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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1939, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THECAADIN TATUcÂM lnIYVM7TT ONARO - 1.YD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28TH, 1939 The Editor's Greetings. We thank you - our Readers, our Ad- vertisers, our Country Correspondents and our Co-Workers on the staff of The Canad- ian Statesman for your whole-hearted co- operation and support in the High Cause of the Publishing and Printing Business... for your generous, share in our Progress and Success We wish, for ourselves, only greater Op- portixnity to be truly helpfýtoi you; and... We wish, for you, complete resuits for every eager desice, every calm thought, every hearty aet in the interest of improv- ing yourself, your business and your com- munity . . . and may your Liglit so shine that many shall see it as a glowing beacon that shows up the rocks on the Journey of Life. The Editor. The Problema of the Commdnlty Those citizens of Bownîanville Sund no doubt of other towns as weli) %who are tak- fig an active part ln the newly organizcd Ohamber of Commerce work, sud who make a point of kecping in toucli with what tic Board is doing, can not lbe criticized for becoming ratier impatient, ta put it uildly, at tic indiffereuce sud iack of co-operation on the part of thosc whose interests itic welfsrc of Bowmauville are just as- vital as are those of the:men who regularly carry on.1 It is quite a common occurrence taelicar otherwise sensible mren state eniphatic ternis that ""they" should do 'ths or tiat; or that "they " hould flot have doue it. Tiat vague "they" may be convenieuthy blamed fan evcrything and anything. But who are "they" if not tliemselv", Ahi bueiness -and professiouah meni are'argu- cd ta become members of sud iuterest theni- selves ini Chamber of Commerce work ini 1940. Sanie psy thir suaîl membership fee aud let it go at that. They deehune ta attend the meetings aud take no part whatever ini its asetivities. Yet wlienever a pranaunce- ment by a representative body is cailed for, or wheu caucerted action an any proposai is sueccssary, then the C. of C. is expectcd teU be "Jahnuy an the Spot." It is very fortunate that tiere are in al comununitica a sufficienÈ nuniber of men who have enougl inuterest in the welfare of tic commnmity ta keep such an arganiza- tien functioning; and it is a sad comment- ary au aur enterprise when it seenis im- possible te secure, out of a few hundred mcen who should be iuterested ini the C. af 0. undertakingîs, a s-mail quorum ta legiti- mately carry on a meeting. New is- the tume ta make resolutions for the new ycar, a ver3- excellent anc ta keep in mmmd would be anc praviding for a gi-ester interest in tic activit-ica of tieC.(1 of C., sud a determination ta attend as- many as possible of the meetings whiei will bc called tirougieut 1940. Just ta inipress it on yaur mind now the firat meeting of thc U. of O. in 1940, which is- alsa - the annual meeting, is siatcd for Friday. Jan. l2th. There is always somethung ta be deait with, snd each session senis ta develop as- the meeting proceeds, as members submit mat- tera for causideration. Cammittee reports aiea frequently bring ta the attention of members gencrally s-ore important matters which have been dealt with or which may at the tume be undue cansideration. Above ail, tic O. of C. is the anc body of business sud prafessional mcen which is eaul- cd upon te deal with sud pramate ail mat- ters which are ini the bcst interests of the comsnundty, as its members-hup is drawn frani men iu ail walks of life, and thus it -represents, as is the caàe with nao 6ther bod.y of men, a truc cross-section of 411 tic inkercsts in a.ny town or city. Thus ail those who have the best nterests of Bowmrville at licant siould be members ci sud setivcly support the Chamber