PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JUNE 2OTK ban murally while teaching at the' IBoys' Training School. He will be t gingto university in the al The Ne ca tl In ep nd n rs McClennahan, Toronto, has Phone Clarke 1114 Geo. H. Carveth Estate for the _______________________________________________summer and was down over the - A F.& A M. an viitig be-weekend with her friend, Mrs. J. Mrs. Percy Brown has returned-A .&A . ndvstn r-H. G. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Rust -_____________ from Rochester, N. Y. thren will attend divine worship D'Eye (nee Miss Kay Wallace), Miss Bessie Clark, R.N., Port at the United Church, Newcastle, who were married in St. Paul's Hope, visited her mother, Mrs. on Sunday morning, June 23rd. Chapel, Toronto, June l2th, came Merkley Clark. Ms el .HwrTrno down to the Wallace cottage at COMING EVENTS Mrs LilaR.Howrd ToonoNewcastle on the Lake after the ____ Miss Jean Rickard and friend, has joined her daughter, Mrs. Wmn. srieadsetTusa ee nftr dac oiei Oakville, were guests at Mr. W. Doherty, at "Broadlawn" for the GoldieandRulentMissiodand, un- ftueadaentieina F. icar's t Th Grng." summer, and Madame Le Dean, der the superintendency of Mrs. part o0f the paper announcin Miss Patricia Pearce visited her Toronto, is hier guest for a fort- W. E. Meman, assisted by ~R meetings or services of any kinx siserMis MiniePeaceandnigt.E. Morton, held their June Tea in regardless whether collectionc Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce in Mr. and Mrs. Allan Howard, the S. S. hall Saturday afternoon. admission is charged or not, wi Toronto. who recently returned from Mexi- The fish pond was one of the Most be considered as advertising an We are sorry to report the con- co City to Canada and are again popular and frequented spots. charged at the regular rate of! tinued illness of Mrs. Win. Cowan living in Toronto, spent the week- Pianists contributing ta an in- per word, with a minimum charg who has been confined to her bed end with his mother, Mrs. J. Scott formal program of music were: of 50c per insertion. This actio for saine weeks. Howard. Lawrence Morton, Joyce Martin, is found necessary owing to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warburton Manager Geo. Crowther and Arvilla and Shirley Brunt, and many People and organization and daughter, Oshawa, visited her Misses Jean Bonathan and Betty Miss Pauline Deline favored with taking an unfair advantage of th father, Mm. Alonzo Cowan, and VanDusen were at Maple Grove a vocal solo. Proceeds $2 1.26. free publicity privileges in th Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan. June l2th drawing up a schedule W. A. o! the United Church met past. Correspondents and other Mrs. G. H. Cowan has recovered o! games for South Darlington June l3th, with President Mrs. J. sending in such notices shoul from hier ilness and is able to be Softball League. H. Jose in the chair. Mrs. W. J. S. indicate to whom the bill is t up again. Miss Emma Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Napier Rickard brought to the attention be sent or notice will not be in R.N., has been waiting on her. and daughter Gwen, Tottenham, of the meeting the Red Cross ap- serted. This ruling does no Rev. F. B. Allnutt, of the Upper were guests of Rev. R. E. and Mrs. peal for blankets, having had an apply to reports of events tha Canada Bible Society, will give Morton on their return from a interview with Mrs. D. B. Simp- have taken place which are in an illustrated lecture in St. Geor- trip through Quebec and around son of the Newcastle branch. The serted free of charge. ge's Parish Hall to-night (Thurs- the Gaspe Peninsula. meeting decided to collect, thro' day). Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson and the different groups, alI the old Mr. Wilbur Blackburn, Haydon, Jean went to Pontypool Sunday sweaters, scarves, mitts or any- Haydon Anniversary, June 30t. was here Sunday and arranged to extend sympathy to Mrs. Noah thing else made of wool suitable Rev. W. C. Smith, Courtice, gues for his former male quartette! Foster in the bereavement thro' to be made over into blankets. speaker. July lst, tea, sportsý anc colleagues to sing at Haydon an- the death of hier husband. Major Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Morton are concert by Marion Douglas Co. niversary. ,H. W. Dudley's family also mo- going up to Paisley June 29th, and Toronto. 25-1 Great Wam Veterans George1 tored out to express sympathy. they offered to take ahl that had Meadows and Jesse A. Allen at- Mr. Robt. Duck Jr., who has been collected to Chesley where tended the annual Magna Carta been employed with Mr. A. W. the blankets are made. Mrs. Salem W.A. will hold a straw Drumhead Service in Oshawa last Glenney and who has been trying Merkley Clark's group presented berry social at the home of Mm. W Sunday aftemnoon. to enlist for saime time in the a literary program consisting o! G. Werry, Salem, Tuesday, JunE Mm. and Mrs. C. S. Horrocks and; R.C.A.F., received notice to report readings, by Mrs. Gordon Martin, 25th, beginning at 4 p.m. (S.T. the Misses Horrocks have movedi in Toronto on June 15th. Kenneth Mrs. Jno. Hendry and Mrs. P. R. Admission 25c. Program. 25-1 from their wintem house "Green- Stephenson has also made appli- Langman. Refreshments w e r e fields" to their lake front cottage, cation ini the R.C.A.F. served. "Half-a-Hill"~ for the summer. Donald Jose and Edith Hendry, Shopbreakers again attempted Hampton Annîversary will bE Members of Durham Lodge Newcastle High School, will prob- to enter A. E. Mellow's drug store held on Sunday and Monday ably represent their school as on Monday night but failed in June 30th and July lst when Rev guests of the Canadian National their attempt. However they dam- Ivan E. Kennedy, Claremont, wil SExhibition at the luncheon for aged the lock and left it in such be guest speaker. Full particularE high school students and members a condition that Mr. Mellow was next week. 25-1 of school boards in the Women's unable to unlock it when he came Building on Sept. 7th. to the store Tuesday morning. It Don't miss the lawn supper al Mrs. W. H. Walton-Ball, Harris took hlm and the blacksmith Trinity Church, Thursday, June Lodge, entertained at a garden three quarters of an hour to get 27th under auspices of Woman' party for the ladies of Governor the door open. Provincial Con- Association. Menu: salad plate, Simcoe Branch of the United Em- stable Price Morris investigated. strawberries and cream, etc. Sup- pire Loyalists on Monday after- In relation to the recent burglar- per served from à o'clock unt:l noon. The ladies who are înterest- izing of Emnie Alldread's garage ahl are served. Adults 35c; child- Owlng te> Ideal growlng con-1 ed in war work plied their need- two of the emptied gasoline cans ren 20c. 25-1 ditions the hay crop is bound les in knitting in their spare time. that were stolen with their con- ta be heavy this year and the Mrs. Ralph Day and two chul- tents have since been found under farmers wil need goe>d bayin dren from Goodfish Lake, Alta., a culvert near Constable Garrod's. The Refugee Group of Bowman- tools. The tamous Massey- have joined Mr. Day here and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Selby, Bruce ville is holding an aftemnoon tea Harris 01-Bath Mowers, Hay they are now living in one of the Cotter and H. R. Pearce attended on the lawn of Mr. J. H. H. Jury, Rakes and Tedders are made Tkatch houses east of the village. the funeral of Noah T. Foster, on Thursday, June 27th froný ta handie the heaviest of crops. Another child is stayîng with its formerly of Newcastle and Bow- 14 to 6.30 p.m. Fortune telling, tea These machines are on dlsplay grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. W. manville, at Pontypool on Mon- cup reading, home-made cooking. 