P4,eOPle Weekly WtWihAelcorporated The Bowmanville Newâ, Ie ecate IndePendent, And The Orono News VOLUME 858 VVJ.iUL. Nl-T if"L ),v T)ýrw nv± ol--ed -- - - . .a'a~.~.NUMBER 52 2ND WINTER FAIR Spldt Of Ch:i .STAGF4D BY PUPILSI Welf are Comi 0F. MAL!9R0VESxy-SilE Pupils of Maple Grave Schaol S x y mS x N put over their secahd.-Winter Fair on December 2th ilh getsc ceis. A. fine exhibît9f9ewm OIDbAYINfG IN N. Y. ar, calrvin, building, etc., was on _____________ The 1grmw ~uique i t self beg i anaged r=m begin- ning ta- end byý tht.>enplls, with AUde Greenham'acti i as chair- lady, ~iie yLeniokè Collacutt at the igo (baoth girs of Grade 8). Pragram cansisted of a demon- stration 0ai*achool work rather than the csomny 'ntertain- ment. A demCstrin of choral singing was conducted by Loryne White af Grade 5. Eight boys of Grade .5 and 6 put on a ha]! haur of entertaining argument when they debated the subJect "Resalved that the harse 18 af mare use ta the average farmer ai Maple Grave than ie the tractar." é lay "Rsû!i±ecîiaù Day 1 *Dawna an Histary" was the big feature a! the evening, beingn play orighxa'ted- and pt o n by the senior pupile ta -show how inter-. ethig Social s9tûdies may becameé wlien , e dead are resurrected, John M. James', îmd b1I~r becomes a ilving sub- Associate Editar ai The Statesman jeat. . is enjaying Yuietide holidays with * ata. Cigus waa there ta un- hiW nunieraus relatives"hi New IoaL*h.eCrltmas tree. Proaced York City. John promised. ta have 14j,55. W' are ndebted -taSec-. a storýy af hie experiences and 1ei Lenare Caiiacutt for send- observations* along "The Great ing, us this splendid reprt.-Edi- Whte Way» for this weekd issue, -tor). but at .finie ai going ta Pressano word has been received lram him. MAX EXP9LANqATION We're 'iot surpris6d, -f&d.it i h benfh ditor's expiiècè he Woknceiely regret. that an yçunger daysý'while on sinlilar articlè in last week's issue i trips there is too much gig on wlilch details ai the Chaniber ai ta even e0nd a picture post, card Commerce Christmas Decoration back home. Contest were presented, has catis- ed embarrassment ta one ai the prize winners who suggests that C.G.I.T. NEWS neit year thé award shauld flot____ be Tnade ta the store, but direct' Each grour>, the "Onwego', fhe ta the persan wha was rèspônsible U.stemrth"S pr forý the decaratian, as the storeUstenrte'SeprFi iteelf reoeived the bellefÀt .of finie delis" and the "Live Wires!", hadj windaws i advertising. 'Sa fer a Christmas pàrty Dec,. 2ath.'Haw- as thie paper le cancerned, we ever, before entering inta their w-ish ta correct what: some peaple Christma,. activîties they had a cansidered a ur suggsgd impli- business and a devatianal service, cation. that the management ai aftèr which they sang ChrJstmas the prize winning store 1wauld hymns.* Giftý were exchangéd and1 even consider making- any ather the lunch was enjoyed hy 'ail. dispasitian a the »prize this year. There was no,,eeting Dec. 27th.1 Presentation of Priz es ýTo NP!Pls Mdade at Public School Party Public Schoi pupils oelebrated the approach ai Christmas holi- daya'qn - "ursdey marning when they gateered et àssembly for the preentti ofaiprizes and the annuel Christmas party. Principai A. M. Thampeon pre- senfed Field De y Prizes to George Dadsan, Sr. Baye; Mari anc Kil- -Patrick, Sr. Girls; Chas. Fletcher, Int. Baye; and Florence Chartran and Darothy Faulkner. Int. Girls. Each wac given a beautiful creet. Oretorical pnizes