PAGE TEN ~THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSAF THURSDA. FEBRAPV 1 , ly bA va r I Con13 Daiigto, daiytle oth urth1940, ahey ofed a hores, imLements and haness. 1940, full particulars o! their Bagagechcke Sle atIAP. Ternis cash. Elmer dlaims. In*nediateiy alter said ASK FOR HANDBILL Wilb ur, utioneer.71dtheassofheeesd ,SIMIAREXCURSIONS fromt WESTERN la EASTERN CANADA 7-1 dae t asse o t ecese TicktsSICeG CrR MErvtinsan AInfrmtonaslFWLL WrSaleentitîed thereto, having regard sriteraton ndAUInorato a t W LL W ACRES " ARM o-îe wlyt la be o fi Stopover P rîvilege s fro nt any A gent. T 28 u d i s et . al d p t aà th O ay o br i ; , A D , CANADIAN NATIONAL Bwmanvllle Telephone 2456 inplin, s eeaied rpopadths t80ayoFe1u940A.D. CND____NATIONAL "0 less than retail. Write for mail- Conan & Annis, Barrlster,&c., order catalogue. Nov-Rubber Oshawa. Ontario, Solicitors for Co., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 3-8 the Adminlatrator. 6-3 _________ on Friday at 7.30. The meeting from floor to floor in an cievator. Iopened with the repeating of the Chairs are amply spaccd and 'lie ew asle In ep nd nt Purpose foiiowed by the devo- swivel to face each other ota 1%e ewc stle Ind pend:eentt tionai period. After the business you may talk to your ncighbor Ja game was piayed and a fevý across the aisie or play cards with Phone Clarke 1114 songs were sung. The meeting case. The seats also tilt back5 cloed iththesiningof"Taps". that you may sleep if you ih The Junior C.G.I.T. met Tuesday aithough, in daylight,' the pano- Miss Ruth Honey, University of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. in the board room of the church. rama which unfolds before o Toronto, spent the weekend with B. LeGresley. Vice-president Yvonne Megit took will keep you so interested that her parents. Mr.J05 Qugg spent the week- the chair. The meeting opened you will not take time for rest. Newcastle Dairy has purchased end in Toronto with his mother, with the repeating of the purp9àse You may smoke, read, cat or walk One cent a word cash, each Baby . Chicks anew delivery truck; business is Mrs. Wmn. Quigg, and his brother, and the motto. Norma Alldrdad around, just as though you were insertion (minimum charge _______________ increasing ail the time. Mr. John Quigg of the De Havi- took charge of the study book. A at home. Everything you need is 25e). Charge of 25e extra la WE WILL BE PLEASED TO Miss Mason's room of the pub- land Company. few games were played after supplied by a charming steward- made when advertisement ls mail you our 1940 Chick Cir- lic school is closed for a whiie by The C.G.I.T. groups held a suc- which the meeting closed with ess who won't accept tips. She is flot paid same week as bIser- cular. Ail R.O.P. Sired Chicks order of the M.H.O. on account of cessfuî cooking sale in the kitchen "Taps.'" a registered nurse skiiied in the tion. Extra charge of l0c whcn at attractive prices. Now book- the prevalence of scarlet fever. of the Community Hall on Friday. At the Municipal Council meet- littie attentions that make travel replies arc dirccted toa igodr oadlvr n Miss Helen McEvoy who with atenonand1 added quite a sum ing on Feb. l2th, with Reeve C. R. a pleasure. Children are hier spe- S ta tcs ma n box number. fingi e rs fotyr div tey any ber mother, Mrs. A. N. McEvoy, t. their treasury.Cavtintecarabilfria rendnadtoshca Births, deaths andmarge ness. Our strain is well and has been spcnding the winter in Ms.Jon Douglas has returned $208-00 was passed for the ser- provide information about the 50c caeh. In Memorlams, 50c favorably known. Donald E. from Toronto where she has been vices of Bowmanville Fire Bri- planes, the country over which for notice plus lOc per line for Gibson, Bowmanville, Ontario. - pendîng the winter. Her son gade and equipment on the Sun- you are travelling, and will take verse. Ciasslficd advertlse- Phone: Clarke 3811. 