PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 3OTH, 1940 MW % n-bian tg n Establlshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With wblch are Incorporated Thre Bowmnanvllle News, Thre Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 85 years' continuons service to thre Town of Bowmanvllle and Durham County. MEMBER Canadian Weekly NewsPapers Association and Class A Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strlctly ln advance. 82.50 a Year i the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, MAY 3tJTH, 1940 Real Devotion to Democracy Canadians to-day are hein- asked 10 buy, War Savings ('ertificates. What does this ineair? If ineans this: That our answer ilih be the measure of our real devotion 10 de- nocracy. To freedom. We have been told that democracy is decadent. That our ideals of freedom are ineaningless. That our way of life cannot compel the devotion that goes to the total- itarian creed. \Var Savings Certificates can answer, and powerfully, to that indictînerit. To the extent that we buy them we wvi1l tell whether or flot devofion to demnocracv and liberty does exist; whether there exists the reality of democratic responsibility. of de- mocratic Ioyaltv, o% demnocratie unity. In France to-day the watchword is: Ad- vance or die. In Eîîgland Mr. Churchill exelaims: "I offer vou blood, tears. toil and sweat."' And lie adds: For ahi thaf Britaiîî mearîs. 1 appeal to you.. . We must save ourselves froin hie black night of barbar- ism. " In coming weeks. the people of this counîtry have the chance of showingY whether their thought of freedom's îeaning their understanding" of the meaning of Ibis ter- rible conflict is as deep and real as that of tlic peoples of Britaîn and France. The real challenge of 'War Savings Cer- tificafes is the challenge of whether the fibre of democracy is as strong as the fibre of dictatorship. The challenge of whetheî' the discipline of the lash is as powerful as, the discipline of freedom. Let Canadians, by buying these War Savings Certificafes, by answering, wif h al and the least of their means the great cr3- for help that .goes up, show how strong is the discipline of freedom. Let them deter- mine that if will be t'emembered In vears to corne that Canada did not vent its anger at brutality and injustice solely in words and gestures, but thaf it turned at least a part of il into sacrifice for freedom in free- dom's hour of dire need. Co-ordinate Tourist Effort The greatest tourist trek in world history is now starting. At every port of entry Americail visitors will shortly corne across the border to see Canada and Canadians at war, 10 get their extra "day in teri" free of charge, 10 visit and revisit our cities, lakes and playgrounds, says The Financiai Post. There is no need to stress the reasons why this year's tourist business is a vital part of Canada's war effort. For one fhing, we must have American dollars to figlit the war. Since we caui no longer borrow money iin the U.S., the American dollars mir fourisf visifors ivili exchange at the border 10 pay for their Canadian holiday ivill he a major source of funds with whiech ho pay for essential raw maferials whîch EUncle Sam sells us. Auiother potent reason is that hy hcin g itîterpreters as wvell as good host l theie 15 or 20 million visitonrs, we ea n i romeas- urahl *v aid the allied eause. IIow are w-e çgoîig lu be stre these Amier'- ican visitors wilIl eoiie inii record(-h reak in g, nurlis? lluw are we g(iig t o 1u stire (lanadiarus do their part to diseiuss "the issuies a t stake- when the%, arrive? lfow are we-e-gi ng to niake sure tlhat uir cabiius anrd faeil itics uriiept reasouable standula rds of(- oui- fort anîd eleaiilîness ? 