a ÉlZlffýý - -- - =ý, > > ý -, - , mm w yqqj m & b * V LUME 86 CW à XTTTV nTnAnrdriiyý .- - - - VfOT.TPo . . L-.i, , rl lbD J, A 0th, 1940 oaxors ofi ramed Columbus Brought Tobacco to England tistory of Weed Discussed Hayden MacDonasld MA SOTDUIN Lions Club - Says 12 EARLY MORN FIGHT Percent of Federal Taxes Comes From jI LTTTTETTDADPE' Tobacco Industry M l A E John Wojnakoski Found Lying ,The discovery anù development on Ground With 75 Shotgun ea tobacco was discussed in an Pellets in Body mnteresting manner at Lions Club M3onday night by Hayden Mac-. An early Sunday morning shoot- onald, Oshawa. The meeting ing at "Little Europe," near Dar- was in charge of the Safety Comn- lington Station, resulted in John mittee with Charles Carter, its Wojnakoski, 53 year old hired chairman, presiding.' man, being brought to Bowman- Thespekerstaed hattobccoville hospital seriously wounded whasr stagt to theatttionc by over 75 shotgun pellets which oafirtbgt the civliedwold ion9 perforated his hips, back and whe the savile or ith Coumbu arms. He will recover unless com- weln the island of uba'ý plications set in, Dr. W. H. Birks, noticed the Indians carrying woatne isae. lighted fire brands and puffing The shooting occurred after smoke from tl4eir mouths and Woanakoski, somewhat inebriated, nostrils. according, to police information, Late, i cam ino comonpaid a visit to the farm of his usageri Euroe in tet cemn- son-in-law, Ed. Olesky. Olesky uraind wasropinsidered almosthad ,been sheltermng Wojna- a ur-alldcine, god afort koski's wife since the couple had evcertingfrmaiois t od s eparated some time ago. The feert vfomhltoi o a isitor demanded to be admitted pe(obtobcos sc t-so tgunhouse andtbrandished a wicthofpeac or tadoby teion-business. As the samne thing had dit a orryd yth n happened on previous occasions, lyl ie stpteace. ThomasbCcr Olesky grabbed a gun and rarn nyl 1a ste tat b ut.Han pte to remonsate vetaby teoesas actuayind."eh ithas tshedikot by thisntriat Taccoit ill tger w almot ny-gon jto g et it o bethim ae where, but will not reproduce it- it," the light charge hitting him self true to type except under soil about the hips- and climatic conditions that are Olesky ran to a neighboring identical, the speaker continued. farmhouse and phoned police who The most northerly district of its found the victim still on the cultivation mn America is the Pro- ground when they arrived. He vince Of Quebec, but it is grown was remnoved to the hospital here. as far south as Chili, the Cape of Charges will undoubtedly be Good Hope and mn Australia. In laid following further investiga- recent years, there has been a tion by Provincial Constable D. P. - ruVIVINVILLE. ONTARIO- UTTPT,' 1rx Plaque and Pole Dedicated To Memory of Late C. T. Ross Service Held at Ball Park CLARKE FARMER Several Friends P a y Tribute to Former ALMOST STUMBLES President of Basebali Club and Benefactor OVER DEAD BO0D Y of Other Sports Body of Russell Gillson, 52 Year An unreaýized ambition of the Old Roving Farmhand late C. T. Ross became an actual- Discovered Early ity Wednesday night when a 55- Tuesday foot flagpole, an item which he had tried to promote for era The badly decomposed body of years, was dedicated to his eera Russell Gillson, awelkon ory at the B.H.S. Campus on the farmhand who had worked occasion of the opening ball gamne around Orono for many years, of the season. The pole was con- was found early Tuesdayý morn- structed and erected by friends of ing beneath branches of a tree on the late Mr. Ross. Laverne Patterson's farm, 3 miles A brief but impesvsric east of Orono. was held with Georg lCaseact- Patterson was chasinsoef ing as chairman. He explained jý Rob Morgan's cows out of his 12 the purpose of the gathering and year old pine grove and was in- paid tribute to Mr. Ross. Ex- specting the adjoining fence to be Mayor Ross Strike was the second sure there were