I THECAADANSTTEMAN BWMNVT.. ftAHTg-D My eabÎin itte§m~n Established 18541 AN ]INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With whlch are Incorpoîated The Bowmanville News, Thse Newcastle [udependent, and Thse Orono News. 85 years' continuons service to the Town of Bowmanvllle and Durhsam County. MEMBER Canadian Weekiy Newspapers Association and Clasa A Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strictly hi advance. $2.50 a Year ln the UJnted States. , GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Council No Place for Temper or Tem perament We are not happy fo find ourselves in tfle position where if becomes necessary to call public attention fo ehldish displays of femperamesîf in council, but actîvifies dur- ing fthe past week have been so rîdiculous and unreasonable thaf no other course is left for us to pursue. Civie administrafors, especially the Mayor, are expe'cted to be men who fhrough years of experience in dealing wif h public mat- fers, have become somewhat inured f0 cnit- icism and do nof become excifed at everv frifling, item which does not follow their wishes. The cifizens who elecf these men to office have a right f0 expecf f hat every man will have a mind of his own and will exercise thaf nind in flie besf interesfs of the fown. Councillors are also expecfed fo give voice f0 their beliefs and plans in a calm, logical way and f0 co-operate wif.h other members of council as inucli as pos- sible. Nafurally, there will be differences of opinionî, because, fortunately, ail men do nof fhink alike, but f lose differences should be forgoffen when the majorify of council decides on the policy fo be followed. Evidently, f lere lias been some estrange'- ment bctween fthe Mayor and the Cêlairman of the Roads & Streef s Commit tee which. this wcek, came ouf info fhe open over flic laying of a small sfretch of file af flic public sehool grounds. The Mayor, apparent iy, lad been asked by flic Board of Educat ion f0 consider this work, and liad furned flic cold shoulder. Tlie nexf fliing lie knew of if was wlien someone fold hlm flic file had been laid. Possibly bhis wratl af f lis stage was excusable, but certainly bis actions flic nexf morning in ordering flic fown engineer f0 fear up the file, were disfinctly flavored wif h a chldisliness whicli. for a man of bis position, was flot excusable. The Mayor is also supposed f0 have f old fthe town engincer thaf he would be fined unless he had flic file tomn ouf before dark. If he decides fo deny flils supposition, we shahl be pleased f0 believe him, because if is foo fantastie f0 be crcdifed to a Mayor of bis long civie experience. We also fake exception to fthe Mayor's attitude f0 our two cub reporfers who were asked fo leave council meeting unless fliey could produce a picture wlîich lad been faken of town employees teanîng up the file. Tliaf rcquesf was not made by council, but by flic Mayor himself and t he ejection order was, forfunatelv, not carried ouf. Foliowing many conversations witli Bow- manville's Chef Mag-istrate we wene sur- prised f0 fînd lie feels thaf many citizens ini town are against him i bis activifies and are back-bifing af every opporfunif v. We feel certain thaf such is flot fthe case, but bis recent actions have cerfainiy donc much f0 creafe considerabie unfavorable criticism. Every day is filled wifh sucli important events that coîîncil would do wcll f0 con- centmate ifs energy on the greater issues of flic day in a logical manner wifhout beiîig perturi)ed by friflino. occurrences sucli as laying a bit of file. * The Old Order Changeth Believe if or nof Bitain is now a fofal- itarian state. and Prime Minisfcr Churchi- ill an absolufe dictafon by flic will of flic people 's representafives. Under flic awesome menace of flic pounding armies of Gcrman. the British people, flirougli fliir panliament, gave up flic iglifs won wlien flic barons wrcsted Mag-na Charf a from King John in the thirfeenfli century. The Britishi governmenf lias now coin- plefe confrol over flic Britishi people anîd their propcrty. Thc freedom so pnized Iby flic Engylisli lias tcmporarily disappearcd in flic face of flic gravest fhreafs flic Empire has ever