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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1940, p. 1

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Zbi VOLUMEI 86 O MNT,, N PMrUrQnx lx" ____________LI_________ ,>JU±'àrL Z't, 1940U_ _ A. L. Pascoe Tells of x-LnPart Dalhousiear Tremendous Cost of lossom Festival 4.- Saturday, June 22nd, is the da3 Pension to thelooked forward ta for weeks b Country A Musical Blossom Festi- hundreds af kiddies, relatives ané val will be held ta-morrow friends ai Goodyearites. Only twc night (Friday) in Trinity more days ta go now tili the big Rotaians heard an unusual Church, the proceeds to be 20th annuel Goodyear picnic address on Friday given by A. L. donated ta the Red Cross. Part Dalhausie han egain beer Pascoe, chairman af the Old Age A very inspiring pmogmam selected as the place which ofierz PeQsion Board of the United has been arranged with mu- most entertainment and fun. Coqpties ai Northumberland and sic supplied by well-known The Bawmenville section planç Durham. He explained details ai talent from Bowmenville ta leeve the factory et 7.45 D.S.T. the pension situation et the pre- and the surrounding district. by bus for Oshawa harbaur. There sent time and also mentioned the Large school chairs and the boat leaves et 8.30 a.m. Ar- Mother's Allowance Act. four-piano selections will be rangements have been made far His address revealed that in emong tee veried items on dancing and other enterteament seine provinces over 50% af the the progmamn. The Festival both gaing and returning on the people aver 70 years of ege were is under the supervision ai boat. receiving the pension. Ontario Dr. T. A. Partridge. As always the picnic is arreng- has aniy 35.87 per cent af its aged ed primarily for the young folks. receiving the pension. Only the Each child will receive e strip of caunties af York and Simcoe ex- ELECT BRAZILIAN tickets for concessions, ice creem, land inutheanmadaNionmers- TOHEAD RoTARY iiiilk, etc. Alsa lots ai goad prizes ladintenubrofpni-es will be wan in the races. The me- Bowmanville has 85, Darlington INTËRNATIONAL turn boat leaves in gaod tume, 7.15 Twp. 60, and Part Hope 120, he _____p.m., sa you cen bring the iemily stated. home et a reasonabie haur. The Old Age Pension Act was Aiter the apening ai the 1940 From previaus years it han been passed ta take care of aged per- convention af Rotar-y Internation- found thet quite a number ai out- sans who had no visible means ai et Havane, Cuba, on June 9te, siders like ta jain their friends af ai support. It is applicable ta which ieatured a message ai wel- the Goodyear et their annuel out- anyane who is e British subjeet, came and invitation from Dr. ing. If you are ane ai these make 70 years ai age and who has lived Federico Laredo Bru, president ai arrangements now and don't be ln Canada for the past 20 yeers Cuba, and the first general ses- let home when tee sirens shriek and in Ontario for tee pest five sion ai the canvention on Monday, next Seurdey et 7.45. years. The emount receivable the convention met "by vocations" must nat exceed $365 e yeer, in- on Tuesdey. cluding any other incame aveul- Rtr' one n rsd able. The recipient must flot have Rotarys funde rdrsfCidentSHOOTI NG TEAM made any voluntaiy essgament cago, nI., eddressing the more IN SIXTH PLACE ai property prior ta application. tONG,00 BRANCHRoaran The act has been aue e nd guests, said: "Rotar-y has A O GB A C cause there are always those who made of itself a miniature model try ta better the gavernment. It ai e warld et peace. Ail greaThercnl omdBHS seems ta be human nature. prajects must fist have theirThercnl omdB .S Though theme must be definite miniature madeis. This holds gaod shooting team cairied off severel proof ai age, ither from birth in the praject ai a world peace. hanors et the shoating match for certificetes, Bible records