PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO THURSDAY, MAY 23RD. ig~n Iof manner, clear diction and nat-BE n . James, Detroit, Mich., and several ff T V L R W R I ural dramatic expression, and an.JH business associates of deceased Jintelligent conception of the piece, S O A from the Stock Yards in Toronto. He procl ahim as a vra "în' fl VfhI Cr Left 'to mourn the passing of a ~ EST VA fl W S flO VIE st eas at and a eryontigue TO * URS m-i rloving and devoted husband and fW 1well. We wish him every success father are his widow, three sons, _________ Folk Dancing Lot Kruschen Help Keep George, Ray and Will, and two By Marie Clark Bell ______________ daughters, FacsadDrty Folk dancing, though sometîmes aiso one brother, Harold Hayes, Third Instalment 1 hîs or her own standards - and consîdered a side uine in a musi- Cohumbu s, and his mother Mrs. The Elocution Classes is entitled to them, and compari- cal festival, is quite as important Do you know that millions of George Hayes. Much controversy has been sons cannot be made. They are iniswya n te rnhpol hogotteEpire take____ aroused over the question of the entirehy separate, and they must ofmsclat7hlrntandte"iteydaihrdoe"of tKeruse difference in marking between be taken for granted. If an ad- to dance with a spontaniety, a Salts eveymrigofterlvs Mrs. John McKay the eocution and the musical side judicator is invited to a' festival, grace, and a sense of rhythm, are They are bein.% loyal to themselves of the festival. Mrs. J. Hicking- ai that goes with him must bel a pure joy to see. Children dance because Krusc en helps to keep Wednesday afternoon, May 8th, bottom, Toronto, the judge of elo- invited aiso - no matter what it themsehves into the hearts of an them on the job and on their toes- Mrs. John McKay quietly passed cution. started her markings wehh is. This time there is no reason audience, for dancing is the very whether they are on active service, to her rest at her residence, Stark- aboe te nnetesandremine a ah wh paens ad cildenessence of childish gîee. It is ini the kitcheh, the office, at a lathe ville. Mrs. McKay had been ail- consistent in high percentages. should be dissatisfied. They must really important that the educa-o nasml ie n o h attnyaswt This must not distress contestants look upon the situation intelhi- tional value of group and solo WhY get behind li your work, arthritis. For the past two and a on the musical side. Te utgnh n es ob etre folk dancing be strongly urged why lose a day's pay, a night's haîf years she was compehhed to remember that an adjudicator has over a matter that in itself is en- by those who have the power toeep nhu' u-h rwodke ohrbd tirey nrrowandpett. sressit.before your years-when Kruschen Mrs. McKay was born August tirly arrw ad ptty stessit.SaIts will hehp you battie the coin Girl 7 yars nd uder In Folk dancing, great attention mnon cause of these disapp intment?3lst, 1864, in Clarke Township as fluva~lVv he air piee ws vry mesthe ane, ad to the character- of headchehs, bakache ige o Mr. and Mrs. James Stark. She Business Drjtoy hGfirs 7 ye as d ner muslthe bnepad t-the character- f hLachehs, bahti s e LciedStardagterofathetrk ~~"~'""~J recited by the littie ones. Irma istics of the nation represented. rheuxnatism, sour stomach! It does rcie e dcto tSak Shaw, a mere baby, recited chear- Costumes must be chosen with tlis btecause it contains, fone or ville pubhic schooh. In 1885 she norbecame the wife of the hate John Legal ~ly and sweetly and understood scrupuhous care and attention to two, but several specially chose nMcyanliethrstfhr ____________________ and expressed the mysticism of detail must be strictly. folhowed. minerai saits, in very minute crystal Mie onlot and 10,th c ton.flre M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. the piece. She has good diction In no country would a folk dance (ahnost powder) form - that help Teonlsh9nd 10,hrctive5,lifke Barite, olcior Ntay and plenty of expression. Patsy be recognized, if cohours, ribbons, clear your body of waste, of poisons, Twshurdend9and ehagedvby the Barrste, Slictor Noary Ann Smith had marked dramatic and tuck-ups were not truc to a bhood ixnpurities. wsbree n nagdb h Phone 351 ability and naturalness, and Mur- nicety. Et