known. Canadians had betfer pre- parcefliemsclves for similar service fo save hurnanify and flic Empire. Caîl if sociaiisfic, communisfic, or fofalifanian, as you prefer but flic govertimenf of Bifain lias clianged completecly.' Iîî<er dcxncccracx- fleic ndividîîal ias giveni fli widest frccdom. The Britishi idea of governriient ivas mie that inferfcred as litfle as possible '%-flhflicepeole. But all thaf bas einel 15 deriocraev going t o disappear under flic new ~order ini flic vorid ? If' if dies mur entireiy disappu-ar- sonie rad icl canîges Must be rude toicnief prescrit ccuîdifiucis. TIhîe total i-a rîam statecs liavi i-suow-n thin- selves f0 1w ii' u- ffieie-ît ini war anid in order to cope witii tieni democ(racies intîst rid fiernsclves ofthflicdeiays, inufficnis and "muddliiînr throzîgli"policies. Maybe flic tîew ordor- iili make foi- greafer efficienr vini peae finie as weii as iii war time. Ih îiav sibstituite defiiit(- planning for the ratlir cisorde-ly- lps anîd downs of economie life. Maîîy people ivili view wif.h regret flic passiîg cof a peî-iod of freedomn sucli as tlic worid lias neyer known before and may iever kîtiow again. The very important commission formed to en(juire into provincial and dominion relations hias presented its report. Times are so fraught with peril that the people of'Canada have shown little interest in the recommnl(atjions. The war is now the centre of ail thought and we contend many of tie recomniendations mnade in this report are measures of material assistance to help ii the war. So wve feel thec report of the commission wvjll have to be dealit with soon or later and that doesn 't mean f0o put if off f111 after the war. If flie acceptance of the suggestions contaitied therein will further reconcile provincial differences, that step shouid bc taken witiîont delay. Çanadian provinces have been warring elements bound tog-ether by a tie that at finies seems flimsy. In the face of fthc peril in flie world to-day Canada must unite. Sectional differences must be overcome. The fime lias gone by when the public is înterested in long and futile arguments between the provincial governmcnts and the centrai aufhority. Either w-e are a nation or a bundie of hopeless geographical en- tities. The federal governmenf shouid have ample authonity f0 deal wif h thle affairs of the Dominion as a whole. The provinces should attend f0 infernal maffers. The weakesf f hing in the world to-day is a small defenceless state. If Canadian provinces insist on pulling aparf, their dooms are sealed. Let us be one strong, unifed people. Let lis get rid of the politicians who, for selfish reasons, would push the disunify idea. They are "fiffli column traifors" of -the blackcst description. We necd unanimify and discipline and patriotism or we will neyer get anywhere as a nation. Listening f0 gabbing polit icians with one-track minds will get us nowhere. Better Forget Past Mistakes ic aepresent is no firne for making, up1 mitksof flic past and indulgiiîîg in cniminafion. Sucli actions arc oniy a waý of time and create further discord. What g'ood does if do to say that Nevi Chamberlain and lis cabinet shouid lha lisfencd to Churchhilanîd Eden fhree yeï a-o, fliat Stanley Baldwin wvas a procre finator, and f bat Ramsay Macdonald was weak idealist and pacifisf ? I gains nof lii f0 rake up flic ieakening dissensions France. Premier King-'s reinctance fo enter in military commifmnenfs prior f0 flic last yeý or so w-as a mistake. XVe ail sec fliaf noi The UTnited Statcs' efforts f0 iay ouf patiwax- calculaf cd f0 keep lier ouf future wonld wars nowv look nidiculous. The frufli is fliat rutlîless bestialit- hý returncd f0 flic iorld. 1-he peace-lovir dernocracies now must reconcile fhcmseli f0 flic facf f hat flic ancienf law, Miglif Riglit, is again in effeef in flic relafiozîshi between world nations. The result is moi tcrnifying than ever before be-cause ma lias enlisted flic marvelous creationsc science and meclianization fo increase war desfructiveness. I Thc ouflook for flic future is blaci Nations wvill have f0 sîîbrit f0 stern di% cipline and live rugg-ed, rougli lives. Th beatfiful conceptions of flic idcaiisf i have f0 be discarded unt il Hitl1er and hi gang, arc brouglit int o submission or rnayb annihulated wouid be a better word. The Cultivation of Friends Vast sums of moncy have liffle f0 d( wifh b appincss in this world. Many peopi wifh millions are nof oniy unhiappy, bu activcly miserable because of flicir wealtl and flic complications if brings info fIeil lives. On flic confrary, some, of flic peopi( wiio have very liffle of this ivorld's good5 have a liappiness for whicli flicwcalfhiesi man would trade lis gold. Geograpliy does nof; make happiness. WE feei fIat if we could move fo this, that or flic other place, we would be perfecti3 hîappy. Wlien chance gives us flic opportun- ity. wc find fIat climafe and location have liffle f0 do wifli happiîîess. I-appiness always lias and alIvays must coic flirougli human relafionships. If i-s the people arotind us, our pleasant associations with theni,flic smilcs our friends have for us, wbidli rake our liappincss. Thus, flic nain objeet of every man ini bis pursuif of liappiness sliouid be fli cuci- tivafioii of friends. Thc lack of fniends niakes life loîîciy and miserabie; flic pres- 1m1cc Of friends makes every day a holiday. Whcn Drumns Cease. - Wlicn thc drums shail cease and flic banners shaîl be funlcd, w-c shall firid a vcry difficuif woni(l iu whicb f0 work. Prejudice and anfagonismn and flic scars of liaffle wiii ziot lie easiix- erased. Against flic backgrounîd of flicconînion sîîffernîg of al l umnitiy flîcre w-i lic vast opportunify for flic application of frinicrci- ziess. service, -oo dwill, and unrdcrstandirig as bases for iastîîîg peace.-Nor-nan Soin- niervilie, K.C..(liairmmmi oftflic (amadiami RedCîl ('.uuSoeicf. ia rriu- lias iîieruasvd ifs f zansi ent t raders' liees îcm.froini $20 ) o $500, ini order fui Stop fellIowvs <'01111g in ii vfh bankrupt stocks, anid ~ai for oiiyý a couple of wccks. But rtle la w f liaf needs aiieiîdiuig is t< levv ilcc-ciit fax on flic fel loisw-sxhlo co neivrheo witlh rcad ox- wvlaf-lavc-you, go froni door tic oloor, takiîig business froni fli local stores an îî o t ributiig absol utel- rofliirgto flie nmainiteunanceof flhc f<wn. H<îmscwî,I-cs cit (Io muore f0 wipe ouf this in fai r busi.neIss lIaefieflian ai)îy iaw fliaf nay ime la 1c lîy absolufciy refusing f0 buy froua thiesu± out-of-fowiî salesînen. flic re- tf e îlle Lve a s ,as- sa in iii ,ar ýW. a uf END 0F AN ERA neyer undcrsfand their supposed tas When King Leopold of fhec common origin. They are of gians surrendcred f0 his enernf course rnuch more alike in their ighe did many fhings. He gained appearance flan flic Frenchi and 7es for hirnself in hisfory an immor- English, but in their fhinking fhey is fal place in tac hall of ignominy. arc as fan apart as the poles. Ac- ap Judas Iscariof befrayed one Who fually the Germans suffer frorn Ie callcd Himself flic son of man. an inferiority complex, wliereas reLeopold betraycd about a haIf a flic British have what flic Scots [n million Frenchi and British trop have called a good conceit of of Who liad enfered lis counfry jusfthemselves. Napoleon rernarkcd eightcen days before in answcr f0 thaf flic English neyer kncw wlien lis own appeal for hlcp. fhey were beafen. Thaf was sup- The fraifor king probably also posed f0 be whaf the Amenicans k. wotc"fiis"f0 he for ofthecali a real slam. Acfually tac s- raîompîfiisef e sorignfsrtaeEnglish fook if as a great compli- [S- naionsof lEur oeFreiwhav ment, which if was. For if was he ntios ofEurpe.For hatvertac refusai f0 admit final defeaf flic oufcomc of this war the day that creafed flic world wide le- of the srnail nations is over as edta Egn lwylos As complete independent entifies. If egcnd btha England ahelwastoses )e fhey escape absorption by the invthy baffeecetfi ls n Nazi monster, or its possible Com-infcwa" rnunisf successor, they are going One of flic rost illurninafing f0 find themselves in a different aspects of English character is relafionship f0 flic greaf democra- thaf flic English fend f0 glorify dies of flic wesf than fhcy have flicir defeafs (which arc invani- ever been in before. ably calied retreats) rather taan o0 Whafcver flicir independence their victories. 