THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO rP.~.zL LNÂLNI . -ORODNO Phne40rl61 Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto, visited relatives here. iIali finishes to-morrow (Fri- Miss Doris Lowden, R.N., Oril- lia, is holidaying here. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Hamilton, was home. Miss Mary Baldwin visited Miss C. Lathrope, Bowmanville. Mrs. Mary Phasey and Dianne visited at Mr. George Crowther's. George Ralph was home on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Sommer- ville, Toronto, visited here. Ro&John and Mervyn Keane, Toro f, were home. Orono girls' softball team lost to Bowmanville Friday evening, 17-16, in the latter town. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and baby, Newmarket, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. N. McKenzie and Enid, Toronto, spent the week- end here. Miss Galloway, former teacher here, was weekend guest at Mr. R. C. Rosborough's. Mr. and Mrs. Farrow and Eileen visited his sister, Mrs. I. Winter. Miss Mae Glenny visited in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris spent the weekend at their cottage at Lake Scugog. Mr. B. Davies, formerly on the Bank of Commerce staff, was in town Sunday. Mrs. Stan Payne attended the Murray-Kenn wedding at Toronto Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn were given a shower at Newton- ville Friday evening. Mr. R. Widdis has been on the sick list. Mr. J. J. Mellor was chairman at McCrae's Tuesday evening. Mrs. G. Suggitt and Nancy have returned to Toronto. A cablegram has beeh rereived from Major J. C. Gamey now in England. ciandruff TO THIS SWORNC FOR If you are botheredbv dandruif, rub Minaird generoualy into your scalp. It's gressele, bas no unpleasant odor, and dries quily. . It's the sworn foe of dandruf-as it in of muscular soreneas and e pain, joint sprain or 0 stiffnese, tired feet. a Excellent for colda and ordinary t: sore throat, too. Get a bottie at -c pr drugat'a today; keep it t] nandy.128 MINARD'St LNIMENT I- 1< il CI S ai C POTS and PANS dta ~ww tv this EASY wUy d ___________in o1 B. N 0Onmore rubbing and scrub- lit bing ta get grease and hard- eý baked food off pots and pans- Gillett's Lye cuts right through dirt of "y kind 1-( use Gillett's Lye, too, to kevp 1r.e ONswr dimie b in Lboht vas«. Tb@ Dr. Milne left Moaday to con mence duties with the army as dentist. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Caldwell an Mildred, Chesley, visited Dr. ai Mrs. Milne. Mr. and Mrs. 1Rarold Seymo. Toronto, visited here, the latto remaining. Messrs. Orme Gamsby, Bu Roiph and Ern Hamm attende the funeral of C. Betty at BoiA menville. Cubs met with 15 present. O1 ening exercises and a game of ba were enjoyed, after which the joined the Scouts in their meetinI A picture of Ted Archer, foi merly of Orono, now in the Scol regiment in England, eppearedi the Star recently. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lawrence, Tc ronto, Mr. Ross Shetler, Mr. ar Mrs. Vivian, Shannonville, visite at Mr. Fred Blackburn's. Kirby had successful annive: sary services. The strawberr festival Monday was followed b a play, "The Girl in the Fur Coat* Mrs. James C. Tamblyn attenc ed a shower at Lake Shore Frida: evening for her cousins, Mr. ani Mrs. Holmes. Park St. W. A. catered to thi Anglican church picnic in th, park Saturday. about 65 beinI present from the city. Orono Citizens' Band gave ai outdoor concert Saturday night and had opposition from a re ligious troupe further up Mai street. Mrs. Wm. Dustan, nec Nevà Smith, California, is visiting hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomaý Smith. Capt. and Mrs. Fred Lycett ana Douglas plan to move to Oronc this weekend from Oshawa. FreÉ is in charge of training here. Misses Manning, Wilson, Mor. ton and Carruthers attended memti bers of the Garden Hill bal] team on their trip here Friday evening. The Symphony Orchestra ol Scarboro paid a visit to our pari and were highly delighted witl the surrouadmngs and courtesy shown them. Orono people go on D.S.T. Sun- day, June 30th, instead of 28th as was intimated in lest issue. Turr on the dlocks before retiring Set. .irday evening. A citizen of this village cnjoyec a feast of mullet last week, secur- ed only with the aid of stunning with a stick. Good fishing, eh, ivhat? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lean and sons George and Bob, of Oshawa, Mar. and Mrs. Walter Sherwmn Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Cole, qcwtonville, visited et Mr. and tirs. Milfred Sherwin's. Mrs. J. T. Morrison, nee Minnie Hall, left San Diego June l7th Lnd is expectcd in Orono this week for her first visit home in 26 years. She is a sister of Mrs. H. R. Rowe, Mrs. Ed. Morton, Jos. W. Hall and F. J. Hall of Orono. It was a close game Thursday vening between Kirby and Or- ono, with the score being 15 ell t the end of the Kirby part of the seventh. However, Orono se- ured runs in their haîf to make them winaers by 17-15. A small picnic party from An- caster was iq Orono Thursday, mong whom were Misses Beat- ice Hamm, Floris Tarvis and Bet- ty Rowe who are empioyed in the Hamilton Golf and Country Club Liere. The congregation of St. Sav- our's Church, Orono, iatead hold- ýg a strawberry festival on the riurch lawn Friday, June 28th. ;upper servedi from 5 p.m. Stand- ird Time. Admission: Adults 35c, 'hildren 20c. 25-2 Orono softball teem turncd the ables on Garden Hill Friday by lfeating them here 16-6. Mid- leton and Powers were Orono attery and Dean and Manning or Garden Hill. The only ecci- ýnt occurred to George Mitchell vhose eye was injured, rcquiriag wo stitches. Hydro Commission met Mon- [y. Mr. Chase gave the moathly *port, which showed over $3,300 .the bank. These bills were dered paid: H.E.P.C. $466.14; P.U.C. $ 140.42. There is still a ýt more expense in connection.- ith the poles. It was also decid- d to have themn stained. North group of W. A. of Kirby iet et Mrs. Chas. Harris' Thurs- ay eveaing and gave Florence .ow Mrs. Fowier) a cup and aucer showcr. An address was cad by Miss Mildred Allen and tirs. Fowler, (nee Florence irris, R.N.), was presented wilt 3ver tee service and silver tra ORONO MIDDLJE SCHOOLRESULTS Ard, Kathleen - Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. C; Can. Hist. Il; Alg. I; Agr. (2) 1. Bowen, Enid - Anc. Hist. III; Can. Hist. III; Alg. II; Agr. (1) C. Brown, Olive - Lat. Auth. C; Geom. C. Dent, Gilbert - Fr. Auth. I; Fr. Comp. III; Can. Hist. II; Lat. Auth. II; Lat. Comp. C; Geom. C; Agr. (2) 111. Dent, Ronald - Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. C; Can. Hist. Il; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C; Geom. C; Agr. (2) 11. Duvaîl, Herbert - Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. C; Anc. Hist. C; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C. Flintoff, Margaret - Anc. Hist. II; Can. Hist. II; Alg. I; Agr. (1) III. Forrester, Jean - Anc. Hist. II; Oan. Hist. C; Alg. I; Agr. (1) 111. Forrester, Roy - Anc. Hist. III; Can. Hist. C; Alg. 1; Agr. (2) 11. Froste, Wilfred - Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C. Goode, Ruth - Fr. Auth. III; Fr. Comp. III; Anc. Hist. II; Oan. Hist. C;Lat. Auth. III; Lat. Comp. C; A.lg. I; Agr. (2) C., Harness, Helen - Fr. Auth. IL, Fr. Comp. 11; Anc. Hist. II; Can. HIist. C; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C; Agr. (2) 11. Linton, James - Anc. Hist. C; Alg. C; Agr. (2) 111. ~Littlewood, Manley - Anc. Hist. C; Cn. ist.C; gr.