ceteras are ail carefully No large dosage la required. No stroke which overtook her hus- Bank of Commerce Bldg. iel Stevens gave a particularly chosen and placed at the correct bloating aftermath. No violent band and rendered him an mnvalid Bowmanvifle attractive reading. The reciting angle in the correct spot -- and se laxative effect. Simply take what for the next 29 years. was very fine for children so is tradition preserved,. you can p ut on a ainme-in you Mrs. McKay is survived by her W. R. STRIKE young. In the old fashioned country morning glass of water. Keep taking entire family, Arthur and Jessie Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Boys 7 years and under dances of Ireland, such as the îiît it just that way and see-how aco at home, Wilfred at Newtonville, Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Donald McLaren of Orono was and the Irish Washerwoman a You will get relief, how it gradually Roy at Bronte, Mrs. R. Boughen Money to Loan - Phone 791 a general favourite. His reciting "Colleen Bawn" costumeshudIpratyotatgooufelg at Shiloh, Mrs. Geo. Morton, Sixth Bowmanville, Ontario of "The Caravan" proved him to be worn. Red cloak with hood, of tingling fitness that makes you Line, Clarke Tp., Mrs. A. A. Mar- L.C.MSOB.. be a very gifted young man. emerald green skirt - and it must .ilig to tackle anything. billc- tin, Brighton, Mrs. Geo. Plum, 1 L. . ASO, .A Chra Spakngbe emerald - black laced bodice causeit helps banish body wat and Toronto, and Mrs. H. Barrow-c Barrister - SolicitorChrlSekn with loops of the braids dangling, oisons. At dg stores 25c, 45c 75c. clough, Wesleyville. Aiso surviv-1 Notary Public - Etc. This was a feature of the elocu- white plain bodice with sîceves ________________ nd len r i grand. he sc Law in ail its branches tion period with the award going rolcd up (as for washing), white andrvîve by twos sesrseJ. Office immediately east of Royal to Pîne Grove School, of Hope worsted stockings, and black round. Classes in piano duet, uRbetsonToronit, adMss J. TheatreTonhpEvnicasagrt shoes with heels. Sometimes a piano and violin duets, vocal and Alice Stark, New Westminster, r Phoes Ofie 68;Hoe 53 deal of good can be effected in triangle of emerald green sateen instrumental trios, and even or- B. C., and one brother, James Phones:__Office_688;_Home_553 everyday speech. "Lord Ullin's is worn on the head and tied un- gan and instrumental combina- Stark, Orono. D entai Dagtr a ed wt e h hn n tteedOf tiens could be introduced. Two- The large attendance at the iA ______________________rhythmic perfection and appeal- the dance, this is removed and piano work, now se popular, funeral and the lovely floral re- C DR. J. C. DEVITT ing expression. waved. Ail these details must be might be a worthy addition. There membrances bore striking testi- ti Assitant Dr E. . Sison Boys 10 years and under attended to very, very, carefully, is no limit to the scope of a mu- mony to the esteem in which Mrs. m Graduate of Royal Dental Col- Kipling's vastly amusing poem, or the Irish dance loses its sig- sical festival. McKay was held. Ail felt that o leeToono Ofie:JryJuile"The Camel's Hump" was disap- nificance. they had lost one who had been m lee oot. Office hoy urs pointingly recitcd. The comedy Solo Folk Dance anxious to help them. In times J Bldg., Bowmanville. Ofc or was missing and the littie "Too- In class 53, six girls, ail pupîsQjfii~.0 ikeso rulMs c 9 .m o pm dil, oo-oo" and "Blue-ue-ue," instead of one teacher (Mrs. H. B. Foster O iu r exetSunday ofben te ertad eu f h Kay's assistance had been sought o: Ph cepnof7bing-teHheat andsoue f8th of Bowmanville) danced the Irish successfully by a wide range of IV, Phn 70- oe hne83piece was in some cases passed lilt. The tune played was the Martin A. E. Varnum neighbors. She was generous to ai X-Ray Equipment in Office by as quite insignificant. Ross "Irish Washerwoman," and the a fàult. Her whole thought was S Prout, Bowmanville, gave the best three prettieÊt steps of the wash- The funeral of Martin A. E. for others. Many an article of ' DR. R. O. DICKSON rendering. His natural talent was erwoman dance were introduced, took place fromi Northcutt & food and clothing went from her y' (Toronto) and lýewcastle, Ont. good