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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1939, p. 5

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TW31'.DAY, DECEMBER 28TH-, 1939 r, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PA(R WTVR 's~ SOCIAL AN] W ~Bell sowaenm Denor Ulkersitye, Atlanata, Geor- gis, as etudent of science and biO-Chefl try. This là subscriptjon time. The StatesmnnWrn be sent to any address i Canada: 3 months 50c; 6 months $1.00;.1 year $2.00, MrS. J. A. Hlnch, <nee Bessie Stedman), and soný Stedman, whc have been visiting friends in BoWmnanville and Kingston, have returned to their home in'Syra- cuse, N.!. ,Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Montgom- ery, Detroit, Mich., announce the marriage of their daughter Han- nah Mary 2to Chas. D. Yahne on Decemnber 23rd. The bride is a granddaughter of Dr. Fred Cry- derman, Detroit. The Canadian Legion now has the inaines and addresses of 44 men from West Durham who have enflsted for miitarY Purposes. R. M. Cotton, secretary, Bownxan- ville, will be glad to have you send hlm any mrmes you think might be issed., .Renewal subscriptions ta The Stâtesman are coming in nicely, 'thank you. A few have discon- tinued Qheir paper and a goodly nuxnber of new subscribers have been added ta Our lists, ail of whlch is very encouraging to the editor and his co-workers., The Statesman staff always feelg honored to be included as mem- bers .Of the Goodyear Family party for employees. We there- fore wish to express our thanks to Mr. ,' M. Hardy, Superintendent, for r4,aembering the editor and bis staff- with two boxes of deli- clous chocolates. Ainong thé many glfts under the editor's Christmas tree was a heaplng il-quart basket of lus- clous McIntosh Red apples, the gift of Mr. J. f). Carruthers, com- ingotromn. the pick of the pack of the !amous Carrathers orchards. No Christmy sdmnner is complete without appies to sort of heip the, over Worked stomnach in keeping things normal. Thanks a lot, Jim, the apples were greatly enjôyed by the whale family party. The weather seemed a'ittie too severe on Saturday night for carol -slngng as few singers turned out ta rlsk their vaices i the frigid air. Hlowever, the gaod old f aith- fui and reliable Legion Band was on. band in front aofthe Post Office and gave a. mucb appreciated pra- gramn of Christmnas music which enlivened the occasion and helped ta make merry the jolly spirit ai Christmas as the crowd of late shoppers wended their wa from store to store to pick up gte glfts Santa Claus had leit for them. ;7I FH&CHPSU From ta 1 P.m. 4 p.m. ta 6.30 p.m. 8 pi.mto 11P.m. PLEAE ORDER EARLY Single Orders- 15o - 2 for 25o Party. Ordors, 5 or more, lOc ver ordler. We Deliver Free Gafe Open il a.m. ta 12 p.m. Meet Your Friends Here Nexi ta tie Bowman RouSe BOWMANMILE D PERSONAL )NE 663 9 Mr. sud Mrs. Thos. Cartwright 'cele rted their 34th Weddiug an. d niversary on. Sundsy, December 24th, when all their children were ehome to celebrate the occasion ywitb their Parenté. They are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Welsh, Mfr. and Mrs. Bud Miller, Mvr. and Mrs. Chas. Cartwrighit, al af Oshawa. eFollowing in bis father's. ioatsteps 0wbo la a veteran af the Worid Wàl' rOf 1914-18, their anly -son Charles has enlited with the Midland Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright were married lu St. Saviour's Church, e Folkestone, England. W. H. Flaherty, Balmoral Hotel Praprietor, assisted by high school teacher R. M. Ainalie sud public school principal A. M. Thompson, has worked out su idea which for Stimeliness at Christmas la difficeult ta surpass. As matorists came into town at night from the est or wvest they see a huge star gleam- iug at them sapparently bigh lu the sky. Actually, the star is made ai waad and lighted by hydro power with its support thetop ai the Balmoral tower, but that fact makes it no less impressive and autstanding as a decaration. Once agalu tribute ta those wha have ideas and the initiative ta >work them out ta a conclusion. CHRISTMAS