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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1940, p. 10

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-t -s -...a. ~ v-~ r PAGE TEN ~THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSP 13AY OF QUINTE with gambling depiored an "in- AN1IVERBARY SPEAKEREN G ME T (Continued fram page 1) "questionable" methods of raising war funds. The Government was Mr. and Mrs. John Ward Brad- "when education bas to justify ured flot ta relax the laws o ley, Newcastle, Ontario, announce isl.Th otsneothva u otrge n wesae n the engagement of their daughter, of education would bring about suggested they should not be used Vva ldst r lsot xtsel." Te ot sese o thevalu ottriesand weeptake andVanGlDesrta r. llo rthl "a cheaper ministry"l unless re- ta raise war finances. vSil a e er lvrvle placed by a more vigorous con- The report on the Oak Lake- -NYsno h aeM.adMs cept. property approved a suggestionmrrag antakerplaeeon Te The conference accepted a re- that the property committee seek dayJuly ndplnace niTed- port frorn its cornmittee on mis- incorporation under the Religiaus , , Church, Ncas th eIR H N tceWUniFedS ecteTnerdorCa missi ns. R v. H B. C ark ! out the onfer nce s a c urchBUCKLEY - In Bow m anville Dr. H. B3. Rundle's office w ill W EEKLY FEED SPECIAL -TE D R wil b re i ed j and Rev. W. Gardner of Brechin property. C M N. EN SHoptalr.n Mrs. J n uey. rd nclsiv is secretary. Rev. C. S. Reddîck reported on The nnua.Garen Paty adJBne.G u ey, d a _____________________________sh $2.0 pe tl TheAnua Grde Prt ad owmanviîîe, (e 3dicuie 24-1* cwt. Offer good until June 20th. o0l,, no DST)o au" Change Board's Name the pension fund and the confer- S tr aw be r ry Festival of St. Moynes, Oshawa), the gift of a F. C. Vanstone, Phone 777. 24-1 dayz ue2n,14,frfe The report recommended that ence concurred in a memorial ta eresCucNwate il sn(onDvd.Atce r.oi tkr(iuios the name o! the church's "Foreign General Council that mînisters beore's on herh eclawnthe l sn(onDai) rilsFor Salene spl a elw d~ Mission Board" be ta fe our e arinarre ars m ofensions * afternoon of July 4th.-Keep the YOUNG - In Wellesley Hospital, in bn tCute'G~~ "Board of Overseas Mcssan"d be bre rmhligcuc date in mid and plan ta attend Toronto, onJune 6th,1940, t lcr wsecleta FOoSAE - HORSUPEIORA ' Home. hestnu C( Mas h hrhnwtisinbe off ice. hsawyenoblevt.2- Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Young, dition, $35.00. pl Mrs. Fred able boy ta, work on farm, non deliee nbn tCute'Go caunseofathe v rch curch no hins in ethis.aFways e joyable event. 24-1 Toronto, (nee Marion Staples)or y , t Ap yD smoker. W ill be required ta an d R gsr Ofie L w st o national or denominational chur- est offenders were ministers with - -Mlgt on, 2 ,ilesn.t10ofDLon ches. the largest salaries, and his state- Maple Grave Sunday Schoolrh . hs Aln RR , o-c RvW.E ilyadTC.Anniversary Services will be held DEATI-SSal huc.24-1* Smasll. A2, .. 4 B oncpe.Dlvre ab eg Smith were appointed ta h fr of Kingston. as follows: Sunday June 16, Re FOR SL - $an0i00e. 2 Me-on M are cls Cbug eign missions board. thCfr- ____________GR..Re.a.r.k vofy th.y, e TaevaSALE $5000 GOOD Mc- ar kTnesasuhoatid Rt. RG. Pa.kRo!Bthe Taberna- BEITH - In Bowmanville, Wed- Cormick-Deering mower, near- oHELPsonWANTrD AyNUMER t wring Suffragan Bishop of Toronto, wha dle, Whitby, will speak at 2 and nesday, June 5, 1940, Henrietta ly new; also 2 fields a! hay, 12 o oso audy ueitE .MCNCTN The Social Service Cammittee SUTTON LEAVES will preacb at St. John's Anglican 7 p.m. Special music by the school Evans Beith, widow of the late and 5 acres, will take pigs or for weeding on the farm af last night described as "worse ____ Church Sunday, June l6th, in the under leadership o! Mr. L. Colla- Duncan Beith. cow part pay. Norman Metcaif, Aci opoMnesR. thnwse h 100000setBawmanville, R.R. 2, Phone Bowmanville. 