wcre wan by Dorotey Evans (shield an d books), Winana Clarke (baoks), and Alne Nortecutt (books), doated by the Public Schoal1 Board.1 Al§o preeented carlier in thee week wene prizes ta tee outstand- ing Entrance Ciase. students ai last year includimg: Ladies' Can- adien Club 'pizes for saciel stud- ie: Eleanon Johnstom; Men'e Can- adien Club pnizes, social etudies: George Roberts,' and tee Lions Club prizes ion English: Jimmy Southey and Sell.y Cale. . Follawing tee presentetiome, littie Jane Marjerrison appeered1 at tee frant pulling a suitably de-2 carated wagon an which was aa large turkey. Ail were informed that ehe wished ta present tels ta r ýtheepapular and iaithiul care- s ~ taker, Clinton Lunney, on bebalf I ,of 'the boys and girls ai Centralp School. Mr. Luinney expressed bis t appreciation.h Thec balance ai tee party was r spemqknsiging Christmas canais. Il Actmatlon For e Derllngton Townshlp ç 1940 Councl i 'ý C. M. Carruthene retired inom -the Reeveshlp aiter two years' capable leadership. The Cauncil ior 1940, eiected by acclamation, are: Reeve - A. W. Annie; Députy- Reeve - W. R. Pickeil; Councillors - R. R. Stevens, L. C. Pascae and 'R. K. -Squair, the latter belng e new -member, ahd well qualifled for municipal wank heving been township auditon ion a number ai :Years. SOLDIE90 APPEECIATE CHRISTMAS BOXES It will be seen irom. jetterà an another page how much the sol- diers appreciated the Christmnas 1 boxes. sent ta theiti by comrades af the iitst Warld War, nowv mem- bers, of the Canadien Legian in Bowmanviile. In ali 40 pack~ages 1 were sent. More letters will ap- pear next week. Citizens wishlng i ta make a contributian ta this fund shouid sent it ta R. M. Cat- r tan, Legian Secretary. O t h e r f packages will be sent iram Urne j ta tume as the funds on hand per- i mit. f Favorable Reportl Orono School Ti Orono Continuation S c b a a i Trustees meeting wes held Dec. 27te, wite J. J. Melion cheirmen end lire. J. R. Caoper secretary. R. R. Waddeli gave tee annuel repart which deait with tee in- specton's repart, the mew course ai study, tee fine and consequent ex- penses, fixing of wiring, decora- tion ai two raams, installatian ai hiot water, formation ai e skating rink,' improvements on groiunds, the excellent work af tee staff amd tee financiel conditian aite ichool. Mn.. J. R. Cooper was elected an auditor fan 1940. Mn. Weddeil gave inspcctar's report s'hicb pald tribute ta tee wark ai the staff and accamniodation pra- vided fan tepupils. out ai iii- :eem points an which teey were narked, tee schoal was gramted 7firets and 8 secands. Public Sehoal nepoart was.aiea favorablo. Jahn Armstrong brought up tee point of encaunag-1 ing chlldren to flnd ouf whgt teeyj wamted i lUe and ta goafater if.1 Johm Tamblyn suggested. teet tels vas being damei the lest icw, 'cars by teaching agriculture and .omestlc science anid he wauld J like tee teaching ai these subjeotp" fi Yi di It - e istmas Evident mittee Delivers eaping. Baskets Ilct h ide.of enarging te boun- darnes ai tee schoi section. He declared tee idea was prectically impossible and even if it were passible,.'tee lass aitee Continua- tian Schaal wauld be mare teen tee gain an tee Public Scbool. Cost ai roof ($1,Q84.47) was ex- piained as being tee recuit ai getting an extra- special rqil, and Mr. Waddell expiaimed thet te inteneet wouid be peid by emeller cast ai insurance. Mr. Waddell was grented salary ai $100 fante camlng year. The emaunt