predicting that in the future there CHAMBER PR!SIDENT Oshawa Manager Toronto by relaying themn from twelve years and declares it to 11l be a surplus of women on operator to operator along the be "the softest job I ever had.'l IREAI> a. ANU WRITE et FOR YOU this continent. Women, it is said, W Pastel45PhoearoutI 1900, however, you could The first theatre wtei.dis- 13 onC ikota e prut rtionofg men ein___ Quebec, or the United States with- those days, when the property B y J hn C Klr w oo tha the prop rti n of w o m e inin the radius of a thou san d m iles. w as leased t o a m erchant, an dee rbd the population has been growing H. M. Black Marked Anniversary To-day, of course you can speak another was equipped and oper- steadily since the turn of the cen- Saturday - I Oshawa by land lies alonte with ayon ated by Win. Quinn ini the loca- Once upon a time a man was house, nowadays a greenhouse tury - that from 1901 to 1937 the 1 er f2,0,0 eeh nes on teton owue byRy icos N7Yasorth,00,Am erican onnen theytor Salesahed westond hof k oi proposing a toast to the ladies. can be put up in your garden in mortality of white women im- Mton ae tte etedo Here's what hie said: "Here's te a day or two - if you use a port- proved steadily and at a greater NrdtAeleph onietucdant lov iy oma . nce she was ab e g een ous - one who e r te tha th t o m n. he x-H arry M . Black, popular m an- countries as A rgentmna and A us- N ineteen fourteen m arked a maxi s superior. Now she is his parts are ail made Up for you - ail pectation of life at birth has in- ager of The Bell Telephone tralia." new era for motion pictures in equal."1 ready ta boit together, in two- creased 14 years for women but Company in Oshawà for nearly 17 . Bowmanville when John Perrin I thought of this toast when I and-a-half foot wide panels. The only 12% years for men. In 1901 yas eertdtecmlto Mr. Black joined The Bell Tele- - read that women chemists are heating hs a simple matter - a sim- a girl baby at birth had an ex-of years heomayssr-poeCopn tGujho oylTetr ulig.Atog bginning ta prove in industry ple oil-burner heating unit - one pectation of life 2.85 years greater >vc n audy March 30, 1895. In 1904, hie be- the interior.habenrodld that they are as competent as provided with a thermostat. than that of a baby boy, but byvieo audy came manager at Harriston; in seeaatmssincee srtreo e men. "There will be an increas- ***1937 the difference in favor of Ican isoervfie M u.sanding Olliltims sne1914srucuh mng need for teachers, research There is a grawmng demand the girl had încreased to 4.33 canesohe basseen inthetele. chang, le atooncarandofnthe e en te pasthe27aye as t hs o workers, technicians, a n al1y sts, from bath parents and students years. phonge istry dureeinths lngcmenteat OilGue n 9,lphies ras-sa-n-telaTh2oys.Ts sorwhe special librarians, and other wo- for. what is' called 1"realistic" T amethe tGelphonHe wamange. was naged yTMr erith 'eiwth chemnical training, li training - this ini secondary or To-day the oppartunity for scre. erdt Obw nMac ,nxtsvny as efr e ~Lcational institutions and li in- high schools - training of the vo- venture" money or capital is far "When I jtnedsthewompany at 923., Frote fies.o h tts ~ ê 1rsaid D. J. Kooyman, a cational type; and e d'u ca t orsblww twsyasao-ad ulhi 85"h ad i a He is a prominent member of man we find in the April 2lst member of the committee which alang witb parents, are increas- this because industry is increas- aot2,0 eehnsi evc h hre lefr ieCa-iseo 91teflaig W pnepared the programme of the ingly friendly ta the idea of ingly developing and financing allabotano,000 eec, n evithe Chre ltfdSieha-sueo191heolwng"W 99th annual meeting of The "realistic" training. Here is what new products and processes with- inOtres, nQteeprandri e eric, a emboer o OsaaoAey-a ngrer o th a Th ser, American Chemical Society held one educator said in this connec- in its own laboratories. The long vancthesTa-, teBlloeaesCuoadwo the Chmepfmtnsmvngtaaiori.J i Cincinnati in Arlo hsya.te:list of products and pracesses mares.ta 8,000thBellephones anComberced/ominhent inmasof nic H.Perrin Whtywaions the have been created or which