24-1* 2- annually in Canada on alcoholic mg ud rmpae1) frtho er5t ofannives mar - ! the m i sooto, galdmedal. scooistAT -A t.Mche 26.24-1_1 beverages. vray fth ikTrotgodmea olit Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday,RaiSevc beeae.High Schooi A Cappella Chair bas founding of this churcb. forl Canada, at bath services. Spe- June 8, 1940, Flora Jean Gal- RECONDITIONED TIRES -Rai SevcNocet Cr ios The Social Service repart esti- been acknowledged as one of the cial offering in aid o! school funds. bateds agtro h liquor, anadditional$1 is spetbraitbedeldesterdaughterl a!ethetheavelups ta e0%gonH.tiressandeREPAIRS tFOR %ALL TYPESan0FRJOHNS LEWISL TAPESNO mate tht fr ech 3 senton inet i th prvine ad bs te Wdnesday,2June l9th: Program late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gai- tubes. Full stock bath new and Radios. Small electricai appli- ETT for treatment o! consoquent dis- tainmertiwhich was o! benefit no ease, crime, accidents and loss o! only ta the audience but ta those Among the many beautiful fior- aands;adts.3 incia unicySo-cle mvlentermetBwmnil G. F. Jamieson, Tire and Bat- home free. R. Quinn, King St. Ceioso onLwsPr timeand fficency Thecomit- oungpeope wh parici a i lofferings were tributes from brae at .30 p.m.aJuir'Soft- tr Cemetery.ivr t. Eat pp tves ax.2-1 O te sgese te oino ad hs rupba rauh een employment sprimeDGirls Soft- -f - Farmrih ida h on tiee and e!!iency.he heDomm adit- y ou pol ha artiatl ed. mth Lb;serviceDepart- bail gameCourtice vs Maple MEATVI - Suddeniy, on Satur-23t PHONE 433 FOR BETTER RA- ship !Drigo aur 4h Provincial Governments should eniarged and trained aver a per- ment of Labor; aff o! Dert- Grve.3( PSupper wii30 e servedort ope aJn ,14,a i ei O AL-ABG LNS DOSrie efaur n14,aerq tdt edpr prabibitfe thelsalesro!dliquoray"dur-eiod9ofseverai yearsOR untilCinterePLANS2ndOBattaceioneAssociation.9 mrhbttesl flqo dr ido eea er ni ne e n to LAsor; ain.ebr !43 ..At73 .Pr oe dence, the Mayfair Apartments, inciuding: Danish Baldhead, honest service at reasonable ticulrt!terdist h ing the war and for as long after- n ign sa hg eki h n.ue mn hs atn-wl rng P e e le'se pa Supr t o! thdeeeLd ws' s DyAichol. He aiso trained one o! the ing the service, in addition t vl rsetterclertdpa Captain Clarence W. E. Meath, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts. Bawmanvilie. 23-4* afte hc aebi saewl lincu wpor lftege d'sand orAe- calle School instrumentai grouPs, Hon. Mr. McLarty, were Lt.-Coi. "Aunt Tillie Goes ta Town." Spe- formeriy of the 2nd Battalion, Sturdy stock, iowest prices. - beditbue amnthpris linewspegdadmr x aldthe Bugle Band, wbicb bas W W. Murray, representing the cial music between acts by Port C. E. F., beioved busband of. Jackman & Sons, Phone 780, Lost entite hrtadteeeuo tensive use o! banns in the per- taken part in several parades and 2nà Baittaiion; H. H. Ward, form- Hope artists. Ail services stand- Daisy Coucb. Interment at Bow- Bwavle.