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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1940, p. 1

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-~ .-.~-v. ---~-.'.~ - * ~ b ~taeim a With Whjch Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUE 86BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAy, JUNE 6th, 1940 Heaviest Beit Ever Macle in Canada PERFECT BLOOMS FLIERS NTHU ASK FOR CARDS NOT HURT' TO Ail>Yu IlerRINPLACROSSS The Chamber bf Comn- GREET VISITORS TO DntBleeAlYuHa NPAECAHA mnerce has avaiabie for enembers and non-members Eancle- 4gisdsge ob ugAPPLEORCAD NORTH 0F KENDAL ~in rdth e i ned o e an g rC H R D Please, 0 Lord, let us remain a litte sane," is a to s u ul or hoe Windws 0f mehants pra3 or which citizens of Bowmanville and vicinity midght do itinerant peddlers to show but citigezens ad ivs el t ffareey ayurgednFo, anitoNa a lettr of tutho izati n "Bur Stee "giveanmoreplgtneroen Psane Stoan from the C. of C. Use f Who Corne From Ti week the town has been saturated wth omnRlsOvrn these' ivili discourage any Afar rumors that the sanity ofeariy cuoptomart because ail theac would-be racketeers from éWe ko attiendedmaymre ur il eintl taking advantage of citizens. Dra pl lso ek hv eatd T h e m a b e p r o u r é il r o mD u h a m A p p e B o s s mk n o w a v e ha t i f w e e a r m a y m o r erou r s î l l d e i n i t eu They may be procur ntwas ed fromya prceseditFrnldayer afternoond w whent ffrstto appeautrancedFrofy thernonear or Bob Cotton, Secretary f one dsrcigfeature. Some- teeye o e athloss know buta tAssociareo. Presdnt, a eîtlay a uc ochan îth onoy Whe mre g estartd w ar at ' thiee ay lae hea th e o e nr- t-ng the AssocIation. the signs so carefully put up on thing about anybdy without bothering their heads to find and turned around to see it land- ago ae n orCI Saturday wîth the result tha out if any truth exists. ig' h îl ot fAtu eto iîb epn ACTV>NTT T mariy porsons turned their cars Topo' am the wrong way oast of the Train- This morning wo walked up main street, entered The plane made a good land- ACTVE INS IT TEing Schoolan missed much of soveral places of business and were informed that three duf- îng, according to Clarence Bell LISTENS TO REPORT Leall y huf narsof cadrs fom esioage and suspected "fifth coumn" activities. sawe 100 yards before it gently roled N Y O EM L all artsof ntaro mde te 2- -tnut;s bfor we ndives eneaby, ande aouti PLAN FO FU URE- - mile ourney through some of1 had been talking to oneoof the men fiveinuebfrw back. Three R.C A. L FT J JAPA vine ad fom he anycom poicewe eared hatthe other two mon were just as free edou unhurt and explained that monts of ploasure, the people they had beenona avgti Constructive Paper on "Relief thoroughiv enjoyed the trip. from un-Canadian activities. fih and were ost in the dense an _______ctvtes od wr n xelntcni Ordinary gossip is to a smaîî town apparontîy a nec- fog. The ship was a Norseman Prepared by Mrs. D. Purdy tion and biossomns wore just at etramerl wichandll damage was not ex- vctis essve A n interostîn g a n d o d u catio n al - ~~~~ ~ ~~~~th e p eak o f th eir b lo o m . M an y o f er v l w i h u u l y c n b a g h d o f b h i t m o s v .M s theorcard prsoned beutiul and eventual]y dies a naturai death when something of a Two mon from Trenton stood fCniinciJpna pictrstn n duainltuorro of glisteg ases 0ifu more interosting nature appears to occupy the gossipers' guard all night and the next day