mr hn7500tlpoe nCmecpoieti aoi .PriWibwoon h The majority of wamnen now "Public education must con- hv ece omrilsucs r .JLnnadOntario and Quebec only! In c-ls adatv nwlaetheatre, bas sold bis picueso ern tsel le s ex lusvely w ith w it in t e l st e gh1895, isthe hocompany e ecwasPrmidking85,wherkm pand hotelng orinanW bitbyin hand ahasa engage in ch mistr or alied crn itslf les exclsively witb ithin he lat exghfyear is reiWho as bee electd Preîdentheleasd the awman ille t eatre fiîelds are in biochemistry, many the business of pushing stu- garded as being an effective ans- of Oshawa Chamxber of Camereprepaatlyonfer ectin iosf finstH hsbuhtpoetyi o being laboratary technicians or dents up a scholastic ladder wer ta the allegatian that indi- succeeding Col. Frank Chappell builigi ontreal - a five- gAitre onee.n"ilbemvn hr assistants in medical research in which leads nowbere, and de- vidual initiative is being stifled Dr. Langmaid is a native of Zion sildinguctre in M s he Mo nAgesadwilbmoving thenesson. bospitals. vote more attention ta training and that people with money are district, attended Bawmanville nysrcuewihwste____Aotteedo 91M.C In the foregoing is a suggestion wbich will enable our future reluctant ta invest in niewr enter- High Scbooi and is son-hiAboutth-lan of Be1 r.C te women wondrirgafh itsbday.wrTo-day, kthew(Continuedn Hiromcpaol an)iT.soRosslbegafn0taouse the fcoluagens to omn pndnin te pabem orerstakno watihees. With few exceptions the Mn* F. F. Morris. Congratulations Il e hed lofethes2storeys of The Statesman ta adventise bis tbroetelvl0 h tet In days there were not two presen- movie picture featunes. The big do, ba es nd nabl potids ere ew c etenisesae bing finan- Wo s1895, the Nothern Electric and tations eacb evening. Indeed, 2 or picture stars in those days li the (Lrdn ethsistswiî eilyo fidig mplymnt Th tskby a group of industries, and in- S o Manufacturing Company was or- 3 times a week only was a pictlire male roles were Wm. S. Hart, 2 that one of the greatest thrills in is one of determining the in- dividual investors bave li-LinrH y ganized ta replace the mechanica] scheduled, operated by Dave Lut- Larny Semon, Harold L1o y d, 7 life is ta be able ta live with dvda tdn'sattdsad tle opportunity ta-day ta fft insH b y S o department of the telephone coim- 2 trell and J. B. Mitchell. Arthur. Charlie Chaplin, AI St. John, The growing plants ail the yean round, then giving bim realistic train- financial aid ta the so-calleci pany. Mingeaud was manager for Mr. Hall Room Boys, Buster Keaton and to bave flowers in bloom in ing which will enable bim te arrt netr iceladsvrlohr bath Winter and Summen. Aiso, make the most of bis abilf i garret" inventor. an-an MckSenet.Stanel tbey will tell you tbat gardening the highly competitive labour Twenty-five or so years ago in- Saturday, April 27 es'teepo easaosbscribf-th Mnitellanthe lealoes hdat nd Macktheeate.patsangei unden glass is much easier than market of the present." ventions were the products of in- * Id Blake transmitter, in which vaniaus times. This was in 1908, completely forgotten by aur maie garenng utof oos. utwha Tis or oftrinig aytend dividuals, frequently w a r k i n g j~pfn.r j the moutbpiece was inserted in and for several years a lîveiy informants and with the excep- AuthorzdBtte0fCoaCi gadnn u fdos u ht Ti oto riigmy alonte, while thase of the last de- At B middîe f a smaî trade was done byr these bouses. tion of the Gisb Sisters they could A BY' about a greenhouse? Weil, you ta break down the unreasonable cade have been, for the most part, the______f_ sal square box, fe anocstara t can have a portable greenhouse - prejudice against weanîng over- tThe big eventit offetherchant e on r wt ndtw edthatndtwoul i naged ta add ptante n eatunme piotue uhgetOHW H 5 the bgcombinedthe fruitforeventengn't tentertainmen itt. the cCAaRIs e.Mi.ods Bhl one tbat goes together in sections, ails. workers in laboratonies. From the bath young folks and adults wiil was for use in Canada onIy Tele- eeigsetranet h i-daa sGo efr' Bhl Whene once it took a carpenter,*** point of view of quality and im- soon be upon us.. ket office of the show