2-tf Water accompanied her home day morning of the Fisher Store care of posting your lettersmk et cetdu ni -;~ k adsetteweek-end with hier. f ire and for their return trip to ing hotel reservations or train p.m. Wedncsday. S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS AND ,~> Tere are aycse fsc- Newcastle to refll the emptied connections. az_____________ Barred Rocks - Why take n s inthe village, severe colds, communty hal tanks. There were T e m n i h r e 0 o rB R H h n e? B y cik ih c n c nsion o h uns0nu as ewsaletra buis in plane aI!e highly qualified pilots fidence from government sel- mona ad the wite aimens.connection wîth these services with every modern instrument FALLS - In Bowmanville Hos- ctd lo-etdsok o Mlr.wJ.thW.radley has been quite which brought the total up to available for air navigation. Te pitai, on Monday, Feb. 12, 1940, boknorrsfrmedsxe i11wthcogestion of the lungs something like $217.00. The bill have been selectcd fmom thou- to Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls, andstamrted chicks. Ael. orders ~~ and Mr. Harold Adair with pneu- from the Orono Fine Brigade had sands of applicants and underg o aka Wilrcie or Pcare fulatte monia not yet been rec 'ved. There was rigid tests regularly so that whe sn.t on. r cite hne for price i. D. R T.Rutherford went to' some discussion on whether or a pilot takes charge of a plane e listoncofdne soram Chicago Feb. 7th, to be with his not Newcastle should buy a f ire must be physicaily and mentai E T SPoe23,H .Books. Bow- j \ daughter who was about to un- engine and reels of its own, and in first class condition. There are manville. 7-tf degoanoeration for what was a by-law may be prepared and no "ifs" and "buts" in this busi- CLARKE- Suddenly at Bolton, tered. ars el They know their jobs and Clarke, in her 58th year. Sister WANTED TO RENT-HUS feard. re ontnualy sudy ng nd f M s. . L.Ellott Bo man orApartmcnt with kitchen and 0dtrA .Kney fteOFCR F DRA ETtann o dacm .vle one bedroom furnished. Apply PeebruhExaminer, hwa CONY RAG LODGE Sow nBwavlewl OE-I ukk optl Box 15, Statesman Office. 6-2* ducr beh aqe at the Miik Pro- te outyOrngbLd e t dineBowm anvile wll o LE-I ukk optl dcr'bnuton Tuesday even- At drive oum carsngto To- Feb Ilth, 1940, William H. Cole, FOR RENT - SEVEN-ROOMED ing wa unbleto om onac-meeingforDuhamWes, hld orkina cople oand be inde Bwmanville, beloved husband house, 1 %s miles west of Hamp- in , wa na l t om n c m ein or D rh m W st hed Y r'i cope of h u s a d o Pearl Luxton, age 47 yearý. ton. Apply David Broome, R.R. count of illness, so Dr. J. B. Rey- in Newcastle on Feb. fth, thee back home again for dinner at 1 apoPoe26.62 Snolds, Editor of the Ontario Milk officers were eiected: Wor. Coun- n it. It's unbelievable, u the DIPPELL -I akroFb apoPoe26. 62 Producen, filled the bneach. ty Master - Leslie Brooks; Deputy T C.A will be delighted to prove 1lth, Mrs. Mary Emma Dippeil, -Every person at the Milk Pro- County Master - Fred Couch; tt o ntm.blvdwf fteltýM .W ne ducers' Banquet Tuesday evening Chaplain - E. P. Wood; Rec. Scc'y i t yu nyim. elved wfeo!he fLtis M.G.ane was provided, as a special favon, - Neil F. Porter; Fin. Sec'y. - How- Dippeli, Principal o! Bowman- WANTED - WORK OR BROOD with a haîf-pint bottie o! pasteum- ard Walsh; Treasuner- H e n r y ville High School, in hier 77th mare, must be good worker and ized miik, donated by the Asso- Thompson; Lecturer -L e sl1ie DURHAM C U er Inrm tin Daon qet. C. J. Mitchell, Newcastle. ciation's Past President, J. H. Jose, Thompson; Deputy Lect., Clamke year. ermentoneClnkerayto7n1 Newcastle and pasteurized and - Geo. R. M:D-ton; Deputy Lect.,Club tnnue: tramn page 1) ~ ecY ~ WZIL"m<O~EGJ They need them thes bottîed by the Newcastle Dairy, Cartwright - Laverne D e v i t t; GILHOOLY - n omnilWNE -COTGOD