of Commerce in la undertakings ini behlf of thc town sud district. Pancakes and Maple Syrupt We werc rcading tic other day whenc tlie V cookery editor of s New Yark newspaper t advises her clients ta stack their pancakes, 0 Ansinuatc s layer of wiipped creani between egch twa cakee, tien eut the stack in pie- eboped piecocansd serve as- dessert. .: - SMe ycsrs ago wieîî fancy chefs bcga'i uqs'eatîhg tic waffle - topping it witi Scroani, iaving it witi ciocolate syrup, - tur»g it knto s confection - we sat by iu *oood idice.Suoh gaings--on ivere of 00um ~U* but since tic waffle is- nothung »Iwgre t1h.p .p Igh-brow cousin of tic pan- t. ped hardy w rti sving. _o 1 ggppAt old pancake down Establlshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER WIth whlch are Iucorporated The Dowrnanvllle News, The Newcastle IndePeudent, ad The Orono News. 85 Trs' continuons service t. the Town of flowmanvillie and Durham County. MEMBER Canadian Weekly Newspapers AssocIation and Claa A Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strictir ln advance. $2.50 a Year i the UJnted States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Rcccntly four Orillis ministe rs mac "Return to God" appeal ta their congr, tions, which resulted in much uncre& qbchurcli congregations, the largeatch being packed ta the doors. In conne« with the appeal laymen called at the hc of the church inembers aud sdhere mskiug a personal contact, and delivei the appeal of the ehurcli. Iu the larger field the Packet sud Tir Orillia, notes that throughout the Dean of East Simcoe the Anglican churches port that the movemeut, first inaugura by the Great Chapter had considérable fect. Several churches repart that tl congregations were doubled on Sunday,j in neariy every case there was a mar] increase. The paper says that the Or: churches plan ta continue the good WO] We pass this information aloug ta ministers of Bowmanvilhe with the a gestion that the Oril-lia appeal -maight f: a ready response here. Church atteudai today, it must be admitted, is far fi being what it should be, due largeiy spiritual apathy. Nor will it improve ur the people realize the real worth of1 church in their lives. In days like thi people ueed ta returu to the church neyer before for consolation sud guidan, Observations and Opinions Patriotism and Profits - We can h peace and prosperity at home wheu weè sire the public goad as much or more thý we want private gain. We iih pro.m world-peace wheu we want that -more thi we want advantage ini world business. 'V need a world-patriotism inspired by justi and goad wili. - The Citizen, Huntingdo Calif. ci-- Abraham Lineoln said a lot-aof wise thiu1 including the followung: "I like ta see man proud of the place i which lie live 1 like ta sec a mnan livMe s-o that his pla( wilI be proud of hi-ni. Be houes-t, but hai no one; overturn a man's wrong doing bi do not averturn hini uuiess it must be dai in overturning the wroug. Stand with anj body who stands right, stand with hi while lie is right, but part with hini whe: he is wrong." We are in agreement with 'the Onillii P'acket-Times wlien it says: "What grudg, lias thc Canadian Braadcastiug Corparatioi against tic Canadien sud Empire Clubrs WVien tlie addrcsses fronitics-e Clubs didu'- came aven OIBL this fall, it was suppasc< tiat sanie war-time regulation stoad in th( way - thougli the possîbility tiat ticsE speeches ivould do anythung but goad tc Allied cause seemed toa reniate for con. sideratioîi. But now tic speeches arc being broadcas-t on CBY, a station tliat many people wlio want ta hear tieni cannot get. We venture ta say that witi niany people wlio psy tie OBO licence fce les-s reluctant- ly tian most there is no -more papular feature tian these weekly addresses by out- standing public men. Yet for sanie myster- iaus neason, tic Broadcasting Corporation refuses- ta take advantage of tic