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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1940, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 6TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIOn CIVE RECITAL ATr Sca n esn TRINITY CHURCN ___________________________________________ Mis Pylis R. Challis, A.T.C.M. minister at Westminster- Centra L -----and Pupils Present Varled United Church, Toronto, has beei Program of Organ and called to become minister of th, MRS. L. WISEMAN Weddings Piano music United Church at Keswick, forty FE ED B AYP..Twenty-eight pupils of Miss Lake Sirncoe. Gordon will begii Holmes - Clemence Phyllis R. Challis, A.T.C.M., pre- his new work on July ist. The A.Y.P.A. held a surprise The marriage took place on sented a recital of piano music in Cufw orhidnude Party for one of their members, Saturday, June lst, at the home Trinity United Church Fridaylre ude 1 Mrs. Louis Wiseman (nee Mary of the bride's parents, Spruce evening. It was Miss Challis' first weil ing at 9onccnd pictorav Cid)who recently entered in Grave Farm, of Jean Evelyn, sec- effort in a presentation of this beeinninaoe, arondthepoce h to that bond of holy matrimony. ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. kmnd and judging fron- the ap- srcxv e orefo the towdrn't The party was held at the W- J. Clemence, Bowmanville, preciation of the audience the srcl noc h hlrn homeof he rid's prens M an Joh Chrle, oly sn o oue eProtection Act under which ac. hom 0fthebrie'sparnts Mr an Jon Carls, nlysonaf utome was most happy and tion is being taken. Children un. jand Mrs. J. Childs, High Street, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holmes, New- impressive bringing welI merited dem 16 must not appear on thý j'nd the bride was avercame with castle. Rev. R. E. Morton offic- credit ta bath teacher and pupils. streets after 9 o'clock. 'Airprise when she saw the A.Y. îated and the bouse was prettiîy Rev. S. Davison opened the P.A. ail in a body, as she was decorated with apple blossoms programi with a few complimen- Annual meeting of the Central anly expectîng some friends for and spring flowers. Mrs. E. C. tary remamks, referring ta Miss Ontario zone of the Ontario Con- the evening. Fisher, cousin of the bride, played Challis' patient work with ber servation Association will be ai PreidntSyney Cabornthe Wedding March and during pupils. The program proceeded Orono Wednesday, June 12, under redt Saddre hch stated the signing of the register Mrs. K. through forty-eigbt numbers, one the chairmanship of Reeve W. A. how Mrs. Wirseman wasatled Werry, cousin of the bride, sang following the ather without any Anderson of Otonabee. The pro- membersafWthemoanizasaionand"A Day of Golden Promise." spaken introduction. gram apens with naon lunch, anc was a faithfui worker and al- Given in marriage by her father Possibly the highlight of the will provide time for a trip around the gavernment's splendid ways was endeavouring to further the bride wore a floor-length evening was the organ work by farest station. the womk of the branch. gowvn of pink chiffon net over1 Miss Challis herseif. In two dif - On behaif of the so;ciety the taffeta: her shoulder-length veil ficuit numbers she displayed a Who would you pick for the 10 president presented Mrs. Wise- was held wîth a caronet of flow- mastery of that intricate instru- greatest Canadians? Dr. J. B. man with a very beautiful aea- ers and she carried a shower ment drawing fram it as perfect Brebner, at a meeting of the Ca- Pack travelling bag. The bride bouquet of red roses and maiden- a performance as has been a nadian Historical Association held theanked the A.Y.P.A. mmesh air fern. Her onîy arnament wvas Bowmanville audience's privilege in London, Ont., lists these: Sain- for the lovely gift and said she a diamond and pearl sunburst, a t0 hear. uel de Champlain, Jeanne Mance, always enjoyed the work in the family heirloom. Miss Mary Clem- Although it is impossible ta Jean Talon, Dr. John McLough- A.Y.P.A. The rest of the evening1 ence. as ber sister's anly' attend- mention each number individ- lin, Sir Wm. Van Homne, Robert \vas spent in games and viewing ant, wore a frock of heavenly blue ually it is worthy of record that! Baldwin, Joseph Howe. Sir John the brides numeraus wedding sheer with matching beadress. -omne of the littie tots who execut- A. MacDonald, and Sir Wilfred gifs. rs Chldsseveda vryShe carried velloÀ, carnations.1 ed their performance with one Laurier. dainty lunch and this braught a Mr. Robert Hendrv \vas grooms- f inger only produced melody as Dr. M. B. Annis, Lindsay, and perec evnîg t acloe. man. 