(1) C. Lunn, Ruth - Anc.Hist. C; Alg. III; Agr. (1) C. Moffat, Grant - Fr. Auth. III; Fr. Comp. C; Can. Hist. I; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C; Alg. I; Agr. (2) 1. Morgan, Eileen - Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. C; Anc. Hist. C; Can. Hist. C; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. Morton, Richard - Anc. Hist. C; Can. Hist. C; Alg. C; Agr. (1) 11. Patterson, Richard - Alg. C. Patterson, Ronald - Lat. Auth. III; Lat. Comp. III. Powers, James - Alg. C; Geom. C; Agr. (1) 11; Agr. (2) 111. Richardson, Gloria - Fr. Auth. [II; Fr. Comp. III; Anc. Hist. C; an. Hist. C; Alg. 11; Agr. (2) C. Simpson, Kathleen - Anc. Hist. III; Can. Hist. III; Alg. I; Agr. (1) Staples, Donald - Can. Hist. II; lg. I; Agr. (1) I. Tamblyn, Franklin - Can. Hist. Tamblyn, Glenn - Can. Hist. III; Mlg. 1; Agr. (1) I. T en n ant, Gwendolync - Fr. .uth. C; Fr. Comp. C; Anc. Hist. I; Can. Hist. C; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. omp. C; Alg. II; Agr. (2) 111. Whyte, Doris - Anc. Hist. Il; an. Hist. C. R'ETERBOR0 CREES GUESTS 0F ORONO TENNIS PLAYERS Peterboro Crees wcre guests of )rono Tennis Club last wcck- id, with these results: Men's Singles - Clarke vs Smith, 0,6-1. lst Men's Doubles - Peterboro ýfaulted. 2nd Mcn's Doubles - Seabrooke id Swan vis Colville and Powers, 5 6, 4-6. Ladies' Singles - Orono de- ulted. Ladies' Doubles - Davies and toorman vs Mitchell and Cun- f ingham, 6-1, 4-6, 6-1. Mixcd Doubles - McKinnie andF owling vis Ovcrcnd and Cornish, -6, 7-9. There will be no more games fi )r Orono until July 6th. E CHOOL TEACHER c US HONORED BY c ORONOCITIZENS A O. C. S. assembly hall was the e scene of a happy event Friday a evening when a large number of B citizens gathered to honor Miss 0 Marjorie Adams who has taught B the junior room of the public B school for the past 17 years. Mr. l Thomas Cowan called the gather- ei ing to order and called on Miss SI K. Foster, principal of the public SI school, to read the address, andA Miss Mary Tamblyn presented- Miss Adams with a beautiful n hostess tray. Following the few H words of thanks by the recipient, Ci Mrs. Donald Robb spoke brieflyM of Miss Adams' work and influ- B ence. The rest of the evening was FI spent in cards and dancing, with at lunch being served. Prizes for C; lucky chairs among the card play- "w ers were won by Mrs. F. Pearson M and Mrs. Frank Hall, and were S presented by Mrs. Charles Knox. Ri About 11.30 the people dispersed, K] after wishing Miss Adams, who is Ký to be married in the faîl, happi- Ti ness in her new sphere of life. K: on June lth by the Cohna Club a, comprised of the nursing and "'1 office staff of the Ontario Hospi- In, tal, Cobourg, where she has been in on the permanent staff for seven years. The address was read by thi Miss Waechter, R.N., and the gift Si presented by Miss Shier, R.N. M Mrs. Fowler replied in humorous St manner and invited the girls to a visit hçr at her mother's home Mi where she and her husband have of taken up residence while he is att employed by her mother Mrs. pe, Chas., Harris. SOI of Se, Pc( lu ial reiellu.atéa1 <Mi Ig1, NEW OFFICKRS TAKE CHARGE 0F INSTITUTE MEET Orono Women's Institute met Friday with the new officers in charge. It was decided that a committee be appointed to look after war work by donating to the Red Cross instead of register- ing as hitherto planned. The pre- sident, secretary and treasurer were appointed and later in the meeting they were granted $15 to start proceedings. The Insti- tute will cater to the Oshawa Col- legiate staff June 25th. Mrs. J. Richardson gave a splendid re- port of the W. I. convention in Newtonville. $2.00 was voted to Bowmanville Hospital. Followîng the treasurer's report given by Mrs. Hesper Dean, a letter was read from Miss Adams thanking the members for the book for the school library. $1.00 convention fee was ordered paid Mrs. Tamblyn thanked the la- dies for the honor given her by making her president, and point- ed out that the programs must be made out shortiy. Mrs. W. C. Lynch gave a sketch of the life and work of Maurice LavaI, noted French composer. Mrs. O. w. Rolph introduced Mrs. Fred Lor- riman, guest speaker, who gave a talk on "A three weeks' tour by car of England and Scotland." She kept the ladies enthralled with her descriptions of places and people and historîcal items. Following lunch, a vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Lorrimetk by Mrs. C. S. McLaren, seconded by Miss F. Cobbledick. POLICE TRUSTEES MEET Police Trustees met Monday cvea.iag. Bills were ordercd paid ad included: Bickell-Segravc $3.64; G. R. Winters $9.60; Street lights $125.33; Fire Hall $2.93; Merccr's garage $1.00; George Butters $13.00; Tyrrell's drug store $ 1.80. Scverel matters were discussçd regardlag fixing of sidewalks. Secrctery was instructed to write provincial engiacers eskiag themn to meet the police trustees regard- iag condition of tenaery hilI, and certain stop sigas la thse village. Secrctary wes also instructed to draft e by-lew goveralag dlean- ing of sidcwalks of snow la Orono. Zion Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs Ivor Gerry and Alan, Mr. and t1trs. John 'Gerry and femily, To- ronto, et Mr. F. B. Glaspel's.. Mltiss Mary Wilkins, Courtice, ai MIr. J. W. BaIson's. .. Miss Jean M'IMaster, Toronto, et Mr. J. W. MecMaster's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. r. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stainton, Putam, et Misses Elinor and Lyle Stainton's and Mr. Wm. Stainton's, Oshawa. .. Mr. and tirs. J. W. Balson and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Gcraid Baison et Mr. Harvey Hagerrrmn's, Bowmanville- >n-thc-leke. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Staintonaend family, Mrs. Jas. Staintonaet Mr. Jas. McMullcn's, Springbrook. .. Mrs. Chas. Selby, Oshawa, et Mr. Alf. Ayrc's.. tirs. Gerald Belson et Mr. J. Wil- kins', Courtice. . . Messrs. Frank- lan and Robert Awdc, Toronto, et Mr. Luther Pascoc's. . . Mr. and ,Irs. Luther Pescoc, Messrs. Franklin, Robert Awdce t Mrs. Mf. H. Langmaid's, Oshawa.. Mfr. ad Mrs. Thos. Martin and family et Mr. Arthur Martin's, Bowmanville. . Mr. Lloyd Stala- ton et Nestleton. .. Mr. and Mrs. 1.W. Belsoa and Jeen aet Mr. 'h e s. Fcrguson's, Thornton's orners. .. Mr. and Mrs. George ,rthur, Joyce and Opel, Themes- ord, et Mr. A. T. Steintoa's. Mr. id Mrs. Albert Stainton retura- !d home with them eftcr visitiag kt Mr. A. T. Staînton's. . Miss L. 3ond, Whitby, Mr. Bll Welker, shawa, Miss Audrey Hall, 3rookîla, Messrs. Percy and Fred 3ryce, Toronto, Miss Amber Son- ey, Oshawa, et Mr. Fred Cam- ýon's ... Mr. and Mrs. A. T. tainton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert bainton, Putnam, et Messrs. E. shton's and Wm. Moore's, En- skillen, et Mr. Wm. Trewin's, laydon.. . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'verley and Lloyd, Ebenezer, Ir. and Mrs. Iva Cochrane and etty, Mr. and Mrs. Morley lintoff and Jean, Maple Grove, tMr. Wes. Cameroa's. .. Mrs. R. 'meron, Beverley and Jeneca ith Mrs. P. J. Gifford, Osaca.. Ir. Relph Ormiston et Mr. Hoskin nith's, Enfield. . . Mr. and Mrs. tobt. Kilien et Mr. Mervia :napp's, Kiasale. .. Misses Emily ilien, Oshawa, and Helen Knapp, 'oratoa's Corners, et Mr. Robt. llen's. Football geme between Solina Ld Zion on Wednesday night rs very well attended coasider- ig the cold weather. It resulted e 5-1 victory for Zion. Fifty guests were present et ie home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. tainton, on June 22nd, whea isses Audrey Ayre and Elleen tainton wcrc joint hostesses et kitchen showcr la honor of ss Beryl Glaspel, e bride-elcct 1July. Thse roon-à were decor- ed Uiroughouout with pink nies, blue iris and orange bios- nms. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, mother Uith bride-to-be and Mrs. Gea. cott, mother of thse groom-to-be )ured tee. Other honored guests cluded Mrs. W. Glespel and r.~ A. Ayre. Mrs. Ross Lee, âsses Bernice Chapman. and lga Lang assisted in servlng Uic iests. Friends were present from Dronto, Pickering, Columbus, )Una, Oshawa, Hampton, Meple rove and Zion. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES POUR OUT War Savings Certificates become e mechanicel operetion ia the Baak of Canada offices, la Ottawa, efter Uic deteils of each operation have beca punchcd on cerds by the operators shown in Uic upper view. Centre vicw shows thse machinery which sorts the cerds by denominetion, produces tise certificete and affixes seel and signatures. Lower view shows an inserting and mailing machine, capable of inscrting four different picces of mail and sealing envelopes et Uic rate of 3,500 an hour. Standing et the lcft is L. A. Williams, designer and producer of Uic machine. Lake Shore, Clarke Sympathy. is cxtended to Mrs. C. Mitchell la Uic jpassing of her fether, Jno. Smith et Brandon, Man. Evcryone attended Uic showcr et Holmes' in honor of our latest bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hohnes. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mirs. L.* Paterson, Leskard, et Mr. C. Brown's. . . Mrs. P. Andrews, Welcomc, et Mr. S. White's.... Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Oshawa, et Mr. W. Baskcrville's. . . Miss A. Hendry, Pontypool, et Mr. Jno. Hendry's. . . Miss G. Bowler, Oshawa, et Mr. Milt. Browa's.. Mr. and Mrs. C. Darke, Mr. and Mrs. H. Peters, Port Britamn, et Mr. C. Mitchell's. Golden Weddlng Heard - Webb - In Whitby, on June 18, 1890, by Rev. John Abra- ham, Emma Webb, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Webb, Whitby, and Mr. Moses Heard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Heard, Newcastle. About 150 friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Heard ga- thered at the home of their younger daughter, Mrs. Clint Brown, Lake Shore, Newcastle, to celebrate with thein their golden wedding. There were persons present from Port Hope, Newtonville, Cowanville, Newcastle, Bowman- ville, Oshawa, Whitby and To- ronto. Immediate relatives at- tending were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dean (Bertha), Mr. and Mrs. R. Laurin (nee Mildred Dean) and her two children, Toronto, this being the four generations. Other children of Mr. and Mrs. Heard present were, Leonard and Her- bert of Port Hope, and Wesley of Bowmanville. Two sisters of the bride, Mr. Drury, Toronto, and Mrs. Boys, Whitby, were present; also Mrs. McBrien, Mr. and Mrs. Wright and Jacqueline, Oshawa, nieces of the bride. The Robinsons and Lovekins of Newcastle are also relatives of the groom. The home was tastefully decor- ated for the occasion. A beautiful arch was built across one cornerj of the living room under which the bride and groom were seated.1 BROKEN REST Up time and again because of kidney and bladder weeknesa. Taire Gin Pilla to soothe ad tone up thse idncy-- enjoy a good night's sleep. In thse UJnited States ask for "(lino Mil". Behind them and on cither side were gorgeous baskets and bou- quets of iris and peonies. Mr. Fred Lovekin, nephew of rMr. Heard, actcd as chairman and congretulated his worthy rela- tives on being able te celebrate this anniversary, e privilege Lwhich few enjoy. Mrs. Jerry Brown read Uic address, and Mrs. R. Laurla, Toronto, oldcst grand- child, prescnted e case of silver- ware given by the grandchildrcn of Toronto, twcnty-three la num- ber, fourteen of whom werc pre- sent. Mr. Leonard Heard, Port Hope, son of Mr. M. Heard, pre- sented a radio given by the fem- ily. Irene Dean, grandchild, of Toronto, and Lorraine McBrien, niece, Oshawa, presented the aged couple ech wiUi e well filled purse. Mr. Leonard Heard, on be- haîf of his parents, thaked aIl present for the lovely gifts. Miss Lorraine Langler, Brown's, sang "Down % by the Old Mill Stream" and 'Silver Threeds Amoag the Gold." The orchestre (Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan, Cow- enville, and Mr. Bcachreeu, New- castle) wes eajoyed by aIl. Mrs. Martin gave a suiteble reediag. Olive and Bernice Brown, grand- ,children, pleyed a piano duet. Speeches of congratulation were given by Rev. R. E. Morton and Mr-. Fred Coucis, Newcastle, Mr. end Mrs. W. Rickerd and Mrs. N. Rickard, Shews, Mrs. Jno. Hend- ry, Lake Shore, and Mr. W. Coombs, Whitby. Lunch was scrv- ed. Eech one preseat enjoycd e tasty piece of weddiag cake which was made by Mrs. Fred Lovekin. Clarke Union Mr. Ed. Graham hed his tonsils removed on Tucsday in Bowman- ville Hospital. A number of the boys were out to Newcastle fishing for muilet after thc rein. Their catch was smali. Mr. Everett Cain has bought e tractor. Mr. Geo. Cala is puttiag ea ew roof on his barn. Receat Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkcy, Tyrone, et H. J. Souch's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Swin- fort, Bob ad Dorothy, Toronto, et S. D. Souch's. . . Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto, with Elleen Souch. .. Mr. Ed. Greham et his brother's et Cookstown. Starkville Receat Visitors: Mrs. Jacob Halloweil with Mrs. Wm. Stutt, Orono... Mr. and Mrs. A. Dob- son and deugister et Mr. Ed. Ruthven's, Zion. . Miss Marjory Farrow, Toronto, et home. . . fIn- spector A. A. Martin end wife, Brigiston, wlth Miss Jessie Mc- Kay. .. Mr. Wm. Henry, New- castle, with his sister, Mrs. S. G. Hallowel. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Fals and famýily, Bowmanville, et Mr. Tom Fals... Mrs. Wilfred Wood and deugister la Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthsur Duna attended e funerai in Oshawa. Several from&'iere attended Uic funeral of E. Stapleton. Shilois W.A. wes entertalned by Mms. J. MeLachlan et Uic par- mage, Newtonville, on Tueuday. Kendal Recent Visitors: Miss Aima Cooper, Coîborne, with friends.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer and family, Orono, with Mrs. George Mercer. .. Mrs. John McTeggart in Toronto. .. Mrs. MçGinnis of West Hill, with her sister, Mrs. R. Mercer. .. Miss Doris Rough- ley, Oshawa, with Mrs. Thorne. Closing event of A.Y.P.A. took the form of a bail game and weiner roast. Everyone enjoyed themselves with plenty of buns, weiners and mustard. Mr. Fred Thomas was in the city and attended the Goodyear picnic to Port Dalhousie. A Patriotic Day will be held July 3lst. Brown 's Recent Visitors: Mrs. J. Brown and Miss Audrey Brown at Mr. Tom~ Woodlock's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam with Mr. T. J. Simpson, Cowanville. .. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heard and daugh- ter, Port Hope, at Mr. M. Heard's. ..Miss Bessie Law, Oshawa, at Mr. Geo. Law's. We welcomc Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Day and family to our midst. The Red Cross met at Mrs. G. Arnold's on Thursday when art- icles of clothing the members had made were displeyed. Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Lake Shore, in honor of the occasion of the fiftieth wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Heard who were presented with a purse of money from fri- ends and distant relatives; a radio frorri their daughters and sons and a case of silver from their grandchildren. Newtonville Reccntly Newtonville United Church Board purchased e new organ. Next Sundey a dedication of the orgen is planned. The or- genist, Mrs. Campbell, will ren- der special orgen music, and tie choir will provide special music. The whole service will be one of special music anid praise. Rev. John McLachlan will preach on "The place of music and song in worship." United Church S. S. Aniniver- sary wes held Sunday, June 23rd. Rev. H. Lackey, Enniskillen, in the morning spoke to Uic children on "Speek Lord Thy Servant