or other To create a world-wide iellowship the High Schools and Collegiates papers, one woman, 57 years aid, out ai sixty diffement elements, ai the province. The shaoting, went ta considerable effort ta each with its numerous religiaus donc with .22 calibre rifles, took write up hem femily Bible giving and political subdivisions, would place et the Long Branch ranges hem age as 70. The board saw in the beginning (ai Rotai-y) have June 8th. thmough the misepresentation seen.ed like an idie duear.i, but Those an the team ail placed in and efused hem application. while Rotary is and hes always tee resuits wîth Bill Brown bemng "You almost have ta be a de- been ideelistic, thus fer, et leest, the neaiest toae winner abtaining tective an this job ta protect the its idealism han proven ta be a second in one ai the events. The gavemnment," said Mr-. Pascoe. practical. . .. Rotary hes actually team was composed ai Bll Brown, One ai the best weys af check- become a part ai the civic lie of Jack Colville, Tom Rehder and ring age is thmough the census sixty nations.. .. I have no hesi- Alan Tamblyn. The prizes con- authomities. We have them look tetian in seying that world peace sisted ai manetary awards which beck terough their files for tee cauld be achieved and be made ecd boy received. The tem as a 'Iet iarty or fifty years and if permanent if reaied an Rotary's whole was tied for sixth place. i10 yeer period iollaws through fir-m foundation ai friendliness, R. M. Ainslie, commercial teechez' each tume, we are prctty certain talerance, and useiulness." et B.H.S., supervised the training the ege given is correct, he con- Ai-manda de Aimuda Pereira, and instructing. The teem was tinued. tile and brick manufacturer of chosen from the highest point ortoeproswotruhSao Paulo, Brazil, was unanim- winnems et the local school shoot- inepactatonor disegard ai the ousîy eîected president ai Rotary ing match canducted for the bene- vluekoaiter theirewn llenccItenaioalfor 1940-41, fit cadets and sigiellers. trustees are eppointed. This elsot applies ta the Mathem's Allow- e Old Age Pensions have costSo talT u n m n s t e h n thecoutrya tremendous amaunt af maney, he stated. Since theiFeature Junior Farmers' Field Day act was passed in 1929, the Fed- eral government hes puid out $166,185,770.70 and cach year this coesoe h ia aeNw amaunt continues ta clmb. At the Orono Boys and Newcastle closIe gsco nTefinal gamie New present tume, pensions cost the Gil eatl Cmr quite a margin. The coach aithee Ontario gavernment imom i ¼ ta During Bs Day Newcastle team, Gea. Crowther, 1%½ million dollars per manth. deeve ratcedta h a The administration is handled braught this teem along for the by a Commission et Toronto, as- The eighte annuel Field Day pant iew years, starting with thee sisted by a local board ai five held June lSth, at Bethany, was majority ai the girls when they members, one male and one fe- one ai the most successful staged were only thirteen or fourteen maie appointees ai the caunties by the Durham Junior Farmers' years ai age. council and three appointed by Association. There weme twelve The boys' toumnament also pro- the Lieutenant Govemnor i coun- boys' and eight girls' sait bell duced sarne excellent soit bell cil, anc af whom must be a fe- teams: with Orona being tee ultimate tmsle.wh, tarkecpaoveigac- Boys' Teams: Courtice, New- winner over Kirby. Newcastle pens w ,ta a minimuminetge castle, Fleetwood, Salem, Janet- wes put out by Kirby in the last forsesteaBinmpensinvendthe ville, Fairmount, Bailieboro, Beth- semi-finel. Other semi-iinalists fothe'BAlnccpnsonasnwelthLa any, Orano, Pontypool, Kirby and were Janetville, Salem, and Pan- cal cers Ateke ce aiscamesp on- Mount Pleasent. typool. If a -field day is held in dence and preparetian ai appli- Girls' Teams: Courtice, Janet- 1941 the boys' taumnement will be cations. ville, Millbrook, Newtonvilîe, Or- divided into two sections with The speaker was introduced by ana, Betheny, Newcastle and Sa- iarm teems that are fat in a reg- Gea. W. James and Chas. H. Me- lem. ular leegue pleying in e sepaiete son expressed the appreciatian af In the girls' taumnement the Tegraup. gm btwe the club for his eddress. hardest fought game wes between Theth ad SbailDugm ewen President J. R. Stutt pesided. Bethany and Newcastle in e semiNmhadSuhDra a A. R. Vu-gin led the singing. final with Newcastle winning 12 taken by South Durham 11-6. Only uestwas Milton Hastings, Il. In the ather semi-finel Cu1- jrt fSut uhmta Onl gust our oity aiof euh rhamteemll Toronto Roary Club. tice won fi-ou Millbrook by a icons is a eula Newtonv- oUnty ASSeSSMent penai. Thi m as mrizuuopf h n. Sprecitedbyth raortyf h unt ns ess en, The day conciuded withth usuel dance which attracted a * large number. at Cozincl Se sion E. A. Summers, Agriculturel ci-ai manager, wan delighted with le ship wan oniy fit for the pîanting the fine co-operatian eceived af trees. Clai-ke tawnshib, he from ail the junior boys and girls said, paid the third highcst esscss- and others who were esponsibie ment in the caunties for rural for this successiul sports day. amees. Clai-ke wouid have bene- iitted by Judge O'Connor's equal- RUSSEL OSBORNE izcd assessment in 1935, but Ca- bugsansessment wes reiscd and BAC S A U ýt heton treteed o ecre AT SAF'ETY CLUB sseperation. There was no doubt Ythat Clarke would have a iawer The Bicycle Sefety Club met in assessuent if an equelizatian wes Orono Saturday, June 1Sth. Vice emade, but tee council of the towvn- President Allen Strike wan in the 1 ship had decided that the, bcst chair. Aiter reeding the minutes methad was ta lay the natter and weicaming new members, aver until aiter tee wer. Harmony trafiic court was held wîte Russel *and gaodwill emong the munici- Osborne as judge. The variaus pelities shouid prevail in tee pi-c- offenders werc deait wite as theur sent crisis. "Let weli enaugh cases dcmanded. New policemen alane," he urged. werc appointed for the iolowing Reasonabie Adjustment week. Mr. Osborne gave a short "If wecacn gct a reasoable ad- talk on the benefits ta be derived justmnent that is ahi wc want and fi-rn tee club if theemules wcre we will withdiaw thec ppeai," ai- adhered ta. Reports were tram fered Reeve Mallary. Arnold Sieep, Louise Cale, Jack "There is a war an," Reeve T. Semis and Eaul Gilmore. Eddy A. Reid ai Claike Township point- Breslin maved e vote ai thenks cd out. "I wauld ike ta see thigs ta Mm. Osborne far his kindness evened up more, but right now in acting as judge. Allen Strike l'd rather noteing wes .done." moved a vote ai teanks ta Mr. Reeve G. A. Edmondstonc ai J. J. Meilor and Orono Boy Scouts Bawmenville informed the coun- for the use of the hall. Aiter the cil teat Bowmanviile. was not go- meeting evcryone wcnt down ta ing ta take any more an. "Wc arc tee park for lunch and games. Next meeting an Friday night et (Contlnued on Page 7> tee Town Hall, Bowmanville. - Assume Added Ci To EndDispute i ThejoCbourg and Port Hox Iepeentatives Agree Provided Demianda Reduced Problem ai setisfactory disposi- tion ai tee equelized assessment over which Percy Township was ;aig ta appeai ta the county Mige, was soived Fiday aiter- Muon just before the close ai the June session ai Northumberhand and Durham counties cauncil. Despite appeals tram Werden W. H. Marrow ta defer any action to upset the cqualized assessmcnt, until ai ter thc war, Reeve R. Meilory had steted teat he was gaing ta appeal it and he was backed up by Murray Township and tee village ai Caibamne. S Not Faim Deal iReeve MellarY steted teat bis township had nat been recciving a faim deal as regards its essess- ment in recent years and had hed ta pey irom seven ta eight hun- dred dollars mai-e than wes right each year. This was tee reeson why an eppeel hed been ordered. Ex-Werden T. A. Reid ai Claike Township cited tee case ai bis ,own township, stating that thee whoie nortemn aiea ai the town- Cooperation j Urged at Insi Ini Newtonvil Mrs. Johnson Thieksoi by Presidency. Report nd Show Real Activity y0 ng i.The United Church et Newtor n ville was filled wite Women's Ir ýrs stit9ýte delegetes and membersE the West Durham District Annui ns Convention on Friday, June l4t T.Ideal wether and the fine hospi ce taiity of the Newtonville Institut r- helped ta make this anc af tih r largest ettended and most er nt thusiastic conventions ai recer ie yeers. Registration aio delegetes ii -charge of Mis. A. Rednap an( ý.Mi-s. Heigh mai-ked the officie )f opening. With Mrs. Campbell a pianist, a fifteen-minute sing-sonj *beginning with O Canada anc cancluding wite the Institute Odt 'was conducted. The Club Wom. en's Ci-ced wes repcatcd in uni. yson. A minute's silence in memor) aio the late Lard Tweedsmui- anc the late Mi-s. S. Cutteil, a charter member ai Orano Institute, fol- iowed. e Good Financial Condition Secretaiy Mis. O. W. Rolph, Orono, i-ed the minutes and pi- sented the finencial reports of the nine Institutes in West Durhamr and aiso the firranciel report ai tee District arganizetian. An in- ci-case in receipts in ail Institutes was nated. The total for tee Dis- trict wes $1532.00, with e balance ai $365.00 cerried iorwei-d. Miss L. Reynolds and Mis. W. W. Horn, Hampton, auditors, certif ied ta the carrectness ai these reports. Hospital cammittec r c p o r t e d that a spring f illed mattress hed been purchesed for the West Dur- hem ward in Bawuanvilhe Has- pital. President's Repart Mrs. Johnson Thickson, Bow- manville, President, in hem report gave e sunimaiy ai hem visits ta the nine Institutes, stressing the progress being made and teank- ing ail for the fine receptions ac- carded hem. Mention wes made ai the editoriels in 'The Statesmnan' (Continued on page 5) CongratuleAions aie extended ta Miss Violet Osborne, deughtem ai Mr. and Mi-s. Everett L. Os- borne, Wellington St., who et te greduating exercises ai tee Wel- lesley Hospital Fridey received the Si- John Eaton prize for gen- eral proficiency and theory in te J unior year. Leadership Crea The iirst iew days ai thi and distraugt wite disaser. Evervnn pmpi ,,na and iilled with a sense ai hapelessness which was hard to define. Then, two things heppencd which snapped citizens out ai tee downcast attitude, back inta anc ai confidence and detemmination ta carry an tee war ta the anly end imaginable - success. Winston Churchill was tee persan responsible for the transformation, when as hed ai tee British govcmn- ment, he prcscntcd a positive and encaureging discuss- ion ai tee Allies' position and hopes ai eventuel victory. There was no beating araund tee bush; no platitudes; no building up ai false hapes, yet he redietea confid- ence and enteusiesm which pravided the nccessary stimulant for waning and bewildcred hopes. Following closely on Mr. Churchill's talk, and dloser tean usuel on tee heels ai public opinion, the Federel Gavemnmcnt et Ottawa, provided the second "shat in tee aum" by annauncing tee registration and conscription meesure and definite news afi ircresed effort. Aiter tee fi-st shock, the people ai Canada took heart and applauded teat action, feeling that now they would be able ta play an active part in maintaining and protecting Canada and the British Empire. To-day, teere has been pi-aise ai tee gavermnnt for its action, instead ai bitter ciiticism ai inaction, s0 prevalent during pant manths; teere has been an en- thusiastic response beceuse Canadiens arc ceger ta da their part. even teough it entails much sacrifice. If further meanures become necessary, we teed cer- tain teey wiii be accepted by tee people and tee spon- taneous, enteusiastic and favorable reaction wiil sur- prise even tee governmcnt. The people ai Canada are capable ai wondcrfui en- deavours and teey will ca-aperate wite any leader who hs active, cnteusiestic and reasonable. Up ta tee present, thc government, i lb actions, han been months behind public opinion but naw teere is not Uirne ta wait for tee people ta assert theci ideas befare tee governmcent takes action. If tee members ai tee federal house have dccidcd to eust aside paity palitics and patronage in fevor af co-aperation, and conoerted action, -Cenadians will beck teem ta tee linuit. lb is trne, for an ameiga- mated war government ta lead, encourage end direct public opinion. Wc'vc a i-cal fight on aur hands, but when we know aur leaders aie really sincere anxd teet aur resources are being used ta tee utmost, Canadiens will accept no other autcomie tean victory. OlId Ana Daimn.eam.An# flNjftA-um(2I.I)VRDTTI' 1, John Wojnakaski, Darlington Twp. hired man who received nearly 80 shotgun pellets in te hips an May 26te following a fra- cas at tee faim ai his son-in-law Ed. Olesky, was ficd $25 and costs or one month in tee caunty jeul, whcn Magistrate F. S. Ebbs iound hlm guilty ai carrying an offensive weapon, a shotgun for eny purpose dangerous ta the public peece. Olesky wes iound nat guihty ai unlewfuhly waunding or inilicting b--d-iuthan i ueWainek in ut- Hm Lo p, $15,818.04 Hope possession ai a firearmn and ar- At te opening June session ai $8,423-73; S. Monaghan, $4,171.8 munitin without having e-Northumberland and D u r h a m Murray Twp., $8,690.85; Perey mit. He was fined $25 gadper-t Counties Cauncil held at Cobourg TWP., $9,074.52; Seymour, $10,- or three mnts in the cunty last week, Warden H. Morrw 018.76; Bowmanville, $15,169.77; jail. exhorted the members ta, be zeal- Campbellfrd, $8,280.09; Cburg, "There seems ta be background 9si the pursuance ai their dut- $19,075.14; Port Hope, $15,411.05; in this case," said Magistrate Ebbs ies during the session. He stated Brighton, $4,481.02; Coborne, $3,- "and this may be a lesson ta you that the first duty ai every citizen 047.94; Hastings, $2,041.20; MRi- people ta bey the lw and not ai Canada was ta win the war and brok, $1,807.47; Newcastle, $2,- have guns arund the place." fr that reason the fullest pssible 005.29. Olesky's gun will be cnfiscted c-peration and diligence was Cost of Education and Wajnakaski's will be returned required ai the members ai the Costs for educatIon af counities ta its owner. cauncil duming the session. The pupils in high schaols, continua- Warden referred ta the sudden tion schaols, etc., were set at death in Monday's plane crash ai $71,695.05 and apportianed as fol- THE 'HAPPY GANG' the Han. Norman Rogers, stating laws: that Canada had lost a great Alinw~i ck, $1,089.64; Brighton TO VISIT OSHAWA statesman. The members ai tee Twp., $4,763.63; Cartwright Twp., council staod in one minute's il- $3,093.24; Cavan Twp., $5,261.46; The citizens ai Oshawa and sur- ence i honor ai the deceased Clarke Twp., $7,793.35; Cramahe raunding country willi be priv- Minister ai National Defence. 'rwp., $4,122-99; Darlingtan Twp., ileged ta see. Canada's premier Reeve A. W. Annis Miasing $8,543.79; Haldiniand Twp., $5,- radio graup in person on June The members expressed regret 680.95; Hamilton Twp., $6,612.77; 28te, at Oshawa Arena. The Blue at tee absence af Reeve Arteur HpeTWP., $6,623.04; Manvers Bell Club- ai Oshawa have under- W. Annis ai Darlington, who wasTW, $1,592.42; Soute Monahn taken to praduce this outstandingsree it erMttc n$,9.42; Murray Twp.,-$3,7538 concert in aid ai the Oshawa April. The clerk was advised ta PercY TIVp., $3,161-48; Seymour Ambulance Fund. send a letter expressing tee Coun- Twp., $4,473.80; Hastings, $1,543. The Blue Bell Club ai Oshawa cil's hope that hie would soon be No Roada Taka Over stated ta teis paper teat they con- able ta resumne his duties as a The Ro4ds and Bridges Com- sider themiselves i a fartunate Counties Cauncillor. mittee recammended teat ail ap- position in being able ta sponsor 'It was annaunced teat a cheque plications askig teat certain this group. They feel teat teey for $46,399.10 had been received township raads be taken hito te are offerig an outstanding treat from tee Department ai High- caunties roads syatem, be laid ta tee public for a very reason- ways as tee re ate on couny road over until after the war, along able pri.ce_i view ai tee fact teat wark carried on dluring tee year. wite all tralisfers flow pending. every member ai tee group is a It was stated teat a total af Report af Board ai Management hlgh priced artist in his awn right. $101,099.10 had been expended shawed teat In 1939-1940 teere The Blue Bell Club are workig last year. Receipts for tee year were seven deaths itee Hause practically alone in their effort ta amaunted ta $8,300.95, leaving a af Refuge; seven discharged; 16 maise enaugh money to buy a Red net expenditure ai $92:798.21. The camm.ltted. At June lst, 1940, Cross Ambulance ta be dolneted Provincial Goverrnment a s k e d teme weme 84 inmatea, 40 maies on behali ai tee citizenis cf Osh- that tee caounty road expenditures and 38 females. - awa and District and aie deserv- teis yeai do nat exceed $99,900. A letter tram G. M. Lintan, ing ai support. Cut ae6 superintendent ai tee Farestry ýp C uaty Rate6.3 OIS Station t Orono, u ged tee coun- County rate ai 6.3 miuls wa.5 8çt ties ta purchase additianal land Mr. R. H. Callacutt, Taronto, by a by-law ta produce $223,553.- araund tee Durhami Caunty for- will be at tee home of his daugh- 61. Amounts ta be raised itee est. This land, hie said, is in ai- ter, Mrs. Arthur Beilman, Baw- vaiaus municipalities ai-e as fol- ears ai taxes and cauld be pur- manvrne, ta celebrate his 85th laws: h sdfr$8 .4 birthday Saturday, June 22nd, Alnwick Township, $3,325.77;chedfr$8.4 ironi 4 p.m. Brighton Twp., $7,907.13; Cait- (Cantlnued next week) United Counties Warde n urges Zealous Action During Sessions Warden H. Morrow States First Duty of Every Citizen la to Help wright Twp., $8,405.46; C a vean Twp., $11,781.63; Clarke Twp., $15,657.39; Crainahe Twp., $7,- 803.18; Dailington Twp., $17,335.- ,VAU 91!ocir5V l ICI mUildis Revealed at Rotary Club $Y- Ex-Reeve of Darlingion uvvj liaIirlflr1 ANNUAL PICNIC THIS SATURDAY Wiii Ca-operate wlte Toranto With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News. The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News 'trf'ýT irTlie- 1 1 N000- 'l-tl[JMNIIAV -TTTWP- Odli-1, lnAA in War Effort NEW TOWN TRUCKITrees Block Many Streets litute Meeting BEINS ITS CAREERFollowing Severe Storm [lie Last Week EUSING OLD LIFTrnin Colorul G.M.C. Outit PurchasedEa yWe ed y Mon g By Town to Work on Roads SFEW CEREMON IES and Streets, Etc. BANK MANAGER Hydro and Telephone to AS PRAIRIE FOLK I a enw omn ii AT NEWCASTLE Service Interrupted ts REMEMBER DEAD tznayofbe mnle t an y t- SHOOTS HIMSELF Due to Falling Trees. Next Sun ay, June 23r, ~ vicariously purchased a new truck Deorton Day, at Bowmanvil a few days ago. It made its debut C. T. Batty in Criticai Condition Crops Flattened D eery. tio rcay ats an ee as a full-fledged civic dump Wben Found by Relieving n-coration Day ta the writer whentrc abu stria.ele With a flash of lightning, a rush at two thousand miles away on the In ail its crimson glory it can of tree-snapping wind and a al Canadian prairies where they ob- be seen any day driving ger . . t B ankldmaa hserve things somewhat different- the streets upon various munici- merce, Newcastle, allegedly at- manville and district residents ly. pal tasks. The range af its duties tempted suicide early this (Thurs- were awakened early Wednesday te This time there were no speech- are al the way from assisting in day) morning by shooting him- mtbrning ta witness one of the ies and few lovely flowers. People ditch-digging (c.f. last week's self just below the heart. mast severe storrns experienced n-who wrest a living froim dry soul Statesman ) to hauling great Harry Thompson, reîieving tel- here. rin that part of Saskatchewan have blocks of ice and snaw in the 1er fromn Tamworth, said that Mr. The stormn endured for about littie inclination to see the flowers winter in an effort to hastell Batty had assisted him in remov- hall an hour, tearing huge bran- In as welI struggle for existence only Nature bring forth the greenness ing ledgers fromn the vault and ches frorn trees and flattening Id ta perish. On a Wednesday after- of Spring. Driver Ruiter asserts that he heard a shot shortly after crops which were just beginnmng anoon a gathering of the commun- the truck is a "honey" - and take Mr. Batty returned to his office. to grow to a fair heigh't. Hydro iity betook themselves by buggy, it from him, he knows. Beieving it to be a car back- and telephone wires were broken Lg car and harseback ta the burying But the perfection of the firng, Thompson did flot go ta by the wind and the ialling trees d ground. It staod bald an top of a machine is incorriplete. The rear the office until he heard groans. with the result that many people le ruse af ground overlooking the portion appears a littie drab and Batty was slumped in hîs chair were forced ta resart to cook - mighty valley o the Saskatche- worn. Do not blame the makers. when Thompson went ta see what stoves ta, prepare breakfast and waýn River. There were na trees Rather recail the dollars we have the trouble was and the gun was hýad ta grope about in the dark- in the cemetery yard. saved by using the aid box on laying on the desk in front ai ness ta iawer windows and close At first people entered the the back of the new truck. him. Thompson called Dr. J. A. doors. y grave-yard a littie timidly. The The idea of a new truck (Gen- Buter and hailed Provincial Con- rmen gat aut their shoWes and eral Mators) was first conceived stable W. F. Thompson who was Anearly dmarn wig inseo haes. One began ta plough a fur- in the mid oi Roads and Streets passing through the village at the revelddmg hc osse raw around the fence. Then they Conunittee Chairman John Gunn. time. Batty, in critîcal condition, mainly af branches blcigsv beai rtactIn the suent ihbi Reports had reached him that the was rushed ta Oshawa General eral streets in the tawn. Libertyr oftatspio the ot ebrouht tO aid truck was in a "heck of a Hospital, where he is receiving street was completely blocked by taie again. Converatio became mess." At a cauncil meeting about medical attention. Recovery is a large tree at the foot af Church mieae rbu. okvesatier eame a w otsaoh udnya- doubtful, police state. St.; on Centre St. a large branch the expense aitedepredebut naunced that he wished authar- Mr. Batty has been manager aohf cas h teeisbs nath epensroefromheeattheïutio uchs anw.rc the Newcastle bank for at least resting on telephane wires; te workers' feet. as the ad one w as so decrepit A t 10 years. Teler Thom pson said sa e t i g oc u r d n a th workea liette hietecnes-cldnlogrprrmsuis. that he did not seem ta be melan- nurseries on King St. east and on tion turned on a seriaus note. Im- Council were unanimous that a chaor distubed pror ate ue a d O riastreets The maortality! An aid lady was speak_ new truck should be bought. They Mr.ha ty ad Ma lv v rjorie as yDr eSp'avemn-; ing af the resurre tion day. She w ere quoted prices on dif erent Mr Ba t an h s wi e i e o er ng as y ng n t e pa e n ; wonerd watit oud b lkemdels. One litte item stad in the bank. They have ne daugh. at Chas. Carruthers fari, north whne ail hse dead arae Wkethwa.Hdtecimn ter, Mrs. L. Mutton, Bowmanville. ai Bowmanville, a tree had down- were on the point af expîaining cluded the cost ai this new equip- OneaanteCPR rded e vI