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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1940, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE î3TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Burketon Recent Vsitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Gatchell and Roy, Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. I. Reid, Burnt ý,iîver, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gatchell 1 ifamiy Oshawa, at Mr. J. ,!atchell's.' . Mr. and Mrs. S. Moffatt and Betty with Miss m. McLaughlin. .. Mr. N. Hudson and Mr. S. Moffatt in Peterboro. ..Mr. and Mrs. T. Trick, Mi-. and Mrs. G. Carnochan and Ruth in Millbrook. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gat- chell with Mrs. C. Stephenson, Bethany. .. Mr. Chester Hoskins at Niagara -on-the-lake . .. Mi-. J. Gatcheli in Oshawa .. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane, Jean and Har- oId with Mrs. H. Ra..... Mr. and Mrs. H. Rahm with Mr. G. SRahm, Union. .. Mr. and Mrs.j Norman Philp7, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Hamp- tan, with Mrs. R. Philp. .. Miss Evelyn Virtue, Enniskillen, and Mr. Elmer Byers, Shirley, with Mrs. C. Sanderson. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. R. Oke, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. I. Cochrane, Cartwright, with Mrs. E. Adams. Anniversary services will be held here next Sunday afternaan and evening. Rev. W. Rackham, Hampton, will be the speaker. 1 Mrs. Samuel Snowden, Mrs. N. Metcalf, Mrs. C. H. Snowden, north of Buckhorn, on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Jase, sons Donald and Frances, Mrs. Lard, Newcastle, at Mr. H. Cryderman's, Base Line. .. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thampson, sons Raymond and Donald, Mt. Dennis, Mrs. L. Rowntree, Miss Elmna Rowntree, Mrs. Jack Currie, son Donald, Woodbridge, at Mr. Chas. Green- ham's. Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Miss Jean Stevens attended the graduation exercises of the former's niece, Miss Laura Fohey, at Kingston, on Manday. Miss Betty Snowden attended the McKnight - Dawson wedding at Bailieboro an Saturday. Mr. Fred Secret broke his right arm Saturday whihe crankink the tractor on the farm of Mr. Stephen Jeffery. Mapie Grave Sehool News By Doris Stevens, Audrey Green- ham and Lenore Collacutt In the hast twa weeks in music we have had patriotc sangs. Last week we took "Rule Britannia" and this week "There'hl Always be an England." Don't forget to came ta our anniversarv an Wed., iViale G ove afternoon of sparts and bal MapleGrove games. This last week the boys, Mr. Lycett and Lloyd Snowden Recent Visitors: Mrs. Ken Han- have been busy making a start tan, Miss Phylis DeLaney, To- at re-surfacing the ball diamtbnd. ronto, with Mrs. J. R. Metcalf, This is a big job and we would Base Line.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray- like some outsiders ta organize mond Gable, Villa Nova, Mr. Sam and have a bee ta draw in a few Castle, Midland Regiment, Tren- loads of dirt and we will be re- ton, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. . . sponsible for levelling it off. If Mr. Lloyd Metcalf. Mr. Wallace any other rural school wauld like Munday, Misses Audrey Ayre, ta have a game of bahl we wauld Jean Johns, Town, with Mr. and be glad ta play them. E I Enfield Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowman, Part Perry, Mrs. H. Weir, Toronto, at Mi-. W. Bow- man's. .. Mr. J. Stewart, Winni- peg, at Mr. Jas. Stark's. . ; Mr. and Mrs. Gilson, Woodville, Mr. and Mrs. F. King, Oshawa, Mr. J. S. Ashton, Detroit, at Mr. Harold Ormiston's. .. Mrs. Percy Lang- maid and Miss Bernice, Oshawa, at Mr. Fred Smith's. .. Mr. M. Sheeman 'at Mr. Connors', Port Hope. .. Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and fam-ffy at Mr. Revit's and Mrs. Gully's, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Prescott and famihy and El- mer at Mr. Rahm's, Richmond Hill.. Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith and Lloyd at Mr. T. Bowman*s, Part Perry. .. Mrs. S. McCullach and Miss Ida, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and Mary Helen, Mr. Frank Gilbert, Mr-. and Mrs. W. Pascoe and family and Miss Jean Taylor visited in Toronto. .. Mr. Norman Stinsan at Pontypool. Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Luther J. Good- man attended the wedding of his son, Mr. Earl Goodman and Miss Eileen Smallman at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, or Saturday. Rev. A. W. March attended Conference at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. D. Park and Tom- my have moved ta the Jamieson house now owned by Mr. H. Macklin. Miss Viola Shortt has sold her praperty where they were residing. Mr. Harold Burgess is an the sick ist. Wednesday, June l9th, will be Grandmothers' meeting of the Women's Institute which will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold Skinner at 2.30. Rail caîl wilh'be answered by a canundrum. AlI ladies welcome. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradd and Master Bilhie, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dudhey's. Mrs. Bradd and Billie remained. Mr. L. Mortson at Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoaper, Orono, at Mrs. J. Storey's and Mr. R. Hodgson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Smith and family, Raglan, at Mr. R. B. Scott's. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Hatherly and famidly, Bowmanville, at Mr. R. Hather- ly's. . . . Rev. A. McLaughlin, Havelock, at Mr. Thea. Down's. ...Mrs. Robt. Burgess is home after visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B. Stephens... Mr. and Mrs. Thea Down and Billie with Mrs. A. McLaughlin, Havelack. .. Mrs. J. Lilicrapp, Cannington, with Mrs. F. L. .y. ... Mr-. and Mrs. L. Goodman visited Mrs. R. Osborne, Toronto, who returned home with them. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamm, Orano, Mr. and Mrs. F. Akister, Mr. George and Miss Alice Akis- ter, Lindsay, at Mr. and Mrs. G. Brooks'. Haydon Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McLean and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. MeComb and famîly, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hooper, Mrs. F. Lyle, Mrs. W. Tordiff, Bowmanville, at Mrs. E. Mount- jay's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hooper, Blackstock, at Mr. T. Mountjoy's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glover and family, Oshawa, Mr. Howard Bradley, Misses Eileen Bradley and Myrtle Page, Ennis- killen, at Mr. C. Crossman's.. Mr-. and Mrs. Ross Richards and Maurice, Bawmanvilhe, at Mr. E. Stephenson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lau, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ashton's... Mrs. N. Hall, Clinton and Beryl, Mr. Lloyd Hall and Dorothy, Osh- awa, at Mrs. D. Graham's. .. Mr. Roland Thompson, Toronto, at Mr. W. Thampson's. .. Mr. Doug- las Fontaine, Miss Ruth McNeil, Toronto, at Mr. A. McNeil's... Rev. Harold Staînton and Bever- ly, Guelph, Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Roy Trewin, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Shemon at Mr. W. Trewin's... Mr. and Mrs. Hai-vey McGill and famihy, Enniskillen, at Mr. L. Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackburn, Mr-. Wilbur and Miss Bessie at Misses Blackburn's, Newcastle. .. Mr-. A. Beech at Mr. H. Larmer's, South Monaghan. The Helping Hands class met at W. Thompsan's Friday evening. Election of officers were: Presi- dent - Gardon Shemon; Vice Pres. - Roy Graham; Secretary - Glen Thompson; Treasurer - Clifford Trewin; Pianist - Jim Graham. After a social period, lunch was0 served. Miss Jean Crossman i-ecited at a concert given by pupils of Mrs. H. B. Foster, at St. Andrew's Church Friday evening, proceeds being in aid of Red Cross. Rainbow Girls class met at Mrs. H. Ashton's on Tuesday, spending the evening in sewing. They have undertaken ta embroider a quilt. purchased the property owned by E. G. Boyd, north of Haydon. Rev. A. W. March gave his fare- well sermon here Sunday after- noan on "Things that Abide." Rev. March will be succeeded by Rev. A. Gardner, Demorestville, the fis-st part of JuIy. Blackstock Marlow. .. Mrs. Ivan Shook, Toronto, with Mrs. John Marlow. Victarian Wamen's Institute met at Mrs. Royal Whitfield's June 5th with the new president, Mrs. Norman Mountjoy in the chair. Scripture was read by Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and the Institute Creed by Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Mrs. Mervin Graham was asked ta make the kitchen apron ta enter the contest at District Convention ýa Newtonville, June 14th. A don- ation of money was voted ta In- stitute for the Blind. A paper on different wood used in wood- work, prepared by Mrs. C. Mai-- law, was