PAGE SIX bins, Mrs. Win. HaM-bleton, Mr. 0. CaTAN UNI loss of face involved in the proud Mr. J. Colclougb, Toronto, Mr. ____ Reich's bookup with "an inferior "Things that Abide,"' was the and Mrs F Blltt Scarboro Rev. W. Rackham and Mr.G.~ country and people.,, subject of Rev. A. W. March's Bluffs, at Mrs. T. McGill's... Barron attended conference at7.TeargeGrn fn icus tteSna vMran r.A eer, Mr. and Port Hope. Mr. Rackham assisted Frn .i is7.TeaeaeGraffleioF EEnEV enmng service. Mrs. E. Parrott, Helen and Ron- in the Ordination srvJuo un ne 5thth e spasidtalon estGeing fothe morle Hit-n MisSandeil, Missionary oni and at Mr. A. Wearn's. . .Mr. day. evieo Sn n mn vull, eepHsp talo esten.els o tenorle hman Save 10e on Each 1Uo ia loraisv antdx Mrs. S. Moffat and Betty, Sympatby is extended to Mrs Frank L. Robbins, Enniskillen. 1erhwvr n hshl a aeYu aoiePit itda nyl xr fuLouh from Kra svstn Burketon, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Levi Robbins in the death of ber He was son of the late Mr. and tehe eherban s r th me rS.. Sqcurh rieandgedtePson brother, Frank Robbins. j r.FacS Robbins of Darling- o! Germany is perhaps the most 5..adcuc srie n a e ddn el r inig r n r. .Hr n a-ton. Deceased was in bis 72n an interesting tanc. Weding elinareringng. Mr. ndirspo.rHonnad da- n Salem folk regret Iosing Mr. bn Tuesday evenfftga'%ikel- ghter Acy, Misses Minnie, Norahyeranhdbeniporel nomenon of wartime morale and Listerine ToothAtlic upot andMrs G Conis fom uflaneous sbower was beld at Mr. and Lottie Horn attended the fun- for some time.pscogyPat -Sec l neighbourhood. 'They have scld and Mrs. L. Bradley's in honour eral of a cousin at Port Perry on. His wife (Emily Moorey), and 8 H blivester i nolie-AsoredPrce ther frm ndaremovngto f tei daghtrMis Midrd Tesdy.tbree children, Fred, Leslie, and ]ihood of revolution in Germany, 3 tubes - 25e size ther dugters omeatJant-who is a bride-to-be. Beautiful Rev. H. H. Lackey, Enniskillen , (Reta) Mrs. Win. Hamilton, Ro- regardless of any circumstancesAifo -49 O -51 0 vhile. uite'a numer o!Sanet- and useful sbower gifts were will occupy the pulpit next Sun- chester, N.Y., survive. Two sis- now forseeab9e folk attended their furniture sale presented. There were approx-daeein.tralomun isosMs Atrlstgteecbefcos iaey8inatnac hna Visitors: Master Eddie Collier, Sarah Strutt, Rochester, and Mrs. fe itn hs he atr on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish iaey8 natnac hnaPr era r.Hg e ad obnHmtn in the attitude of Germany's man- SeilPie wuil be vrnissed from ore comr ocni luenng wss e nt an geer's... Miss Lulu Reynolds with . ~ .. . . . . The funeral, conducted by Rev. in-the-street toward the war, Mr. E T P.* muntyhaingliedher fr ounifl unc srvd.Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, Montreal, . H. H. Lackey, took place from bis Courtney continues: "There are Plnkham's Coinp. ---- 87e niany years. We wisb them health An invitation bas been extend- wbo accompanied her to berhoe str' home i apo.Pî perbaps three main chances for a Ci.y' and happiness in their new sur- ed to the W.M.S. from Mrs. F. bere. . . . Miss Doreen Perrett,berswreTeoSe nHg smash-up in German morale. Tooth Faste --- -9c-T-I-S--S1UeET-1- roundings. Gilbert, Enfield, to have their Kendal, at home.. Mr. and Mrs AnnsRob.Petn letO Great slaughter of tbeir soldiers. Mrs. Marchent, son and daugh- meeting, June l9tb, at ber home. Wilbur Burnett, Oshawa, at W Wilfred Sanderson, Elias Ashton, me 5c' entry into the war, odsPls------ 3 OP- ter, Oshawa, visited Mr. Mathew W.A. met Wednesday and spent Wilbur's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer friends o! Mr. Robbins, woa even if she threw only money, 83c Noxzema.