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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1940, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 13TH, 1940 In the Dim and Distant Past From The Statesman Files TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO for cernent walks on Horsey St. and Church St. were granted. Il From The Canadian Statesman, was decided to place the hand- lune 17, 1915 some drinking fountain donated by Councillor Levi Tole on Tem- In a letter from the Front: perance St., mid-way between the "Jack French is now in the ma- Town Hall and Post Office. chine gun section enjoying him- Harvey Mingeaud, son of Mr. self. I see Ted Moody of Black- and Mrs. Arthur Mingeaud, of tis stoc sitingin he orne wih atown has enlisted. stoc sitingin he orne wih a W. G. Butson, B.H.S. staff, is writing pad on his knees and a holidaying at Mitchell. dreamny look in his eyes - love. Ms onBtigadMs Clarence Hall is lying on his Flrence Fiheigh, ToronoMiss stomacli playing cards with Jack Foned rs. .S lumme vs Edgerton and "Fat" Dewell. A . e r.N .Pum D. MacDonald is busy attending John McClellan has purchased ta his own business. Herb. El- the lot on the south side of liot, Port Hope, has now joined Church St. belonging to John Mc- the stretcher bearers sa it speaks Murtry and has let the contract well for the type of chap he is to Wm. Brock for a handsome Yes, war is interesting when you brick residence. taflk it over in an armn chair.". Wm. M. Dustan, California, son Town Council: Petitions asking of W. H. Dustan, sent his father Puzzle s where 18 the ,nissing quart WHAT'S WRONG with that picture? 0f course! There are only two quarts of miIk ...and tbree hungr children. There should be a third quart of niilk. And wise parents see to il that each of their chldren enjoy the benefits of at Ieast one ~e whole quart of rnflk every day ..for health and body-buiding! GLIEN RAIE DAIR'Y Telephone Deliveries 2665 King st. Bowmanville a box of fine oranges from lis plantation in the south. Birth: Stainton - In Darling- ton, June 9th, ta Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, a daughter. Thos. Tod in cornpany witl is brothers, D. M. Tod, Oshawa, and Charles, Whitby, and others en- joyed a fishing trip. Ennishillen: F. W. Lee is laid up with an attack of lumbago... Visitors - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Mrs. Louise Paterson, Mrs. Addie Mcçready, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Geo. Argue's; Mr. Everet Hoar at J. J. Smith's. Hampton: Milton Wilcox, Bow- manville, spent Sunday at his home here. .. Mrs. A. Challener. Toronto, visited friends. .. Foster Hoidge, Toronto, and Carma Hoidge, Oshawa, visited their granciparents. FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, lune 18, 1890 L Election Echoes: Resuit of thE Ontario elections sent a cold chill down the backs of Quebec Torie: from which they have not yet re- covered. Aggregate of Liberal majorities was 19,574, aggregatE of Conservative majorities was only 4,875, being an average ma- jority for 381 for Liberal mem- bers and of 147 for 33 Conserva- tives, and a net total majority over the province for the Liberals of 14,586. A tremendous storm swept the district Tuesday, wrecking thou- sands of dollars damage in this district. Damage to Stephens' mil] was placed at $300. Albert Cle- mens had severai cords o! wooc washed away. In a wide area of Ontario houses were struck anc burnt by lightning and several people were killed. Bowmanvillh was without light since the power dam broke away and repairs are being hastily made. R. B. Andrew has commencec repairing the "Big 20" and will make a more handsome store of it than it was before the fire. Councillor Jewell fell from a scaffold at the new High School Friday and sustained bruises. Courtice: Levi Annis had a large barn raising. .. Dean Pickell has gone to England... Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Liddy are attending conference at Toronto. Hampton: Miss- Annie Stone- hause goes to Toronto this week ta visit friends.. . Thos. Elliott expects to have his mili running in a few days. . . Dr. John Spen- cer lias had several caîls in this locality. . . . Miss Lily McLean visited friends here. The greatest day whîch New- castle has seen in the memory o! the oldest inhabitant was June 6, 1890. After the election W. T. Lockhart accompanied by several other gentlemen went ta Bow- manville and lie!ore they got home the bridges were swept away. The band, awaiting his re- turn, were somewhat disappoint- ed sa they serenaded Mrs. Lock- Bowmanville and District "6Whio's Buyers' Guide Auto Agencies and Dealers McKeever & Smith Jack McKeever- Harold Smith Teperance St.- Bowmanvllle PHONE 641 Plymouth and Chrysier Sales & Service General Repairs Gas- OU - Tires - Used Cars B Beauty Parlors Madame Eunice CaIIum King St. East - Bowmaavllle PHONE 529 lialrdresuing and Ail Lines of Deauty Culture Distinctive Work Fer Dlscrimlnating Women Btqs Lines Garton's Bus Station T. A. Garton, Proprietor King st. Bowmanville PHONE 2666 8 ,Trrps OalIy *owmaflvl.le Oshawa - Whltby Speclal Buses For Ail Occasions At Reasonable Rates Builder & Contractor T. E. Flaxman Bowmanville - Box 486 PHONE 318 BUILDER & CONTRACTOR We eau supply plans and specifi- ealions for ail classes of work at a nominal fee. c Coal & Coke ,,,,Johnl A. Ilolgate & Son "(uT.S. Holgate, Proprietor D~holSt. Bowflanille W~N:office 428 - Reu. 802 Cl-Coke - Wood - Lime Who" m Business Directory Creameries Hampton Creamery Ti M. Chant, Proprietor Hampton PHONE: Bowmaavllle 2520 "Buyers of Churning Cream at Highest Market Prices."l Contractors - Masonry W. J. CuIIy, Wellington St. Bowmanville PHONE 503 General Masonry Contractor Spec. ln Brick and Tile Fireplaces G Garages Burketon Garage Repairs - Wrecking - Towing L. Sinclair, Proprietor PHONE 2171 Phone Port Ferry 193r63 Used parts for ail makes of cars Full Une of Goodrich Tires Groceries & Meats Caverly's RED & WHITE STORE W. C. Caverly, Proprietor King St. Bowmanville PHONE 677 Grocerles . Meats - Fruits Vegetables Prompt OelIivery Service General Merchants Reynolds' Store J. R. Reynolds, Proprietor Hampton PHONE: Bowmanville 2562 Groceries - Meats - Dry Goods Hardware- Boots & Shoes Robinson's RED &. WHITE STORE Cecil H. Robinson, Proprietor Courtice PHONE: flownsanvilie 2517 Oshawa 289r11 Obtain VAluable Giftz by saving our gift soupons 1ven on agi cash sales of W., or over A. Wearn & Son Ennisklllen PHONE: Bowmanvllle 2521 Groceries - Meats and Other General Supplies H Hardware Stores Mason & Dale M. Dale, Proprietor King St. Bowmianville PHONE 408 Hardware and Sportlng Goode Marconi and Stewart-Warner Radio@ "Frigidaire" ElectricR efigerators McClary, nd Coal Wood Ranges A. E. Mcoregor & Co. Retail Hardware King St. Bowmanville PHONE 774 We Guarante Tou Market Prices On Ail Our Merchandise Insurance Mrs. E. V. Scobeil King St. West Bowmanvile1 1 PONE 474 1 a s BE LOYAL TO YOURSELF Lot Krusch.n HeIp K..p You W.II e(Received tao late for last week) gether. There was also a drill Annivemsary Visitors: Mr. and and dialogue, and a rhiythm banc Mrs. Gerry Glaspell, Whitby, Mr. by thc juniors. Master Ewart and Mrs. Raîpli Glaspeil, Tyrane Leask and Miss Betty Smales Mm. and Mrs. George Scott andi gave eadings. The children arE Grace, Mm. Ray Scott, Maxwell's, cetainly getting a f ine musical Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, euain Nellie and Bertha, Hampton, at Mr. F. B. Glaspell's. Mm. and Cdu Mrs. Fletcher Werry, Kedron, Mr. C d u tand Mrs. N. Ledgett, Oshawa, at Mr. J. W. McMaster's... Mr. Mur- Mm. and Mrs. Joseph Capstick. ay Short, Maxwell's, Messrs. Janetville, visited Mr. George Eber and Stanley Milîson, Misses Fowlcr's. Doris, Vemna and Ella Milison, Mrs. Jack Anderson, Bruce, Solina, at Mr. Russell Staintan's. Kenneth and Audrey, Stouffville, '**Mr. and Mms. P. Element, Bow- attcnded Cadmus Churcli Sunday manville, Miss Ileen Balsan, Sa- and visited friends. lina, at Mr. Nelson Fice's.... Miss Young people are busy pmactis- Pearl Leach, Mm. and Mms. J. ing for thc Sunday Sdhool An- Kivell, Sauina, at Mr. Norman niversary. Leach's. . . . Mrs. A. VanDyke, MmanMs.CmeFlsac Maxwell's, Mms. A. Wood, Bow- and.Jandatters.cage.liJc manville, Messms. Bob Cameron The ong ale's Lotageme and Jack Burnett, Tyrone, at Mm. anThudyng t with resient Fred Cameron's. . .. Miss Snowie o hrdyngtwt rsdn Marlow, Mm. and Mms. Wilbert Stewart McRabemts in the chair. McKinstry, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Thc woship service "Truc Great- Edgar Horn and Acy, Hampton, ness" was taken by Miss Annie Miss Sarah Hansen, Trenton, Mm' Mountjoy. Topic "Self Citicism" Lloyd Metcalf, at Mm. Ai!. Ayre's was given by Lewis Stinson; a ...Rev. S. Littlewood, Orano mouth argan sala by Lyda Ginn Mm. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, and a mcading by Noma Ginn. Mm. and Mms. Sam Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar and Kel- vin, Miss Maie Malow, MissShre Eleanor Stainton, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Sauina, Mm. June 2nd thc Sunday Schooi and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and a! Bethel Chumch held its anni- Brian, Kedron, Miss Bernice vemsamy services. Rev. W. J. Chaprnan, at Mm. A. T. Stainton's. Sntyth, Port Pemmy, and Rev. D. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Innis and M. Stinson, Blackstock, conducted Fayc, Blackwater, Mm. Vernon Os- the services. Miss Betty Nichais, borne, Miss Joyce Edgar, Oshawa, soloist, and Mm. D. McDougal, at Mm. A. T. Stainton's. . .. Mrs. Toronto, assisted thc choir o! the Ed. Parker, Roy and Mary, Miss Shirley and Pumpie Hill young Myrtie Short, Kedron, Miss Greta people. It was good to hear Mm. Thornton, Oshawa, Misses Marion McDaugal's voice again and it Martin, Marion Harn, Mm. Fred took many o! thc listeners back Wight, Bowmanville, Mr. Stan- ta thc days when he sang in ley Martin, Miss Ella Byam, Ux- Blackstock Presbytemian Chumch. bridge, Mm. Fred Martin, Toronto, The ladies o! the district, who are at Mr. Thos. Martin's. . . . Mr. s lagyrepniefo th and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson and fam- 50 largely r eoile orkthe iiy, Mm. and Mms. Leslie Hoskin keeisSn up of heood wgavma o! and farnily, Thamnton's Cornems, thisSday School, gaveia tea a Mm. and Mrs. Foser Snowden and Tuedsaeenng.thieaexwaslea Ann, Kedmon, at Mm. J. W. Ba1-l- good ampliteso the elent a son's. . .. Misses Ernîly and Annie cuiinar abititestio! i the ades a Killen, Oshawa, Miss Jessie Ne-thspesntciidinhebt rnis, Caurtice, at Mm. Rolit. Kil- possible manner by theim wholc- îen's.hearted participation. After the Mis's.Hln iltLndn ea s mowde acapcityf ther Mnians s pendcinlaycoLo!tc lcal oung eoplptatohac wEcks with is s M. artoupn. ofever opyularpeply pDtonh Miss Frayn John, Bowmanvillc, Dubbs." It was splendidly pre- at Mm. Anson Baison's. . . . Mm. sented and thc characters well and Mrs. Harry Widewan, Camai chosen. An intemesting feature and Glen, Toronto, at Mm. M. was the use o! an Irish caiabasli Morgan's. . . . Mm. and Mrs. L. pipe, rnanipulated by the Deacon, Warren, Bernice and Alvin, North 1 Thos. McLachlan. It was barrowed Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Ted Chant, from Robt. Hamnilton for the oc- Gary and CamaI, Hampton, at Mr. casion, and is a wondemfui picce _______________________o! workrnanship and dated 1815. A Hawaiian tria from Enniskilien added greatly ta the enjoyment a! the evenîng by their sevemai numbers. Rev. D. M. Stinson act- cd as chairman and Miss Mc- Arthur read the synopsis of the play and tac cast o! characters. liv.raairnmn Mrs. Fred Toms succeeded Mms. TH IPCERD OO R . Franklin as Supt. o! the S.S. and Bethel hopes ta entertain thc 0F S.S. convention o! Cartwright on OF Wednesday next. M IS The Jr. Red Cross o! S.S. No. MM MMM~for refugees and a blanket for m k M u URed Cross wark ta the Cartwright Red Cross o! which Reeve C. Devitt is President. Real Estate - Insurance U~msYIo ae Conveyancing otoUer tes ha. the Internationja rptation of LIPTONS IINEST. Te-over. io five contients .ay i ta the p"eet tes". Blended eseelI for the dSnOJItinf, 'ou Mil Semrve pIon.o Painters & Decorators ~ iieaddnf James H. Abernethy Concession St. Bowmanville PHONE 431 Interior and Exterior Painting and Decorating. Aise Paperhanging NÔW SHOWING NEW 190~ WALLPAPERS "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Deaigner and Dealer in Monument&, Tablet. Marker@. eto. In Granite and Marbie. Bowmanville - Ontario id rt ýs ., Do you know that millions of people throughout the Empire take the "little daily dose" of KCruschen Salta every morning of their lives? They are heing loyal to themselvea because Kruschen helps to keep themn on the job and on their toes- whether they are on active service, in the kitchen, the office, at a lathe or an assembly lime. Whyget behind in your work, why Le a day's pay, a night's sleep, an hour's fun-why grow old before your years-when Kruschen Salta will help you