no further breaks speaker and he outlined the part through which they could return Mr. Ross has played in fostering when he almost stumbled over and fathe*mng sport in the town, the inert body of Gillson. The especially baseball. body was so badly decomposed The flagpole, the lag no th an andhca led ip Erl e-ly dedicattepla e.wCaof .B Cutcheon, a friend of Gillson, who Spencer of St. John's Anglica identified him by his clothés. Church. "In the a g af h Gillson was attired in clothing Father and of the So and ofth utableforeodwaswhaend "hih. Hom GhosC ar edie tion i see anorsahad noticed his ab- Mayor R. O. Jones unfurled butnothn ha ommented on it, and raised the flag to half mast, cuse Gtilsn been done, be- after which the large gathering waneredlso was kown to have held one minute silence and sang wnterd way before and was "Abide with Me." The flag was ntme Ev rm for months at a raised to the to and the band wai lde. roei hdsrc played "God Save the iÇng." was a fai rm wore of his, ability Prior to the service the Boy connecti owther especialy im Scouts and Cubs, who also camne aon oher animas g orses under the category of those wrho acdher 52iyeas.old was a were benefited by activities of Provincial Constable D. P. Me r Rossad f,.rhdthog h (Continued on page 12) he sal oHmpn neewih are cnes taken a the Ontaro Regiment(T ank) Mss Mayopor 115 urkStreet.The smling pairin the o er a g be ed r ov opthe e rim and ySco t Trops eceie 'A Ratng =at°a esmpo"l"' f i se thR ea °°°ra' ad"dengton 'a ae A R tn their friends and relatives. The picture at the top right shows lWneth and Bobby e rodyilspn his stalwart sonse the hymn.S Duning Wet Jamboree at Ndassau Corporal J. Hood implanting a brotherly kiss upon his sister,1 St. South. Photos y John James- Courtesy OshawaTimes. TRAI ~Royals Drop OpenertoCbu Inbresting Program of Scout* BLOSSOMS BLOOM TANING NISPLAY ,/OSHAWA ROTARY In i" Inn One "civitesA:enedby ON APPLW EE DAT BOYS' SCHOOL w lsBl HO u f sPLANS BIG FAIR GYPSIES A nnin e Rn Stuggl FWith the cherry, plum and pear An interesting and unusual A• AGED FARMBil visiting Pitcher scoresR B onlyF $4 Fun, rain and mud were the trees now in full bloom it looks gymnastic display thrilled specta- ...A Pah en Hilthmsouf ER Rnp-oWithridge o main interests of the day when pretty certain that most of the tors at the Ontario Training A. . . g war is uppermost in Otawa SatemenGerOBeHAMgOF,$40 Mound fo over seventy Cubs and Scouts apple trees will blossom forth in School for Boys Wednesday af- AFreie.oun nth sue nggngOtwasSttsthe ind aofemstilpeople theseatwih fre wsrbdo Dis icBow ut J n bttended the all their grandeur and beauty this ternoon and many commented on (By the Listener in the Lobby)fmen days there arestl ma oter G0lerge Ague 83 y eold Disrit cot amoree held at weekend. Its a sight to behold the excellence of the presentation ofncto n ic am sbeeed Carom- tw righe atam e was rbbed Ir Nassaunorth of Petrboro, on he to drive through the orchard sec- and the skill of the youngsters. OtwMy2t:Yu epeootkn heBiihepd mnifteeeal bhlentom- $40late iseSudyateroohe oborPnestokte is grosthere were repes tetatis of earadt Dunruhama thisec d an uoros J. Earl Cunningham OtaaMa28hYopepeIvetkn thBrtsexeimuteepcalyhldn.s- ernentakdhmadItreiteBbealfxue from isay, Stirerli n ortHo e ut nsenerWihe wrlde he so and dnLowrydhad charge of wh have been reading the head- tionary force in Belgium, would awa Rotary Club again under- Argu iws wpoc ets- of tiheLaksoeLagesao Cro p L daSlnEdwa r C on t ight s g r i arit t is kind t s hoerb d , i ene nof their in e tr ltening ttnsi esta dio f etermine the ultimate result takesethis wrk with its custom- ho me,6 mils eas n o B a rd str a t h wh n t eyw In the competitions held in the will be particularly stimulating, paratus work. In addition 'thhav bbyben picturing Ot- dt gem anonune 3otrd pedcar ed a himranstop- Bowmn vill Ryl, o0i