opportun- ity ta niake use of a real educative opppr- tunity.' As tic year draws ta a close, wc ail take iuiventory, bath personal sud general. Wiat of aur townl Bawmanvilie siould bc grow- ing more frieudiy as years go by, and witi this spirit of neighbonliness sliould be at- bracting more people, wiia lave ta mingle with fricndly people. We hope tiat below the surface tiere exists a spirit of local ca- opcrstion that makes the answer ta tic ques-tion ini tic affirmative. It is difficult o ànalyze aur position sniang towns of like ize sud imiportance because of tic tumes wicl differ so muci froni tic days before the Great War. Evcry-thing cliangcd tien nd sunce tiat time we have been niuddling long caci for huiseif, trying ta carry on :un affairs so as te niake theni- a success 'ithout muci regard ta anyone cisc. If Baw- xanville is runnung an that track, it will ose business ta other townp of a fricndly pirit. This i.sasmethuug ta thiuk s good leal about ini 1940. qi tc si w th ar aI nu spI the primrose path, it is obviously tume ta speak out. Every man has a secret place in his heart foat the old friends of boyhood, and fo~r many of us one of the noblest of these is the pancake. It is liniked in memory withi ancient yearnings: the smell of wood amoke, the taste of persimmans, the satisfying jait of an old sirigle-barrel shotgun, au iaûpen barrel of apples i the cellar, the wistful look of a faithful dog that once tagged at a boy's lieds. Why, it would be no mare heunous sac- rilege toa mear whipped cream on grand- *pa 's portrait than on pancakes. The ultimate satisfaction céae on thogo sharp* winter evenings when paneakse were served for supper. t was then that appetite clamored; then that yau had leisure ta savor each forkful; then that you groaned in sheer animâl cnjayment and letout the beit a notch at a time. On pancake niglit the family moved fram dining-room ta the oileloth-covercd* table in the kitchen, aud the cakes.leaped hot and golden from griddle ta plate. The incom- parable sizzle of batter on hot iran was music ta the car. We boys always staged an eating marathon, and it8 was a puny lad who stopped at lcss than a dozen. Naturally, you permit no tampering with memories like thes 'e. Whipped cream ou pancakes!1 Where does the New York editor expect us ta est sucli a aissy concaction - i a boudoir? Sometimes we euvy Hitler his concentration camps. ChurO~ Should Make New Appeal THE -- - - A .STATE, .. W v ii.a.. r.,N A nI the smre medium he mingles with aphere ai influence la large.,' ÎW the Saturday afiern<>on crowds on regular readlng by "form rerai-, Main Stre et, renewing ail but for- dents" refreehes withrpoetli gotten associations., fragile memories whlch ütherwlae Although its circulation may be mlght wither in th -r14 air. of IIited, thc home town paper's - niere, busy-nesm aand ~Ccei OMMMTII3BPROUM NM&B OP0FPARLIAMENT j W. F. Riekard, X.P. Newcastle, Ont. To the Citizens ai County af Durham: As your representative at Ot- tawa I feel that I would like ta take this opportunity ai wishing you ail a very Happy and Pros- perous New Year. May youcen-1 joy health, happiness, and every advantage that the year -may bring, and may good fortune bring3 you a heaping measure ai con-i tentmcnt and satisfaction during 1940.W. P. Rickard. The Coi IBy RNALIDO WMI urcli Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter de- tion cided ta buy a home. Aiter look- >xes ing araund they faund a house et, that suited then i n everyý way. xig The price ws six Uiousand dol- rig lars; hlaf cash and Uic balance as reut. Tliey had two Uiausand dol- mes, lars on hand and expected ta have iery another th~ousand in a few re cd laying these facts before Uic ated proprietor with a view ta nego- c f- tiating ternis that wauld give ;heir theni possession at once. Sudden- ly Uiey clianged their munds and sud invcsted their maney in