-2 *wili o ehbefraycan formance o! marriage between cadet inspections and given credit- er deputy minister of labor; V.C. ard time. Admission: Adults, tea manville. omnil.2-*LOST-ON SATURDAY AFTER- a!wibfebsfltte 1cie church people was recommended. abepromnes«hln .J up .A and concert 50c, tea oniy 40c, con- The report in a section dealingalMroruttncbas.been li!elngJ.J. Higinso , A. G. BellyH'cert 25c; Cbildren, tea and con- FRSL AEALBT ono igSre ewe o rsen t oBoasenvilifeland Frec.HtteM.Son. ampBell, i H. cert 30c, tea anly 20c, concert 15c. Cards of Thanks for bard and softbali. Large F. Knox's and A. Edmond- Dtda saa ue3 90 rsin ber marrage t aMrSutn MacDonal, F tes . S. Mr.pband M.Mrs. variety and at reasonabie stone's stores, a Camea BroochW.EN.SCLIK. basi t ed m itbbi.snume- o y aDoad, .St m es , . SJ.M.Odam, sHarold Ormiston prices. S. J. Jackman & Sons, used as a pendant on black Bn !Mnra ulig ous msical ativiit is J. M.Woy tt..TosnA.J dm and family, En!ield, wish to ex- Phone 780, Bowmanville. 23-3* ribbon. Reward, Mrs. J. L. OsaaOnri.22 Palîbearersactwere tergaeu prcain-- Morden. 24-i1_________________ Tbey will not move ta their Plbaeswr lfodB Voice of thePol to negbran indussFO SAE -V N T N new home until the middle of Reilly, K.C., o! tbe Canadian Penand Dr. Austin, for the many blinds and awnings. Estimates Agsbuplntatedsvrlsion Comiso;D.H .Bwe kindnesses and batflfoal frihdfye otet Wante d to Rent summer cbools.o! the War Veterans' Aliowance tributes extended during the long SmitlVs, Bowmanville, Phone WNE ORN ML Board; Coi. C. B. Topp, D.S.O., Editar The Statesman: iilness and bereavement af a loy- 668. 21-8 bouse witb conveniences, bya tbeiPublic Sc.oMs and Principl Brigadeosecnderdiv hision A SF nitting for the Red Cross is ing mother, Mrs. George Ormis- FOR SALE - RUBBER GOODS, tborougbly reliabie and respec- th uli colsadPrnia Biaescn dvson ...Foeof the worthiest pursuits at ton. Sundries, etc., mailed oad table middle aged couple with- anWdizesinfgtneraighave ex- andant; Ch ta wae P Bar, ena- wbich wamen can occupy their. in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% out cbiidren. Apply Box 53, TH prsd teinapprcaihane o! -mr. ndortJ. Churdacesnd .P . Bl icken- spare time nawadays. However, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marrison less than retail. Write for mail- Statesman Office, Bawmanvilie.A ' prese teirapreiatonofMr to J Mrdokan W.M.Dik-ta aur sense o! propriety, (wbicb and Mrs. *Webber wish ta tbank order catalague. Nov - Rubber 24-1 * Suttan's activities and their deep son, deputy minîster o! labor. bas o!ten been said ta be badly tbeir many !riends, neigbbours C. et -,Bx9,Hml regr t t at b is leav ng.perverted) knitting in public is and relatives, aso their doctr, , Ontari. 20-8 T o u rist__ __ __ _ __ __ _ TOW C UN IL SETTLEMENT COM. on a par with cbewing gum in who were sa kind during Mrs. ______churcb. At a public meeting the Morrison's long iilness and their MATTRESSES & COMFORTERS TOURIST ACCOMMODATIONJNE 1-14-1 TOWN _____ I (Continued tram page 1) mavement and dlicking o! the bereavement. -Mattresses rebuit, absolutely in private homne,, ail conven- ]BIN RSY-G I needles constitutes an unneces- new. Feather beds made inta lences, garage, central location; (Continued tram page 1)> als ..BD;Gen .M sary distraction and casts a con- Mrs. S. G. Preston, sisters and s a n i t a r y faiding mattresses. aiso furnished cottage at Baw- saving for the tawn because the Ellitt: Cbry Preston Brown, siderable doubt on wbether the brothers wisb ta thank their fri- Feathers wasbed, stripped and manville Beach ta rent. Mrs. 'fIn uM a softbail club bad agreed to pay B.A.; Coboconk, George Warren' knitter is paying more attention ends and neighbburs for expres- made into down com!arters. W. E. Gerry, Queen St., Bow- $23 o! the cast and the onîy tawn lay supply; J a n e t v i il e, R. H. ta the matter under consideration sions o! sympath3ý and beautiful Eiderdowns re-covered. Reason- manville. 