'perfect as many of those wbo had, Ald. Ed. Morton, Cobourg, are on A receptian foliowed and later years af intricate musical training1 an extended motor trip, which the bride and groom lef t an a behind tbem. Ahl played in a 1 will occupy about two months mator trip. For travelling the manner that left no disappoint- tie, taCanadian West and Van- bride donned a pink sheer dress 'ment for the music loyers who couver. As bath Dr. Annis and Eyesight Education withriavy caat and hat with -wbite iatteludingrumberrontn'aee expert checker i accesoriesprhegram was a nmserpiece in ames wtheywill have many And prgra wa a astrpiee i gaes iththeleading players Afiincy Cobbledck - Bairstow 1cmltv effect; with three of the West and are looking for- Ut ciocy A pretty wedding was soîemn- pianos (Mary and Margaret Den- ward to meeting them. By ized lue st a h United ault and George Morris) and HuhA Ros0f asan C.F .TckChurch parsonage, Orono, of Alice organ (Miss Challis) the solemnGreen AGaRe,on of Rosshana' . . . .. . . .Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and exciting cadences of the best known senior citizens and Optometrist Calvin Bairstow, and Harold "Priest's March" of Mendelssohn business men, passed away sud- Eyesight Newtan Cobbledick, son of Mr. filled the auditorium as a fitting denly May 23, following a stroke. Specialist and Mrs. W. N. Cabbledick, ail climax to a fine recital. His sudden death came as a shack Disney BIdg. of Orono. On behaîf of Mrs. W. H. Webb's to his many friends and business (Opp. P. 0.) -n The bride was daintily attired group of the W.A. who sponsored associates, for he had apparently Oshaa inan Alice blue sheer gown with the evening, Jeanette Lobb pre. been in the best af health and was Osaa matching blue and white acces- sented Miss Challis with a lovely seldom iii or known to complain. sories and corsage of lily-of-the- bauquet. The front af the church Deceased was an uncle of the late Number 134 valley. She was attended by hem was filled with baskets of red and C. T. Ross, Bowmanville. siser, Annie, of Toronto, wearing white flowers creating a summery E. A. Summers in his weekly navy sheer with touches of white atmosphere. crop report ta the Dept. of Agri- In the common types of glasses and matching accessories. Mr. Mrs. Wesley Cawker, President culture of conditions in Durham it is practicaîîy impossible to be Jack Cobbledick, brother of the of the Woman's Association, ex- County states: The -last three days free from bubibles but correct groom, was best man. Following pressed the thanks of the audience we have had the steadiest rain that materials and methods will elim- the ceremony a reception was to Miss Challis and pupils for the has occurred in many months. inate their occurrence because held at the home of the bride's entertaining evening. This will delay the hoed crops they accur in the making and are parents, after which the happy Pupils who took part were: somewhat but faîl wheat, spring chiefly due ta some foreign mat- couple left by motor for Montreal George Morris, Faye Jones, Wil- grains, meadows and pastures are ter in the glass itself. and other eastern points. mm Richards, Margaret Tink, showing an excellent growth. Striae is caused chiefly by im- Billie Widdicombe, Marion Tink, Weather has been very catchy for proper mixing and may occur be- MARRIED 40 YEARS Merilyn Davies, Edna Denault, the pink spray. Most growers are tween the melted material and the Mary Denault, Hazel Brown, June of the opinion that there may be coing. FRIENDS PRESENT Challis, Faye Boe, Doris Alldread, considerable fungus. quality by making the lens brittle L VELY GI FTS Mr lded lrneHah This week The Statesman Strin as deinîe efec onLOPatricia Ware, Kathleen Tink, achieves immartality for exactly an mr edg chppig. to makae andf Hl ilamo-oaL ilJim and Elgin Savery, Phyllis twenty-one lunes of its editorial edg chppig. t my, ikeanyof Hil - illamsn-Dra . HllNiddery, Ruth Abernethy, Mary effort. On May 29 a corner stone the above, affect the power and was married ta Louis A. William. FaaGog1oetBriewsli o e coll precision of the lens. son, May 2nd, 1900. aaGogRoetBri wsldfranwsho n Perectsuraceas a plis ~ ort neghbursandfrindsSleep, Joan Woolley, Bud Jones, Palmerston, Ont. In it were seal- Perfct urfae a topolih i Foty nighour andfrindsMadlyn Wilcox and Bobby Lock- ed articles of interest ta posterlty, Sof great value ta the clearer took Mm. and Mrs. Lou William- hart. one of which was a copy of the vision to the wearer. The super- son of Pontypool, by surprise at __________ ecletweltePleso ior surface uaiy permîts a their home ta celebration with