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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1940, p. 9

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THURSDAY, JUNE 20TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE OM'rARTt-i NEsWS g Miss Viola Noden passed her INSTAL OFFICERS PT. HOPE COUPLE S ca adPes al second year nvriyeas R N A O S C L B TE4 H ISIa ndP ro a Mrs. Fred Lorriman has beenOR N MA NS C L B TE4 H Phone 40r16 in the hospital. Thursday evening Masons met ANNUVERSARY Wm. Riddell is in Guelph. tion in Toronto for the summrer. Warden - Jas. Tamblyn; Chaplain and Mrs. Jake Greenaway were Dr. Floyd Cutteil visited here.-NomnW te;Tas-0.. an by surprise when over sixty Mervn Kane Toont, wa Roph;Sec - r. Clvile;Snr oftheir friends assembled at their hoýim Trno Deacon- R. C. Rosborough; Jr. home to offer congratulations on Mrs. Redman, Toronto, was Deacon- Ralph Stutt; Snr. Stew- their fortieth wedding anniver- MïrY .Ege attended a guest at Mr. R. Smnith's. ard - C . B. Tyrreil; Jr. Steward - sary. They were marrieý¶ at the hoses-ain M illbea rk. e Miss Mary Littlewood is guest Wilfred Hawke; Master o! Cee- home of the bride's father, Robert andMtsheea parsonage. monies- Norman Wînter; Inner Carscadden, at Wesleyvîlle. Sev- visited Mr. Robert Patterson. Fe htae a oeo Guard- C. S. McLaren; Tyler . eral o! the' guests on that occa- Miss AlFredCWhittakerlbwas homeaon S. E. Allen; Auditors - E. E. Pat- sion were present Saturday even- Miss Allirs.eaCooer, oîbrelav.terson, H. A. Millson. ing, including the bridesmaid, caled n rs.Ealesn.Mr. and Mis. F. B. Whyte quiet- Following the installation, the Mrs. H. Layman (nee Bertie Han- Orono bail team defeated Osh- ly celebrated their 35th wedding members went to the L.O.L. room cock), of Bradenton, Florida, and awa Monday night by 12 to 3. anniversary Friday. for a banquet over which W. M. the groomsman, Mr. Oak o! Port Clif! Cooper went to Hamilton A mixed teamn from Orono play- Ernest J. Hamm presided and to Hope. After the address given by to enlist. ed softball at Garden Hill Friday which the ladies catered. The the chairman Mr. Meadiows o! Mrs. B. Carscadden is visiting and were defeated 16-10. toast to the king was followed by Wesleyville, the groom responded Mrs. W. Andrus. Don't forget the Campfire June singing the National Anthemn and on behalf o! hiniseif and his wife, Miss Edith Hoar, St. Catharines, 28th. Meet at Park St. Church at a talk on the king by J. J. Mellor. speaking in jovial vein of the was guýst of Mrs. J. E. Richards. 8 p.m. D.S.T. The toast to the installing team happy occasion and good will of Mr,. and Mrs. Byworth, Toronto, Don't f orget to turn on the of Oshawa was proposed by Wor. their !riends. Mr. Oak, Mr. Med- visited at Mr,. Ed. Morton's. dlock Friday the 28th, as DST. Bro. O. W. Rolph and responded ley, Toronto, Rev. A. McLaughlin, Providence section had a picnic will be the vogue then. ta by Wor. Bro. Bell of Oshawa..1 Havelock, and others made con- The toast to visiting brethren was; gratulatory addresses. The bride in Orono Park Thursday. Shaw's Home and School Club proposed by Bro. Fred Lycett and and groom were presented with a Mr. Wm. Brown, MA., Hamnil- held their picnic here on Thurs- responded ta by representatives of large basket of 40 beautiful roses ton, was home.1 day afternoon. each lodge. During the evening; and a lovely silver tea service. Omemee Sunday School held a jMr,. Roy Colville has passed his several selections were given by An enjoyable evening was spent picnic in Orono park Saturday. !îrst year exams at Osgoode Hall a male quartette comprised of! in visiting, music and singing, Mr Duga TomsnTo- in law, standing eighth. Messrs. C. Taylor, R. Sutton, w. ending with a fine luncheon.1 to, visited Mrs. W. S. Roy. Mrs. Edmison and two sons, Reid and W. C. H. Mitchell. Friends were present from Bra- _____________________ Trenton, are guests of Mrs. J. C. denton, Florida, Toronto, Orono, Gamey. TENNIS PLAYERS Kendal, Perrytown, H a v e 1 o c k, i Kendal June l9th and perfornied VISIT PETERBORO adPr oe FRETFULNESS- some degree work. - rn ensCu eeget Students of Commercial Forms thisNGeeend. Fol of 5eebr BADVIC ckowmanFol- I A Y S CALL o omnil High School pic- lowing the games lunch was serv- PICNIC AT ORONOc nced in the park Tuesday. ed by the hosts. Results o! games: FOR H ELP Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Men's Singles - George Scott vs Roy Cochrane on the birth o! a Mac Smith, Orono, 6-1, 5-7, 6-2. Oshawa Presbytery o! Young PRTU nESafot aatural. It la ign son, June l4th. Ladies' Singles- D. Weese vs People's Unions held their picnic qcl robe AwnMalarmtwhhlyOtaullsî Mr,. and Mrs. Rosborough, Mr,. M. Rowe, 6-1, 6-2. in Orono Saturday, with at least Read how Mns. George Mitchell respoods: and Mrs. Nugen t, Peterboro, vis- Laie' oubles E . .ern p~. nn nosrpee d-Oh "I have fouod Babys Own Tablets so heiplul ited at Mr. R. C. Rosborough's. Lawless vs M. Cunningham 'and awa, Greenwood, Kinsale, dak- when my baby gets irritable aod upset. I gwve G Mthel,64,6-.andk Mrs.le Efel, him oe or two tablets aod in a short time lie M.adM Vernon Saunders G.Mthl,64 -.sok omnilEf e n- ia reljeved and sleeps aso uodly." and Mr,. Arthur Smith, Toronto, Mixed Doubles - M. Symons, W. dal, Maple Grove and Orono.h And Mr. Stewart McEaciber says, .'Whe visited at Mr. A. Saunders'. ' Jones vs M. Overend and J. Cor, Races o! various kinds wee ta- Myv beBaby'sowigaofalevr etfuch olss r n Ms A ooe adnish, 7-5, 3-6, 6-4. mi under the direction of!Saney gcveoeeBberO.nand Mrs. A. Dochaegeand lst Men's Doubles - W. McPher- Gomme, Presbytery recreational to a good bb. baby, Toronto, visited Mirs. W. J. son, D. McPherson vs Roy Col- convener. At six o'clock two long ]Baby's Owo Tabletsaaobring quick relief CC>wBn.vilanJiPoes7-,63 tbls eeqicy!ied ih from diarrhoea, colic, upset motitc, simple vlCutting, er, -5 63. thbeyts w and aidy ead wstu- croup, coMah, constipation, teethios troubles, Miss Ruth Logan, nurse in train- 2nd Men's Doubles - H. utn thyohsadmie ndt- summer complaint and simple lever. ing at Bowmanville Hospital, is G. Nichols vs A. West and John pendous quantities o! food were Quick, sure and sale in their action. Fr" vacationing at home. Grady, 8-6, 6-4. disposed of. Miss Elda Mountjoy froo opate an stpefg dugs An na- Rev S.Litlewod reahedconducted a short worship period, B lfrom cetpfiateainstever g C rugi. an Rex. itlewodpracedduring which she gave a talk on h îckness so often stnikes bin enîglt. 25 cets annîversary services at Cadmus Dixon's, Bewdley, and called on the pride we should feel on be- Mooey back if you are oot saisfid Sunday. Mr,. and Mi-s. Arthur Manning at longmng ta a country and empire Ni Andy Clarke extended greet- Garden HilI uha edwihwsllow ing taC. . Hghon n hs"Oer Messrs. Neil Shaver, Guelph, ed by the sînging o! the Nationai 90 Club" Sunday. Don Smith and Gordon Dent, o! Anthem. The young people had A Mr. and Mrs. Welsh and familY, Grimsby, spent Sunday with Le- a tug-o!-war with six (three boys tWilsonville, visited Mrs. I. T. Roy Brown. and three girls) taking part from Chapman. Mr,. and Mrs. W. G. Smith and each union. Oshawa won. King Mr,. and Mns. Harold Cobble- Ruby, Whitby, Mrs. S. Trewin, St. Church, Oshawa, put on a most dick were given a kitchen shower Ennisklllen, Miss Bernice Stai*n- amusing skit "The Organ Grind- F) Aat Leskard Friday evening. ton and Mr. Garnet Towns, Co- er," and Bowmanville provided A bee for gardening at the Park bourg, were guests at Mr,. Stain- two quintettes and a most amus- St. Church was scheduled for ton's. ing skit "The Proposai. Three My Wednesday. A picture o! the Royal Canadian judges awarded the decision ta I i £Forestry team won the prize at Engineers appears in Monday's Bowmanville. Points, according M Bethany Saturday. Kirby played Star, and if it isn't Ern Dent in ta placing in the sports events, off with them for first place. the back row ît's his twin bro- were given ta each union, with Mrs.W. S Ro wasin orono. her.B nwanville ahead. Oshawa's Mss.W. S Ro wasin Trono. ter.winning o! the tug-o!-war was AMargaret camne home with her for The congregation o! St. Sav- added and Bowmanville's stunt holidays. ioLr's Church, Orono, întend hold- added and the result showed e-N Mr. Robert Thompson celebrat- ing a strawberry festival on the Bownianville 90 points and Osh- cc ed his 9th birthday on June 17th.. church lawn Friday, June 28th.- awa 82. Blackstock came third M He lives at Robt. Fuller's. Surd iervedmisron: p.m. tand-c and Greenwood fourth After the af Mr,. and Mrs. Rainey and f arnadTm. diso: ds3c stunts Stanley Gomme presented ha iyTootvisited at Mr,. W. B. Children 20c. 25-2 the shield ta Hubert Hooper, pre- nu .' haar's. Mrs. Jas. Robertson, Mr. and ident o! Bowmanville UnionA Cubs met June l2th, with 15 Mrs. Kenneth Robertson, Mrs. A. who replied fittingly. thi tyheir bird C. Casselden and Marion, Miss ha_______________ pest. Thplaey conti n e o Margaret Ward, Mr,. Wmn. Keats, ati DA tuy, laed ams ad njoedMiss Doris Smith, Toronto, visited a j a stary. a r S bnes i y~/ pent. Most o! the evening was All the Orono girls in training ENTER TAINER tic ~iiIii 1. rspennplnigfrigm at the Whitby hospital, Misses Secure RALPH GORDONý the On, FI pn ilnin o igmei' Thema Myles, Marjorie Sisson, aodrul estl of/th Scous et Cune l2th, wi 1th. 24nat Mi,. S.raPayne's. j su a!thlSfeyClb er Jn Mary Sisson, Muriel Morton and tainer, for your next entertain- gi' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jones have moved Enid Cobbledick, were successful ment. Iflastrated afreular free. into part a! Mrs. Harrison's house. in their first year exazninations. -d~a pi' ~~~~Speed signs were erectedi in Congratulations! 2bCafr tet oot Ij Oono ast eekOshawa Sea Cadets came ta The King's birthday passed off Orono Wednesday the l2th and_______________ fé MAEvery quietly here, with everybady played aur picked team, who won t PERFECT working but bankers, school tea- over Oshawa 22-9. "Lil' Abner" t BRADchers and school children. Wood pitched, and Major caught. o Mrs. George Morrison, Mrs. Roy The game was noted for runs, e yezî Blackwell, Kincardine, and Mrs. several homers and the fact that Shema ýrlyPort Elgin, were a bahl went right through an C i MADE IN CANADAguests of Miss Viola Gilfillan Sr. opened car window in such a Cr t Messrs. George Laing, G. M. manner that no glass was broken. t Linton, B.Sc.F., and Ken Gamsby Kirby were in AI shape Thurs- enjoyed a !ishing trip ta Hall's day evening for the baîl game and fV taký Lun,. L. members attended twa he Oomo enta 24-10thebes LU G G D et. FINE FLAVORE funerals on Sunday - John Lumb, player on the Kirby team, scorîng L G E Bowmanville, in the morning, and in every inning but twa, and J. H. Devitt, Blackstock, in the securing two homers. Morton and ~W H I?!J ý iMiss Mary Baldwin spent Wed- 11,_-, W t!- Poers and D R A IN S 1940 more rs. af_- ..o.n. Cooper.pitched -anduLowery nesday in Toronto visiting her vetscratwice each for Orono -- 1 rohe Bllwh asoprado aýnd tLijttlewood, Watson,, and the .onr b rothei ristihoewSre opafl two Pattersons on ce each. Powers Frda n hisi Srethopta.and Witheridge pitched and Wat-1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ]Fralick son caught. vl ited Mrs. L. Fralick and Miss M. Mrs. A. A. Drummond opened 1CUEi USrgttruhE Davy. her home for an afternoon teaB cloing dixt, Giflett's Lyo drE Thursday afternoon, with the pro- a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin, ceeds going to the W.M.S. About is a boon to the houaewifel ]Keep aw Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Sherwin and 50 availed themselves of the op Ctoted Anna Marie visiteci at Mr. Alex portunity of strolling about theithsidy alwaYs-for cearing c lovely grounds and later having drains ..for acouring pots and §Or sandwiches, cake, cookies and téa s on the spacious lawn or in the pas.. for rnany other every.. verandah. Tea was poured by osiodtka Mrs. M. H. Staples and Mrs. Ed. dayhoueodtsa Dean. bet Bowmanville Bicycle Club met 'N~virdi#Ufr. Dp in hot wuser. TM .Wei in the Scout room at Orono Sat- action o itheSp. ittel blei urday morning. Allan Strike pre- ~ ~ hute sided. Atter the opening cere- mony, roll cail, business, etc., a court of honour was held and officers appointed. Mr,. J. J. Mel-otg lor spoke briefly and Charlie Carter gave instructions, alter which dinner in the park was enjoyed. A game with Orono Scouts followed in which Bow- manville were winners. Rev. D. Stinson, Blackstock, % occupied the pulpit of Park St. Church Sunday, delivering two thoughtful sermons. In the morn- ing he spoke on "I will lift up mine eyes" and told the children a story. In the evening he spoke on "Daniel's Vision." The choir rendeied an anthem at each ser- FR" BOOKUTr - The Oniflt'sL" D vice, with Mrs. A. A. Drummond Boohiettla hou thi pomm chleaFui taking the solo in "Guide Me, ~0 ceus i e dene.. ef t Thou Great Jehovah," and Miss the comt of the .. hmu ft Bertha Cain and Myrtie Smith peeonm idaim. aof te". Sei for a taking the duet and Mrs. Row- '-COY Standad Esaad Ltd., a *~~4OMI~I land Smith the solo in the even- Twort, ont. ~Lbt ing anthem "Only Wait."IM 1H ,ORONOc L4cal Valedietorla irWns Readers' Digest Award In addition to obtaining ail her maminations on the teachers' re- immendation, Miss A u d r e y Doper, who is the Valedictorian dthe graduating class of 1940, Lswon the Readers' Digest An- ual Award for Scholastic ýchievement. Although this is he first year that such an award as been made at Orono Continu- tion School, it will be an annual ward hereafter. This prize con- sts of a complimentary subscrip- n to The Readerra' Digest for ne year and is accompanied by certif icate to be presented at raduation. 'Yes, it's great stuff, this tonic," .d the salesman. "It'll make you el ten years younger, sir." 'Ten years? WeUl, it's no good me, then," said Brown. 11 luldn't mind feeling sixteen irs younger, but ten years-no." 'How's that?" asked the sales- n. I've been married fifteen years hat's why." "Should I marry a girl who can ke a joke?" 'That's the only kînd you'll The Smale family have moved i the old Archer place. Miss Mamie Archer, Bowman- lie, spent Sunday with Miss ileen Souch. Mrs. Gordon Power and chUl- *en have been visiting in Osh- va. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Souch caîl- àon friends here. Crops are looking excellent. Dme have started haying which a bumper crop. Traffîc was partially blocked ýtween Orono and Newcastle rdnesday when a large 11mb WHEN USING WILSIONS FLY PADS PEAO DIRECTIONS CAPEFUI-LY AND FOLLOW THEM E x AC il LL YY (gyOlt sc pad will il files ail deyyand cvery day for three weeka. 3 p daln each packet. 10 CENT&S PER, PACKET tlauibs, Gicus, Genusl Ske., WIIY PAY MORE? a wu,30t FLY PAD CO., HaIomm, ont, Continuation ScI Exam Exemptior The !ollowîng students been granted standing an wark during the year andm be required ta write the em tions in the subjects aftei names. The Upper Schoc dents whose names appeari granted Departmental Cert while the athers will be pi' ta the next Grade in the st listed. Upper School Kathleen Ard - Trig. Olive Brown - Fr. Auth. Gardon Bruton -En Chem., Phys., Trig. Audrey Cooper - Fr. Autl Comp., Mod. Hist., Chemn., Trig. Mamaon Cooper - Trig. Herb Duval - Eng. Camp Grant Moffat- Eng. Lit. Ronald Patterson - Mod.1 Jim Powers - Eng. Lit., Camp. Gwen Tennant - Eng. Con Doris Whyte - Fr. Camp., Grade XI Enid Bowen - Lit., Cc French, Latin. Margaret Flintof! - Lit.,C French. Jean Forrester - Lit., Cci Dick Morton - Comp. Kathleen Simpson - Comp Donald Staples- Lit., C French, Latin. Glenn Tamblyn- Latin. Jim Powers - French. Ruby Allun - Agi'. Bob Coatham - Art, Agi,, Jini Ard - Art, Agi'., Mat Berniece Colville - Lit., C( C. Hist, Geog., Agi,. Bob Coopr-Cmp., Art, M'ath. Carol Dent- Lit., Camp., .zeog., Art, Math. Edna Myles - Fr., Agr. Carol Staples - Lit., Camp. C. Hist., Geog., Lat., Art, M!ath. George Walters - Camp., A.rt, Agir., Math. Lenora Wood - Lit., Fr., Grade IX Bruce Chapman - Lit., Agi Dan Chmara - Lit., Camp., B. Hist., Geog., B. Pi,., Art,J Math. Clarence Farrow - Art,1 Math. June Goode - Art, Agir., M Marjorie McLaren - Car ALgr., Math. Neil Moffat - Agi,., Math. Howard Myles - Agi,., Mat Jim, Pattesson - B. Pr., Agr Jean Pattesson - Lit., Coi Fr., Geog., Agir., Math. Shirley Porter - Lit., Agr. Jean Syer - Fr., B. Pr., !ath. Muriel Tennant - Lit., Coi hool ris s have n their will not amina- r their ai1 stu- will be if icates 3ubjects and enjoyed tea wt r n Kendal Mr. . A. Barrie. WihMr- n Lake Shore, Clarke AnOrange church parade will be held at the United Church Mr,. L. Mailffnell, Kendal, is Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sunday, July 7th, at 7 p.m. rciganwditot M.H Swarbrick are in the village