benaloetee on Monday, Feb. 12th, 1940, locality. Apply stating taxes cold winter mornin Mrj. carnet Rickard, President E. J. Hamm and W. E. Davey. success. And so through oui- To- Joseph A. Gii.hooly, aged 55 size and location. Will pay cash. 0 When you serve Cubs to your be Clemeýnce, Marjonie Lycett faxily for breakfast you are supply- and Patricia Pearce used the comn- NWA EY .U meeting will stir up some interest PEAE - Idn Bltime, 14, N D- L ORE N ing them with extra nourishmient in piimentany tickets sent them from Y.P.U mt e. 2tw h- pnide of intercst and remlnlsc- UAle . udeniy eb. 2, 1940 W- ANTtED o LDx Ha.ORSS AuD a forin that is quickiy and easily Oshawa and attcnded an enterU-e Fb 2twt ence w111 live again that ail it AirdM t, thsrs attfr fyox eatNon rby. -F diesedeenbyth in tts ub tinet n heKngSt Cuchmebesof the Clarke Union as stands for may not be lost. dence, 5008 Beaufort Avýe. Bro. a oe245 4t are just little bundies of whole wheat S.5S-, Oshawa, under the auspices oun guests. P r o g r a m was in The soioist wil be Miss Ruth ther o! Frank Peate, Orono. Livestock For Sale melowe wih mlt nd oased ofo the Y.P.U. on Tuesday evenjng. charge o! Christian Culture con- James, charming daughtem of Mn. I M RA criai>, golden brown. Cubs retain the The Live Wires Sunday SchoolvnnMaioyLct.Tseak and Mrs. Geo. W. James, of The ___FORSALE__-_____________ natural minerais, the bran, and even class held a skating paty on ing part in the devotional period Bowmanvillc Statesman, w h o COWLE - In loving memomy o! bIens. AÎ,ply Hanmy Van- De Beit, tcotdhet.othhoe Thursday night with the senior were: Quiet music piayed by Mar- with bier accompanist, Miss J. erhsadadfte, Nwate ..2 n. 72 grae. oveewoner ez.the r e cm C.G.I.T. as their guests. Aftcr a garet Pearce; Cail to Worship by MacKcnzie. will come up from the Wiamdean usban and ather, Nwate ..2 n.72 gri.e Wnde r thefod aeueoi- couple hours of skating on the Marjory Lycett; scripture read- Ontario Ladies' Coilege, Whitby, Wiam Cow 4,le, hopase FOR SALE - ONE YORKSHIRE- y0WendeCd i for a 0f CodvaubAsk ink, the girls and boys bctook ing, Margaret Pearce, and expia- for the occasion. awaeb. 14,st 1936: - o h sow and 7 pigs; also sow due today and for packageofCb themnselvcs to the Sunday School nation by Reta Powell; vocal solo Mr. Rhys. D. Fairbairn will in- when we arc ail alone, to farrow in two weeks. Apply toa n iethe faxnily a treat. where games were conducted by by Evelyn Aluin. The remainder troduce the speaker. For memory is the only fniend Albert His, Enniskillen,Phn Sugsin Brenton Rickard and Carl Fisher. of the prognam includcd: Reading The coffce poumed by Mrs. that grief can cal ts owni, 2496. Phon LancheonSeton A lunch o! pork and beans, co!!ee, by Louise Hancock; solo by Bert Squair and Mrs. Stuart at our Like ivy on the withered oak, FOR SALE - 10 YORKSHIRE Fotecidesmd-ain oke onlddapcsn Jarvis with violin and piano ac- îast meeting was Fiendship in a when ail other things decay, pigs, 5 weeks old; also 2-yean- Fouthch renua wtmilk eveing. Whi onlde apea te companîment; neading by Jean cup and for those from Newcastle Our love for him will still keci> oid black Jersey heifer, milking, ofcrelafoascroutonswfth Newcastle High School hcld autbyRsAlaan adoheswomgtnjyhi green and neyer fade away. and caif threc weeks old. Phone thir avortitcb h ot alntn Prt eb 6hat8 Stanley Rickard; instrumental meeting we have the same coffee -Sadly remcmbcrcd by wife 2246, S. C. Rundie, R. R. 3, toa sty wheunle s of V~alepuisewhart ended hat 8yeatrio by Betty, Bill and Ross Ailin. waiting for you. and family. omnil.71 deliclous, and add no much nourlhment to were present in addition to those Rerainwscnutdb i omnil.71 the e<hechilrenwil bc elihteL Rolan an Ernst iIbnk.HOLMES - In fond remembrance FOR SALE - SOW ANÏD 12 A rdcnio tecening othe ucst paedLunch, consisting