ai in- surance an tlw achool, $27,000, was deemed sufficlent. On motion ai Chas. MiUer and Mne. W. S. RaY, W. E. Armstrang was ne- elected trustee ion anather terce years. J. J. Mellon thanked te schaol board ion use a! building fan Boy Scout meetings. A. J. Tamblyn, an behalf ai' tee band, expressed teenke for use ai achaqI fa practlsing since tee claslng ai tee Armaurles. ceipts $18,029.78, and cash hi bank $8,425.00. Schalars enralled: .631 ,ai Continuation Scliaal and 79 i Public School.1 LOCAL AVIATO REPORTED KILLED. IN ACTIVE SERVICE The ir initry ennaunced oc Decemer 2nd that Pilot Offici Donations $100 Short A. Cameran, Ba¶vmanville, Ont. of Objective. Citizens rprted mising December 5Vh Can Stil Cofftrlb-ite naw is believed to have beec to This Cause kiiled on active service. Mr. and Mrs. Agus Camerôx Sixt-i a ile i B w Parents ai the aýbove -nkietionéd iie were mdihier cuwman-Pilot Officer, naw reside in Wesi mas Day thraugh the initiative tan. and efforts ai the Cammunity If any ai aur readere knaî Wefiae Camutte. d it ou' hwhen and where 'the tameron euficintfuns ere nat sub-îmîylvdh scrlbed'thie Year ta caver the ex- Bwinil penses, the .committee carnied out wauld like -ta know for 9a far Its compiete pragram and objec- upon inquiry we cannat identfy tive ai eeeing that every needy thie family.. famiiy in tawn had a generous supply af fodtuff ta warrant them in baving gond' substantiel I A L meais Christmas Day. iuamer S wi 0 Thraugh the co-aperation' of mýembers oai 'he Rotary and Lions MU Clubs aiong *ith thé assistance aifas e ai ' the town truck 66 -heaping bas-. s e arM kets were delivered ta homes Fr1- day aiternoon. The council roam A daring- attempted robbery was. turned inta a provisions was made at the home ai M. Warehause as the variaus_ gaods weré ipilçd up. and then' -pecked James Fee on the 3rd Concession into baskets ready for' delivery. qi Certwright, - ogth of Cadmu, 1 The Comniunity Weiiare o-ls ek~r.Fe had just re- rmittee composed'of Mrs.. V. H. ceived îëturhé ior a large quan- >Starey, Mrs. B. ' R. 'Baunsil and ftt ai-f urkeys and geese which Mrs. W. R. Strikei and ail others she .had shipped ta Taronto and ýwho asslsted, deservè the icése;wps counting the money at tb.e thanks. ai ail cifizens who contri- table whén f*ô.'masked band*t buted ta this warthy efund, and waiked i the door andl demai the ârafeful appréciation ai the ed the maney. Mnr. We i 68 familles who received baskets, cbaraéeiUt,êpeecea m A s the donatians th s year w ere 1 bc e d nf .Te h l, l i over $100 short ai the amount maneyà*d ushed out through subscribed lest year, the Cammit- anot er doacr with a table board tee bas requested thatthis fact be and gave one ai the itruders a published and a further appeai wback with it whicb nearly made ta those citizens who hgve knacked him down. This fright- nat:9ontributed ta thie fund ta do ened the ather ance nd he quickiy so Ïs *aon as passible sa that ac- grabbed bis companion. and made counts. may be peid pramptiy. e hasty retreat. The _poigce were Sçnd-y'aurdonations-ta any af the natified but we understend no following, Mrs. V. H. storey; arrests have been mnade. Town Clerk Alec Lyle or The ________ Statesman Office. These donatians have been re- Speclal Services ceived since lest week'e acknow- t t Pur ,uc ledgments-A t.au:eCuc F. J. Heyland - Barrel Appies. CItmas Sunday Mrs. M. H.' Minore - Candy and Oranges. Rev. H. W. Foley - Carrots. The-congregalicof~a St. Paui'e Mrs. A. Freeman - Oranges and United Church heerd two stirring Candy. and beautiful Christmnas messages Mn. Teepie . Vegetables. from Rev. W. F. Bardater. an Sun- Ideal Bread - Fruit Cake. day. Special Cbristmas music by Mrs. F. A. Foster -Fruit. the choir under tee direction of Bay Scauts - Candy. Mr. Alex McGregar was, enjoyed. Mrs. Harry Poster - Sugar. The musical numbers et the A. & P. Stores __ .