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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1940, p. 3

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T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 6 T H , 1 9 4 0 T E C N D A T T S A , B W A V L E N A I RD - AUD WRITE- FOR YOU Japs can have their blowsofSe eaigP nt1Y rOl BY Jhn C KirwoodAnd the South bier orange bloom, ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ B ut the choicest dream s of fairy Land, youll see till crack of Whnh a lyasold tatting. But chewing is he re- Are the lakeshore orchards glow- Over 180 armers and OtherS wnning exhibits, ncluding theORWL EY 1 doo m, T O us e o at ; w o h eJm Phillippe Bunau-Varilla, a French laxer par excellence. ing Rave Patronized Plant en hminbse fot o h lad, dedicated his life t the pro- in the sPringtie of the year, Sd Cleaning Plant Operator's ~O ILTE EAL AK je t of building the Panama Ca- How any colors can you haane When the southern breezeste isGa ne n a . t g e 2 6 h e w a d r e t o - o r i d e n ti f y ? C a n Y e u n a m e 2 0 0 9 b l o w i n g R c k a r d s is t e d a r m e s i e l n n at Nwcasle b Garet Secin Prîe ofin$10 00 and a general of a French company that A ist of colors and tints has been Adth lntnotmis ee.Arthyrecrd undertook to build a canal across prepared - and is accepted - by T r e in s r gt r d s a e e - D u h m C n y' n w G a n A othr byîgeod se *Panam a. On M ay 8th , this ear, the clothing industry. A t the re s n r ngi e d e s a e et D rh m C u y' n w G a n he died in Paris, at age 81. hedY h etieClrCr ting and Seed Cieaning Plant installed T olne Bnu-Taofa o the Asoi Tion xfteited Statesr 'Decked in hues of pink and last February by Garnet Rickard.__41ea of building a canal at Pa- is a woman - Margaret Hayden wihth hi, at MeadueR.R. , owmr arm, (Sh an 's), fama in 1869. He was listening Rorke. She guides the Colorfnih te si m r a es bu . R , B w a vîe n fi SO LD IE L . I ER to cnvesaionbewen bs iesofAmeic H r frstask setting cially opened under government te a conversatin between h'Neath afskyneaglowHwithirlightskauspices, has been, to put it mild- ' ' E T R mothr an an nginerin stu wastoPersuade an entire nation Andi past tree-clad slopes' green lb'. a spectacular success. teLosCu dent,- the talk being centred on on a single definition for color v r u et e L o s C u a ot ce the~ ~ez ana, w ich had jus na es. Aftr w eks 0f isc ssin v rdueIn answer te a question, prompt- number of enlisted men from this the jie Caal, hic ha jus naes.Afte weks f dicusion H ong gforgotten milîs, ed by the sight of s0 many loads *icinit who are now either in geed thalte hadTha tdn pr-tfrt issued frooin n nita ls 0f 92 ig wtthe sky's dull azure of grain and seed being brought England or on active service else-î" bee d tcomp lte d h td n t pre-thise d.first i faon o nin east g1inlen itheh z ofdsat il .in aly h rl fe he p nta m l d s v rl in the building of the Suez Canal, hues, the list has grown to 200. Be d h a e 0 it n il. i al h rl fe h l n where, and h s m ie e ea "Yu are too late for that" said "New quirks in color can be Shadows of fthe trees are toning wasns pen d i te aon fpcae fcgrte n te temte0fBunau-Varila"'but found anywhereIl says Mrs. Gaudy patterns on the ground, ceeding ail expectations, the is attempting to'compile a list of *not for Panama," but the young Rorke, "in news events, history, While the busy bees are dronin, young proprietor and manager, ail soldiers, sailors or air force ~ engineering student was staggered art or music. For instance, our As they slowly float around; betweenjmps, replied with a de-mefrihrestathou- .ma bytesgeto. msyugCrnainsre fparoi n n tesud0 s com finite "Yes and then somne." The out