t -licunim PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARLO TWTR~DAY MAY 20TH ban *Courtice An accident occurred west of Prestonvale on Monday night when a horse which was wander- ing on the highway was hit by a car. The horse sustained injuries which necessitated its being kili- ed and the car was damaged. The driver was eut, but his injuries were flot serious. Mrs. Wm. Hobbs and Mrs. M. Cochrane, Oshawa, visited Mrs. S. Paternoster who had the fingers of her right hand badly bruised when caught in a car door. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scorgie, Misses Myrtie and Hilda, and Mr. and Mrs. Ear1 Gatcheli visited re- latives at Rice Lake. Miss Audrey Trevail and Mr. W. Kinsman visited the latter's aunt, Mrs. Harrow, in Belleville. Misses Evelyn Barrabali and Frances Reynolds, Messrs. Eldon Essery and Gordon Barraball mo- tored to Niagara Falls. Misses Madeline and Della Tooley spent the holiday in Peter- borough. Misses Ella Baldwin and Aud- rey Trevail are with the latter's sister, Mrs. Norman Clemens, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin fand babe, Marlene, visited their tsister, Miss Blanche Taylor at the home of her parents. Miss Taylor is improving after her operation. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huggins, »Oshawa, visited Mrs. H. Taylor. > Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and daughtèr-Betty visited at Mr. and Mrs. George Barber's. Mr. and Mrs. Upton Stevens and family, Bowmanville, were guests at Mr. A. E. Phair's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baldwin visited at Mr. R. Luke's, Hampton. Those from a distance reaching their homes for the, long weekend include: Mr. George Pidduek, R.C. A.F., Toronto; Mr. George Rey- nolds, Peterboro; Mr. Wm. Rom- hanyi, Jr., Frankford. Miss Edith Balson is much im- proved in health. Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antil's inelude: Mrs. Wm. Whittiek and son, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young and Miss June Young, Toronto. Slendor "Beauty" Tablets can- not harm you-. Two weeks uply $1.00. McGregor's Drug Store. Bahweek more citize»s axe realizing they get best quality at lowest pnoes at Cawker's. Round Stealk lb. 250 Cholce Hamburg Steak lb. 150 PRE RI Shortened ROAST BEEF Rb. 21c - 23e PRIME am ROAST BEEF B0ONR ROLLED Rolled lb. 27ecb 5 Short Rib Rouït Beef, rofled (no bon.) .. lb. 20e SEE OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING Lamb - Pork - Veal at Equally Good Prices - Phone 382 - For Prompt Delivery of Your Order Phone 382 CA WKER' S MEATMARKET Bowmanville YOU CAN'T BEAT Slack, Sets $3.95 No nemi te swelter this summer when you eau wear these cool, sleeky, slack sets. A grand selection of smart styles and colours te set you up for the hot weather te corne. Others at ------------------ $4.95 1 \'Y ejP/, Sport Shirts and Slacks Smartly styled sport slacks ln cool durable materials ln- expenslvely prlced te complete your wardrobe. Prlced at $4.95 - $6.50 Sport shirts wiil give you that extra somethlng for cool sunimer wear, in a wlde range of colours and styles te suit your personallty. $1.50 - $1.55 - $2.00 For The WeIl Dressed Lady 4 only Misses' and Ladies' Knltted Suite.fl Regular $8.95. On sale te clear at --...--- -------- 39 Summer Coats The tirst shlpment of smartly styled summer coats has just been recelved, and we wlll be pleased te show them to our custeniers at any time. The eolours are white and sand. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Ltd. Phone 836 Bowmanville m M r Enfield Haydon Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mi Frank Sanderson and family, Mn D. Higgîns, Miss Laura Phiflu Toronto, at Mr. Richard Sander son's. .. Mr. and Mrs. .H. MeConl and family, Mr. and Mrs. R.C MeLean and family, Toronto, Mi1 and Mrs. Wmn. Todd, Churchill,a Mrs. E. Mountjoy's. . . Mr. ang Mrs. A. Carlton, Brougham, Mi1 and Mrs. Jim Degeer and Leon ard, Pickering, at Mr. Earl De geer's... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smit and family, Enfield, Miss Grac Trewin. Toronto, at Mr. W. Tre win's. . . Mr. Lloyd Thompson Toronto, Mr. Frank Osmond, Mis Audrey Thompson, BowmanvillE at Mr. W. Thompson's. . . Mr and Mrs. Cook, Mrs. J. R~ Elliolt Miss A. Mountjoy, Cadmus, at Mr M. Slemon's. .. Mr. Les. Garrard Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Giý and family, Oshawa, at Mr.C Garrard's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frec Ashton and family, Toronto,a Mr. E. Bradley's. .. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Werry and Boyd, Wood. bridge, Mr. Jack Clarkson and Miss Helen Clarkson, Keene, Mrs W. Brownlee, Leaside, at Mr Lloyd Ashton's. . . Mrs. Richard Ashton returned to Leaside witt bier daughter, Mrs. Brownlee.. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham and family at Mr. C. Ashton's, Burke- ton. . . Mrs. C. Crossman and Jean at Mr. F. Thompson's, Taun. ton. Wi nc lh dr The Day of Prayer Service w ;ell attended on Sunday aftE oon with Rev. A. W. March d vering a very appropriate a Iress. Salem vas er de- il an M .ý ia e- Rev. W. Rackham, Hampton, aecupied the pulpit Sunday even- ing delivering a fine sermon from the text, "Let us nat be weary in well-doing for in due season we shahl reap if we faint not." Y. P. U. meeting May 22nd was opened by the president. Miss M. Collacutt had charge of this pro- gram: Bible references, the Lead- er: tapie. Mrs. L. Squair; readings, Mrs. L. Welsh and Miss Theima Werry. A contest was eonducted by the leader. It was deeided ta close the Y.P.U. meetings for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator and son, Toronto. visited bis parents and Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator returned ta Toronto with them an Sunday evening, and on Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator and some Toronto friends motored ta Niagara and enjoyed the beautiful blossoms anýd re- turned home Manday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Foîkes andl daughter Dorothy and son Frank were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. Collacutt. Solina Anniversary Visiters: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watson and Charlie, Mr. Richard Watson, Todmorden, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langmaid, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Agincourt, Mr. and Mrs. Charlton McBride, Burton and Mary, Miss Knox, Peterboro, at Mr. Gea. White's..-. Mr. Victar Taylor, Mrs. A. W. Gibbons and Vers, Mrs. Plunkett and daughters, To- ronto, at Mr. Harry Taylor's.. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Debarr, Violet and Grace, Columbus, with Messrs Frank and Charles Short- ridge. .. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowling, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Graham and Barbara, Bawmanville, Mr. Francis Tbamp- son, Tyrone, at Mr. S. Hacka day's. ..Mr. J. R. Reynolds at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harryi Fraser, Marian and Jessie, Long Sauht, at Mr. L. Miller's. .. Mr.1 and Mrs. Norman Leach and Doris, Miss Marian Gibson, Taun- ton, Mr. C. Kershake, Miss Vers Kerslake, Miss Jean Ri]ey, Hamp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McElroy and Ralph, Mr. James Walters, Peterboro, at Mr. J. R. Kivell's.. Mrs. Arthur Cook and Noreen, Brooklin, Miss Orma Bowen, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clerntnce and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and family, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Pereyr Dewelh, Whitby, Miss Ruby Dew-3 eh], Oshawa, at Mr. H. E. Tink's.r ..Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Bowmanville, with Mrs. J. T.a Rundle. .. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, Osh. awa, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, l Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chap-S man, Hampton, witb Mrs. R. J. McKessock..-. Mr. Reg. Moon of Granview, Manitoba, at Mr. Wil- fred Dewell's... Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Ernestd Werry and family, Ennishillen,a Miss Ethel Cale, Bethesda, Missj Johns, New Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.C Norman Wright and Arthur,A Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. LutherA Pascoe, Mr. Frank Pascoe, Bertha, F Jean and Margaret, Miss Irene F Pascoe, Zion, Miss Nora Werry, I Kedron, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's.. .p Mrs. Les. Snowden, Betty, Bobw and Mildred, Maple Grave, Mr. tc Chas. Howsam, Mary and George,L Port Perry, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. li ..Mrs. Howard Couch, Marjory r( and Ileen, Miss Jessie Scott, Mr. di Jim Hancock, Miss Vers Lons- fr berry, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. SE Will Quick and Don, Bowman- A ville, Misses Helen and Muriel m Baker, Peterbaro, at. Mr. Jack Baker's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1( Bray -and son, Enfie]d, at Mr. W. ct Parrinder's. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. r Recent Visitors: Mr. and D Wilbert Smith and family, C awa, at Mr. Alf. Preseott's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scully and Bi Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mount D nis, Mr. Jas. Tapp, Rochester, Mrs. W. J. Ormiston's. .. Mr.; Mrs. D. Cunningham and I Evelyn and Miss M. Potts, B] selîs, at Mr. R. W. Paseoe's. Miss Corsina Samis, Oshawa, Mr. Milton Samis'. . Mr. Howi Ormiston with Mr. Edwin Orr ton, Maple Grove. Maple Grove Recent Visitors: Mr. Fred Mil- ler, Ingersol, at Mrs. L. C. Snow- den's. .. Master Kenneth Power, Oshawa, with Master Harold Stevens. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Metcalf, Miss Barbarah, Master Paul Metcalf, at Mr. J. L. Met- calf's and Mr. Y. I. Metcalf's... Mr. and Miss Woodeock, Toronto, at Mr. Roy Van Camp's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nichais, Ebenezer, at Mr. J. R. Metcalf's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Happs and family, Toronto, at Mr. F. R. Stevens'. . .. Misses Muriel and Audrey Hall and Ev- erett Hall, London, and R. Hall, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley. A number from bore attended anniversary services at Eldad. Practice is in full swing for an.- niversary on Sunday, June l6th, and Wed., June l9th. Rev. Parks, Whitby, wilh ho guest speaker. Mrs. H. Creeper, son Tom Creeper, Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight, Town, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burgess. Hampton Visitors: Miss Nancy Johns, To- ronto, with Mrs. Elmina Johns.. Mrs. H. Holwelh and Dorothy, To- ronto, at Mr. Geo. Gilbert's... Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bulmer, Osh- awa, and Mrs. Jim Hewson, Oak- ville, with relative5. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Williams, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Peters'. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Oshawa, at Mr. S. Williams'. .. Mrs. G. Farncomb with friends in Toronto. . . Mrs. Myrtle Taylor, Toronto, and son Ralph, Oshawa, at Mrs. A. C. Trul's. .. Mrs. K. A. Caverly, laughter Gwen and sons Douglas and Bruce, Toronto, and Mrs. James Gregory, Oshawa, at Mr. C. W. Souch's. .. Miss Rose Ehlen Anthistle, Brantford, at Mr. Ed. Anthistle's. . . Miss Constance Farncomb, Toronto, at Mr. Gea. E'arncomb's. . . . Misses Eileen Wray and Pearl Gilbert accom- panied Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Dinni- 1vell and daughters, Bowmanville, to their cottage at Viewlake on Lake Scugog. .. Miss Jessiç Knox, H-aydon, Miss Betty Knox, To- ronto, at home. .. Mr, Fred Cor- den, Bowmanville, visited ohd 'riends here who were pleased ta see him in bis former place in the Adult Bible Glass on Sunday narning. Sunday School will be held at 10.30 next Sunday morning wben our pastar will conduet a baptis-I mal service.- Irs. Ily, at and fiss 'S- atà ard ls- [rs. Irs. er- C. Er. at id Eir. in- )e- ith re- iss [e, &r. )t, &r. iy atN rs. K i- Li d m rd ar thM ,d Bi lei as Enniskillen Phone 2510 JUNE Showers &Weddings Wehave made a special effort to procure a varled assortment. of shower and weddlng gits in china, glass, silver, pictures and linen. Open stock patterns in dinner- ware and glass at a price to suit every purse. Glft Wrappings - Seals - Cards PAPER GOODS Save time and labour. See our paper cups, towels, serviettes, plates and doiles. J. W. JeweII Headquarters for Wallpaper and Paint Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. McCombe and family, Mr. and IMrs. R. MeLean and family, E e e e Misses Laura Phillip and Irene Sharpe, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Services on Sunday were well Todd, Churchill, at Mr. Adam attended with Rev. W. C. Smith Sharpe's. .. Mr. and Mrs. G. in charge. A very impressive Houlden and famtily, Oshawa,' Mr. "Prayer" service was carried out and Mrs. S. Moffat, Burketon, at throughout the day. Mr. E. Strong's. .. Mr. and Mrs. No. 4 Mission Band met May G. Werry and Boyd wite bis sis- 21st. A fine exhibit of gifts was ters, Mrs. R. Ormiston and Mrs. to be seen which the children L. Ashton. .. Miss Verna Orrais- with their leaders were intending ton, Oshawa, with her brother, ta bale and send out. Three birth- Mr. R. Ormiston. .. Mrs. H. J. days were observed. Caîl to Wor- .Werry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormis- ship was given by Wilma Mar- ton and Miss Verna Ormiston shah, and Bible reading given by with Mr. J. D. Brown, Orono, Murray Osborne. Memory verse Mrs. H. J. Werry remaining.. and Band Purpose were repeated Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Miss M. Dial- and the devotional story told by ton and Mr. Orville Ashton at Mrs. Marshall. The following Mr. S. Rodman's. .. Mr. Herbert'program was given, with Bob Wright, Lakefield, Mr. and Mrs.1 Vinson as chairman: Vocal solo,i N. Wright, Hampton, at Mr. Wm.; Lucille Wade; harmonica selec-'« Wright's.. Mrs. Ella Smith with tion, Clarence Higgins; piano solo,k Tyrone Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Findley and family, Unionvulle, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Richards. .. Mr. and Mrs. Art Coverly and Sylvia, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. F. Park's. ..Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley, Brooklin, at Mr. L. ThompÉon's.. Mr. and Mrs. Art Spicer, Ileen and Marilyn, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Laura Virtue. Glad ta report those on the siek list are improving. Mission Band which has been re-organized under the leadership of Mrs. R. Hatherly held an elec- tion of officers at Mrs. Hatherly's as follows: President - Marie Thompson; lst Vice-Pres.-Doug- las Barr; 2nd Viee-Pres.-Donald Dudley; Secretary-Shirley Park; Treasurer - Billie Dudley; Pro- gram Committee for next month -Breta Collaeutt and Lloyd Skin- ner; Press Correspondent-Gregor Freund. Attendance 24. Tyrone Sehool News Tuesday we piayed Bethesda sehool a game of basebaîl. It was a very interesting game from start to finish. At the end we found out Tyrone had won. Beth- esda showed themselves good sports. Tuesday we will play them at their sehool where they will ]ikely make us play mueh harder. ..Grades 4 and 5 are going to give a play about Captain Scott who searehed for the South Poie. He discovered it on Jan. 17, 1912, about a month after Amundsen, who was there Dec. 14, 1911.. May 24th was a holiday due to Queen Victoria's birthday whieh we spent gaily doing such things as fishing, etc. But we tried .not te forget the great Queen we were remembering. - hersiter, Mrs. H. Stevens. Mr. gand NMrs. J. Shackleton, Doulas and Keith, Zion, Mr. and *Mrs. Stan MeMurter, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett, Port Hope, at Mr. W. H. Moore's. - . Mr. G. Howe and Miss Mae Howe, Scarboro, at Mrs. Wearn's. Miss Berniee Phiilips, Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, at Mr. S. R. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton and Clarence and Mrs. H. Stevens attended the funeral of Mr. Fer- guson, Uxbridge. Sympathy is extended to Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson and family in the death of the former's father, Joseph Ferguson, Ux- bridge. On May 24th our annual tea and concert was held from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., after which the En- niskillen Y. P. presented their three-aet drama "The Girl In the Fur Coat." Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert attended the elosing exereises of the Toronto Normal Sehool May 28th, when their daughter, Velmra was recommended on ail subjeets for her year's work. We extend our heartiest congratulations to Velma. A large gathering of friends and neighbours met at the home 0f Mrs. Ella Smith on Monday evening. Mr. Harvey Harris ealled the eompany together and after a few opening remarks ealled on Mrs. Will Ashton who read a most complimentary address. Mr. Russell Gilbert and Wili Ashton presented Mrs. Smith and Claude who are leaving this district, with gifla of money. Both made fitting replies thanking teeir friends for tee gifts received. Short speeches were made by Mrs. Frank Gil- bert, Mr. Wm. Stainton and Mr. Russell Gilbert. Community sing- ing was enjoyed, also piano, n*iuth organ and guitar music. ,After a generous lunch had been served all left for home. An unsatisfactory figure de- mands Slendor "Beauty" Tablets. Two weeks supply $1.00. MeGre- gor's Drug Store. 22-1 Ask Your neighbors what Bray Chicks did for them. Thon sec one of us for prices and de- livery dates. F. C. VANSTONE, Bowmanville F. L. BYAM, Tyron. J. E. NICHOLSON, Pontypool R. LLOYD STEPHENSON, Newcastle PICK OUT YO'UR VACATION CAR FROM DOZENS AT ROY NICHOLS There 's nothing like driving aiong the highway on youx vacation, stopping when and whcre you wish and enjoying the new scenery and the fresh air. To do that, you'Il need a good used car that won't let you down. Wc have dozens of guairanteed used models ready to be driven away. Now's the time ta buy a car and drive yourself and your fanitiy out into, the open where you can en- joy a littie relaxation from the tenne war situation. JUST A FEW 0F THE MODELS AVAILABLE 1939 - Pontiac Sedan Pontiac Coach Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Coach 