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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI THURSDAY, JUNE 2OTH, 1940 il O)rder Glen Sta. pireot by Phoning 2665 30 oz. Bottle « lOc Hampton Recent Visitors: Miss Addie Syl- vester, Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Virtue and Dorothy, Oshawa, at Mr. A. E. Billett's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and daughter, Osh- awa, at Mrs. Jas. Burns'. . . Mr. S. Kersey ini Toronto. . Miss Rose Ellen Anthistle, Brantford, at E. Anthistle's. .. Mrs. S. Kersey in Oshawa.. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman in Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Willis, Toronto, at Mr. WHITE SHOES We whiten shoes to make them just like the day you bought themn. Why flot make those iast year's shoes iast another year and save the money for your vacation. See our supply of new shoes purchased iast fali and sold ai last year's prices. JOHN LENZ Shoe & Harness Repairs King St. W. Bowmanvilie ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES June 21-22-23 Bowmanville To ,CHICAGO - - $13.10 (exehange extra) WINDSOR - $ 6.70 DETROIT $- 6.70 Return Limit - Last train from Detroit. Windsor 3.05 a.m., from Chicago 11.30 p.m., June 24 For train service on going trip Consuit Agents - Procure Handbili Canadian Canadian Pacifie National Dom esti SHORTENING............. 2 Ibs. 25e CHIPSO ................Ilge. pkg. 23e UVORY SOAP ...... med. 7c -.- Ige. 1lOc CRISCO......... ......23e -63c j Quaker Pure Orange Pci IMARMALADE PI1C K L ES 2 th ar 23c 1 1Ja Salada Tea- Domino Ginger AMe Zion Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mr Russell Stainton, Jim and Gnac Mrs. Jas. Stainton at Mn. A. Balson's, Solina. . . Mn. and Mr Wes. Camenon, Jack and Joycei Mn. Delbent Flintoff's, Kedron.. Miss Pearl Leach, Solina, at Mi Norman Leacb's. . . Mn. and Mr: Christian Stor, Toronto, at Mi Hans Geisbengen's. .. Mn. an, Mrs. George Rults and Ruth, OsI awa. at Mn. F. B. Glaspel's. .. Mi John Pauline, Miss Inene Malett( Toronto, Mn. Harold Snudde] Oshawa, at Mn. Thos. Martin's. Mn. and Mns. Gerny Glaspe. Whitby, at Mn. F. B. Glaspel's.. Miss B. Van Volkenbung at Mný Gerald Balson's. . . Miss Bery Glaspel at Toronto. .- Rev. Mur ray McKittrick, Grand Valley,a Mn. J. W. McMaster's. . . Mn. an( Mrs. J. J. Rath and Irene, Mn. an( Mrs. Albert Stainton, Putnarn at Mn. A. T. Stainton's. Mn. an( Mrs. Stainton are staying for week. . . Mn. and Mns. Alf. Ayre Miss Audrey Ayre at Mn. NobI( Metcalf's, Maple Grove. . . Mr and Mrs. Russell Penkins anc Margaret at Mn. Walter Hulatt's Oshawa. . . Little Miss Joyc( Prout, Bowmanville, with hei gnandipanents, Mn. and Mrs. J Shackleton. . Mn. and Mrs. Johi Kivell, Solina, ait Mn. Fred Cam. eron's. ' . Mn. and Mrs. A. TI Stainton and Eileen, Mn. and Mns Albert Stainton, Putnam, at Mr Ross Lee's, Kedron. Football game at Hampton or Satunday nesulted in a 5-0 victory for Zion. Mn. and Mrs. Genald Balsor attended the shower for Miss Mildred Bradley at Enniskillen. Mn. and Mns. J. W. McMaster, ley Park, Enin, on Saturday anc called on friends at Onangeville. Mrs. Gerald Balson attended a shower for Miss B. Van Voîken- burg at Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. J. Cruickshank, s. e, J. s. at rs. Is. , n. h- Ir. ýe, '1, .S il at kd îd Quaker 2 pkgs. Corn Flakes - i5c Small Large Sealers . 89 1.05 Rubber Rings-- Golden Ripe Bananas- 1 1 y 1 7 PLAY 'PANTRYSHELF' T.- s. CFRB TORONTO THURSDAY 8 P.M. ..'býM --, -, CET CAME CARD FREE AT YOUR DOMI.NION .