THURSDAY. APEIL IITH. 1940 THE CANAD1M~ STÂTP3MAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO PAGE SEVEN of gring special picta for Man- started chasing tht floor. and fin- 14 day only. &DlY. know iwhat bnp- I TheCenggementiPERSONAL edpened when you soe h is crtzen heded by, _______________________________ and Howard Saiter Prime. son of Mayor Fred Rowe andl tht Whitby tht late Mr. and Mrm. Wm. Price. Citizens Band staged an hilai-fous Munis DoothyRoweTht marriage An takt placei on wtlcomt and home-cong as 3 ReMiss d ttes Dotepy Jowemd aMr. andds A C. ord. Ruth. IlSatu-day. April 20th. ae tht home Ram. Satin-day for tht Interme- Henln RunltattedttheIoy yRgi- o. HghaneMry. . Toron- of Dr. n ca .W. Slemon., diate 'B' champion OiLA.. hockey menalBal a tt oya Yrk50.wee uess ataMr. Gea. Mc.-dMs.C Hotel. Taggar-t's. Bownîanvile. team which defeated Seaforth Mr.Alfed . lli ïr viitngBe %.jal aluri.Alice Jackson MissionBb silier n tht tvenung at Strat-, Dr. AoreHAlli n t is vsmngBeutý,% ngTake Slendor ms nth Ijop-n Band lord by 6-2. It wsara l D r N r m a n A l i a a n o h e r l a ' uP Y S I X . T a b ets T o w e k ' n p r l B t . is E e l P ic k - , S c ir .e s . t r e- b e s n r in g in g a n d ~ tivsmnEdmiie ontn.Aler. TrnoSuppre .00 crgr rgard led in prayer. Mr. Aubrey 1other noisy contraptions whidhb Mni Shirle BowerchTorono toe.15 Smmth told tht sci-pture 5t0i-y . tht several thousazid citizens ssed, tdh Bw nnvi ech pxt MISs Gertrude Wagar. Urmr"er- Joyce Kerr and AeLSerta Otstook to show their joy and enthusriasm1 tht weend g-ith Miss Evelývn sity tof Toi-tnte. an-d Miss Pauline; tht off ering. Phylls Richardson as brining another champiormship, Hagr.FordFan -.vihdMr jled in -thie off ertory prayer, Aud- te Whby. And again 7e pause,1 Xiss Doroth OWagarMaForsldFrances. G. L.Wa eal rey Venton read tht minutes. tc remark that Bownmanvill play-1 à1L GuelpD.oron thomm esonland Mr.G .WgiMiss Ev.elyn ?îickard read the rolee-iIBgel.Mre k m %OÇ G e ph ent thtorweeed Mc. and Mrs. S. J. Collacutt. cail and told tht study story. Gr-ge ipge-.Mreybrsof thtd ~xhbrprnsMorand Pumhv rt. ihný i- ie .m.;so te R.g.O ons.'.hLflwa. .aetur nmeai Reg. . Joes. er spending a holiday as Wtst, A nuinbe, of loca. skiera and PaIl= Beach. Florîda. On their i-e- others atnended tht Oshawia Ski turn. Mr. Coliacut presented bis Club dance hemd in tht Masonie employets with a sample tif Flor- Temple Frîday ten.srng. lida grapefruit. UnLles vour figure n ýfm-rn and Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Ormîsqtoný Yout17fL! You. -ll no: lok weil- Columbus. announice tht engage- di-essed. Siennor "Beaur-' TaS- ment tif their eIdes daughter. le-ta SI.O( Mi-Gregori Drug Store, Jessie I-tnt. te Mr. Herbe-, Brus-t n,. jon-r NeLa Bosto)n Mass.. Tnk. youngest, son tif Mr. and spent tht- weekenc v-:tŽh i-ni par- Mrs. H Eý Tinis. Solina Tht mat- enta. M anc M. A NeaLL ri.agt w takIe place in AprEl Mr-s. WG «Ro)bhins bas i-turn- -Simple Simn.Simplei-- ie h tsi êfte:- sperichrig thtevinter v-min name of tht pl.ay Seing presenteci 'er brter.r Brogn. by tht Players Guild of St,.oh),r. r Detro:tMîh .YPAor Mon day niEht Api- CawVker , is masg a specma..ap- ý- C'Tht caet n trmade up of we'. peu]ltce fa-mers for-triez v-tek- kttîownI- ca' ac-tors whce are en.- end mes: ousiresF. Set- is adssvt ceavOuritý-:IciteMa.stthe-- niaY a for pnimces sceaflti-tacomedy. -s M-- anc Mrs i-tn-=ouJonea. Prospect Street ceebraset thez 3(rth wedrïilrnr vravor. Sa:- -urd.