1938 - 01ds. Sedan Pontiac Coach Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Coach Dodge Coach Chrysier Imperial ,Sedan 1937 - 01dm. Coach Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Coupe Buick Sedan 1936 - Buick Sedan Pontiac Coach Pontiac Sedan Ford Sedan 1935 - Pontiac Sedan Chevro lest Coach Chevrolet Sedan Dodge Sedan 1932 - Dodge Sedan Essex Coupe 1931 - Buick Sedan Durant Sedan De Soto Coupe 1930 - Whippet Coach Pontiac Cab. Durant Coupe WiIIys Sedan Chevrolet Coach 1929 - Pontiac Rdstr. Whippet Sedan Dodge Sedan Pontiac Coach Whippet Coach Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coach Oldsmobile Coach Nash Coach Chrysier Coach 1928 - Chrysler Coupe Pontiac Sedan Whippet Sedan Chevrolet Coach Overland Sedan Roy Nachols Garage General Matera Sales and Bervice Bowianville and Courtice FREE DEVEL'OPING Have Your Favorite Prints Colcired at OnIy lc Extra Coat Dodd's Chase's Nyal Gin PIS K. & L. Pills Kldney Pills PIS 33c 1 29e 25C 139c - 69e For Aching Feet CASHMERE Nu-Feet--------------- 25c Biue Jay Pads -----25e Sholes Pads--------- 25e TISSUE - Cress Corn Salve --- 50e ComPk±ey tvvapped Nyal Corn Remedy 25e Soft Fure Whie Ease'm Foot Powd. 25c 700 SHEETS Seholes Foot Soap 35e ito the roil CSM~ Seholes Foot Balm 35e 3 for25 Zambuk Oint ------- 47e Freezone --------------- 29e Putnamis 35e For White Shoes Nova Kelp Tablets Nya Ceaer----------- 5e 79c - $1.39 - $2.79 WIfl ot mub off Iroized Yeast -------- - 89e Palm Beach ------------- 25e Iron and Yeast ------------- 69e Shu - Mllk- - ------- - 15e C.C. & B. Yeast tabs. -- 57c-97c We Have a Complete Stock of ATHLETIC SUPPORTS Assorted Slzes Prices - - - - - Soc to $2.25 Phone WeFi 695 P. R. IND !LING, lhIl.DB. e' BillRunde; radins, Mril. A FulllLine of Genuine General Motors Parts in Stock Morton, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cole, Helen and Lillian, Bethesda, Mr. and Mrs. J. Marks and Marilyn, Toranto, at Mr. Wes. Yellowlees'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson, Marilyn and Keith, Blackwater, at Mr. E. Prescott's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Larmer and family, Black- stock, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's... Misses Ida Reynolds and Isabelle Wé-t-ley, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sn-ith, Hampton, at Mr. J. Yellowlees'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunbar, Bill and John and Miss Fanny Smales, Toronto, Misses Ferne and Fay Gilroy, Enfield, Miss Eunice Knapp, Union. at Mr. J. Smales'. .. Mr. John Borrow- dale, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bray, Mary and Gwen, Oshawa, at Mr. S. E. Werry's. .. Mr. Ben Powell, Oshawa, at Mr. N. Wotten's. A number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. H. E. Tink last Wednesday evening to hon- our Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink on their recent marriage. Mr. Will Baker aeted as chairman and caldo Mrs. Maurice Baker who red an apt address after which tee young couple were presented with an aceasional chair and table. The remainder of tee evening was spent in play- ing carda and lunch was served. Full account of anniversary ser- vices next week. 1 'I Zesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc- enzie, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. ,orne Hoskin, Tyrone, Mr. and Irs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Ir. and Mrs. E. Davis and Walter id Mrs. J. Nesbitt, Kedron, at Ir. Ralph Davis'. . . Mr. and Mrs. forley Gilroy, Enfield, Miss Jes ie Yellowlees, Oshawa, Mr. A. ýrackenridge and Ralph Greer,' lillbrook, at Mr. N. C. Yellow- ýes'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin, lwmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart 1 1 1 li 1 - -ý Mr ýw - --7Fý yw w t F~ ~ r w ~I!'~ ~NZ -' -w-- I ~ - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 30TH. 1940 y Rundle, Alice Glaser; and a story on "Shira" told by Mrs. Cecil Worden. The choir were entertained by Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith on Friday evening with a social time and practice enjoyed. Master Jack Pearce was host on Saturday night ta 20 of bis com- rades who helped celebrate bis 16th birthday. All had an enjoy- able time. Mr. Dan Smith, Gaît, Master Billy McKee, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller, Lansing, were guests at Mr. Ross Pearce's. The dramatie club members are quite active again, as they will present their play "Double Trou- ble" at Brooklin and Seagrave on Friday and Monday nights. Enniskillen