on3oe' Actîvîties' was proparod by Mrs. re rs nadr rnhs paeron"Rlif ndComuit wit aais abakgoud f im, utwhn itzesgo out of thoir way to connect loyal a ui ckng crowsth paed Meeti Doal Prd fr heBo agrhe ers and dar branche, British subjects with Nazi activities, a situation is created nd qiiy fl id heanedover ville Wonien's Institute meeting 1-perfewhion othe wore hardiy at the unnyloaded it into a truck. L.nîhoîs', Concesson t re. A. The land in goneral looked s0 Citizons who are toid, on the quiet, that police have trict visited the scene during thecitonJe4h.rsdetMs L. NiMhssionaryoSocsetynwerreguesIs of the unavoidable absence of Mrs. The heaviest convyor bot ever marufactured in Canada fertile and fresh after so much at last seen the light and arrsted so and so, should make ay.Siny avsnwcoe Purdy tho paper xas ably pr- and probaby the United States was shipped from the local ramn that vipitors were thrilled visitons, and Mrs. G. L. Wngardd o i an pas i sented by Mrs. Nichoîls. Goodyear plant here a short tîme ago. Suporintendont A. M. with its boauty. Many stopped crantesoyi ih eoete d oi n asi nrdcdtesekr isMr Menton ws mao ofthe hil Hardy and Foreman Bill Oke are shown standing beside the bot aong the way for pinis or just along. Otherwise, they may find themseves ini the embar- grtE rsrn fJpn nthropic work of the Institutes 900 feet long, 54 inches wide, made of 1-ply, 42 ounce duck. orchards and fi their nostrils court. in distributing food, clothing and The finished thickness was 1%. Total wight of the bot was with the subtle aroma of the blos- FOLLOWING CRASH cnitdo nisiigsrp household equipment and their 27,000 pounds, ortn eve hnaypeiu etee OS We should be on the alent for "fifth column" ture lessonobetbyoMissrtorstrong, co-oporation with schools, chur- m, foure hr.tons heavier ohanoanyrcrvinusiboît ever som,.sactiviteRobterteJohn Mortonic3, futm- her subjeet being MatisaraleiF ches, councils and relief com- mnfatre er.sponsoring the tour, Coerc el e and if we find r anyshuld trportthmout ho l ricen- but orplie out ri mittees. In community activities pewore wehirsutsan lnpearedbhefoere gstctae F nPsesos~ iigi t a resume of the work Womeri'sfoa igrndbte progrr in.S frHae' sake,le us rmi ae Institutes are doing was clearly Uon i r n sT w a d $ 0 next year. They may even electi of E. G. Boyd, near Haydon. Sincewhcweaern tacota and concisely given. But the high- their own Bossom Queen and his apprehension a week ago ho atro ous. Efcet light of the address was a plea Shod agan r om thr i- Proenloge n-hecuny a for community planning of our W1V FU2UuEhuax vas o hoeld a ge ant lorgsome othrds- a u. * donexamination. Mort unty jai leisure time and soverai fine cod of thrwt hmh a nl vetigaotu nldn idoas wero advocated for the use thi s t rlocalih stity. unba be no g ee i t e c r o ef l lvigalC-sia iy of ou r spare tim e in b oth voca - P olli n og T x s BR s e K ing S treet p i t F aew a o w r e s ho u gse h u t the d is ticth e p e d e o ui t . H tinland avocational occupa- Pad eor Jue 5t the Hospital.otn tewyt and have expressed a desire to gEaucation Board Picks Only Tnree though ho upleded nteitynocek t o forHsusea. tin.Pi eoeJn 5h The Traffic By-iaw will be ne- co-operate with the Chamber f s gien suspand e sen tnce fo The probiem of constructive or Police Wil ferred to the Police Committee Commerce in future actîvities. farm underth care o his bro- use of ide time of our young Collect and the Chief of Police for