o! sandwiche s, ofey D rhusband, Rbr . Yorkshire pigs. ApyTalmagc AComariy ofimftthcroqu inol td hie us ch er heant-shaped cookies, and coffee, He: camest, how do you feel, Hoimes. who departed this life Taylor, Bunketon, Phone 2338 The. Canadian Shrodded afr hich niese ereaw red was served. Don't forget to write 50 fan as I am concenned? Feb. 18, 1933: Bwavle - - ades MuncePoel; ensaletter to Donothy Dix and have She: The more concerned you - Lovingly emembened by R eg.Mcdos consolation pnize, your troubles solved. rtehprIfe. wifc, Lavina Holmes. FOR SALE - SEVERAL YOUNG ' Norma Va se.Te Edt fresh Holstein cows. Appiy H. Henr ldan Dsenter Estn N IVES - In lovtag mémony of C. Pedwell, Newcastle, Phone gaend cointesta.A e ntsty C N DA AIR LîNES Wmn. M. Ives, who entered into Clarke 3823. 7-1 l ancwa erCo b terershest Feb. 8, 1939: À 0as strveddby thm pagee1) Febnuary brings back memories FOR SALE - FOUR YEARLING ~ et omttee a!ter which the (O! a lovcd one gone t) ]eAtIOHeifens. crossbred, Jersey and EhE ':hValentiînes were distributed. Equipped with two powerful en- He will always be remembered Ayrshire. Apply' R. Olesen, Th Wrl'sDa ! raerSe-gines, they can maintain safe ai- SE Ra VIC E By those who loved him biest. Burketon. 7-1 vice. heid Fiday, Feb. 9th, in the titude with only one engine in Eiectrlc and Battery Sets and daught erb osFO AE-BRW EDN United Church S. S. Hall, was led Operation and have a normal -Ever remeer edb osFO AE-BRW EDN ~~0V ~vice-G.P., rising 5 years old. Apply i éi,. by Mrs. J. C. Hancock, lst vi e c usn ra g of 16 0 mls UB S T TE FR EW t r P ri d r, H p o , S president o! the Woman's Mission- coueing angffen o!r,0 ies UE ESE RECards of Thanks Wle anneHmtn ~~ ~ary Society, assisted by Mrs.. .mrtansfiinfoano-_______________ Phe24071 > . ibonPhoidnte!te o-2ieg4veytin.i on7t-mk stop flightres!romtoTorontoo-toegWin-iPhone 575 Mrs. W. W. Short and family, 7i man's Auxiliary o! St. George's themsar and more com!ortabie Wellington St., wish to thank ArilsFrS e Anglican Chunch. The Bible read- tha yor cro1hetan thein many friends and neighbors ArilsF rS e ing was given by Mns. D. R.ta orcrrhtai. QU IN N . frte kn exesisofFRSL -PIN MAO Dewdny, an specai pryers We could go into the rigid test-fo thi kndepsins !FO SAE-PNMSN Dwere o ad by Mis C. Buter, ingothplnsadhecsat King St. Bowmanvlille sympathy in their necent sad & Risch. Appiy Fred Buriey, Mrs. . E. ancok, Mr. G.vigilance with which they are in -______________________ GiMrs. . Hone, Mrs.Hsecdrgualbyeprme-_______________ bGcvmn.Necsi.71 Gains, rs.G. one, Mr. H spcte reulary b exertme-The famiiy of the late Mrs. John FOR SALE - ONE PAIR 0F Brereton and Mrs. J. A. Awde. Achnsbthabeo squt Stacey wish to thank most sin- wme'sktsie5Phn short devotional reading "In the tcncladyuaepoai cerely Mrs. Smyth, Supt. of Bow- 22.7 Secret o! His Presence" was given more intcrested in the cost o! suchj manville Hospital, and the nurses, CAR FOR SALE - 1934 DODGE by helede, Ms.Hacok. transportation and the facilities Dr. Birks. fniends and ncighboums DR.ednin xclnto- I ~ i a TheSeiorgrop o te CG.IT.available in the interior o! the for kindnesscs shown duning the mT i he So rudayfSchooi rooni planes. Horses For Sauue illness and death o! Mrs. Staccy. dition, tires good, upholstery the______________________PThe__________buta_________morelîke new. cheai> for cash. Apply thanby rai whn ai exenss Yur holc 0f12 AIM ' -Box 17, dlo Statesman Office. ta ytanwe l xess Yu hceo 12young COM'AINGW EVENTS 7-tf la' are taken into consideration. A!- Ontario work horsea la seil ter you board a T.C.A. plane you for cash or exehange for Salvation Army, Tucsday, Feb. FOR SALE - ENGLISH STYLE have no futher expense until you any klnd of llvestock. 20th, Young Peoplc's Annuai, pro- prami, good as new, large size. I L u n n ~ s S e i a iSland. Meas, hot and cold drinks, gramme o! dialogues, music, etc. Reasonably piced for quick ]Lu n l.