-y rigr: v-bher. they er.ter-uim- ed abou* weDr' 0 nzfrienai and wert thlierecbo:iern 0 f zmar-t Seautifu. gifua Ir esui ht merchants a dvtsa tni s v-e o' veiora kerss He's off er'r.g A-chDiîc- beef a: prîceE you car hard2ý -* Îlieve. Azod look a:, those Casr. 'i-t vPimets - tohey re a ui.k o:Ther. n trvrcLanevw s:.i THERE MUST BE SOME MISTAKE That s whal YouTf say ithexm yon rend the foflo'wing picstaias whicb we are sefling cdijesmeat f1115 week. But there's ne mistake. Buzy at these low plotes ad save real imener. Prime Bib Roast Beef, Sbortened .... lb. 20C 22e Prime Bib Roast Beef, rolied..............lob. 25e Short Bib Roast 84Wf, rolled.............. lb. 18c Grain Kirng Pienie Kams................ lb. 20e Grain King Snoled ROUiS................. lb. 5 Beef and Pork Sausages................. 2 Ibs. d2Se AU Foi-k Sausages 20C CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAT ONLY Plaie Pot Roast Beef ............. ......l.9 Doente IOfed Pblate Bgeef .................... lb. :me Kaiburg Steak ................ e. 0eu MONDAY ONLY SPECIALS Round Steak................. lb. 3 Sirloin Steak .................. lb. 5 Senailistema..................lïb. 2Se -THE ABOVE AM IJAU.AI QUALIT CAWKER'S 1,1901RU2 - ORES IPPOXPTLY DEUIVEED WALLPAPER and PAINT N gueu M opel Tora lhom, movi Lak. for tht sper ther. m her The 26th annual meeting of theWhi'tbY team. had a loita to ion Ontario Provincial Society W.M.S iinning such a gloriolfr viCtOry. cc o'f the ?resbvteriar, Church in Winton Bagneli Was noticed on appe Canad.a will be held alt Knox our main sti'tt Saturday ater- W A Church. Toronto. or April :6. 17 noon apparently looking none the ABistl and 1 EB. Morning. atternoon and worse for the strenuous hockey Le s ed Bilre S. evening session--ail open tc> the season. back to normal and pusb- i sample books rigt tot Mrs, Pubbl, w bSt fuEJ of inte-rests as ing a baby carniage in wbich he I hetwW S bc-otitsanding speakers was ad.miring bis cute tittlt ID- your houpe. uyau r<quest. who ±rn ot±h home cLan f oreign mor.ths old daugbter. Gale Hea- -ci fîtîds. ther. ECam] Tht evernngservice a* Sti. 3 orin Etorsi A. gli1car Cnurct orn Sunàzd lokio the f orir of a Viiry Ridge '~ FESTIVAL ENTRUES ofet Re-, Canor C R. Spencer s-:pcbt CLOSE ON FRIDAY Ofwbo SrieL3 yor. tht i oyof tnt tnt- vh mrorabit bati t oveterans an-d ~Hem îecîor.naires wbhcfac assembied ar f-) thti specizil service Tht taking Eni-ies ta practically al classe chur Vf \mr. tDoi: plact April 9tb and for- tnt Durham County Music huni was ont of -nt outstanding vir- Festival to Se held in Bowman- Ct torious baries waged by tht Ca- v1ille May -part pouring in to T We have a uai for -atter, nadianr, L= jrInthtefrist Wor1d Miss Helen G. Morris. Secretary. everv need. ....bouse'V4 War. Indications point to another, re- Ms IV-i- irs A. C -1atic cord f estivai fromn the number of fl3J>âàIIiI enameL. varamsh. M B-DUwmarv3e. -wisri to annouict in-quines- and entrîts- receri'ed to abtllae. stS.if. . . Lowest antei t n a-riagtof ther cagier seBear tinmd that enties sc S-, :vea t-,,. 'W. Lonnbottom of clost to-morrow. April l2th. So ingc Os~a ot teher mar- gel busy -' your entrîts art no! manr rigelis ý1ariÈwa mpo- alreadY mnaled. -1 et or Umbe of Vears ait tht Soint cor.testarts have sent in pa ý Goonvear plant in towri ilpor. tliz entries wîthout enclosing tht O NS O Sma)r"1 her -:ermrurating her employm-rn- enftes. To such people we would mr hewas tireser.ted by ber c&- sugges* -tha*thtIs matter be as- BOOK T R wo:Èrkes *w_1 & four piece s2ver tended to ai once otherwise yoti Tt K TR -Ice TheColour Hzarmony Store teL servie as a toser oS their