24-2* m- expense was $4.00 for labor. Mr. Wbiteside; Kinmount, ta be sup- or ta the business in band. floral tributes extended ta tbem able prices. Rep. here naw. vtChreWlnge Gunn declared that no private plied; Minden-Carnarvon, J. M. I just wonder if anybody else in the loss o! their dear mother. Phone 362. 24-8 For Sale By Tender individual was profiting by the Fleming; Seabright, E. W. Todd; agrees witb my views on this sub- We especially thank Dr. Siemon, laying a! the tile and that it Tory Road, E. G. Knawles, stu- ject sa I'm passing tbem an far Dr. Birks and Rev. S. Davison. Nu Bone Tenders wili be received by the Selece hrs-Lta a wouid be a heip to the ratepay- dent supp.iy. your ...Voice o! the People" cal-Se Fo SaeOR TYEADCM T- undersigned for the purchase o!few ers in the district in having the Oshawa Presbytery: Bowman- umn. Se Fo SaeOR TYEADCM R -pperty on the east side o! Regardless of hi age, Dad la water drained. He mentioned ville, St. Paul's Cburch, A. R. Chronic Kicker. FRSL - r.W .ClPoesoa Scugog Street between Cburch SlEWR Just a boy at heart and likes that estimates bad been present- Craig, associate minister; Oshawa, Bawrnanviile, June 1, 1940.FO SAE-R CL N D r.W H.olPfesna and King Streets in the Town o!fO HE LDE to be remembered. Send hlmn a ed at the first o! the year ta Albert Street, T. H. P. Anderson, seed buckwheat. Apply Tyrone Corsetiere, phane 2160, Baw- Bowmanville, upon whicb is THUSA NDFIA council and that be cauid see no superannuated suppiy; Oshawa, Mill, phone 2305. 24-1 manville. 24-1* erected a small brick cattage and ______________ Father's Day Card rao h the co m mit t ee Narthminster Street, Dr. W. E. IMPEDIMENT TO GOING- brick barn. Ternis cash. Any fur- sbouidn't be aliawed ta spend the Millson, D.D., superannuated sup- .esn h ACROSS THE BORDER ay C ikRelEt e For Sale ther particulars will be !urnisbed M n See our wlde assortment mney in making neded im- ply; Oshawa, Simcoe Street, A. D. Dear Mr. Editr,- Bby theicks Real Estate pravement arund the tawn. Cornett, M.A., B.D., O.B.E.; Ty- Inoietiyeraatiury BABY CHICKS - REDUCED FARM FOR SALE - 100 ACRESms ei h lr' ad yJJE1 8-1 FATHERS DAYGIFTS The dao a loigterone, A. F. Gardner. fine job bas been done ta make prices on Barred Rocks and Lot 1, Con. 5, Darlington. Brick Monday, June l7tb at 5.00 p.m. Roads & Sreets Committee ta brubPebtr:Fa Canada attractive for American egrnmxd or sexed. dwelling. Good out-buildings. A .LLCIEBOK -JN BllfoIs -Keyase - ook sendave $1 wihou inerserville, settiement pending; Pet- tourists. We feit that it was wise Blood tested flack, R.O.P. sired Hard and so!t water through- Clerk o! the Ta' o !BnTEoh Bruhe - moers Otila vîewing council, was aîmost r--erougGreSretH.L more than ever this year ta en- chicks. Alvin Ciemens, Phone out. Apply Mac Smith, Orono. Bowmlànville. 24- n-se mke' uftsRbrs M.A., B.D.; P o n t ypaol, courage tbem ta came since we 2433. 19-tf Telephone 61r2. 24-t! d 'n n PnciSes dicuous, Mr. Gunn cantinued, TeSmith; Morgan, . Rowland, not only welcome the business Pen tnd elSet s euh s ablocksewer o er rBA, etem en ing. they bring but it is vital ta the MFRSL 0ARS Mottes uchas h. bockd seer r oher Renfrew Presbytery: Aimante- Allied cause that we cement the FLoDtM F0PR M o. S ae,50 acresLDE!I SNTNC work wbich must be done in a Bethany, W. J. Scott, MA., B.D.; !insista xs ewe s ___ 0 o.2 lre 5arsLDE!I SNTNCS oro ateod ob u-srchar, earifng; agbr u nng sr abynwdohsbyn DE J. W . J e w e I hrry, e Blaeney Calbogi, Chin Rver, However, the inevitable reac- One o! the paradoxes of the srawlecelrebr, the iimits of your budget ta be COSAC MOR - J. If . Je e l thr Miay o