and hie spoke out well. With with various forms of lilît steps. Smith's Funeral Chapel May 9th. hands to comfort or cheer some- R Over Latngman's1 Store, Newcas- a piece that hie understood, he The girls danced well. They were Deceased, who was in his 34th one else. SI tle. Office hours: Saturday only, would be given a much better ail vivacious, and well-trained - ycar, was son of the late E. N. She was interested keenly in D 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. chance. Ewart Leask, Taunton, but, alas, they failed to under- Varnum and Mrs. Varnum of the affairs of her family and M~ is a clear speaker and hie has stand the meaning of their dance. Oshawa. After a long illness sought continually to give them ai Veterinarian good expression. It really appeared to be more of which kept him inactive for con- the best. She was aiso dceply in Girls under 14 years the classic type of dancing than siderably over a year he passed concerned about the community ac D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.Se. In ai classes we found really the Irish country dance. High away in Toronto General Hospi- and anxious that ail its citizens in Bowmanvile good performers who failed to kicking was exaggeratd in the ex- tai May 7th. He was born in Dar- should be happy and well cared w Successor ta Dr. T. F. Tighe grasp the meaning of the words. citement of the moment, no doubt, lington Township August 20, 1906, for. She had an abiding interest di Office: King St. East, at Tighe Long pieces became very monot- and the girls knew quite well and through years of living and in polities and followed the for- a. Residence - Phone 843 onous under the circumstances. that they were over-stepping a working in the Solina locality was tunes of her political party earn- ki The best were very good, but the bit. very well known. Mr. Varnum estly. Throughout lier ife, Mrs. Funeral Directors weakest could have been omitted. The real dancing spirit was re- was an adherent of the Methodist McKay was a staunch Presbyter- 1The classes were much too large vealed by Christina Campbell, church. ian even althodgh sickness in the FUNERAL DIRECTORS and time was wasted. "Mary and she got the quickness of the Five sisters survive, Mrs. N. R. family had prevented hier fromn Service, any hour, any day Mahone," an excellent poem, was Irish steps much more readil White, Bowmanville, Mrs. D. attending church for years. F.F orsC. ai too long for the number of than did the others. Her trippingy Beer, Brougham, Mrs. S. Mils, The -funeral service was con- Hi girls who recited it. Betty Ste- was light and her circle at theOsaaMr.CBucsaadtdbyRvW.GBakofh Modern Motar Equipment, Amn- vens, Bowmanville, made an ex- end most effective. The exit in Miss Wanda Varnum, Toronto. Bowmanvil and Newtonville pl bulance and Invalid Car. Cail quisite attcmpt. She had very nice this dance has te be very import- The funeral was conducted by Presbyterian churches, assisted by ex Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. style and spoke with good cx- ant te make any sort of appeal. Rcv. S. Davison of Trinity United Rcv. J. McLachlan of Newtonville - pression. One of the best per- Christina Campbell tackled her Church. Palîbearers were Messrs. United Çhurch. ec formn o th fetivl, h d- work with real spirit and wa a Walter and Hugh Murphy, Hoev "She luth fought a good fight, Di Auctioneer ed this very large class. Jean great favourite with the audi- ard McRoberts, Lance Plain, Wil- Sh ah finished her course, Alv EL1WER WVILBUR Crossman and Suzanne Cook, ence. She has the makings of a liam Wallace and David Gatcheil. She hath kept the faith."l fr. Licensed Auctioneer both of Enniskillen, were among very fine dancer. Interment was in Union Cerne- sai Haptn - naro others who excelled. Ruth Dumas and June Morris tery, Oshawa. C Hampon Onari- wre uch lNestnstyetoneyEli Specializing in Fam, Livestock, Girls 10 years and under werenmuchfalikemnstlne.xh- Mrs. R. Tudor et to1 Implemnents and Furniture Sales "When Polly Buys a Hat", an- pression and were graceful N TERMS MODERATE other long poem, was donc well throughout. They just failed ta The dcath occurred at Our e Phone for Ternis and Date ta: bynyafe.twaadeitcththmangofhedce Lady of