H. Birks; Pan- try Committee - Miss L. M. Jack- son, Miss Allie Hoskin, Mrs. F. C. Calmer, Mrs. O. Plummer. Program conslsted of duo piano number by Dr. T. A. Partrldge, Mrs. E. Wood, Misses Jean Part- ridge and Hazel Rundîe; vocal duet, Misses Jean Partridge and Kathleen Sisson. A l1-act Christ- mas play "Mi-Mi Lights a Candîe" was weil presented by Mrs. E. Wood and her cîrcle. Miss Doris Leach entertained tee C.G.I.T. girls at her home. MISS Elleen Stainton entertain- ed the Young Ladies' Bible Clas at her home Monday nlght. Mr. J. W. McMaster returned home froni Toronto East General Hospt"I on Sunday. He han been I te hospital for twelve weeks. R ee n t Visitars: Mrs. Wos. Cameron, Jack and Joyce, at Mr. Delbert Flintoif'., ....... Mins Mary Cameron, Osh~awa, Mr. Ber- nard McEwen, ut Mr. Russoîl HAVE A SWEET rUDICUIo I When you top off that fireplace stockzng with a box of Annie Laurie or Neils4n's Chocolates, you've 5 more than shown your own "lGoocI WilI Toward man- (or woman, as the case ma.v be). It'a deUtfious! AIso Hfard Mixed Candies and Neilon'a lois Oream THE CARTER FAMLY P on o 855 - ow m a n'v fl They'I1 Unwrap This Gift 52 Times, Yet Yo u Won't Ha#e to Wrap It Once ... h 's3 that easy to give a pleasant-to-receive The Canadian Statesman subseription for Christm"s Plan to send oeveral thia year. A gift hhat wMl be appreoiated every week tbroughout the year. Special Glft Carda Ame ineluded with your name written on it. $100 in Canada $2.50 te a. SL L The Canadian Statesmau Foi Chdutas Thtis Yean I encloso *2.00 for which you are t. sond The Statesmntethe following allion fer oie year, and mail a gift message ln my namne, Ciy ..........................--- .--........ My Name-----------------...------- --------------- My Adion -.-------------------.-----.------------ ~- r,",. 'i s * ., CHRISTMAS LONG AGO Stainton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. ANOTHER MAN (By Apha Pnch)Staintan are visiting relatives at (B Aph Pnc)Woodstock and Thamesford... One day King Archelaus of There is royal satisfaction in tee Miss Audrey Ayre at Bowman- Macedon suffered the insult of birds and botties which 1 ville... Mr. Clifford Johns, Ked- hâvb!È some dirty water terown Were invented for tee tempting of ron, at Mr. Wes. Cameron's. . .. over him by a revengeful subject. tee palates of tee rich. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Star, To- The offender was quickly capter- Pleasure lurks in fancy dishes ronta, et Mr., Hans Geisberger's. ed and brought before fie ruler teat imported cooks create . - Messrs. Gerald and Harvey Bal- for punishment; but Archelaus For bloated politicians who can son, John and Lloyd Staintan, El- quickly perceived that tee man's squander ten a plate. woad Shackeltan, Whitby, at To- rash act had been prompted by a But of ail the joy teat eating ronto... Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hos- baIse conception of te Kng's brings ta mortalg here below, kmn and family, Thorntan's Cor- character, and he rebused ta as- Nothmng equals the turkey dinners ners, Mr. Harvey Balson, Salins, sess any penalty. "No,"P explain- we sat down ta îçng aga. at Mr. J. W. Balson's. .. Mr. El- ed Archelaus ta his protesting Those good aid turkey dinners, wood Shackeîton, Whitby, at Mr. courtiers, "I cannot punish Mim; roasted, for hungry happy John Shackeltans... Mr. and Mrs. for he did not cast the irisult upon children F. B. Glaspel, Norxna and Beryl, me, but upon the man he thought By mother in tee long, long ago. at Mr. Ivor Gary's, Toronto. I was." 1 1 - 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO pAr.1z. IrTvp -1 Give