& ýL Aý À, £ £ À, £ ýà - £AI Fir m Tomatoes Head Lettuce - Dozen 3 th for -25e 2 tba for --25c Each S c 5 for Grapefruit --25e M~~ ES I ME D [] FOR OUTDOOR DAYS YOU NEED VITALITY OUT - OP-DOOR play takes plenty of energy. Hard sport cails .for a drink that refreahes and revivifies! That 's why sa many summer athietes cail foi rich, refreshing, always-good Glen Rae Milk. Bowmnanville IPICNIC OAYS Jno. Colwill's.. Mr. Prouse of troublesorne times, which was his Brooklin, at Mr. W. Allin's who fanewell message to the Salem has been ill. . . Mrs. C. Johns at folk. We are sorry that he is leav- 1- Mr. Will White's, Onono. .. Dr. ing the circuit. Sand Mrs. Davies and faxnily, Osh- Salem Woman's Association met awa, at Mr. H. Wilcox's. . . Dr. at the Buttery home on June 13th. SEverett Kerslake's, Toronto, at Mrs. L. Squair opened the meet- d Mr. F. G. Kerslake's. .. Mr. and ing and Mrs. L. Welsh read the i- Mrs. W. W. Horn with Mr. and scripture. Business was conducted r.Mrs. W. Young at their cottage at before the program which was in ;e Chemong. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. R. charge of Mrs. H. Barrie. Enter- ï,Kersiake, Miss Greta Wickett and tainment was pleasingly given in n Mr. A. Baker, Bowmanville, at the formi of a piano solo by Miss 1.Mrs. Bessie Robbins'. .. Mrs. Marie Collacott; reading by ?Mns. d Shaw, Toronto, with her sister, E. Silver; and a book talki by Rev. Mrs. Geo. Farncomb. A. W. March entitled "The Home Football game in the park on Front;" Miss Thelma Werry also Saturday evening between Zion added to the pleasure of the pro- Land Hampton resulted in a win gram with a reading. Lunch was for Zion. served by Mrs. Barrie's group. Mns. L. TruIl, Mrs. W. Doidge, Mrs. C. Warren, Miss L. Horn, Mrs. E. Adamson, Mns. W. W. Solina Horn, Mrs. B. Ferguson, Miss L.____ Reynolds, Mns. J. Reynolds attend-1 Recent Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. cd the W. I. branch meeting at, .E er n ere r n Newtonville. Hampton Branch M'S. A.eryand eorgiedeMn.and won nd rizein he aronex- amiiesat "Braeside" Enfield.. hibit. I Mr. and Mns. Neil Yellowlees, Rev. H. Lackey, Enniskillen,ý occupied the pulpit acceptably o wmrvilatM. .W.Y; Sunday evening. Mr. Rackham! lowlees.. Miss Fanny Smales, wastakng nniersry ervcesToronto, at Mr. J. Smales'... wa ataunketon raysevcs:Mn. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Whit- Hýa Be mny . ed eewr by, at Mn. H. E. Tink's. .. Mr. sorr tohearieof therpassng ofHarvey Yellowlees at Mr. Ed. Mrs. T. J. Clarke, a former re-Dai'Kern..MryEiot sidnt f Hmptnat he omeofOshawa, with Mrs. R. J. McKes- hie sofrHanktatWatrte ou me ask sock. . Miss Noreen Cook, Brook- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch a-n at M.BueTnks r tended the funeral of ber cousin, Win. Cowling, Whitby, Mn. and iMrs. Andrew McGill, Janetville, Mrs. S. Hockaday and Mn. and Sunday.Mrs. E. Hockaday at Mr. Les. Mr. nda MsyrvlSonSa Cochrane's, Enfield. . . Mr. and grave, Mr. Harvey Curtis, Orono,Ms.NC.elwesatr.Dn Mrs. M. Cole, Miss R. Huis and ald Yellowlees', Columbus. Miss M. Bickle, Toronto, Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Michael, Har- Clemence, Oshawa, visited at Mr:.niony, Mr. Will White, Douglas E. H. Cole's. and Donald, Orono, at Mr. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McReynolds, White's.. . Mr. Geo. Hogarth, To- Mr.andMrs WhlieandMrs ronto, with Miss Mary Hogarth. Lawrence McReynolds, Muskegon, Mr. A. L. Pascoe was at Port Mich., visited bis sister, Mns. w. Hope and Cobourg on Fniday and H. Gay. was guest speaker at Bowman- ______________ ville Rotary Club Friday noon. In the absence of our pastor Rev. H. Lackey, Enniskillen, to Salemcharge of the cbunch service on Sunday monning and brought an Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. inspiring message. W. Moffat and family, Orono, at Sympathy is extended to Mrs. *Mr. F. L. Squair's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson in the death of ber Ewart Pollard and Rosemnary, father, J. H. Devitt, Blackstock. Toronto, at Mr. C. Pollard's. .. Young married people had an Mn. and Mrs. L. Annis and Mar- enjoyable picnic at Lakeview ilyn, Toronto, at Mr. W. Cann's. Park Thursday with about 75 per- Mrs. H. Rundle who is ini To- sons present. These officers were ronto Genenal Hospital underwent elected: Pres.