Mercy Hospital, Toronto, Nestieton Woman's Aissociation c Bowmanville 2428 tolsten ta Robin Taylor, who, Mary Aldread and Ma rg a ret on May i4th, of Annie Tudor, lie- e' t h oeGaRv D .W aeffortles performance, told Thompson displayed a good range loved wife of Richard Tudor. She Stinson, Blackstock. The meeting Mr ler story interestingly and neatly. of dancing technique, though was born in Wales. After their was. well attended. Rev. Stinson Mri Per intelligent reading of the their style was too modemn for marriage they resided in Carlyle, was in charge of the worsbip per- E v niesatisfaction and real folk dancing. England. Coming ta Canada in iod. Readings were given by Mr s M 1B A B Y 'S t leasure. Barbara Leask a.n d In the aId fashioned Irish 1912 with their two boys, Richard R. Jackson, Mrs. W. Cam re l, C S ISA I hirley Stephenson maeago dances, ballet shoes and silken Ernest, and Thomas Leslie, they Mrs. K. Samells and Mrs. W.M CONS IPA ION dea ofthecomdy.The sem- osearethings unknown, and nib- settled in Bowmanvillece Bowles. Lunch was servedb b ed ta enjoy the fun of the thing bons of satin crassed up the les they remained until 1928 when Mrs. L. Joblin and ber group. E SRO SIF NEGLECTED mnore than many others. They are more Spanisb or Italian gha they moved ta Toronto. Her son Heryvt ftakGa î e r BAEY'S dlirmmeentsétoee d ce ave very nîce performances. Irish. Perbaps it was on account Richard Ernest, predeceased hier Rev. Stînson and group in charge.G Wbf iemns oe igmstb ou t Boys.14 years and under 0f these being worn that the at- on aetembeee9,126. A succeld W. t.ecomîtteE. bumnoe. otipation la serions fur baby. "The Listeners" by Walter de mosphere was rather spoiled. Mrs. Tudor bad ýa kindly n etnMwshr tth oeo . Mm. John T. Reliof Eespeler,, l Mre as ve- cîgvnotTee il r ahv ieheerful disposition, and was a Mrs. P. Philp Monday evening ton ý ~hig ya rnod Fser of Port Hnopte. dancrls ahough th îin oig n evtdmthr h and plans made for tac coming won: 'Havlng bad seven chilidren and ti gb rodFse fPr oe acrtog hycould ntle vn netdvoedmohe..hegra used Baby's Own Tabiets for ail sevef, c haeanprt ftepic a tetmed "Folk Danciers" in the is survived by ber husband and year. b mythey are the best and aroiles uat r forThera prto h ic a ra eseM.R ugt u ec hfdren-safe andi effective for the tiniesS caught and good rhythm main- truc sense. son Leslie, aissolher sister, Mvrs. GldtrscM. .Sggt u Infant. I glve tbem up tu 10 years ci age. tained. Inflection was varicd and Great credit is duc to the tea- E. Kelly of Toronto, and hier bro- driving his car again. boteesthe ay' cle ableti spesinvii. lxchro Fl dnig ntistw ther, Mr. E. C. Evans of Bow- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. K. Sa- cor b. ,n me athing BaeOd abetweeaexKellough meuls and family at Mr. John w disivesturbanoe or fretfulnes. was another very good reciter. faor her splendid work in the solo manesn',Jaeville. ..Ms e Equally effective for sImpl eedarea imeWto logv nc- and group dancing in which shed The funeral services were con- Hedro',Jnevle issm upset tomach, colic, simple croup andi other cellent reading. has always had an interest. It ute y e psor ev Mr. NoandM .H Porteous ents miner alments of babyhoati. a pity that a teacher like tais Williams of Howard Park United M.adMs . .Preu. Fisl Qulck andi sure In their action. Easy to take. Elocution - Open Class sbould net be encouragcd. An- Church, bath at Toronto and Bow- Mr. and Mrs. L. Jobhin with fri- pr Rlmesi, and sale. Do nos contamn opiates or The outstanding boy performer other Solo Folk Dance class manville Cemctery where inter- ends in Port Perry. . . Mr. Geo. pner =efying drugi. Each p ckae ntainsinteeouincasswsu-wud otb ais. tcud ment was made. During the Malcolm with friends at aD0 o ikes luithe neL cents. Sicnesa doubtcdly Christopher Taylor Of cither be a class for graup danc course of his rcmarks Dr.W- Mrs. Jas. Williamson with friendsan bac U DoMoatali Port Hope. His poise and dignity ing, a type of dancing in whc liams said hie was proud ta in- at Janctville. . . Mr. and Mrs. dici thisteaheris n eper, o an clude Mrs. Tudor among his inner Percy Preston and daughters,Ri other solo group. circie of friends. Pahîbearers wcrc Ballyduff, at Mr. Gco. Johns'. ani