battie the com- mon cause of these disappointments? Kruschen helps banish the misery of headaches, backache, twinges of rheumnatism, saur stomach! It does tis because it contains, flot one or two, but several specially chasen minerai saets, in very minute crystal (almost powder) formi - that help clear your body of waste, of poisons, blood impurities. No large dosage is required. No bloating aftermath. No violent laxative effect. Simply take what you can p ut nanaimdune- your morning glass af water. Keep taking it just that way and see how soon YOU will get relief, how it gradually imparts to you that glorious feeling of tingling fitness that makes you willing to tackie anything. All be- cause it helps banish body waste and poosons. At drug stores 25c, 45c, 75c. hart instead. The followîng day a gigantic celebration was held. Providence: Mrs. John Elfordi lias returned from a four weeks1 trip through the West. . .. Samuel1 Bragg has improved his barn by1 adding a stone foundation and1 building a new end to the barn. Zion Reford Cameron's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston and Eliane Maple Grave, Mrs. H. Allun, Bow- inanville, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Har- dy, Stanley and Darathy, Salina, at Mr. Russell Rabbins'. . .. Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff anc sans, Kedron, Mr. Clifford Johns, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff and Jean, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverley and Lloyd, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and Betty, Bow- manville, at Mr. Wes. Cameron's. ... Mr. and Mrs. H .E. Tink, Mrs. J. Rundle, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Tyrone, Mr. anc Mrs. Chas. Warren, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns and daugh- ters, Lakefield, Misses Fmayn and Jean Johns, Bowmanville, Mr. Wallace Munday, Maple Grove, ai Mr. Luther Pascoe's. . . Mrs. M. H. Langrnaid, Misses Florence, Vida and Sybil Langmaid, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tinc and daughters, Hampton, Mr. and Mms. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid and family, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moome, En- niskillen, Miss Ada Pascoe, To- ronto, at Mr. Frank Pascoe's... Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry and family, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Russell and family, Oshawa, at Mr. T. C. Glaspelîs. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reesor and Olive, Oshawa, at Mr. R. W. Ball's... Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder and Evelyn, Solina, at Mr. Leon- ard Ball's.' Zion anniversamy services were well attended with a packed church at bath services. Rev. S. Littlewood, Orono, was the speak- er at bath services. The chiîdren furnished the music in the after- noon and the choir at the evening service. Pmoceeds $90. The play "Blow Your Horn" by Maple Grave people was very well put on Monday night. There was a faim crowd. Proceeds $44. Foot- ball game between Zion and Courtice mesulted in a 2-1 victory for Courtice. A number o! parents attended the Music Festival' at Oshawa Collegiate Friday night. Mrs. Parsons lad the seniors frorn leleven schnnic nil ineine t+n dSILVER BULLETS Mr. Lloyd George, in the Great 1,War, spake o! "silver bullets." r. h epe fth oe hy' AL d He was thinking o! the savings AL ' ycould give ta pravide food and t~l guns and shelîs for the Allied- Th yammies. wh . anaa~ns t-dyin allr:a<ks \whd~ \ b get the opportunity ta pravide b "silver bullets." It cornes through ucts War Savings Certificates. , o Under this War Savings Cer-Fo tificates plan - described in Gov- ernent advertising - a five ver% dollar certif icate rnay be pur- ot chased for four dollars: a ten fe dollar certificate for eight dollars:Yo a twenty-five dollar certificate for twenty dollars; a fifty dollar U W as e *certificate for farty dollars ; a I iiV a ne hundmed dollar certificate for II ~ ~meal eighty dollars. A gilt-edge secur- OCR n ity, and with provisions for me- tn demption bef are the date o! *maturity (they mature in 712, years) they are an admirable investment; simple, safe, prof it-i Lr~ able, fitting thc smallest budgets.u mw But the real argument for War Savings Certificates is thc oppor- tunity they afford for war service. In the Great War we spoke o! rpeople "daing their bit." Here, * tQA *now, aIl o! us are given the chance ta do "aur bit." People o! saal incarnes, artisans, people tao old for active war dutiesee ýL E children - all can strike a blow in this struggle by investing in ýo f0 -t -e - jr these secumities. Our Governrnent needs money, needs it desperately. Only by fII money, by what it can maise in O IN ' DR 1Savings Certificates, can it help Phone 695 >win the war. Therefore, if we be- llieve the things we prafess, if we are sincerely anxious ta strike a _____________ blow for freedorn, if we want, in *T short, ta, save Canada from the Tr,~- f~sih "night o! bambamism" o! which M r. Uno , alig o years Churchill has spoken 50 salernnly, unifort we mnust - all o! us who can - Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. cloud buy these certificates. Aylmer Beech and family at Mr. s t r e i In Britain they are giving o! Harry Larmrne's, South Monaghan. draug: their last fathing ta help win this . . Mm. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson Love.- war. In Nazi Germany they are and family at Mr. Fred Ginn's,___ giving everything - are havîng Cartwright. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. every taken fmom them, including Moore with friends at Ashburn. their liberty - ta, win this war. - . Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Knapp Are we capable o! less? Are we and family at Mr. Stan Natting- of weaker fibre? ham's, Myrtle. .. Mr. and Mrs. After aîl, a good investment -_ Lenoard Carlson and farnily, De- good interest an and security for trait, with lier aunt, Miss Lizzie aur savings - is a small thing ta Knapp. be asked in this crisis. Smaii, Deepest sympathy is extended pitifully small, in camparison ta ta relatives of the late Mrs. Gea. what we ask o! thase wha go ta Ormiston. figlit and die for us. At this haur, Several frm heme attended the there is a poem which should funeral of Frank Rabbins at have a poignant appeal ta us: Hampton. Our boys played Enniskillen "What have I given, bold sailor o! boys a snappy game o! bail on the sea, Thursday evening resulting in On Earth or Heaven, that you favor of Union. should die for me? What can I give, Oli soldier lealj and brave, Long as I live, ta pay the life you gave? 1e on What tithe or part can I return ta tliee, b sn Oh, Stricken heart, that tliou should'st break for me? r hs' The Wind o! Death for you hath NreFo sînin life's flowers. It withereth, God grant, ahl weeds in ours." pal tells a! the remarkable- girl who leamned ta, ski after anly fifteen sittings. "The one rnast obviaus lesson o! the present war in Europe is thc value o! the factor o! speed." tbig -President Roosevelt. "Oil and the transportation o! -w - id nrg ail are on the side a! the Allies."- James A. Moffatt. IP JG STORE Bowmanville preserve a long course of stili and uniform, amid the rm darkness of storm and 1and tempest, requires Sn t h from above, - deep Yhts from the fount of divine -Miary Baker Eddy. týl lor, ~Iz, Bu~id YOUR watts and ceilings on a safety basis with Gyproc Fireproof Waltboard. Whether new construction, renovations or, repairs, Gyproc is the ideal material for watts and ceilings. Just consider these features: " EASILY AND QUICKLY ERECTED-saves lime and labour " PERMANENT AND DURABLE-therefor. econornical e WILL NOT WARP, CRACK, SHRINK OR SWELL " INVISIBLE JOINTS-pael strips are net n.cessary " SMOOTH, DUST-FREE SURFACES-easy to keep clean " TAKES ANY TYPE 0F DECORATION-no monotony " The LIGHTEST WEIGHT gypsum wallboard made in Canada And GYPROC Is FIREPROOF Insiui on Genuin. Gypro. Gyproc is soWd everywbere in Canada. Sce your local Id ff ibtMe» 1w. war>'s Dealr i Lumer nd Bildrs'Spples.1. Look for the name Dealir a Lmberatz Bulder' Spples.GYPROC on the back 'AL of every sheet. - - .4' s *1~ t I s. 'i Before You Insure Consult Confederation Life Associntion One of the Worid's Great Life Insurance Institutions. Renowned for Strength, Service and Security Since 1871. THURSDAY, JUNE 13TH, 1940 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIJANVILLE, ONTARIO VIELL!O ýhealth-tone of the >Ie famnily is raised using dairy prod. sliberally rdessert serve Sil- lvood's Ice Cream en. u will find it just enj oyable between als or the last thing might. podà ILIlY

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