Heareth." The choir was made up of Sundey school children who sang two anthems. Seven little girls, Roberte Hoskin, Fac Jones, Jean Stecey, Margaret Ovens, Dorothy Stepleton, Edna Denault and Laureen McCullough, sang "Jesus feels so Sorry." Ii Uic evening Rev. Lackey besed his sermon on thse Parable of thc Ten Virgins, and showed how church- members to-day place themselves in either cless by their actions or by leck of acting. The regular choir sang two aeI$hems assisted by Mr. Bob Urry of Ottawa. On Monday evening, June 17th, a large number of relatives and friends gethered ini the basement of Uic United Church and honor- cd Mr. and Mrs. Earl Welkey (nec Gladys Pearce) with e mis- cellaneous shower. Mr. Wm. Laing ected as chairman. Pro- gram included: Piano solos by El- gin and Jim Savery and Jean Campbecll; vocal solo, Wande Mc- Kay; reading, Jack Kimbail, "How to Cook a Husband"'; vocal duet, Misses Elsie Wallace and Hezel Reid; selections by Camp- bell's Orchestra with Jean pleying thc guitar part tinie and sometmmes singing solo parts. She took ai hcarts by storm whcn she sang "There'll alweys be an England."1 Mr. Sidney Lancaster read an ad- ,drcss wiih expressed Uic high csteem in which the young couple are held. Both replied and after thc gifts wcre unwrapped lunch, was served.1 W. M. S. of the United Church met on June 1lth with 16 present. Miss I. Laing, president, opened the meeting. Thse "School for Lea- ders" et Whitby was discussed, and members urgcd to attend. Mrs. J. A. Barrie was in charge of thse program: Prayer by Mrs. McLachlan; scripture by Mrs. J. T. Pearce; Mrs. Norman Rickard, Newcastle, gave e heipful talk on "Stcwardship"; vocal solo, Mrs. Robt. Morton, "Does Jesus Carc9" Mrs. Cecil Burley closed Uic meet- ing with prayer. Park Committec will holdtheir annuel Field Day. Friday evening, June 2 lst, the people of this community again gethercd to honour enother newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. lvi- son Tamblyn (nec Rena Hoskin). Rev. J. McLachlaa was chairman for this program: Vocal solo, Ha- zel Reid; piano solo, Bud Joncs; reading, Mrs. Dudley Jonce; vocal solo, Mrs. Redkaapp; viol la solo, Ronald Burley. Miss Hezel Reid read a congratulatory address to which both replied, after which the many beautiful and useful gifts wcrc placcd on display. Lunch was served. Visitors: Miss Mebel Medows, iilbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. Gco. MtcCullough. .. Mrs. Thos. Steple- 4 -. AI NBws Auctioneer ELMER WILBUR Llcensed Auctioneer Hampton - Ontario Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date te: Bowmanville 2428 l'IL GIVE'i ton, Keith end Dorothy Stapleton, et Mr. George Smith's, Starkville. ..Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow and Brenton, Starkville, at Mr. Willis Farrow's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn, Orono, with Mrs. Hoskin... Mr. and Mrs. F.ýBlack- burn and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh, Salem, at Mr. L. Savery's. . . Mrs. Hessen in Chatham. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sav- ery and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jone;; and family et Tren- ton Airport... Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson and Miss Betty Staple- ton accompanied by Miss Mary Robinson, Elizabethville, w i t h Mrs. Ed. Vasey, Midland... Mrs. Francis Hall, Toronto, at Mr. Ce- cil Robinson's. This community was saddened last Wednesday when news camne of the death of Eb. Stapleton in Oshawa Hospital. Deepest sym- pathy is extended to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Stapleton, and the rest of the family. THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH, 1940 IP A tIlv mTwin, E Io ar ed at Bi 0! Bi Bi le: er st st Aý riii IL Zc BE Fi it 'a mi 41 ;n rh va ni lit ;tà ni M ai ýf ,te ýec DE ot le Ir IL ý4 ut '0] rrg