span s ainedr hwxre ta her the modemn view - that ment in his estimates for the year? O c gi h .. . bi g e r K r n h a i hn after death we live n in, spirit He had fot; but the money neer- over Vanstone's pond is being occurred and many other smaller anl. ut sh itepo ed " ant th es c ud an nut be f nd patroled by an armed guard coin- trees and branches covered lawns ity Be t woneu! n the esurrec. theltruck was a nece«sty. fun;p9sed ai local ex-service men. In and streets in the town and sur- it ban dalefalk ntesuil wake tSacafter a littie rut ai vew of the fact that several at- rounding country. ain - an't lthey e th ill e ta som eha lesstagt o usual tempts have recently been made Manager Ge. Chase ai the beading- n' he e lie e rie ad tswhat twa agred thton railway bridges in Canada and Public Utilities estiniated damage e tandwinerfli ae ad acrs mes rîinay armed tfor same actual damage has been et nearly $1,00. 'The Utilities, sth t river?"vewacs purpaeys i idaeakreparkcor done it appears that this is a verY Hydro and Telephone men are We laoked across the river; well be appropriated for t wise ov.damdatk.eaiig across thirty miles ai ralling val- more emergent use. Apparently The Woman's Association aif dat ge ley colored in hues afi ndescrib- they were. PalsCuchmtJn iwu is also believed that crop able beauty. "Yes, it will be Now when strolling along the MIrs. Pingle presiding. Mrs. Heth- damiage was quite serious. Local wanderful" we replied. What else street the smooth saund of a new erington led in prayer. A piano gardeners dlaim their pet projects can one say when a lump in the engine causes one ta look up with trio was played by Joan Green- suffered severely. tbr.aat chokes speech and a surg- pride ta view our latest acquisi- field, Pearl Breslin and Lola Mai- ,mig émotion confuses reason. Then tion i a dump truck, just remem- jerrisorr. Mis. Ferguson, the guest the aid lady bent down again ta ber that a war is an, and ail that, speaker, spoke an "The Open Alterations and redecoration plant a flower while the eternal and believe that the town fathers Roads ai Service for Individuals." work on tee Coronation Cale are fascination ai the valley held Our have again made the wise choice Refreshments were served and a about completed. - S. G. Preston eyes. in picking the lesser ai two evils. social hour enjoyed. and assistants have been working "Rather a poor sidewalk and a night and day to get tee work new truck, than an aid jalopy and Last week we crlticized Ris done on sehedule. Suave praprie- The flower boxes i the win- excellent pedestrian facilities," as Worship the Mayor rather severe- tor ai tee Cafe, "Huey", has san-ie- dows at tee post office add con- sanie poet might have said. ly for his actions on a small mat- teing ta be reaily proud ai in te siderably ta the attractiveness ai ter, but we, just as quickly, praise transformation that has taken the federal building. hixn this week for an action which place. The interior has been ALIEN FINED FOR is unusual and mast commend- madernized with indirect lighting, I PO SESIG UN able. Mayor R. O. and Mrs. Jones neon bar lights on tee walls,an -POSS S-SIN CUN celebrated their 25th wedding an- modem designsin woodwork WITHOUT PERMIT niversary recently and instead ai grace this populai eating estab- ~e mmarking the occasion wite an lishment. Topping off tewr tes Confidence Charged with cruelty ta ani- elaborate party or in same other ai renavatian te e ro ba mals, George Claytan, Bowman- self ish manner, teey wrate a been painted in light colors sa, ville, appeared in police court cheque for a substantial amunt tat te restaurant now as a ýis eekweredigouraing Friday and was remanded in cus- and handed it aver ta the Red mare spacious and airy appeai- Evsryweekwee dc rgin tody- for sentence. Cross for war wark. ance. 1 1

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