in- ]Durham County Teachers Are thero. r icacsnasi people must be the responsibility vestigation and to bring in ne- R MIem berPubliss Amstrong thon gave a oftecommunt.I sntol o ndations to council for im- REFUGEES NEEDHrdatPbi Shol Geo. C. Smith, hosiery sales- adeso aa eto 'ecorporation, the taxpayers, The Canadian Legion Band was provemonts. sL.ucsWtda man of Leaside, appeared on a mce0 h e paid public servants, the granted $100.00 at Council meet- A by-aw will be prpareci re- MANY BLANKETSAsL.uasWtrw charge of reckless driving arising ~a datg workers and the employons who ing Monday night. The session stricting the heîght of bedges FROM RED CROSS out f a acideton chto- are responsibe but it is everyone w saesormont- t ehons n t therng speakeres t trefpacrst m lewent f ew asle at r d a l o f w s a s otunss t ee.a o o d ri g o h tr e s t h e A fte r s tr u g g lin g th r o u g h n e a r ly - d n e s o ~ t a n t SS aheavy quota of business on the feet. iTho Canadian Red Cross has ca ride d f coor aseuithroug emoy- e ndr.Council wil appiy to the Fed- received an urgent request for 50$ applications for two vacancies -~-~~ ing th o asseanothere td aan.Toth Est a c- oývddfraltrug mly aedr ral govrnment for rbate of blankets to be used in France, on the public schooi staff and in ethe fog hoclie ihasdrc i rng inc the Ws ment, at decent wagos, thon the Offers were received for sov- sales tax on ail matenial used for either for the 23,000 hospital beds several dozen for the high school opposite direction driven OUg yclue community is faced with the ne- oral pieces of land now owned by nepaining the provincial highway. for their own wounded, or for the vacancies, the Board of Education -- Douglas Puffer for a Bancroft akon ftepol.Tn sponsibiliy of providing interest- the town and council acceptod _________ five million refugees from devas- onbysdy ihgh knowle-ed f ir. efns ouse cn ing -and crative occupation for the offers in some cases with a tated countries to the north who con T e d y ng t r a h d a d -l m e i m ee se c u slc n n eie ut r s v r oie nforced idle time, in order to rservation that a ouse must be ar ovegn on Paris in theircson tended tat, the accident aroso e aogtepoii m avoid loss of morale, early unem- rcted within a stated time. MANReci CroMSs They decided to offer the High from mistaken jucgment on the ~adcson.Te r o cryime ilpron orety assdsednA UNIERSTcacsescing sorting and shipping ~~o positions to Leonard Lucas part of the defendant and invoîv- udrtoadep~< yas pcyim iyanen.ay ae for persod o taxl be oifed AT _U IVERSTY blanets nciif akng n ppal oulconsider withdrawing eSmioth wasond Thelacton Receaionismor tanfmue- ha ulessothei tax l e arfepad nfor more. This appoal is urgent hW resignation, and to Walter i oudguilty and fine- pol fJpnaelvn Beidethen soe the cuatn ofsewiîî nlesl5th 140,taxei re naeihdusn col eut n aiorimdaeato oCarpenter, Toronto, at a salary of $l5.00 and costs and had his clriv- ' h eps orw iecn ment, entertairiment and sport. by Jue 1had 1940, tothePolie(Universi 0f Torsls mndt alseniou itueaton. io o$1,600. Mr. Lucas has been teach- ing license suspendei for one tre rudteriwysain leisure should includeopportun- Dopt. for collection. Dorothy E. Knox, Bowmanvile, For the information of donors: mg Mathematics, and Mr. Carpen-t dee wllTecLain hereca montwh. A etton rom thspre rmt h t nesngdprue ities for aton tdhenopursuitndr of knowtlet a1g Sundrye accountse ouret Oantesthet Undergrt, orqutts