'lý)P ie edlpluvrret aiPui 10 uiake (Canada tourist ('<rscious ini terins of t he opportun ities andI respoîrsibil iti-s whiclî lie at harol. Swi-l a body should eu- ordinrate the work of existirIg agerîcies. If should enlist the support andI inherest o? every citizen in duimîg lus or lier part lu put tourisnîii Canada'lo ver tlIretop." Hoodwinking an Innocent Public The curreîit publication of the "official" expenses of the varions candidates in the hast federal elechion is just anotier rernind- er that as individuals %ve have ègiven de- înocraev very h tîle chance 10 succeed. Deniocracv is a glorious and shining ideal but when r'edmreed bo practice by hu manity as a wvhole it ver%- often l)ecomes badly tarîîished. Politieiais are nol 10 1lanie andi neither arc thie candidates. A candidate w'ho refuses 10 ruake any but "lawful" ex- penditures lias iiin any instances nîo chance wviatever of he ing eleched. The publication o? these eleetioru expenses is just sheer' lI.ypoecrî a iaî'e-faced attînpt at hioodwitikiing the innocent publie, as tic ('anididates spend far moire noney fhiai is .lown ii i these publislîed stateenejts, but if is for puî'poses thiaf are illegal under tIhe Election Acf. Onue practice tîraf lias g-rowîî ho ridiculous proporftiolîs is thc providing of veliieles to brin-g voters lu flic poîis. If is illegal for a candidate 10 îpay for any of these vehicles. cithier cirecflv or indirectly: but if is donc iri thie greal înajorify of ridings. Maîrv vol- ers have iiow comne ho expccf if. fhey wamit lu be conveved iii fitting spîcudor to vote. The scores of ag-enfs or serutinieers for can- didates at polîiimîg stations canirot be paid for tlîeir services umder the Election Acf, but again the law is winked at in manv instances, greîerallv for 1w-o reasons - there arc nof enougli vohuntaryv workers anîd il helps susta ii the enhhusiasm and support ouf sorne of the faithful. Compulsory vol ing is flic answer 10 prac- ticalîy ail our electioîî irregularities. Gov- erriments side-step Ibis issue becanse the% aî'e afraid flic party întrodmîcing il would face defeat at thie poils. If is ariother indic- ationî thiat our political leaders have vcrv liffle faith in. the loncsty oflice aver'age voter. Democracy needs a lot of tightening mrp and most of us have beeri ducking our resporîsibilities far' too long. Parliament and Crisis A inofle * vrast o? Pariiamieitarians is ho be fomîîd ini thc House of (omionis at Ottawa - mien drawn froin the farns as wcii as froii professionai and business ife in Caniada, - have found thcmselves sud- deni3- sharinîg the spotliglit turnied ou woridd(ernoeracy in its most dramahie crîsus. Arîd they have not yieldcd ho stage friglit. Comsequenhl3-, throughout Canada to-day the prestige o? free Farliamnentary goverri- ment stands bigher thari ever before imithie Iistory o? the nation. From coast-to-coast a deluge o? letters and teiegramns are pouring in uponi ParIia- ment 1r11 teliingthic Dominion 's lcgislators of the pcople's satisfaction with bhc mariner ini whicb Canadian democracy bas met the crîsîs produced b3- the iîew-s of the tempor- arv successes of German mccharîized w-ar- fare. The gemeral ferror o? the 'communica- fions is to the effecf that everits o? the pasf week on Parliarneît Hlli have given flic ie ho bbc common le-end of the super- iorify o? dictahorship over democracx- in securing united and efficient action towards clearh3- realizcd national ends. Useful Service Banks Render Onre of fie mosb encouraging sigens ini biese dark davs is the frieîîdi3-altitude in most parts of(Canada, toward flic counlry's bankiîîg syshem. This fricndl3-, or' sbould w-c say frieîîdlier, attitude of tic public is evidemît ini casuai conversabion, from public speakers aird from comiments ln the press. No (10111) it arises frorîî two mainî reasorîs -first. bliat tiche arkirîg institutions. ren- dering ait important service ii arr