-Mrs. Wes. Yellow- a critical operation on Saturday lees; Vice-Pres.-Mr. Walter Par- and is improving nicely. We hope rinden; Sec'y.-Mrs. E. Hockaday; she will solon be enjoying the best Table Com.-Mn. and Mrs. Burney of health. Hooey, Mr. and'Mrs. Bruce Tink, Rev. A. W. March's fine sermon Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake, Mr. on Sunday afternoon was a chal- and Mrs. Geo. Gibson; Sports lenge to be courageous in these Com.-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rey- nolds, Mr. and Mrs. Art Blan- chard. The picnic will be beld next year at the same place on . . .. . . .the third Thursday in June. id Anniversary services were beld a in Bunketon Chunch last Sunday ewith a good attendance. Rev. W. le Rackham, Hampton, in the after- rnoon addnessed the cbildren, and El his evening topic was "Faith and , Hope." It was a most inspinini ýe address and one which brought nr comfont and courage to bis listen- . ens in these anxious days. The n Sunday School, under the capable I- leadership of Mn. M. Thompson, rsang several numbers veny pleas- singly in the aftennoon, and the in the evening was supplied by Blackstock United Chunch nchoir with Mrs. Sadler organist. yMiss Vivian SadIen gave a beauti- fully rendened solo. Monday eve- ning a play entitled "Deacor nDubbs" was given by Bethel iyoung people, and was much en- joyed by a good crowd. In the intermissions Miss Sadler agair e delighted evenyone with ber sing- S ing. 1 Recent Visitons: Mrs. F. Galley, Stamfond Centre, with Mrs. E. aCaughil... Mn. and Mrs. S. Mof- *fatt and Betty and Mn. N. Hudson in Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mns. J. *Carter, Isabel and Fred, with Mrs. D. McTaggart. . .Mn. and Mns. Norman Welch, Toronto, Misses Evelyn and Jean Taylor, Enfield, and Mns. Breck with Mrs. S. Mof- fatt. . . Mn. and Mrs. D. Kay and Bill, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. W. Sandenson and Olga, and Mn. and Mrs. A. Sharp, Ross and Ivan, with Mrs. C. Sanderson. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin and Mn. and Mrs. H. Wright, Oshawa, with Mrs. J. McLaughlin. . . Mrs. M. Heard and Elgin, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis, Fred and Donald, Enfield, Miss Ella Hos- kmn, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mns. Lonne Hoskin, Murray and Allyn, Tyrone, and Misses Reta and Janet Swain with Mrs. W. Hos- kmn. . . Mrs. Robt. Richards, Bow- manville, with ber daughter, Mns. Jas. GuIl Mn. and Mrs. A. Wilson and Mn. M. Thompson attended the wedding of Mn. Robent Wilson and Miss Mildred Avery in To- ronto. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of J. H. Devitt in thein bereavement. Summer tirne is visiting time. Our reporters and rural cornes- pondents would appreciate your co-operation by informing themn of your visitons on send them in direct to Statesman office. Phone1 663. SAVE TIME & LABOUR Add to your pleasure use paper plates, spoons, forks, cups, tabiecioths. Serviettes and Wax Paper. See our color- fui and practicai assortment. HOME HELPS Faper Doilies, Baking Caps, Sheif Paper, Window Shades. J. W. ieweII Headquarters for Waiipaper and Paint Isabel and Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspel took a week- end trip to Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at- tended the Stainton-Boag wedding in Toronto and the reception at The Old Mill. The choir was entertained at the home of Mr. Ross Lee, Ked- ron, on Sunday evening after church. Blackstock Recent Visitors: Miss Wilfrid, Oshawa, Mr. Lloyd Cober, Kitch- ener, at Mr. Alex Gilbert's... Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp and family at Mr. Norton Van Camp's, Listowel. . . Mr. Harry Olver, Saskatoon, with his father, Mr. H. Olver and Mrs. Geo. Craw- ford. . . Mrs. Andrew Devîtt and Helen, Bowmanville, with Mrs. John McKee. . . Mrs. Franks, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Reynolds, Peter- boro, at Mr. Leslie Mountjoy's.. Miss Dempscy with Mrs. J. A. Mc- Arthur. Church service was withdrawn Sunday evening on account of Cadmus anniversary and the United Church choir sang at Burketon. At the Women's Institute Con- vention in Newtonville, June l4th. In the kitchen apron contest the one from Blackstock Branch made by Mrs. Mervin Graham received first prize. Mrs. V. M. Archer, secretbry for Blackstock Insti- tute, received special mention for her well turned out reports. Some Young People's Union members attended the Presbytery picnic in Orono Saturday. District Lodge met in Orange Hall Friday. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of John Henry Devitt who passed away Fniday. The fun- eral was largely attended on Saturday afternoon at St. John's Anglican Church. Obituary will appear in next week's paper. Burketon Namber 136 If the tempenature wene not of an even nature the glass may suddeniy change in texture dur- ing the melting. As a means of checking frequent meit samples are taken during the melting. This is also necessary as a means of knowing just when the mixing should be started. Defects in the finished lens may be originally a fault in the mixing and melting. Frequent check samples eliminate this. This melted glass is later mould- cd into squares and by pressure and heat in a special furnace the blanks are formed from wbich the lenses are laten ground and finished to special curvature and thickness as per the propen math- ematical formulae. Accuracy in beat, pressure, and thickness are essential to the cf- ficiency of the fininshed product. Precision workens take pnide in their work and the manufacturer of Optical glass*must be true to detail in the performance of bis work. This precision is reflected in the accunacy and efficiency of the finîshed product laten on. (to be continued) Maple Grove Recent Visitors: Mrs. B. Web- ster, Toronto, with ber daughter, Mrs. W. Stewart. . . Miss Mavis Garton, Town, with Miss Phyllis Tnimble.. . Mn. and Mrs. Allan Penfound, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Colwell, Starkville, Mn. and Mrs. J. E. White, Elizabethville, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, Cour- tice, at Mn. and Mns. Lawrence White's on Saturday when their infant son, John Edwin, was baptized. .. Mrs. Pointon, Can- nington, with ber daughter, Mrs. C. Rundle. . . Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Rundle and family with ber mother, Mrs. Pointon. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, sons Keith, Ralph, Hampton, Mrs. J. H. Aber- nethy, Ruth and Harold, Town, Miss Viola Goyne, Hanmony, at Mn. C. H. Greenham's. .. Mn. and Mrs. John Cox, Mrs. E. V. Hoar and Charlie, Town, Mr. and Mns. Arthur Gunning and Gladys, To- nonto, Mn. Stanley Townsend, Pont Hope, Mn. Sam Van Camp, Base Line, Mrs. A. Trenouth, Hampton, at Mn. J. R. Metcalf's. ..Rev. C. G. Park, Whitby, Miss Chnissie Freeman, Miss Alice Sil- ver, Town, Mr. and Mns. F. C. Davidson, Oshawa, Mrs. W. C. Smith, Courtice, at Mr. H. G. Fneeman's . . Mn. and Mrs. John Hopps, Lorraine, Glenn, Mn. and Mrs. R. McConmick, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rickand, Shaws, at L. Hockin's. .. Mn. Ralph Thompson, R.C.A.F., Mn. Fred