0f whaf is flic le rnay have been up fill flic end of soldier of flic lasf war rnosf the nincteenfli century, if lias be- proud? Is if of having served in it corne an easy short cuf f0 vicfory tac lasf greaf series of affacks h by tac German aggressors. Nci- which sent flic Germans running ir ther Hoiland non Belgiurn would and rcching towards home? Nof even hold staff taiks with fl ic Bn your life. If is of having been e tishi and Frenchi armies before fli n flic Retreat frorn Mons - of 5 actuai invasion aithougli fli gov- having been one of flic Old Con- ft crnrnents of bofli counfries liad femptibles. Whaf greaf rnilifary irrefufable proof in flicîr possesihero is sfîll comrnemorafed in sion fliaf Gcrmany intcnded an every schoolbook? Sir Joh n affack on bofli as soon as she got Moore, flic general Whio led one r around f0 if in this war. Then lof flic rosf skilful refreats in when flic affacks fliemscîves were1 history, and Who had f0 be buried iaunched the allies were asked f0 mn the dead of niglif because flic go in and hclp, when flic over- British were escaping from Spain e whelming advanfagc of initiative as fhey escaped from Norway a lay wi h flic aggrcssors. Nof ony few weeks ago, and frorn Flan- was if impossible under flic cm- ders iasf week. cumstances f0 defend those coun- I have offen laughed f0 myscîf *tries cffccfively, but flic allicd whcn I thouglit wliaf we Britishi armies found fhernsclves cauglif would have donc had if been us rin riiiary fraps even before flic and nof flic Frenchi Who wenf f0 grcafesf betrayal in history. Moscow under Napoleon. Insfead Ail of whicli suggests f0 me of flic world Picturing Napoicon's fliat Britain and France will neyer refreaf from flic Russian capital agairi be able f0 permit their as flic classic example of disas- srnaii neiglibours s0 f0 run flicir fer wc Brifishi would have drarna- own affaira taaf in flic event of tized Our wifhdrawal, and donc war fhey becorne like spring- if so sinccrcly and unconsciousîy boards frorn whicli an aggressor fliaf allich world would have lîke Gcrmany can leap into flic agrccd wif h us. vcry heant of France or England.. Thaf is wliy I think fliaf a turn- ing point in this war may alrcady have been reachcd. I arn nof un- BLOODY BUT UNBOWED der any illusions about flic actual miiitary Position. But in flic first One of flic mosf irlferesfîng reai phase of flic war, Hitl1er lias tliings about life is f0 compare donc lis worsf. France is certain- differing national cliaracteristics. ly nof beafen, and already begin- For while fliere arc vcry wide ning f0 display fliat amazing ne- differences befwcen individuals siliency whicli las saved lier everywliere fliere are certain de- many fimes before. And our own finite strains whidli non through liead is bloody but unbowed. In thos aggega ion 0fpeoples flic words of fliat great Amenican whicli have corne fo be called na- seaman, Wlio is also honored by fions. The Scots are alleged f0fitofsinvy ehv o e have certain qualifies wh cli, for begun f0 figlit. instance, make if advisable f0 We can neyer be beaten, or stay make a Scotsman treasurer of a bea ten, as long as we believe that society, or Chancellor of flic Ex- in our heant of heants. dliequer. Tlie Irish liave never __________ been overly fond of govcrnmenfs - any governmenfs - and if it were U. S. REALITIES nof for flic serious consequences I think flic whloe world would In considening wliat flic United gef a mudli needed laugli over States acfualiy can do in this war wliaf would liappen if Hitler werc f0 prevent a fotalitarian vicfory ever able f0 set up a vice-feulirer if is necessary f0 kcep in mind in Dublin. I can imagine flie ne- certain basic realities. Greafest of action of some Of flic Irish f0 the these is flic reai bond of union bilîboards whicli Hitler put up of flicwliolc nafion-pnide in a over Germany a few years ago: rather nebulous ideal called "flic "You arc nofhing - flic stafe is Amreican way"I and determina- everyfhing."1 tion f0 maintain if af ail cosfs The Enghiali and flic Germans and againsf ahl corners.j are so unlike fIat I for one can In flic pasf the overwhelrningi I ýs le .e - i i oh e over -e On May tenta, 1940, Hitler and The sfruggle