$--- 3300 marning service were an anteem, G. A. Edinondetone ---- --5.00 "The First Christmas Morn" eand W. J.* Dudley -----------------500 a ladies' quartet, "Shepherde' Mrs. J. A. McClelln- 2.00 Christmnas Sang" by Misses Don-o girls' Morning Hour--------- 200 aide Creasser, Violet McAllister,C A Frlend (2) ---------------200 Helen Williams and Jean Pattin-'p M4r'. M. E. Pinch---------- 3.00 san. In the evening the chair sang c Nirs. L. B. Williamse. --- 1.0 "It Came Upan tee Mldnlghte Miisa Calette Ferguson.----- 1.0 Clear," and a miixed quartet con-h Miss A. Bieakley -------------- 200 sieting of lira. Kenneth Huil, Mies e, Miss M. Raines-.------------5 0Doalda 4Creasser, Mr. Alex, Mc-ri A Friend ---------------------2:00 Gregor and Mr. Gea. Davidge,& MIiss---Jcon----------- --------.50 sang "Angels We. Have Heard onan L.JcsnHigh ." Choir and cangregatian IJ The Committee is again greatiy alike enjayed the carol einging ir indebted ta C. T. Rose for hie thraughaut the day'e services. S generosity in putting an teC- ned Gaads Matinee wbich not only illed the Royal Theatre but made possible several hundred cens: ai aaod which aided materliy in illig the baskets. Presented At ýincrese. Mr. adl report- n. er h âe_ étgreal snOcc Uo rienas and neighbors. T U R K E Y D I N N E R ~B e in g a i a n a m ia b le d is p o s itio n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TURK Y DINERand always ready ta lend a help- OPENDISC SSNmg hand ta anyane in need, he - AT LIONS CLU B bad endeared himeelf toalal. In tehome, tee miii and the garage HOU. X~ G. Gardiner Membrs a theLion Clu m e had sucb e generai knowledgeFe Memersof heLios Cub n.and ability that made is lufe, eeral Minister of Agriceltur, duled n euptuusChrstms bouh yun, ausful one. .' wbo wiil be guest speaker et th dulgd ina smptuus hrismasthouh yungaie banquet et Cobourg, Friday nocr turkey dinner et their meeting ambition to fit hirnseli for hie life Jan. *5th, et the conventionc jTuesday night. Goad intentians, wark let bim ta etudy along a-NotubrndndD hmAi discretion and will power ta re- ous limes and thus be becae van- N ontumerî1Asoain . uha siet aver-eeting wene ail thnawn a favorite witb young and :1o bpildwr5.socain ýWo the winds as the attractive The beartfelt sympatbyai the -waitresses from The Carter Fani- whale township goes out ta te RED CROSS NOVES il , ceterera, served. tee ravmng bereeved, parents, Mn. and lire. TO NEW QUARTERS oarn Lins heaping pari Russell Brown, Cadinus. fa h okCmitea pudding and Christmas cake,._________tee Bawmanviîle Red Cross mPresident Alex McGnegor pre-. are maving over from te 7sided. Owen Nicholas contributed Rev. S., Davison Red Cross Roome opposite twa dellgbtfui vocal solos with at ~tee Town Hall inta the Gea. David ge et tee piano. J. J. Speaker at 'ouriCO Council Room in tee Tawn Brown, Past District Govermor, Misn's Brotherhood Hall on Thunsday af teis gave e mast informative talk on____ week. Stanting on Tuesday tee Lians International set Up. r1ext, Janueny 2, tee Council Open discussion followed