acblanke folownotreiflannelettea lssor bquiesltsthing. of beauty in art, music, drama, $1481 eepssed and pay- Miss E. R. 0oeNwate f any kind, non any second-hand a h ihShobti a cense were cancelleci, but the nwoe' wnytr0 li er tu e nd na ur a d th e - en r co m e d e .obtained G rade C in the P ass A rt s clothing. d c tat the i h School u tc w as a a a t Asuitable sign wiil be erected Course. (2) The wooîîen blankets may on with one less teacher. (Continued on page 5) at the corner of Lambert and In third year Miss Audrey El- be new or 'as gooci as new": that carry is no staine, torn, moth-eaten or A. F. Higgs, Pontypool, was litt who bas been taking the thneadbare blankets accepteci for selected to fili one of the vacan- T g esA d N a P r f s r E x l i n p e r a t i o n s e h e y e cel0ft n i g (3 f c n r b t ng b t n w a ar f $ , 0,Bd i s M r o oernnd"sd bakt, eptemAln Newcastle, will be offoeed Who haci the gneatest honor of But b ective Stili$4 0Ay Maurice Goodman took grade separate. the other position at $750 saiary. bis professionai careen conferreci ForTe t I M der , aboratory A in the Pass course and won the (4) Blankets may be any Before the meeting adjourned upon hîmn last week when the David Dunlap Memonial Scholar- weight, sizo or colour; eîther a motion was introduced to raise Ontario Dental Association bon- CHURCH OPENING avto ry WU Ne ship in Psychology. single bed or double beci; either the salai-y of the Secretary-Treas- oreci him with a Life Mombership Prof. Geo. A. Evans, United WAR CERTIFICATES Tom Dustan took third class single or in pairs; but must be urer to $350, an increase of $50. in the society at their annul A1TRACTS CROWD Prhe Cniutnso Drug Company Presents PROTECT SAFETY bnors in is fourth year of theo Woolen, dlean and in good npai. It was explaineci that an errorcovni. ToflyapeatWE K yS R I SCre or Nt Unusul Adressat 0F DOMIION isc course in Trinity Coilege. On receipt of blankets donateci had been made in advising him the significance of this honor it Dvro Unusual Address at OF DOMINION ~the Women's Work Committee of regarding pnevious saiary paid to hldbste haonyfu Smail Investors Given Oppor- 13, 385 RECRUITS and clessify oach blanket; the aiso that the amount of work ho oherveuch horary mi ebonipgRv.C. Harrlsesores4O9 Rotanians and guests wore toîci tunity to HeIp Finance okf packing and shipping will is now required to do is monoh ysfteascito.D.Yast anc sh w n o w he ode p h r-C an ad a's W ar E ff ort O N N O . 3 D IS T R IC T be g reatly speede ci u p if d on ors th an tw ice as m u ch as w as ione iýt a of th e as i e ai n . d m.Y e r t e S a v ti n r y W r an________h mden ha-will foliow the few simple sug- formerly. givon valuoci service in an exe- 1toaiwohveoniutcfr maceutical laboratory goos to gestions. Members were prectically un- cutive cpitholding for mn Following the oponing services thbsWm ihr ydntoso great expense anci trouble to War SavigCetfcesAttaalst eeDeno O Fidyvning, June 7tbes!, animous tbat the amount of wonk yoars the important office of of the new Evangelîstic Taber- by pnbsn as nStre make certain that supplies are Up The Government coulci bave Minister Norman Rogers an- the Executive Committee of the done by him meniteci an increase Chairma fth..intn nacle Sna e.C .TTarQ h to standard. Professor Geo. A. caleci them "National Safety nouneci that 92,030 mn bnci Bowmanviie Reci Cross wvil meet but two mombers declareci theyC a fte Nmmtn udyRv.C .Hri heGr uds0 the United i Drug C m n, o- omleitee. îs Wmansll k-J-.5needec u - viusntt-ob o beonepi eenAicinGay egsn oi St-utt exprosseci t-hoecib'sion-'0LUmake even moderato acting- on orders rm os- iound fon the eastern town alsio bsyug b-thr ~ <f Canadian Red Cross Society wis .