VISITORS Mr. Mark Roenigk, Stratford, wmth Mr. aud Mrs. T. H. Kuight. -Mr. aud Mrs. R. James Pickard with ber parents lu Taronto. Mrs. H. W. Foster with ber ais- ter, Mrs. F. A. Hiaddy, Taronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Levett sud son at Georgetown. Misa Mary Rose Baldwin with; ber parents at Orono. Mrs. Robt. Elliott, Toronto, with ber father, Mr. John Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. S. Leggott with Mr. Hugh Rosa, Whitby.S Mr. Len Lucas, B.H.S. teacbiug1 staff, with bis parents lu Cobourg. Mr. Alec Birks, Toronto, with 1 Dr. sud Mrs. W. H. Birks. h Mr. Joe Edgertan, Toronto, with Mr. sud Mrs. J. Living. Mrs. Frank D. Rundle withc irieuds lu Torouto. misa Carnie Paluton, Whitby, t, with Mr. Wm. Palutan.a Miss Evelyn Goddard, Toronto, with ber brothera.I Misa Winnie Cryderman, Pakes- ley, with Mrs. A. B. Cryderman. Mrs. Isaac Snell, Toronto, at ber brather's, Mîr. M. Comstock. Miss Louise Cowsu, Taronto, with Mr. sud Mrs. M. Comstock.' Mrs. J. E. Flett with ber aister, Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, Peterbora. Mr. and Mrs. H-erb. Creeper, r Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creepen. Mn. sud Mns. W. C. Caverly with their son, Proviuçial Police Rex Csverly, Sinàcot. Mns. Hernan Fisher, -Tarante, with bier mother, Mns. S. S. Edsasil. Mns. Raymond Colt sud son Biliy, Kitchener, with Mn. W. C. Colt. I Mns. Thos. Percy, Mrnsd lira. Harley Percy, Toronto, with the Misses Percy. Misses Ethel sud Helen Marris with li. nsdlira. G. W. Garner, Oshawa. Mn. sud Mns. King Chitty sud daughter with ber parents lu Psrry Sound. Mn. sud lins. Stewart Gray, Garden Hill, with ber parents, Mn. sud Mns. A. J. Adams. Mn. sud Mns. Fletcher Staples sud daughtena, Toronto, with Mna. W. H. spgngq, Mn. sud Mns. 'Gardon * esnce sud sou, Tarante, with Mn. sud Mna. Ira Pearce. Mn. sud lira. R. lcLeod sud dsugbten, Niagara Fidiia, wlth Mn. sud lira. H. Jewell., Mn. sud Mns. W. C. Ferguson with their daughten, Mrs. C. Hill, Blackstock. ,,11 Rev. W. A. sud lins. Bunuer, Misa Vivian Buriner, Mns. M. Sy- mons sud sans, at St. Catharines. Mn. sud lins. Kenueth N. Mor- ris, Monteal, with bis mother, Mna. F. H. Marris. Mn. sud Mns. George Graham ,FIRSI The local newspaper is first tle record thi. great andornai! happenings and events lu the. commulty and tbis includes Birth Notices. As a malter Ôt tact your local paper' h a semi- otticlal bstorloal document whluh records the activflies and accoorplishments of nearly every citizen ini the coin- niunfty it serves liroughout .Ife from the cradie te the grave. The Sateuman's gift ta 1he.Tint Baby borninl Bowniille Hospital in 1940 wtil b. a Yçar's Subscription to the Proud Parents Free Blrth Notice as an extra prémlum T.Years subscription if Twins and Lite Bubscrlptlon if Triplets or Botter. KNOW WHAT'S GOIRIG ON IN DURHAM COOTNTY -READ'ÇHe szTA&TEXN, The Canadian Statesman Mr. n, savMrs.' C.±H. kPapineau àgi taoff tht beêa uifuûl decorsâted g at- i sons, Toronto, Mns. P. L. Flor- tree. Gat aNew York City, Mns. E. Papi- A goodly number took advau- Hui iu, Castieten, ;& lira.H. tage ai tht smooth ice au tht pond H.1 iinn, Kingston, at lin. H. La- sud enjoyed 'an alternoon sud Sr., rope's. evening ai skating on Chrilatmas. Mn. Mr. sud Mns. R. F. Downey, Tht Sunday School an Dec. 31 Tar merboro, Miss Danothy Hoar sud will hold su apen session with a Cab rHarold Roar, Toono, lins. J. special New Year's 'pno grna m. Tay Smith, Haupton, Mn. and Mns. Evýerybody la iuvited. Mrs sud Barbara with Mr. sud lins. Les. Thampsan, Tyrone. Mir. sud Mrs. -Harry Osborne I sudiJohn, Oshàvîr, wlth bis par- oknwayhgta e ent Mr an Mr. ..Lààdciim: don't know whleh people Misa Iris Mathews, B.H.S. teacb- ought ta know, If lt la worth ing staff, witb. ber'parents at Lea- knowlng, don't. you know If aide, ls your duty ta let us know Miss Elizabeth Saper, B.H.S. that the people also know teacbing staff, with ber parents lu that you know we outht ta Ottawa. know, but don't know, beé- cause you know and won't Misa Ruth James, Ontario La- lot us