the war they may be contact- 1 manlakscorage" said the lis- tish colors in 1937 followe<j the drifting volume of business transacted in ed at regular intervals with re-*., tening lad to himself. "The idea coronation of King George VI. From sorte pleasant hidden the very first season of the plant's membrances froin home. Cîtizens 25 after he was graduated froin vivid South American reds and On the breeze thats slowly shift~.oerto isspen id i il d i." At ag W pedctd he Po ulrîy f c pe ,- re f g aan t lhseam nt d ar s ked e two s bh a nes ofe- L the Ecole Polytechique Count Yellows with our Pan-American ing ety 0hafasrain and fed seeds te tme hoae one e r- ,&o nyour standard of b de Lesseps engaged hlm as assist- card when President Roosevelt To and fro the elm's tops. rosiest estimates. Joe O'Neilîor.ov Vo anit engineer in the Panama Canal made bis goodwill advancestTr cIen retg he m arsrasd hie sastotecomtecaimn Compqyandin he ollwIng South Amnerica in 1938." C m a l , a d i t h f o l 'Il S t r ll in g is e a c h f e a t h e r e < J c h a r m e r , I n o d e a g e h e m c i n n e v e a lil r p li e s h a v e b e e n e - d S i t a a ; o a e ~ o r v d d a s f i i r t L . year he as madechief egineer.Flitting gaily to and fro, mstalled under governnient aus- ceived already from the letters lm ne«ct oec Yeans later, aften the suspen- periencing ýits greatest boom in As lie fits the ground to sow; it was necessary to secune the edigwe publish thein: sion of activities, the United American history." Not only, are And hn pprbell's sweet ring- naines of 50 farinens on a paper Po t.J .Etn 915 States G overninent undertook to representatives f the fields of dn i ai g t a the supper thought N o m .E t n 9 1 5 n d e u n a e Complete the canal. The e was a ppa e l and cosmetcs inte ested o inr ntcti gthteh sgnrs.2, A.. ., R.. .C, an danAjaoins thaed n ua Frif m ~ m b plao gr duaty, c ea e tCirb rdm and anx.ty te the establishinent of such atied ve evc ocBs >Q\isata sat toc1adti oiycnb zai co tr ves o er th elti ein co-ordinating colo , but ais o throng, cleaning plant in the a ne was Canada. >Adrh t C m , E g ~t J V M 4 U ~ n r e i t n menits 0f the Panama and Nica- furnitune and automobile makers. Till it bas oun memory winging sae. Manager dor)i rauarote._____________ T1_ t a or emrywigig advible.MngrRickard's ne- land) vacated the Panam a route with TeSine______________ on . po tat date shows that about 180 e r S s: J t a f w li s inno W nc n . famers and others have patroniz- an s rs: umst afw e s i érnathylicate gr a erit nc . A e rh ua eW en e d nn a a nd d e h l n .te I neceived the other day. I a mrhn C n é er t o helped toward the eventual deci- nThrq0' And the stars glow in the night, The official yean does not close sorry net terim have. H la ain.dta dvim 70U sien to use the Panama route. - Inile*I itors Mail And the sun's bright rays are utivJlyîs, s om mlltbu Iaminth hsptaHegh iwn Bunau Vaila, as the first minis- e u tl J l s, a o e mle, b tIa nt eh sia i h o te fPnm eteU itelo pn buckwheat, sudan grass, etc. may and have only just got bac States, arranged on behaîf of uetemonthf rne ih, l oe in, but the big rush iS enough strength ta write. c French Company the sale of its ay 25, 1940. When the weary farmer's sleeping over. Here are saine rathen as- it is always nice to know there nig ts o t e mencan Go ern 48 B uea d ~ E And the bird's safe in the nest, tonishing figures and facts glean- are folks back hom e who think of metfrean0000 Ana George: Te the scene at which we're ed from the report up ta May 13: us when we are away. England I t a k s b o t i l s . 