THURSDAY, MAY 3OTH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Her e.Rbr ugsSoc vneit A Splendid Speaker dlaims of which it shail then have Nwasn(u oteo rarpin pcat Her e.Rbr ugsSoc vneit and sea oieteteecuinof ail Priscrcool.s a Speclalt others and teey will qlot be liable after-shl.veefreabin Services Sunday - 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. te any person whose dlaim teey lama StabenofCraam EVERY WEEK NIGHT (Except Monday and Saturday> 8 ntenhaeoicfrte oCid"oBruOIStubh'Wl assets so distributed or any part * rQloiNoBuse We would like te extend an invitation te ail te attend these services and espeeially Dated at Cobourg this l4th day BAR GAIN te ail who attended the church whea it was known as The Bible Christian Cbnrch. of May, 1940._-c Paator: Rev. C. A. Barris. ronto 2, Ontario, Executors, by Phone 792 Alan C. H. Field, Cobourg, On-W.1D-e----- tario, their soUictor herein. 20-3 PAGE SEVEN Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. O.A.C. GRADUATE J. Trick's, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Cadmus, with Miss Marion Hill. IW. C. Ashton (Shaw's) on attain- Mrs. John Tate and family, Osh- M.Wle rgt oota ingter3t eIiganvr awa, at Mr. Tom Martin's. .. Mr, Mr. Garnet Wright's. .. Mr. An- 9 -1 SOCIAL AND PERSONALin thi35h edngaivr sary Friday, May 24th. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Capt. I Misses Marion and Rose Mac- Archer's, Bracebridge. . . Miss E. son Taylor, Roblin, at Mr. Roy I.Phone 663 Naughton, Buffalo, N. Y., Miss Stainton, Bowmanville, returned Taylor's. . . Misses Effie and An- ___________________________________________Ruth Garrow and Miss L. Dyer, home this week to stay while Dr. nie Wright, Oshawa, at Mr. Jabez Toronto, visited with Mr. and Siemon is on holiday to Victoria, Wright's and Mr. John Larmer's. Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto, was Victoria Day guest of his Mrs. L. J. C. Langs. B.C. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hulatt Mran s.Nto Vn spent the weekend at home. mother, Mrs. J.B. Mitchell. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Addinall, and Victor, Oshawa, at Mt. Rus- .*Mr. and fmrs. Norston Vanit -London, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. sell Perkins'. .. Mr. and Mrs Cm n aîyLsoewt Mrs. Fred W. Couch is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Corbett and- Fluker and Joan, Brockville, AIlf Ayre and family at Mr. E: relatives. .. Mrs. Florence Thom- Mrs. Donald Brown, Arnprior. Noel vsted relatives in Palmer- spent the weekend with Mr. and Mark's, Little Britain. .. o and A n on in Toronto,.aMns Miss Helen Norwick bas been ston.- Mrs. Gus Bounsaîl. Mrs. Milton Fisher and DeltonAenMutoTrno n visiting Mrs. Wm. Durno, Toronto. Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mr. and Mr. George Laidler and daugh- Blackstock, at Mr. Alf Ayre's. . Miss Hazel Mountjoy, Bronte, at Mr.~ an Ms W eask, Taun- Mrs. Bert Colwell and Master.Ed- ter Isobel, Hamilton, spent the Miss Velma Balson, Kinsale, at Mr. Norman Mountioy's... Miss \ton, visited at her uncle's, M%~r. ward Stuart visited relatives at weekend with his sister, Mrs. W. home for a couple of weeks. P. Hooey, Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Mr. nd Ms owey. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil John Lumb. Bond Head, Beeton and Wasaga. J. Henderson, at the lake. r n . Smple, Oshawa, atHoe'.adJnRabra Downy an Jae, Rabor, a Mr. and Mrs. George Wood and Mr. Edward Nickerson has re- Mr. Daniel Smith, Gaît, who Mr. R. Perkins'. Mrs. Jas. Mr. J. R. McLaughlin's.. . Mr. so - Lansing, Mich., are visiting turned home after completing his spent the weekend witb I'îr. and SantonandOsGrac Te a Mr.Cas. and Mrs. Manson and family of at sister's, Mrs. S. G. Chartran. second year at Victoria College, Mrs. Ross Pearce, Ebenezer, fav- La ner's sa. he y also cand- Stratford, and Miss Ida Dempsey, iîd yuko ivrodsToronto. ored the editor witb a friendly K.cin r.NlieLne n __________Dr.