was rigbt My Wife' and 'Birth of a Nation' amason, a painter, a plumber Statisticians of the Metropoli- partance the 1800 research laboera- Fiaarngm tshv no phones then were not se well on the street instead of being in were being screened. But the and ipefiterbe bufoundren-onn thisnsucontinentyareFClu b rHobby eShow shave n w protected against ligtning as the lobby as at present. In those perid which, we ave been re- u n as roet nst a d Jn andpie-fttr a bil agreri. tn if Inurnc Copay roies with their 50,000 workers been made for staging the Lions they are now, and blue sparks palmy days admission was as iow callung~, is within the memoryaf ' n cate he n idus trine te u Hby hw n turday, would sometimes leap from the as five cents. For some timne Mrs. most neaders and detalsr ofThampsn r.Wonct n prodt thafewindduatrinenTohs Apnil 27tb. For this event, pro- instrument during a thunder- Merchant, who laten became Mns. cre nfo o onmmNis Jim Cak smmeso h ar, roady s pe ndvakin"gdets. ceedings at the Badminton Hall storn James Lunney, provîded piano Without a doubt the greatest saf inbody paig "agt" will rival for variety that papular "In' December, 1895, the first music for patrons.AohrveymsPeceto fsb wni t anf anofut.neri h Imporant actos mising radio show "Hobby Lobby." Montreal-Toronto line was opened capable pianist was a mani by the century is attending the 'taîkies.' next tredcdswl gi early days now control the intro- Entries sould be arranged for for commercial service. Before naine of Haley.Atpentteraionfrfebigmrcuushnesxiha L.yvdeA rsn h taiinfrfn rn duction of products. These are with Chairman Gea. L aig this time, it bad been impossible Gus Bounsall was the machine entertaiMiment of this type in great inutyadithnetsp m 1e4~ ù < 9the huge investments in establish- on or before Saturday, Apnil 13th. ta talk directly aven a distance f operator and continued ta work Bowmarville hs bemg cannied on wii o eteeiin x ed industry whîch migbt be aven- Don't be modest; display your moreta 0 ie.Msae o aiu wesutl12.H iMs osmngn h har thrwnbya ewprdut.Thnapae-im itees trte ubic e ba 20 ils. Mesaesfo vriusower uti 126 Hewih ns Rssmaagxtete hetrsexi mybulbluroc T E H E S E Athere , is the question of proper gaze-~ Thene is no entry fee. If could be sent fnam Montreal to was projetionist more t h an Royal Theatre, assisted by, Royal homes. R O f E ST ài D timinig for the appearance of new you can't be an exhibitor at es products, and aiso the matten Of don't miss it. the lange sums nequired to test Pnizes are, lst, 50c; 2nd 30c; and market a product. 3nd 20c. From early evening of ___ * *April 26th seime members will be This hs census year in the Unit- on band ta neceive exhibits from S ed States, and in addition ta those wishing ta bring themn at M enumerating and çiassifying bu- that time. Ail exhibits shouid be maxi beings, there will be an in place net later than 10 a.m. enumeration and classification of Saturday, April 27, li arder that - I NAS0 H OC wild birds and beasts - but not of the judges may commence their fishes! Indeed, this census of wild task. Public Schoal Inspector T. I GASO TEvi -1Jife bas already been taken - in R. McEwen bas'consented to pro- part. The census bas been and cure tfie judges so contestants can will be taken by a number of or- be assured of their competence. ganizations deeply interested in The show wiîi be open ta the the conservation of wild life - public Satunday afternoon. Each such arganizations, associations exhibitor will neceive a pass and bodies as The U.S.A. Bureau which will admit him or ber. of Biological Sunvey of the De- Admission far others is: Adults V EARSgo downtown 1 tre partment of the Interior, and as- 15c, and childnen 10c. Exhibitonsagnou g sociations of sportsmen (thene are sbouîd arrange ta leave their dis- J iis eehn ie 13 million sportsmen anid nature plays there until 9.30 in the even- loyers on this continent). At îng. out the sky. A network cfwrso Washington was he1cl last month The open classes for aduîts are tI&' ha the Fifth Annual North Amenicaxi as follows: e. owerig poles crowedws scr "Y ure making big amprovemen,, Wildlife Conference, at wbich Open Division or more of cross-arms, becam nii John.. did you corne no a Iegac? were present representatives from ClaisI - Art creasing problem and hazadyerb gates fnom Canada and Mexico. I. Oil Painting - Strnl Life. year- "«No sir, I got a Home improvement Workers from the Biological 2. Oul Painting - Lanciscape. Po h eehn aoaoiscm N- Loan from the Bank of Montreal. A Survey are now engaged in tally.. 