this taik- Tuesday, December 12th, Cour- Roomn will be open for i which many tapice w er e tice Broteerhood met in tee base- workers and for the distri- brought up. W. F. Bamister con- ment ai the Maple Grave church bution ai mateniais fram ducted a ,quiz peniod based on tee with a very large attendance and 2.30 ta 5.30 p.m. and teere- letisue af tee Lions Magazine President H. R. Faley as chair- after will be open Tuesday, which showed haw teorough the man. The meeting opened wite Wednesday, Thureday and Lions did, an did nat, read their community singing led by Onville Seturday afi each week dur- officiai magazine. Those imable ta Osborne, wite Leslie Coacutt et img tee hours ai 2.30'1 ta answer the questions werc as-tee piano. Several selectione were 5.30 p.m. sessed a fine. also rendened in fie style by the Thé program was brought ta a Courtice orchestra cmpsed ai clse wte a rund ai canai sing- Fred Adamsi Alln Trevail and The better yu know mot mer- ing. Jack Walters. The large gather- chants te mre ikely yu are to ing weeaeaofevored wite four do business wite them. Read te numbens by the femous Balson new ieture, "Wbo's VWho" ai Quartet oi Ziam. Readinge were page 6 ai this issue, and become FORTY YEAR OLD PICTUKE gîven by Harald Smite ai Baw- better acquainted wite teese busi- manville in a very acceptable ness men. We are indebted ta Wes. Percy manner. for briging us a group picture The secretary's repart nevealeda ai tee empioyees ai tee D. 0. & P. teat tee Bnathenhod wae veny fy y~ Ca. way beck in tee 90s. The much alive. This wae read by u e nt r m photo is a very clear nc and Wes. Cecil Robinson.DRn a couli fell us theemres ai eveny Rev. W. C. Smith intraduced ** employee. Sad ta relate mare tean tee speaker, Rev. S. Davisan oail uS. Annu lc half of thee ad brigade have pass- Bawmanville, with a iew chaice ed aven tee great beyond. Mingled and apprapniate nemarks. Mr. De- heartiiy endansed by ail present. rnemories are recailed in laaking vison, wha gave a splendid illus-. The Brateerbood le looking for- at such a group as a comradeship trated lecture an ecenes ai para- ward t nhesplendid evening and iniendship existed among ici- maunt intereet in Engiand which .w w orkm en ont o e d y i n l d d s v r i i p ra t c t e n Jan. 8t, w hen tey w ill m ccl in toseday al inlude seera imortnt ath ia Ebenezer Church wite Hamp- most likened ta a family relation- drals, bridges and bistonical ton Circuit Broteerhood as their sip. buildings as well as a large num- guests, and Rev. G. A. Leichliter, ber ai countryside scenes, ailoi paston ai the College St. Baptiet which were taken by tee speaker Chunch, Toronto, as guet speaker, himeeli about five yeare ega, who cames highly rcmedd spake in a very able and intcreet- rcmedd ing manner in regard to the con- tract ai that trne and the present Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Banister -and tee need ai aur faite in the were in Cempbellcroft Saturday leaders ai the British Empre ta- attending the wedding ai hie sic- day. ter, Miss Emmeline Benisten, ai - K. E. Courtic6 moved a vote ai 1Toronto, end Mr. Harold W. Heçi- I A MÀ thanke ta tee speaker, which was ley, Toronto. qolàaluil W4SSION TO HOLD Gloom Cast Ove: Community .1I;rEN NIGHT FOR Cartwright Man Mleets Death TheI Mission Sunday Schl In__AutoAccident________ tat bas been carryng an in the -outh Ward scel buildingevery B É;Undy aerna ar re timeBody of Lloyd Brown CONVENTON spEAKEE 1s bavng an apen night af social Found Near Wreck. etertinment for parente and Cooe_ 44 renfor that part aifheo .