afternoon, the Scouts classed as refreshing and satisfying to the school orchestra under leadership tawa - where one is closer than Thrteply off he deese. de- d y ilin xRtModaykOsadTe-blevdtaeind.obcoefiemm ae inABan C divsionsthe t oeye adsrie dsonpack the faaai l e f rncisaSutton played several anywhere else in the Dominion prtent officer was thclat the1Farocat R o t hidanvnualltary they ca After a nd s t atedvs os cn h on the Lindsay Troop were heony noy a pleasant trip through a their version of the poular Kv o teher f rateets -as tpr esentcinsi NT cat llat- Poroe edsofthi evcntilleofthre e y verethimsand wpsen t aoringteolrnoh one t sar te hnos f lveritable fairyland of rural scenic Oki dance. Geo. L. Davidge play- uaitlsfusdwthaget dt e ciieat the Aliescus, euiizdt oniu h le eugh hispcetdsPoe ybe- ga.Hhasensti-os position. In the Cub grouping the beauty that you hardly thought ed the piano for the various dis- dramatic tension.cudls hebtl o wgrgciean ramn o rpldwomea aie wretameigyintesotohisedi.H a upre St. Andrew's Pack, Peterboro, un- existed right here in Durham. plays. adsil liael tae ny O shawa amn t ervcdsur ic r in, t theriay spedaay by Cathrr ZaadWte derledeshi o Cbmster Ing- BwavleDsrc hme hWell, you have been quite right. The ey wrvesein e war. rondngtric tse well as for omha galeysat iine on He Rylsmun trc adoer teaerh er f a .H S, oo' mad outiswh ictll e asy tb n The high bar ncld e pmarallel nquestionably these have been words, were both serious and theio erain othse wo ttedi for The fuel ty h a d t e c d. He ac au h y R c a d is to onoers wihrbthBS, owma folout whwillrt fom Kin bars, tumblmng, competitive stunts, dramatic days. As a matter of critical, but they were b thela failoer3 oths ildis- Th aged victimead th Cnd obii vil e p nar the oth owm S Eas and ibestrty Strat hKn arhnt al d crect eDa n i s h fact, never in the history of our means fatal, - nor would they bevaayuartiEveryone wlikhadsand wrdas larof mentd ome acund stie o0nr ee atraei tenddot th welomer.a S t Eids thend o rc Sd noth e fae natr n corolledirelxa-Parliament has there been a mo- so if they were etnded still opportunity to try winniav e x-n cr dalra eto apaln te fut hn te i a C om iin e J on T Horsbe - t e a n ae o a t ion, p trii on rc ed rhythm,-ment so solemn as when, last further. pensive prizes, to have their for- County Constable at rtoeir one. Basoahrpe te rboro, wthe rosintr oued Lt' farsdostthe r e rsinomand the d ai o x-hre son rs e r ,andrhthrem uedyP i e Miitr igtunes told, or to buy membership Thompson, Betha e aterovghpl t ,u w sp t uma h Col. Lok, K.C., Proincia ltom- woodlots ad ricklngtrear s well executed pyramids. made the simple statement that 0. MCgen'bLoicIn he RotayCippled C h lrncalonsableDr P Monrr PrvingA- son Zaadrlldaso missiorce, o sc.ovin bielyCoin- ou ot ndtmentere st a st crrcesentativedete i n sver " this is one of the darkest hours To turn to other matters: truba tcetnn ion whthela m anville;Arge wnv t it .B - e coPnd ne'r eaad tl se w ho crisis. g n onepre-tationts ndP rk.teBsReflorgte-mcoreontoattnd edteeent ando of our Empire.", You could litr Presumably you are curious to a huge drum on Tuesday night in the truguewsn nuedayne'ssnlfhog is u from prvincis .aaqurtprresent in Schol, rkteam o sarle -P were high im their praise of the ally have heard a pin drop du'ring Mekno ju st ehy R t on rtuand h esp onhd ing the tie t gge.es e fttere Edga rT onca es, P riaere- a nd BcowmarneBre ak fne exhibition. Superintendent the pauses between the Prime Meighenresisterthe strng and0hich-coresponds withtchthe oneon.