know? dies' Callege, Whitby, with Mn. In other words, If you sud lira. Gea. W. James. know somethlng of Interest IIliss Thons Davison, Alma Col- tao thers, putut l In in-ý IMge, St. Thomas, with Rev. and vtlope and send Iftat The Mrs. Sidney Davison. Statesman, or phono 663. Miss Selma Bartlett, Victoria ______________ College, Toronto, with Mr. sud lira. C. A. Bartlett. Harry Kerr, Oshawa, with Mn. Mns. Geo. Pritchard sud Helen and Mns. E. V. Hoar. sud Mn. sud Mns. F. Hughes with Mns. R. Hoakin, Gwen sud Mr. Pritchard lu Toronto. Jack, Taranto, with bier sisten, Mn. sud Mns. E. J. Nash Misa Greta Wickett. sud Edward, Brampton, wlth Mr' Mn. J. J. Mason, Mn. sud Mns.1 sud lirs. C. MacNain. C. H. Mason sud Donald, Mrs. T.1 Mn. Ned Rehder, McGill Un- G. Mason, Lawrence aud Ted, . versity, Moutreal, with Mn. sud Mns. N. S. B. James, Dr. Dorothy1 Mrs. Ernie Rehder. . James, Mn. sud Mns. S. R.5 MissDorohy itchll, ac-James, with Mn. sud Mrs. J. B. E. dousîçi Hall, Guelph, with Mrn.d SMn. sudTrnt. DulsC uh Mrs. R. L. Mitchell.Mran r.DulsCrth ens, Perth, sud Mr. Ralph H. Car-1 Mn. Boyd S 1 e mn ou , O.A.C., nuthera, New York City, with Mn. - Guelph, with Dr. sud Mra. C. W. sud Mns. W. H. Carnuthers. Mn.1 Slemon. Rslpb Carruthens bas'gone an toa Misa-Gertrude Wagan, Univer- Chicago ta attend a conference ai. sity ai Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. the Anericsu Libnary Association, G. L., Wsgan. as a nepresentative af the New Mn. Robent Mcllveen, O.A.C., York Public Library. Guelph, with Mn. sud Mns..F. 0. B H. P R Y- MeIclveen.. .. P R Y- Misa Audrey Elliott, Victoria College, Tornto, with Mn. sud - (Cofltlfued from Page 1) Mna. W. L. Elliott. bers whicb were iollowed by Paul Mn. K. S. P. Soanea, B.H.S. Symons sud bis violin. teacbing staff, with bis parents lu Tit pragnan euded with the Taranto. sluglug ai tht fonm sang sudtht r Mn. Harold Lougworth, B.H.S. B.H.S. achool sang. Dougan Mc- teachlug staff, witb bis paren~ts in Ilveen was Master af Cenemonies Woodstock.* for the entine pnagram. Principal sud Mrs. L. W. Dip- Santa Claus then paid bis an- peUl sud iamily with relatives in nual visit te the achool, making a Clinton. specia pre-Cbnistmas trip ta dis- Mn. ud Ms. Jbez anstnepense with tht many gifta for tht Tarante, with Mn. sud Mns. F. C.ts igsaf Vaustone. Tht A Capella Choir, trsined Mn. sud Mns. WleeShwadbY Mn. Francis Sutten but under son esle, NwaTorontohawisdth teedership ai Helen Williams, Mro nd Wesie D. R.w Tarn whSang two numbera, "Czecbhosio-c Mn. ud rs.D. . Mrnion. vskisu Dance Sang" sud "Tradi Mn. sud Mns. Mort Murdof sund Nuka." . Barea, Lindsay, with 'relatives Gants were next in tht onder î htre, ai eveuta with tht whole studeuth Mr. Fred Bnimacombe, Tononto, body taking part with tht great v~ avith bis sistenrs, tht Misses Brins- zest sud euthuslaam sa becomingfi ~ombt.B.H.S. studeuta. Tht ganta var- Misa Donothy Richards, Toron- led from testa ai wit ta gaines ai to, with Mn. sud MrS. W. J. Rich- chance, sud skill whene everyone ~ ards. had su equal chance. Sup0nwa Mn. sud' les. >Les. 'Nichais, then served lu tht gym by tht )orothy sud Marie, lu Toronto executive sud members ai thte ivith Mn. sud Mns. R. W. Waiton. Literary Society. Misa Doris Wright, Tononto Ont af tht main events af tht a2 witb ber parents, Mn. sud Mna. day was tht bsketbsll gsme a ['boa. Wright. wbeu tht Junior boys showdup"h Mn. snd Mna. F. C. Vaustant the muth chsgrined Seniors by Y' wlth Mn. sud Mns. B. S. Vanso, holding them dowu toas tie score s Toronto Stoneeven after five minutes ai aven- s ['aana.tint. Tht Juniors took tht lead IV Mr.. sud Mns. Morley Vanstaut early lu tht gant due ta tht lack wýth Mn. sud Mna. D. W. licCor- ai teanwork on behali ai tht nmck, Gaît. seniors, but utar' tht end tht Mn. sud Mns. Norman Hanlty seniors slawly avercane tht lead and Jean, Peterboro, with Mns. P. ta tie it, but could neyer get iar C. Trtbilcack. euaugb ahtad ta clinch their lesd. Mn. sud lira. Melville Wise- Refentes were Boyd Slemon- sudS man, Toronto, with bier parents, Charlts Spencer.N Mir. sud Mna. Fred Battît. Seniors 45 - O. Fagan, D. lia-g Mn. sud Mns. Wm. H. Smith, son, B. Browu, J. Colvahle, R. Oshawa, wlth Miss Eva sud Her- Swindtlls, H. Casbouru sud- W. bert Waktlin. James. ar Mn. sud Mns. Fred Bateman, Juniors 45 K. Slemon, G. Mc- C Toronte, with their daughter, Mrs. Ilveen, D. Jsckman, S. Weeltr, E, Herb. Phillipa. D. Ailin, S. Rundlt, A. Tamblyn, M Mn. Ted Pethick, Brscebridge, L. Mitchell, J. Clarke. 