ç 1 p ec a lsgames, books, cards and the facili- OUR S3PECIAL OFFER Silver collection. 7-1 sale. Apply E. Lunn's Grocery, tics o! a modemn washroom are Phone 596, Bowmanville. 7-1* available to you on the plane THIS WEECK A "Play Panade" will be held Fineat Quaity without additional cost. Fanes areA a c e T a mu d r t e usi s of rntyR d ng deemie o sotn is aod si ets olsYoung People's Dramatic Society, New Chese ................. b. 25C. a ile fo shor tripsandta thetlSundayts ichoolSuRoomhooonRTEA oCUPA ANDAN CARDSS RFROM Real Old Nlppy as five and a fraction cents for Friday, March lst. Admission 25c. 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Damch's To- Chee.............b. 2c long trips. rlslng 3 and 4, sound, Note change o! date. 7-1 bacco Store. Phone 2615. 4-4* F Chee ............ b 7C When you board a T.C.A. plane well broken G-enn Napirvile yo relx a comletey asyouAnnual Dance o! No. 9 Home Seed Cenn Gre esNo ' ...... i 0 would at home in youn favorite $ 2 and Schooi Club wiil be held at G r e e n P e a , N o . 4 ' . . . . . . . . . .t i n l O c e a s y c h a ir . T h e r e is n o d u s t o rN e c s e C o m n t H a , F b . E D C L A N G - W A R 14.ADply to Mrs. E. S. Bo- stock, 515 Gainsborough Rd., Toronto. 73 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN -Ail conveniences, reasonable. Phone 815. Mrs. Booth "Tourist House," King Street. 7-1 Men Wanted ARE YOU THE MAN? YOU CAN have a solid business establish- cd within three months. If you are tired of working to earn profits for sonieone else own Your business and enjoy amaz- ing profits every hour seliing 200 guaranteed necessities used in everv home. No obligation. Get details and catalogue free. Familex Products, 570 St. Cie- ment, Montreal. 7-1 ~ APARTMENTS Ready for ]Inspection sltuated at Kàingsway Nurseries King St. East, BOWMANVILLE " OÙ Heated * Comfortable * WeIl Equipped * 3-Piece Bathroom * Beautiful Grounds Look them over and if intcrcsted apply at THE PUBLIC DEMANDED IT So many of our customers have requested that we repeat our pie specliof a few weeks ago that we are happy to again present for this week-end. LEMON MERINGUE PIE E a c h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -.2 1 c COCOANUT MERINGUE PIE2c Whiie you are buying pie, look around the store whcre you'Ii sec a large assortment of delilous cakes, cookies, doughnuts and other bakcd edibies that are hard to reslst. Take a few home. Bakers For Two Generationa Phone 855 DON'T MISS THIIS EVENT! Dur 3Oth Anniversary Sale 4-Square 16-oz. bottie and ron - - - 69e Rexail Cherry Bark P EP efvCough Syrup - 29e RESISTIfl[EReg. 35c roa EOPuretest 100's 79 A.S.A. Tablets 49e Pianet Single Deck Playing Cards 25c T P FIE 7 9Bridge Size Riker's Cocoanut Oil Shampoo - 19c Eexaii Shaving sÇ t Stick Refis - 19e Shari 3 Shades C~US iA. Face Powder - 19c Gardenla Ail Shades .ipsticks --19e Rlker's Cod Liver 011 Emulsion - - 69e 25e PKG. REXALL 50e BOTTLE REXALL Pine Pastilles and Green Cough Syrup Both For 55c 200 SHEET PKG. LADY DAINY Cleansing Tissues and 5o BOTILE REXALL Nose and Throat Relief BOTH FOR JURY U LOVELL Teleplione Your Orders to 778 Prompt Free Dellvery Service Four Square Chest Rub --29c Rexal odized 3-oz. bottle Trhroat Gargie 25e PHOTO WORK Buy your films here, let us dèvelop and enlarge your prints or If you haven't a ecamera, let us supply you wlth one. Taking pîctures la great fun this weather THE HOCKEY PLAYOFFS WILL FOR SALE - SEVERAL BAGS be along shortly and good re- of small potatoes, suitable for ception will be important then. se,6cpr a.Poe2335 Repair it now. F. Crowe, Elgin cd 0 e a.Poe35 St., Phone 433. 6-27- For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR TO RENT - 40 acres south of Kendal, brick hous, god otbuidins,; lso ew nd M der ' à-, M-.- 1 Radios Serviced For Sale