ecletweltePleso highm tans issotflgtadte hi 0hwdiganvr HOMEMAKING CLUBS Observer. This number was print- highr tansmssin o ligt ad tern hei 40h wedin aniver dabl ei heavy paper ta en- is almost as important as focus. sary. The evening was spent in MEET AT UXBRIDGE edo' pca shtn h Ail the above mentîoned are cards and Chînese checkers after ravages of time. The Observer ÛiTportant factors having a bear- which the company was called ta Homemaking Clubs of the W. quoted a Statesman editnrial la ing upon the accuracy af the order. An address was read by I. branch of the Dept. of Agricul- that number. strength and are ail the more Mrs. Cain, an old school chumn ture, held Achievement Day for A fine af $100 was imposed on certain where. methods of pre- and a beautiful electric table Ontario County at Uxbridge on the Canadian Fruit and Produce cision follow every act. Even lamp was presented with the May l8th. Miss Florence Eadie, Company of Toronta when the every detail in the work contri- good wishes of their many friends. who is in charge of the girls' club partners, Jacob Herman and Samn- butes to the accuracy of the fin- Mrs. Williamson made a suitable wvork for the province, was pe e enti eefudgit isedprdut.reply. A dainty lunch brought a sent and with hem usual efficiency of violating the Farm and Produce (ta bie continued) pleasant evening ta a close. and winning personality correct- Sales Act in Oshawa court. Mag- ed, suggested and judged. This istrate F. S. Ebbs ruled they were year in Ontario County 43 girls guilty of offering apples for sale finished the course "The Club in which the apples b e 10o w Girl Entertains," under the lead- the "facing layer" were not af the B R E A D e p ee :1 ership and tuition of Miss Scott, proper quality. The decision will the county coach. This is the 6th be appealed. The samne firm had unit conducted in the county. The been convicted on two previous iothers were: "Dressing Up Home occasions, Cown Attomney A. F. JGrown Vegetables," "The Milky Annis stated. 1J Way," "How ta be Weil Dressed About midnight on Monday an and Weil Groomed," "Sleeping eastbound car driven by Glover i: Garments," and "Cottons Can Be Lloyd, Cannington, met a horse Smart." Next year the girls in- head-on just west of Tooley's tend taking "Cotton Accessories creek, the impact breaking its for the Club Girl's Bedroom." front legs and doing considerable Each club girl judged sand- damage to the car. Provincial wiches for aftemnoon tea, dining- Constables W. F. Thompson and table bouquets and planned in- D. P. Morris were called ta the vittios, ecoatinsrefes- scene and put the animal out of n-4nts and entertainment far a misery. The police are looking party. for the owner of the horse, be- The splendid and înterestîng cause there apparently is a law P exhibit af classified reference files that animais must not stray onto t and record books made by the the highway. Glover and two a girls showed, in a measure, the passengers, Geo. Barrett, Port p educational value of the course. Perry, and Alfred Samis, Can- I There were exhibits of table nington, received facial cuts from set for two with menu displayed flying glass. of a formai dinner, club luncheon, Farmers of this locality wbo Taaty ç spoke on "Pionccring in Educa- hlM. tion." He traccd the history of We notice by other weekly Cheese Bread ............. loaf V Victoria from its founding in Ca- papers that radio inspectars have bourg, Ont., from the time it me- visited several towns in this sec- Delicious1Z ceived its first charter from the tion and are checking up an those Frut afKing up ta the present. In the who have not purciased radio Frui Brad ............ oaf 12Ç evening Rev. F. Joblin conducted licenses. They are expected icre worship. Miss Helen Williams any time and Rager Bird adviscs presided at the organ in the ab- tiose who have not obtained new sence af Mrs. Reta Dudley. Guest licenses for 1940 ta do so at once. TH E CA RTER FAM JILY soloist at the morning service was The rates are $2.50 per license Miss Isobel Wedelh, Peterboro, and radio owners need buy only Bakers For Two Generations who sang "The Lord is My Shcp- one license.ifor all radios ln in- Phone 855 Bowmanville herd." Evening music was agamn dividual hûýses, but must buy a supplied by the choir, Miss Wcdeil second one 1 they aperate a radio ......Mand Miss Williams. in their car. l PAGE FIVE en7alWALKER'S Y-he Early Summer W Tursay,3 BIG DAYS SHO PI O P RT ThurdayFriday, Saturday - June 6-o7-8 WATCH FOR DUR "SHOPPING PARTY" CIRCULAR COTTON PRINT HOUSE FROCKS Our entire stock of Women's House Frocks, seil- ing egularly for $1.00, are placed on sale for thc 3 Big Days only. Sizes 14 to 46. NOVELTY STRIPE ]RAYON PANTIES You iii be intrigued with these smartly styled,37 fancy stripe Rayon Panties. Colors, Tes Rose and 37 White. Sizes, Small, Medium and Large. A RARE VALUE IN SHADOW PANEL SLIPS Four chie styles, tîvo Camisole tops,an embroid- ered model, and a stunnixug lace net covered bodice style Sizs 32to 4. 