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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1940, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JUNE 20TH-, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I Phone 663 M. 'I Mrs. F. A. Haddy, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Foster. Mrs. H. Baskerville, Toronto, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. Mc- 'Intyre. k 1Mrs. J. F. Chapman, Toronto, vsited ber sister, Miss Winnie B. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widdis anwn, Toronto, visited at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Corbett, Ruth and Howard, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. W. P. Corbett's. I STI1 VAL TOMORROW erinity United Church 8.00 p.m. D.S.T. 250 Ciloristers - Orchestra Organ and 4 Piano Ensemble in Patrlotic Selections. Aduits 20e - Children 10e PROCEEDS FOR RED CROSS FOR DECORATION DAY Here is the place to buy your Cut Flowers for Decoration Day BOUQUETS Upward from -2 5Ç Phone your order or eall and see them fresb cut. PHONE 462 DO WMAN VILLE NURSERY Next to Hospital on South Side J. LARMOUR (Prop.> Mrs. J. A. Schaad, Quiney, 111. visited ber aunt, Mrs. John Mcý Intyre. Miss Margaret Armnstrong, mis sionary on furlougb from Japan is visiting at Mr. G. L. Wagar's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Alldread Carman, Man., are visiting theil numerous relatives in this dis. trict. No dangerous drugs in Siendo "Beauty" Tablets. Two week. supply $ 1.00. McGregor's Drui Store. 25-1 Mrs. E. W. Boak, Victoria, B. C. bas been visiting her mother, Mrs S. S. Edsall, and sister, Miss Ann: IEdsall. Miss Helen Mason, Dietitiar Ottawa Civic Hospital, is holidayý ing witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. H. Mason. Mr. Milton Jamieson, wbo ha! been in Hamilton Sanitarium foi some time, is now home muci improved in healtb. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bagnel. and Miss Jean Rundle attende< the Rundle-Warren wedding ir London on Saturday. Mrs. Theroux, Mrs. Haugb, MisE Haugh and Miss Ferriss, Lindsay, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyre. Miss Alice Lee, Toronto, visited ber mother, Mrs. S. Lee, prior tc leaving for Georgian Bay wberE she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy re- turned Sunday from a 1200-milE -motor trip to Akron, Ohio, anc other interesting places in U. S. Miss Marion Scott, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott, obtained Grade C standing in the first yea: Arts exams at University of To- ronto. Provincial Constable Robt Clark and Mrs. Clark and family of Chatham are bolidaying witl bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menzc Clark. Look cool and slim through hot summer days. Take Sle n do r "Beauty" Tablets. Two weeks supply $1.00. McGregor's Drug Store. 25-1 Miss Selma Bartlett wbo is holi daying at borne bas passed ber second year exams in Political Science and Economics with 3rd WE PLEASE THE LADIES It is part of our service to do everything w e e an te please lady drivers. Courtesy and Honesty Specials Grease Job - $1.00 011 Changed - 1.20 Car Wash - 1.00 Flats FLxed - .50 Flush Rad. - .75 Also Many Free Services Reco m ms e n dl a- fions from our mechanles ar e featured. Tbey'll tell you how te avold unnecesa- ary trouble. GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666 JUST ARRIVED Flower Sheers FOR YOU, MADAME $2.95 10 $7.95 Graceful floral sheers . . . charming as you are! Young and figure-flattering wlth full - pleated skirts, new square necks and draped bodices. Choose yours te-day! Everything Stylish KLing St. WE CALL TIIS A BARGAIN Just to clear our stock we are offerlng a few of our dark Sprlng Coats at Hall Price. Formerly $18.95. On Sale at--------------------------- --- MENS DEPARTMENT Bathing Trunks Styled By Jantzen . .. ...Catalina $1.49 to $3.95 Be smart on fthe beach with these form-fitting trunks. ir ýa is )r h class honors, at the University o: Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orchard, Applegate, Mich., visited thei brother, Mr. Frank Orchard, and niece, Mrs. Milton Stainton, En- niskillen. Mr. R. J. More of the Jarvis Record staff and bis bride favorec The Statesman office with a call Thursday