efficient wa3y, nierif p<pîîlar approval ; and( second. tlhe ' have r'eaclied ouf, o? late years. to tell the peuple about tîieriselves. îrstead of tak- irrg re bîclehurrd a w-ail o? silence. Ticre are oflier reasonîs. o? runiirs-. Banuk- in( g lias liI( its îIol (3 h(( the point wh ('le t1he Iittie fello(w is a val ied 'uist((niie, and no1< longer (-an il he said - if ever' Ilîcre ivere an%- tNt iceirr thlic ri-- tliat thIii Iarks <lo;ir't iitcm'est tlieruisicîves in tfle siiall I(orrower'. Arruriii tIhe fr'anlk adver'tisinîg <r 'lle ( 'amia iaruBnker s s',ocatoruori'the( signatr ure "'l'Ire (IartrIBanuks of('amu- adla." a veau' or ' s<auro. til]iglitent-d ini<st whv iaild î<'crrd isposed Itowvrnd rritivisrii ant Imatie cleax' t1lue usefril servie whîiehi brrrks rnderr' f0tIre p((lle ant i lie etuin- miiiiiities fIiey'serve. In additi<oi. if is mîteworthiY' IliittIre pubîllie messages iri fle advertisirrg o? ini- dividual banks liave inriergýonie a narked eharîge ami blecteomiformiat ive. No longrer' drues a bank advertise tlîat. l)esitle w-liskcr's. it bias oudles o? millions uf capitrîl, reserve arid ail thc resf of the statistical jargon su> Ieoved ofthie carlier bankcrs and su un- inîtelligible ho us commuin folk. What harîks are anti what tbey do; tic services tlîey perforni and tic, justified pro- fit.s tîie3- make; fie taxes tiey pay, and wbo oivns tie bank shares, are now maffers o? commuon knîowledg-e; this bas tendcd to a mueh more gerîcrai acceptance ofthie baîîks as usefnml servants instead ofIthe émoney' barons"thie>- werc portrayculinir obier days. Niltimng in this is-sîe o? Tic Stabesman tiat thle ('har'fered Banrks of(Carnada have starfed a new 'inîformative eampaigri - titis uni Carîada's ver'>'da rkesf days belpiig bursu- necss conifidenciie - partially prunrphed biese remarks. War or peace, leari tirries tir fat, thec baîîks are always available, uendering faniilia r anti msefuil servit'es iviieli mosh o? uis have pretty wecIIt2t>iie 1(1 take fo1raîc arid offeri do fot value as w'e shonrld. Ticehranih barîk witli ils local rîîaîîager and( staff is an imiportanit instituition in hie smaîî tuw'îs - fbey share tiheitupes and tie ups and dowris o? tire commurlify and are War, stark tragedy, whole murder roams Europe, threat Canada! That threat is sti clear, imminent. Make nor take about that! An entirely changed techni of War has the Allies, at thei ment, so confused that onI: miracle or people of action am, us can save them - and us. The issue is freedom - or very. For months, for years, we h watched Hitler's methods, yet bloody realismn of the past1 weeks in Norway, in Holland, Belgium, in Northern Frai even along the Channel coast found us unprepared. No one lieved for a moment that a bre through on such a vast scalei possible. Within two short we we see the combined might France and the British Emr with backs to the wall, confu maybe, but stili dauntlessly solved, undefeated. We shahl not be defeated! Make no miýstake about that Now, to-day, inmmediately, people everywhere must wake -and ACT! Wbat form that action shoi take, will, within the scope of( grasp of the situation, goverr by events, be presented to readers, week by week. We dedicate this column 10 t] purpose. This may be a new departt for us; it may disrupt our forr and sacrifice some items forme featured, but the central idea that The Statesman proposes take up a uine from this momne and to maintain it, which n serve to keep our readers wi awake, up on their toes and kef ly cognizant concerning the d& gers which surround themn. Close observers of presE trends in public opinion ha convinced us that flot one in t a help to evcrybody. These people w-e kiiow- - tic3' are jusb folks, like ail tic rcst of ms. Andbhcy, are doingp a good job for al o? us, quiebl-, 3-car in, ycar omut. prospcriîîg