3. Qil Painiting - Any piece not Fo h eehn aoa marrer ne fus or ~ing the national stock of wild lfe. listed above.-tee oe simple atr n uso oh. They bave already checked up on 4. Water Colours - Still Life. the solution -able. Ian- The rtes ae Iow and 'm paing kthe nation's mlgratory waterfowî. 5. Waten Colouns - Landscape. poe yyaso eerh hs Theraesar lwan lm ayngitA count of the big-game animais, 6. Water Colours - Any piece provednow conain s nofvas181 back by instalments.- ixicluding fifteen groups, will be not listed above. cbe o oti smn 111f-completed this year. A record 7. Crayon on Pastel - Any '" pairs of wires, each tiny wire nuae Hom Imrovmen Lans . obaiebl wili be compiled of the number Subject. HoeIpoeetLas..otial f fur-bearing animais trapped li 8. Ink Sketch - Any Subject. froni the others and al rightlyedoe at $3.25 per $100 repayable in twelve this year. lI Alaska a reindeen 9. Pencil Drawing - Any Sub- i haho ed hog hs ar monthîy instalments. For borrowers with round-up is under way; radio and ject. inaset fAed hog planes are c6vening 168,000 square 10. Cartoon or Caricature. lilce wires beneath the paveen sfl s seasonal incomes repayment may be made in other miles of territory ta establish a Il. Sanaple of Modelllng - anytetdeodono elpoeraic convenient periodic instalments. Ask for aur folder. herding programme for the Eski- ieo&w ontlpi mos. For counting birds, air- 12. Sample of Sculpture - any planes, seaplanes, amphbi bi a ns, medium. This developnient of telephonecbei autogires, powerboats, bli mp 5, Chas Il - Needlework ome of the grear triumphs of motor cars and sxiowsboes are 1. Specimexi Embroidery. ee oe B N OF M N R Rcalled into use by observers. 2. Specimen Tatting. researcL. Congested businessaesi ESTABLISMED 1817 *** . 3. Specîmen Crocheting. cities could be served in no og e wy _«#q £as 44 mttac ut a e.l~oa. Eire or Ireland is becoming i- 4. Specimen Knittixig. - --,rcnrs p creasingly able to look after itsçlf 5. Specimexi Neediepoint. Today in largercnesuwrsof8 - becoming increasixigly less de- 6. Specimen Cutwonk. pe1cn'o, £ phn wr pendetit on outaide countries for 7. Bridge Set. rceto its necessities. Thus, it is able ta 8. Lamp Shade. ground. tlpon ieisudr Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager produce xearly ail the sugar it 9. Cushion' Caver. uses, and its breadstuffs. n h 10 Hooked Rug. Science bas had is w h wi-i making more of its wearing ap- Il Braided Rug.wa er- parel. Its importa of clothing have 12. Cross Stitch Embroideny. ~ phone - widi ail phases of l a fallen from £5% millons in 1931 13. Aproxi. b a h evc r ta less than £1 million in 1938. 14. Tea Cosy. ________________________________Its importa of footwear bave ben 15. Pain Socks.F: reaching, mr human, mo elnfd balved in the same period. xI nre- Clasa IM - Industrial Craftamr mr gard ta agriculture and animal 1. Srnall Table (wood). atîzeci andc as the- weather is Clams V - Pbotographyc really nice xiow, they are begin- 1. Sample'- Portraiture of £tcbCrONS ning ta ilke it mucb betten than Figure. 6 FPBJ EV at first. 2. Architecture af Interior Courtice .BOWManVflle Again thaxiking you and wisb- View. lng your Paper coxtixiued success, 3 Pictoniai Landscape on em-3 Iam, ..Study...... Yor ru4 . NStl ist r uy. E,1yI U JtFIT Y 1v1 Y u ~~~~~~~~~W. D. Locke, Sgt. 6. Tabletop Photograph............................ , C. 4135,o~ q" 7. Study in Silhouette.Mage m LILjIrflhhIIIrlprbI ~The Hast & P.E. Regt. C.A.S.F. 8. Any subject nat listed above.Magr . .......« _____________________________________ 1 Cdxi. Division, Each of above ta be sultably ~~. cia Base Post Office, Canada. maunted. 'I....................7-- TRURSDAY, APRIL 11TH, 1940 THE CAMADTAN STATF.SMAX 1:tnUM,& MirYT TV nWT'r A 13Tr%