THURSDAY, MAY 16TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO IThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. John Quigg, Toronto, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Jos. Quigg. Golden Rule Mission Band will hold an extra important meeting May l8th, at 3 p. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin on the birth ofa son in Bowmanville Hospital or May llth. Manager GeorgeC r o w t h e r's Girls' Softball Team had their ~rst practice May 8th. They held *another on Monday evening. Mr. Francis Kay, who hiber- nates in Toronto, is again back at Kurv Inn and is busy beautify. ing the containing triangle of Earth. Mrs. J. E. Fidier has returned from Toronto to her cottage at Newcastle-on-the-Lake and re- ceived Bozo from his winter quarters. it Community Hall Management SCommittee voted $50.00 to the Intermediate Red Cross Commit- jtee for their services in providing ýrefreshinents for patrons of April 26th dance. S. Rev. R. E. Morton, accompanied *by Mr. J. E. W. Philp, Clerk of *the Session, represented Newcas- tle United Church at the Presby- otery meeting in Blackstock on ýThursday, May 9th. d Mr. Lynn Dudley, Toronto, visited Major and Mrs. H. W. Dudley. His son, Corporal Mac kDudley is at Salisbury Plains, 1Eng., and had been aopointed an ,finstructor in signalling. Mr. Jack Hare, Third Year stu- dent in Medicine at Queen's Uni- versity, visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare, and returned to rKingston to await the results of the exains which will be released this week. Rev. D. R. Dewdney. Mr. Wal- ter Crowther and Mr. W. H. An- derson from St. George's Church, and Mr. Frank Hall, representing St. Saviour's, Orono, were in To- ronto last week attending Angli- can Synod. The Municipal Council on Mon- day evening issued debentures at 3 % to borrow $5.500, if required, to buy a fully equipped f ire en- gine (a pumper) at $4,000.00 and build a fireproof firehaîl at an estimated cost of $1,500.00. IMrs. Lorne Butson, who re- cently moved here from Hampton with her husband and mother, had the misfortune to faîl on the hardwood floor in their home and break her hip. She is now in Oshawa hospital where a number of friends have called on her. Mrs. A. S. Houston, Newcastle- on-the-Lake, was at Salem May 8th and 9th, assisting her sister, Mrs. Hertzberg, in receiving and entertaining the many visitors who attended the latter's art dis- play. There were about 150 in- terested persons present one day and about 175 the other. Refresh- ments were served to all. Rev. W. H. Day. formerly of Goodfish Lake, Alta. but now in Quebec, and his son, Mr. Ralph Day, visited Mrs. Jerry Brown, Brown's, and Mrs. Thos. Wood- lock, Newcastle on the L a ke. They were well acquamnted with one another when they ail lived in Alberta a few years ago. Mr. Ralph Day remained in Newcas- tle and is now employed in farmn work here. Miss Marion Rickard, B.A., of WELDING BLACKSMITHING ID. Re ALLDREADj King St. E.BRowmanville IDomnina Soap Flakes JAVEL WATER 5 thPkg. 3501 BRILLO SOAP PADS-- pkg. 12e PERFECTION WAX M -l. tin 29e UT WHITE SHOE POLISH- - - 15e - - bottie 9c PÈARL SOAP SUPER SUDS 10OBars 39e AND DISH 25C Gillett's Domestic 2 th for Lye-- tin 1lc Short.ning - 25e BuIk Laundry Tender Lest Starch- lb. 10c Tea - - 35c - 59c Lux S.ap --bar Sc Mandy 4 for Ammonia --25e Hawes Lemon 011 'y 'y Y -Y - PLAY 23e New Cabbag. - lb. Se Curlyc 2 for 15e Head Lettuce 2 for 25e O.L.C., Whitby, suffered a mis- adventure last Thursday when she was thrown from a horse she was riding and had her wrist broken. As a consequence she was unable to take her place in the Whitby choir which won first place in the Open Mixed Chorus Class in the Music Festival in Bowmanville last week. She taught her classes as usual on Friday but was in the Oshawa hospital over the weekend. Congratulations to the young people of Newcastle and vicinity 1who won high honors at the Music Festival in Bowmanville last week. Laurence Morton, who won the gold medal for piano playing, 16 and under, is the son of Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Morton; Pauline Deline, gold medalist in singing, girls 15 and under, is Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deline's younger daughter; and Maurice Powell, silver medalist in the open class for dramatic reading, is a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. All are students at the Newcastle High School and