With Which Are lfleorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VLM86BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAy, JUNE l3th, 1940NUBR4 Diteh at Softball Grounds Tile Troubl11e in Council EUROPEAN EVENTS Canadian Minister of ees niscussed by Counciliors OUTLINED AT LIONS VLD LL M4ayor 'Turns Heat' on Press BRV .RGR iId v'e o o' rse T. M. Chant Show.s Movies I k r u h .e rre tn ul Featuring Activities of TwoInT i k B s e rN v R.&S. Committee Given Clu MnATr Po e t ctAt r ruPINTf EADSClbMmes_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Po w er to Act After ~~~~~~~~~~In the coatless informality of C T Z N R E o . N n a o e s a d T r e C m a i n Receiving Advice of v O M T E Ssummer the Lions Club iheld their CTZ NSU G DTOI D».eorn toooronosModnd To nEgnerA .O O M T E Sregular meeting Monday evening Die 1 Iflix T,~TWhle En Route on BiekeilFO and elected twelve new directors GIVE OO ER TIN lae urts Ino ia Town EFOReeROAARY FAIR to guide their destinies for the Oe nAr fGon enuig er.Thyare J TOPO Feran OreRf CouE withlaingte became the main W. Len Elliott Wil Manage E .CafrG .Dvde O P LC O C ,h o i g " r i on n ecfi o n . . ra w f , G. i l L . D v d gO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -C iti z e s 0 h s d i t i t w r discsin ftwn council's spe- Affair to be Heid on Wed- ver, E. V. Ott, R. Stevens, A. M.sun cial meeting on Friday night when nesday, JuIy 10 Thompson and M. Breslin. Discretion RegardingPaknonwtt Mayor R. O. Jones "turned the I was Past Presidents' Nîght Ki g S , D r g Ruh H rso e. heat" on the press and indirectlyEnoeet on Roads and Streets Chairman Plans for the approaching Ro- . D. B. . w ch ithn IHPeen a his John Gunri. tary Club Fair on July 1Oth were Rev. W.P. Rogers ih isoNe It will be recalled that Chair- outlined at the club meeting Fni- This is the picture Mayor Jones asked reporters to produce orusagod ilspktohecb t o o n r a h e r s h o r n oti c e .inFa hp la nei zjusofe a sts o fn tne v illa gei mari Gunri on Wednesday order- day noon by Fair Manager W. Len leave the council meeting on Friday night. It shows three ton n t e he ho rt.oti E.Th e ad Cîtîzn s of hisritowankd the.Poica osals D rc ed tule installed in the ditch forth Elliott and several of his helpers. employees carrying out the Mayor's instructions to dig up tule which in t e to gu hearD. .E.asu rounîng itriteoaskpled ton of the softbail diamond on Horsey Chairmen for the several booths had been laid only the day previous on instructions from Roads & mhabe t evening bt. rh oer s corpatewtsteloaholc Street, apparenty without dis- include: Fred Cryderman, F. M. Streets Chaiiman John Gunn. The location of this burst of activity al ob rsn.M.Rgr force in maintaining parking reg-cnieal eac hog h cussing the matter with His Wor- Vanstone, D. R. Morrison, T. A. wih cue uh m na uy b h ao s te nrh sd pursued the theme on which he ulations as much as possible on ~ unn ers fu d a w le ahc asdsc etlfr b h ao stenrhs d dressed the Rotary Club some Saturday nights. Many omplaints crnash ndOicrMrsafe ship the Mayor; on Thursday, the Garton, J. McKeever, Fred Hoar, of the Public School grounds. Council passed an amendiment allw weeks ago and which was report- have been registered concerning ~ with thenmomnMLo Mayor'learned that the job had J. C. Devitt, F. C. Vanstorie, Frank ing the Roads & Streets Committee to go ahead with work they felt ed in The Statesman at that time. double parking and parking for Rogers isrbd nbet e been done and ordeed the tile Williams, J. Ross Stutt, M. W. necessary, after receiving advice from town engineer A. H. Bickell. In the light of Italy's entry into several hours on King Street dur- -. leehsysecaedhsflo removed and is supposed to have Comstock, J. Forbes Heyland, M. The repoters remnained at the meeting. the war a few hours before the in uhhuso auda vn .. .