4t Massey-Harrjs Shop, Bow- H. Day, now of the Montreal and day., He was an American by Admission 25c. Proceeds for me- manville, at ail thnes. Aise> Ottawa Conference, of the United birth and after coming to this fugee work. 25-1 Reconditloned Mowers, Rakes, Chumch of Canada. country worked in the now de- Tedders and Two-He>rse Coin Included in the list of teachers, funct knitting factory in Bow- The fortieth anniversary of Cultivator. published last Saturday, who manville. He also lived on the Bowmanville Women's Institute ammmwere successful in the subjects Pioneer Farm, formerly Lovekin will be held at the home of Mrs. W. S. STAPLES they tried in the University of poperty. He is survived by his Clarence Hall, Westmount, on Massey-Harrls Dealer Toronto second year pass course widow and five children, Myrtie, Thursday, June 27th, at 2.30 p.m. Phoe 81 BomavIIe was Stanley J. W. Rickard who now employed at Cadmus, ROY, This is an important occasion and Phone___781_______________ passed in English and Geology. employed with a farmer near alI women interested in Institute Stanley has been studying extra Manvers Station, and Dorothy, work are invited. Evelyn and Earl at home. Mm. ___ Foster had been a sufferer from Long Sault Anniversary ser- cancer for the past five years. vices will be held June 23rd at Rev. J. McCormack conducted the 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Guest speà.ker, funeral service at the house in the Rev. D. M. Stinson, Blackstock. W E VO UNJERpresence of a large number 0f Special singing by Tyrone choir. WE VOL NTEERfriends and neighbors and the Wednesday, June 26th: Enniskil- burial rites in McCrea's Cemetery. len Y'oung People will present Mr. Selby was one of the bearers. their play entitled "A Girl in a Langman's General Store was Fur Coat" at Long Sault at 8 p.m. Abroken into and burglarized li Admission: adults, 25c; children, A th eary hors o Friay, nd tel1c. All services and play on depleted of several lots of mnStadr Tm.25-1 shirts, socks, shoes and other H app W eek-enid goods which could be quickly and Salvation Army East Toronto F o Y udoors and then reaching though post' Office at 7.15 p.m.; Music F o r o u ad dawin th bols. ocalandfestival at Army hall, 8 p.m. Sun- and Constable John Garod anddyHonesmtig 1Ia.; Provincial Officer Price Morris, Bn concert at Orono, 2 p.m., TRY OUR Bowmanviîîe, investigated. A fin followed by one at Cream of Bar- Indiidua 10gem print expert, summoned from ley Camp, 3.30 p.m. Joint service Iniiul4Toronto, examined several pieces ilbhedn Trinity Church at *o! the broken glass and boxes and 7 p.m. Final sacred festival at Staw eryS orc kI cartons that had been handled, Cream o! Barley Camp, 8.30 p.m. Strawberry Shortcakes Oc for finger prints. Constable Gar..wî ehldSnaJn rod said that evemything was all Enfield Anniversary services THE ART R FA ILYgarage was broken into, probably Rev. J. McLachlan, Newtonville, by the same party at about thewl pa t20 n .pm Bakers for Two Generatlons same time, and several gallonsofwl paat20an7.0.m Phon 85 Bowanvlle gas and oil were stolen. The pad- Specia] music by school. Offering Phoneo 8he55ontowmanvwa bîe in aid o! school funds. Wednes- ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ lke n the fon oos a bo d ayJune 26th at 8 p.m. Enfield kenhee.Youýng Pope will present their play "Red Acre Farm." Music .4.