__J._A.__Me- DeLuxe Ice Cream is now on sale Miss Mary Jury is staying with cl.Hrrgwohv Arthur's.. Mrs. S. A. Devitt at EAE at Cowling's Drug Store? bier grandparents, Mr Mr. Gordon Ashton, M.Sc., and been il... Mrs. J. E. Smith, AMr. home. .. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Regular 1940 Stock BisI or Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer, J. H. H. Jury after spending a Miss Edith Hunter, of Macdonald ad Ms .D cîtik Kolusky and family, Galt, at Mr.Fom~2 Sae Toronto, were weekend guests of year at McMaster University. College, Que., visited Mr. and Orangeville, Mr. Jas. McMaster, Joe Forder's and Mr. C. Wrigbt's. - __________10e______ Mrs. Densem. To-Mrs. W. C. Ashton. Toronto, at Mr. J. W. McMaster's. M vr. Wallace Holmes and MissHOS PA T M.adMsArhrDne. Mrs. L. T. McLaugblin, Miss F. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cox, Clara Rev. . Littlewood, Orono, will Em Rutledge at Mr. Joe For-PeecfoOud rUs Mr. and Mrs. Ira Patterson, o M. Galbraith and Mrs. J. Coyle and Norma, and Mrs. Robt. CIe- be speaker for our S.S. anniver- der's. .. Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. ROOM LOTS ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. attended the Presbyteriaî meeting mence, Toronto, called on their W. Newton T. Ashton Mar.sendi rs. Jda. ShackeadMcK e a id and Ms n.Fo Gunn and Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones. in Campbellford which is report- cousin, Mrs. T. C. Bragg.Mran s.JShketMc ea idn. Mr. R. M. Mitchell, Belleville,- ed in another column. g11 ~ Clr o Relatives here received a cable Fourth sozA of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Douglas and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. W.M.S. held a social afternoon S.eC Up untrWaWowr last wveek that Pte Alan Derisem Ashton (Shaw's) R.R. 4, Bow- Fred Cameron and Helen attend- had arrived safely in England manville, who was graduated from ed anniversary service at Edd at Mrs. Jas. Marlow's on Monday VRIH-Hg rd with a draft of the Hastings & the Ontario Agricultural College, M.Lte acehdbs carpakd setoth 1I P ER BNS15SleByOeatrg aueIOnTi VI-Prince Edward Regiment. Guelph, on Tuesday, May 2st, damnaged when he collided with Memorial Hospital in Eriksdale, 15C'. 3 Sh9des 15 Cprc -Gto OnThs "H LL :isth t52 ?The Lions Bicycle Safety Club receiving the degree of B.S.A. Dr. Albert Allin's car in Bow- Manitoba. Afternoon tea was ev Phone Conversation E L :i h t5 0 did not meet in Hampton on Fni- (Bachelor of tbe Science of Agri- manville on Saturday. Fortun- ed by Mrs. Marlow and Mrs. V.- Free Delivein o My summer clothes shnply ioola spand u obdwa culture), specializing in Animal aeyn one was seriously in- Archer. awful Canyou eoplemakethem ther. The meeting was postponed Husbandry. Newton put in the jured. Aseileeiga h on Mib aful Cn ou eolemak tem until this Saturday. first 2 years of bis 5-year course A________________theYoun look like new again?" MisjialnSct s -oi at Kemptville Agricultural Scbool. People's Union was beld last ~B O T R MisMra ct shlda gHis eldest brother, Gordon, re- Tuesday evening. Rev. Wesley JOHNS O I with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. .ba 'Ss oxanil rnEhd ... M. Scott, after completing ber ceived bis M.Sc. degree from B a kstock Cp and Rev. Geo. Afflick gave Phone 651 unr ~~~~~~first year at the University of To- McGiii University and is now ______ run thewrd altson nDssorl _______________________________ nu e rn b eat In oficleost e- ronto. ontbe staff of Macdonald Agri- aon h ol.Dlo orl nesbat ntems elaecultural College at Ste. Anne Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. and Neil Johnston sang a duet.