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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1940, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CNADIN STAESMA. BOWANVILE. OTART IO0 INTEREST TO WOMIEN ZION NUSE WINS STONE CHURCH ZION URSEWINS100TH ANNIVERSARY $400 SCHOLARSH1P Th O, Son Cuyc Thora Miss Eleanor Veinia Shepherd, celebrate the hundredth anniver- step-daughter of Mm. and Mrs. W. sary with special services on J. Leask, Ryland Farm,-" Zion, Sunday, June 2nd. The Moderator was one of seventy-five nurses of the General Assembly of the who received hier pin and certifi- Preshyterian Church, Rev. Stuart cate Wednesday evening from the C. Parker, St. Andrew's Church, Toronto General Hospital as a Toronto, will be the preacher. graduate nurse. Miss Shepherd Service will be at 2 o'clock stan- was awarded a scholarshîp for dard time. post-graduate study n nursing at Rev. David Watson wvas pastor the University of Toronto, gîven Of this congregation for ferty by the board of trustees, assîsted some years, preachîng in this church and later in the new build- ing in Beaverton - St. Andrew's. His son-in-law, Dr. D. W. Best, D.D.. for several years pastor of r St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville, succeeded him and preached for 15 years in St. An- i drew's Church. Mrs. Best from early girlhood faithfully contri- p buted to the musical part of the orshipby singing in the choir and doing soo work. The only musical instrument that the Old Stone Church ever has had was the tuning fork, operated by the » . presenter. COOKING SCHUOL With reasonable consideration manville District Chamber of ville-Newcastle area along with Bowmanville, going north. Watch RIE W N ES by the weatherman Durham Commerce will on Friday tack attractive rural scenery. The for the sign opposite the White Miss leanr VemaRShpheruappe orhanrds oif bacres f up arrows showing the. most de- starting point will be at the Rose Gas Station. MissRlTHURSDAY in hed eful sirable route to foilow to see the corner of King and Liberty Sts., by Mm. Gerald Larkin, Miss bloom the coming weekend. Bow- best orchards in the Bowman- Aileen Larkin and by bequest of The Hydro Cooking School con- the late Sir Joseph Flavelie. This cluded Thursday afternoon after tuit e sso hmw award is valued at $400 and is - a three-day session which xvas de- Severai Bowmanvile People Elected egletussowtem w CARTWRIGHT SCHOOL one of the highest awards of the scribed by George E. Chase, local D L *aM COXPLETES WAR WORK school. Hydre manager, as the most suc- To Peterioro Peb tra .f.S Serve Fresh Foods MsSePhedhsmayfi cessful affair they have staged - syeIa The garden is one of the best ends in this district where she was here n many years. assets in catering to the tourist TeJ.RdCoso gp formerly assistant librarian at the Prizes on Thursday went as The 29th annual meeting of cabins short of space to lay things trade. The majority of travellers TeJ.RdCoso gp are from the cities and fresh, School, S. S. No. 8, recently wrote Oshawa Public Library. She grad- foilows: Lamp, Mms. F. F. Morris; Peterborough Presbyterîal W.M.S. such as dressers and tables. Some rai rsfuisadvgtbe notes, under the supervision of updat of Presbyterian Chumch in Ca- cabins have shelves on bakets, are a reai treat te them. Lettuce tertahr o h ais0 h tendgd library school at the Un- lamp, Mrs. Wm. Yerex; iron, Mi5. bnada was heid in St.he Andisrew sh ivesiy f ornt. atr heA. Spencer; boudoir iamp, MissChur h Cmpbinlford, on Ma and they were useful. Hangers radishes and green oniens fresh section asking for one or twe entre th Trono enealAnnie Allin; desk lamp, Mrs. M. tFute uxlaiswr are about the cheapest things to'from the home gamden cannot be bloks for rfgeqit.W Hospital te take up the nuirsing