will no-, be allowed ta comtpete. Plume 651 BowEnanvmfle esteer an-i good vwshes. Mr. and There is a smail fet charged for Mrsa Lonrgbottoxr h.ave taken up aIl classes except School ChoirE their residence at 146 Tyler Ci-es- and Fol-k Dance. _______________trip cent. Oshawa. .1.Campbell-McLnnes, Toronto.' whoi Miss Florence Benne-_. a for- eznînent Barîtone and lnterpreter Bot frWlowed by a piano solo. f erre mer student of B.H.S.. and who of tht Literature of Song, wll l e, due-,a-id tio by Pearl Breslin., coin teaches ai Scudcier. Pelet Island. adjudicator for tht musical nl- Joarn Greenfield and Lola Mar- turei wasr assisted i n teacbing last week - Sers. and Mrs. Marion Hicking-, jerrisor. desc: by Miss Sheila Harris. a student bottom. Toronto, will agamn judgeî Those t, king parn in tht wor- .in 1 from London Normal School. Miss tht readings. i nc ri Bennrt rmaînd o Pelt lsand Donations to the Festival 1101 al-, Jean Johna. BErt Johnstonan during ber Easter bohjdaya. Tht ready acknowledged ncbsde: , e-. Soanea. adto ei holidavs wert clouded bY tht Bow-anville H. & S. Club Si 0a.00ouce tattta lea oi ht slad'smai Ms. . B Foter -- dramp a "Moor. Signa. produced by theri plane- causing tht death Of Piloti Town of Bowrnanvillt _ 10.00 Higgins and lwo passengers. who Bou-manvillt Rotary Club-- 5.00 ont of tht Trmnity y.?. groupa. coun flved near Leamington. Mis-- Ben- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 5.00 bad wor. tht Evlyn Gay Trophy of, tian. net', has ofteni been a passenger' More donations l the D--a-a Festival held during have on tht plane which was tht cosed wel- thteSritublSpriiig Convention 0f peop islanders* transportation to tht cmes thft.t e ee art nteded ta the Osbawa Y.P Il. Presb-ex- in,. men« mainland. e texpns of tht festival. Newcastle. Tht Oth- comýpetitors HMUE Por, Hope firemen reguested -ert Shiloh Y-P.U. andSicoe CanE an increase in salar.y of £25.00 per FO SE HEYU.AM SI Urlted, Oshawa. Tht adjud- curit mani. at tht counci2 meeting Mon- S»A E &rypU -o wre h eiint ld day nigbt. There are 13 men on SE K RA Pt.Trnuýy with a total oif 93 points Img' the brigade whidh would entail o4F possible i100. M an increase oif £325.00 in tht an- Harry Taylor led in rcrato . nu&! salaries paid out. Tht total M.J obsHyln.gms -lrttmeigcoe wîtiona ng salar.- paid annually urider tht r .Fre eln.getian h etn lsd-1haig present scale is5115.0 Under speaker at Trity YTJ.ncmMo)n-; frendsb.ip crdle. GQ the proposed increase tht total- ay night chose as bis tapie, -ýoy-] salartes would Se $1,520.00. No; and Girl Friendshsa7 and a]- action v-as taken. other than re- Il Waa a rather difficuit ferring r so tht Fire and Light subject. Mr. Heyland handled il Comntttet for cons i d e r a t i o n. 'in excellent fashian. Bowmanvillt bas 18 firemen. be- Tht speaker dwýelt on tht re- firemenarhefpand a5 pnuty . h cquinsanct. f e as befe ane afides narChef ad 9a50Derputy . ht sponbilîsy of en which s noi too mnucb for tht then went a little deeper dealing bazzardous work they art called wth types of friends and how we upon to do. But wby does flua mus respect those friends' ideaLz towuî require 18mn when Port in order tao maintain a permanent Hope on.1y bas 13 men :)n their. frenshp. brigae'& Wîth tht passing of The h speaker deals also wîth OE H. McCullougb An Toronto on problems confronting a boy anc Thursdry- last m-any Bowmanville girl who. bavmng made an ac- O t 1. DRY W marken. wllrasithat o a s fetryclrneebip Ht poin ad otetatýbetR ciima. -ip art th a Tocenturieguaintance maintn aut ta3PiS ont oif tht best local fancy a katers Stidch a fnendsbip is only buili up ________ of his day. Il was a common sight by confidence in each ollier an- ________________ in tht oie drill shed rnirsh on Cen- by helping each other ta deal wJtr tre St. in thtewi=ter months to tht problea of life. set Tom McCullough. Mr. and Ht pointed out that îealousy Mrs John Mclntyre. W. H. Dus- and conceit are two of -tht big ri- tan. Miss Dustan. and others doing sons, why a permanent ±rendsh.: soint gracefui and clever figurein so often broken skating in tht centre of tht ice ln conclusion. Mr. HeylanC surface which always attracted pomnted out tûa young peopit an adrnîring crowd. Tht edtr. of mus use theïr brains and Se o- Tht Statesman also recails an in- th. guam-d ai ail tînmes. citing an. cîdent of those bappy days asso-olprer.ItAeaîrt W. ciated wîth Mr. McCulkougb. old tht crren"It tban iat--w. which was far ±rom Seing pleas- .t thteccusont of tg-instsplr anit Ont evening wben Toin was -ÉItecnlso 1ti pe, putting lus skates on he laid his, did talIs Hev. S. Davison moved pipe on tht Sencb. Tht curious a vote of thanks ta tht s.peaker and meddlesomt young edîtor-to- for dealing with tht topic in such S e srrng nerstoa im picked up a "%wise. sane and insflrucmve the pipe and attempttd ta smoke;TnTe. il, but flot for long, as il wu.oc lTht prograxn was in charge o- 'earg for his delicate stomacb. Citizenship group under tht leac- Soon tht room started going ership of Bert Jobnston. TwoD round and round. then tht ceiling violin solos were played by Car2 Hou secleaning Sale.. GiM Mda" Floor Wax .. n25C RKMIT Ammonsa................ 2 pkgs. Se Colourful Glass Bowl FREE 19-ih eh prch of2 ykgs.té uIteCsAchpurbaeof - ---- -2 5 Peter Pmn Catsup................ per bottie 10e Jif and BowI ................. for 25c Spa&"ls Salted Peanuts.............. '/z-Ib. 9e Nice sweet Juicy oranges................. Sez. 25C Fre.b Spi.h. Asparagus............... 2 bunches 19e IEWCASTLE MEWS Governor of Rotar-y Dr. Grant! Ltht Brighton. Wes. Taylor. Bob Sin Lsu Marnori Lîttt spent i clair. also of Oshawa, and Bill kend in Gelph, Forbes. London. r. Annie Higbee, Toronto, was ei of Reeve C. R. and Mrs.' Chas. Miller. Orono, andl Bey.J vtth. S. Davison were welcomed back! &r. Walter Couch wens intot tht club after absences duet 50 iaw Hositallas wee for i flness. ewaHosita lat wek oran, twsanucdta h i Tation. a aoucdtathdi Ir. and Mrs. Bart. Jackson. rectors had granteal $5.00 a tht 'oito. visited thtir summeri Duram County Music FestI,' nt at tht lake. 515-00 An tht Canadiaii Legion- &rs. Fred Lake and fami y have War Services. anal S15.00 ta tht ved te Brantford to joAni Mr. Salvation Army Red Sbleld Cam- te who bas bad a position there , paign. Two mort piga have also some time. been donated An tht Durhami Ir. John Quigg. Inspecter for Swmne Club. De Havilland Co.. Toronto. nt tht weekend vwitr is Si-o- rMr. Jos. Quigg._______________ Lss Renta Cooke returned te studies aai Boixnaxivile HighAS [0]On Tuesday. f ollowing ber A RING TONIC >edix operation on MarcS 10. Lmong those who came te NeW- THIS I3 NEW AND Le lest Sunday te attend thteIFu N hop Brent Memorial Service in DFZX G-eorge's Church were Mr. and George Farncomb. Hamnpton. afterwards visited their cot- eas tht lake. Il was Mr. Faro- 5bs sicle. Canon John- Farn- :b. who succeeded te tht rtc- ID A H O ýbp oif St. Georgeýs in 1895 ,v-ing tht death of Canon 'EV OODan * S ; lt church for 42 years and b"mmdi Mîr Dwas tht father oif Charles iry Brent. D., -ho Secame ad tht world over as