1 and Mns. J. licNaùghton, Tarante, Tht nemainder ai tht, tvening A: with Mr. sud Mns. F. C. Pethick. ws speut vtry eujayably dancing 1, Miss C. G. Freeman sud Miss ta music supplied by Ti. Carter teý A.. M. Silver With Mn. sud Mns. Family «nicktladian."1 Present at ~ K. R. Freemn, St. Catharines. tht dance were many gradtiates MissMavi Garon wth broaiB.H.S. wha had ntturutd home- f. rother st Rockiand Inn, Bob- fa1h hlas -ygean. Wra. Walter Carter, Miss Grace Tyon ýarter, Tarante, with Mn. sud Visitors: Mn. sud ira. Leslie D [nrs. J. A. Cox, Temperance St. Sleight, Westeu, Mn. Bil Brooks, H Mn. sud Ivrs. William Graham, Toronto, at Mn. Leslie Brooks'. e Iashawa, wene axuang the relatives Mrn.d lins. A. W. Anmis, Mr. ýreseut st tht Graham family Lamne Anuis, with Mn. sud Mns. P eathtring at Mna. A. C. Brawn'a. Levi Annia, Toronto. . . Mn. sud c Ptes. Hector Gould, Albert Mns. F. L. Byarn sud aniýly at lin. Ye 3oustead, Chas. Cartwright sud J. Lllirapp'a, Canningtoni... Mns in rübu Mattbews, Midlsud Regt. A. B. Stepheus, Mn. Arthur andi C. ýreuton, wlth their familles here. Beverly Stepheus, Toronto, lira. 9r Ms. rut otreil, Euoch Stevens,-Mn. sud lins. W. JO' ont Peny,. MissesEdua Bttrî E. Stevens, Hampton, at Mn. Rabt. Hi ?od Nerrie MrnasTornta, attrel. Burgess'. . . . Major F. Dudley, Br bas.lli atrraToonos r.Trenton, at home. . . Mr. Walter tlc rhos.Bottrll's.Bontield la with frienda at Kit-' lst ,Mr.. an~d Mns. Gea. Jackson sud chener. . . Mn. Walter Park sud -1 lass Vens Laugstaff, Tarante, Misa Doreen Byam with frieuda bn, ith Mn. sud Mns. Chris Robin- lu Peterbro. .. Mna. I. W. Lar- Pi on., mer sud Mn. Cliff. Larmer at Mn. Sti Mn. sud Mna. Ed. Rhiuesansd G: Rasevear's. jo: nret childnen, Taranto, sud lin. Congratulations ta Mn. sud Mns. soi Blackstock Recent Visitors: Miss Mary Cor leY, Toronto, at Mr. W. A. Vai Camp's. .. Miss Hazel Mountjoy Bronte. Miss Aileen Mountjoy, To ranto, at Mr. Norman Mauntjoy's Mr. Bob Smith, Timmiiis, Mr. an( iÀrs. Harj-v Vincent, Taront., at Mr Chas. Smith's. . Miss Pheomne Hooey Toronto, at 'Mr. Gea. Hoaey's.. Miss Florence McLaughlin, Toronto at Ur. J. R. McLaughlin's. .. Mise Marion Stinson, Lucknàw.L at Mr Richard Stinson's. .. Miss Norm. Hooey, Toronto, at Mr. Herberi Hooey's. .. Miss Ruth Marlow, To. ronto. with Mns. Jas. . Marlow's ..Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Strong anc family, Mrs. Robert Bruce and Mis! Mae King at Mr. Ross Cuiffis', Bal- timore. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gilk bert snd baby Joan in Kitch -ener.. Miss Mabel Van Camp, Toronto, ai Mr. Wm. Van Camp's... Miss Ger- trude Henry, Toronto, at Mr. las. Henry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Shaw anmd Leanor in MiadIand ~with Mrs. O. Shaw. . . Miss Ferga John- stan and Mr. Arnold Johnston, To- fonto. at Me. A. J. Johnston's.. Mr. Anson Taylor, Rablin, at Mr. in Toronto at Mr. Ivan Shook's.. Mrs. Gertrude Marlow andc Doris Roy Taylor's. . . Miss Lulu Wright, Toronto, at Mr. O. Wright's. .. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNalIy and, Verna, Colborne, at Mr. Joe Forder's. Severai family gatheringa were held over the holiday. .Several boys went ta the hockey ,match in Toronto, Saturday night. Two very entertaining n)lays were given on Wednesd-4y and Thursday evenings when the High Scbool pre- sen;ed "Step on it, Stan," and the Y~oung People's Union pnesented 'Granpa's Twin ,Sister" on Çhristmas aight. W.M.S. met at thxe home of Mrs. Earl Dorrell when these officers were elected: Pres. -Mrs. Jabez Wright; lat Vice-!Mrs. Cecil Hill; Treas.-Mrs. J. Elliott; Cor Sec.- tirs. Roy Taylor; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. Ernest Laiýmer;, Miss. Monthly Sec. -Mrs. John L.rmer; Supply Sec.- tirs. J. Jobb; Press Sec.-Mrs. E. L.armer. Fruit snd Flower CQim.- Mfrs. Jas. Henry-.and Mrs. Geo. Crawford. Tragedy. struck aur village on Christmas Sunday mornine When it vas learned that Lloyd Brown had had a fatal accident fiorth of the village during the nîght. He was found in a fit1d of Mr. Fred Wil- lan's, north of the vilîme, under the *verturned car. The lîghts were stili 'ni snd it is uncertain how long he h4d been there. Dr. J. A. McAKrthur, coLoner said that death was instant. Lloyd was fixe capable samd willimg assistant at Wm. Van Camp's Gar- age. He will long be remembered for bis pleasant personality. Ht was the youngest son of Mr. and Mn. Rus- sell Brown, Cadmus. Our deepest sympathy is txtendALd ta Mn. and Mns. Brown and Gardon. Cadmnus Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H-. Gay and famîly, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Miss Viola Bradley, Miss Jean Mc- Lean, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley... Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Miss Grace Trewin, To- ronto, Mr. Arthur Trewin, Brook-' lin, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Trewin. ..Mr. and Mrs. John Grahami, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hall, Clin- ton and Beryl, Oshawa, with Mrs. D. Graham... Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Cowllng and Fred, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil... Mr. Roland Thompson, Miss Lor- na Thampson, Toronto, Miss Aud- rey Tbompson, Bowmanvulle, with Mr. sud Mrs. W. Thompson. ..Misses Ursul snd Ruth McNeil, Toronto, Messrs. Douglas and Bob Bothwell, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mrfs., A. McNeil. .. Lieut. and Mrs. Gardon C.owling, Lindsay, witb Mr. Geo. Cowling. Mr. Cowl- ing accompsuied tbem ta Dii., ?4~r. and Mrs. Everett Beech and ismily, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. X age r Beech and family, Enuis- ieRev. and Mrs. Eugene Beech and faniily, Newtonville, Mr. snd Mrs. Austin Larmer sud family, Burketon, Mr. sud Mrs. Harry Larmer and Shirley, South Monsghan, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards and Maurice, Bowman- ville, with Mr. A. Beech . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ail. Randle, Mrs. Fred Adams, Hampton, wîth Mr. and Mvrs. E. Stephenson. . . Mr. aud Nfrs. C. Mountjoy, Islingtou, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Miss A. MIountjoy, Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilbert and VeIna, Euniskil- Len, Mr. M. Slemon and family with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy... Mvr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Mr. Bert Ashton, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton.. MIr. aud Mrs. Everett Sanderson, MIr. Don Whaite, Northern On- taria, Mr. and Mrs. D. Higgins, Miss Vera Sanderson, Miss Laura Phillips, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W1m. Steele and Margaret, Nestle- ton, Messrs. Dick Morton and Wil- bur Marks with Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McLesn and iamily, Miss Irene Sharp, Toronto, Mr. Harry Spencley, Sudbury, with Mrs. E. ,Iountjoy. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Vlliams, Bowmanville, with Miss M. McLaughlin... Mr. John Patts, Collingwood, Miss Gladys Martin, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown- le, Mrs. R. A. Ashton, Leaside, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Ennis- illen, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Asb- n. .. Mr. and Mrs. P. Segriff, [r. and Mrs. R. Anderson, To- rnto, Private B. Oliver, Oshawa, Ur. and Mrs. T. Tabb and family, .vlth Mr. and Mrs. T. Cowling.. Wr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. J. .very's, Burketon. . .. Mr. and i Mns. Hiag, Trouta, with Mns. J. Veale. .. Mn. Merle Thompson, Burketon, at Mn. Wm. Thompson's. Master Beverley Veale un Toronto. Mn. Archie Moi fatt, Haileybuny, at Mn. H. Sheffielcj's. .. Mn. sud Mns. H. Wheeler simd fasnily lu Oshaw... Mn. and MEs. Wm. Jackman aud famnily, Miss Gertie Wîlliamson. Toronto, Mn, sud Mns. Elmen Archer, Mns. jas. Williamson, Mr. Arthur Jackmau sud Mr. Frank Jackman Fith Mns. Wm. William- son. . .Mf. Wm. Ponteous at Mn. C H. Panteous, Mn. Sid Bridgeport, Mn. and Mns. David Johns sud Hilda at Salins. .. Mn. sud Mns. S. Malcolm simd fsmily at Mr. S. Tnt- win's, Enusikillen. .. Miss Mary - Malcolm at Mr. M. Emerqon's.. Mn. R. Suggzitt. Mn. sud Mns. A. Suzgitt simd fsmily at Mn. D. Heaslip'a, Yelventon. .. Mr. and Mns. K. Sameils aud family at Mn. J. Hendersou's, janetville. .. Miss Ruby Veale, Toronto, with Mn. A. H. Veale..-. Mn. George Crozien sud Miss Cons with Mn. PFnk Nes- Jitt.., . Mnsd Mns. Wm. Steele sud Miss Margzaret at Mn. .Lohn Ssnderson. Haydon. . . Ms Sid Staples sud iamily at Fleetwood. ..Mn.. and Mns. T. Richardson, View Lake, Mn. snd Mrs. H. Mc- Mullen simd Manian, Lotus, Miss Jean Campbell, Toronto, at Mn. Wesley Campbell's. .. Mr Mns. Austin Brown st Mn. Ernnest Stacey'1S. W.I. -»eets at Mrs. S. Mslcolm'sj Wednesday aiternoon, Jan. 3nd. 1 Sympathy is extended ta, Mr. sud Mns. Russel Brown, Cadmus, ln. tht sad desth of thein soIL Lloyd. Service un United Church- Sunday Christmas Visitera: Mn. sud Mna. James licLaugbiu, Burke- ton, Mn. sud Mns. Herb. lieLaugh- lin sud family, Mn. andi Mns. Han- aid Wright sud Joyce, Oshawa, Mn. sud Mna. Will licLaughlln sud ianily, Mn. Arthur Carington sud Mn. Bml Evans, at Mn. Rus-. sell McLsugblixs... Mrn.d lin. William Wotten sud Blanche at lin. Cynil Avery's, ...kli.... Mn. sud Mns. Aylnen Bteeb sand iamily st Mn. Astthur Beech's, Haydou. .. Mn. sud Mns. -Walter Fergusnan sd ianily, with lin. Gearge Bowers, Nestieton. . . Mr. Gerald Larmer, Millbrook, at Mir. R. Griffiu's. .. Mrn.d lins. Lorne Kuapp sud fsnlly with Mn. sud Mns. Ivan Cochrane, Bowman- ville. . . Mn. sud Mna. Cecil Rabin sud ismily with Walter Cochrane, Bowmanville. . . Mn. sud is. George Rahm sud ismily with Mn. Leonard Bradley. . . Mdinse Margaret Osborne sud Lamaa Shane, Mn. Art Moore sud Mn. Chester Petit, Pickering, at Mn. Frank lioore's... Mn. Jae Knapp, Calgary, Aits., la visiting at Mr. John Avery's... . Miss Rowtna Avery, Oshawa, sud Mr. Ervin Cook, Toronto, Misa bMdred Av- ery, Toronto, sud Mn. Robent Wil- son, Oshawa, Miss Lamna Gallo- way, Oshawa, Mn. Ferga Johnston, Tarante, Mn. Roy Avery, Taunton, Mn. sud Mna. Clarence Avery, Haydon, Mn. sud Mns. Staule Moffst sud Leo, Burketon,> Mn. Aibert Rundît, Hamptn, 4s Pearl Taylor, Toronto, Mr. Harold Avery, Nestîtton, at Mn. John Avery's. N IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST, FROM TRE STATESMAN FILES FIFrY YEARS AGO Dr. Young, and Jefferson Pulford, student with Dr. Spencer, have From The Canadian Statesman, passed their exams at the Veter- December»25, lSS9 iary College. Neil McPhersarn, Queen's Col- We otie n ehibtin a~ Jhnlege, Kingston, Eruest Loscombe, We otie n ehibtin àt JhnTrinity College, -Port Hope, ard Lyle's store a joint af meat slaugh- Frank Lyle, Hamilton Businéffs tered by Canada Meat Packing College, are home for holidays. Company of Montreal. The an- Ladies' Aid ai Triity Congre- mal from which this joint Wa5 gational Church presented Rev. taklen was a pure bred two year and Mrs. Warriner with $37.08 ort aid Durham heifer bred and fed the eve ai their departure for by John D~ryden Esq., M.P.P., Of Montreal. Brookliii. Miss Allie McGill hai become. Êarly Manday morning, Ste- quite popular as a soioist i T- phen Cotton's fine brick residence ronto, having sung two solos eat at Erpîngham with all the con- Trinity College concerts. tents was burned by the hand ai W. W. Short has gone to viqit an incindiary; loas about $6,000, friends at Wroxeter. with insurance half the amount. Albert Elliott has passed the Mr. Cotton was in Montreal at exams of College <>1 Pharmacy i the time.' dispensing, prescriptions and mna- Municipal rumblinga are quiet, teria medica. but rumor bas it J. K. Galbraith T. B. Collins, Millbrook, bas. for Mayor, W. F. Allen for Reeve, been nommuated by East Durhgm W. P. Prower for Deputy-Reeve. Conservatives for the OiltarIe, Henry Bradshaw, student with.