îing; rergerator relis, lMvrs. F. J. represented. Mrs. A. Glen Thomp- supply but it is surprising thej becaterCetaten etivg hve 0 raeaers .A, nciudin m profession. Morne; raspbermy sherbet, Mrs. C. son presided at all sessions which number of times there were net1 what is commonpîace te you may upwards of 1000 acres in eur sec- Miss Shepherd is daughter ef C. Barrett; cammot pudding andi were wehl attended and inspira- enough. If there is not running be just what the teurist neyer tin.Tit-i locks were turn- the late Mrs. (Dr.) Shepherd, sauce, Mrs. E. P. Bradt; banana toa.wtri h omapthro es w iymnwr tae nai h aigi npo (nee Veinia Tyler) who was a sherbet, Miss E. Wilimott; coffee Rev. B. Simpson Black opened wtemn h ro apicere' e shwo cityame n er oata ge m n dthma ighis i pro daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip cake, Mrs. J. Needham; surprise, the meetings with scriptume read- drinking water should be ~sai fshig2ilagi Nvagesspton usaynEmiht, ay Tyler, Male and rayerup-hoScotia tehemeetherentwasdfnowcern-d 23,-theyiaputeonthaneEmpire cDay TylrMale roe.Mrs. Fred Knox. in n ryr hogottepid an n iwr n e-mercial eating-place. They asked prograif the school inviting the sessions, musical numbers. were eral neatness outside are the b est1 one of the wornen if they could ratepayers and others. A collec- given by St. Andrew's Choir un- rnethods of attracting tourists. 1 get dinner there. She said she tion brought if $5.79 te be used dem leadership of Mr. A. Hazeli. Don't think just because they are had ne meat or anything to e in buying linings, etc. Thelma Mrs. John Williams, Provincial only geing te, stay one nîght it te.The asked if she had any ,,u0,gae8 rsdnwi President, was guest speaker at doesn't matter how they are eggs and she said there were comed the guests and explained afternoon and evening sessions treated. Travellers talk about the plenty, se she agreed te give them the nature osf the work. Secretary and aise installed the efficers fer food and the comfertable places eggs. When they went into the John Gmeen called the roll, each ReOn ly T h e B e strsbytria taking out their littie book and and upen inquiry found she was atriotic poem or thought. Mrs. 1940. trySereaie so e oty adou fteinfoeeteiouse they a ssamelle. fhe okngpuiwrspnin wthasuta- a gi Veningteacher, is te be con- We take a Pride in our seeds and feeds therefore a very successful year. being given thern. Be friendly lighted te get fresh salmon but gratuiated on the performance of when you procure Your seeds or feeds through us The Banner for making Of Pos- but net effusive, as rnost people it was such a comrnonplace te hemr pupils and the enthusiasm ters by Mission Bands was award- resent it. We are glad te have hiem she feit it was net good shown in the cause. Mrs. Hooey, yen are assured of oniy the best on tihe market at ed te St. Andrew's, Lakefield. ________________ enough for cornpany. She gave cenvener of werk cemmittee, wili thse present time. Greetmngs from other local W. them good horne-made bread and have the quilting in her home on M. S. groups were cenveyed by fresh rhubarb from the garden Tuesday next. Ladies of the sec- Weaeteaet o rn rs etdSe onMrs. E. C. Roberts, United Church, and cookies for dessert. When tien are invited te corne and bring Wear is aet. frGrntBos TsedSedConMrs. F. de F. Free, A n gli cante i a ukto lm sandwiches for lunch. The quilts -The seed that is tested especilly for this district. - Church, and Mrs. R. Weston, Bap- they asked hiem if she weuld make and other contributions are te be tist Church. a clam chowder for them for gîven te Red Cross Society of Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, con- , ~ supper. The men had meals which Cartwright Township. Ais tie b at is and an tu nlp see s. he ana