8 m , I.-.-- ê s' SILK CRIFFON HOSE 4-Thread 50 c Pair Riglcss 4-Thread full-fashioned Chiffon Rose. "«Walking Sheers" tlat give miles of extra wear. New summer shades of Dynamie, Holiday Joyous, Audaclous sud Serene. LOOK FOR THE "SHOPPING PARTY" SPECIALS THROUGHOUT THE STORE SUN AND TUB FAST 20" x 40", COTTON PRINTS TERRY TOWELS If you're looklng for real Because of a large purchase we are able t. value, here it Ls& Our complete stock of regular 19e printson [U U. offer these Towels at a price much below regular.Jlj sale for thc 3 Big Usys only. I 6 ydIU$1.0 Two snart stripe designs. Ec T ~WALKER SToRES, (MITED GLORIGOUS NEW SUMMER FROCKS $2.88 Szs12 to 20, 38 te, 44 Lovely New Frooks, fresh from thc leadlng niakers of Canada and New York. Dresses wlth fabries sud details us- ually lound in much higier prlced models. Printed crepes, many with white jackets, Crepe Tahiti hIncnw pastel shades, "Belle Swan" CHECKED RAYON CLOTHS Don't smiss fuIs speciai because the quantlty is v er y llmiteid. 50 Inch O square. Blue, Red, 9c and Green cheeked rayon clotbs that Ea. are always popular. .MARQUISETM' CURTAIN NETS A very special lot of marqul- settes ineluding Pufl Dots, SmaII Dots, faney desigu. ln Ecru, Peach, Rose, 19c Cream. 42 iches MAERATP 'b ,, ADEIR ASES A fine qualty pillow case i full 42 Inch size. Several daity desigusto choose from. For the 3 Big Days PAINED STRiE 59c Bright, cd1e an stripes ln combih- ations o f Green, Yellow, Red, White and Orange. Smart- en uP YOUr summer cottage. 30 iches 27c Bowmanville 3 Big Days Thurs. - Fn. - Sat. June 6 - 7 - 8 Pifue 451 WOMEN'S INSTITUTEIcnvner, reported 20 pairs of the fine pmograms which has been the meeting. Our flag was oîi scsand 5 sweaters knit during arranged. display and thc singlng of God <Continued fromn page 1) the month for the Red Cross. President Mrs. J. Thickson Save the King concluded the fIn te annual report recc'ipts thanked ail wio had ielpcd at meeting. pression of creative pawers fr te year cndung April 30th, through co-operative activities were $306.70. Expenditures weme _________________________________ and individual hobbies. Young $187 45, leaving a nice balance on---- people to-day are interested in hand. $14.00 was spent an fruit low cost, accessible ecreation. and flowers for i11 members. A letter of appreciatian was Maintenance of tic Rest Room sent ta Mrs. Purdy for tais splen- in thc town hall for tic year was did paper. Also a letter was sent $120.00. Donations ta the upkeep ta Father Coffeey for a fine paper of tic West Durhamn Institute z l on "'League of Nations" pmcpared Ward in the Bowmanvillc Hos-, Pz l by hlm for tic Institute but ow- pital and donations ta the Red' ing ta a lengtiy business dis- Cross were also included. ? - cussion, was left aver until tie Mrs. Kenneth Hull favared witi t ncxt meeting. two fine rcadings. Tea was servcd Announcement of tic West by Mrs. H. Connors and hem hrei Durham District Annual at New- group. Several new members weei onville an Junç l4th, was made were received and any ladies of and aIl members and friends the con*ruunity will be made weî- the wishing ta go are advised ta con- came at tic next meeting at Mrs. act Mrs. W. B. Pollard or Mrs. Clarence Hall's, Westmount, on ssn Ai. L. Niciails wio are arranging June 27th, at 2.30. Mcmbcrship sn tansportation. in tais arganization is not me-qur A donation was made ta tic stricted and ladies are invited ta ur ..anadian National Institute for jain now at tic beginning af thc the Blind. Mrs. Fred Baker, wool Institute year and benefit from 12 Ob 12 VISIT THE CDOKING DEMONSTRATION Coleman instant Gas Stoves Monday, June IOth, 1940 - At - DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38-40 Sincoe St. N. OSHAWA Phone 84 and 744 !' t'! g WHAT'S WRONG with that picture? 0f courue! There are only two quarts of milk ...and three hungry children. flore should be a third quart of nilk. .And 'wise parents seo to it that each of the4r children enjoy the benefits of at legat one whole quart of milk every day - for health and body-bud1ding 14 GLJEN RA£ DAIRY Ring ~. Telephone Deliveries 2665 onanil - ,--...~ -' - . r.-- 1 u!"- 88C 1 SHOPPING PAR"TY 89c 1 Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.

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