- iersad ihi hfwm:ue given the town engineer a tim e S. Dale, C. E. Rehder, M . A. Neal e tn i em r s w r o t ing rs hnotifi d Ottaw and Tr nton ai limit for doing same or else; and and T. H. Knight. pertinent and enlgtnnare reemstinbtcn begnteplc but concil ad the olice on Friday, council passed an Manager Elliott wiil be assisted petnn ad Fgheig our bed bs amendment giving the Roads and in the managerial activities by T. Lin edChntse u hs ic foceenAo te arin .. w oueure n aftereeceivingadvicefr o tesTheyTcke CWommittee underraWnage UnitI ture projecton to show members because much inconvenience, em- mnld eefudna h Sfteree comm itte oe ro ctesTheTicaker. mite ndra reel of motion pictures, some of barrassment and expense would ma ncgle adwr e dni tonegneAf.Bcel h eaesi fAtLrM ad g wion epiTed Cattw up his ic- re e n olvdfrthe a n lw i e. saos0fterad ha uevsdboth teinstalla- reporte that tickets we rdyD e crbe urng M e ti g Lions inth rmoments away o on andthe moiss J. J. CteHlfx h a tinadrmvlo h ie ti e c i e u i g f e t rmhome. The pictures were For this reason, they ask motonists pilotingth pln; icrfsa baki h ic hswk.goemers of thy elu. A ILIra aliswthrnigcon ous iceio ntei akn quite likely that the tilewilg er activity was expected from metbig0.vddb tegn 0 htlDs.ilfo b nagr t i o n n t d e o v a t h i e . I t i S e x c e t h î e l u, b u t t a t g e a -mr u e a l t a î e i t h p r u n n i h e ng c o t u s e s c r e i l o n t e i r a r n g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S a sk__ _ . ;D r o n l d iaR v r Th ao auce bit- Sgetin o e boh f Z ne 4 F r st y O otlemen concerned, interspersed ed and so that visitos rom ou Hon. Norman Rogers bit adAicatmnJE.Ns Themayn lunced "bitz Sugesion fo ne bothsK or slr with jibes from fellow members. of town'and shoppers in the town A peclr kreig" on the two Statesman ne- wene incided in the meeting and Stanley Rickard was present as will flot be fonced to park a hall U GN C N E T the bs porters who had been assigned to visitons to the fair will be greetedy guest of Geo. L. Davidge. The mile away from any store. lC ed byOfieCoercasdi cover the session. He didn't see by many new and novel ideas R SCarman DA EATURES PICNI any need for the press to be s0 which should prove attractive and S.Cr a Gives DCRTO A latter entertained the meeting cle el rer ene jut bcuewith two well-sung patiotic seO H LS E N C U y w there was a hint of "dit coming." ofitable for veryone. ResuMsrof S t u d] He also demanded to see the pi- tAs in former yeas, proceeds of Showing Deplorable Decoration Day at Bow- Rickan'd. B U D N D A HMmes0 uhmHiti ttdta h ln a nfn tures which informers had told te fair will be utilized to funthen crvlleashteywenee a con tradictory. Somerhm Hlseinbeor hîmi had been taken of the men the work of helping crippled chi- W a s t e C onditions manville Cemetue r ivlit besd a a o d ce nO A T E T C u e ej i e nS t r a y oh r removing the tile and declared dren back to normal health.NarIeawts of been officially a n n o u n c e id ug, product of the caftmanship 0F C P.M A Hclub wme r ond oatray eo ret t tetes h ____________o_____._P ithar,_hriti cluebor membersnfrom cutoia e tor thers ai d h r a o fn p that unless these pictures were Durth"ow lrksofie Hospital. Mrs. W. Hennings of the annual field day and