eme t, he a- , ~w ere a treat for them and they In view of the gravity of the ___vneofhbusnesmnitteea- almost missed thern because the situation and the urgent need of dosisandt exChoir fortgrais- .1 woman culd nt see the value of supplies for the Red Cross this .F laie c i ie eedu h iailitestne. ete îi- I , the familiar things. If there is rnight be an effective way of get- FuIaoa ep Chi ken __anything in your neighborhod ting supplies, With eveyone con- have been acclilmed as the best feed for an abundance of These efficers were elected. hcispealygocne-trbigadwtouayoe large ulzed eggs as welJ as fine size pouitry for dressed fowL Hon. Presiderit - Mrs. C. Head, whic n ha pclago cnen riuing and withebengun ut any ene Colbomne; Pre s id e nt - Mrs. A. gtarptto o t F10 Chick Starter ~Glenn Thempson, Campbeilford; ,,-gtarptto o t Fu--Pep lhc tre st Vice Pres. - Mrs. D. Ewart, Ce- Tricks ]En Dressing C.AHADA'S SUNDAY bourg; 2nd Vice Pres. - Mrs. A. T. The well-dressed wernan man- Fui-0-Pep Chick Grain and Fui--Pep Bar Peterborough; 3rd Vice Pres. ages te accent hiem god peints AP PEALS TO THE Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Bew- and slur over the poor ones. It U- S. TOURISTS Growing ma-i manville; 4th Vice Pres. - Mrs. C. is interesting to see how some of -Meikiejolin, Warkworth; Record. job them de it. One ef the smartest FRSH71H ORF~YSec'y. - Miss Fiera G a ilra i th, looking wemen I know has de- - -R Bowrnanville; Corr. Sec'y. - Mrs. cidediy large ankles but somehow Toronto, May 28: Large num- John Sterie, Campbeilford; Trea- you neyer notice them. She wears bers of American toumists visiting surer - Mrs. H. W. Morgan, Peter- fairly dark stockings and good Canada have remarked favorabiy borough; Finance Cern. - Mrs. F. shees of a censervative style - on the quiet Canadian Sunday, H. Rowan, Peterboreughi, Mrs. L. nothing te attract attention te hemr and this will continue te make its Phone 367-368S THE CORNER GROCERY Bowmanvilie C. Meiklejohn, Warkworth; Young aca h sth e et hmneck. Sh Reofr e erdsDy lier, com-a Women's Sec'y. - Mrs. J. W. Foote, cthsteeea e ek h fteLrsDyAlaccm _____________________________________________ Port Hope; Girls' Organizations wears the freshest of lingerie col- rnented, te-day. SSec'y. - Mrs. D. Rutherford, Bai- lars and cuffs on many of hiem Mr. Webber pointed eut that - lieboro; Mission Band Sec'y. - dresses. Or else she wears defin- 1'many tourists prefer te have one Mrs. W. G. Chapin, Peterborough; iteiy noticeabie costume jewelry.1 day in the week free from comn- Home Heipers Sec'y. - Mrs. J. M. Always something which catches1 mercial exploitation. with free- 1ç~ e Sec'y. - Miss G. Harvey, Cobourg; . she concentrates on smart tricky tien without disturbing those who Librar Sec'y. - Mrs. J. Eakins, hats. Another woman who has; desire te spend the day in wor- Millbmeek; Litemature Sec'y. - Mrs. large kunckles wears bright nail ship or cultural pursuits. ~'a~J. B. McInnes, Brighton; Welcome polish. Hem idea is that you s' Tourists were reminded by Mr. aand Weifame Sec'y. - Mrs. H. Tate, the polish first and are apt to Webber that Canadian Sunday Millroo; Sudets Sc'y - i Smiss the knuckles. To make the. laws give ample freedem te citi- Miîlbmoarek,;Cotuen;sSec'y - Mss mest ef ourseives xve must know zens and tourists te use ther Sun- - Mrs. Wm. Purvis, Port Hope; our bad points as wel as our days as they desire, providing l eAss't. Suppy Se'y. - Mrs. John good y d ne itree u n ce a- salaeX -ibae net aBnwPrtHp; ieMebr THEY'RE NOURISHING 1 eeimsTopngiy with rest day rights of others. a ç'bus si Sec'y. - Miss Nina Davidson,1 oeis we need a topping Commercial businesses, enter- ou bn onlra* *ht Peterborough; Giad Tidings Sec. 1S Cuba bring smiles of enjoyrnent fradset emy esottimn1ndsotaersrce