________________________________ farc.Your sumumer clotiies will Mrs. Geo. W. James and Miss de Belevue, Que. There are five Robt. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. There were 43 present and a gond lie bVturned to-Morrow lookig like Louise Wilson attended the May son in the Ashton family. John Arthur Williamson and Mrs. Geo. collection was taken.tbn MitHaenintecm muh prcaed yalrg the day you bought them."l Day Festival at the Ontario La- is continuing to farm at home. Griffin, Omemee, with Mrs. Jas. A play was presented by tbe tigMgtHpe i h o-il dies' College, Whitby, on the 24th Lawrence is in the Parts Dept. Marlow.. Miss Bessie Edgerton, Yelverton Young People "Any. munity hall, May 24tb. It was crowe Don't spoil a bud- of May. of General Motors, Oshawa, and ding romance bie- - Mr. W. H. Hellyar, Clinton, Mr. Roy (Sborty to his B.H.S. pals) is cause your clothes and Mrs. R. E. Yates and Ted and on the local staff of the Bank of are runipled, soiled , Miss Dorotby Douglas, Mrs. D. M. Comenerce learning the intricacies and flot absolutely free from odor. Sum- Fair and Beatrice, Toronto, vîsited in tee realm of finance. mer wearables made like new again. with Mr. John and Miss Eva Among tee guests at graduation PATONZE OM INUSRYExpulsion of all Germans fromMrGronAbnBAMc Smart Ladies' Summ r Wa _______________HOME __________ ellar.exrcisGo rdo rsn .W. C., AShto _________________________Canada at the enid of the present Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock, Bow-Ai war because "bybv o manville; Miss Marjory Lycett, co GrDes s proved their treacbery," was urg- Newcastle.Sho ir rse BOW MANVI LL E ed by Rev. J.J. Black, minister of_______ These dresses are flot just good - they are Cambridge Street United Cburch exceptionally smart. We have jiist what You want t ULEANERS and DYERS Club. iday RtryMSIOAY NWADR I the wlnsome new fashlonable school girl dresses.OAT OPPOSIITE GLEN RAE DAIRY Mr. Everett A. Loveil, son of For the information of those E. A. Loveil, well known Oshawa wbo write to Rev. F. Merrill Fer- 2.5I .39 druggist, and Mrs. Lovell, bas re- guson in Africa we are informnedLoksati ceived bis degree of Bachelôr of by bis father tbat bis present ad- tM whev Pbarmacy from tbe University of dress is: sylhwlecas ui Toronto. He is joining bis fatber Rev. F. M. Ferguson, Cool Afternoon Dresses wlth precision of wrmn in the latter's business. Miss-ao de Dondi C P 30 - ship to hold their sates d n of D r ng o to n h p waA n o ayp . ot f d y f ot xt m e . bu n v r a yf yo r c o d pr ceR . J.'M orton, 65 year old resi- C henguar W e have a fashion for you, w hatever your B e the outstand ln e m e 0 j apprehended for breaking and P. W. Africa. becoming, purse pleaslng. Sizes from 12 - 46. coat that is sultale ey entering tbe cottage of E. G. Boyd, personality'. Haydon, on Saturday. Police were CLOSED 49 YEARS notified that a man bad entered C NURCH B IDN 4.95 the bouse two days before and EEYHN' found Morton there wben tbey RE-OPENS SUNDAYEVR HNGS ATAULWPCE arrived. Miss Ann Connors attended tee A cburcb opened again after 7, i I 'V S 1C 1 service in Peterboro recently forty-nine years - that is there- BeTHstle drssupfo sume nw lt when ber cousin, Rcv. Fatber cord of the edifice on the corner B nsye rs John Ryan was ordained. Sunday of Queen and Division Sts., Bow- Phone 594 THE LADIES' SPECIALTY SHOP Bowmanville smart clothes bogtathElySbp morning sbe was accompanied to manville, wbich will begin a new * Lindsay by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley lease on life next Sunday, June Lee, Scugog Street, wbere Fateer 2nd. That day it will once more Ryan took bis first Higb Mass, bouse a worsbipping congregation.