while on their honey- moon to Montreal and other east- ern places. Miss Barbara Stokes, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, spent the weekend with her room-mate Miss Ruth James, previous tc leaving for her home at Sac Paulo, Brazil. The Royal Theatre is rect a bright new coat of pairi certainly makes it look smart. It is done in silvei blue making the bilîboards out to perfection. If The Statesman basr reporting university results( students from this distric would appreciate baving pa lars sent to this office, as not wish to overlook anyon, Mr. Thos. Naylor, Alha Calif., Mr. Jas. Naylor and Aima, Mich., Mr. and Mrs.]I lor and Mamie, Fenelon visited Mr. J. H. Smith ai niece*s, Mrs. M. Hooper, Cý Ave. Miss Marjory Down anc Kenneth Clarke, Oshawa, Mrs. Orville Osborne, Bo-,1 ville, attended the Baker F reunion at Springbank Park, don, on June l5tb, and spent day with relatives at Lambe 91 lu A New Lino SIL VER has just arrived Bread Trays Flower Baskets Cake Plates Salad Bowls - Etc. - We cordially invite the public to drop in and look around. We are sure that you will find just the wed- ding gift that you have been looking for. MARR'S JEWELRY Phone 463 Bowmanv'llle anaand Alman- Messrs. Wm. H. Calver and son -Ralph Calver, Robt. C. and T. e Harry Robinson, Rochester, N.Y., d spent the weekend with Mrs. George Barton who continues in ,f poor bealth. Harry is remaining d for a longer visit witb bis sister. ýr Mr. Fred Neal, son of Mr. and -Mrs. M. A. Neal, Lowe St., is holi- daying at home. He bas been *attending Harvard. Altbougb he b as received word that be was h successful in bis exams Fred does 0 not know yet just wbat standing he made. Local members of the Foley r family recently received notice of ýs the marriage in Calgary on June 98th of Miss Helen Evangeline 1' Foley, daughter of Mr. Eber G. Foley, to Mr. C. E. Aked of Cal- rgary. Calgary papers carried handsome pictures of the bride. J. W. Linton, Orono, son of G. Meredith Linton, Forestry Supt., received a cheque last week for $5.00, bis reward for finding a meteorograph sent up by the Un- ited States Weather Bureau. This is the second instrument of this type to be found in this region during recent weeks. Allan Lobb, Carl Boe, Donald Ferguson, Collette Ferguson, Don Anderson, Isobelle Naylor, Bruce Lonsberry, participated in a re- cital of the pupils of Edouard Bartlett, violinist, held in Simcoe St. Churcb, Oshawa, Tuesday ev- ening. Miss Ruth James assisted with a group of vocal numbers. Business in the west end of King Street is certainly sbowing a new lease of life witb The Town Sbop holding its official opening on Saturday. Then this week the Marjorie Kay Shop, which has been in the Cowan Block since December, has returned to its former location in the Victor Manor Block. Toronto papers report that John C. G. Moore, Toronto, son of Rev. and Mis. S. C. Moore, formerly of Bowmanville, was among the passengers rescued on the Chilian Liner Copiapo which struck a breakwater and sank at Cristobal, Canal Zone. John is a geologist with the International Petroleum Co. Mr. R. M. Ainslie's embryo big business men and typists from B.H.S. held the annual outing of their Commercial Form in Orono Tuesday. Despite a heavy down- pour in the middle of the after- Toon the rise in humnidity exter- nally did not dampen the spirit of the picnickers and ahl reported "a swell Urne." Bob Stevens' garage at the east end of Bowmanville was looted on Monday nigbt, but the robber was evidently disturbed before be was able to take much. Mr. Ste- yens noticed that a fairly expen-1 sive drill bad been taken. This thief is believed to be the same one that broke into Dilling's store,1 Ontario St. last week and stole merchandise. Mis. J. C. Bell bas received word from her son Ian who is1 attending Emory University at1 Atlanta, Ga., that be bas passed bis lst year science course with first class honors. He will not bef home until September as he is continuing the summer course in order to complete the two years course in eighteen months. Tuesday evening members of the Ontario Garage Operators' Association held a supper meeting in the Balmoral Hotel. An inter- esting program was provided, the cbief feature of which was a lec- ture on brake work and general automotive merchandising pre- sented by a representative of the Peterboro Automotive Supply Co. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. C. M. Carruthers June l8th. Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, presided. Devotional period was taken by Mis. L. J. C. Lang, witb several of the members offering sentence prayers. The study book chapter "Moving Millions" was ably taken by Mrs. Herbert Lay-1 man. Mrs. Alex Colville favoredc with two solos. Refreshments were served and a social bour spent. Mr. and Mis. Aubrey Collinsc expeet to leave Bowmanville thisi weekend to take up residence inî Toronto. Mr. Collins bas beenc accountant at the local Bank ofi Commerce and bas received ai move to the brancb at Queen and1 University in Toronto. He will beà replaced bere by Mr. E. Ward, Toronto, who will move to town with bis wife and one cbild. TheyI will live In the bouse on King St.( east vacated by the Collins fam-f ily.1 Every serious minaed person sbould bear the special subject by Pastor C. A. Harris Sunday night at 8 p.m. These are days of de- cision. Drastic changes on every hand should make everyone feel their need of Divine aid. It is a time to take a more definite stand to seek the face of God. Friday Mi. and Mis. R. L. Mitchell, Miss Grace Mitchell and Miss Mann took the trip to Mac- donald Hall, O.A.C., Guelph, to attend the graduation exercises. Miss Dorothy Mitchell graduated with B standing in the two-year pass course in Housebold Science. After a few days holiday with sorne girl friends at their Port Dalhousie cottage, Dorothy will return to Bowmanville. Miss Thora Davison, who bas been attending Aima College at St. Thomas the past two years, b as made a splendid record in ber studies. She bas graduated in Dramatic Art with honors, and also *received the Nell Bentley Scholarship and the Coilege Gold Medal for Proficiency. Rev. and Mis. S. Davison and son Bob, Mis. H. M. Foster and Mis. F. R. Kersiake attended the graduation exercises at Aima College on June i lth when Thora returned home with hier parents. Bowmanviile branch of Red Cross bas formed a cornmittee to do refugee work. Just now every- one recognizes the urgent neces- sity of belping the thousands of unfortunate victirns of wanton ag- gression in Europe. More ladies are urged to join in this work. Meetings will be held in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church. Any- one who will corne and sew is invited to lend, their talents tc? this wortby cause. Sewing can ýbe completed at home. For dates of meetings and further particu- lars phone Mrs. A. R. Virgin or Mis. F. O. Mcllveen. In Wednesday's Globe & Mail ain editorial tells of the amazing activities of the 48th Highlanders in France returning to Englandi almost from the jaws of an en- circling movement by the Ger- mans. Active ini this return, when train crews refused to act, was Capt. Ken White of Toronto, who, according to the story, found that a bottle of wine and a package of cigarettes would bring the engine driver back to the throttle. Capt. White is a son-in-law of the late W. L. Allen, Cobourg, a native of this town, and nephew of Misses Margaret and&Clara Allen, Beech Avenue, and Mrs. Robert C. Cruikshanks, St. John, N.B., who at present is visiting bier sisters. Needless to say the Allens are mighty proud of their nephew's achievement. The opening of "The Town Shop" by Mis. Alan Williamns featuring ladies' dresses and bats certainly perked up business in the west section of main street Saturday afternoon and evening. One veteran business man was heard to rernark it bas been many years since so many women shop- pers were seen in this locality in one day. It was a pleasing ex- perience for the ladies, too, for many complimentary and encour- aging remarks were expressed about the wonderful display of stylish and up-to-date dresses and bats. The layout and attractive- ness of this ultra style sbop also i)rought forth many favorable ',omments by the customers. AI- ready ladies are experiencing the thrill that a shopping tour is not complete until tbey bave visited The Town Shop. MOTHERS RECOMMEND CREAM 0F BARLEY FOR HIGH NUTRITIVE VALUE Many mothers in Durham County and elsewhere in Canada have found a marked improve- mnent, in the bealth