a new ked pracess for hardenuug steel. This illia change wfs csuscd by a cleverly rk. written circular, which came inta their home, affirming Uiat maney the Uius invested would treble itself ug- inia short ie. fid Elele Cairns, s girl of thirteen, ýnec was tald ta ddliver a five-dollar bill ta a party four blocks away. om Instead af daung sa she went into ta a drug store and spent Uic money ntil on a certain braud af cosmetics. te Wheu questianed she admittcd th she had donc wrang, butwas un- Lese able ta of(er any explanation. It as. eventually became apparent thptt ce. Uic child had a scuse afilnfériari$y and cansidered herselif lomely. Manths before she had hung in hier rooni Uic picture ai a beauti- fui waman, clipper froni an ad- vertisemnent in a magazine. The ve advcntisement implied that any de- girl could became as beautifu[ if ian The mornung after thc election ote John Evans drcw tUic bhnds down lan tightly and turned Uic key ini his ffe store door. The party for which- ie lic had workcd had gone dowu to "cnushing defeat." The local can- on, didate had told hlm Uiat if Uic - govcrnmcnt wcrc dcieatcd grass wauld grow an Uic main street but if rcturnud lic would become gs, village pastmastcn. He bellcved Sa bath these statements. When the e. results became known hee Uiaught the whoic country had gane crazy, ee and dccided ta go out of business. te Several customers tried Uic doar ut and wcnt ta the ncxt sliop. At ne iast an aid fricnd lookcd hlm up ieand told hlm hie wauld like ta Y- look at a suite ai funniture. John in thouglit this was too good a sale ,~ta miss and rctunned with Uic man ta Uic store. During the ai - ternoon hie business was as good as usual. Ini a fcw days the frcnzy a workcd up by Uic campaign wore re off snd lhe fangot Uiat thene even -ehad been a change ai governuent. o Thc evaluation ai propaganda s le noa the mast important tasks 't Uiat canfront men snd wamcn . af a ur day. Propaganda le flot nec- càsssily a bad Uing. It le Uic ýe simple act ai sprcsding theories or ýe opinions. It lias been carried an 0 silncc Uic dawn af intelligence and 1- has been anc af the -main springs af progress. There le a sense ini whîch ail education le propagan- Y da, sud.certain presentations of *news niay be placed under Uic ranie heading. In recent years Uic word lias acquircd a sinster mcaning and lias becanie sugges- S tive ai consplracy or intrigue. -An increased knowledgc of Uic workings ai mid enables people ai aur tume -ta use propagauda marc effectively than t ever was before., We have rccently wit- 1 nesscd Uic speedy risc of everal *ideolagies in Uic political world. Their napid growtli may ha at- tributcd ta tic use ai symbols and patterns whlch cffcctivciy influ- ence Uic human mmnd. Thc sub- ticty ai modern propaganda le such that people frequently ar- rivc at decidcd convictions with- out knowing how or why. Modern propaganda niay niake foals or saints ai us aIl. For that reason wc nmust be alcrt and discriminat- ung in Uic face ai ail wc icar or rcad. Tuis is a critical hour in thc history af Uic warld and Uic future ai civilization dcpcnds up- an'Uic abiity ai Uic present gen- cration ta winnow iacts sud valu- ste opinions. *Moncy le an article whîcli nay foi be uscd as a universal passport ta everywhere cxccpt licaven, sud as s universal provider ai evcry- Uing cxccpt lisplincss. - Wal Street Journal. "But what makes you Uink your liusband is delirlous?" "Te way liesasys 'Cheenil' and blows the top off hie me4leine." IL What Others Say DOES NO? MARE SENSE (Pembroke Observer) Ini order ta stop what he con- eiders unnecessary spending, Pre- mier Hepburn has decreed to dis- pense wlth municipal elections until Uic end ai Uie war. Because Uic prices ai liquors are s0 high and people have stopped drink- ing, ie lias decided ta lower Uic pricea- because Uic government must have more moncy. This