has not abated. wealt c his Black Horde of Huns smash- Ifs infensity will increase. France Amer cl d int o Holland. There was no is not yet saved. Mussolini has niero word of warning f0 this peaceful, now entered the contest, cager andt industrious people. They were for the kili, which will no doubf enicar slaughtered, overwhelmed, beat- drag along an unwilling Spain, distan r en. To-day they are slaves. then may corne the deluge. The1 r These mad Huns swept on into The channel to-day has shrunk f0 ma s Belgium and smashed fhcm f00. f0 a mere river dorninated by Hi- and f They f00 arc enslaved. Britain 1er. The channel ports are in mn e and France, hasfcning f0 the aid pawn f0 Hitler. His long range nr e of these tlinifty Dernocracies, were guns can rake the English coast. Phli thrown backward into confusion. His pocket-torpcdo boats swarm Yet They were unprepared to meet along the coasf. These are an- isolati this new technique of warfare. other of his asfounding innova- has re t Within ten days two nations fions. of fhe *were engulfcd. Those fen days For Britain f0 send men and of the shook the world! arms f0 France to-day means a f0 Sp, And the world is sf lîl shaking. long, hazardous, sea haul and pressi Hitler's mad course has been haît- tried froops must be held at home get oC cd but not stopped. Not yef. Were as secunity against a threatened every John Reed alive to-day hie might invasion, fionsr describe if. He coined the phrase. Ail these potentials must be Inr Few writers have described fhis weighed. But there is no need for of Uni horror as if should be describcd, panic. Merely for quîck thinking gard1 Few can. Gregory Clark gave us and prompt action. Any invasion i h an inkling in one of his overseas of England with a narrowed It is C broadcasts. This column cannot channel and a vulnerable back pie ei do so; but some realisrn must be door, means fthe firsf fissure in the realize atfempted f0 the end thaf sub- structure of fhe Empire. Germa scribers and readers rnay fhereby Should that happen, the logicai France acquire an infensified conscious- sequence would seem f0 be the peanî ness of whaf lies- ahead. practicai implementafion of the diffeni Everyone, of course, is aware "good neighbor" policy upon this anythir thaf a war is being foughf. Too confinent which each day is be- tain an rnany, however, still view if as coming more and more a realify. last dit sornefhing remofe; as sornetaing The hcgemony cnvisioned b y o ee thaf does nof foucli their daily Monroe then would not be ne wiheîlai lives. It is f0 ail such fliaf this mofe. ila column is directed. Ail of which must compel us Ameni In thîs communify, wc have for to fhink riglif now. Thene is nei- their some weeks put this question: ther time non space at the moment corne "Whaf docs this present conflicf f0 enlarge upon this theme. The if thec mean f0, you?" The replies, gen-- banc oufhine mnust suffice. No erally, have been arnazing. Nof predict ion is affcmpt cd; mercly INI one in fen lias donc any real flic possibilifies arc portnayed. If bs fhinking. That MUST be changcd. Events, as they unfold, must the Un To taink is f0 prepare for action. govern future comment. Mean- armyo To think, as individuals, is f0, time, if is the part of wisdom for war, Il prepare one's own mind for thc each one of us f0 fhink ouf the The arr sacrifices that must be made. Anid realifies; f0 be rcad1y for flic ne- causeo f0 think ouf the nealif les wil ne- vcrberafing and confinuing shocks stincf.' lieve the govcrnmcnf when if wc must sustain; f0 meef fhem f0 go,u MUST fake dnasfic action. And and win ouf f0 a new frcedom. tain anr thaf day is rapidly appnoaching. Above ail, do nof despair! There neache< Make that fact known to your- is no place in this countny for the My g self right now! coward or the quitter and the crysfallj In the words 0f John Paul space for the casual, tac compla- vescing Joncs, "We haven't yef begun f0 cent, the fireside pafriot, is rapid- Unitecd fighf", but whcn we do, we must ly narrowing. whaf tf figlit and fighf and pay and pay- The aimless, the thoughfless, whent and work, here af home; work the somnolent are the ones who namely long hours and extra