and sturdiness of their cbildren after including in their regt4lar daily diet CREAM 0F BARLEY. This popular cereal contains ingredients which not only feed and build up the body but has bealtb-giving properties of great value for adults as well as children. Only the choicest Canadian barley is used in the manufacture of CREAM 0F BARLEY, contain- ing vitamins B and G, and also a useful amount of iron. Because of its high nutritive value, we recommend CREAM 0F BARLEY as an ideal ail purpose cereal. Easily digested, the most sensitive stomacb cati retain it. CREAM 0F BARLEY contains proteins, wbich aid in building body tissues. Infants and cbildren tbrive on CREAM 0F BARLEY and adults find it a tasty and nourlshing food. 20-1 Obituary Henrietta £vans Belth ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson announce the engagement of their seconiU UdugIILe Vera MaIy LU On Wednesday, June 5th, there James Charles Pilch, eldest son was removed fromn our midst by of Mrs. Charles and the late Mr. death, one of our oldest residents Pilch of Toronto. The wedding in the person of Mrs. Henrietta to take place on June 29th. Beith, 90 years old. Born in Bow -____ manvle the eldest daughter of the late Nathaniel Wilson, who Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton, Bow- was prominent in the life of this nianville, wish to announce the communîty. over a century ago. engagement of their eldest daugh- She bad been a life-long resident ter, Nellie Gertrude, to Mr. Ralph here and fromn childhood was a Douglas, only son of the late Mr. member of St. John's Anglican and Mrs. Victor Douglas. Marriage Church, having been christened, to take place the middle of July. confirmed and married there. Until hier latter years she had Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Clark an- taken an active part in church, nounce the engagement of their charitable and social activities of only daughter, Lorna Isabel Mar. the town and was well beloved by garet, to Mr. Milton Edwards of those who knew hier. For the pasti Noranda, Que., son of Mrs. E. ten years, through the accidentai Edwards and the late Mr. Ed- loss of eyesight, she had been con- wards of Toronto, the marriage to fined to hier home for the most take place early in July. part. She leaves to mourn ber __________ loss. one son, Gordon Alexander Beith; hier sîster, Mrs. John Wad- COUNTIES COUNCIL deil of Chatham, and ber brother, ____ Robert N. Wilson of Standoff, (Continued trom page 1) Alberta. Another sister, Mrs. i Sarah Southey of Bowmanville, not asking to take some off our predeceased lier in September, assessment but we are not going 1939. Her busband, Duncan Beith, to take more on. We have taken predeceased ber in 1927. the rap enough. Let the equalized Thus is severed another link in assessment stand as it is," sug- the ever thinnrng chain of those gested the reeve of Bowmanville. who connect the present with the Assume Extra $200,000 past. The funeral was beld from the An unpleasant situation was residence of ber nepbew, Mr. E . avoided, however, at the last Mo- C. C. Southey, Bowmanville, on ment, when Cobourg and Port June 7th. Rev. Canon C. R. Hope representatives offered to Spencer conducted the service. assume tbe increase if tbe three Paî berer wre esss.M. A. dissenting municipalities would Pall eares wee Mesrs. reduce their demand of $250,0001 Neil, F. J. Mitchell, E. L. Oliver, reduction to $200,000, Cobourg J. L. Cryderman. Interment was and Port Hope to take on $100,000 in Bowmanville Cemetery. eacb. The offer was made by Deputy Reeve Alan Field and Reeve Roy Dodge of Cobourg,' Orono News Reeve WJ. Crowhurst and Dep- Park St. Cburch Choir elected Hope. these officers after practice Wed- Cut To $75,000 nesday night: President - Mrs. A. Bt ev alr n eu A. Drummond; Vice - Rowland t Reeve Smhareead to -t Smith; Sec'y. - Myrtle Tamblyn ; down their former demands from Sec'y. Flower Fund - M y rtl1eb Smith; Treas. - Stella Best; Lead- $ 100,000 each to $75,000. Reeve ers - Sopranos, Mrs. Logan; Al- Troop of Coîborne consented to tos.Mrs Rolan Smth;Tenrs,$50,000 -as the deduction for Col- R.s E. olandBS, hWyvenoReîd, borne. A by-law was accordingly Librarian - Neil Wood. Following passed, altering the figures in the the election alI