-Legislature. New Tear Grèetlngs From the Owner and Staff of your I.D.A. Drug Store It is our sincere wish limat 1940 may 'be a Happy and Prosperous Year for everyone lu our community. We also 'wish to express our thanks for your kind support which has made 1939 a succestui business year. We hope4 ta menit your continu- ed support in 1940. ALEX McGR EGOR DRUGS1! Phone 792 We Deiver - Ru.. - ý -11 1 "1 i. 1 , , 'IL lm THE CANADIAN STATESM Canu and Rets with Mr. sud Mns. Mrs. C. Slemon with Mr. sud Mrs. Rundle, Hamptn... Mr. sud Mrs. H. - Broaking, Wesleyville. .. Mr. E. Silver sud Master B. Lockhart sud Mra. M. Hobbs aud JoJan with with Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry, Be- Mr. sud Mrs. Chautlen, Lindsay. theada... Mr. sud Mra. F. Black- . . Mr. Geo. Riggs sud Mra. E. burn sud babe, sud Mr. A. Welsb, Ormistan with Misa E. Souch, En- at Mn. sud Mra. Savery'a, Newton- ulakillen. . . Marie sud Ronald ville. . . Mr. sud Mrs. L. Welsh Ashton with Mr. sud Mns. W. witb Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Brawnlee, Leaside... Mr. J. Gil- Hampton. . . Mr. sud Mrs. ,H. bauka with Mr. W. Gilbauka, Straug witb Mrs. Strong, Ennis- Bawmanville. .. Mrs. R. McNeil killen. .. Mr. sud Mrs. L. Buttery with Mr. and Mra. C. Saper, Har- sud Mr. M. Marchent with Mr. many. .. Mr. G. Martin, Mrs. Wot- sud Mrs. T. Buttery, Tow... Mr. ten sud Wilma with Mr. sud Mrs. sud Mrs. S. Buttery sud family Geo. Ferguson, Saluna. with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Laucas- Rev. A. W. March gave a aplen- ter, Newtouville. . . Fsmily ga- did Christmas sermon ou Suuday. thering at tht Squair borne in- A baya' chair was in attendauce. cluded, Mn. sud Mrs. W. Moffat A splendid Christmas concert and iamily, Orano, Mr. sud Mrs. wss well giveu on Wednesday K. Squair sud Miss I. Stephens, night, conaistiug ai: Recitstions Town. . . . Family gatbering ai by Clayton Read, Joan Hobbs, tawn relatives with Mr. sud Mrs. Ronald Ashtan, Shirley Garrard C. Canruthens. . . Mr. sud Mrs. G. sud Fay Mountjay; musical reci- Burrus eutentsined a number ai tstions by Jean Crosaman sud inienda on Christmas. .. Mr. sud Marie Ashton; twa sangs by the Mns. L. Richards sud iamily with four junior pupils; also skits, Mr. and Mrs. Lsue, Providence. choruses and short dialogues, end- Ou Friday evenùsg, Dec. 22ud, ing with a short play "Christmas the public achool concert sud at Cssey's" - Mr. Caaey - Don Christmas tret wss held at the Cameron; Mrs. Casey - Mrs. C. church wheu a gaodly number Crosaman; the Casey Childreu - turned out snd when a splendid Freda Bradley, May Trewin, Roy pnognam was put au by the acho- Graham sud Glen Thampson. lars with Mrs. G. Burrus at the Sauts remembened sîl the yauug ' piano. Mn. A. Thompsou wss folks as well as older ores.- chairman, sud jolly old Sauts ar- rived in the uick ai time ta dis-w tribute the presenta inom the tree. Ne tito Much credit is due Mr. F. Black- N sltnci burn, the teachen, sud ta Mrs., Robb their music teacher. The Recent Visitons: Mn. sud Mns. W. church wss veny prettily decorat- Steele anmd Miss Margaret in Part W* ed, also the Christmas tree, for Penny. .. Mn. and Mrs. H. Wheeler the ala thegaa ccsin.and Glen at M>, L. Joblin's... Mrs. W Mn. sud Mrs. S. Elcombe sud Frank Wilson with ber sistèr, Mns. Shirley, Shaws, with Mrs. E. W. Reynolds. .. Messrs Ralph -and Darch at Christmnas, sud Mrs. Edgar Emerson and- Miss Ellen at Houston, Toronto, with Mr. sud Mn. M. Emerson's, . . Miss Nora . Mns. O. Hertzburg. Porteous at Mr. C. H. Porteous'. ,kecent Visitons: Mn. sud Mns. E. Sindenson, Helen, jean simd Marlon, New Ontario, at Mn. W. D. Fer- zdsou's sud Christmas Day were at Wr. John Sandensou's, Haydon... Mr. sud Mns. F.Iarny Philp, Babbie ind Bryce with Mns. Phllp's mothen it Stirling. .. Mr. sud Mns. Rslph Coake at Mr. Ted Marlaw's. .. Mrs. Edgar Gibson eutertaineý Mn..simd Mna C. H. Fsllis. Miss Bindie FaIllas, K(n. simd ins. Robinson,-Ralph sud un... . nsd Mns. Thos. Hy- antd tntentimtd tht sons sud daugh- ns sud thein