~ ronr __ Jet 'S TueýdaY evening next, Jan. 2,' InStant Sas eth,* .- ,Mnmening at 7.30 o'clack. An 1 lateregting praogram af sangs and Amidst preparatione for thec iecitations has been arranged, jayoue season a terrible glaQm ~ alvery beautiful stereopticon settied an young and aid in Cart- c -icures, relating ta the etory af wright. township Sunday mrnorn-.e the birth and lieai the Lord ing when it was learned ai the - Jesus Christ, wili be ehawn. There deatb ai Llayd Brown, another.f is na admission charge, not even1 victim ai a car accident. Drivingd a collection. A most cordial invi- hame alane frani Port Perry aiter ,tatian' ie extended ta one and all midnigbt where he had gane for t i ta be present. You will be made same car Parts ta repair a car Ci~-~ *4-~~ [weicome. wbich had been brought im that night, hie car left the roed eouthd oi Taylor's garage and was found m1twits iurgiarU S in he field. The body was found t soe time later near the damaged J car and it je thougbt h as in. I p r Durham Shorthori Report Shows mal, Local. breedere 'of Shanteorn cattie had a maet euccessiul yeer accarding ta reports preaented at the annuel meeting ai Durbamn Caunty Shorteorn Asso cia t ioan held at tee office ai tee Depat- ment of Agriculture at Bawman- ville. Ficidman John Baker i hie re- part revealed the intereeting in- formation teet he wes able ta as- siet in effecting the sale ai 62 heed ai cattie during the yeer. This wes an increese aven the pre- vious year ai 12 head ai cettie, shawing teat tels lime of endeavor 4 was an tee increase. The 62 hcad soid ion e total ai $8,820, or an average ai $140 eech. Saine 25 head wemt ta Quebec, rneny beimg repeat arders. Sixteen buils went ta the Federal Depeniment ai Agriculture and tee balance ta Who wiil be tee firat babyta issue yau will reed about e lot ai Ontario buycrs. Mn. Baker stated be born in Bawmanvil le Hospital g ifts which aweit tee arrivai ai he had onders ian several gaod in 1940? We cannai teUl yau naw, tee unknown but iucky baby. bulle and a car laad ai helfers fan but if you'll turn f0 page 4 afies 'a U. S. buyé'r. He furteer stafed ROTARIANS HEAR CHRISTMAS TALK wA capular Christmas custom ascntinued tels year when on Frîdey Rev. Sidney Devison, pas- ta1- ai Trinity United Church, took a ven tee speaking duties et Rotary Club and presented a fine InspIr- ational ed appropriate message ta hie ieilow Ratarians. He took for bis taplc the themne af a picture whlch portrayed e littie child in the midst ai a group af leopards, lions and other dang- eraus animais. The little child was leading tbem in perfect safety ai- thaugh theY could easily have destrayed him. Uinder bis guid- ance ail ai tee animais, tag traditionally enemies, reanedi calm and peeceful. "I wander if, in the world ta- iay there will be a liffle child who will bring the Russian Bear, the Germen Eagle, te ital Jackal and tbe British Lion ta- gether in peace and- harmony?"P the speaker queried. The little Child ai Bethlehem and Hieain- fluence would bring about jusf sucb e perfect conditian if people irauld aniy listen and abide by His teachige ut tee trouble la ht n endnations fa-day aven't landteart a! living tgether. In spite oL tete calamifous stafe Df the warld to-day, there are many wha have suificient faifh fa beeve thet eventually .the day ill came when Chriatianity wi] preveil; when