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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1940, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 2OTH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO r___________________________ navy sheer and wore a corsage of MUSIC EXAMINER CANDIDATES A Ework with new Canadians, medi- roses. ofA Ecal insurance, war needs, women 0Ft oNfR S TOw W O Egruilir~ elsts nlu CONFIRMED AT on school boards, and the compil- Dr. Wlanms eo. Hao, Ante, A N ER A Y ing of a history of each locality Clara and Joan Keough, Mr. and Th is ftesre ftreVillage History." Under ber lead- Mrs. D. Robinson, Miss June spca evcsmrigte15hersi twsdcddtmk oumaMr. Walter McCaul, sealerismrinthlOh spit sd dec"Tded tosae afY u anniversary of St. John 's Angli- seilsuyo TeUe fY u ae ivtd t ii idSt. Centre United Church offi- aho ootMr. Bruce Camer- cnCuhin owaile asVegetables" this coming year. idW eddings coate Oshwa Mr. and Mrs. Alex nel hundayin Bsop A. R. Bey.. Musical numbers were given by _____Cameron, Bowmanville, Don Cam- ey of Toronto was he R e Given in marriage by ber in ron,.toass Mrs. Campbell; Miss Elsie Wallace ~* * "t _______ bro Fisher and Norman .ryo oot ashr oass and Miss Hazel Reid, of Newton-mul ll l Rundie-Warren ther-în-law, Dr. G. C. Squire, inDiksn the Recor Canon. Spencer, vnith e , sagbatiul .olvl ckson, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ th ofcr theo R.C.A.F., Trntn ile, agbatflytolv Theiigro o h oeo the absence of ber father, the Mrs Wm. Mutton, Mr. Geo. Veale, .ceremonies. duets. T ~I iil ~u Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Squire, Lon- in a graceful gown of white ne rwaville, Mrs. Gordon Char- f;dnrnaiwsbakdwt rme eh ae aewt rn Grafton, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. folks had prepared themiselves for made aHd moeldaTice doen pamfrsadtrîmmbe a ndît lced mkan wîNaylor, Coborn.tereofC fim inad oknd oeldaktcn df nt rî w s a k e ît h aahni e f C n i m ti n a d t o a p ro n in c o n n e c tio n w ith th e B u y - N T greeno pms fers and t taf ancklace of pearls, the gift of their vows under the guidance of manship Course. Ms oisi Bîsehop Beverly: Margaret Nich- judging, commented on the fineHTSD ES Lt- dards tf spmna fe a mnd pttedg thebrdegroom Hen placer ti Wisn AeyOIS, Dorothy Downey, D o ris quality of materials andstl. b Urid i~t omk brîgstm elwshl npaewth a Tbompson, Ada Dadson, James After considerable sifiutylte ,r the wedding of the latter's coronet of glazed orange blossoms The marriage of Mildred Irene Southey, Ted Clarke, I r w i n prizes were a rdiff ict the sîster, Hilda Evangeline Warren, and she carried a shower bouquet y, ge o r.... onBoM enad Adr o (Bîackstock) lst prize, Hampton BWAV L hedaugbter of Mr. Joseph Hillyard of Butterf ly roses and lily of the Avery and the late Mrs. Avery, m n-Warren and the late Mrs. Warren valley. to Robert Augustus Wilson, son Ward, George Dadson, Jack 2nd prize, and Kendal 3rd prize. of Toronto, who became the bride The bride's sister, Mrs. G. C. of Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Wilson Cid.New Officers Elected or of Dr. Howard Bongard Rundle, Squire, was the matron of honor, of Burketon, was solemnized on LlA the morng assericte miss LOVELY PCNC FC S LilAn thayorassiseicte Muss These officers were elected for ýdBowmanville, son of Dr. and Mrs. wearing a floor length dress of Saturday a! ternoon, June 15tb, by sical part of the worship with a next year: President - Mrs. John- In Howard C. Rundle, Brighton. blossom pink chiffon and large Revma Mito Sanderson inlo St.eevnn heRc a Rev. Dr. C. V. McLean f Dundas white straw bat trimmed witb Cuthbert's United Cburcb, To- N T homCa s J.a Crawfor , o lo d the ofe eni te sercr soV ic krson B-m nvle lstL .G od a ,T i ee ef au ___________________ taffeta. She carried anamronto. The church wsprettiîy NoeTaainmscawobdchreoyh niesrieVc res. -n Mrs. L. J. Gooman, ke bouquet of Johannah Hill roses. dcrt with baskets of iris and will conduct current Toronto H.e \vas celebraLing the o3juî an: ,ii 2onds Netovile Pres. y Mrs.fucol id r.J.LegbonRudl, hepink snapdragons. Given in mar- Conservatory of Music examina- nîversary of bis ordination to the Willis. Jons, 0.eW.toponvil;Se'. ad gr.m'. brother, was he betae by erroer Mr. Cyril tions in Bowmanville on _June Christian ministry last week. Tors - Ms .L. Reol ds arno:odya Business Director man. Avery, the bride wore a gown of 29th. Mr. Crawford is one of the BihpBvryflcttdteC:Adrs W. MW s L.rn Reypoods and-Goya incti audy beB sns ietr a.white net, the ruffles on the skirt Conservatory's outstanding facul- non higbly upon the fine work he Ms .W on apo;Fd ý9%The wedding music was played ad odcben trm dwihty members and bis work as a bas been doing here and upon the erated Representative - Mrs. J. Io1- by Mrs. Leslie Gray and Mr Nor- adbiebeigtrme *t prdue of lihtopr *s wide excellent state o! the parisb Thckson, Alernate - Mrs. .B ni- ma persn Becae'; velvet bab ribbon and the bouf- pnouc.e oî orais an ev chir Musisss Alanrd Wflhia Manage Legal ma pe agfant skirt falling into a slîght kon ei raitadcor uies olrBwavle Areception for fifty guests was train. The finger tip veil wa matra iob ao e- etSna pca er- mittees: Education - Mrs. J. R. M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. beld after the ceremony. Dr. and shirred into a halo of tulle and orial Cburch mn Toronto. vices will be continued with RvCooper, Orono; Healtb and Cbild ______________________________ Barrste, Slictor Noary Mrs H.C. unde rceied ithlil o!thevaley.Herbouuetwas _______________ Dr K.C.rvanK.A.C.riityaenare- Ms.A..B Polar, __________________-_________W.___B.______________ !nPhone 351 the bridai party, the latter wear- o! Sweetheart roses, lily of the Cerong. TootpecigteBowmanville; Home Economics- Bank of Commerce Bldg. ing a floor lengtb dress of bya- valley and bouvardia. The brides- HONOR CONFERED sro.Miss L. Reynolds, Hampton; Ag -______________________________ Bowmavillecinth blue with large bat o! baku maids, Rowena and Effie Avery, riculture and Can. Industries - ______________________________ Bwavlestraw and a corsage o! red roses. sisters o! the bride, were gowned ON VIOLA SHORTT Mrs. W. Holmes, Newtonville; W. R. STRIKE The dining table looked beautiful ipatlin ad ueserPASCOE FAMILY Legisiation - Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs, chaîrman for one o! the SEsin cod !Wme'Isttea- in a olor scbe e o! pink and aste pin and blue shee tim to in~ e bav Bow anvile: istoicala t hee c nveniontniToonto in tvity inaclrshm fpn n ihpicture bats with long From tiet iSw aeANNUAL PICNIC Bwavle itrc Research November. ______John______ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary white, laden with the wedding strarrrs o! velvet and carried pubîisbed poems from tbe ver- _____and Current Events - Mrs. JohnuBaker, So -________________th: Solicitor for Bank of M ontreai cakes. centred w itb pink roses and bo q e s o i k r s s r l e t s tl n m g n t v e f T e d s e d n s o h a eBailey, Blackstock; Co m i na, wor a st os ntonfi b s Money to, Loan - Pbone 791 taîl pink tapers in cut glass Rundle of Bowmanville, was Atviean Rlef-Mmunîty Bowmanville, Ontario candelabra. gromsman and the ushers were Miss Viola Shortt, native of Edward and Mary Pascoe had Joblin, Nestieton; Peace and In- Mrs. Roy Langmaid,Soisoedow frtefittiei L. C. MASON, B.A. After th eepinte ap r. Merle Thompson, Burk- Tyrone, and at present a teacher their annual picnic at Elliott ternational Relations - Mrs. John moved tbe vote of thanks toNe-4misanloedatewo- Barse Slctr couple, amid a shower o! confetti eton, and Mr. Winston Scott, To- at Cane, Ontario. It was there- Memorial Park, Hampton, on Baker, Solina; Canadianization tonviHe Institute and to aillmm and te bet wihes f theguess, rnto.Afterthe ecepion r. an for flo surrisinnto s2thîear Junel2th DesiteahenrmddurnggadaImigraiongrMrs.Goase-Ibers nd ohersfor eebeucessanddrfulview,"fort tohfee gla Notary Public - Etc. left for a short trp to eastern Mrs. Wilson lef t for a short motor that her literary genius had been te forenoon and tee heavy clouds Tyrone. Offic inmeditl baeas !oRoyal . The bride was wearing a trip, the bride travelling in a suit recognized in th hihe rl f du ring the remainder of the day, West Durham is honored this The singing o! God Save h Ga s' h od"si i Ofieimeiteyes o oalbiedress and bat with beige and of wedgewood blue with match- literary art. The Exposition Press nearly ninety gathered to, meet year by having a member act as King conciuded another finere--psegr Imaae Theatre green accessories. On their return n aan ikacsoisOnoNe YokCt ulsseah ndge ahohr.M .J.T Phoes:Ofice68; Hme 53. teywil l___n_____ vile their return tbey will reside in year a book whicb they caîl "The Rundle is the oldest member o! Dentai Oshawa. World's Fair Autbology of Verse." tee family and was able to be _____________________________________________ Cameron-Veale It includes poems by various present. DR. J. C. DEVIITT S.Ade'PrsbyterianTamblyn-Hoskln writers o! to-day whose composi- Games of basebali and football St. ndrw'sPre b yt er ia ntions tbey consider worthy o! were indulged in and everybody Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Churcb, Cobourg, was the scene Newtonville United C h u r c h outstanding recognition. It is enjoy'ed themselves and had a real .- Graduate o! Royal Dental Col- o! a very pretty wedding Satur- Parsonage, decorated with iris therefore a very wortiîy compli- get-together. Winners in the races: ' E P ~ . E lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee day afternoon, June 15th, when and spiraea, was the scene o! a ment to have a poem included in 5 yrs. and under - Billy PascoeL.I 4 L/ & 9 am. o 6p.m. daily, of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Veale, Bow- when Rena Vivian, daugbter Of Shortt's many friends in Durham under - Mary Helen Pascoe and except Sunday manville, was united in marriage Mrs. Hoskin and tbe late Cephas County in o!fering congratula- Allan Scott; 8 years and under - CAN DAe F APvvw RA' ~~:- Phone 790 - House phone 883 to Gunner Hugb Cameron, eldest Hoskin, Newtonville, became the tions on the merited honor con- Jim Pinder, Kathleen Tink; 14 CA A L AS t4f/ ib k-II JK LJ . X-Ray Equipment in Office son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugb Camn- bride of Ivison John, son of Mr. ferred on her by baving the fol- yrs. and under - Kathleen Tink eron, Bowmanville. Rev. W. O. A. J. Tamblyn and the late Mrs. lowing poem published in 1940 and Alex Pinder; ladies' back- DR. R. 0. DICKSON Nugent officiated. Tamblyn, Orono, Rev. Jno. Mc- dto ofheEpsinPrswa ac-Evy D ella (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. The bride, who was given in Tbela briiwaing abauiu annual: Scott; men*s race - Bryce Brown, 7 4Q Over Langman's Store, Newcas- marriage by ber father, was Th rdwaigabatflHerman Pascoe; 3-legged race -3 1 tle. Office hours: Saturday only, gowned in mauve chiffon witb gold locket, the gift of tbe groom, Mystic Dawn Earl Pascoe and Jack Pearson, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. white a'ccessories and wore a cor- wvas charming in a heavenly blue In the earîy morning Gordon Pearson and Carl Pascoe. - sage of Sweetheart roses and for- sheer chiffon street length dress, Be!ore the break o! dawn, In the absence of the President, ______________________ get-me-nots. with white accessories, white fit- A breeze creeps down the hillside H. E. Tink called the company to VeteRoylinarianoman ted coat and corsage o! sweet- As quiet as a fawiir, order and Edgar Pascoe was elect- D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B. se. Milrs. Roa QuirnBwa-h trssadll of tboTebrd a i eni afliae AIl up and down the vaîîey ed President; Miss Irene Pascoe, Bowmanville vilerve as marn of hony or, Tyher brider a s . give in m It sweeps tehe mists away, Sec'y.-Treas., and Walter Pascoe, Sucessr Dr T.F. i e arhiffng a gownitf ducsy roes, h e by be other, M rs. oskin, And oh h agic wonder chairman of the Sports Com. Ap Ofcesso KntD. Eat F. Tighe chffnd wt t acc pe sres wbos woree a ored hee rhd h h witb white O! a new-born day! Short speeches were made by_______________ Residence - Phone 843 and lily o! the valley. Mr. Lewis accessories and corsage of roses In the earîy niporning John, H. L., A. L. and Councillor Roenigk, Bowmanville, was best and baby's breatb. Miss Catherine Before the dawning breaks, L. C. Pascoe. __-Funerai Directors, tnan. -Dinner, bridesmaid, was frocked A breeze stirs througb the tree 'A sumptuous supper was served - h eeto a edat the in a miracle crepe, rose, street tosby the ladies and the company FUNERAL DIBECTORS home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nay- length dress, with white acces- And every bird awakes, adjourned to meet the second Service, any hour, any day lor, Cobourg. The guests wene re- sories and coat, and corsage of Tbey cbinrup and teey twitter Wednesday in June, 1941, in T EE TR F.F.Mori C. ceived by Mrs. Veale, mother o! pink roses and lily o! the valley. And stretcb their dewy wings, Hampton. F. F. Moris Co. the bride, gowned in black print- Mr. Percy Hoskin, brother o! the And oh! The magic wonden AS Mo!Tenn Motor Equipment, Am- ed chiffon and wore a corsage of bride, was best man. Mrs. C. Hos- Wben the first bird sings! IiM N N TT T bulance and Invalid Car. Cal talisman roses, and Mrs. Cameron, kmn Mr. A. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. Prescott Shortt WOM NS IN TT T Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. mother of the groom, gowned in J. McLachlan were the only guests. ___________________ Continued from page 1) Before leaving on a honeymoon ls uut hnalnn nt-I to Ottawa and other eastern ltuu s c-pt t h en ailie nsi points, the bride and groom werett c-predopeaetes p attendants at the wedding of ber edîtorials. This idea is original brother, Mr. Percy Hoskin and and unique and with tee kind P R O CA O T P 1 1 L R isCteieDne tWel- comments by Bride Broder o! the T H E A TR E Globe and Mail, Homemaker's Hear This Sublect - June 23rd Tamblyn will neside at Cedardale m or aîyhe pape nast in Farm Orno.OSHAWA Instîtute wonk. Time: 8 p.nî. by PASTOR C. A. HARRIS The course in "Buymanship" GOLDEN WEDDING Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. had pnoved most interesting and educational - ail Institutes ex- Ev ag lstc a er ac eHobden-Beacock Gene Autry and Jane Withers cept Nestleton had participated i (Corner Division and Queen Streets) Many Statesman readers willtistuy be interested in the olwig SHOOTI NG HIGH Pa o a ed golden wedding report o! Mn. and Institutes were advised to, ne Mrs. Clarence H. Hobden o! Chel- - ADDED HRIT - serve a place on their programs sea, Mass. Mrs. Hobden is a na-fo anedadt c-pre __________________________________________tive of Cartwright Township, be- Ann Dvorak, Preston Foster floe w h need and o s opne ing daugbter of tbe late Mn. and lui their vicinity. Mrs. W. C. Ferguson and Mns. A. CAFE HOSTE SS marks by paying tnibute to, Sec- W. Pickard o! this town. The ne- retany Mrs. Rolph, for ber faitb- port fnom the Chelsea paper fol- ________________ fui and counteous attention to ber lNlh lows: duties and by paying a tribute to * Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Hob- SI LVERWARE the presidents and members o! den celebrated the fi!tietb anni- th -'tie ooe a hr vesryo ten anig a her THURSDAY AND FRIDAY theR eSctv.N n a bn-UPPORT versry f thir arrage t teired ber nesponsibility but ai home, 6 Jones Avenue, Chelsea, FOR THE LADIIES had sbown a fine spirit o! co- Mass., Tuesday afternoon and ev- operation to the mutual benefit l HL ening, June 4th. During the after- of ail. noonn many ne-igbrs% nd friendsq Man.-T .- We-d. Mrs.- Wi YsJoe,- etni-e-HEMC ï,dm iew country on your vacatiop se~ maice every Mr. andi Mns. H-obden are in lets "Food for Healtb" were dis-AU SI T R Sm E U.icos good health. Mrs. Hobden wbo tributed. A L S A SR S 42vening and holiday a vacation by owning one of Nhoe bas been ili for some time bas At tee afternoon session, Mra. Usedi Cars. There are no botter. Ses for yoursulf by been sbowing marked improve- Noble Perrin, Cameron, in Vic-A ment and is àble to be about in toria County, representing te ' DI S O 0 viaiting good bealtb again. Federated Women's Ins ti t ut es,A DI S OM Severai good-sized checks were U j 01A rsnethacite oter presented to Mn. and Mrs. Hobden $I co l nsenteiteo ciiten!.hi SEATS ON as well as numerous other gi!ts.coeni.K RI S ( kIIV !!k A large bouquet of flowers wàs a 0 Compile Local History SL TKR S D U T 1NIich ols G a a egift from tee Winnisimmet Union This was followed by tbe out- P O E 7 o! the Firat C on grne gatio na 1 standing addresa o! tedygvnP O E7 "For Informationil ou Opror General Motors Sales & Oervice Cburcb wbere Mrs. Hobden la a by Miss Edite dayins gie Phono 2510 Courtice !aithfui woi'ker. 'Birancb, Department o! Agricul- Re!resbments were served dur- ture, Toronto. She dealt with a ing the evening. usrte variety Of tçipics stressing our Aýy ~

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