as wc prosper, suffering w-len bic commun- il'. does. Unemployment Isurance The Speech from the Tirone lias made if abundantly plain thaf, for licIter or wou'se, Canîada is bu have a sysbenm o? Federai un- empio3-ment irsurance. That being the case, ail argcuments dealing witi citier bbc ad- vaîmages or bic demerits o? uncmploymeiit insurance ini princîple hargeiy lose their point anid bbc chief concern of Catiadiari taxpa3-crs, - w-ho ultîmately will bave to pay bbc bill, - becomes fie coîîcrcle pro- visions of bbc governmeriî's proposed legis- lation. Every effort should be made anîd ahi vigilance should be exercised fo sec biat tic measure is thic soundest that cari be dcvised and tiat il embodies tie minimum thrcat o? repeahing, the costly mistakes that have been made by governiments and legis- latuires in other couimries. 'hlicocsts fiat are Ievied umîder any ii- (.mmploi3menf insuraiîce s('hemc are costs levied iii))Iiprodurction, aind tiey vitaill% affect ('anada's abilit3- 10 compete iri world niarkets. Fîîrtîîerm<îre. i'> increasing fthe rosftuof iiarimfachmred conînodities, tlîev i- ttrsîif3- tlîe handicap t>? inradette pur'- (luasiiîg îp<ower tîrrt aI readi- is the echie? problu cruoft'ftirepririary- îîodu( cr. Eî-erN' 'amiîtiairulbas a vital iuterest ini Ibis lg~ ritioui iii shor't, arnd lue shoul exer('ise if. îlirourgî i ls Meinber <of Par]linierît, at eve'Y staýreto? thle hbill. First Loyalty of Every Citizen IýIYniIILr ut i((ni('îvr(rî poss)t.-~iblet'SIi((uil b lue oueftthe' fir'st lovaltics tuf ci-eu'>r'csi- Irel, t 1)t tIl(1'towni. havîuig n ininirtlth fit tintcui'us ut iall (thr(r religmis aiul soilsrielraiztuu ook to a large tlegr'te tot(hie t<uwru s nivu'uartile iri ercsts for- suippo(rt.- Monre3-for thi s aurd tîrat ru mse tltts riot c((iie frorri stoin iiernsteriorrs sour'ce. If Iriist corne froruthie peuple '>vlîuhave tb<inrgs to Iiur-arîd w'lmtueau rightl3lu e ex- pccted lu patrorize lîtmu. mercliamîs auît rurhtiv>ate anti dcveltip tic home trade rmar- ket. Th'lis is a truîeisruî w'ich cammiol hie 100 stronrgl3' anîd hou often enîpiasizcd. Wifituit appearing tobule critical o? local mercantile efforts, w-c surggest tiat locral tradesîîetîle, lto, have ('ertain obligations to tic bu3'ing publie. Tlîc3' must endeavour' bu keep in stock as far as, possible thie tlîirgs pieople rietl, arnd, if thre>- arc not iri stoek, reasurrabîr effoirts sîroultl le made to gel them lu mairîhain a etiitiiîuity o? trade gtutd for both seller amni constiumer. Attractive w'irultw-s anirtnrside displax's o? gouds arc also esserîtial. arîd il is admihted that nuit oil3' Bowmariviîle but ini rosh other ttîwms tiere is r'o(m for iriprovemnent ir thIs ('tir- lieetitur. Wliat w-e wtuuld like tu eruphasize is that a gýreater demaiid otui hie part of local cifi- 4ens for goods villI iniIrçove hotu stor'e sfocks arrd service. It is poor enicourage- riit t<î anîd firîaîciall- w-rormg for uriy mi't'liit fto stock tnp witli goods for wlrich ilicre is little or no enraîrd. A market ftor local g-ouds dues not spring up like Jturali 's gtiurd - il must bc created. Observations and Opinions Tic F'embrokc Observer asks "N cour s.eriptiori o? iridustry and w'cati curling iii Canada? This is thc hogical inference from w'lat Premier King bas intimabcd. Let it coic, huit alorîg with it compulsory m-uiarv service. Nothing else is fair. nothing cisc w-ilî satisfx' fie Canadiari peuple. This may be dela3-cd a short lime, but corne it will ftur public opinion w'ill simply demand il. Lt is quite brue bliat those wbo promi-sed fiat tbey wouid imot serve imi a government w-ici initroduced if, worid lie obliged ho r'etire, but this would bie a migity small ioss comparcd with losirig the war.