Miller, Ingersoll, Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto, at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. .. Mn. and Mns. Sam Brooks, Gwen and Grant, Pro- vidence, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mutton, Miss M. Kelly, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. I. Warder, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Westlake, Solina, Mn. and Mrs. A. Belîman and George, Bowmanville, at Mr. Leslie Colla- cutt's. . . Misses Greta Wilkins, Josephine Countice, Aura Osborne, Courtice, at Mn. Cecil Jeffery's.. Mn. and Mns. Ivan Law and Mns. W. L. Law, Oshawa, Miss Doris Wilkins, Town, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Brown and Bobby, Gormley, at Mn. Stephen Jeffery's. .. Miss Elsie Samis, Enfield, with Miss Marion Snowden. .. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Tink, Kathleen, Mar- garet and Marion, Hampton, Mrs. Sherwood Rundle, Jean and Mar- jory, Miss Margaret Nicholas, Town, Mn. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Shaw's, at Mn. Ross Stevens'.. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols, Mrs. Walter Snyden, Virginia and Don- ald, Countice, Miss Helen Frank- lin, Mn. and Mrs. Bert Colwell and Teddy, Miss Jean Johns, Town, Mn. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Base Line, at Mrs. J. H. Mun- day's. . . Mn. and Mrs. R. Mann, Mn. Ray Mann, Misses Muriel Abrams, Evelyn Little, Mn. Ver- non Trimble, Pont Hope, at Mn. R. D. .Trimble's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Stevens, Town, Misses Jean Jarvie, Margaret Stewart at Mn. J. D. Stevens'. .. Mn. and Mns. L. Power and Kenneth, Misses Joyce, Winnie and Jean Power, Oshawa, Miss Ruth Stevens, Town, at Mn. F. R. Stevens'. .. Mn. and Mns. Elsi Oke, Miss Elsie Oke, Mns. W. G. Rundle, Ebenezen, Mr. Everton White, Marie and Edith, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Rich- ards, Donald and Doreen, Salem, Misses Louise King, Beryl and Doreen Wilkins, Mn. Mark Corn- ish, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Nelson Wilkins, son Rae, Mns. H. Vick- eny, Mn. and Mns. W. J. Found, Town, at Mn. R. L. Wonden's.. Mr. and Mns. C. Welsh, Town, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Lancaster, New- tonville, Mn. and Mns. Sam But- teny and family, Salem, at Mn. 1. Munday's. .. Mn. and Mns. Terwillegan and family, Mrs. Dearbonn, Oshawa, Miss V. Mc- Feeters, Town, at Mn. M. M. Munday's. . .. Mn. and Mrs. Choates, son Leon, Oshawa, Mns. Cowling, Kathleen,- Hilda and Clane, Salem, at Mn. L. Snow- den's.- . Misses Maud Power, Bentie Pollard, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. F. Wonden, Mn. and Mrs. W. Pickle, Ebenezer, Mn. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Courtice, Mn. and Mrs. Bishop and Helen, Colum- bus, Mn. and Mrs. Blake Stevens, Solina, Miss Ida Stevens at Mn. R. R. Stevens'. .. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Cator, son Ralph, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Mns. Will Cony, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. A. Ayre and Audrey, Zion, Mn. Eyesight Education And AMLffSpcist When We Test Your Eyes. You are assured entire satisfactiion ini fit, quality, style and price. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen, Town, at Mr. N. I. Metcalf's. .. Mr. and Mrs. V. Kelley, son Vincent, Miss Beatie Pinder, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist, Eileen, Mrs. L. Twist, Oshawa, at Mr. E. Twist's. ..Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Miss Bessie Pascoe, Mr. Frank Mc- Mullen, Enfield, Mr. and Mns. Russell Ornixiston, Enniskillen, Miss Elinore White, Providence, at Mr. Edwin Ormiston's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett, Base Line, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Black- burn, Bessie, Walter and Wilbur, Haydon, Misses Grace and Hazel TruIl, Base Line, Miss Clara Cam- eron, Whitby, at Mr. H. R. Foley's. ..Miss Ruby Aldsworth, Town, at Mr. A. F. Abernethy's. .. Mrs. Truman Power, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allun, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Providence, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ross, Ray and Ronald, Miss Marie Ashton, Mrs. Henry Werny, Haydon, at Mr. Stewart Morton's. Full report of anniversary next week. Miss Jean Stevens, Mrs. Harold Evans, Miss Florence Evans at- tended the Whittington - Coynr wedding in Toronto on Saturday. Rev. H. Hunter Hillis, Chair- man of Lindsay Presbytery, and pastor of Little Britain, will occupy the pulpit on Sunday. 75e Value LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Special - 49c 87c-53c-29c 100 A. S. A. Tablets 19C Wash Clotlis 2 for 17c Vacuum Botties ---- 39c Thermos Botties --- 98c Food Jags -------$1.69 Pienie Kits ---- - $150' Paper Serviettes ----10c Paper Towels 6 for 87c Dixie Cups------------ 10e Lunch Kits ---------- 69c First-Aid Kits --------- 29c-79e-98c Bathing Caps -----19c-29c-39c-69c Ear Piugs ------ pr. 25e Sun Goggles 15e-25c-39c-1.2r5 WHITE SHOE CLEANERS Unguentine Burn; Shu-miIk ------------ 15C for burns Olntment It ------------------15c-25c 44e 25e N y a ------- --------------- 2 5 Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Norman Tops ---------Ar-i----eam- _ ------525 Philp, Edwand and Catherine, To- MUM ------------------33c-53c ronto. at Mn. and Mrs. W. G. Palm Beach ------------ 25e Neet ---- ----------- 54c-89c Philp's. .. Miss Bindie Fallis, Osh- Cinderella ---- ------- 50C Odorono Liquid......---33c-59c awa, and Mn. Frank Waltens, Countice, at C. H. Fallis'. .. Mns. Kidene ------------- 50e Odorono Cream ------------- 33c Rd. Siemon, Lloyd and Gordon, Haydon, at Mns. J. E. Elliott's. - FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Mrs. Slemon is nemaining with ber sistens, Mns. Elliott and Miss Phone f ff 11111 fj.l W,,Fit Muto..Mn. and Mrs. Thomp-65 r .u ri mi son, Toronto, with Mrs. Alex 695 Po . C WIEEU hm Be rs Wolfe. . . . Mn. and Mns. H. J. Campbell, Mn. Jack McAllister, Mns. Scott, Mn. Fred Harding, _______________ _______________ Wingham, at George Fowlen's.. Rev. S. Littlewood, Onono, at Mn. "Wake, Wake, Wake, 'Tis Chil- Bo '~ Harny Pbilp's. . . Mn. and Mns. dnen's Day" by the entine chil- Br wns George Scott and family, Oshawa, dren's choir was well given. Col--____ at Mn. Edgar Gibson's. lette Fenguson, Bowmanville, tal- Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. Miss A. Mountjoy fell from the ented little violinist, played "The Moses Heard who celebrated their doonstep on Saturday morning Evening Prayen" effectively. A and sustained a fracture of the duet by Ralph and Anne Robin- golden wedding annivensary on large bone of the leg nean the son, Janetville, was a real treat June l8th. ankle. . for the audience. Rev. S. Little- Visitons: Mn. Jack McKay with Mrs. Clarence Parr is out again wood, Onono, based bis discounse hi prents in Brone.Mrad after ber necent illness. on "The Tongue," the fiencest 1 ane. n n Miss Evelyn Philp was rushed thing in the Bible. The evening Mrs. R. Graham and Melvin at to Port Penny Hospital whene she service was enjoyed by a large Mn. Norman Gimblett's, Colum- undenwent an openation for ap- and appreciative audience and bus. . . Mrs. Wattam, Mr. and pendicitis. She had completed ber Rev. Littlewood's subject was Mrs. W. Davey and family, Ver- school tenm with the exception of "Building for Life." The township ona, at Mn. Roy Branch's. .. Miss- one examination. rural choir to the number of 50 es Jean Perrin, Wylma Farrow, Young People's League