jells wlll have )utlasted guns ana peace and. igbteausness wiil be univazel. Ifthe Christmas spirit cànbilng iny part of that ta- Pau iave been worfhwhileh>*i' ,uded. President J. Rasa , Staff waa in 'arge ai the meeting and paid ribute ta Mr. Devisan ior bis ine address and for bis goad in- hience and activities in- the club. A special Meature ai the meeting vas an address ai congratuation~ T John M. James ta C. T. Ram,, ue ta a necent addition to his Rmily, and the Presentation aiof fts ta bim fram every member fthe club. The Praud daddy iade a iitting reply. Canal singing was in charge o! R. Virgin wîte Deve Morrison the Piano. Guests included Rev. iC. Smith, Caurtice and J. W. 'vitt, Moncton, N.B.' Frank Mcllveen, chairman -'of ie Bawling Comniittee, announe.. 1the winners inthe Christmas owling Taurnament. when .hé rsented turkeYs ta A. M. Hardy, R. Stnike, R. L. Mitchell, Dr. uent -Feature at kristmas Party th 'e etudents o! B.H.S. ended tee echool daye f 939 an ffiday aieroo wtethein a n n uel Christmnas Party and Literery Prograin. The merrymaking a! the pupls startcd early inte afternoon and laeted well ita te night wîte tee variety af enfer- taimment teat amly B.H.S. stu- dents cen provide. Fiitb Form literary pragram was tee firet item afinhtereet ta take the epotiigbt. Some were heard ta remark it was a fine ex. Eample for the lower formeaf te I t' Il t ire, the o ,n. n ai b ýp- m p h ci fi fi W b3 di fa gi A. et DE th t2 ed ie Bc in pr4 ieW. eco Lzia sfallaw.ecton Thelir verst le ilandt, Reit Ian pieces. Normna Searle, tee tai- à Breeders a p ented tep dancer of ifh om gavea fie exhibition o! tels Papular art. my a-ieawinners a,hisawsollowed b h ly "The Ghaat Namned HennPo.,TIe ca t of characters wee: Ib d at recent auction cales tee pnices Powell - William James; FlrMee for Shorthorne had been consider- Powell, bis wife- Kay bl igher tean in recent years. The Ghost Henry -Byran (1y. Abn ottnigfaueoMrford; LoaieJane -Evelyn HR n BAn' reutst aitgeae ailin.den;' Susen - Diana Wheeler; Ed- 3ak r' r pat ae ee la ge mu - m und tee Butler _ Jam es L ave- ber ai cattie sold ta Quebec buy- kmn. er were prze winnere et faire "The Beer Barrel Paka" was mid exhibitions. These included tee selectian chosen by Tam FReh- Grand Champion Bull, Reservedetapyanheinocaro. ~harpin Bull, Junior Champion Fi! lb Form Belles, mde up ai ull et tee well kmawn Quebec Kathleen Baker, Helen Willam, md Sherbroke shows, as wells pet Wilson nd Betty Emmett, 3frets in buis and heifers n rendercd severai selections*i-. theo lssettecm xii cîuding Maanlight Serenade and ions.S ute ai tee B rder. Annuel sale ai Sharteorne wili An aiginal ekit by members ai )e held Feb. 29th, 1940, wite Dun- the clase proved very iteretjng aBrown, auctianeer.1 Thee afierswee r-eectd:and equally humoraus. If was Thes ofices wee r-Vce, entitled "The Merm's Version of 'reedemi, John Hawden; Vctee Women," tee main cheractrs yil Mumiard; Secretary. Trea- beimg James Lovekin, Roald rer, S. C. Alli;Asc't. Secretary, Hallý Charles Spencer, Brentrm k A. Sumrers; Directans, Otto Rickard, te ouse husbenda, and Iragg, Eal Osborne, Russell Os- Norma Seale, tee business wlfe. arme daLakWl Bkr Brenton Rickard with bis clari- omRlckard; Ficîdmen, John net pîayed several popular um- laker; Sale Manager, Iussell Os- )orme. (Continued on page 5) I i i G ai 6 ot bE E. bc Jc Bi 1 1 tq Ar ý%-' Y Y Y JýJLJ£JJj4, %JIN J, 1 fi uffl3ljl&ii . ij" AÇM Hm. W. 954fh 1 a QG