Y"e'- O 11wn0V à a een tfig- Mrs. C. J. Cariaw, Warkwomth; at breakfast because they me a fof cemet wi, r may be ottin C andsin te trest ofte ho Ue a£lir . tda~ Press Sec'y. and Historian -Miss delicous tre:t. And after a break- timed of it and want somnething freedom of womkems, the Lord's yo ot in iaena s F .Galbraith, Bomnil;fs fCbsi r iîkelY toI else for a change. Banana Fluff Day Alliance pointed eut. eana did!picebac .s trie l arges Members without portfolio - Mrs. last tiirough the daybcus Mhs makes a good substitute. Beat an 1Motels, cafes, drug stores, gaso- . aîn Ineans Biewett, Peterborough, Mrs. T. W. spoon-sized bundies of tasty whoie egg white until stiff, fold in a uine stations and highway refresh- ,,ad they cta.cMen*b- Chaplin, Lakefield, Mrs. D. T. wheat are se downright nourishing mse aaa n d ua emn tns aeigt h ed ' of0 e htstt~ lix PCOvc Dipleck, Peterborough, Mrs. J. M. and sustaî ea.eegmtat.ntds osjietsandaern Suten-e be l"aetre . alYoung, Omemee. ou -ciplittie bundies of toasted topping by way of variety. Soak videnee. iie, e ad.Th Nl I 'If you move the above as a Cornfort For Tourlsts Tourists are expected te be one ef our major crops this year and we must cultivate thern weli. In the iast few yeams, we have driven' theusands of miles and have stay-! cd at ail kinds of places, frem the best heteis te the humble cabin. Maybe we have been iucky but orly once have we had xvhat might be cailed a poor bcd. Goed beds are mest important fer the tourist. Goci beds and Plen- ty of dlean cev- crs. Hot water s is anether es. sentiai as driv- ~ ing is dirt light to read by without strain beot h in the ~ oom and in bed ~Y - mst elole j is eopeda like te catch up with the day's Jessie Allen news before Brown retiring. We feund somne of the-1 %LL TI4E ,fte494 OF WHOLE WHEA1 A product of The Canadien Shredded Wheât Company Limited #64 a restaurant wflere they have a tray of French Pastry from which to choose your dessert? They a]] look so good it is difficuit to choose and no matter what you taeyukeep vondering vhat some of th e others were ike. The last one 1 had xvas an intriguing confection which couid be made at home. It was a fair]y deep tart shcll with a light cake batter baked in the she]1. I imagine the' HOW TO COMBAT Rheumatic Palans Rheumatic pains are offen caused by urie acid in the. blood. This blood isnpurity should b. extracted by tihe kitinsys. If kiti- aesjal, and exceua uric acid reuains, it bfiW«the m udes and joints causing exorucating pains. Treat rlseumatic pains ! kepm*tyoar kidneys M* ood ceaiten balla rf Dodda L Leq Fila-b, Dodd's Kidney Pis mintesata nîgn temperature. then partly filled with cake batter and baked at 375. The cake xvas covered generously xith lemon filling, then a layer of moist can- ned cocoantît, and then topped with plenty of boi]ed icing. And was it good! Fruit Sponge Pie 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar "tî teaspoon sait 3 tablespoons flour 2 eggs 1 tabiespoon lemon juice :- cup orange juice gratcd rind one orange 34 cup mi]k i! - cup shredded pineapple Creani buttcr, add sugar, sait. and flour sifted together. Add egg yolks and beat well. Add lemon and orange juice and grated rind and mix well. Stir in milk grad- uaily. Beat egg white until stiff and fold ini first mixture. Pour into an unbaked pastry sheli. Scatter §kredded pineapple over top. Bake 45 minutes in moderate oven at 350 degrees until crust is brown and filling is firmn. competition on the part of those engaged in such illicit Sunday sales in defiance of the law. The present restrictions, he stated, were "sane and necessary in the best interests of our citizens and our communities." Canada's quiet Sunday should provide another encouragement for Americans to visit Canada this year, he concluded. CAMPAIGN TO SAFEGUARD LIFE the past who laboured and died to make it our greatest defence against disease and deatlk..tkes on a value which places itT. the forefront of our modemn achieve- ments. There is no policy like polite- ness, since a good manner often succeeds where the best tongue has failed.