0 f r a w W i î o u k l n l y s e d h e R i v a s E d e n a t i t s b e s t . T o a o n s c e n f 0 , 3 b . i s f l t s e b a d , b u t i t i s a l w a y s w e t Ittaesaou 1 bs o rw Wil o kndy eanheo over 253 tons aven here. Yeu asked if thereC ofer u i nLe silk ta mnake a parachute. N zi Statesman ta 4213 W odburn For we almost see the dancing Co Gra ss Seeki ds 5944 ,0 0 bs. ei nmy otft Ther e a Pni ate HEA DiOFF IE Grain, ý& ail kin ds 5944,10lbs. inereny otherBo anvIleboy parachutes are made of Italia Ave. Milkaukees, until July lgt Beans, Millet, etc.-- 4,430 lbs. H. J. WelshB-7, frein Bow- silk. Italy has been supplynWIis.,nher h dainty pracn Genmany wîth upwards of 1 ,6 010h Mrs. White and I have 0f theirtfeet throughout the Kinds of grainl and seeds dlean- manville here. I hope you will bales of raw silk per annuin'for started an oun annual visit ta aur n ight, ed: Qats, Barley, Wheat, Buck- drap humn a lie as we ail get lone- the past four years. A bale con- children and grandchildrn.~ We We can feel the zephyr's capers, wheat, Rye', Peas, Soybeans, saine at turnes. You will have te*a: hyusflyu l e-Ta sa a sw o ste tain s 132 bs. O th er sources o f have a gran dso n h ere w ho w ill S ie l th e fragran ce as they pa ss B eans, F Inie.M illet, R ed C lover, ex cuse m y w r iting as I am n still r a ch y u s f l , yuni.e - T a s a a s e g t a h yH h t c n h v a i n e a raw silk are Japan and China; be com1sioned an offîcer in the Through emblazoned silvery Timothy Aif alfa, Alsike, Sudan in bed and a bit shaky yet. eran.t tik hy old' a i s o t h e S o v i e t U n i o n - i t s C a u - A r m y o n M a y 2 7 t h . t a p e nsG a s r o h r e d u n N r a , w hws nb i ~g a nP o . H n , S P Q , R y lto e o e r n n o b a i g . . . casian d istrict. P o e e w o t n i n O n d ew jew elled trees an d g rass. N o . of ar e ns r g in g g raipers d o n'tt, see m toyal be 0fck ib bs F r e i n h e r w e g o t e I n d i a n - a d s e e d s t liP rome aJ a c k G7 7b b saC ro o k h a m n e edak su sclinCNp ,w ayi g w h ichk sw asdtash otehtv eobp o w e n s d e stihti o n . T h There is anathen militany use apolis and then to Milwaukee. Here yau'11 see no fairer picture, Srnallest lot cleaned, 25 lbs. Lar- Fleet Mail Office, Halifax, N. s. England. sainerOpinon. Epictettus.f th an e dstge la ed - 17. C n dinkiy B rac s saCm ,iag Bnecs, A d rs o, ha e b enoodetntinine oiioionttt.a ws m x r for silk - making powder bags This year ur trip is rather an Non beneath the foreig ke,- gest lot, 29,400 lbs. or nealy 15 Dean Sirs: Just a uine or two in Dear Comrades: I just received Sa, we are hanging around back Caiyi ut srr sws f o r igbig s bigu n sa g-s .bige nena v al o ugu nj c ti e e x te n d e de a r h o n e g e-t sou rr iob je cti v ee r te oisleIf y o u s emse a r c h w it hlc o m lgr e ab utte st istamnic- ota n s.e r leAlaska and will take in Seattle, ture Grain and seeds were brought nice to hear froin people at home think it will be a little hard ta cossed and hoping we may see itskow bytspiee No fewer than 1,600,000 wamen, Wash., Vancouver, B.C., and other Till the threshold of dernise; in fram three caunties: Durhamn, and the way they think of us. I answer se will just stick to the saine action up thene befone long.aneduac..MsyBarE- more than haîf of whorn live in Points. Poets too can toot their blandest Northumberland and Ontario, to arn getting along fine and like it truth. They kept us up in Scotland ady Southeast England, can neyer The war is depressing but it i.s 0f each great exalted thing, be cleaned.r down here. You will see by the I arrived in this camp on New week unden canvas and as it nain- I arptec oss eyu hope to find husbands. The au- unthinkable tthat the Almighty But the archards are the grandest Plant was in aperatian froim address where I arn. Year's day and for a while it