The Folk dancer bas every ight Mr.Hry r.L oeM.heai ta appear at the concert witb the Tomkins and Mn. Hall. The many DUMB? YOU'LL PROBABLY T other festival winners. Wc won- beautiful flowers from friends NEVER HAVE STOMACH ery der why this is neyer arranged. and relatives were a tribute ta ULCERS the Tm cei FRPR~ » the csteem in which dcceascd was ____ the HOTU ED AdJudlcator's Farewell Speech h1d-vr D U And s0 cames ta an end anather theservîce and intemment was in AD Durham Caunty Festival - the Groveside Ccmctery, Braaklin. most successful of ail. This is the The casket was banked wita num- -va 40 4ý&Wconsensus of opinion. If tac en- eraus beautiful floral tributes. tries tend ta increase another Palîbearers werc members of the year, it might be a better plan ta Masonic Lodgc, whilc flawer economîze on medais and present bearers wcre fnjends and neigh- IrS LWAY DE ENDA LEIcertificates. Then con t e s t a n t s bours. would have the benefit of a sec- Relatives fromn a distance at- ond adjudicator, probably an cx- tending tac funeral lncluded Mn. tra day, and more leisure ai Bert James, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kendal L (Intended for last week) 1 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Everett ,Thorne, Humberstone, and Mrs. >Roughly, Oshawa, with Mrs. Thorne. Mrs. Thorne returned with them for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Roughly. . . Miss Annie Wright with her mother, Mrs. F. Wright. . . Miss Marjory Patton, Bowmanville, at home.. Private Bert Bostock was in the village on Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams at Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gordon's. . . Mr. Cecil Mer- cer, Misses Pearl and Vivian Mer- cer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer and family, with Mrs. George Mercer. Mrs. Mercer has been on the sick list but is around again. . . Mrs. Lewis Little is also im- proving and is with her daughter. . . Mrs. Hilditch visited in Toronto and Buffalo. . . Mrs. Darlington and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover with Miss Aima Cooper at Col- borne. . . Mrs. McKay, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Mercer, has returned to West Hill. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fat- terson and Bill at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson's. Mrs. R. Patter- son remained here several days. Mrs. Len Outred, Wesleyville, has been here caring for her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vannatto who are both under the doctor's care. There seems to be an epidemic of the old time flu around. In the cases of Wm. Patterson and Wm. Robinson pneumonia was thecked by serum, while with Mr. Vannatto it was pleurisy. Some of the other sufferers are Dick Bostock, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoskin, Wm. Mercer, Mrs. Wm. Robinson, VIrs. Wm. Patterson, Mrs. D. Van- natto and Joe Martinell. W. I. met May 8th, with Mrs. R. vlercer presiding. The ladies wishing to send old woollens to Cheshey for blankets are to get them hunted up. Mrs. W. Mercer vas to send for begonia buhbs but owing to the lateness of season vas unable to secure them. Mrs. J.Thickson, District President, of Bowmanville, conducted election of officers: President - Mrs. R. 'lercer; lst Vice - Miss K. Stew- art; 2nd Vice - Mrs. E. Luxon; Sec'y. - Mrs. Wm. Mercer; Treas. -Mrs. L. Martineli; Organist - Mrs. James Hay; Group Leaders - Red, Mrs. J. Patton; White, Mrs. Stoker; Blue, Miss K. Stewart; District Director - Mrs. A. Gilroy. NIrs. Thîckson gave an interesting and instructive paper on "Buy- manship." She pointed out the idvantages of home made cloth- îg, the five basic materials and xhat each is made from, their- ifferent weaves and finishes. She lso exhibited many different À1 cinds of cloth. Shaw's The annual meeting of Shaw's lome and Schooh Association was eld May l4th. President Alex ýrout was in charge of opening xercisès. These committees were appoint- id to arrange for annual picnic: )ate and Place - Miss E. Cronik, [ex Prout, Mrs. Geo. Allin; Re- reshments - Mesdames Wright- Dn Wight, Alex Prout, EMer ox; Sports - W. J. S. Rickard, lmer Cox, R. K. Bragg. Mrs. Elmer Cox, convener of rminating Committee, present- dthe following officers who ,re duly elected: President Lrnet Rickard; lst Vice Pres. rs. Otto Bragg; 2nd Vice Pres.