faimilles. .. Mn. sud Mna. A. E. Hanna lu Peterbono.. Kr. aimd ins. Clarence Gn said mmily, Mn. Reid Dickey sud family id Mns. Stant at Mn. J. Dickey's. Congratulations ta Miss Clara [àuntjay sud Mn. Murray Cates ho wene msnnied lu Pont Penny, 'ec. 18th. W. A. sud W. M. S. met at Mns. 1.Philp's, Friday, with s good at- udance. Meeting wss opened by tht nesident, Mns. Cecil Ftrgusom. RaIll Il was answened by s Christms rerse. Pnogrnm consisted ai s nead- ng by Mns. Stinsont; a salo by Mns. Fenuson "I Need Jgsus ;" s papen il Christmas by Miss Annie Mount- oy; s solo "Salent Night" by Mns. -Iginy Philp, simd a necitation. by Wyce Philp. These ai ficens wene lected: Pres.-Mjns. C. F7'çngusom; st Vice-Mns. G. Stinson; 2nd Vice lins. F. Dayes; Sec-M ns. GaI- raith. Tres-Mns. M. McKet; t5es Sec.-Mns. J. E. Elliott; rsngens Sec.-Miss Annie Mount- ); Con. Sec.-Mns. W. D. Fergu- )n; Gnoup leadens-Mrs. Stinsan. ns. Dayes, Mns. H. Philm and Mns.1 cQu.ade; Pianist-M ns. Stison, *uit and Flowen Com.-Mns. Elliott1 rd Mns. A. E. McGill. A dsinty1 ich was senved by Mns. Philp siten hich with Miss Evelyn Philp 'ai tht iac aIll oined in commuimity sing- g simd Bobbie Philp sang a solo. . vote ai thanka was tended Mns. hlp for tht use of her lovtlyv home. Salem Rev. A. W. Manch's fine sermon f .ndsy eveniug centred aroundv Ce theme ai Christmas giving. I% Y. P. U. mieeting Decemben 20th 1% )eed with President, W. Taylor ti tht chair. Mn. B. Darch had A lrge ai this pnoan: Bible ne- F rences, Miss T. Werry; tapic, 'V rs E. Doidge; neadinga, lins. H. ti aud, lins. E. Danch, lira. L. b chands sud Mn. G. Thompsout; J olin selectian, Mn. C. Collscutt; B :cal duet, Messrs. H. sud G. Il mie; mauth-argsu selectiona. S rB. Darch. Sevenal Christmas N~ mns iuterspenaed tht pnagram. M tendauce 18.M Tisitors: Mrn.d lira. W. Canu C à Mr. sud lins. A. Richards H~ h fnieuda lu Toronto. .. Family M bhering at Mn. sud lins. H. le iud's included, Mn. sud lins. F. Mv irt sud family, Mn. sud Mns. ki Maody sud iamily, lins. lioody tc su ad Miss Maady, Toronto. . .M suad lins. J. Caton sud sou, ni 'auta, with Mn. sud Mu. P. IM tor. . . lins. Taylor sud Misa w don, Toronto, witb Mn. sud IM s. J. Hall... .nsd lira. P. A Enfield Recent Visitons: Miss Viola Shot, Cane, st Mn. AIf Pnescatt's. .. Mn. simd Mns. Robson Bowman simd Len- aine, Ottawa, at Mn. Wilfred Bow- man's. . . Miss Helen Ashton, Lind- samy, at Mn. W. Ashtan's. . Mn..simd Mns. Howard Grass, Columbus, at Mn. Godfny Bowmsn's. .. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Smith simd fsmily, Col- umibils, at Mn. Fred Smith's. Miss Cansina Samis, Oshawa. atMn M. Samis'. . . Family gatheringa on Christmas wene held st Mrs. H. Stinsou's, Harold Ormiston's, L. C. Pascoe's sud Mns. J. McCulloch's.. Mn. and Mns. Ahf Prescatt anmd cbild- nen at iMn. L. Rahm's, Raglsn, simd Mn. Wilbent Smîth's, Oshawa. . Mn. simd Mns Ivan Cochrane and childnen at Dunnville. . . Mn. Frank Mc-Mul- len lu Tornuto simd Eliza-b;thville. Mn. Howard Ormiston at Bobcsy- izcon. Mns. Arthur Hubbsnd took sud- denly iII while ln Oshawa simd la un Oshawa Hospital. Aimnual Christmas 'concert coaxalat- ingz of dialogues, necitations, drills snd siuginiz by the childrnu followed by an amateur pnognam provided a gzood tntentainimnent. Santa Clgus inm his usual gzood humor distributeil tht presents. Miss Grace Stark ssng s beautif nI solo at the chunch service Sunday aftennoom 1We Cross unden the leadership Mns. L. C. Pascoe Sec'y., will soan of Mns. AIf. Prescott, President, simd begin thein wonk. .Haydon As the dawn of a New Yeau approaoheïs we pause to thank our many customers for past faveurs and wlsh one and ail A Happy New Year Manr's Jeweky Phone 463 Bowmanvtille vas weIl attended. Rev. D. M. Sjtin- >n spoke on thxe significance of 'hristmas. Christmas tree, Tuesday evening, vas ciuite a success. Mr. John McNeil's Christmias tree id concert at Cedardale school was ve attendeçi and much enjoyed. Jnion, Darlington ,. 1 " . 1 ý, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Il Z, Q6

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