__________________ Mr. and Mrs.. J. T. Hooper, Over the front door bas been Churcb St., Bowmanville, quietly erected a sign "'Evangelistic Tab - _________ celebrated their 59tb wedding an- ernacle." The Pastor, Rev. C. A.THS W E US N TO A niversary on Victoria Day, May Harris, wbo bas been 'in towni theTHS W E N IO A 24tb. We join with their many Past six montbs, is in charge. friends in extending congratula- Mr. Harris is giving a special tions to this venerable couple. invitation to any who used to at- l Mr. Milton G. Lord, Toronto, tend in the same building to corne called at The Statesman office to is meetings. Not only senti- 4~. Saturday to renew is subscrip- mental tics will connect them but tion wbile on bis way to visit also bis type of service is much IUZE 10 «LrzA citizens will recaîl that Milton gospel message and energetic onls emnn iailte aersle rm worked for Alex Hume wben bie songs of praise wîll be the same .' onls emnn iaiiishv eutdfo he oPerated a butcher shop here as beard within those walls years Lowest fact that simple first-aid remedio were not available at the time about 30 years ago. For 29 years ago. Milton bas been a mail carrier His opening service is at 2.30 Prices of an injury or accident. Prepare now. Stock your fa= yindcine wih eeToono os office and onSnaJn12d bnRv cabinet and automobile with the necessary first-aid 49 bas been on tbe same route all Robt. Burgess, Scotch Evangelist, CANADIANS are fortunate that bread-so easy and these years. He tells us that sev- a splendid speaker and mus ORBAB'S IE products. economical ta, buy-plays such a large part ini keeping eral of bis customers are Durham will be tbe guest preacher.Th FO AYSDE themn well, strong and energetic. County folk wbo also take The evenmng service is held at 7.30, CB N A E i n nlc o 5 o i ye Bread-the wholesome, nourishing loaf made by Saemn out tee week. of Ait _ your baker-supplies one-quarter of t/efood energy of thie>1 Doiin inADHESIVE %" x 2/2yd. lOC 1x Z2yd. Ise_ _ __ _ __ _ Bread supplies valuable carbohydrates. Bread releases LUNCH ROOM i.m ABSORBENT COTTON - 10e to 75ce_________ its energy quickly, supplies it for hours. And, witb it Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. e modern milk content, bread supplies important protein Open for Business Wes. Cameron, Jack and Joyce at TINCTURE 0F IODINE, 1 oz. - 15C for the building and repair of muscular energy. Opposite Town Hall Mr. aDelrs. Penter Wabl, ar- eat more breadl DMNILEmnMs.SmTikMs .TeBoitish....... 50e J. Trick, Oshawa, Mrs. Wm. Hgo 5 0 YOUI SAEIS SKIL, scientific equpnient-and MML. WONNACOTT Thomson, St. Marys. at Mr. J. W. yel----35-60 hesfinest ingredens-give you a loaf unsur- Former Cashier Royal Balson's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Russell passed in wholesomeness and delicious flavor. Theatre, Proprietor Stainton and family, Mrs. Jas. AMIU ODJonn&Joso Stainton at Misses Leona and Jonsn Jhno THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL AF1TERNOON and Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Misses ALWAYS UNIFORM W SV I.b* 4 Band..Aids Exr pcalQaiyTEAS AND LUNCHES Elsie Stainton's, Oshawa. .. Mr. ON TASTE AND IN 3 for 25c . uw rm s ., Extra11%Sàecàlal QÀ&al8.t4 Norma and Beryl Glaspel at Mr. TEXURE oamOuwt?,aI' The spced bandage 1a.m *W ..