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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1940, p. 7

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* ~choice E.~I PARENTS ATTENTON! v MWCmf Nr 2 for 9le fdm mçf* W c Cucumbers - loc gaetTos n assnghe eem _______________________ ~~Parents o! children beginning ntotatcSooo!usng CE AECR REA OR Golden Rilpe 3 lb for sciool in September are requested Uo . n euighrcrii *1* ~ * ~ (e)Bananas -- 25e to register tlem wite the Town cate as a Hospital Staf! Nurse.Prs ipon a ecat DOMI IONNurse, Miss Taylor, at Central Sic is now holidaying witl lier Local School, on any momning o! tic parents, Mn. and Mrs. Hemb. Toms. Spinach 2 lbe..lSC first two weeks o! June. If pre- Clarlie Bnta n DouglasA LXMOER may be egistered on Tuesday journeyed to Oshawa Thumsday AE R E afternoons a! Soute Ward Sciool. evening to play a return game Besides theeegistration ne- against Allan Leavitt's Motor quired, Miss Taylor wud like to City aggregatîtbn and came ou!e79 STPS-LMTDmteso einr. 22-2 again, but thec .eason's young yet. Phn 9 W eîe General Hospital. They returnedGE .M M R RBO LN CL B__________ _______________ yesterday. G O e U T YB W IG C U The Folk Dance class conducted RETIRES FROM S C A AN E S ALby Mrs. H. B. Foster announce HARDWARE STORE In The Editor.sM i TOURNAMENT ___________________ Phone 663 their closing exercises, assisted by -- lu 1 muica nuber an redins, -- Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Mr. Eric Swindells has been 1 This week hie attended the Bay of letndr Red. C.ross n. lvrc- we "have received a copy of The feit highly honored to receive an mixed tournament was held with visiting friends in Orillia. Qinte Conference at Port Hope St. Thomas Times-Journal whicli invitation to the 63rd Annual rinks participating from Cobourg,ANO CE e. Thursday, June - 3th, is the contains an interesting write-up Commencement of the University Port Hope, Whitby, Oshawa, N O CE 'Miss Margaret Wightman, To- Are you robbed of romnance? King's birthday and will be ob- of the business retirement of hier of Oregon on .7wxe. 9th. By wayPerboanBo avil.P- ronto, spent the weekend with Siendor "Beauty" Tablets help served as a legal holiday. ThsucePe.A cuty0 t fepaainalte a et ienrOsroaBewavlletate ha MissMar Jeell yo to outfulhapines. wo the banks will be closed and the Thomas. Mr. McMurtry is young- ceived from Mr. Fred E. Hughes, the weather was perfect and the I I lf Brooklin Spring Fair, cancelled weeks supply $ .00. McGregor's Post office wickets will be open est son of the late Mr. and Mrs. native of Tyrone, graduate of greens in fine shape to make the * **I- * May 24th on accounit of wet wea- Drug Store. 23-1 froehu nyfo 030 to Samuel MMrr of Bowman- Bowmanville High School, and day a successful event. I I ' I 4ther, is being held June l5th. Miss Isobel Wedell who sang at 11.30 arn. ville, and br other of the late retired officer of U. S. Navy, Throin ee ams were pîayetheoriIO JIl u I Mrs. E. Livingstone, West Or- St. Paul's Church Sunday, and Winners in the recent Star Thomas McMurtry, well known which reads: fllowin.Gooteanshbeig avctorous ang, . .,isspndngth sm-Miss Helen McGregor, Peterboro, Weekly -'Know Your Empire" insurance agent. The article reads: 35SvnhAeu, es -C W.Dtbeck, Oshawa, and mer at hier cottage on Centre ~Stpe the weekend atr. D .cnetwr r.B .Frber of Veteran hardware man of On- Eugene, Oregon 3rd-H. Rosevear, Port Hope. RATS ,Xou can help make this paper MGeo',Suo t Bowmanville who was rewarded tario and prominent St. Thomas June 1, 1940 These skips were presented with rjeinteresting by sending in Dr. M. A. James, New York for hier efforts wîth the sum of merchant for nearly 50 years, Dear George:- prizes for members of their teams.KNOSRETW T yoU ist of visitors epch week to City, who attended the Dental $2.50, and Miss Marion Glanville, KntroucSnTtoEouTMry E Phone 663. Convention in Toronto last week, Oshawa, who wvon a similar IntrHughes, A., w oisguatE.ingAVIL Port Hope Rotary and Lionsib theM eekW.aenwths br-a n. this year at the University of RED CROSS i.OSS Clubs are sponsoring a joint M.Go .Jms Announcement is made by H. Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, alter a 5T E ND U Street Fair to be held July l8th Baby Beef at regular beef C. Bourlier, general passenger ~ four year course, majoring in Ed -________ OU and 19th. prices is the Special Cawker is agent, Canadian National Rail- atnad Foreign Languages. Ta atqatte fsple Mrs. Raymond Cole and son offering this week. Only one ways, of a low-fare coach excur- Duhr0fFe E.adMsofthe tsh qand rench Rupled Billy, Kitchener, spent the week baby bee t these low prices so sion to be operated over week-HuhsofteBishadFnc Rd p ig with her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. H. order eearly. hne32 end of June 7-9, from Ontario Of H u sCoshvbenosinteate 0coreit is unnecessary to 0 lnesadta stersl Dde.points to Windsor, Detroit, Port o~t tt htsh e&TeSae fFthnerandtahed rosssup- Dudley. Every reader of The Statesman Huron and Chicago. m n anof50 din stehac l e hav ian en Rned rto p Miss Mary Mutton, R.N., Osh- is invited to the Walker Storesmaan ysdogi wla- Not Later Than June lt awa General Hospital, is holiday- "Early Summer Shopping Party" Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dingman qane îhteEio n h rta ome h m ing with hier parents, Mr. and To share the benefits of this party and daughter, Toronto, while on saf ,antentiwd e agn Mrs. Neil Mutton. read about it on page 5. a motor trip to Montreal Tuesday. . Very sincerely yours, for funds for the Red Cross in gave the editor a caîl. Mr. Ding- rdEHuhsCadaiimetvwste The latest donation to the Mu- Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCaffreY, man for many years was publish- FreHEAHuhe. Cnaa iTipertie, asth sic F'estival is $5.00 received from Miss Edna Bottreli, Toronto, er of the Stratford Herald, and IS WORTHWHILE WAITINGFr No. 9 Home & School Club o! Messrs. Jack McCaffrey and Win. although retired is still goîng CH R H O ENING bruhRtr lba t ek Clake To nsip Dose, oc eser, N.Y. w restrong at 82 years of age, being Cairns of Toronto, well known in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B anish ug y bulges- take S en- w eekend guests of M r. Thos. B ot- his ow n chauffeur. (Continued from page 1)Ro a y nd s i t nt D m i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dor 'Beauty" Tablets. Two weeks trell. Roay n.sisatDmno If a merchant wished to send claimis the nature o! the building. commissioner of the Canadian _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ supply $1.00. McGregor's Drug We congratulate Mr. S. George a sale bill about his store and the Mr. Harris stated, when asked Red Cross.________________________________ Str.23-1 Werry, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. goods lie sells to alI the people. details by The Statesman report-talse anubrfhopas For the land has fewer natural Mrs. Herb. Jewell has been Werry, Solina, on passing his who read The Statesman it would. er, that at present they were only teast aner fhstals reucsthnayotedm- vsiig hrsn H rl ! B fao tidyear examinations at the cost him about $12.00 a week for utilizing part of the hall. That ae tontre n. FOR rces b tne etels ascm and daughter, Mrs. R. McLeod, University of Toronto, Faculty Of the Postage alone. For $3.00 will be large enough. Finishing mre theo! sokre s i nd e ar racetaneverthe e hacrn Niagara Falls. Dentistry. weekly you could send your store touches may have to be deferred Fvrnce, o the seakersa and nei- oarer thanganyoher ds eorcyt Mr. Walter Stewart, Beeton, Misses Ethel and Audrey Kemp, fews to the saine audience by until Faîl or luter when the con-_every abit o!test ore ndequifthe abolishng povrefr seeren- Mrs. Annie Bradley, Bond Head, nieces O! Mr. and Mrs. Walter rnserting an advt in The States- gregation becomes better estab-methdbnlotNne!teago!nmpyenfrsera wee eeen gess t r.BetPingle, who have been living in man. lished. It was encouraging to see been sent to France but they were of France, England, or the United Colwell's. this district for some time, left Bowmanville community was several members o! his congre- CainadiansfRednr osstupplie Saes.has een lowmer thsanctha Envoy Alward, Toronto, wîll last week for their home in given considerable prominence in Geo. A. McMurtry gation down there in the evening, benornserdnw oteB - ae.Uepm insurance, ilr visit Bowmanville on Sunday, 9th Broadview, Sask. Andy Clarke's 'Neighborly News' George A. McMurtÛry is retiringpgivingthimtmerand laorfee ptiheC apa romin thaostoa esrsaei oc paintng. ammeing, cîeaing, tih e d C a p ro in response to a old-age in or ce, n i ia of June, and conduct the services broadcast Sunday morning when frmatiebusnesthismnh, iigtert.eadlbrfe zation for anything that could be ______________ at the Salvation Army. Adi utant Hart of the Salvation ro ctv uîes s mont that the work might be !