went to the par- municipalities effected by the sonae ad asocal imewasen-change, althougb the total equal- joyed including a lunch. Vote of countisesseaifed the aewhuse tbanks was extended to Rev. andcute mand t hesm.Tu Mrs. Littlewood for their bospi- bhe important problem of equal- tality.ized assessment is settled for an- tality.other five years. WHAT 100 YEARS HAVE DONE FOR YOUR FEET Dr. Joseph Lelyvelt, director of the National Foot Healtb Council, tells of the torture caused by faîl- en arches, bunions, and other foot ailments, but how one now can be foot-bappy, if be follows the rules. Read the article about feet in The American Weekly, the world's greatest weekly maga- zine, witb the June 23 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. 25-1 k Lowest Prices Equallzed Assessasent Following are the figures in the equalized assessment, the only changes from the previous equal- ized assessment being in the as- sumption of $ 100,000 by Port Hope and the same sum by Co- bourg, while the village of Col- borne had $50,000 deducted, Mur- ray Township and Percy Town- ship, $100,000 off each assessment: AlIn wic b, $527,900; Brighton, $1,255,100; Cartwright, $1,334,200', Cavan, $1,870,100; Clarke, $2,485,- 000; Cramahe, $1,238,600; Darling- WALLPAPER and VARNISH SALE Clearance Sale Of WALLPAPER IFOR. A LIMITED TUWE ONLY 25 Percent off on ai patterns in stock BIG SELECTION le Sale Of V AR NI1SIH Glldden's Hlgh Grade ROCK SPAR VARNISH Good for Floors, Furniture, Etc. 1lc Sale 1 Can at Reg. Price 1 Can for lc - ail sizes JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanvi.lle WEEKENDSPECIALS Plate Rib of Beef to boil 1lOc lb. R ib Plate Rolled . a . 15c lb. THERES A REASON Yes, there's a reason wby our beef Is AI quality. We personaily select our cattie from well-known breeders in Durham County. Rlght flow we have a cholce lot of stail fed cattle which assures our eus- tomers of best quality beef at lowest prices For a change of menu we would recomn- mend this year's spring lamb. Whatever your appetite craves we have it ini BEEF - PORK - L-AMB - VEAL CAWKER'S Phone 382 MEAT MARKET Bowmanville ton, $2,751,700; Haldimand, $1,-j manville, $2,407,90 0; B ri g hton, 632,800; Hamilton Twp., $2,510,- $711,400; Campbellford, $1,314,300 800; Hope, $2,148,200; Manvers,IC o b o urg, $3,127,300; Coiborne, $1,337,100; S. Monaghan, $662,200;I $433,800; Hastings, $324,000; MiU- Murray, $1,304,500; Percy, $1,365,- brook, $286,900; Newcastle, $318,- 400; Seymour, $1,590,200; Bow-1 300; Port Hope, $2,546,200. HOLIDAY AND VACATION NEEDS Here are a few reminders of thixigs you may need this suimmer. Many others are in stock. Ail are priced economically to save you rnoney. -Eveready Fiashlight, with batteries 89c Sun Glasses .........l9C-25c-35c.49c Tangel 254 jar ftr IL S4 for anuburn -----50e Noxzema Nw REMA Suntan Crem s--30o NO;ZIÊJA ferTat Ant Traps -- 29e ~Capped Han& $1.00Ho d' Iseaa ~Creans 49c Golf Balla -- Zk50c VACUUJM BOUTLES___- - 30c JOHNON &JOEISON wimCaps -----. 19e UP BABY PRODUCTS -------------- S-25e for white shoes Baby Powder -----25-SOc Food Juga----gal $1.69 Baby 011----------------- 50e Paper Napkins ---- 6's 10e Baby Cream -------25c-50c Genuine Thermos $1.25 up, B aby Sets ------- 50 -$1.0 Skol (tan on)> - 40 TOILET TISSUE - 5 for 19C BUY PARRE-DA VIS Poison Ivy Lotion -23e QtYALITY PRODUOTS Whiz Inseet Neko Soap ------------25e Killer -------------24c-43e A.B.S. & C. Tablets -- 25c Skeeter-Skatter--------- 25c Antacid Tablets ------ 25c Wampoils Hygeol Hailver 011 for Inseet bites-----*35c-60e Capsules 25's 50c - 50's 95e Sta-way Lotion--------- 39C FAMOUS BITISH Selochrome Film Complete StocKi CAMERAS Brownies ---------------- -$1.49 Up Kodaku ---- ---$4.75 up Bubbie Bath A NEW BATH SENSATION Ise - 25c-SOC -$1.00 ODU bilais y@u Radle hfbqtfriment &U Po t 3 WASN CLOTHS 3 for 10lTe/#&c !i j vuy/laa DEVELOPING & PRINTINO I SI r& . Prompt Ser.vice W£m$odes$FDD Films and negatives talkeU n aUp te 9 amn. ready at ll8f 2 1 6 P.m. the smre day. Prescriptions a Specialty ALEX Phone 792 McOREOOR We Deliver Couch, iohnston & Cryderman Ltd. Phone 836 Bowmanvifle 11 il 1 , r-amily 1 mmmc_- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN

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