pei at forthcoming, he desired the ne- Duram Citizens and out of town Newcastle had hen name on the Chief Inspector of Empioyment pîcnicoil ak.Hpej potrst laeth eeig.W RVE E AN Ofriends wiil be given an op- lucky ticket and will duly receive Services at Ottawa, Succumbs to ThonoeMemonibgna h mandar. opajstafwmuesbor Faced with such a ' idiculous ul- Oe 0 e rmOtro portunity to visit the cemetery the rug. Ilns olwn neet of - A. J. Taby, nhe the aiiwe itchee oe timatum, the reporters stuck to H O LD D R U M H EA D Ovr 10 m n fo nal, îhere they may place tokens __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ng Career T m l n f rh o Elliott's ga ge i th fo an ther uns dnie h vin a y U O H A W P R K Victoria, Peterborough, Durham of esteen, on the graves of_ _ _ _ village, where Holsteins fromn the ln e pthi usand h aovid flot NOS AW P RK and Northumberland, Hastings, their departed km and friends. fSETTLEMENT COM. B Cdar noth PitrsadteMyrddntPic dadadLennox and No service ftr the afternoon SET E E TC o wm a n v ilîe citizens wene dale Farm herd wene on parade The Iamoe ipnoceed with his request for their Ewr for a judging contest in which al Hdo omecp *'removal. Addington Counties met at Orono bas been arranged, but lit la RES NT REPORT shocked Saturday, June 8th, when R p Lockhee~e, atwno "Thne s a deinie m vem nt War veterans of Durham and Wednesday noon for the affuai hoped that every citizen wili AT enc e W. E. e thtCah nCadrd u- mtiv e s no athe vanio s en able of ni l 0 ilsa or "To ner in efnthe unilovmn- Ontario Counties will hold the meeting of Zone 4 of the Con- take an interest ithis special AT CONFERENCE eict W E.learn th a Cptin Clan- members thoe part.onoganiza- to ndrmneth concl, cn-annual Magna Chanta Dnumhead senvation and Reforestation As- Sunday observance of re- denly early that morning at his inaceasudssitdbyw pr Preenttin 0 SetiyenrReoroeseene.the MayartApit-R.M.aor-yPort Penny, Field- only a pr f neig n n ar nigt rw hnService in Alexandra Park, Osh- sociation. membrance. rsdne h afi Aat -M 1 bmotor b hetminrnfe .ies a ty i or J one . Ce t in p n-s er__ __ _ __ __ __C n clu eio n al Ittem e of Busi- r ents, 260 M etcalfe St., O ta a m an for the D om inion H olstein s e t t r r i e . B s n :throu h cou cil t thei own a - awa Sund y, Ju e 16th at 3 .m. T e firt par of th sessotionsclactedinasIteudges, asHesistedn obyduwasorspreadTh outpoveron ranuacresp cwili vantage w ithout regard for the The chief speaker w ill be R ev. took place in the T ow nship H all e s o C nf r c A ndth vi t r oj u g t r e cl s s: m k g i rest of the taxpayers: There as Lt-Col. Sidney Lambert, Padre whee ladies of the Red Cross OFFICIAL OPENINGneao C ner ce A n a months owing to iii health but tevitos oiu g tnecl ss: pae w r bun g fu ou y been grief oven the drang oss f Christie Street Military Hos- Society served a delicious dinner. BOWLING OLUBHOUSE appeared to be making satisfac- mature cows, yearling heifers and makng res okimosbe tem -for the ten years that I have pital. President W. A. Anderson, Peter- THURSDAY, JUNB 20 The Settlement Commjittee e- tory pogess until hie was seized bulcle.Avt ftak a ndesl fnwpa been connected with council and Al Legion branches in Durham boo, acted as chairman. ____ port was presented and adopted with a fatal stroke. nictnale pre tentatîve E. b A. sWnso-n taw eea it is a pity that the present coun- and Ontario Counties have been Guests. includîng the full count as the final item of business on Capt. Meath was born ini Bow- extnD ur o hamblyuns y Ag-hendsecttrm sfnaa cil houd b bl med for he