read by Mrs. T. Smith; reading "This and That - Canad- ian Preferred" by Mrs. W. Hos- kmn; reading "Plain Sunday" by Mrs. Percy Van Camp. Decaratian and Memorial Ser- vice was held at Blackstock on Sunday. Rev. Kennedy of Pres- byterian Church, Janetville, was special speaker and chairs of Nestleton and Janetville head in the singing. Beautiful flowers were placed at the cenotaph in memory of the fallen by the Cart- wright Orange Lodge, Nestleton Women's Institute, St. John's A. Y.P.A., St. John's W.A., United Church W.A., Pride of Cartwright L.OB.A., and the Lawsan's, Lords' and Thampsan's. Mrs. Switzer heîd an enjayable mlisic festival in the Armouries Wednesday evening. AIl th e schools of Cartwright and the ,Monday evening class took part. St. Johhs A.Y.P.A. met at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan's June 6th. It was "Seth Par-ker" sang night with Tam Hodge directing. Mrs. Wm. Van Camp and Mr. Jack Smith taok a duet part. A.Y.P.A. wilh celebrate on July lst. Forty-five ladies met in the basement af the United Church, Thursday ta quiît six quilts for the Red Cross. Ladies fromn Nest- leton assisted. Miss Florence McLaughlin, Ta- ronto, is improving from her aperatian. Congratulations ta Miss Mabel Van Camp on campleting her 3rd year in Arts at Toronto Univer-i sity.1 Zion Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret attended the fun- eral of Mrs. George Ormiston at Enfield. 0 Misses Audrey Ayre and Eileen Staintan attended the Holstein Breeders picnic at Orono on Sat- urday. Zian W. A. visited Northmîn- ster W. A., Oshawa, on Wednes- day. About 25 of aur ladies en- joyed the visit very munch. Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Enfield, gave a talk on "How old are you?" which was enjoyed by aIl. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Jack and Joyce, at Mr. Stanley Coverley's, Ebenezer... Miss Emma Killen, Oshawa, Miss- es Helen Knapp and Irma Hoskin, Thornton's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. M. Knapp and Ruby, Kinsale, *t Mr. Robt. Killen's. .. Miss Diane Lee, Kedron at Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton's. . . . Mr. Bernard Hood, R.C.A.F., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopps, Viola and John, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Ayre's. ..Mr. Jas. McMaster, Miss Jean McMaster. Toronto, at Mr. J. W. McMaster's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Balson attended Ebenezer an- niversary and visited at Mr. Jack Wilkins', Courtice. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balson, Miss Ileen Balson, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Balson, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hagerman, Meda and Ina, Oshawa, at Mr. J. W. Bahson's.. Mr. John Stainton, Miss Eileen Stainton, Miss Diane Lee with Miss Berenice Stainton, Peterboro. ..Mrs. Wm. Vinson, Elinor and Bobby, Ebenezer, Mr. Raymond McKnight, Oshawa, at Mr. Ray Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Chant, Faith and Wayne, Toronto, at Mr. Reford Cameron's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Christian Star, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. August Geisberger and family, Harmony, Messrs. Adolph Eyman, Sr. and Jr., Whit- by, at Mr. Hans Geisberger's... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Mrs. J. Sutherland's, Utica. .. Mr. Elwood Shackelton, Whitby, et Mr. J. Shackelton's.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackelton and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen, at Caesarea. Recent Visitai-s: Mrs. James Fhett, Bowmanville, with her daughter, Mrs. Mervin Graham.. Mrs, Priest, California, is with her brother, Rev. E. P. Wood.. . Mr-. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Bownianville, at Mi-. Cecil Hill's. .. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Brown, Toronto, with Mr-. Wm. Nesbitt... Mr. and Mrs. Bert McElveen, Orillia, at Mr. U. L. Scott's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bei-t Allin, Toronto, at Mi-. F. A. Bailey's cottage. .. Mi-. and Mrs. Russel Wîllan, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Willan, Toronto, with Mrs. Wm. Steele. .. Mi-. and Mrs. Hale and famihy, Toronto, at Mi-. Jack Rahm's . .. Miss Vivian Sadler at Claremont .. . Miss Ruth Mai-- how, Taranto, with Mi-s. James TH AAD TRC OPAY i THE -HY090-ELECTRIC PO0W E RCOMMISSION - F0F N T AR 1 .................................................. ,---....-.-.-,--- .-... --. £ .' DENERAL ELEETRIE MuecaLoeauhoflda a »" 1M i iw' That is why a G-E is the choice of more women than any other refrigerator on the market. It is the sealed-in-steel mechanisin that counts. More than 70% of the cost of the entire refrigerator has heen spent on this "heart" of the G-E. It holds this record by an endurance test of 14 years' operation. And year after year millions of women wil continue to depend on G-E and its famous mechanism for food protection, thrift and convenience. 10 models from $189- easy budget terins. See your dealer today. THE HYDRO SHOP CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC cc*, Solina Visitors: Messrs. John Grooms, Bob Wilmshurst, Bihl Gray, Miss Vera Smith and Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto, at Mr. S. E. Werry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Will Carrick, Toronto, at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. .. Mr. Raymond Gable and bride, Waterford, Mrs. Les. Snowden, Maple Grave, Mrs. Nel- lie Lang, Harold and Grace, Ham- ilton, Mrs. Sîd Brooks, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. McKendricks and son, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Black, Mrs. Elijah Hainer, Harold and Dorothy, Oshawa, at Mr. T. Bàker's. . . . Mr. Gardon Hardy and Jean, Peterboro, Mr. Joe Knight, Omemee, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Bowmanvilîe, at Mr. Isaac Hardy's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees and Gladys, at Mr. Albert Austin's, Bewdley. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees at Mr. Chas. Allin's, Bowmanville.... Misses Ethel and Lillian Gilbert, Mrs. Tubbs, Helen and Dorothy, Toronto, Mr. Milton Slemon, Lloyd and Gardon, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis, Enniskil- len, at Mr. Russell Gilbert's... Mr. Bob Smales, Kitchener, at Mr. J. Smales'. . . Misses Lillian Hoar and Margaret Speirs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fard and Shirley, To- ronto, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's... Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balson, Kingston, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson, Brooklin, at Mr. Bruce Tink's. . . . Mrs. Arthur Reynolds, B.A., Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Hogarth, Harmany, with Miss Mary Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales attended Decoration Day services at Ers- kine Church, Pickering. Mrs. Ed. Milison, Doris, Verna and Ella, attended Decoration Day services at Blackstock.' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe visit- ed friends in Pickering where they attended Decoration Day ser- vices at White Church. Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees had charge of the missionary program at Sunday Schoal. Mrs. J. Baker sang "O Master of the waking world," and Pearl Leach told' the missionary story. Last week we amnitted these anniversary visitors at Mrs. Chas. Blanchard's: Mrs. Argue, Miss Mabel Powell, Mr. Arthur Gare- ing, Mr. Ed. Crame, Oshawa; Mrs. Horace Hancock, Courtice; Miss THURSDAY, JUNE 13TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Viola Ashton, Toronto; Mr. Levi QUEBEC US LEADER contracts by provinces was as Ellins, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs follows: Nova Scotia, $4,438,920; Morley Cook, Doris, Ileen andi IN WAR CONTRACTS New B r unsw i ck, $2,707,755; Betty, Mr. Norman Shedwick, Prince Edward Island, $810; Que- Coîbourne; Mr. Bill Chadwick, According ta information made bec, $66,658,776; Ontario, $54,987,- Bowmanville; Mr. Morley Brima- known in the House of Commons 490; Manitoba, $920,302; Saskat- comb, Backtoc. byHon C.D. oweMinste ofchewan, $146,882; Alberta, $367,- c o m b , B a c k t o c . b y H o n C . D . o w e , M i n s t e o f 3 4 7 ; B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a , $ 2 0 ,4 2 6 ,2 7 8 ; The man who does flot look up Munitions and Supp]y, the pro- unclassified, $12,960,000. T o t a 1: will look down, and the spirit vince of Quebec leads ail pro- $163,614,562. which does flot dare ta soar is vinces in total amounits of warý destined ta gr'ovel. - Lord Bea- cantracts, their value being over Keep your shirt on - but take consfield. I166 million dollars. The value of; your coat off. - Windsor Star. s s s ri

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