- rnest Gilbank; Rec. Sec'y. - Miss lrjorie Clemence; Press Sec'y. - rs. Norman Rickard; Treasurer vlrs. Kyle Squair; Chairs - Mns. [er Cox; Prag. Com. - Miss E. ronk, Miss Bernice Wight, Mns. ao. Alia, Mr. Ross Lane, Mr. 'le Squair; Refrcshments - Miss Bennett, Mns. R. K. Bragg, rs. W. J. Ciemnence, Mrs. Disley. It bas been suggestcd that pro- ,ms for H. & S. Clubs should Sinspiration, educational and 'reationai. Ail these quaities nbined toward a wonderfully ll planned evening's entertain- ent. The play "Tommy Takes a fe" under the direction of test Giibank, with Emmerson bher as critic, gave a splendid rformance. Those taking part ýluded, Misses Jean Prout, Isa- 1Clemence, Margaret Harris d Bernice Wight, Ross Colible- ,k, Clinton Bamrett, Brenton ckard and E. Gilbank. This was all-star group and we hope ta ar from them again. red Chant of Hampton Cream- ishowed moving pictures of Sbutter making industry, from stable ta the table, whîch was ry informative. He aiso put on SRoyal Visit and a humorous ture ta the delight of ail. This itseif would give a splendid ning's entertalument. Wc hope hear from Mr. Chant again. ,harles Richàrds and Paddy Is from Bowmanviiie provid- enjoyable music on the piano ordian. Cbildrcn of the schooi g a number »rith good effect, as did Ross Prout and Billy Cox in duet. Ail were favored by Ross Prout's reading which won for hlm. the gold medal at the Music Festival. Refresbments wvere served un- dem the direction of Mrs. W. J. 1Clemence, Mrs. T. H. Clemence and Mrs. Disiey. ACCIDENT TOLL IN MILLIONS The cost of industrial accidents in Ontario for April totalled over $2,600,000, according ta a report issued by the Industriai Accident Prevention Associations. The re- port states that more than $650,- 000 was awarded during Apnil by the Workmcn's Campe n s a t i o n Board for compensation and med- ical aid. Experts in accident pre- vention work have calculated that' the indirect cost of an accident costs the individual four times the direct cost. The safety report Points out that in addition ta these costs, there is the loss and suffering of the injured employee. 1 "Now, as much or more than ever before," the statement concludes, "accident prevention is vital ta i Every Man To Mis Own Trade Ours Is blaeksmithing, welding, repairing and build- ing machjnery. Save yourself dollars by Ietting us esti.mate and make your repairs. Special Bargain ]EXCURasIouS TO ALL STATIONSN- WESTERN CANADA GOI1NG DATES DAILY MAY 18 TO 29, 1940 RETURN LIMIT: 45 dla'. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars aie available on paymnft of slightmv ilgh. 1 er passage fares, Plus Prie cf pa rbor or sleeping car acco mm odation. ROUTES- Tickets good goin Plort Arthur, Ont., Ch îago, 1. Sault Ste. Marie, retunlng .ia ain route and line only. Generous o0~ tional routings. STOPOVERS - will be allowed at any pinft in Canada on the going or re- turn trip, or both, wtthin final limnit of ticket, on application to Conduc- ton4 also at Chicago, Il., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, In accord- ance with tariffg of United States liflC9 9-16-23 Full particulars front any agent. Canadian Pacifie LAWN MOWERS Wc are stocklng a ivide range of ncw and used lawn mowers. Bring yours in ta be sharpened for good performance. De Re ALLDREAD King St. E. Expert Service Bowmanville House Cleaning Is Made Easy By having your Curtains - Drapes- Slip Covers « Rugs Pillows -Cush ions Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleauing Company, Lilted PHONE 419 SURtS, Coats Dresses, ea. 75c for NOT.A SECRET! Famous Beauty Tells Ail! MILK, says a famous model, la the great "Internai Cosmetic." AS. Ilie famnous beauties of stage, screen, and radio ail drink lots essential for beauty is heaith, and they have found that nothing cisc will supply thcm with the extra cnergy nccded for long hours of - ~: bard work. Their advice for beauty is this: Be healthy-eJrink Il a quart of milk each day! - Glen Rae Milk la nichest in extra Vitamjns fomr health and beauty. GLEN RAE DAIRY King st. Bowxnanville j THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 23RD, 1940 u l