<' (Convictioni ii Wib3- police court last week o? a Tororito mariw-ho w-orked bbc wll knowri racket o? solicitirig advcrtising for restaurant menus, coiiecting moriey for saine arrd failirig ho deliver tic menus, siouîld put ouîr tocal mercbants on bicir griard. Ib is most unforbunate thaI evcrv so often buusinessmen siould part iif lard carmîcd cash withourt rcceiving v'alue in reburn, luit oui fie other hand flîcîr cxpcrienîce mmai' teacli a îîsefnîl le.sson ho ofliers. iaiielx-, ai- w'ays' to inîvestigafe fie sales talk o? shrani- crs. 'Tli racket lias beer uscd also icou- necetion 'w>ith li cluurr'l talenîda rs, rec pe botks, anudivhrat not, and froru finie tuu tinîîc. as wa>-sthie ('ase irn Whitlu3-.v, menî emgaged iif ar'ecaugight amîtibrtuuirgibt tujustice. litumver'v r(% ases anr-e hîtse appu'cnedtaulle tii lnuaýe mestituionu, andI thIs niakes rliratrs 'hflc iudsa PoI>st inn ('onirnieuîrirtr '<ni a î-eu'c hfgcIturiil lin'l'Ie Statesilliiun orn u st r'ips evithenîtl v iliîsscd a pi'cviolîs t-mniienur in thuese c(illnimris abholit uîujeetionaiur lliemru- n-ar îiuuziue~ leinug solt ini (anaatu. c" mir l>sis ,onrrîcut : - ic Post k rmor'e conernîc ith Inotlier' y ostf itcm'atrn' poîhuitiuig thoic iews-sburndus ftuffIis piovinîce. We ar'e cursidei'a 1)3mre cwouried aruttheli effeet onr ficenuinds of atolescent t>uuit h rmade 1) y flic tcu-j,lr3' h!ihcvratin'c w'liclr is pturînrg lîrto h ls counit ryfr't rurac 'ss t hie A nîîieicarr hmuiida r3-.I ndeetl. stunne is marini- facfurcd i fhîs couinîrY>, fti. lithils flituiglît, w'e kîiow vthe edifor o? thie Btuw-- inanville Stafesman i'>iIl agree w'itli rus anrd w'uurîd militaîitlx- support ari3 moî'c ho rid tire nne'>s-shamid of smci liferature." Voir 're righît, Brer. Wilson, Tic Statesmîran agrees iviti Nou if w'asiihi profouîrîd regret w-c learned o? tic resigniation tflrouigi ilI icalfi tuf Geo. B. Van Bîaricom as editîr o? TieC (anada Lunmibrmari. Our acqmraimtaiîce 'ifh Mr. V'an Blaricuni gtes baek w-cil over 25 vears tlurrirg w'iici lime w'c enjo3-ed uis c(nmpan3 ait nrafl3 press gatlîeriîîgs anmd tom othe en'tt- casions at w-hidli 'Vair' '>as tlie Mark Twaini o? tic part'. lHe w'as a gtîod afler tilirrer speaker as w-as evideiîced oui fli several toccasions he addrcsscd Boîvnmarîville Rotarv lbarnd w-as always givenu a hrear3' w'ei- corne anid an athcntiv-e audienîce. In coin- rmnting un Mr. Van Blaricom's retir'emenîf w-e are'iii fulîl accord witb the Picton Gaz- ette w'lmenî if says: "Thus thie peu i.s laid doîvni 1)3pcriaps tihernost able and popular ctlittur iri tic long hisbory o? Canada's pioncer Irimber industry arîd une w'Iose uont- standing qualifies have left bicir iîapress uponithie business paper field." By Elinore PhilPott GREATEST CANADIAN other great men he was the son If~~~~~ yotrvefo oen h of a remarkable mother. He lived oceani in Canada, and search in at a lime when war was so urgent every nook and corner of this a curse 10 his people that il vast land, you will find many threatened their very annihilation. monuments. In Banff at this lime Deganawida abolished war for of year you will sec immense ice 400 years between nations which *thought out NOW, even as we fight il out NOW! Il concerris us AND WHAT MUST Thr s teecnbeol n WE D ABO T T objective. INE D ABO T ITWe must win this war! M 1 The FIfth Clumn Information has come 10 us esale over the wide-spaced areas off Ca- from highly reliable sources, that tens nada is, aI the moment, reaîîy there is throughout this district, ark, conscious off the gravity off the right now, aIl the potentials off mis-preent itution thre i ana-"ffifth columnists" activities. Con- l-presit sitatio; hreisa a-versations in foreigri languages *u palin apahy.msoertear have been interccpted which que So much bomewa s rovertedr leaves no doubt in our mind as 10 mo- a 0 mch aou wthwar isreitcedpossible eventualities. There arc yon at the rado with such