------ 59e Sof: PweW Marchent at Mr. C. Pollard's. their time in fixing the flowers Boyd, Toronto, at W. E. Stevens~. companied their friend to bis nourcesant ompit. redviatr- 2Nxem10ASA ab--ets----- 15e 700t'ESrI Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitz, Janetviîîe, and sbrubbery on tbe cburcb - . Raymond Petit, Enniskillen, at resting place in Hampton ceme- sounger. inothe rood amue1 10ASA ales- 9 t visited at Mr. G. Cornish's. grounds. W. Cbapman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. tery. Hunger anthcold r paed s 0 ae Csîe r 5 Geo. Barron witb relatives near TeaunacH! eui uge ause tis isartet o! stna 100Cake.s.&C. .*. ---9e Jack Philip bad a toe badly eut Tbe ]Jramatic Club will present ThHamnanelton.tiulbea. .hi i Miss o saEls10ieB..&CHa----den f on an od tin wile in athing their rama "Te Girlfloral FtrHbutesn. siswedsithedesteeoraland couragewedo!ewbiche the coerge ToothBrBrushes---.13ce onanod i wie n ahigthi daa Th ir n h Frat Uxbridge. ..Jack Cowling, i biofr obiswa el ymashaem cb, ndhecaue which necessitated bis being taken i Coat,"' at Kedron, June l8th. wbo bas accepted a position with an whidecirc.e o! rswaelatvsd Grmns have alwhand bec d to a doctor and to the Training athe United DrugreCotvToronto, was fraveends. s een usedGADAANTHY SuMl 5 School hospital. Bhbone __C.,Trno,_____d.t hedsilieo cnt u- GUR GINTHY S ________________ ~ ~ ~ ~ hom.. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kers- Lieut.-Col. Day C. Warniea ____t h icpieo cnycp EE Bradley'S lake and son George, with friends boards by poverty if not by edict. It - - 5c25 Enniskillen a~~nd Whfe, P.eacevRieraccoman-mnig sex Rgmn Mrs. Norman Pickard te Germans. too. share a char- Take Nova Kelp Tablets Nowi ________ ie' CmmntyClbex nd Witby. . . Rie.r o pWagg nin h Esx Reietacteristîc with their principal en- 150 Tablets..........------- .79 PamBec - - c ectvadCmuiyCu Xied by Mr. F. Corden, Bowman- (Tank) now in training at Camp Mrs. Edna B. Pickard, 61, wife emies, the French and Englisb. 300 Tablets............------S1.39 Bradley andassistants met at Ms ile ied Mrs .L ila-Bre. o.Wriai omro! Norman PickrdidMyThey don't scare easily. Wbîch is' 750 Tablets --------------e------- -2.79OGia Armstrong, Toronto, at Mr. Al- sion Wednesday evening. Mrs. E. 0l resident o! Bowmanville, being pect Avenue, Port Arthur, a! ter a if this war gets under way, too; bert Oke's. .. Mr. and Mi-s. F.- Cryderman, president, presided. younger son o! Mrs. B. M. Warnica long iîîness. horrible to contemplate." Ferguson, Misses Iva and Gladys Clubpicnic will be held at Orono HAMPTNW._1_and________ofte_________ Chase's Nerve Foodntari, 49e Ferguson, Bowmanville, Mr. and Park Thursday, July 4th. Tbe HAMPTN W...CandWrands n ton at . and Born a Norwood, Ontariofr ilas kPi 0 Mrs. R. McLean and sons, To- table commîttee appointed is Mrs. Hampton Women's In s t i t ut e s .C antn Port Arthur since e Counselore ronto, at Mrs. A. Sharpe's.. A. Prescott, Mrs. W. Bowman, met on Thursday afternoon witb e arag 4yasoy Ftrj TheGi Pui .. 39-69 Mr. and Mrs. F. Robbins, Mr. and lrs. G. Leask and Mrs. W. Leask. President Mrs. L. TruIl in the and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mr. and many years until recently she was R. W. Armstron Mrs. L. Robbins, Mrs. Wm. Ham-Eahfaly iltketironci. Newly elected secretary, Mrs. Mark Munday, Mrs. Je!! ery a member o! the choir o! Trinit (oyih eevd)Ioie es 9 bleton, Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and plates, cups, spoons and forks, as Mrs. C. Warren, read a number o! Sr., and Mr. Herbie Jeffery, Maple United Cburch and was activein(oygh ervd Mrs. L. Tuma, Josephine and well as refreshments for the first communications, and also ac- Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colwell the work of various women's or-i rn&Yas as 9 Leonard, Mrs. A. Vitale, Toronto, and second course. The Club is knowledgments o! fruit and flow- and sord Teddy, Miss Ruth Hamm, ganizations o! Trinity Church. Mr. and Mrs. B. Parkin, Burketon, to meet at the park at 2 p.m. S.T., ers. Five dollars was voted to the Miss Doris Wilkins, Bowmanville, Surviving, besîdes bier husband What is aIl this talk about de-NerToiTas 49 at Mr. Walter Oke's. .. Miss M. when a supervised tour througb "Blind Institute." Mrs. G. Farn- Mr. Gordon Bruton, Orono, at Mr. are two daughters and a son' rnocracy? The word seems to be Na inyPi 5-O Oke and Mr. Bruce Ashton at Mr. the Reforestation will commence. comb was appointed to look after Bert Wilkins'. . - . Misses olive Daugbters are Misses Dorotby and in everybody's mouth. It con- J. Hendershot's, Sunderland. ... The club will sponsor a trip in the churcb flower bed, and Miss and Hilda Hawkshaw, Mr- and Mary, registered nurses. Her son, veys to people's minds an ideaFuiave 22-9 Rev. and Mrs. Harold Stainton and the faîl to Toronto Museum for L. Horn and Mrs. W. hap IVII-s. Frank Marsball, Oshawa, at Richard, is associated wîth Mr. which appeals to themn as su- 9EULvn - 3-1-9 Beverley, Guelph, with bier sister, tbe scbool pupils as a recompense the park entrance. Mr. Thos. Bickell's. . . 1U. and Pickard in the clothing business premely valuable. 23ç 2 *FOR .V for their good work and exerted Tbe program in charge o! the Mrs. Lyall Corden, Miss Myrtle at Port Arthur. The wboîe British Empire, berSuGase-15$15 Mirs. Ehias Ashton. . Mr. and Mrs. effort in different activities, es- West group, was conducted by Ruiter, Bowmanville, Master Bill Funeral services were conduct- allies, and multitudes in other M uIi3IBahn Cas.19-e W. C. Ashton and Newton. Sbaws, pecially public speaking. Out- Mrs. H. Salter. Mrs. W. Craig Hawksbaw, Oshawa, at Mr. Herb. ed by Rev. A. E. McOutcbeon o! countries are convinced that it is ________________ ___________ Mfr. and Mrs. Howard Gimblet, standing note books o! the pupils gave a reading. Misses Gladys Nichols'. .. Mrs. Howard Dunlop Trinity United Churcb. The con- worth fighting for. At the saine Buddy and Diana, Miss Vera will be on display at the club Trull and Alma Rundle, who at- and Mr. Edwin Dunlop, Miss Allie gregation sang one bymn, Abide time it is an idea that is very IVe test eyes and fit trusses to youretestsatonh Gîmblet, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Mc- meeting next faîl. A dainty lunch tended the Girls' Conference at Worden, Toronto, at Mr. Frank With Me, and Dr. Arnold Pbillips vaguely defined in the minds O! Gil's. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rob- was served by the bostess, and a Guelph, as delegates from our W. Worden's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Foster played the organ. Palîbearers the masses. Among those willing _fit,______________________and_____V_ plesan evnig ws bougt o I, gvesplndi reors. ealh nowden and Ann, Mr. and Mrs. were J. Cotton, C. E. King, S. to figbt for it there are multitudes a close. was a keynote o! addresses re- Everett Mountjoy and Elda, Ked- Brennagb, H. Servais, E. Ley and wbo are not clear as to its mean- Phone fl < lhIlER lk.De ported on, and this being the sub- ron, at Mr. Ross Pearce's.. Mr. Arthur M. Woodside. Burial was ing. 695 *t II1D Deir Schoolject for the June meeting and in and Mrs. Chas. Wight and Eleanor, in the family plot at Riverside Demorac.isthedisribtio UN T.r'rriA-mcar*l charge o! the president, ber dau- Providence, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cemetery. eoryistedtibin MU W gbter Gladys was assisted by a Gay, Miss Evelyn and Master Ro- ____o! résponsibilîties and privileges Wnumber o! the members who re- bert Gay, Oshawa, with L. J. within the body politie in the MAnnual meeting o! No. 9 Home sponded witb bealth hints on Courtice. . . . Rev. R. H. Wylie, Mrs. W. G. Ormiston light o! the capacities and needs _______________________________ ,YL and School Club was held June First Aid in accidents, etc. Miss Columbus, Rev. R. H. Rickard and o! individual citizens. Such a TH1ARE th with a fair attendance. Presi- Ruby McLaughlin, Burketon, con- Mrs. Rickaard, Coîborne, Mr. and On June 2nd, 1940, Mary Eliza- principle is certainly wortb fight- la political theory. Apart from a Thecovrain tteprt R RCTEdent Mary Bowen presided at the tributed two piano numbers Mrs. Fred Robbiiis and daughter, beth Ormiston, Enfield, widow o! ing for but if it were properly certain type o! character the was a«I bu deig BOWMNiK VILLE meeting whicb was o! a strictly wbicb were well received, as was Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Oriville Os- the late William George Ormis- demonstrated it would not be sytm1îlno ok ai yEalsidagst"Ivete Homeo! RgalEntetalnent business nature. Annual picnic also the piano number by Mrs. C. borne, Providence, Mrs. K. Clarke, ton, slept peacefully away after necessary to !ight for it. Its value liewt hisfîurs saa no. Homeof ega Enertinmntwill be held at Cream o! Barley J. Kerslake. Re!reshments were Oshawa, Misses Marie and Edythe three months illness at bier home. would become so apparent that no iewthaltsflussaasn Camp Saturday, June 22nd, witb served by the group in charge. White, Bethesda, at the Down She endured ber suf!ering with nation would wisb to reject or workable system in the modemr Tan trne"sidbscm Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. executive taking charge o! the Among the 47 present was Mrs. home. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Christian strengtb and patience defy it. wrdbcuew aedvlpdpno"T'ebehatn ohn IJUNE 1 - 14 -arrangements. Mrs. F. W. Bowen Smithson who bas changed bier Brooks, Gwen and Grant, Provi- and was attended with competent Oe eaonwh omunsma yeo!chae w ch sustains but ifo r i ots n -read a report o! Home and School place o! residence from Hampton, dence, at Mr. Will Bickle's. . . . nurses all through her illness. ejydscarpigrthaert.Te familyi oilepes a' wmasrk. Convention in Toronto at Easter. but bas still an interest in the Miss Alice Arnold, Brooklin, with She was bigbly respected by alI its inauguration in Russia was ion o! the sex instinct. In like Treasurer's report showed satis- W. I., and although she is at some Mrs. Harold Muir. .. Mr. and Mrs. who knew ber. In ber younger that it promised a larger and manner we must develop a type factory balance on band, despite distance from here, bas renewed Jesse Arnott. Maxwell's, Mr. and years she took a very active parttremaseo!d occytn o!crcerwih ilsuan Tobsnss en adjnd the acttha th clb bs cntr- br mmbeshi, wth anyoth Mr. CcilJeferyand Doreen, in cburch work, being organist the masses had bitherto known. democracy and makcà it a satis- the Ary Th oteda tey - buted generously to various ers at tbis time. The roll caîl was Maple Grove, with Mrs. Jane Os- for many years and member o! atr xrsino h rgr e causes. Before calling in Chris answered by naming a flotver be- borne. .. Mr. and Mrs. Al!. Pen- the Ladies' Aid and churcb. She When it became apparent that the !atr xrsino!tegea-mtwileonleve Barchard, o! the nominations ginning wîth your naine. nington, Roy and Lois, Toronto, was born in Enfield December 26, working out o! the system in- ious instinct. My comisocadoe committee, the President thanked The motto for July "Grand- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cryderman, 1865, daughter o! the late John volved an exreme form o! auto- We need to educate ourselves "ýWha!1xlie i red the members for their whole- mothers' Day" will be "Scatter Bowmanville, at Mr. H. F. Os- and Grace Ashton. On May 25, crc h prta yaiswn o eorc.W uttain our "can ~egtcmiso swî hearted co-operation. She review- gladness, joy and mirtb, ail along borne's. . . Mrs. Kennetb Werry, 1890, bier marriage to Mr. Ormis- out o! communism and now sheI minds and wills and feelings in as ouria? ed the activities of the club this the ways o! eartb." Roll caîl: Bowinanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ton was solemnized in the cburch is. unable to propagate bersel.! the light o! the democratic ideal. _______________ year and saîd that only the comn- "Memories o! Grandmotber." The ley Werry and Thelma, Salem, and she bas resided in En!ield wîtbout the recourse to force. I ol eataeyide ~Ls bind ffotso! ilmemer ha Nrtbgrup il tae hare. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bragg, Shaw's, continuously since. In many Places democracy we should win a victory for de- made tbese activities successful. at the Werry home. The funeral was well attended means notbing more than the ex- mocracy and then find ourselves' These officers were elected: Pre- Pleased to welcome Mrs. S. S. June 4th at bier residence, the tension o! the franchise to the with y terte aait oth LOT siet ay oe; iePrs-Ebenezer Brooks back among us after service being conducted by Rev. common people, and even then coraeito pu t itncapacntiLIf ST-NKNGS.BEWE dent - Mrs. Wallace Gibson; Sec- spending the winter in Toronto H. H. Lackey. The interment was its effective use is obstructed by on the other band we develop the b andGogct. a' retary- Bill Allin; Corresponding and Detroit. in Union Cemetery beside ber political manipulations. Because moral qualities wbich make de- bak altmotann smo Sec'y.- Betty Allin; Treasurer - Anniversary Services were held husband who passed away about o! this democracy bas been brand- mocracy vita neyer again wil1 it rc mit. rwrd ine ChrisBarchrd; Eecutie - E F. Ol Sunay, Jne 8t, wit Rev.a year ago. Bearers were Messrs. ed as a failure. If the battie for i be necessary to fight in its de- pleasertr ttsa fie R. Osborne, Austin Turner, Ross R. H. Wylie, Columbus, in charge "Mlounties"' Picture Frank Gilbert, Hoskin Smith, L. democracy is going to be o! per- fence. Bwavle 4 Bowen, Mrs. Ed. Dean; Pianist - contributed an anthem, witb Mrs. Ain@oys H r ilrsell Ormiston and Ellis Pascoe. world it must be backed up by Roy Patton; Auditors - Mrs. A. G. F. Annis taking the solo part.____ The many beautiful floral tri- an intelligent and sincere attempt Turner, Mrs. C. Malley. The re- Mrs. Kenneth Werry, Bowman- butes from the family and friends on the part o! the democracies to Maine hrsay230p..elected presîdent tbanked the club ville, favored wîtb a vocal solo. Hitler doesn't like the Mounties. expressed esteem for the departed make a thorougb application or Maie hrdy23 ..for their confidence and promised Afternoon service was conducted A movie theatre in Basle, Swit- in flowers instead o! words. their principles to their national 4 PROMP]E VC Saturday 2.30 p.=. to carry on the duties o! bier office by Rev. R. H. Rickard, Coîborne, zerland, recently exbibited a film She leaves to mourn ber pass- and social life. to the best o! ber ability. Each o! wbo gave a splendid message to on the life o! the R.C.M.P. en- ing two sons, Harold on the home- the officers spoke briefly. The the cbildren. Musj was provided titled "Canada's Mutige G-Maen- stead, and Frank, and tbree grand- In working towards a thorough- When unedyreote question o! Red Cross appeal for by the scbool Snd Providence ner" (Canada's Courageous G- children, Mearle, Louise and going democracy two things must cleaned laahrr o'l prc Mo.-Tes e. blankets was discussed and a mo- Quartette, Messrs. Osborne and Men). The poster, advertîsing the Ivan. One son Howard was killed be taken into consideration. First, M n -Tus - e tinput by Wallace Gibson to Allin. Rev. Rickard also spoke in film. showed the Mounty onpr nation in the last great war of the system recognizes the rights .'--* ate our8-orsrie JUNE 17 - 18 19 give $10.00 to the Red Cross (to the evening, basing bis address on addiipanoteN rby 4-18 Aintre itesaMs and respects the worth o! every be used for blankets or any other 'Faith in God, Clean Living, and aeroplane and canoe. It aise Ellis Pascoe, Brooklin, Mrs. Annie individual. If proper safe-guards purpose) was passed. The meet- Hard Work." Music consisted o! printed this paragrapb: "Canada: Hurîbut and Mrs. Norah West, are not set up at this point an. White umrgret ing closed with a social bour. a number by the Junior choir, the great and rich land which is Owen Sound; and two brothers, extreme individualism may arise, cleanecl topretnbno- witb Eileen Pickell taking the solo sending its sons to fight the bar- Messrs. Fred T. Ashton, Toronto, whicb is unadaptable te the comn- : part, a vocal solo by Mr. Orville barians across the Atlantic." and J. S. Ashton, Detroit. plexity and interdependence o! ern meltho.K co n Courtice Osborne, and a quartette number That aroused the Nazis across Among those attending the modemn society. Totalitarianism smart thiseao by eain The r________s o by Messrs. Osborne and Allin. the German frontier. In its in- funeral from a distance were: Mr. prepares people for mass action PHON E 520 revitalized ams Mr. Edwin Pidduck entered two On Monday evening the play "The dignation, the Voelkischer Beo- Fred Ashton, Mrs. B. Densemn, through regimentation and this at I o! bis pure bred Englisb bull dogs Winding Road" was presented by bacbter, chie! Nazi paper o! Ber- Mr. and Mrs. Levi Niddery and a cost to personality. Democracies w MANVIL in the ork Kenel Clu's Sho Pickering Dramatic Club. During lin, reproduced the potrwt Mr. Albert Niddery, Toronto, Miss bîggest problem is to develop the B W at Toronto on June 8tb. "Kentish the preparation between acts Miss two arrows darkly pointing to the Westaway and Miss Lena Nid- capacity for co-eperative actionLEERa d DYS ES EX tIEIIICIIO 1 Lonely Laddie" won lst in the Hazel Rundle, accompanied by offending paragrapb. dery, Hamilton, Mrs. Annie Hurl- without impeding indivdual init- senior puppy class, ten and a bal! Miss Ada Annis, favored with two "We ask our readers to draw but, Mr. Preston Hurîbut, Mrs. iative. C E N R n . months; lst in Novice dog cîass, vocal solos in ber usual pleasing their own conclusions o!f ws Ed. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo The second tbing to be remem- an 2d nCaadanbed "on-manner. thes Davenport, Owen Sound, and a bered is that democracy is quite OPPOSITE GLEN REDAIR OULIADE HAVJI.LND ad2di aainbe."o Mr. WE-outieishoeneutrality,"th Voelkiscber Beo- lare cncouse4! finsfrma4uc--uliyo aatra --- -- - 1 -- -- - . -. u-b: - -L and Joyce, Sault Ste Marie, Misses 3. He dees net believe there aNet E agfsi Taen ceBirdie Pollard, Amnelia Lear and wl be fighting in the west. - - -g vmar-'ganduDiTabeon acle the Misses Power, Oshawa, at Mr. 4. He whispers cautiously that Queen and D visio Sts'A. J. Gay's... Dr. and M rs. Davies u the army acts as a wholesome Y u P y O I 1 4 5 Thursday and fflday at 8 p.m. and John and Marilyn, Oshawa, 4" brake on the party. Geous ade-nlloae nyuyrsn 1Bunday - 2.30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcox and P L O- 5. He believes implicitly that Ge eroulpet mns te pay. ll Madlyn, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. FOR TUE if the war does continue Germany qpmn.1 Note Change in Time for Sunday Nlgbt Burrows, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs.wl i;taMrslGoin' w. malic thiâ change in time to accommodate any country people RoyMetcalf and Ross, South Dar- àiîwn htMasa orn' who désirs ta attend theseservices, andi 5180 for friends who lingtonCrpsith thehoEdfoarhefalliys mlht11. a ttndaferthet own church service. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Mr. and that Germany's subrnarines GOOD INT»ERESTr 18 BEING MANIF'ESTEO IN THESE SERVICES. and Mrs. Russell Osborne, Mr. con wbittle the British Navy PLAN TO ATTEND. V0U ARE WELCOME. and Mrs. Clare Allin, Miss Annie 2 ah« fl Cama" tilf U.S.-]ReUjmr down. Dn Cr s i nE e PATR C .HRRS Aln n r. oes Bwa- and new, lrge a nmy a 6. He detesta the Russian aI- 38 - 40 Slrncoe Street North OHW pnEeig C.AviR I llin and Mrs. o werns B.e.Mar- liance, nt because o! its political 0 1I W vile. t M. Go. nni'. . r.inconsistency, but because o! the1 J, à" THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 13TH, 1940