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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1940, p. 8

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k~-~7 ~ '~.a "ê ~ I i PAGE EIGHT THREE B.H.S. BOYS 'rmTRST)AV MAY 22Rfl i 04n RECEIVE MEDALS SPOTNWSBowmanville High Schoà)l is1 'I' i l~mi . -mer holidays on the shores( GoodearTake Sothal Opner Lake Couchiching. To qualify fc Gooyea aa~~~onaiIUpeercampit was necessary for t In Close Battie With White Rose ond in the sports neet held i - Port Perry on Saturday aftei-noo: Tesucccssful local lads a Last Year 's Finalists Struggle Maurice Tamblyn and Captain Bill Edger placing first in th Ini 15-12 Gaine - Many Bei-t Colwell. Manager Ted Large junior boys' high jump; AIde started Bill Brown on the nound Wheelei-, fi-st in both the' intez New Players Show for the oilers, but after the Good- mediate bop-skip-and-jump an ]Pro*ess year bats had walloped out 7 runs the bigli jump; and Don Masor in the f i-st inning, hie was reliev- second in the 100 yard dasb ani ed by Semple. fix-st in the 220 sprint. The abov The Town Softball League got The second man up to bat for boys were coached by W. G. Col under way Monday evening at the Goodyears, AI Osborne, suc- mer, B.A., athletic instructor a the Public School grounds with ceeded in knocking out the fi-st B.H.S. thefirt gineof ac easn wenhomer o! tbe year, forcing in Bob- the fitgty Godytea nberen by Bates. Woods, the third batter sbdthe White Go se oiîers to for the rubbermen, also suceeded BICYCLE CLUB sddthe Whieto! Ro5-12. Ths to in swatting the baîl for a con- theatns, flsts1.îat yeasea-w plete trip around the bags. Bob TO HOLD COURT ge, shoed lnt o aconthya t aBird, centre fielder for the White APPOINT POLICE fuoreasta rtof clo gaesRose tean, was the only other ____ throught rthe erclscedule player fortunate enough to hit a Lions Bicycle Safety Club mel Whogo, the Goodyear huler, homer, bringing in Dilling fi-on Saturday norning at St. John'E played a steady game under the lt Parish Hall, witb 75 boy and girl carfulguianc of Manger The second and third innings members present. careul gidace o Mangerwere the briglit spots for the oil- ers gleaning a total o! seven i-uns President J. Stutt called thE for the two innings after a score- meeting to order and the roll waE 'k IS less fi-st. The power o! the called by Secretary Arline North- iM Goodyear batting squad was again cutt. Several new members wei-E felt in the fiftb when Woods, enrolled. Allan Strike conductec ColwelI, James, Piper and Oke a foiun on the traffic rules. Many succeeded in making the cii-cuit questions were asked by the n u um for i-uns. White Rose again rail- members. Nellie Par-ker- gavea lied in the sixth when Tighe, short report on a talk given the TIRE TRE Large and Depew each accounted previous Saturday by Raîpli Streb OSHAWA for 1 i-un. of Toronto. Unable to overcome the thi-ce- Sa!ety exercises werc held dur- i-un lead set up by the rubbernen ing which members were requir. Today - Fri. - Sat.1 in the sixth, the oilers grounded cd to explain the novenents and out in one, two, thi-ce order td; signais required to'nove in traf- The season's best musical end the game 15-12 after six and fic. comedy a bal! innings o! play. . It was decided to hold a meet- Alex McGregor, local druggist, ing at Hampton on June lst. BING CROSBY was the winner o! the lucky draw This week's meeting wiIl be DOROTHY LAMOUR sponsored by tac executive o! the cancelled due to other activities BOB HOPE in club to i-aise funds for the im- over the week-end. Policemen provenent o! the grounds. were appointed who will give tac T o - n i g h t (Thursday) Front offending cycists a ticket to ap- 'The Rad toStreet meets Mike's Place, for- pear in court at the ncxt meeting. t merly the South Ward. A discussion was hcld on the SingporeGoodyear - Bate, c; A. Os- subject of traffic problens, which wlth Jerry Colona and plenty borne, 3rd; Woods, p; Colwell, led to the club drawing up a re- of gorgeous gals. 2nd; James, lst; Piper, ss; Oke, r!; solution about whicb more wil _____________________ Wiseman, f; Murphy, f; Rich- be told later. All present promis- ardscf; to follow "The Ten Command- BILVEWAREWhite Rose - Bird, cf; Bron, ments for Cyclists." TO TRE LADIES p and ss; Mutton, c; Tighe, 2nd; Essays ai-e being written by tac XVERY THURS. & FR1. Large, lst; MacElhinney, 3rd; Ra- nembers concerning the Bicycle _____________________ by, f; Dcpew, rf; Dilling, ss and Club; tac winncr will receive a r!; Semple, p; Cooper, i-f. $3 bicycle bell. The club sweaters NEXT WEEK R H E are cxpected to airive this weck Goodyear 15 19 3 for the members to wear in. the Mon. - Tues. - Wed. White Rose 12 15 4 near future. Big Double Program Jean Arthur - Melvyn Douglas in , 'Tee Many Husbands' jwtth Fred MaeMurray - ADDED HIT - Sidney Toler - Lynn Bari in 'Charlie Chan iD the City of Darkness' "FIOTO -NITE " BVERY WEDNZSDAY NEXT Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. John Wayne and Claire Trevor (The stars of "Statecoaeh") I ,The Dark Command' wlth George Hayes - Walter Pldgeon - ADDED FEATURE - Jean Rogers - Robert Kellard i 'Stop, Look & Love' TRAINING SCHOOL PHYSICAL DISPLAY WED., MAY 29TH IInterestlng Program Pla n n e d Featurlng Gymnastic Drilis and Apparatus Work The public is agala - invited tc attend tac annual demonstratior in physical training to be helci next Wedncsday afternoon, May 29ta, at 2.30 o'clock at tac Boys: Training School. As in other years the display will be stagcd on tac spacious centre campus wherc tac setting is ideal for both perforners and spectators. Features that have proven pop- ular la past ycars will again be prcsentcd with certain radical changes, o! course, to add a touch o! ncwness. This year's Danish drill squad ranks high. There will be tumbling on tac mats, tarilling stunts on the appai-atus, another denonstration o! dual box-horse work that so took tac fancy of Iast year's audience, wbich, by tac way, was the larg- est in many years. The very ittle boys arc show- ing their version of the currentîy popular dance, the Cokey Oki, and sone more competitive stunts. Pyramids that are different will again be a feature, with tac color- ful royal pyramid as shown last ycar again being presented. Look at these easy te prepare foods that Allin's1 Corner Grocery speclalize in, at low prices wlth 1 hlgh quallty. maclaren's PEANUT BUTTER .......... lb. tub 15C Oronot CREAMERY BUTTER ..........[b. 28eCI Maple Leat Ayhner 20 oz. tin É Bacon ½/,-Ib. 20C1 Pork and ea.s - 10e î EGGS grade Alarge . . . 0 doz. 25c t s Suntene S ~ -b. Grapefruit t( 1ci 20-oz. tin ej GSc tc LEF"TE TAT50-oz. Un d THE «SMALL L 'E HT25e C MEANS GîtEATER ECONOMY _____ ft or th CHICK STARTER FEED P( - Grant Bros. Seed Corn -to MANGLE SEED - URI SE mný HAiktRY ALLIN th Phono 367-368 THE CORN-ER GROCERY Bowmanvllle ti,, SCHEDULE SET FOR DARLINGTON 1 SOFTBALLGCROUI d South Darlington Sofîbaîl Le. gue met Friday night at Nichol Garage, Courtice, where plar were drawn up for the sumne Leslie Coombes was elected Pr( ,sident and Norman Bruton Sec n Treasurer. Four tearns nake u d the league with Bowmanvill y Ramblers entering a tean to nak sthc fourth team as Maple Grov dropped out. We are looking foi yward to sone good games 'th:i ,ycar as this new tean ought t gmake it interesting for the otheri The Schedule May 28-Courtice at Providence. 3 1-Ramblers at Salem. eJune 4-Salem at Coui-ticc. ýl 7-Providence at Ramblen 1-Courtice at Salen. 1 14-Ramblers at Courtice. a 18-Salem at Providence. 21-Providence at Courtice. 25-Salen at Ramblers. 1 28-Ramblers at ProvidencE July 2-Providence at Salem. 5-Courtice at Ramblers. 9-Salen at Providence. 12-Ramble-s at Courtice. 16--Courtice at Salem. 19-Providence at Ramblers 23--Courtice at Providence. 26-Ramblers at Salem. Playoffs start on August 2nc and will be played Tuesclay and Friday until completed. AIl ganeî will be played at Cream o! Barlcy and start at six o'clock sharp standard time. CITIZENS PLAN DEDICATION FOR C.'OMMY' ROSS In nenio-y of the late C. Thos. Ross, whose interest in basebali and other sports in this town bas kept them alive, intcrested friends have joined together in planning la dedication service prior to the opening gaine ncxt Wednesday evening. A 55 foot steel flagpole has been erected at the south end o! the High School campus. It wîll be surroundcd by a nenorial plot of shrubs and flowers. A perma- nent bronze plaque bas been plac- ed at the foot of the pole givlag details o! the dedication and pay- ing tribute to Mi-. Ross. The baîl clubs, outstanding citizens, bands and organizations .vill mai-ch to the grounds and the ceremony will begin at 6.15. W/e understand that Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer, Mayor R. O. Jones and others will take charge o! the service. The service Mi-. Ross rendered o the sporting activities in this town is well known and appre- iated. Through bis energy and nthusiasm, the baIl clubs under- took to improve the grounds un- il at the présent time the local iamond is one o! the finest in )ntario. He was responsible also Fr mucb of the actual work done )n that field and for organizing 1e local baîl clubs when it ap- jeared that no other person had rîough interest in their welfare ,undertake the difficuit job. Yitb the opening of the bahl sea- on, other men have taken on the asks lie did so well, but are miss- ng bis entbusiasm and bis good ivîce. In erecting a suitable emorial, they ai-e expressing ieir feelings concerning bis un- rnely death. Citizens will bie eager to attend is dedication service to show !a- Is' ris cr. p [le 'e rs. !Y to he )n n- of or ýc- in. ýr- id n, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO FLOOR LAMPS and SHADES months, trom GABOLINE RANGMS :8, Etc. Prices ie Space 1 - ronto _atMi-.G._B1dleys,-J.. ieSeek out your friends... the advertised products. Mrs. 'G. Bradley, Jr. _ and Mary fldyUUI1 1 Adeline in Toronto. .. Mr. and____ at Favor the dealer who handles them. Look for them on the Mrs. E. Parrott1 and farnily at Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. shelves. Watch for them in the show windows. They are Mr. A. Wearn's. .. Mr. Bob Harry Brooking, Wesleyville, Mr. jnegotiable guarantees of value. They are friends you can Smales and Miss U. Knapp, Miss and Mrs. Ernest Brooking, Bow- Itrust!I Gladys Page, Oshawa, Miss Clara manville, at Mr. Cecil Slemon's. [ jPage, Toronto, at Mrs. E. Page's. . . Mrs. M. Riley, Mr. Bruce Riley Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, and Harry, Bethany, Mr. and _____________________________________________Miss Mary and Lizzie Elford, Mr. Mrs. Frank McGill and Donald, E Borrowdale, Oshawa, Misses Nora Toronto, Mrs. Milton Werry, Osh- and Wilma Werry, Kedron, Miss awa, Mrs. Thos. McGill, Enniskil-' t Jlackstock Enniskillen G. Werry, Miss V. Lonsberry, len, at Mr. L. Ashton's. .. Messrs. 'S___ Messrs. J. Hancock, K. Slemon, Alvin Boyd and Merle Oke, En W.M-.mta1r. .Jh- Rcn istr:M.adMs Don Mason, T. Davison, Bill Hut- niskillen, Miss Jean McLean, W.MdS.lmth, thresidJhn ent .Or isito s r and nMple chison, Bowmanville, Mr. and Baker's, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs eston's My1twt rsdn .Omso n lie ai Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, at Mr. and Joan, at Mr. C. Crossman's. ýMrs. Jabez Wright presiding. Mrs. Grove, Miss Verna Ormiston, Osh- J. A. Werry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foley, Mr. -N. Mountjoy's group arranged the awa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowrr4an, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, and Mrs. Edward Foley, Maple eprogram. Mrs. J. E. Elliott read Enfield, at Mr. R. Ormiston's. .: Toronto, Mrs. C. Stephens, Hamp- Grove, at Mr. M. Blackburn's... d"Preparing for Kingship." Re- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston and ton, Mi-. and Mrs. R. Stephens Mr. Frank Osmond, Misses Veda potyfOhwaPebtra Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Par-i and childi-en, Bowmanville, at. Purdy and Audrey Thompson, e pots f OsawaPresyteialsons, Miss Laverne Orchard, Mrs. Burgmasters. .. Mr. C. Hub- Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Thomp- awere given by Mrs. C. Hill, Mrs. Bowmanville, at Mr. F. Orchard's. bard, Enfield, at Walter Oke's. son 's. . . Mrs. Walter Foley, e Jabez Wright, Mrs. Jno. Lai-mer . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton, Mr. Our anniversary services were Maple Grove, with Mrs. M. Black- band Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer. Mrs. and Mrs. Ross Glover, Oshawa, a decided success on Sunday. burn. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Mor- Geo. Wells, Detroit, sang twO Mr. and Mrs. W. Stainton, Orono, Rev. . L. JulI, Brooklin, gave gan, Oshawa, Miss Viola Bradley, -lovely solos, "Thanks Be to God' Miss Bernice Stainton, Mr. G. two fine addresses speaking to the Toronto, at Mr. E. Bradley's.. -and "I Love You Truly." Miss Towns, Cobourg, with Mr. M. cbildren in the afternoon, tellhng Mr. Paul Stevens, Miss Ursul Mc- 1Ferga Johnston gave the Temper- Stainton . . . Mr. and Mrs. H. the story of Obed, and the even- Neil, Toronto, at Mr-. A. McNeil's. - ance reading. Mrs. N. Mountjoy Werry and Ronald, Kedron, at Mr. ing address to the adults explain- . . Mr. G. Riggs, Mrs. E. R. Or- read an article about Dr. Kagawa. H. MGill's. . . Miss Helen Wil- ing what is expected of us in miston with Miss Eva Souch, -A social time was enjoyed. liams, Bownianville, Mr. G. Reid, the present world conditions. The Ennîskillen. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. St. John's W. A. met at Mr5. Mr. Oswald and Floyd Pethick' Sunday School choir led by Mi-. Trewin and Claribel, Mr. and E. Darcy's May l6th, with a good Toronto, at S. R. Pethick's..' E. E. Staples was assisted by Mrs. E. Stephenson and Vaughn, attendance. President Mrs. Wood Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, Mr.and Trinity male quartette, Bowman- at Mr. A. Brunt's, Enniskillen.. presided. Mrs. A. Bailey acted as Mrs. S. Turner, Oshawa, Mr. and ville, consisting of Messrs. Don Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Miss secretary. Mrs. V. M. Archer Mrs. F. Dorland, Mrs. F. Myles, Mason, Trevor Davison, Bill Bessie and Mr. Wilbur with Miss- Sgave a report on the annual meet- Calgary, at Mr. Wesley Oke's. .' Hutchîson and Keith Slemon, ac- es Blackburn, Newcastle. .. Mr. ing in Toronto. Recording Secre- Mr. and Mrs. H. Cowling, Whitby, companied by Miss Helen Wil- and Mrs. Fred Cowling and Fred, tary Mrs. T. Smith read letters Mr. and Mrs. S. HockadayMr liams. Miss Elva Orchard was Blackstock, at Mr. R. MeNeil's.. Labout the mîssionaries in the and Mrs. E. Hockaday, Solina, ai pianist for both services. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanderson and north. Mrs. Fred Hamilton took Mrs. W. Oke's. .. Mrs. H. Ryley, Barbara, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. the chapter of the study book. Mr. B. Ryley and Harry, Mrs. O. Bradburn and Mr. Hall, Janet- Lunch was served. McGiîî, Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. A. Zion ville, at Mr. John Sanderson's.. Girls' Club met at the Orange.E. Biîîett and Keith, Hampton, - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford, Bliffalo,- Hall May l5th. Miss Scott, Girls'~ Mr. and Mrs. F. Billett, Scarboro N.Y., at Miss M. McLaughlin's Leader, was present. Bluffs, at Mrs. T. McGill's. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. and C. Avery's... Mr. and Mrs. Tbak oferng nd nnier-Mr.andMrs M.Sams, nfildRussell Stainton and family, Mrs. R. C. McLean and family, To- sa srviesere heand at te Mr. and- Mrs. W. SHosn an Idr Jas. Stainton at Mr. Chas. Lan- ronto, Mr. David Tordiff and Miss United Church last Sunday. Rev. othy, Burketon, Miss E. Hoskiný der's, Oshawa. .. Mr. Ray Cam- Gillis, Bownianville, at Mrs. Elgin M. A. Bury, M.A., Janetville, Bowmnanville, Mr'. G. Hoskin, eron and Inez at Mrs. P. J. Gi!- Mountjoy's. preacheci in the morning. The Oshawa, Miss Alberta Wood' ford's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Practice for oui- annîversary children's choir of 50 voices un- Orono, at Mr. Heard's. .. Mr. Geisberger and family at Mr. starts Sunday at 10.30 a.m. der the capable leadership of and Mrs. R. C. Pearce and Brooks, Adolph Eyman's, Whitby... Mr. Several from bere attended the Mrs. Ada Jones-Sadler supplied Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. F. Snow CaMs. eraldason aortoMr.Suviedat y cool annnisryser- the music in the morning. Even- den and Ann, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cohnas...Feruo',Tono'.ie tTrn and Enniski.lM. ing service was taken by Rev. Mountjoy, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs Cres r n .G . on Sunday. Milton Sanderson, B.A., Toronto, R. Langmaid, Muriel, Charlie, Moncrief, Jean and Doris, Miss The Sunday School having and music by the United Churcb Helen and Miss Fi-ayne 'ons Bernice Stainton, Peterboro, at pui-cbased a Iawn mower, The Choir, Orono. There was a goodSoiaMssEenJh-, Mr. A. T. Stainton's. .. Mi-. and Helping Hands' Class bas raked SolnaMis ElenAlldread, Osh- Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at the yard and mowed the lawn, attendance at both services. awa, at Mr. Roy McGill's.... Mr. ebCmrnsTyo..whhgistecuc ppry Mr. Lewis Swairî and Mi-. Orr and Mrs. R. C. McLean and fam- Mr.sHerpbCameon's Ty ironise .awhich gies thape hracpert Venning underwent appendicitis ily, Miss Irene Sharp, Toronto, Miss Jeas. Balson wiThorntsiramchbteapaace operations at Port Perry Hospital. Misses Wilma and Helen AshtonMr.Ca.FgsoTotn' Church service on Sunday at They are improving nicely. at Mr. A. Sbarp's. .. Miss Elaine Corners. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. 2.30 p.m. with Rev. A. W. March Visitors: Mrs. Boom and Mai-- Palmer, Toronto, at Rev. A. Cameron, Jack and Joyce at Mr. in charge. Please note the change garet, and Mrs. Gi-een, Kitchener, Harding's.. Mr. and Mrs. F. Morley Filntoff's, Maple Grove. lai time. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Miss at Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert's.. McGill and Donnie at Mr. J. Elleen Stainton, Bowmnanville, at Mir. and Mrs. N. S. McNally and McGiIl's. . . Miss Doris Milison, lr. S. C. Allin's, Bowmanville. Verna, Coîborne, with Mr-. and Solina, Mrs. Lackey Sr., Fraser- M.adMs etCoe hry Mrs. Wallace Marlow... Mi-. Ar- ville, Rev. P. L. Jufl, Brooklin, at Mr. adMr. eityoke,Chrry- M pe r nold Johnston and frîend, Toron- Rev.' H. Lackey's. .. Mr. andwodM.HeyOkyTrtoM pl Gr e towit Mi. ad Ms. ohn Mr. W TrwinandClaabeleat at Mr. Thos. Martin's... Mr. and ton. . . .Mr. and Mrs. MiJon Mr. .uts. W. . r. and Mrs.bll Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Misses Beryl Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mrs. sto. .. Re. ad rs.MilonMr Brnts.. Mr ad Ms.and Norma Glaspel, Mr. Alex R. H. Armstrong attended the Sanderson and family with Mr. C. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rod- McMaster at Mr. Ralph Glaspel's, meeting of nurses held at the and Mrs. Clarence Marlow.. . man, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone. .. Miss Audrey Ayre is Boys' Tr-aining School May 1 lth. Miss Edna English with Mi-. and R. Richards and Maurice, Bow- home for a while. .. Miss Annie Miss Ruth Armstrong also at- Mrs. O. Wright. . . Mi-. W. A._____________ Beacock, Seattle, Wash., sprung a Killen, Oshawa, at Mr-. R. Kil- tended this meeting. Mrs. Arm- surris onCarwriht riedslen's. .. Mi-. and Mrs. R. Stain- strong, nephew Donald Ross, and sudr ies n C artribtfrends 0 ton and family, Mrs. J. Stainton Mi-. Fred Secret returned to To- wbe bean Mr an Ms. . W CrneWit Te Wmd called on Mrs. Emma Cornish o ronto witb Ruth, and on Mother's RhnleadM.adMs .W OYAL Sunday.Wi dDay attended the Garrison Divine Pickard called upon them. "e HEATREy Service at Maple Leaf Stadîum. ther apreiaton ! aman wbose Young People's meeting at Trin- Toronto Sanitarium h o s p i t a 1, ie meamutoow manville mon. - Tues. - Wed. ity Churcb, Bowmanville, on Weston. an hi etsol o e May 2 - 8 2 Monday night. Sympathy is extended to Mr. forgotten. Mrs, W. Glaspel bas been in W. Stewart in the passing of bis FRIENDS YOU CAN TRUST Advertised products are your friends. You can buy them with confidence, sure of honest value. They have stood t.he test of public scrutiny, and have been found worthy. Advertising, after aIl, is a test of public approval. No manufacturer would advertise bis products unless he knew they were good. If errors did creep in, he would be quick to correct them, for to hold business he must uphold the confidence advertising has created among millions of people for bis wares. Advertising protects the consumer. It guarantees honest value. It sends quality up. The manufacturer who advertises builds up such a volume of sales that he gives far more in quality than the non-advertiser can possibly do. il M 38 - Off 40 Simcoe St. N. CHRISTI AN * anville, Mrs. I. Travell, Beth and Bruce, Miss H. Perkins, Miss M. Dalton, Oshawa, Mr-. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Toronto, Miss Marie Oke at Mi-. E. C. Ashton's. ..Miss M. E. Vu-tue, Mi-. J. Stainton, Toronto, at Mi-. H. Stev- ens'. .. Mi-. and Mrs. G. Leask, Ewart and Eunice, Taunton, Mi-. and Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees, Solina, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Miss Dorothy Edger, Mi-. J. M. James, Bowmanville, at Mi-. H. Annis'.. MIss F. Bradley, Mrs. B. Ashton, Haydon, Misses Jessie and Helen Knox, Hampton, Miss Verna, Ella and Mr. Howard Milîson, Solina, at Mi-. T. M. Slemon's.. Mi-. and Mrs. G. Bradley, Si-., Mi-. J. Griffin, Miss Vera Lloyd, To- OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Special Holiday 1 Attraction Friday - Saturday MAY 24 -25 JACK BENNY ia "Buck Benny Rides Again" wihEllen Drew - Andy Devine - Phil Harris Rochester and Carmichael Added - Crime Doesn't Pay Jack Pot REVIVAL Friday at 11i p.m. 'Tarzan Finds a Son' Starring Johnny Wels- muller - Maureen O'Sullivan Monday - Tuesday j MY 27 -28 Two Great Features 'The Earl of Chicago' Starring Robert Montgomery, Edward Arnold and Lupe Velez in "Mexican Spitfire" wlth Leon Errol - Donald Woods TREASURE O'GOLD DINNERWARE FREE TO, THE LADIES BOTH DAYÊ Weines. - Thursday MAY 29 - 30 Double Bill V "Congo Maisie" Starrlng Ana Sothern - John Carroll and Lupino Lane In "The Lambeth WaIk"y wlth Seymour Hicks - SalIy Gray ELECTRIC DARGAIN SPECIALS IELECTRIC TOASTERS qSc ELECTRIC IRONS FXUE 98I5,5Up We Neci the -Save on 1939 Model Electrie Refrigerators, General Electric DON CHRISTIAN,,ELECTRIE -OBSHAWA- 5 Rebuilt ELECTRJC RANGES AUl New Surface Elements From $1950 New 1939 Models - Save as much as ELECTRIC RANG ETTES Good $35,00 Value $26,95 15 Good Reeondltloned ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Inclulnt Norte, Kelvinater, Leonard, Westinghouse, General Electric, etc., frein $39-50 % Idireet 15 Rebuilt Quebec I0E BOXES ELECTRIC COOK STOVES USED WASHER Some psed only a few -AGTE SPECIAL New 1940 Model Gy- rater, wlth year's sup- IPly of seap, Tubs and Stand. Good value nt $79.00. Sale $64-50 Phone 84 -744 ibed with a bad cold. Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mi-. and Mî-s. Wes. Cameron, Mi-. Cameron and Reford, Mi-. Ray Cameron, Mi-. and Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mi-. and Mrs. J. W. Bal- son and family attended the fun- eral of Mi-. W.. J. Trick, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mi-. Ray Scott, Maxwell's, and Dr. G. R. Bootb's, Oshawa, cars collided on Gifford's hill, just west o! Taunton, on Saturday. Both cars were badly wrecked. Mi-. Scott bas a broken nose and Dr. Booth is in Oshawa Hospital with a broken nose, a !ractured jaw and a crushed chest. -M sister, Mrs. Jessie Ann Stewart Eade, Toronto. Considerable clarnage was done on Sunday with ramn and wind. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Foley -11ited Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Hayrji' Mesdames W. H. Vaughan, W. W. Fox, J. E. Flatt, J. L. Rook, R. M. Yeomeans, W.-R. Plewman, J. Walkey, R. J. Ravelle, W. C. Coulter, from Toronto, and Mrs. A. E. Plewman, Richmond Hill,' werp Thursday visitors at M4rs. F. Swallow's. Special service next Sunday afternoon in co-operation with the proclamation by the British Em-i pire to be a day of "Humble Prayer and Intercession" in this hour of national crises. AUl are requested to attend. THURSDAY, MAY 23RD. 1940 i 1 le, ýl

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