mani, Premier Hepburn, does omre fun- ny things, and, if hie reason le riglit ini Uic first Instance he should nat want thc people ta be spending more money for liquor. The two things taken tagether do HOME TOWN PAPER C. G. Mercer, M.L.A. (Christian Science Monitor) J To-day no small part ai Uic clty ElizabeUiville, Ont. pastman's pack is made up ai tightly-rolled, cylindrical abjects To The Citizens ai whose delivery 15 expectantlY Durhamn Vaunty: awited alike in placid homne and Ta al m frend an ta ailbusy office and which, opened, T o a m y rie d s a d to all reveal a digest ai doi ùgs i ni dis- Uic people af Durham Caunty I tant communities. wish you a Happy and Prosperous I With Uic writing af lcngthy, New Year. leisurely lettere an ail but vanisli- cd art, Uic transplanted city My Uioughts are wiUi you for dweller is finding in Uic ald home your welfare and gaadwili dur- paper a wclcome substitute. It ing thecomng yar.presents a printed panorama ai ing ic cmingyeartUi smail-town lufe ai which he C. G, Mercer. was once a'part, enabling hlm ta visualize Uic comings and gaings, Uic sayings and soi aurns af for- Lrns llormer acquaintances and intimates. unsellorBig-city residents, cantrastng IIAM AMTRONG its modest bulk with their own mattress-like publications, may be incined ta vlcw lightly this un- The art ai living easily as ta pretentious result af smail-town money is ta pltch yaur scale af journalism, but ta Uic subscriber living anc degree beiow your it le welcomed as a refresliing tneans.-Hudson Taylor. vistar fram home, a chstty cuntry cousin," who, while If you know how ta spend less caget, ta lmpart Uic news, le than yau get you have the pilos- equaily ready ta depart, once lie oplier's stane.-Benjamin Frank- has given it. lin. T h r o u g h "typographic tele- vision," Uic fafmer citizen af the He who is tauglit ta live upon small canununity secs Uic iriendly ittle awes mare ta hie iaUier's merchant wiUi wliom lie formeriy wledom Uian lie Uiat has a ereat traded departing on a vacation deal let him daes to his iatlier's trip and is glad that affairs seem care.-1$enn. ta be ixnproving for him. Tlirough4 Wi* aune m s u 01diso. on AntherShipment I940 PLYMOT 1940 Plemmaj L5$om .D@ 2,g $mm. ?f 5 DJD~ Your resemi car cmabe arraged ln surprlulngly low moarhly paymoeirs IV Uv, Wfl ral p .y repre. dirogi your nearest Chryuber-PI mouth-Fargo derner. sent a lrepropor- Sce hlb6rod71... Ride i he . PDiv tion of Plymou¶h's bow dellvere drc.. .di a ss i* _oti C mp r l m o i . e live r 'W #ÏWXUEY ElDI..,mdm,, bi' mov1abanssd mna ulm u -NDT CONTImm,&IaR unIF asadwdm m wi.W i s.l a og u vai ag a... k op m .alm dl-lén,,é HURE Es rouit LOCAL DEJ.IVERED PRICEI1 :offle 8 79 DeIIverod I. B@winnvlle - Phono 2673 -' I ~LV 0 EA m1à on1-71, B EFORE you buy ay ow priccd car -sec and drive this new 1940 Plymouth-the, Iow priccd beauty with dise "Luxrury RiUde" 1 Ic whale car le $gger, roamier, more luxuriaus 1 Windows and windshilds are lirger and lower for better vision. Large rear windows are curved î tg fihe body and bave no centre strip. There's more power, pep aud Pick-up iu Plymnouth's great 1940 enkine . FulI-Iesgchwater jackets; fuli Pressure lubrication; four ring pistons; Floating Power engins mounting&-..sjltic great Chrysier engineering feature give you asnazlng econamy with long life, reliabllry sud sauooeh Performance. Comelu!1 Take the 1940 Plymoauth "Luxury Ride". Learn whart ow price Dow bringa you in size, coni- fort performance and VALUE 1 rinie and Scugog Sita., Bowman2vSej PLYMOUTH AND IORRYSLBR DZALER Phono 480and 705 k 'j Phono 2895 Hippy, NEW TEAR I1'8 Je Je FLETT FUELS Residence, Ontario.St. Yard, C.N.R. Siding 'i.- 1 -- - -* àm 1 n 1 . riM.. mmoy CONUOL OEARINIFTo «Mdud Oqubmm « 8U Model&-ineludi« ** levem 9 Ire, iý à. AL (?Yùkbzq yog a r- Phone 2695 . ]Phone 2673 0&0

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