for a A number of Orangemen at- eetn e diint i.H visit. . . Miss Audrey Rutherford, tended the funeral service of Joh Rowland's barn. Toronto, with Mrs. Ken Soper... Lumb in Bowranville on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Miss Freda Tremaine, Toronto, Mr. Lumb was a weil respected M. Heard, Browns, whose 5Oth wit Mr. Mlto Roinsn. . citizen of Newtonville for a rium- weddmng anniversary was cele- withs. Miltolmn uRobinsN w ber of years. He was buried at bae usa ih ttehm Miss ilheline udrew NewEldorado. Four of the bearers be- bae usa ih ttehm York, at Mr. Joe Gordon's. .. Mr,. long to Newtonvîlle L. O. L. - T. of their younger daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Grant and Miss A. Reid, F. W. Bowen, J. Elmer Clint Brown. Violet Mercer, Uxbridge, at Mr. and Ira Thompson. Orangemen Rcn iios i.adMs Wm. Mercer's. . . Mr. and Mrs. also attended the funeral of J. H. r. Will Horner, Mrs. Horner Sr, and Devitt, Blackstock Sunday after- R. Alldred and Lois,.and Mr. and Miss Gladys, at Mr,. Joe Gordon's. noon. Mrs. L. Alldred and Doreen, Ma- --Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover with Mrs. A. G. Darlington. . Mrs M. and Mrs. Frank Law have ple Grove, spent Sunday in Bron- Francis Hall, Toronto, at Mi. Wm. moved to Toronto. Friday even- te... Mr. and Mrs. D. McMulen, Robinon' a presentation was held in the Starkville, at Mr. Clint Brown's. Robnso's.Presbyterian Church in their - . Mr,. and Mrs. Tom Nobes, To- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Mr..luxonng rs pto b0e oor. Mr.tan receiýývea -oroanto, at r. Bey.Jvnes - '... Mr .g Lit.,ris for her apron at' W. 1. conv~enion. lmoke'sHetindlrs La a loo rs. . Han.iscMr. thFr. The Institute accepted the invita- Congratulations ta Mr,. and Mrs. and Mss. D. Gilloughley and fain- Phys., tion o! Kendal W. I. ta meet here Ivison Taniblyn (nee Rena Hos- ily, Whitby, with Mss. T. Powell. next year. kin), and Mr,. and Mrs. Percy . . Mr. Robt. Martin with Mr'. A. Kendal Sunday School anniver- Hoskin <nee Katharine Dinner) A. Martin, Brighton. . . Mr,. and P. sary services were held Sunday upon their marriages Wednesday. Mss. A. Holdaway and Allan, Port with large crawds. Rev. J. Mc- Mr,. Eb. Stapleton is critically Britain, at Mr. S. Powell's. Hist. Lachlan preached excellent ser- ili in Oshawa Hospital. Eng. mons and was ably assisted in the morning by a choir o! "wee folk" (Received too late for hast week) mp rie yMr. and Mrs. Swar- Visitos: Miss Audrey Jaynes, Trig. brick, and in the evening by the Starcvi11e Tweed, is holidaying at home... regular choir. The ice cream sup- Mrs. R. McGahey and John, per Wednesday evening attracted Campbellcro!t, Mss. Gea. MeMiI- o Mi p., crowds from far and near, and Good crawds attended the an- Ian, Mr. and Mss. R. Rowden, the humorous play "Double Trou- niversary services at Shiloh on Oshawa, with Mrs. T. Powell,.* Conip., ble" put on by the young folk o! Sunday. Excellent sermons were Mr,. and Mrs. S. Smith, Newton- Ebenezer was much enjoyed. pz'eached in the afternoon by Rev. ville, Miss J. Marvin, Morrish, Mr. J. McLachlan, and in the évening and Mrs. Hancock, Peterboro, at împ. by Rev. Gardon, Port Hope. Sîng- C. Mitchells... Mr. and Mrs. E. p. i~--ng in afternoon by Starkville Wicks. Toronto, at Mr'. and Mrs. comp., INewtonville scnool and evening by Newton- S. Powell's. .. Mr,. W. Heard and ville choir, each renderîng fine Gardon, Bowîmanville, Mr. and music. Mrs. M. Heard, Brown's, at Mr,. Visitors: MIiss Mary Lane, Mvr. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Alex C. Brown's. . . Miss F. Graham MelvlleJons, r. nd L.Barclay and daughter, Mr'. and and Mrs. Bennett, Brown's, with M elvlle Jon s, r. nd rs. L *M rs. L. Savery and sons, New ton- M iss L. G raham . .. M . and M ss. Savery in London Thursday. Mr,. ville, and Harold Bryson, Kendal, L. Alldred, Maple Grave, at Mr,. Jones attended a telephone con- at Mr. Wmn. Savery's. .. Mr,. and Les. Allin's. ventian there. . . . Miss Velma Mrs. T. Sowden and Anna, Eliza - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1h. Cowan, Cowanville, with Mrs. bethville, and Mr,. L. Hughes, at .omp., Roy Smith. . . Mi'. and Mrs. Clif!. H. B. Gilmer's... Mrs. Muldrew______________ Robertson, Havelock, and Mr. and and friends, Elizabethville, at "etW ott Agi,., Mrs. Ern. Gray, Port Hope, at Mr Mrs. Russell Savery's. .. Mr. and "Het e orget"L J. E. Andeson's... Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Warren Carson and family A .B U S L Fr'., Parker and Mr. and Mrs. George visited at Fred Wilson's, Perry- Designei, and Dealer In Griffin, Omemee, at Mr. S. R. towii. .. Mrs. Cecil Glass at Mr,. Monumnents Tableta Markeor*, etc. Jones'. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce, Geo. Smith's. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. In Grnit. an.à Marb.. Fr,., Isabel and Mamian, with Mr. and McNichol and family, Newmar- BowiiiZhville - Ontario Agi'., Mrs. Robt. Smith, Belleville. Mrs. ket, at Mr. Richard Hallowell's. Bruce is gaing an ta Bancroft. .. . . Mr,. and Mrs. Willis Farrow, Lat., Mr. MacGregor Jones, Markham, Lake Shore, at Mi'. Percy Far- athoe ..Mr. and Mrs W. J. iow s. . . . Miss Marion Farrow, B Lat., TrerIoutI, Napanee, and Miss Lois Toronto is holidaying at Mr. Vic- W Om. ouUi Turner, Croaked Creek, at NUI. tor Farrow's. . . Mr,. Alex Kelly, Brock Pethick's... Mr,. and Mss. Elizabethviile, Mr. R. McGahey, Hary icer an fmiyTo- Mrs. Wm. Todd, Oshawa, at Mr. AND WOR E gr. ronto, at Mr. L. Millson's. .. Mr. Lamne Todds. .. Inspectai, A. A. .,Fr. and Mrs. Herman McQuade, Pi- Martin and wife, Brighton, at Art Dtgg - nsmd Agr. ton, at Mr,. Cecil Walkeys... Mr. McKay's. . . . Mss. J. Robinson, day, notable te de and Mss. A. V. Urry and family, Port Hope, at Mr,. Ambrose Rob- hassawSk - Ag., Ottawa, with Mrs. H. Randail... nson's. va h eh.àda a Mr. and Ms. R. S. MacGregor, - feling Miserahe. Math. Duluth, Minn., with his sister, Mrs. *hmnim.ann % p. Dudley Jones. . . Mr. and Ms. Auctioneer mne the W"* urua M p ,T. Sharpe, Toronto, M . and M rs. - omg o e .W Ien Harvey Barrie and son Gardon, EL RWILBUR i&myfiî ltha ,th. Providence, with Mr. and Ms. J. Llensed Auctioneer doge vida i,r A. Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Hampton - Ontario Hndd &I-mayfi "M omp., las Cle, Bethesda, with Mr. and Specializing in Farn, Livestock, Deus Ki&""PUa dnIl. yO t Mrs. Laurie Cole. Implements and Furniture Sales UgwM< ntum à chmt S ft a. Mrs. Narman Rickard, New- TERMS MODERATE »Il mnI. yle <hi. 8.1 116 Arcastle, had charge o! the W.M.S. Phone for Ternis and Date to: D 'A i-' ie o! United Church here Tuesday Bowmanville 2428 Dod "s !d eyT l Clarke Union

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