have been quite busy lately in their spare time preparing ma- terial for the High School Year Book, Maurice being editor-in- chief. Ross Prout, gold medalist in reciting in the class for boys of 10 and under, attends Shaw's school, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Prout, R. R. 2, Newcastle. Marie Ahlin silver medalist in the girl's solo in the class for il and under, is a pupil of No. 9 school and youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allun, R. R. 2, New- casthe. All these gifted young people attend the Newcastle Unit- ed Church and take part in the activities suited to their ages. W. A. of United Church met May 9th, with Mrs. N. L. Rickard, 2nd vice president, in the chair. Mrs. T. H. Clemence led in prayer and Mrs. David Gray read the scripture. The meeting voted $2. to the Upper Canada Tract So- ciety in token of the interest kindled in the work by Miss Owen. Different group leaders spoke of tentative plans for sum- mer social functions. President Mrs. J. H. Jose presided for the program presented by Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's group. Mrs. J. T. Brown contributed a vocal solo,V "My Mother," accompanied by Mrs. H. M. Allin: Mrs. N. L. Rick- ard and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard gave readings. The West group ser';ed refreshments. MOTHER'S DAY AT THE UNITED CHURCH United Church Sunday Schoo and the morning congregatior joined in a Mother's Day service( at 11 o'chock on May 12th witi the teachers and their classe, occupying the front pews. Asso. ciated with Rev. R. E. Mortor were Mr. Thos. A. Rodger, S. S Supt., and Mr. Wesley Cope froir Emmanuel College, Toronto, whc is one of f ive divinity studenti now engaged in întroducing -. New Forward Movement in Mis. sions on the part of Young Peo. ple's Unions and is arousing iii the young people a more livehy interest in Missions. The official Mother's Day' pro. gramn was used as a basis for thE order of service. The theme was, Having Christ In Our Homes, and Rev. Morton gave an expîanatory talk on the picture, "Come, Jesus Be Our Guest," by Uhde, which adorned the front page of the program leaflets. Mr. Cope very ably took the place of Rev. Bert Scott who was first scheduhed to address the young people on their missionary obligations and opportunities at this service, but in the meanitime Rev. Scott had been appointed te earhy summer work in North- ern Ontario and was about to be narried. Then in July he wouhd become pastor of the United Church at Cobalt. Mr. Cope clearly outlined the happenings heading up to the launching of the new Forward Movement project and delivered agood missionary sermon. Many baskets and vases of lvehy cut flowers adorned the church. Snapdragons, carnations, lies, tulips - they were arranged y Mrs. J. A. Butler in honor of hil mothers and in memory of tose who had passed on to the Great Beyond. The donors were: Mrs. C. R. Carveth, Miss Hattie Mason, the Family of the late Mrs. rhos. Couch, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 3Rickard and Mrs. J. A. Butler. After the evening service Rev. lorton and a number of mein- ors of the local Y.P.U. drove out ýOrono and attended the Fire- de service conducted by Mr. feshey Cope and Mr. George Af- 'eck at Park St. United Church. C 1 a c h a Ic b: ai i fI Union,_Darlington Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Sid Pedler, Mr. Kennethi Pedler and friend, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cockrane and Harold, Bowmanville, at Mr. C. Rahm's. ..Mrs. Niddery, Phylhis and Jack, Hampton, Miss Miidred Avery, Toronto, Mr. Bob Wilson, Misa Rowena Avery, Oshawa, Mr. E. Cook, Toronto, Mr. Ahbert Rundhe, Hampton, at Mr. John Avory's.. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and famihy, Nestleton, at Mr. Walter Ferguson's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bort Stephens and family, Bow- manvîlle, Mrs. C. Stephens, Mr. C. Burginaster, Enniskillen, ut Mr. R. Griffin's... Mrs. Mountjoy and Mr. Roy McLaughlin at Mr. Char- once Bradley's, .A&hburn. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Avery and Joyce, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor and famiiy, Mapho Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wot- ton 'at Mr. William Wotten's. . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and Betty, Bowmanville, at Lorne Knapp's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Iva and Gladys, Bow-t manville, at Mr. Alyrner Beech's.1 ..Miss Velma Ferguson withi Mrs. Bowers, Nestîcton.1 Pupils of ttie school observeds Arbor Day, Thursday afternoon.r They enjoyed a trip to thc woods1 after cloaning up the yard. t Our school took part in theE Musical Festival at Bowmanviile. l rV' SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Written speclally for The Statesman by welI known Durhams boy, Fred R. Foley, 123 Lake St., St. Catharines, Ont. Number 2 WE PLOUGH THE FIELDS AND SCATTER We plough the fields, and scatter The good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered By God's almighty hand: HIe sends the snow -in winter, The .warmth to sweii the grain, [The breezes and the sunshine, And soft refreshing ramn. Alh good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above; Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord For aIl His love. He onhy is the Maker 0f ahl things near and far; He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star; The winds and waves obey Him; By Him the birds are fed; M.uch more to us, His children, Ho gives our daily bread. WVe thank Thee, thon, O Father, For ail things bright and good, ['ho seed-time and the harvot Our hife, our heahth, ourfod No gifts have we to offer, 1For ahI Thy love iniparts, But that which Thou desirest, tOur humble, thankful hearts. Amen. M. Claudius, 1740-1815 Tr. J. M. Campbell, 1817-1878 This rare ohd song was written by a Danish peasant, Matthias Claudius, in 1782. It was written for a Thanksgiving drama by the runior Department in a school where the children annualhy brought a 'display of fruit, vege- tables and sheaves of grain for decortn One night the peasant poot, withahte neighbours, were in- vtdto the house of Paul Erd- mnann to roice over a bountiful harvest. They found a generous supper prepared for thein, the table pihed high with great brown loaves of bread and wooden bowhs overflowing with purple grapes and red apples. There also was the sheaf of wheat the chihdren had gathered. It was to be kept until the snow was deep and thon tied to the top of a poîe for the hungry little birds. It was at this festive gathering that Claudius first introduced the song which came from his thank- ful heart. The hymn was transhated into Englishi by Jane Montgomery Campbell and has been used by the Christian Church as a seasonai hymn of gratitude for more than one hundred years. T i.1 M t Cadmus Recent Visitors: Mr. George Stark, Toronto, with his daughter, Mrs. George Black. . . Miss Mar- jorie Pryor, Claremont, visited Mrs. M. Fallis. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, Ross and Keith, Toronto, at their cottage. Keith attended church in the uniforin of the British Navy. .. Miss Nor - ma McQuade, Courtice, was home. ..Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fahlis, Jack and Joan at their cottage... Mrs. Liha Vance and Helen and Bill Davis, Hamilton, at George Fowler's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Nor- mnan Philp and family, Toronto, with Mrs. C. H. Pallia'.. . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson (nee Birdie Gibson), Toronto, at Mr. Edgar Gibson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Baskerville;, Toronto, <nee Groce Goody) at Mrs. W. H. Failis'. Young People's League mnet Thursday night. Worship service was taken by Rev. D. M. Stinson. Prograin was in charge of Gerald Stinson. Readings were gîven by Lyda Ginn and Lewis Stinson. Mothor's Day service was ob- served Sunday with a good at- tendance and was «conducted by Rev. D. M. Stinson. Scripture roadings were road by Merlin Philp and Rupert Grahamn; the story "The Unseen Guest" was road by Miss Marjorie Galbraith; Rev. Stinson spoke on "Living the Christ Life in tac Home."' Sunday Schooi followed with a large attendance. Zion Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Levi Burgess, Niagara Falls, Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. M. Flintoff, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and Betty, Bowmanviile, at Mr. Wes. Cameron's. .. Mrs. Ray Cameron, Beverley and Janeen at Mrs. P. J. Gifford's, Osaca. . . Mr. Jas. McMaster, Miss Jean McMaster, Miss Ingram, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. McMaster's. .. Miss Lee, Pet- erboro, at Mr. Chas. Naylor's.. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel, Wy- rone, Mr. and Mrs. GeAy Glaspel, Whitby, at Mr. F. B. Glaspel's.. Miss Jean Leach, Solina, at Mr. Norman Leach's... Misa Doris Leach at Mr. J. Kivehi's, Solina. ..Mr. J. D. Colwiil, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams, Bowman- ville, at Mr. N. Leach's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Knopsel, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bickle and Sylvia, Miss Mary Eyman, Toronto, ati Mr. Hans Geisberger's. .. Mr. « and Mrs. Eldridge Nelson and Roy, Fraserville, at Mr. Ansonj BaIson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mervini Rahm, Gordon and Barbara, Osh- awa, at Mr. J. Shackleton's.. 1 Mr. Fred Martin, Toronto, at1 home.. . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin and family at Mr. W. G. Ford's, Uxbridge. .. Mr. and Mrs., Anson Balson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Mr. J. W. Balson, Miss Jean Ba]son at Mr. Chas. Ferguson's, of Thornton's Corners. .. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ~tcheil and Russell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins and Lloyd, Mr. Russell Bickle, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubbs, Toronto, at Mr. Russell Perkins'. .. Misses Bernice Stain- ton, Peterboro, Eileen Stainton, Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Dianne and Bryan, Kedron, at Mr. A. T. Stainton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and fam-E ily, Thornton's Corners, at Mr. J.s W. Balson's... Mr. and Mrs. F. Stiritwant, Oshawa, at Mr. Rus-r sell Perkins'. .. Mr. and Mrs.r AhI. Ayre and family .at Mr. Mil- ton Fisher's, Blackstock. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camoron andc Helen at Mr. Gordon Trigg's,y Pickering. .. Miss Amber Sonley, t 1 Nestieton Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Cread and family, Barrie, at Mr. M. Emerson's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. McColl in Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marlow at Mr. N. Marlow's. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinstry, Misses Snowy and Marie Marlow, Oshawa, at Mr. R. W. Marlow's. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wheeler and family at Mr. L. Joblin's. .. Mr. Herman Sameils at Mr. Wm. Samelîs'. . Miss Nora Porteous, Toronto, at Mr. C. H. Porteous'. . . Mr. Elmer Wright and Mrs. Rae Malcolm with Mrs. Peter Wright... Mrs. R. Wil- liams, Misses Doris and Iva at Nestieton. -. . Messrs Ralph and Edgar and Miss Ellen Emerson at Mr. M. Emerson's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marlow and family at Fleetwood. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lywood and family at Mrs. Jas. Williamson's. .. Mr. Oscar Ed- wards, Thornhill, cailed on friends at Nestleton. Mother's Day service in the United Church was well attended. Misses Dorothy Bowers and Irene Marhow sang "When M o t h e r Prays" which was much apprec- iated. We were ail glad to see Dr. R. P. Bowles out. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong is in Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Hooey had their little daughter, Eva Barbara Jean, baptized Sunday evening in the Presbyterian Church. Mr. R. Suggitt is on the sick Use th"is flexible non'ki"nking spray hose..resists chemical action Oshawa, Messrs Percy and Fred Bryce, Toronto, at Mr. Fred Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Ayre and fami]y at Mr. French's, Whitby. . . Miss Audrey Ayre, eowmanville, at home. .. Misses Emily and Annie Killen, Oshawa, at Mr. Robt. KiIlen's. .. Mr. Ber- nard McEwen, Miss Mary Cam. eron, Oshawa, at Mr: Wes. Cam. eron's. Balson quartette sang at Centre St. United Church, Oshawa, Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bal- son, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Per- kins and Margaret attended the banquet at Centre St. Church on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Leslie Garfat at Woodstock. C.G.I.T. girls went on a hike on Saturday. Mother's Day service was well attended Sunday mnorning. At the baptismal service Janet Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Naylor; Roland Wesley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bal and Williaril Henry, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bal were baptîzed. Church service will be at 10 ar.. beginning Sunday, May 19th. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Chocolate Orange Euch - TRY OUR OHEESE BREAD - THE CARTER FAI1LY Bakers For Two Generations Phone 855 Bowmanvile iRecent Vîsitors: Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Miss Grace Tre- win, Toronto, at Mr. W. Trewin's. :..Miss Audrey Thompson, Bow- manville, at Mr. W. Thompson's. ..Mr. Roy Ashton, Miss Annie Ashton, Burketon, at Mr. L. Gra- ham's. . . Miss Ursul McNeil, To- ronto, at Mr. A. McNeil's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Woollings Jr., and family, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ashton's. . .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. E. Bradley's. .. Misses Irene Sharp and Ursul McNeil, Toron-' to, at Mrs. E. Mountjoy's. .. Mrs. W. Brownlee, Leaside, Mrs. H. J. Werry, Enniskillen, at Mr. L. Ash- ton's. . . Mr. Richard Sanderson, MA-s. Phillips, at Mrs. C. Virtue's, Enniskillen. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs and Joan at Mr. H. Chant- ler's, Lindsay. . . Mrs. W. Ridge has returned to Toronto after visiting at Mr. W. Trewin's.... Mr. John Gîlbank is home after visiting at Mr. E. Taylor's, Solina. M fr. and Mrs. Harry Larmer and Shirley, Centreville, at A. Beech's. ..Miss Lorna Thompson, Toronto, is holidaying with her parents. Congratulations to Miss Jean Crossman on winning the silver medal in elocution at the Music Festival. Mrs. W. Ridgé held a fairly successful sale on Saturday in spite of the raw, windy day. Dur- ing the sale we were surprised to see a few flakes of snow faîl, followed by aleet. turnîng to rain. We were sorry to, hear of the sudden passing of Mrs. Harry Campbell, Oshawa. Mrs. Camp- bl~el was born and raised in Hay- don. Severai from here attendod the funeral. Interment was at Hampton Cemetery. W. A. was held at Mrs. T. Mountjoy's on Thursday. Bible reading was read by Mrs. W. Martin, and a chapter of "Travel- her's Aid" by Mrs. E. Stephenson. Readings were given by Mrs. L. Graham, Mrs. E. R. Ormiston and Miss Blanche Degeer; music by Miss Eileeen Cowling; duet by Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Miss May Trewin; and a piano solo by Mrs. A. Read.' A contest was conduct- ed by Mrs. S. Trewin. Lunch was served by Mrs. S. Trewîn's group. Sunday being Mother's Day, rnany were home visiting their rnothers. Rev. A. W. March gave a splen- did Mother's Day sermon Sunday on "Mother's Arma." A large y'oung people's choir was in at- OUR PRICE BOWM A NVILL E CLEANERS andi DYERS OPPOSITE GLEN RAZ~ DAIRY Froe Pick-up and OUR PHONE d. 'I ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES Don't let the front lawn take on that frouzy "spring feverl' appearance. We can put your Lawn Mower in shape. New and Used Mowers For Sale BE ECONOMICAL Build your own Tractor II.~ - We Sel! TACO Machinery FARM'ERS! Remember, It la wiser to let us estimnate first on a repair job. We fix everythlng and ean save you money. 4 Y lb Here is a hose specially built to stand up under the wear and tear of constant usage over rough ground and around obstacles. Goodyear Braided Cord Spray Houe is made with a tube specially compounded to resist the action of spray- ing chemicals. It is a flexible hose, will flot kink or flatten ... and is easy to handie. Its sturdy construction gives it out- standing abiity to with- stand high pressures of power sprayers. Available lu a variety of sizes. siwaÇTwuM SPRAY HOSE Goodyear al"mfoakesa aconz- plete line of Smrden hose. buit to wlthatand constant urne undor ail conditions. Whateve type of hose you need, speclfy Goodyear and get long, satis- factory woar wlth economzy. For fullIinformation on Goodyear Spray Bose write Goodyear Tire & Rubber Comi- pany of Canada Unmited, 204 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. FOODS VARY in the amount of energy they provide. Today bread is viewed as the best source of human fuel,... and it actually supplies Canadians witb one-jourtb of tbeirfood eneWg! Is Iargely responsible for their high health record. Bread is rich in carbohydrates. Made with milk, as is cutoma.ry today, bread is also an important source of protein, equal to moat in maintaining muscular energy. Keop fit for today's emergencies! Est more of this delicious health and energy building food--brea&L 1NO NEED To Send Your Garments Out of"Town PATRONIZE HOM4E INDUSTIT OUR WORK - la Built t a Standard not to a Price. - TOP E 5 - LIMITED THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1DArý-lL, IITIFV TOUR BAKEIS SKIU,, scien- tific equi.p' me.-_and the finest angre. cients - give you a 10sf un. surpassed ina wh oiesom e- nessanmd de- liaious flavor. 28e