was ed there nearly every day, we si ].NwTsamn:Lk 1 thority for this saddening state- would permit vermin like Hitler On the lakeshore, in the spring. Peb. lst, every week day, running I may be going to sea again ail night but naw everyane is be- gat a real taste of inud.19 ment is Tme Statistical Review ta Win. I waulî gîadîy go if I ailoudayGuand ail mi night for two esand ben lving on Yu one 0f h aa-e urrndings anrd woufdthe ae I eTwekandia tts necentîy issued by the Receiver could help any but at 73 one -GouhyGu.anil dand inght for two eesandbanlitngrne.A ou neow, he aave ginings gtaird wof thlie ae I et Tee andiansate san vn hwbseuslwnta Getnuer womearsn agoUitemeflt îkeeîy taan get remployed were: Brenton months. As regards cigarettes, 1I aur wish an April 7hateygi oa om.1s k bh Kingdom by 1,631,000. Boys wer praying, Gadcad Sirnpîicity, of al ngs i helpr m ore num erous than girlsp in. ha d st tib o ie . 5t e erd , Joe H ockin, M . ow ler, have s aie for the present and 1 loaded us doW n in w ith rubber cigarettes and pipe se anythingT e e is a m u h d f r nc b - ýýyaegroup ni15 At ae Wt idrgrsadbs ipiiyo hrce isth Prepared 190 exhibits for the lots. I would like saine chacolate; leather jerkins and packed us off welcomed with open arms. There lenedrne a ewe h hoevr girs wer inama wishes. ga~ nauralreult ofapreofo u n d Quinte District Seed air at Port bas, but fix up the boys ovei- tathe northern part of Scotland goes the bugle for 10.15. se lil sinl flv n h faii Evidence of the longevity f9 w o mn e n is g iv e n in th e re c o rd o fH o e c e a d fp i e t e eh s dea,'-tW:0f the 109 who had reach- ed t-, age of 100 or more, 93 were wamýen, 17 being spînsters and 76 R N L SAé widows.1/ The current war is destroying British ien at a greatly acceer- ated rate, thus contributing ta the width 0f the numenical mar- gin of women aven men. Ik Par every 1000 aeraplanes in operation there are required men per plane. In addition ta ground men Pilots are needed; aso, skilled aircraft workers' u adding to a nation's air fleet is neot just building planes; it is a good deal more. The rmoon, so I read, is the off- spring - literally - 0f the earth. At the beginning - or originaîîy- the earth was a Perfect sphere 0f gas. But in its spinnîng assurned new shapes - it became a spher- aid, then egg-shaped then pear- shaped. In the course of millionsî 0f years the stalk of the pear de- veloped a bulb. Then the waist of the stalk became thinner and thinner. By this trne a day - an earth day - was but three hours lo)ng, se fast dial the earth spin. The centrifugai force was tremen- dous. Tides raised b h e u nas a potential value T E E aeof $5a yr a o s PC ev oe s h ilO00opu a i b ees-nid n ,ea yg i i g ef r an e a o 000,000!c oc .A o gl w s -rc d c r tst el n eto h, o r a e f' o i g be built will have a capacity ofd 12,000,000 gallons of sea water. hfigoryuitevr l Operting at capacity it wil find s af a u e n u e o v ro k i c n r yi n ft e M s u sa d n e t r so e n o u g h in a g n e s iu in in a cu b ic m ile F v e t r s c m i e t i e Y U w a a u t n t r l y b e f a l R v o e s f ocean to keep it gaing for 800 cl e h R d o a -E ei . r t. .B y i n e e t ui si v y eargWi m ay be! A d n t p o i h s , t e e i t e Perhaps saine day soon you will#O ei D be neading in the advertisemnts of chewing-gum arguments for this practice - or habit - based on what Prafesson H. L. Hollings- worth, a distinguishejâ psycholo- gist bas said, namely: chewing Cutc relaxes; sol also do gimacing, RT N CO L o mnil fidgeting, wriggling, watch-chain twiddling, coin-iingling, doodling, Smioking, knittmng, crocheting and ......._ __ __ -tjjjjjLjý _ M,7ý I. Il

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