---sotnd omnilemnpse t ar T . Jpog ,r c om m it e e B w a vi l ead -. . . V irg m w elcom ed th e g u ests. M in ister's m easu red w ord s. iflu en tial p ressure th at sou gh t L au g lin -u ierecs d an fo th e s un vis itd h is p aen t s l, r o n toM, sheda t o d ed y.Cmisoe ri of u ols rmtcta this ftim for a role in active of only $1.00. ,F. J. Mitchell. , .ad rcashoedouadubebtwsnt and Barr Ottewel, had haoftisolate mo m ct Par politics again as Leader o he aloetodacefrhe.Ta misand B sr Ot a is ehdW hit n; IT M SOe C AfI T E E S e t s-ho e re ponse othe gra Co ns atvThe Pd ivtioori ina te c o a h Aadd M ta hgi t i es olhtt e o al b ah ns end Sppe s ege Grom- IT MvityLC A of thT e crisis. There has been in the general concern that «.KBtem nw s rfl ratca br eand G.ip H.r Cutore .G oo -no re-action of panic whatever. b i g fl n P ri n C a g f M eble e p . tm e, ittn a n l w c n Thr Cus a fter.aH very tre nu1- -.. Instead, there has been sim pl a eing felthin paliame ntay ir-enton cetlie thm bss ous ayb r fered to therhoes Mr. T. H. Lockhart reports that The Windsor Star published determination to speed ad ce ov e rthepalpable Ceakness He aowetowak hl late Friday night while the local the M ission Sunday School in the last week pictures of Lea mi gt ntenfy h o in a n in-f o thtstt h egrupsMin th e am b . N ederW itheridgeronlydhanded out one. Scout grou s un dr th anc ruthL a dyis aining in strength . n ted Ch r h ad if rpastr , ev Only th o cn eon wa dj ieff th asittthe vel e t of r Spa er. »nd 0 .Rehder, n f r a nd in o u in ssw th hi at ere cy ronfdhe g m e w H. Sturrock and Bill Colville stay- under the direction of Supt. Hen- of Blackstock and Oronorcirceuso magnificen"cnpoeryd-frthe foerry eigh mf leryin-Mrs. c E. Rehd er, rats wenieis oi hang ackto iineriefrmBrok'baon h ed until. Saturday evèning. It derson and his energetic workers in connection with three anniver-' scribe the complete failure of the ormr sne Tory Prm hime i- FoLMcGill and Rrns Uersity or i the annual con-2bsecnd. was origmally intended to stay from Oshawa much is being ac- saries to be held in that church. Hitler campag f bizre pi ene ofit p adim thimplidst La1Bvcation rofE nghe i gavecn-d b ouemrg ans;Jhso for the entire weekend but due complished among the yuth of They celebrate more than 100 tepigr blitzkrieg af- ompimet of regard opoitoninhiasaa ndyfreupn himsef the dere f; ZCamll,1;T Bok, to ever present rain storms it was Bowmanville. The school plans years of Methodism in the dis- erveblitzkrieg to "ge on the wholeenoppositio inlyme A if Boàcemgi ta i helr of E ngineera erin n BtmnpWos Huto n reessary to curtail their visit to to have a picnic soon. trict, the 50th anniversary of the nre" o C nda e ocay sae t m e ,t e A te ofthe manirs t h aa * edtlurgy. w a nu b f Bookr;R y e, b lsoa days. On Saturday a tour of construction of a Methodist church and make it "ju mp". hamipen emgcomm t e onltormadte c u.ry . ig is Theuwrai e p stseeral re aso sw ye f;a ad, c. .ie0 city was made by the boys, Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. F. and the 35th anniversary of the A"197 - thatts hi woldserveseonceate Hueetdthehe Uverstywl bedtufred hdown a nmber of B; owmnile--oIi1 the liftlocks and the Y.M.C.A. be- B. Hermon, Carlisle Ave., gave building of their present church. AMltayEprtsVew wudsev o nrae h v toriesochecoutry i in tselucraie.Osinsewihhe ave B Rrd,2bBanlcfWli ing the main points of interest. them a pleasant surprise on Mon- P o al-teq esi nt awaye n i' ar ef r b l s t eunto o ca ne dst r with - the bee n dof red himto oeba t o sC r en 1 ; e Transportation both going and day afternoon at the home of Mr. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. 51emon left roably the uesin thast ou1ernment.wrefotb l s oren ofNer ehdrs. f r co-Bomanle . I Onke, ithe syi Rcad c;Wtee,3;Rie f commg was prov'ided through the ad M s .E renil. M .ysedy feno n a sx ar esig oue lf in es b e ii e e t . ith egerm o nteehA . an is dewsa y to nderstand. "Fti or.hree kindness of members of the Ro- Greenfield read a suitable ad.. weeks' holiday. This year the cltie ishesmea brend Bu thtae•so f r adMr.C.Eneasumers ,in or itheHudn- tayadLons Clubs which was dress and Mrs. B. Colwell pre- are taking an extended trip to ti orepndent's mind bei reMr. M i n oe t theay hat Redr, of eechs Ave.and eresonBy iinndSeligFo ONILT AS greatly appreciated by the Scouts sented them with a cabinet of sil- Victoria, B.C., to visit their daugh - he had t e c u a et kan tre . HMe ih n oe d w a th at-treen t . Fr me his a elee tary ah rbtFan F o i nNorthen Mani..ow and Cubs. ver. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon are ter Marion, granddaughter Patri-o tecura nlge toeek nd tr.tisn view asdthatp, nthe chlas h has n sbie intereaend oulh iavoneak FR OM GU D leaving to make their home in cia, and their son-in-law, Wing- obai exerienigtenen. Yu itutin tathasdeeloednte mthngsmehanca an eecti-theeout s ou no thy av PARENTS ATTENTION! Rednersville. Commander Roy Slemon, who has want to know just how grave the nation has no alternativ to dec- o tws orrisace toind eee tswintrnd one Town Cucla a et Parets f chldrn bginnng illeNo 22d Cort owm n ae infdmistra tvme nwrk- in . pending upon the govrmnfo over a piece of apparatus at the the climate. However, that's not solto eiinn h eea scholenStember ailre requse F t.96,,aada.Ore fth oalArFrc.Te otrThat fis the problem that we (t. B npae12 om aille Founr Cplnte rel rasn H ere we aeGonmnT togatprisn tho reinsethembewith eethed ownsresters, met with H. Richard- tells us his usual fishing trip to litefr n o h eysrt- cniue npMe1)Wr.d as justbeen areivdbacigotit e ieo o omto fHm ur Nu rseiss Taylor, th eTonalngeenteaarge.deourt Oshawa de- parts north will have to be fore- gists of the national defense de- ta r.Rherhdbenaar-bsne tsso I fin thgies merai- ethe nosto losg Schoo,Monsaylornia n raof ethe DD.HC HeM hesuervision gone for the present at least and partment, and we told him hatCORRECTION cEgtheFelwipneallurgi-echneto sesomegeof tep eruci-ogted inthati h eea oen ferred, ppsof the oun ftheWad ourt Ohee, . e R eanforthewar haomex hangs in orea we wanted a perfectly frank ans.. erican Society for Metals Prize for Ned is m ch rgnine ooucn tin n hefomaio o teom mayttw b ereisteeoJn e sday w-Gorkge awae,Cput o ne rdegr emp rat a a ne n hn ote wer. We asked him: "Is this bat- . We hasten to correct an error Metallography. Due to these un- omalle sabl ion nThe SFousny. G a nit, ha teTo n f fernoons at Sou the o Ward c ore tihat asofndidatdes mran alie cereohn fete ta sbigwgdi ot-in thereport of the Board of expected honors, Ned will prob- Some eksanagcourT oh iStaesman B oavereusthator m yBed e steregittonT e ma nvill we Mra M Couto w-nid t atn g hisruota c eo fishfrom- en Fanc e and Fagend N rt -Education in last week's issu.abyrmanhrefr h um e ariedofa naccoun t r f u nsal-c ytofreterowwnt.C pe quiredMis a ylSouh r ud Slike to e eiiid i CourOsi . .H rythank- theratghern qoaes. T h r t rrac ad F ers of de- Principal A. M. Thompson receiv. and return to McGill in October lation ofsate e loecntc f r aceibe R wadd o H n.N r discuss theh roemis tt etancle.in .kAw a rythrassi- tvellng by rn andTatiate cisive character, and if the worst ed only $100 increase instead of for some post graduate work. wihi h esoei h r-mnRgr n .F ikr moterssf Tbginnrs. 22-2 sploe dd ur scce g rtherven eing hepeaanetrofi hold ayson the should happen, such as theAlid$200 as reported, and Miss Mar- After four years of work and duct hoat is anew-type igr MP. C unilalo dicusef diseusscoast. forces being dividedaand disasterg.torievColegrecehvedlonlyn$25tin- studyainonMontrealAheihasJreturn-lSinceethat time a2newnannealingnrequestaforeoptioneonrtheBMcGiln m oth e rs of b egi n n e rs .2 2 -2 spl e n id s u cc ess cre a se fin ste adi no fi$ 5 0.d e ddtosth e o lde ah o men sto wnofto5e n tert o(chntinuh odeo noP a g e e12)rB u ild in g inn PW a sh in g tone ea n d e-b M. ana Oti 1îta.f With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Oroo New 1 ££is (intario ýjýank Regiment SOldiers Said Farewell tO Oshawa