~i~ tc î.s _ éui--é-1 rmcu-bohJc.o- au n ceil* repaineci, a plat-- No.8Bx-Dnth alnr su* n r J C ovttsroen-sacrifice for t-be sake of ail oun cil, bspeae lto struck-out- nine mon as well as filciels forthe gm eeKelr trugdh rs thougomthn'SrWosandmradio form buiit a dte wbole given Kathle enMreMye h flr. Ho a ppointeci a lite future. offenders, whlch wilI be walking tbree. o seabbnith lt ni teOmen's ork Coit-lvla ots0eent.M.Reiedletci$.7 member of t-be Dent-ai Association In wer-rocked France to-day handed over to the Chief of cakdT i heeRaais t-w co nt-rswreDvieofPrt op thineebss.Cosfscletd otd raePaeo osi hnte i of Ontario. Conhratucaionstedesortedldpniaof placeraf waresPipit-hanot-behoThavellot-mennd forpthe B4wman- ais exen iec to C E. Re der on dyi g or ts ef nce A e .,~ obtaned their licenses wIth.. th o irst- by Alex C lvlle, who Bowm anvile - Kent, 3 d; Rice tagg ed a d a i p d 6 l n one form ely occupieci on t-e cor- ville D src s $ , 0 . o a c - t-b mcet-suces f isso Nci wllngt betem Up? Toreny h tenxtfwdaswilh aft-er htting t-o fi-st-, st-oIesecond, ss; J. Colviile, if; Osborne, 2nd kTesfor ahipnt teace. o f iganiDviinSt-s, dat-et-eolwigaunsbv wheboctstoci seco n is cast usone lves t- ac hings we cen yl lnthe nied t ewcorand il was shovec t-o t-ird by Witben- A. Colvilié, cf; Witheridge, îs0T hefioha sacmlt "People like t-o feel their place of beenraie McGiii Usendvmit-n sci wona oarsl forthins akes? Aeld additone thecort anfln icige, and came home on a pass Ricknrd, c; Crombie, nf; Hooper: llst of the Red Crase and 1wanship basascni tradition Bowmniî..---l101 c bla nip ei t eiuryand won an iilin tof o n terib es o ti g a nes? r w d i ion to th prsofl - e bi. Rc n d h tbr so e, p refute supplies shipped: il about it-," h o asaci. "e y o a O o o -- - - --7 8 acidîtionelrdpnthe.thfeecioanci a.-madthemet-o susaain scolrsipinMealugyan a wllngtocntibtesoetin o ble te ilpa cout m< walked t-o ýrst, stale second, anci Port Hope - Dnwley, ss; John- Dressig Gowns, 18 Bed Jac- quietat-mosphere away tram t-ho Newcs-e----.i76 thiioa rie ed a-n t a t-hthe m toutat- anid a fineas wcourthcste acbed home on e thnee-beggerst-nf;Pott-s, 2nd; Hudson, If; kets, 24 Prs. Pyjamas, 36 Ie noise of t-he business section." Hampo--------3 0 back stethmo ten pepem r ofca athntfol -ti ~Hoe.Edwardson, B oner ;Du at Covers, 9 Surgeon'. The building lencis itseif t-oe- COurL e--------1 0 Mis Crn CeryTan-o, suportng thm? y are nuyyour nmal il yHoe Ontanios ameccloset-o asP3dMinteirowc;ilfte Gowns; Refut-e Supplies: modelling veny well. It bas an p rig t e ?cense today te avoil court sc)ring in t-e sixth when Row- Christie anc im n, ni ; 4 i sts, 2Qeates litrs ofentr s h as i comm onfiGoplaes lW95 Miss Letitie Wigg, Oshawa, Miss This -.-this above al else -- action. ciiffe walked t-o tiist, andi advanc- R H E Srse ets, l Dres- 0f wdesig ipna Wtinow 0f Gothe We ln wr1us- n o Margaret- Milion, O ono, visitec ecito thi-ci on Diment's double, Bowmanvile 000 002 x - 2 7 3 ss ulvr.dsg nia xein w ib po Ms. L. J . Barton. (Coltllud on page 10) but- Ec Hoop~ savec tho day by Port Hope 000 000 0 - 0 7 5 (COntinUed on7)< Ptfl. O age 0

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