nvied o aten the serice and cou cil 0f O tano C~ nt an Thehewclugho sedf tefthtag nda of ahe ay ffQQunte man ill, bing ldet s n o th Su mers Duhamsontyoliethee wiSun aAf w h uns faults of others. to general invitation is extended alnîost the complete counties of Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club l6th annual confenence at port late Edward S. Meath, leader of wTh h atenoonas ae p Ascnd laincidence occurre The ayormeýtonedthat a i al war veterans in these Northumberland and Durham, will be officially introduced to Hope on Saturday. Dr. James the famous D. O. & P. Co. band thepraugo-rbewnrtryM member of the Board of Educa- counties. were welcomed by G. M. Linton, the public on Thursday, June 20. Semple, Belleville, and Rev. J. F. here, and Ms. Meath, now a esi- the several counties with On rtaryiisoen un wr t tion had *aked him abot aht theeparkkfartug-ofhewaespetive nenf Mn.orRogers, rincludings hisdsec- toin t had aked h i about the The pa ade w ilî be m ustered at Supe intendent of the O ntario C itizens are invited to be pLas n e, F ank ond, I hehespe tiv den of Tûnnt. e r c i ed h sd fa rî e di g t e u e al0lap . C ed in so that those playing soft- the Memoial Park, Simoe St. Forestry Branch at Oono. M. ft 7 p.m. when President Oscar chairman and secetary of the education in the local public and contae.wnes n abi W. E. MeiaBomnieus hall would not be endangered and South.at 2 p.m. The panade wiîî Linton outlined the work done at LaBelle will briefly explain the committee. high schools and nesided here at game sswr iefi a h i that he had advised the member comprise war veterans of the le Forestry and also gave the club's activities. The aims and The report is as follows, the the outbeak of the *Great War, . Addhessnes tere iven, ollow-aofthleme fle rs.àeea to present his case before counil. Canadian Legion Branches of guests an idea of the country sur- objects of the game and also a charge peceding the minister in being at that time employed as a îng.E anqln ut y n. H fotby0flemaperdetl see The next thing the Mayor heard Durham and Ontario Counties, noundîng the district. His weîcome short explanation of its expen- each case: auctr'sge.Henlt-L doBlMrpyabedrthwei was 'aumented y a secnd ad- ivenesswill begivemanufacturelleviseagent.teHe: A 0 lLondsoapMurphyd eent fnomeatheoiwnecdsaby ndevenalh dozen.FR.C. about it, was when members 0f Legion Branches fnom outside was aumented y a secndhad- îveneBawilsobegiven y Fnank BtheevioelPtesyteJyur-d ond vensea the Board of Education chided 1these co)unties, the General Motors dress of welcome by Herman Williams, Chairman 0f the Tounn- phustown, E. H.' Umstead; Amel- talion. Later he was returned to eiorf the rosuiiJur nsncee osac hog him on the street with the in- Wa eerans Association, Osh- Morrow, Warden of the United ament Committee, and A. M. iasburg, G. A. Adamason; Ban- Canada to help aise the 235h nal. The president of each asso- tohe iafr itban lee formation that the tile had beenMaa Sea Scouts, Oshawa Boy Counties. Hardy, Chairman of the Membe- croft, etem n ped g Bh, Battalion as Captain and Adju- cito lo adesd te g T tohe b no n h pae installed. He investigated imme- Scout and Cubs, Oshawa Girl R. S. Carman. of lie Ontario ship Committee. James Robinson, B.A.; Cannifton, tant and neturned to England in eig The bdies were taken to PortrOtta diately and attempted to contact Guides, Rangers and Brownies, Forestry Branch, spoke on the Mayor R. O. Jones will official- liJ aiBA.BD;Certat capacîty. In oren to go o . The ladie, povided th e bure members of the