fequeyother grave indications which, aI .ogtat hu woe hngbcoe the moment wc do not feel free, casul. .publicly 10 mention. sîn- People listen, comment briefly The fact is that in recent ycars among thcmselves, and then humn there has been a considerable in- ave casualiy 10 their ordinary tasks fusion off Aliens mbt this district. the with little further thought as 10 So far as we are aware, little ac- few ways and means, 10 what they lion has been taken as 10 their 1in could do, how to help. bona fides in this crisis. ýnce, They complacently await lead- We know also that about the has ership whelher aware off that fact only ones who are alert and be- or not. They depend upon the alarmed - and impatient, are those ak- Goverrimerit. And the Govern- among us who are veterans off was ment, apparently depends upon the lasI war. Thcre is an insistent eks them. The first wave off Public demand from them that a local Soff Opinion is now meeting that deffence force be organized here pire phase. Laler, we may add our immediaîeîy. sed comment. Political party lines Bowmanville and the villages re- must be cul completely. -off the district remain destilute off Il is the function, the duty Off bolh soldiers arid arms. all lime-tried newspapers 10 take As it wenl in Norway and Hol- t! the lead and lake il NOW! Above land, so it cari happen here un- our aIl, as we sec it, the weight and less we rouse 10 action. *up duty off arousing public conscious- Lacking help from our Goverri- ncss in the many rural areas not ment in this malter, il is high )uld1 widcb' served by daily riews- lime we did ahl that is rieccssary our papers, falîs upon rural Weeklies. to do upon our owri initiative and rîcd The combineà circulation off resources ini the organizatiori for our weekly newspapers throughout the home defence off Ihis district. Canada is enormous. Their action A represenlative c o m m i t l e c that and guidance is rieeded NOW. should be called mbt action and * Through their columns which are leadership assigned 10 ex-soldiers ure rcad lhoroughly in the towris, vil- resident in the county. nat lages anid rural areas, we must by The Stalesman wilh welcome rly brutal hammer-strokes, if rieces- comment, autheritic information à is sary. arouse our people 10 the dire as 10 clements or individuals sub- 10 need for instant action, anid sus- versive 10 our interests through- nt, tained effort, ho mccl the drcad out Ihis district. Il is facts wc nay menace which, to-day, hovers want 10 deal with-nol rumors. ide over us. Thus rnay we best serve our read- an- The Statesman will endeavour crs to-day. Let us put aIl non- an- 10 do ils part among its 12,000 essentials and pctty differences1 readers. Week by week we shaîl aside arid tackle our problems on ýent lry 10 draw a clear picture off the the home front with a singleness ave past, the prescrit, the future; a off purpose and a unity off effort- teri future indecd which must be 10 win this war. G.W.J. and stupid and as not to 1,,o, the way off all that was best in that there were Indians as great1 the red man's culture. Yet the as any white man who has ever records are there for anyone who liVe after them - then you might will take the trouble 10 look thema piece together the story of the up. And when our world gels Greatest Canadian. For he was around 10 making peace in earnest an Indian who lived four hundred it might be well to read flot only years before the white man came the prophecies off Isaiah, the 10 this continent. A great man, poetry of Tennyson or the con. yes. One of the greatest men temporary words of Clarence who eer lved.Streit. It might pay 10 study the who eer lved.words off the great Indian peace- The name offthie great man was maker whose idealogy was as Deganawida. He was born i good as the actual machirîery he