înished g reCnda e rs Anmy has received word that the hie made mention o! Durhiam and will enjoy a well-dsre by Sunday. sae Mr. Bruce Mutton and Misses East Toronto S. A. Band wilî visit County Blossom Week, 105th An- saredion,'he Canadian Red Crosse__________________$100,000_____ Nellie and Mary Mutton attended Bowmanville on June 29th and niversary o! St. John 's Anglican of his timie to recreational pur- One o! the few people now liv- to the British and Frenchi Red < the Cliapman-Mutton wedding at 3th. They wiîî eCliurch, and included Ed. Davey,sus.FryasM.cutyhs ing and residing here who was a Crsen s eutC nada Dundonald on Saturday. by Adjutant Bursey achom panedl Orono, in the "Over 90 Club." been a devotee o! amateur base- reglar attendant o! the old Bible funds and supplies were depleted 1 If-0-"SwlA set shlmnftbegas Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Demerling known in this town. AlThestatesan. landfonbal n hsdn uc opo Christian Churcli is Mrs. W. S. and a new drive for money slould RREmaral aus and Maxine took a lengtliy trip Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason and lThe eegendf o aI, nhe asdneSmucThomaspro- Bragg. She can well recaîl the be undentaken at once. ' Pn Sunday through the Niagara pen- son Don went to Ottawa findi Moe ng d mtrem o Brare oke h lyn rtaie. ast service hed there in January The speaker said he dîd not ]B 1 IR T 19 DHjNA Tnua obig oeterduge day Morekeep th playin spinîtalîve.forty-nine years ago. Lt is worthy want to be classed as a pessimistOensokdnewr n the healthiest breakfast ceneal on Witli lis retirement, McMurtry- o! mention that she is taking this buOepetteewnemr ar ;I tegtndsintemakttndy Bbe e v 1Tl potnity o cntnue at thIndiviifondouteaAlisItdlue1,s.4 Kigtowa ntown Monday. dietetical interneship at Otawa on it and adults find it contains bot Street will be conducted as samne church. there would be more calîs for aSLE the needed vitamins to keep themn the Sanderson Hardware. Mr. One o! the last mInisters to assistance. '~~ fit. Order a package to-day and McMurtry's son-in-law, W . J. hold the pastorate o! the old Bible He stressed the fact that the The gali1ft thate gi I ss- eou be convinced o! the higli nutritive Sanderson, who lias been assoc- Christian Churcli was Rev. Mr. "boys over there" were figliin Betwesn ali points in Canada and ta speca 10Ies value o! Cream o! Banley. Sold iated with him during the last Gale, father o! Mrs. Jane Garrett orbtls iigu hi ie by all grocers and manufactured four years, will take over the who lives at present onîy toorbtls iigu hi ie eti etntosi ntdSae for over hlaI a century riglt here active management o! the busi- doors from the Tabernacle, w for us, and suffering in our stead.- Fare and One-Quarter 'lcTihha eorts A F A . i L Y IK L A I aville ness. lar- The folowing Mr.wHarris las FO THE ROUND TRIP i î~ pig u Weare glad to learn that Mrs. George A. McMurtry's namne in town is growing every week as REMARKABLE ICELAND Gf i ha bencofiedafersufein 191 H cmehee sinmee ih esonal ndare a re pnd- t is Iceland and not England util 2 p.m. Thuraday, June 13, 1940 DntFre ahrsDy This week we are offering an extra speeil, a broken leg. The accident occur- youtli to acquire the business o! attend a service. Speaking to whicli should be called the Mother RETURN: Leave destination up to oa somnewhat out of the ordinary. flere it is red when she was retunning fnomn Paulin & Price, the store being members we found them very o! Parliaments, for Iceland had a midnight Frday, June 14, 1940. Ot church by a back route to lier located where the Home Dairy is confident that tlie effort spent on Parliamentary government from l a u home and feIl on tlie rougli now situated. Previous to coming the new hall will be iusti-fied. whîcli is st incing, now inw ae "tad ground. This was Mrs. Dudley's here, Mn. McMurtry had served whits 01 lthyar f we accept the i NIMUM SPECIAL FARE -25 tur wthn sor sac o tme te hrdar bsies i GîtPi Only they wlio fulfil their duty common premise that prosperity Full particulars !rom any agent. Haqatr o a twti h r p c ft m .t e h r wae b sn s n G li vr d y m tes wll f li e e d n nt rl rs u cs al Last winter she slipped on the 'I'reniton and Toronto. He was just them on great occasions.-Kings.. then the economic situation o! Canadian Pacifie alae n an atice breaking lier wnist. Now she a boy when lie left lis native ley. modern Iceland is a _________miracle.,_____ is sufficiently recovered to nesume town o! Bowmnanville to take lis na ial.________________ ~. * . . . ~ teaching m usic again and le n irst job in a hardw a re s oei a'egular neegi r ee many friends wish lier a speedy Gaît. He was a go-getting type o! recovery. youth and within a few years Wc have jus! the one Baby Bec! to offer at these îowMnWmPatocmeioteoweadoprediswnb- Statesman office alI smiles this mness in Toronto. He was teere % prices, so place your order early, for it wîîî flot last morning, so we surmised lie had duning what was known as To- -7Jr 1/ r %fA some good news to relate-and ronto's "boom period." A s U ..- Ciri MAI long at such a bargain. lie did. He lad just received word The business at 621 Talbot St. - _________________________________________ that lis grandson Wm. Fitchett, was established by Mn. McMurtry son o! Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Fitçliett, i190.I a 3,leaqirdte ri' - A l s o r y T h i Y e a r'sS p ri n gL a m b - M ontreal, had g aduated from ig a dw r store at Talbot andI I_ _--JW Also Try Thi Y e r's Spr ng a Mbbg ar va P rs c r b e s McGill University wîth the de- Southwicýk ts., where the Lob- gree o! Bachelor o! Commerce. law Groceteria is now located. You can rel on our phraenia experience and on the fresh For Prompt Delivery Phone 382 Time does fly for it ënly seems He was active in the conduct o! , like yesterday that chubby young this business until the disastrous Lowest potency of our drugs. NwHL hmo.stup s Ant ibth and nw iesaPeean hag0o tebuinsgPicsRecovery is hastened by an accurately compounded prescription. q.1à coes rbroulhssy i stse AnElzbtadnwh'grown-up man ready to take ls at 621 Talbot Street. Developing o ' f our tl aisc C AKR Splace in the realm o! finance and Mr. McMurtry lias seen many £ T us 15c2c5c commerce, changes in tee hardware business A I Phone 382 MEAT MARKET Bowmanville Among relatives attending the initee last 50 years. He lias seen BARAIN for h r.Fi & Sa ndP nt g funeral o! Mms. Mina Wilkins in the business develop with thePOP EVC Oshawa on May 29tli were: Mn. mardi o! progress. Possibly the MEN'S COMBS 10e Value 2 for 9c POP EVC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a n d M r s . M a r k B l a c k b u r n , M . g r e a t e s t d e v e l o p n e n t a n d e x p a n - F i l m s a d n e g a t i v e s t a k e n and Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Mrs. B. sion o! thc hardware business lias 50e Mllk of Magnesia $1.00 Hind's Cream --- 49e ln up ta 9 arc flulshed Colwel], Mns. Nelson Wlkinsý been in tee electnical field. Selling Tooth Paste ----- Bathing Caps ---- 19c-29e Mrs. H. Vickery, Bowmanville; electrical appliances and equip- tesm a t6Pm adMrs. E. W. Foley, Mrs. ment wasn't just teouglit o! four TathSesad ls 9e 2cN zm.....1 eusaiedy oat 6 p ki J.Munda and Mn. W. Munday,orfvdeasgfr th e ipe P WEaUFS2tuhs4 uncqualledl here and unex- M.and Mrs. R. L. Wonden, MaplenesntaeecictwaveyTeultyooiwoks Grv;M.adMs etWil- mucli in its infancy tIen. To-day, SnGass1-2c 2eCrRmorcciled elscwhcrc. Eaeh neg- Pjkins, Mn. and Mrs. John Wilkins, electnical goods and appliances Wrlglcy's Gum --- 4 for 15e I.D.A. - --.--------19e atîve is accordcd skillcdeiPlga a iat 10 __ __ _ __ M .and Mrs. H. Nichols, Mrs. W . constitute one o! the important M r ole W ax -.---- 83e j Dodd's Pills ------------ 3 3 e andlng sd personally l- IhtV T h*Sa1du SIn ___________________________________ H. Nichols and Mrs. Walter Sni- phases o! a modemn hardware estdaeni. der, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Alds- business. D S LT B E 10s2 eOU E fl * Pineapple Tarts Treat-0 son, Courtice. a specialty o! catering to tee farm ~ . - q_ D S C Bas Male cre ms rea 2 '~BA,M oose Jaw , S sk , en we first-hand k low ledge o a farm . S un G lasses I La g r a!terantabnce n o 50 yea ermaînaied andlicy thtdmandePlrd- -1 O X Y D O L . . . . . . . . . ..p k g . l O c - 2 3 c ~a lled n n . . . a ar w o li s o e op l r it ee ru a THUIRSDAY, JUNE 6TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWM,&wxm-T-v rmvAicTý

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