asserted tat w i Horton roand Castley, a e up- ,tion bas set in. July lst the war is that, in order ta win the good stables, chicken bouse, dressed fasbionably. The EvlynJONYDWSh othe yers ounîlbd afowdried;1PembrokeWesmeysCburc incdens uchas hi tapasSH M.Serga, BA.;Pet; ,S0 1nte/2ttesmitbess assor fibteorwcedomtwlmut tm- 1 ½mies romNecasie.Ap Sbp secaliis n e- akig kiIft h embrs o coueil i- w erth St.regulations against Can adians porarily relnquish same te piy oWn Kenefick, Box 84, dresses o coats sa that tbey ' Wallpaper and Paint vestigating, witb the nesuit that Falls, W. R. Tanton. sipbut ncranqatr igb.TefreNe!th rs, w.caesEstt. A23-2 a o ! fsion eaion s arnte ce- _________________________thefpresent cauncil is being blam-auJ edfrmstakes made in the past. reaction bas set in and for tbe fo exampie, is necessarily sub- fuily and expertiy done. WorkFTO-NE A torough discussion o! the WO E E P N et few eeks we will be be- odntd t h meit FOR SALE - SOLID BRC guanedatsctr.2- _____________________drain siutian in the town ne- TO W R A P L sieged ta subscribe ta same idea ufrgec !asitn aad' a o east side o! Centre St. svrlwr inaor ather ta place stringent re- effrt.ven without an o offcai c e ntacoseupanestate. _______________ negletdcndition and that peo~ FROM RED CROSS strietions nAeiasetnn esrhp patriotic editans bv o idT usa peadbgun ta complain. Canada. These ideas wiii contain ca-openated from the autbreak o! Apply A. E. Beilman, King St. MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, c ~~~ 'Eventually, Deputy-Reeve C. Toronto, June 11. - A steady some trutb - and a good measune bostilities in re!raining fra: pub- Wet hn 2.i-! Vr? Try Ostrex Tabiets. Their GEN URY -JN - G.Mrris mved that the Roads flow o! new supplies s going a! !asehood. lication o! news or opinions that TRADE-IN BARGAINS - SUM- tonics, stimulants, oysten ele- S and Streets Committee be given overseas as a resut o! the Cana- In peace or war the spy or migbt give aid or comfort to aur mer cottage furniture bagains, ments are aids ta normal pep WTESh poer atdbu na!tern da Rd rs40oitys eeIfsbternot deiightgan neie.vey ageasotdnt -withte 4!Ifno e***e wt wa ppendd ta the effect that urgent appeai to women tbrough- difficuit ta detect. He wili not be It needs ta be understoad, how- chesterfield, $9; dining - naam rslsfrtpcage, maken ne- ltft OSHAWA the committee sbouid first be ad- out the country ta increase their stopped by any ardinq'y nestric- ever, that there is only one power sit,$12; kitchen cabinet, $8;'!unds its iow pnice. Cail, write ~ Iu ii vised by the toývn engineer. Four activities, Mns. Wallace Campbell, tians. If we discounage tourist o! censarship in the country, and lre' Axmiinster nug, $5; bu!- Jury & Loveil and ail ather Free Parkig Phone 1011 counciliors voted for the amend- national chairman o! the Womn- travel bere we wiii not oniy miss that it is vested in the Dominion fet, $3; extnio abe $3; good druggists. 1t lar, e$ , etensi21-tfl - ment and four for the mation so en's Wan Wark Committee, an- the financial contributions but w Government. Signs are not iack- studio caucb, $8; pram, $2; the Mayor cast the decîding vote naunced yesterday. will dissolve a goad-willic n th sm ofurpviia desr,$;bs I;intn, Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. in favor o! the amendment. "The response bas been manvel- bas taken centuries ta achieve. inlasomo ! aur prolyavnca l desoe$4ds, $1; paoe, ent, JUNE 13 - 15 It was decided ta advertise for bous," shé said, "Our enormous Free intercounse between na- their political fortunes by apply- machine, china cabinet, etc. tenders for. the