-Magoon. In ail the affairs of life, social as well as political, courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest tot, the grateful and appreciating., Among ail the "Safety Fxrst" campâighs conducted nowadays to safeguard human life, none is be- ing more vigorously prosecuted and has achieved greater resuts' than in the laboratories of med- ical scientists. The feeling of "security" and "hope" with which a patient en- % ters a hospital to-day finds its source, unconsciously perhaps, in hospital records which show a 5 steadily decreasing death rate, a greatly increasing percentage of cure, a shortening of average hospital days' stay, better service and more comfortable hospital accommodation. Forgotten, to too large an ex- tent, are the medical scientist who, through the years, worked, suffered, were ridiculed, but who courageously "carried on" the work which has saved countless HV O lives, minimized suffering and VRMD pain, and made hospitals the BUTTERSCOTCH BISCUITS? greatest safeguards of human life 0 ' n f h mznl eihfu mn ou preent-ay given in this new Recipe Booki There is hardly a medical . .. "52 Bakzng Secrets... created by theory or a piece of hospital Mr&. H. M. Aitken, Famous Cooking equipment in use to-day but has Authority . .. andi issued by thse Canada a great human story of sacrifice, Starch Home Service Department. discouragement, endurance and Here's a real golti mine off the simplest, courage behind it. most delicious recipes for Hot Breads, One sometimes hears a traveller Coies, Biscuits, Meats, Fiis andi many remark that, before visiting some other types off foods. Write now for this ancient castie, famous cathedral FREE Recipe Bookc. Senti your request, or such like, he reads the historic with a label from any Canada Starch background, so that he will be product, to Canada Starch Home Service, able to appreciate the sight in Dept. DW, 49 Wellington St. E.,oronto. terms of the romances and strug-r FOR ETTER COOKING ES ULTS gles of the past. issonCNDCONSA K For those who wouid look back iss nCND ONSAC through its history, the modemrn ' hospital, when viewed in terms of the great men and women of -- - --- Puzzle where is the missing quart WHAT'S WRONG with that picture? 0f course! There are only two quarts of miik . .. and three hungrychildren. There should b. a third quart of mi]k. And wise parents see to it that each of thei.r children enjoy the benefits of at Ieast one whole quart of milk every day ..for health and body-buifding! MN RuAE UAIRY Telephone Deliveries 2665 Bowxnanville àL. King st. ROUND TRIP TRAVEL BARGAINS From Bowman ville Junc 7-8-9 To Chicago - $13.10 (plus exchange) Jonc 7-8 To Windsor - $6.70 To Detroit - $6.70 'i ckets, Fats, Transit Limits and Information from ^gsents. 'ANAD IAN Ak for CANADIAN 0ATIO0NA L Handbill PA CI1F lT153 , s'Don 't risk a vacation niade unpleas £- ant by inoter troubles! Shight repaira and precautions now miay save you time and expense on the road. Check these now: LUBRICATION -A new grease job before you leave is practically a necessity. TIRES--For safety 's sake have your tires checked. la youx spare in good condition? BATTERY-Let us test your battery. No charge, and inspection now niay save you money later! -Have Fun - Baut Play Safe! GartulsGarage Phone2666Bownianville 'M@m ý Apple Blossom Time in Durham County liqu THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO nwiTrznav mAv -,qnru lûAt% 1

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