~, - ~between acts by Messrs. Neil mc- Wvvuulfg Culloch, violin, gold medalist; A. Wearn and F. Standard. Admis- D'Eye Wallace sion: adults, 25c; children, 15c. 25-1 The marriage o! Miss Kathleen. Wallace, daughtem o! Mrs. J. H. G Wallace, to Gunner George Rust: Holmes. Rev. R. E. Morton of- D'EyesoofM.adMsWi ficiated as chairman and in an liam utDEyto paeJn oral address !elicitated, on behaîf of nink almav wepas A r n e Mrs D'Eye was gwe nprl LAJ chiffon with black straw hat trim- WWUiAra g med wîth flowens, and corsage of I roses. Later the couple left for Is Mms. Wallace's cottage at New- castle, the bride travelling in a riais, Red Cedar Shingles costume o! white flannel with eaisance Io hall and wind white bat. lie. .. natural inmulation )plication gives three laps CHOIR HONORS protection from summer E L W D decided fuel saving. Cali ______ ED United Church Choir met by special arrangement at the home of Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Clemence, Shaw's, on Friday evening, and tOuuuuI Co atrapro fpatc aeaf Oshawa66 after eniod o! p frcrticetmae ay Oshawa - 06 p eds atind o!rfmery to the newlyweds andWfo- rer members1 Consuit us-We1 Detaili lu lb. choice of roofing mater oMfer you many advantagee . . . stornns. .. lowest cost per year of1 . . . good appearance. Correct api of Cedar Wood, creating triplef heot and winter cold-effecting a us for full particulars. OSHAWA WOOD PR Phone Bowmnanville - 2130 01Lthe chiLr, Mvr. anad Mrs. Johnn1 » At a British observation post on the Western Front, Private Jones was peering into the dis- tance with his field glasses, when suddenly an adventurous flea started climbing across the glass at the far end. The watcher gazed for a moment in amazement, then turned and gasped: "Lumme - they're coming over on camels!" 'trtreaat for pileSor hmzhi. rota cD podutveiy depema on Dr. Chauds Ontmentý BIRTHS B30UNSA-LL - At Bowmanville any Hospital, June llth, 1940, to ing Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. A. H. Boun- md, saîl, a son. orWE vill WEB - In Bowmanville Hos- id pital on June 6th, 1940, to Mm. 2c and Mrs. Thornton John Webb re (nee Hilda Barrett) a daughter, gen Heather Frances Escapens. 50 ns DEATHS the te DEVITT - In Cartwright Town- nrs ship, June l4th, 1940, John ld Henry Devitt, Ex. M.P.P., be- to loved husband o! the late Eliz- i- abeth Watson, in his 9Oth year. lot at FLETCHER-In Bowmanville, on in- Monday, June 17th, 1940, AI- mon Herbert A. Fletcher, o! the ment Bowmanville Cemetery. LUMB - In Bowmanville, on Thursday, June l3th, 1940, John Lumb. Interment Eldorado. STAPLETON - In Oshawa, on Wednesday, June l9th, 1940, Edmund H. Stapleton, in his 4lst year. Funeral from his late residence, Lot 13, Con. 3, Clarke, on Friday, June 2 lst. Service at 2.30 p.m. Standard Time, Ieav- ing for Bowmanville Cemnetery. IN MEMORIAM est nd W- ne be xs il a i VAN DYKE - In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Geo. Van Dyke who passed away June 22nd, 1938: We seem to see in the sof t dim light A face we loved the best, And think of her when the sun's last ray Goes down in the far-off west. -Lovingly remembered by her daughters, Lela and Elva. PASCOE - In loving memory of our dear mother, Cora A. Pas- coe, who passed away June 21, -Lovingly remembered by her daughters, Hazel and Ruth. Real Estate For FARM FOR SALE -$ buys one of the best1 acres in Cartwright To Soul, cay loam; brick large barn, stone fout farm neyer rented. Wil) $2,000 cash. Write Box Statesman Office. FARM FOR SALE - 100j Lot 1, Con. 5, Darlingtor dwelling. Good out-bu Hard and soft water Il out. Apply Mac Smith, Telephone 61r2. FOR SALE - SOLID house, east side of Cer M o d e r n convenience cheap to close up an Apply A. E. Bellman, K West, Phone 526. Furniture Sale Saturday, ue22nd undesgndauctioneer 1 ceived instructions fnom Lymer to selI by public auc his premises, Queen and1 Sts., Bowmanville, on Sa June 22nd, at 1.30 (D.S.T.) quantity o! fumniture, bedding, stoves. To be solc out eserve. Terms cash. Auction Sale. June 28th-I have received in- structions from Charles Godfrey, to seli by public auction on the Brown Farm, 4 miles west of Burketon, on the Town Line, his household effects and farm im- plements, on June 28th, at 1.30 p.m. (S.T.) Terms cash. F. C. Pethick, auctioneer. 25-1 Sale $7,000.00 hundred 'ownship. k house, Mum Deodorant 33e - 53e Riadio Service THE JOB 0F ADJUSTING OR repairing your radio is best left to the well equipped service shop. Latest equipment in town. R. Quinn, Phone 575. 25~l* PHONE 433 FOR BETTER RA- DIO Service. We feature an honest service at reasonable prices. F. Crowe, Elgin Street, Bowmanville. 23-4* Articles For Sale FOR SALE - 1936 DODGE Sedan. Apply ms. J. w. Knight, Bowmanville, Phone 448. 25-1 FOR SALE - MASSEY-HARRIS mower, reconditioned, Ai shape, cheap; 3 gang plows, I Cock- shutt spreadem, Autotrac cheap fartn tractor, Tudhope-Anderson dealer, Carl Todd, Clarke. Phone 15-20. 25-1* FOR SALE - $50.00 GOOD Mc- Commick-Deering mower, near- ly new; also 2 fields o! hay, 12 and 5 acres, will take pigs or cow part pay. Norman Metcal!, Bowmanville, R.R. 2, Phone 2269. 25-1 FOR SALE - STEEL FOLDING cot 30" x 72"; cook stove, good oven and thermometer; 2-burn- er gasoline stove and oven; 2 sideboards and Victrola. All cheap for cash. Apply Wm. Roberts, Silver Street, Satur- FOR SALE - 12 CORDS 12" wood, maple and beech; ýaso dry pîne. Apply Mms. Elias Strutt, Tyrone, Phone 2504.1 FOR SALE- BUCKWHEAT suitable for seed. Apply C. L. Rundie, Bowmanville, R.R. 2. 25-l* FOR SALE - FIELD 0F AL- falfa and Timothy, about 4 to 5 acres; also one of 1½% te 2 acres. Matt. Brown, Box 75, Newcastle. 25-1 FOR SALE - THOR SUPERIOR electric washer, excellent con- dition, $35.00. Apply Mrs. Fred Holroyd, Lot 4, Con. 10, Dar- ]ington, 2 miles north of Long SautaCurc. 2n; Il .accet RCODIINE TRE- K l acptaReCONDIToNEDontires a- 54.f tubaes.ul tock0% othntiesand 25t rues. Fiti esok bth eandy ACRES reconditaiedsoneire adBuys- A.BcES, G.SF.Jaisond Tirer Bt- mn. rc tr hpKn ndSle S3ts. tuiigs.23t :hrogh- SL-A.BG PAT ,Or-o.FOR SAlE-Cg ABAGE PLhATS 24-t voyludnged anshGoldAced SRC avlfoy, ed and Golden re;t BnRICKt. Caulifloe, lBrusl prouts. etre St. Stucmy &Sto,hoest7p8ces i stae SdI Jaknan & San, Phoe-780 ning St. il-tf FOR SALE - BASEBALL BATS - for hard and softball. Large le variety and at reasonable prices. S. J. Jaclcman & Sons, - The Phone 780, Bowmanville. 23-3* rias me- FOR SALE - VENETIANý i Thos. blinds and awnîngs. Estimates etion on furnished free. Northcutt & Ontario Smith's, Bownianville, Phone ,tur-ay, 668. 21-8, a large dishes, d1 with- W. J. FOR SALE - RUBBER GOODS, Sundries, etc., mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov - Rubber Co., Dept. D-4, Box 91, Hamil- ton, Ontario. 20-8 MA'PTRESSES & COMFORTERS -Mattresses rebuilt, absolutely new. Feather beds made into s a n i t a r y folding mattresses. Feathers washed, stripped and made into down comforters. Eiderdowns re-covered. Reason- able prices. Rep. here now. Phone 362. 24-8 Nu-Feet Insoles 39c 25c 59c wlth coupon 3~c I I - I I For Rent TO LET - STORE, CORNER F King and Division Street and fou-oom apartment on Tem- perance St. Apply C. A. Martyn Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - WORK HORSE, 8 years old, pice easonable. Apply E. Kush, R.R. 2, Bow- manville. 25-1* FOR SALE - YOUNG COLLIE pups, 8 weeks old. Apply Geo. Davis, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, Phone 2194. 25-1* FOR SALE - 3 CHOICE COLLIE pups, good working stock. Price $2.00 each. Apply M. W. Black- burn, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, Phone 2577. 25-1 FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE brood sow, bred from Junior Farmen's Club Stock. Due to farrow about July 5th. Apply FOR SALE - COW, JERSEY and Durham, 4 years old, just renewed with heifer caif at foot. Apply to Archie Thomp- son, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ont. 25-1* FOR SALE - THREE MALE collie pups. Apply J. W. Bow- man, Enniskillen, Phone 2512. 25-1 FOR SALÉ - 2 THOROUGH- bred Tamworth boars. Apply Dr. R. E. McMullen, Hampton, Phone 2435. 25-1 Tourists TOURIST ACCOMMODATION, ini private home, ail conven- iences, garage, central location; also furnished cottage at Bow- manville Beach ta rent. Mrs. W. E. Gerry, Queen St., Bow- manville. 24-2* MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, Vim? Tmy Ostrex Tablets. Their tonics, stimulants, oyster ele- ments are aids to normal pep after 40! If not delighted with esults first package, maker me- funds its low price. Caîl, write Jury & Loveil and aIl other Kelp Wanted WANTED - GOOD SEPARATOR Man. Apply M. J. Pereman, R.R. 2, Oshawa, or Phone 13rooklin 329 Independent. 25-1* HELP WANTED - YOUTH wanted for pant-time work driv- ing truck. Apply Box 55, dlo Statesman Office. 25-1* HELP WANTED - EXPERIENC- ed middle aged woman, with references, to do light house- womk and companion to eldemly lady. Phone Bowmanville 2561. 15l IF Il 1$ PRICE A. S. A. Tablets 100's i 9c 9c 29c 33c lic 23c - - . I i ___ A.B.S. a& C. Tablets 100 9c 19c 9c 19c - 33c I I - - Drlnklng Glass and Fruit Saline Nexzema 5C Lux Se>ap 3 cakes i Oc USE WANTmAD5ý OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs. - Fri - Sat. JUNE 20 - 22 "The Navy Is Here" Wil Fyffe ln The Screea's Thrilllng Tribute te> the Glorlous Exploits of the British Navy for Freedom, REVIVAL Friday at 11I p.m. 'Cafe Society ' Starrlng Fred MacMurray - Madeleine Carrol Monday - Tuesday JUNE- 24 - 25 TWO. GREAT FEATURES Lana Turner - Joan Blo George Murphy hi Two Girls On Broadway - And Adventure In Dia méhds Starrlng George Breat - 1a Mfrader Wednes. - ThursdaY JIJNE 26 - 27 DOUBLE BILL Dr. Kildare Thrills and Loves Again "«The Secret 0f Dr. Kildare wvlth Lew Ayres - Lionel Barrymore - Laraine Day - And - THE JONES FAMILY la On Their Own Starrlng Sprlng Byltan- Ken Ilfowell - June Carlson We Are Neyer Undersold 0. - A __ _ _ Epsoms Salts 1-1b. tin Aromatic Cascara 4-oz. Dodd's PIS Seldltz Powders Milk of Magnesia 18-oz. Cantor onl 4-oz. Lady Dalnty Tissues z0'. Fedilamint 19 -33 Minerai oni 40-oz. Woven Frank Grass Slippers Medico Pipes 19C $1.00 vacuumn Wtch Bottles flael 17ez Llfebuoy Soap 7c 69c 29c ~:'49c Cream 39c - SSc Beef, Iron and Wine 16-o'. Dr. West Toeth Brushes JURY & LOVELL 'Y - Siore Whon We Test Eyes It Io Dons Properly Phone 778 Woodbury's Pooket Soap 4 cakes Comba 24C 1I Sec *i r - 'j For Speedy Delivery >~ Chase's Nerve Food Pond's Arrld Baby Chieka FOR SALE - ROCK AND LG horn pullets, 10 weeks old. Apply S. R. Perkins, Hann Phone Oshawa 1652r4. WJ BABY CHICKS - REDUCED prices on Barred Rocks and Leghorns, mixed or sexed. Blood tested flock, R.0.P. sired chicks. Alvin Clemens, Phone 2433. 19-tf Wanted WANTED - OLD HORSES ANISà cattie for fox meat. Norby Fur Farm, Tyrone. Phone 2415. 34-tf FOR RENi July lst Desirable Apartment 5 Rooms and Bath over Flower Shop JURY IBLOCK - Also - 4 New Apartmeots Foot of Church St. KINGSWAY Apply J. H. H. JuRy Phone 752 1 - 1 - - A THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 20TH, 1940 i TorEW.TJ. OTTAGE5ON STre RENT , - lCTrcTGfiE-O pltu rge Lake e erit, fire place, lrge ocrened vandah . F. o m,ont 0 ul.Aply P.r O.hox 73,Bowanv5leo PORn -320. LL 5SHO FOR RbENf tore oMALLice.OP sutleor storeor.ofice.p-n 448yBoMrs. J. W. Kngh, pon 448, Towmanvil-e5 23-tf andSbatO, eRNTblie5 RooS aond atnear Publesi ooAu Convenienc.Posesion Au-cl guatst 3r. Wit2Bx 5-c1 FOR RENT - FIVE - ROOMED apartment, ail modern conven- iences, oil burner and garage, centrally located. Very reason- able rent. Apply to P.O. Box 9 39e 1 1 ti4