Roads and the Brass Bands of Oshawa, Bow- Wilmot Creek Drainage Unit, a ly open the 1940 season by nolling Valley, Fred E. Rice, student 5up- France he accepted a neduction in donation of ice cneam fr te aebne i feno olwn Streets Committee without suc- manville, Whitby and visiting topic vitally connected with the the first bowl. This will be fol- ply; Coe Hill, W. H. Baugh, B.A.; rank to Lieutenant, serving wth DahmHlti lb militay fnrl cess. He said that any rommittee Legion Branches, the Bugle Band actvities of the Ass'n. He des- lowed by ahl inteested being given Consecon, C. L. Gifford, BA. ; the 2nd Canadin Infantry Bat- AfehemaHocourtn flinquiry wil of council was not authonized to of lie Oshawa Sea Scouts with cribed conditions of precipitation a chance to try their silw e sspy, H.rgessll, studMntCamp-tloteO .bigCl on spend more than $10 without other Bugle Bands, the Oshawa and woodlots, told of the unfon- the eight greens will be trown bell Demonestville, Wow. M.rCamp- consltig conci. Th net Laies Ban an GenralMotrs tnat nilayof lnupndlte;oeEnterpbliiseeMebH.sbE., McLaughlinntrpr0f, .tEist atown.delMn.wa Rogersrnigwas cflying to rotoTo-a morning he ordered the tile e- Veterans Pipe Band. It is antici- amount of soil erosion whih will be glad to lban their bowl ninm.itn n lo n, S.e- a t asscn ldel hoe iwas 91ass d rWiewa t heMn cars left in o fthoa E ssac m ie et moved, he said, but dd not ex- pated that more than ten thous- takes place annually lioughout te all who wish te bowl. gtl Lehigh, B.A.; N ap an e e Grace He became employed as informa-Mr. ablCesbouhOh- lb.Hiadrswsrndy plain his easons for doing so be- and people wil assemýble in Alex- this district. To demonstrate his equested luat each playen bring Church, C. D. McLellan, B.A.,B.D. tion service officer wilh the Do- awa, suffered fractued knee caps Col. James esan ht etn fore council had met to disuss andra Park for lhe service. talk, M. Carman presented slides a pair of unning shoes. Instruc- Napanee, Trinity Chuch, G. M. minion Soldiers Civil Re-estab- and a broken nose on Sunday adjourned wtothvn ene the matter. Mmbens of the Candi Leg showing diffenent sections of the tion in the gaine will be gîven îhdîey,[ dees fhspsto ena -CBA,. Northpont, H. C. lishinent, in which post he ne- night when Pency Werry, driving that their sekrhdde hl hnadnoeenskedf by osi~tio wn Hall, Bowmnvîultilat 30 waspthenfist ofuits kidlmede by H. eyman, W. P.Rogers, JreD ChiranGun elaedthtemanville District will meet at the ed liat the Wilmot Creek study F. O. McIlveen, M. G. V. Gould, W. D. Harrison, supenannuated superintendent of empîoyment the two cars colliding almost Wing ComadrMwely hadn t ee fin he d y ti e ,W .R ge s .D supply, Belleville; St. O Ie B. s r i e f r o o t d dsrc. head-on. M . Cheesebo ough suf- officer coi m n i g Tr n o i that he had ordered it done be p.m. Cars are needed to transport the Forestry Dept. Canuthes, Frank Williams and Beckel, student supply; Stirling, In 1923 he was appointed coi- fered cuts when his head broke station, stut ta osbtg cause it was sorely needed' He the Legion Band and Veteans. 