Deseronto, Ontario. Like most set up. had fought each other just as fiercely and as often as the Scots and English once used to fight; odd the French and British; or h- Allies and the Germanie powers, nowadays. He did it by organizing the former enemies into a con- federacy for peacc. With infinite patience and superb statesman- ship and utter unselfishncss De- ganawida won over to tentative support off his cause riation-tribes formerly as hostile as France and Germany riow are. His final achievement was as skilful as has ever been made in ail the histoirý off diplomacy. With the subtletV off a Machiavelli, harriessed ho a missioriary idealismn like that off St. Paul he converted hîs worst cnemy, the leader off the most war-like off all the war-makers- the vcry Hitler off us day - by offering 10 him and obtaining for him the first Prcsidency of the Confferacy off Peace. Dcganawida, like Alexander, conquered what was 10 him the known world. He organized peace in all the world that was then considcred important enough 10 bother about. And because the peace off Dcganawida was s0 well organized il lastcd for four hun- dred years. When the white man came 10 Are You Stili Pioneering? L IKE, log houses, iron pumps and oubside sanitary L.accommodation are relics o? pioneering days. Tiey are out-of-date, inconvenicrit, unîhealtiy - anid your familx- should flot bai-c to pubtip iiti them. Running xîatcr rnder pressure enailes von bo rrpangemeuhntivilhi a arpagemeui nt iqu a .Modemrn EMCO Bati- room, arid up-to-(Iatc kitcien and laundri' fa- -t"?~ cilities. An rip-to-date DURO Water' SUPPly System iîl frish all flic ivater neccssary for tîmese hioîme inuprovenients andI it %vIll also srîpply runr2ing w-aber 10, barus and other butildinigs ivicre rcqrnired. Thc Duro Special Svstcmn, capacit), 250 gais. per hiorr, compîcte'iviti 25 gaI. Gaîvanu- izcd Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Mohor costs ouly For a iovcly batiroom, as illushrabed, bie EMCO Buit-in Bath, Shoîver, Toilet and Lavatory wibi trimmiugs cosîs only........ (Soil and iron Pipe and fittings extra) Other Complete Baliroom equipmcnt as low as.................................................... 86.00 136.00 83.90 ý-4I U pucnsed u urrer our Easy Payment Phan or the Home Improveruent Loan Act. BERT PARKER PLUMBER Phone 2684 DURO SPECIAL Can alto b. suppIIsd for Gatolin. Engin. operation Bowmauvflle EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hammiton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 240I images of bears, with the poor meltirig animals losing weight faster than any stout society lady ever lost il on the Hollywood diet. You will see marble likenesses off MacDonald, Brown and Laurier. You will sec ponderous bronze busts of the great Qucen Victoria, looking as unshakeable as all nincteeth century institutions scemed 10 be just when she died, and her nephew in Berlin started to build his ffirstwarship. You will sec rusty steel German ffield guns dcfacing village squares, disliked by everybody, but inviolate as yet because no one has had the sense to melt themn down, or send them back 10 Gcrmany in some form in which they might hclp 10 kecp the world from being made uglier than il has been made already. But you~ will find no monument 10 the greatest Canadian. You will flot even find his name writtcn in any school history book. Arid if you go to his birth place you will find no stone, no mark, and not cvcn a mcmory that the great mari ever did live. But if you arc interested in ways and means of making peace in this world, and if you go f0 the Smithsonian Institute in Wash- ington and ask for the documents concerning the formation of the Six Nations Indian Confcderacy; PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MAY 30TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO