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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1940, p. 10

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li - -- THE CNADIN STTESMN. BWM.&~1.1LE OTART GIRL ATHLETES WRYN SPORTNEWSP ORrYI§G W_ From July lst to 13th the On-1 ing 1101 girl athietes from aIl parts If you are one of those cou *U UUof Ontario. Hockey, swimming, thussrn¶s of loyal Canadians softbail and basketball oxecutives ious to do your bit-buy Britii Billard ing Def at ubbe m en are making selections for their look to, your health! Squotas; hockey 6, swimming 10, In the rush of daily affaira In Second League Gamme, Score 9- sof tball 25, and basketbafll20. neglect your body. If o from track meots held in each of pains, frequent headaches, Mlile's Place Billiard Kings de- Billiard parlor and is being coach- the 13 zones during the next few stomach-more than likely yo featd te hughy Godyer e byClaence"Pok" sbone.weeks. Each zone may recom- neglocting to, keep your body f fat odnthonau ght y Goar e b lreno "Prk" Osbrne. end a business or, industrial poisonous waste, yourbou scoe.monhMonay niht byond a 9-6 inthorbe frm e n ereheldbun- girl and subniit hier track qualifi- unpurities. scoe. he amo th seondo! es inthefirt fvo nnigs utcations for consideration and the Don't neglect this important the season, was fast with plenty in the sixth a hitting spree w as renr4inder of the track quota wiîi ter, for the solution is simple 0fth od epbengshwnbystarted by McKnight who brought b e fillod by the best of winners .expesive. Sirnply taire othe ldt eas Mie'shPlacntea in Bagneil and Piper. Wiseman, in the zone school moots. elittie'daily dose' of Kru wohas s y e's Ptl ard or mAce Richards and Murphy alilSalta. Millions throughout was astyea's SuthWar ormade hits to bring in the remain- Dorothy Walton, Ontario bad- Empire take Kruschen everyn Pepsi Cola team which hsbo ing three runs. Horn startod ofmno n eni pcait ill ing of their livos. taken ovor by Mike Osborne's thKieok o h iladb us itutradoh r usÇchen contains-not on ____________________Kings getting a double in the first notable athlètes wiil act in a two, but several highly rei and advancing to home on Piper's similar capacity in their own specaly selected mineraif sait triple to make the only score in particular line. Archery, hiking, combination these saîts mal ., the first inning. Couvier and Me- boating and square dancing will mass attack on these ailments Knight crossed the home plate to be includod in the programme. keep you away froin work and - ,bring in runs in the second and Mrs. Frank Banston, known to the joy out of life. Piper hit the first homer o! the ail basketball and softbali girls, So get a bottie of Kruschen game with a groundor out to lef t will be camp mother. use it. Just what you can put 2 field. Bun Moore was the only Girls from 15 to 22 are eligibloý dime every mornn. Thon yo f j 'rn ~othor Billiard cue successfui in providing they have not attonded tejdoatryuv ent knocking out a homer. in a previous year. By enforcing it for awbilo. You'll eee w1i Ace Richards was on the mound this last rulo, the Ontario branc meant b y that pricelesamil for the Goodyoars pitching the of the W.A.A.F. hope to extend dlaKruschen feelig! At d samne fast bail that hie usod to de- the use and privileges of this stores__25c,_4__eand_75_. feat the Goodyear team in the wondorful camp to an ever-wid- finals iast year whon lhe was play- oninZg circle of Ontario's girl ing with the White Rose Qilors. athletes. Jack Gay of Courtico started off __________ for Mike's Place but was reiieved In The Editor'sMa by Horn in the sixth. Four errors GIRLS' BALL TEAM M wore made by each team. A1 The gamo was tied by the Good- LOSE AT O.SHAWA years in the sixth inning with six Pico, Calif. runs apiece, but Horn, Werry and May 2th Court Bowmanville May 22, 1940 Moore put the game on ice for girls' sof tball team, handled by Dear Mr. James: Mike's place when they each Jerry Bird, piayod their opening After the noxt issue wiîî brought in runs and thon hold game in Oshawa when they met kindly address My Statosmar their opponents hitless and score- the fast stopping Court Oshawa 77 1Oth St., New Toronto. less in the first of the seventh to Blue Birds handled by S. Snow- brother, Mr. C. W. Gardiner E s oend the game hoewt mad E asy to 1 Miko's Place: Little, c; Horn, Dorothy Downoy pitched an ex-creoming h o Mwith me,n ss and p; Piper, 3rd; Werry, 1st; cllent game for Bowmanville bu expect to mako soveral stops Mor lf -Gay, p and ss; Couvier, was not supported ither in the visit relatives on tho way hi cfe; o i. oore, Hoopernh, fc;el or at bat which rosulted in I havo had just the nicostv cf Oke h o2dmMengh, f defeat for Bowmaiiville. Howevor horo with relatives and frier Goodear Hoper c;Osbrne th sesonis Young yet and man 3rd; Woods, lst; Bagnoîl, 2nd; ager Bird will have a mucl but I havo boen away from hi Cf. Piper, ss; McKnight, cf; Ron Rich- srng toam in the field for the smnce early in Januairy and ards, rf; Wiseman, rf; Ross Rich- oponing game on June 5th. The raai n. gish to th a you Drink ~ards, p; Murphy, If. line-up: gi.1wstohakyur Oshaa -S. nowdn, . Wl..sincorely for sonding Tho Stai R 4 saa-S Sodn .Wl man on to me s0 promptly, b, Mike's Place 9 Il 4 son, R. Claus, D. Miners, M. Pon- a lPs n lohr.I o Gooyea 6 4 inton I.GibonE.Rowdon, to keop one in touch with i _____________ J. Stark. ponings in the home town.Y Bowmanville - J. Largo, F. tra a ievstwt A British soldior brought back Clark,D.D ny,. Nickerson, orday I had anie vbityi, Dlcosada German prisoner by hauling D. Good, M. Wiseman, H. Pringlo e swolve nLs Ang hlm with a rope bound round his and L. Ryan. oe, haaol tast boutAge Rersigbody. W timos. al js aou Officer: "What do you mean by. "Ho that doth public good for tms Sinceroly yours, Authorlaed Bottler of "Coca-Cola"q treating a prisoner of war in this multitudes, finds fow are truly (Mrs.) M. E. Pin, RA BLVI'S mannor?" grateful."-Massinger.__________ Soldior: "WoUl, sir. Ail the sheli They conquer who think they CARBONATED BEVERAGES holos we passed wore ful of water can.-Virgil. PINCREAJSED A.DVERTISIN, OSHAWA PHONE 755 and I was scared hie would try to Mon condemin because they do JUTF DBYG AT _ i scuttlo himself." not understand.-Cîcero.J TIIDB RA ] CONSUMER *DEMA14 An increase of more than per cent in the appropriationf nowspaper advertising acrossC nada for the company's seoc major advertising campaign W ~Company Limited. More than 4 daily and weekly newspape: " W h o W hofrom coast to coast wili be usE h o %3 in the campaign, Mr. Young cý slsconvention and this i Buyers' Guide - Business Directory creasoil.isgatrcnuec mand for the company's produc to-day than ever before in th A Creameries A. Wearn & Son company's history,"1 Mr. You: HaiLtnCe m r Enniskillen our increasing use o! newspapE aAutolampLn Creamed advertising as weli as to the groiN Auo gecisT. M. Chant, Proprietor PHONE: Bowmanville 2521 ing public preference for qualit DeHlerEHamowmnvl122 Grocerles - Meats products."l lue 2520Following announcoment of th McKeever & Smith "EPHNycra o Chunn rem and Other General Supplies incroasod advertising appropria Jack MeKeever- Harold Smith Hlghest Market Prices." ______________ tion Mr. Young urged the corn Temperance St. Bowmanville_______________ pany's salesmon to avoid discuss POE61H ing the war with customers ai PHON 641Contractors - Masonry _____________ to concentrate upon devolopinz Plymouth and Chrysler _______________ constructive business at homo t Sales & Service strongthen Canada's e c on o mi General Repaire W. J. CuIIy Hardware Stores war effort. Maintenance o! Gas 01 - Tres- Usd Crs Wlligtonst. Bowmnvilsound business structure on ti -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HN 0150ie3-Ue asWelatnS. omnl Mason & Dale hom front is ssential, hoe said. PHON 503M. Dale, Proprietor IB General Masonry Contractor Kinlg St. Bowmanvllle E arh d cto Spe. l Bickan Tu PONEirplaesHardware and Sportlng Goode y sg t dsto Marconi and Stewart-Werner Radio. Beuy Parlors Frplcs"F i daire- Eiectnic Refrigerators And eatyMecf ary Eiectrlc and Coal Wood Madame Eunice CalIum G Ranges Efficie ncy King St. East - Bowmanville PHONE 529 Hairdresulng and Ail Linos of Beauty Culture Distinctive Work For Dsrlsninatlng Women Bqs Lines Garton's Bus Station' T. A. Garton, Proprietor King st. Bowmanvllle PHONE 2666 8 lTnrps Oaily Dowmanviile . Oshawa - Whitby 8pecial Buses For Ail Occasions At Roasonable Rates Builder & Contractor T. E. Flaxman Bowmnville - Box 486 PHONE 318 BUILDER & CONTRACTOR W. can supply plans and specif - cations for ail classes of work at a nominal fee. c Coal & Coke John A. Hiolgate & Son Mns. T. S. Holgate, Proprietor Division St. Bowmanvllle PHONE: Office 428 - Res. 802 Coal - Coke - Wood - lame Garages B-urketon Garage Repafrs - Wrecklng - Towlng J. Sinclair, Proprietor PHONE 2171j UsdParts fortai mes 0f1ar6 UsdPhrte ort P merr of ars Fullilune of Goodrich Tires Groceries &Meats Caverly's RED & WHITE STORE W. C. Caverly, Proprietor King St. Bowmanville PHONE 677 Grocerles . Meate - Fruits V egetables Prompt Oeivery Service General Merchants Reynolds' Store J. R. Reynolds, Proprietor Hampton PHONE: Bowmanville 2562 Grocerles - Meats - Dry Goods Hardware - Boots & Shoos Robinson's RED & WHITE STORE Cecil H. Robinson, Proprietor Courtice PHONE: Bowmanvllle 2517 Oshawa 289rll Obtain Vaiuabie Gifts by saving our gift coupons given on sul cash sales of 25. or ove, A. E. McGregor & Co. Retail Hardware King St. Bowmanville PHONE 774 We Guarantee You Market Prices On AIl Our Merchandise Insurance Mrs. E. V. Scobeil Klng St. West Bowmanvllle PHONE 474 Real Estate - Insurance Conveyancing p Painters & Decorators James H. Abernethy Concession St. Bowmanvllle PHONE 431 Interlor and Exterlor Painting and Decoratlng. Also Paperhanging NOW SHOWI,Io NEW 1940 WA LL APERS "Lest We Forget"' A. H. 130UNSALL Designer and Dealer 1. Monuments, Tabiets Marker@, etc. n Granite anc1 Marbie. Bowmanvllle - Ontario C. H.TucI Eye.ight Specialist Disney Bldt. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa Number 133 The glass commonly used foi optical lenses is what is callec Crown Glass. It is harder thar ordinary glass and mucb clearer in color, being composed chiefly o! Silica, Soda and Lime. When a softer glass is required as in the segment portions o! bifocals, Flint Glass is used, lead replacing the soda makes it sufficientiy softer than the crown glass, per- mitting it to soften sooner than the other and so under a cortain tomporature the two wiil fuse to- gether into one. Care must be with the following qualifications: I. As near as possible colorless glass. 2. Free !rom striae. 3. Free !rom bubbles. 4. Fre rom stain. 5. O! equal perfectness in sur- face. 6. Accurate as to curvature. 7. Exact in focus. While it is possible for these imperfections to be beyond the vision o! the untrained eye, they are nevertbeless injurious to the wearer, and for this roason each and every lens should be true to a given standard. (to be continued) moen o! the Nati-on-al 'Waâr"Savingscntasth e a!Efietata Comittee, wiil be aided by a cotat hs as fiinfs n INational Advisory Panel which ~ iaei a rPaeDsac wil incude labour leaders, the priaen rorPa, LongDitne1 bheads o! important women's or- Telephone Service is doing its bit on V ganizations, representativos o! the f 00IL Civil Service, Agriculture, thel the Home Front. Day and niglit, Long press, and key mon from chain 4 stores, banks, security dealers, Distance stands ready and waiting. trust and boan companies, the post office, insurance companies, and other business institutions whicb * For economy, special low rates apply have undertaken to seli War Sav- ings Certificates and War Savings after seven p. m. and ail day Sunday. Stamps. As an indication o! the nature PAGE TEN 70 JE] )o It Je I us it n )n rell Iti al ;a d In YO ta hi Liu d BE air ps 10 v er hc 1 àc rr ;al b, ar hi y h [ai ýe] L I ini KI al 14 A VACANT flOUSE N'T Thero's something sad about a * vacant house: The warmth of living things is R! gone; IitSh 1 No flowors grace the windows facing south, The pantry shelvos look nude ifltless with nothing on; in and Th nor doors stand awkwardly ajar, 3don't Mute ovidonce o! no restraining haeWiehand,haeG ,uritic hl windows, curtainioss and Sour ompty are 'U are No bar to suniight's entoring froe of domand; od of The stairs, so usod to silont tread................... o! siipperod foot, b mat- Emit a hoilow echo as you le and climb; Light enough to be easily hiandled -sturdy and ti your No silvor chimes o! mantle dlock achen to groot manent job -Gyproc is the ideal material for waIli t the Your waiting car and mark theshesopr-atferofg su racfom lo mnorn- passing time; eeso rcatfrpofgpu rahfomlo No pictures hide the drabnoss o! sheets nailed i place and t] ne or the walis. efined No rugs add color to the polii- ýts. In od floor; .kea No gentle voice in patient accent And G rcgives you c B tae Fr calîs 1 ae Frsomoone to assist in !amily chores; 'O FIREPROOF-therefore safe i anna No radio chants the doings o! the ,ou be O day * PERMANENT AND DURABLE- Oron records music o! a distantt atband; WL O RCW R,5 No liiting iaughter proves a child WLLNTCAKWRPS drug- at play, .@.e INVISIBLE JOINTS- panel str No soothing voico in quiet roprimand; M OH U -FESRF No happy cali froni kitchon's *SOTDSTFE UF '"" At spae beak foth0 TAKES ANY TYPE 0F DEC( Atnoon to groot a coming hungry spouse; ilIThe air is chiiled as from the THE LIGHTEST WEIGHT gp frozen north- Canada -There's something sad about a vacant house OUGENUINE GYPROC- OSHAWA MUSICIAN 1dét Il Dthe two wyst yrci sl v wo Y T O D C BA D1. Look for the DameGyrlocasl deaerin yn o O C U TB N GYPROC on the back of yu oa elrn My IN BOWMANVILLE every aheet. Builders' Su wO Geo. Hood, Gold Medal Cornetist 2. Look for the Green We of Ontario Reg't Band Stripe on botb aide edges. )s to Appolnted i .wfb'ehfrl..Grei visit (From Oshawa Times) ______________________ nds, The Band o! the Ontario Regi- lome mont <Tank) has been honouredV biUt. A1 4à n am with recent appointment o! mu- E Lome sician G. Hood as conductor o! aaa iie nost the Eowmanvilie Legion Band. tos- Mr. Hood was selected for the CLAY WNIH *1O1 i both position from a very large number ýrvos o! applicants. hap- Mr. Broadbent, the Regimental Yes5- bandmastor, is particuîarîy pleas- o! the support which is being ac- o! practical exporionce in sales i an ed that one o! his membors should corded the National Chairmen by promotion is daily availabie to the irry receive the .ponmn n h uiescmuiy ti National War Savings Commit- ele. mchcredit is due to the able pointed out that one industryte rmhigouofxpts oid leadership and thorough training alono has piaced at the disposai With such an organization now o! which Mr. Broadbent has given o! ýhe Government a highly skili- operating at full pressure, the Na- to the local musicians that mem- ed sales force o! over 800 mon. tional Committee is confident nch. bers o! the organization are able Other firms wbich tvill be hand- that, beginning Monday morning, to secure such appointments. The ling War Savings Certificates and when the sale o! War Savings local band is able to boast o! two War Savings Stamps have ai- Certificates and War Savings fG o! its members as bandmasters. ready called together their key Stamps commences, every man, :R Mr. E. Clarke, the Eb cornet play- saiesmen to inform them of the woman and child in Canada wil R r of the band, has been band- nature and purpose o! this nation- be able to obtain them without NDmaster o! Whitby Citizens' Band wido program. any difficulty or dolay whatever. for the past few years and ho, like Valuable advice based on years The iaunching o! this nation- 40 Mr. Hood, played under the lead- for ership o! Mr. Broadbent for some C-years boforo his appointment. ' " j L md Mr. Hood wiil possibly be best "R1ushl AU .elive ries, Ji ... uarkea O! romornbered as the most out- i ,eal standing cornetist at the C.N.E. in ce the 1939 contest when ho won the & gold modal and ho bas several 00 gold medals to bis credit which-r er~s ho bas won the last few years. :ed Mr. Hood was also a member o! le- Oishawa's Blue Devil rugby team ral o! a few years ago and bas playo __ _ 6411 on soveral outstanding softball car' teams.-j i-The best wishes o! the local musicians go with Mr. Hood on [e- bis appointment and we are pleas- cts ed to know that it will not inter- ho fore witb his membership in the [ng local band. to _________ oer w'- LT.-COL. WARNICA ty, PLAys iHosT TO Pe MICH. GOVERNOR M- The city o! Windsor was visited gs last week by Luron D. Dickinson, id governor o! the State o! Michi- ng gan, who bad come over to Ca- tonada to make a speech in the in- 1 c torests o! the American Logion a Poppy Fund. As ho had express- 10 ed a wish to s00 some Canadian military activity, ho was taken to the Armories, but !ound, instead o! bustling activity, only three Imon thore to greet him - Lieut.- Col. Day C. Warnica, 0Of fi cer Commanding the Essex Rogimont (Tank), son o! Mrs.'B. M. War- Snica, formerly o! Bowmanville, Y and two other officers. They showed bim oquipment, ere ins Canada. Se. PLumber and vpplies. Boo &1. W wide undertakîng was an- nounced in English by the Hon. J. L. Raston, Minister of Finance, and in French by the Hon. Ernest a coastetocosterad Jioewovr a pco inte, M niste r ao Ju tce, o r Sunday night at 9.30 Eastern Day- light Saving Time. Our conténit is our best hav- ing.-Shakespeare. Caamity is virtue's opportuni- ty.-Seneca. It is a kingly act to hlp thet fallen.-Ovid. the Chief and ...t STANCE. FRANK WILLIAMS, Manager. ~4$s tough to provide a per- ýand ceilings. The large )or to ceiling. Just a few the job is done. cii thes. advontfg.s: :- therefore economical SHRINK OR SWELL 'ips ore uflnecessary :ACES - easy te keep dlean :RATION - no manotony pium wallboard mode in 7 1 IL 10 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO --l-CýA" %ffAý -- --

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