01her speakers included Mayor olhers. A. M. Lavety, B.A., B.D.; Thom- missioner on the Federl Appeal lhe windshield, but other occu- was suggestd esatdltl statd t at e h d arang d a Tra spotaton i in chage f C H. R. S. Ryan, Pot Hope, who The club la seriously desious sburg, A. S. Doggett; Trenton, Board and went to Ottawa. He pants were not injured seriously. plane first c ah d a d le W. B.Tait, phone 672. If you can detailed the organization of the of nmîking tlis a community ser- King Street, P. G. McLennan, nmie hr ni h or h nue eetknt o-cuh ie h es fl c Contnued on page 10) take a load please cal hm. Northumberland a n d Durhamn vice where leisure, pleasue and B.A., B.D. was abolished when he returned manville Hospital. cident was ntdtnie Conservation Service Inc. and association may ecmbndito Cbur nsytr:Ceteo ciyngtwnen Bert £Nash 0 o -- - t-~'town. e -ws Anlicuand as- ____________ uayofgil tosanarnidsbipssplit it in two and wterested un lewnin-ling and as- rto wns forced t tn yadcridtýwekg ptetaksuet Mn. utte cam te owma - wach a C.N R. t by caried he w ecka e u thetrnc ~te un ngn ernu tr- Re. J. R. W tts, actl g prnci '111e in 1926 as organist and choir wa..a .NR freight tranli-frve30yadRls ea-Rv.JR eader of Trinity United Church. . This Snturdny efternoon, citi- erally cut his automobile in twO. switch and e culvent were tiamaigb i geryforyadamagaeivle o ii teoe- was also a basebail fan and bed PMofQu ~e nl f ur ye rs ago, he ac- e s ae i vt d t ii oe- Nash bd d iven froin Toronto ed as the car was d ngged eong, ttended several word series. centenary p og e i iU b c ýe t d t e Prii n a r a iting of ane ladies' dress nd bat alone that evening and was at- This la le finst accident which Mi s s r i e 'b bi wToonto;d du in ind choir leader t Paz kd.- e.- store aledthe Town Shop. M rs. tem pting to proceed across the as occu rr d ut tAsc os m ,theo r mter s y Couch; bs m -"e arn tm kn g o u AaniWilliams, a resident of Bow- C.N.R. tracks on the rod to lhe opened only e few years ago to ther, Mrs. E. S et, T r no oss i h ilty" h ad nited Church in Toronto, but Fr a SttnMusmAanvle, wil be in charge and west side ec whei the fog ieacs ot he etbehJc and od reiterating a i nbed alr îas maitainedresidene here- willcater to both young ginls and be missed the farrow roadbed watchmen la on duty during lhe Meatb, Toronto; two sisters, Mns.intecv ýnd as been e vlued personage Music Director in Bowm:nvlle older women. Thee will be dres- and found is car on the tracks. summer months to protet the K A. Shields, Toronto, and Ms. Capt. C. W. E. Meath chiten en tinthti ie ri training orchestral and vocal Public and High Schools for sev- ses in sinnl, medium and large Due to the wet condition of the cottagera and the railwy against Nelson B. Marr, Glen Ridge, N.J. Disà uihed native son of Bow- enough minises heetear roups at the High and Public eral yeans and organîst and choir sizes witb e wide selection. Be ground and the fact that bis front collisions, but, we understand, The remains were brougbt to manville and veteran of tle Great needed. ;chools and in band and onches- leader ut Parkdale United Chucsr ovstte1onSo hswel were just beyond one that bis duties do not officially Bowmanville Cemetery for inter- War of 1914-18 who passed away Referringtoowedgasfr aI ctivities at te Ontario Toronto, who last week rsgndSturday afternoon or evening. trck and is back ones not quite begin until June lth. m n o dy atro n a y s d el u e 8h u i o ei education, Mn1at si h 'raining School for Boys. His bis positions to go to Snult Ste. It is located on the south side ut up to the other, be was unable to Nash bas been e cottager et citizens attended the graveside Ottewa. A review of bis active cbunch bas cret h un Manie where be wîll supervise the west end of the town on King move the car more than n few Bowmanville Beach for a number public career appears i nothen (ContInued onl page 10) music ini the Public Schoos. Street. . inches in spite of help from ev- of yers. (Contnud on page 10) column. (Contnue npg 0