hours; make invite a Dicfatorship. We don'f with pi] sacrifices we neyer drearncd we wanf f haf, but we shaîl have if would be callcd upon f0 bear. unless we quicken f0 a dlean per- These fhings mean vicfory. ception - and ACT. 1 A 1 1 "Ten Days That~ Shook The World"* - majc )Ihad the1 Iserv( sue own the 1 A~SIeet.lI By Elmore PhllpottI r [lots a liff le later on. 0 To the individual, whether he serve& on the fighting front or thse honme front, life insurance continues to guarantee financial security for his family and him- self. Ilt means that his loved ones are protecîed and wili Le sup- ported ini lime of need. Il means that he will have nîoney for erner- gencie, and a flest-egg te provide for hia old age. ji-1u±~J-ni Z, J U±N~ ÂJ ~±1, it~ia lu To the nation, Mie insurane funds, representing thse savings of thrifty policyholders, are provid- ing millions of dollars se neces. sary for thse devclopmcnt of Canada. These funds, invesîed in the resources of our country, are thus mobilized for thse benefit cf the whole nation. In war tinte as in peae,. life insur. ance stands ~ for individual and national security. L-46X -y.Ler IMU -NCE MAIES UI'ERATING QIN CANADA or' 4 jý PAGE TWO WAR TIME War emphasizes the importance of lite insurance q Giiardian of Canadian Homes for ovei' 11110Years 0 Idir 1 Action Should Not Be Delaveà 1 - 1 Z.J 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTn "ýTXTTIDQTIAxr TYThTV 1-M= in- j jrity of the American people an instinctive conviction that best way f0 protect and pre- ve that way of life was to pur- a policy called "minding our ibusiness." The idea was that United States would leave the er fellow alone if the other Dw reciprocated. That policy been very greatly modified rthe decades. Increasing Ith and industrial power took rican interests into every cor- of the globe. The automobile the aeroplane - largely Amn- n creations - also wiped out ances as political insulators. United States fought Spain iake America more American, found herseif with entangle- ts in Asia, as a resuit of the rmeditated acquisition of the ipines. 4 the determination to remain tionist - that is American - remained the instinctive wish LAmerican People. The mass Je people, at the bottom, so ;eak, have put increasing ire on ahl governmenfs to out of the Far East, and ywhere eise where complica- might resuit. my opinion the great mass nited States people still re- the American participation Le Great War as a mistake. only recently thaf these peo- everywhere have begun to ., thaf a world in which iany, rather than Britain and ce, were the guiding Euro- powers would be a totally - ýnt world for fhem than ing previously existing. Bri- and France will fight to the itch in this war for reasons eer self -preservation. But in ong run the United States iso fighf because the whole ,can people will realize that "American way", will be- but an anguished memory dictafors win this war. TERNATIONAL G. MEN iextremely unlikely that rited States will send an or navy to Europe in this no matter what happens. rmy will flot go, Partly be- of the basic Amnerican in- The navy will not be able unless a complefe and cer- rrangement were previously Id with Japan. guess is that the inevitable lization of ail these effer- gfactors will be that the 1States will send exactly he allies need most, and they need them most - Yplanes now, and planes TrJA Va west via the scenic route across Canada. L ee JASPER, so rich in ail the things for the perfect holiday-or a delightful, short stop-over. Thinc what the Jasper Way offers you ... Mt. Robson, highest peak ini the Canadian Rocies . .. the newly- opened road from Jasper to the mighty Columbia Icefield ... Maligne Lake, Mount Edith Cavell, and a myriad of other renowned beauty spots, arnid which you loaf golf, ride, drive, clinib, hike, swim. And famous Jasper Park Lodge with ifs individual alpine bungalows--rates fromn $8 a day, including meals. Jaspor, on fihe main-lino route of Canadian National Railways, in reached by the air-conditioned Continental Limited. Aak your local Agent for illustrated bookiet and complote infor- mation on Jasper, thle "Triangle Route," and, Alaska; also as to Westward ho f