beld completelyf illed the platform and Fern Webber and Audrey Brown, their final meeting on Tbunsday. sang in perfect unison the selec- Messrs. Sid Brown and Bill Mon- Worship service, "A National tion "Hear My Prayer." Mrs.1 ley attended Bethany Field Day. Cnisis" was taken by Genald Stin- Switzen rendered a solo "O Howi. . Mn. Bill Clark in Mankham.. son, and the topic '"Heroic Liv- Lovely Are Thy Dwellings' in Mns. Brant, Toronto, with Mns. ing" was given by Miss Helen ber usual splendid manner. At Geo. Stephenson. .. Miss Man- Fowler. Remainden of the timei the close of the service the choir 1 garet Toms, Newcastle, at Mn was spent in a. sing song and gave a special nendition of "God Henry Reicbnatb's. . . Mrs., Ear* games, and cake and lemonade Save the King." Mrs. Switzer iS1 Gilbank and family at Mn. Chas. was served. to be congratulated on the excel-, Bedwin's. Ideal weathen and a large con- lent training she is giving to theI gregation gathened in Cadmus best voices in the township. Pro- i Mrs. Henry Reichrath en*~ Church on Sunday monning to *ceeds were quite satisfactory. 1 tained friends and relatives celebrate with them thein Sunday MnH1.Glrihi u the occasion of Miss Bessie LA' Mr.H. . Glbrithis utagain'binthday, June l4th. The guests School anniversary. Over thirty -aften bis illness. 'pn nejybeeeigo girs ad bys ssmbld i th MS Russell Brown was in To- chinese checkers, checkers and choir loft who had been tnained ý rto wth Mrs. odnBon by ns.Edgn Gbso an Mr *GononBnwncourt whist. Aileen Turner' won Harry Philp, and led in the ser- the ladies' pnize and Sidney Brown vice of song. A pleasing duet was1 He wbo fears a sparrow will the gent's prîze and Arthur Bed- rendened by Bobbie Philp and neyer sow millet.-Russian Pro- win the.consolation prize in court Warren McQuade. The chorus,! verb. whist. b i I ARCADE Hot Weather Specials Men's Windbreakers Made of showerproof materiail l sand oniy --.-------------- ---- 51.98 MEN'S ALL WOOL Tropical Worsted Slacks Finest quallty witb double pleats with match- lng beit lu Grey, Blue and Brown. Smartly tallored of ail wool trop- ical worsted. Reg. $3.95. Ten day specilL MEN'S Fine Shirts q9c Fused coliars. In soiid white or printed English broadcloth. Reg. $1.25 and $1.50 values. B rok e n sizes ln the pri nts but al sizes ln the white. Ladies' Windbreakers White oniy - Double breasted Cossaek Style. Sizes 14-16-18-20 --------- 5 2.98 'dONYX"t PULL FAîSHIONED SILK ROSE 59e FIRST QUALIITY New sammer shades in first quai- ity chiffon or service weight, full fashioned hose. Manufactured by Gotham Rose Co. Sizes 81/2 te 10%. A new iow price. Ladies' Chiffon Dresses WITH SLIP $2098 What beautiful styles and how pretty the colours are! A cool dness-up dress for thc hot sumner weather. Styles for Misses and matrons. AIl have slips to mateh. Sizes 13 to 44. Sale of Millinery Ladies' white silk crepe hats in newest summer styles. Turbans, Sailors, off the face styles, for matrons or Misses. Styles te suit every lady. Large choice and at real low, prices. $1600 LADIES' SiIk Dresses Sun Valley Printed Silk Dresses. A new fabrie 0i~ the market. Guaranteed te wash. Sizes 13 to 46. $1099 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE 0F Ladies' Spring Coats Shop BUY YOUR COAT NOW AND ' SAVE MONEY At The Arcade MEN'S SUITS LADIES WHITE BAGS Made of fine all-wooi Engiish Worsteds and Large and muail shaped white bandbags. sold reguiariy at $19.50. Strong brass finished frames. Brke sze ad olur .... $I5. 95 Washabe - ---------------------------790 100 A.B.S. & C. Tablets 9c s V b 0. K. JeIiy 6 pkgs. -39c Powders-- 25e GLEN RAE DAIRY Cadmus THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Dodd's Kldney PUIS 33c 1

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