sale o! property stocks a! baspitai supplies in Eng- tions is the best guarantee O! ing a gag ta the throats o! journals Visit aur two new furnîturela Giy~ on Scugog Street adjoining the land bave been made availablepece Germany tried ta buiid a that disagree witb them. A notor- stores, bangains galore. Our lH Virginia CityGlen Rae Dairy. ta the British and French Red wail o! seif-su!ficiency around the ious attempt ta do this was made ovenbead is lawer. Wilson's T A SargLetters wili be sent out ta vani- Cnossragingmakstaurhe fui t o-the canna t rse aeni. Como in Alberta, befare tbe war began, Funniture Ca., 40 King W. and Errol Flynn - Miriam Hopkis would participate in a Decoration aperation and genenosity not oniy graund on which eta meet one'~ssfî_______________ K N w ~ u. Randolph Scott - Humphrey Day on Sunday, June 23rd. necessary, but imperative. neighbours is the basis o! frater- it s'l the party that attempted PRESCRuIPI ON Bogart "Articles are going out innai relations.i a been again returned ta Livestock For Sale tbausands ta relieve the urgent 1 These are *just a few thougblts power.________________ REVIVAL "PAI EA H caMA'MT anpeicotn-11wih.ae1amymdinrfe- Caig oert hmwebveF1 SLEPREBEDRC Tu Sren' Trlllg riut F W CarToronto; T. H. Mc- mstbe made for these. Harris 011-Bath Mowers, Hay vince a majarity o! the votens. FOR RENT - SUMMER HOMiE Toe loree s Eloi rts ! MutyOhwa1ndohesLet the tu prt !srie Rakes and Tedders are made Oecna epc a tiueo a et icnctsree n' 5 a Wrme OtaatCetizenoing eacsprevai. Do the job nearest at te hande the heaviest of crops. a governrent that ses alcoolic sun prch, funished. Ms. Isaac Fruit Sata Vacuum Lit Drtls t Npy r o:Tin he Oa w iizn n ne -l ha d, grat ful for the p ivi ege of The se m achines are on d splay drin k and refuses t a al ow the B . S ta rk , C a k e , o n t. 2 3 2 * 15 7 cB tie o ts or t aFor Freedom ' ~ prigtepsigadfnriserving ur Empire from the pre- at Massey-Harris Shop, Bow- maufacturers ta, advertise them. FRN - S MA tLS lOP servie o!Captan Metb: snt s feya Canada and ny Iinlile. at ail times. Alo I is even more difficuit ta nre- suitable for store or office. Ap-79392519 wltii Wili Fyffe Attended by Hon. Norman A. that aur small effort may contni- Reeonditloned Mowers, Rakes, petteaitude o! cenain pub- ply Mrs. J. W. Knight, phone E n la d' G e te t ct r M cL a rty , K .C ., m in iste r o ! la b o , b u te t a th e a lle v ia tio n o ! th e h o n- T d d r a d T w -tse C rn l s tr h o, ea u s e w u d 4 , 7a v9 c.2 3 t YOU'LL SEE the Battie of the and many close friends and rela- rible suf!enings o! aur own peo- Caltlvater. nat themseives accept the adven- 48Bwmnile 3t ]River Plate. The destruction tives, a *funerai service for Cap- pie and aur Allies. tsnspotte poica FRRN IE-ROE of the Gaf Seg The ut-in tain Clarence William Edward "It is as necessary now as it was W. S. STAPLES rgtis . aqising, uprtpoinctisal F Rt - l odr ce- Ju ry< î its e en lm- Meathl, prominent governmentai when we began aur wonk ta, make Massey-Harris Dealer breach o! the freedom o! the iences, ou burnen and garagc, When We Test Eyes h la Doc Poel rseofnod on h S"aIliau k worker and soldier, was beid Sun- every article as perfect as pos- Press, they make it casier for centrally iocated. Very reason- Phone 778 omnle prjnedon he Altark" iday nigbt. Rev. Northcate R. sible. There must be na siacken- Phone 781 Bowmanville other breaches ta be made.-The able nent. Apply ta P.O. Boxl ______________________Burke conducted the service at ing in the quaiity a! wark." Printed Word 477, Bawmanville. 23-1*.tf

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