Smshop. nbmhran. vrorld citizen an-d nanitarian and vigorous advo,- oif churcli union. Others An idance -were Mrs. A. D,. TE DILT'%I. eeler. son A,ýlden and daugliter OTE LDA.ONS sDiana. Bow-manville and Blood Purifier __ 8e ýRex Wynn. Brantford, wbost Beet f. Wie andi b-on - 69e ecedenta. Tht Wilmots. took > Syru> HyI1Mqhesphites - 8e ba notable pars in tht found--___ oif St. George's and aIse An îts mtenance and its; religious lite nn through tht years. Accom- Alex M G e e iigte aitht serv-ice wert ere; and Mrs. E. C. Southey. Bow- Tour L.1D. A. Diag Store ROTARY CLUB (Contînued ti-om p age vvhich he and bis wife. te om he often a.ffectionately re-i ed. took thi-ough European1 nties w-here they gave lec-: es and gathered mnaterial. Ht cribed conditions An Germany .938 where disease As on tht rease. affectmg children and se in employment. M a n y ig about Germany combined anable hlm to predmct that un- :Hitler spings something. re will Se a crack up An tht n-y's morale. Culture. Chris- ùty and freedom of speech ,e Seen taken away and many: ple ahove 35 are noS An agree- ni vith Hitler's policies. If le were ever allowed to enter -ada. wet tue wil lost our se-. ty and Christanit-. be con-ý ded. and ou- standards of liv- wil Se lowertd. gotion tif thanka was made by m M. James. President J. Ross t v-as An charge of tht mets-' 'uesss mncluded Part District Dat Seed Grain For Smuts FFECTIVE METHODS ARE SUGGESTED MMTOD - xismg th w m prved OeeaaiDunt Ihs- Seed may be tratd iw and sown a.nyt±me w±tim 60 days. Ca& be iisd -wi a qusa fety fer Wheat, Oats or Baa-Iey. Contro]sls snrnts and inoreumsyiee to 20 per cenit. One pound freats 32 bushels. 3pr bushe). Ceresan ......1 Ib.$ 1.00 - 5 Ibs. $3.90 2. WET XETHOD - xisnig Fomaldehyde (Forn- a=). Bied 2mxst be aowi thin 24 hours. Bot recon- mnded for Whe&t or hiefles grains. 16 oz. treats 30 to 40 bushels. Formaldehyde .,- 16 oz. 25c - 32 oz. 40c WHY MOT TIRÂT SARDGRAMN WITH CRIERAI NROW. IT WILL PAY DIVIMNEN 5I ALL Motf i Kuler Crystas........ Noth BanUs- S.oes oi.. -JTE - OSTISL ww.E A ND AUIm.-8e1±er - - .k57c layoe Asp*in 2 - c e LUNN Mee»S1 UewmuvMe . .3 c Ib. 1 ALEX' 1Pb.. 792 9c SPECIAL NirveIous ata 12C EXU Cemilspoudler, Itkk amW r *i K*hIl it. rr Blow w Fopamt M a noe PM.rM% 2-mà oe 44RM Yiruvz 44 Prcelpoa S -Pedty MAR'S JEWELRY Phone 463 DOMuuvile SPECAL ift V~Me a£ Uc s'n 49c 2 - 35e TeuLisaine n abavinig crem f3k - u~ m *ssu u -w 3 or 25C jmlàr F«& - 2 for 23e Wb Damwr I. q DURHAM DAINTY LOAF We are pro"nd *oi DmrbansDatErty hujai" we kn.w vyouw nIie IL. Maay rears ofexperlenot baveromeneUisi make-up to &ive it tht fine texture a"mi woegmueZgOgdnet tMurw custemm some bock fer. If yvos baven't alrealyILledthis oey wmbite 1m tht bard frewn eruatwby wa i oner ce in te-day and fry a 1mai. Tbere's aa i waonf«r ymecovnim m e SU-cet. Remember thec Lions C"ub Hoby Show Aprl 27th THE rCARTER aFAMILY- Mmoe "55 Bakms 1forT"'. Generacum us wawUc Gay New Spring Coats ,ie style for this veat 5s for black or bine ladies' omats. We bave Just renetved another shipmmt ent answer your request& AU mîmes. oloui mW stvles in stock te meet your Eauter PIJCED FBOM $5noo PUT UP NEW CURTAINS Gvec yeur roomsa abeauty Ueaýet-' Dring thecm-- mb.tne tt. your home laith bright new curtains. We bave a large and complete stock of curtala nuateria md &"tiose ahready aiia-i to tevarin stvles IT WLL ?Av YC>U TO SMR AND 3UY OUR SPRING DRESSES fro. 1.95 te 18.50 Co uch, Johnston & Cryderman McOREGOR 1 7EURSDAY. APRIL IITH, 1940 PAGE SEVEN TEE CANADIAN STATESIXAN, BOWI£A-XVn.LE. ONTARIO