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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1940, p. 10

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c i r j b, 'i i~'. j I. 'i cherish his memary and emuinte the fine example set by teis mas o! sterling Christian character andi unblemishad integrity, this true Save $30-00 or More on a New 1940 and faithful servant o! God, the Grand Od Man o! the Township ofLONa Cartwright, John Henry In his parliamentary life ha was known for his honest farthrighl daalings, always having the hast interests o! his constituants at heart. To his colleagues in parlia- A D I O ment ha was known as "Hanest John." It wns a source o! pride ta himsal! and friands that ha REGULAR 109.50 hnd been regarded with such friendiy esteem by members a! ALLOWANCE 30.00 or more the legisiature. Floral tokens wera profuse. - Amang others the following or- YUPY79.50 or leas ganizations paid their respects in fragrant bouquets: St. John's A. Y.P.A., St. John's Church and1 LIMITED QUANTITY Camatery Board, R. B. P., 398, Buy t Oce t Bae Prce nareseaBlackstock, (Devitt's), L. O. L., Buy t Oce t Sae Prce neresesCartwright District, Royal Scarlat Chapter, Cartwright Council, L. O.L., 133, Biackstock, L.O.B.A., Don C risti n Ele trieNo. 849, Blackstock, Mapla Lea! 38 D n C risian lec rlcInsurance Ca., Columbus, Pupîls 3SiMoQe NetJ - OSHAWA - Phone 84 - 744 Fneeîtrhews an sallor and friand Steadfast in ail things, faitefule to tee end.n vacudum electe, ric s te m i Photo Gypsy Tan Oil................ 40-75e dlock (good) Roger's silverware (1847 ), chinaware, glassware ii in Ta -e .. . . . . . . . . . . . . so (cutglass), linens, badding, cook -Fnsig Tngl.............O ing utensils, garden tois and Tanna Flavine ................... 45e many other articles too numerous ta mention. Be sure and attend NoxZema................... I5C-59c this sale. Termis cash. Elmer Wilî 4 x 6 Enlargement va h n Ca s . . . . . . . .5 - c tLivestock For Sale 1 Pocket Combs ................... FOR SALE - 12 YORKSHIRE 3 Reg. 25e Tubes 50e pigs, 7 weeks aid. Apply W. G. Listerine Prophylactie Nu-Feet.........................Me Werry or Phone 2253. 26-1 Tooth Paste Tooth Brush Pbu.............5 FOR SALE - BRED GILTS 49e e pbl ............... 5 !rom a quali!ied Yorkshire sow;_______________ Kotex..........4dz73 our 2-year-old boar, a prize . . . . . . . . . . ..4 d z 3 ! winnar o! 1938 Royal. Priced ta uc is 3Cks Asrin.....,.. . .S-8 seil. Apply Bil Rowland, New- uc is3Cks A s rie ......,.... s -93 castle, Phone Carke 1902. 26-i and Lux Soap FORSAL - 0 PGSSIX Vacuum Bottie with Coupon Flashlights............. 69c-S5ç41l-,0 waaks aid. Phone H. C. Ped- 99q; lOc White Shoe Paste................25 wail, Newcastle, (3823 Clarke), ________ ________ 26-l* Yestarday morning sevean doz- n sacks o! calcium chioride were JURY & LOVIEL L ronds. Three o! the town work- * 'D SOr men performed the job. It is to e%'àet D4taS4r ha haped that this treatment will Phone 778 Whon We Test Eyes It Io Done Properly Bowunanvillo end the dust nuisance for the sum- mer. PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANJVILLE, ONTARIO H LIONS CLUB ivwhether other schools ral parailel social hour spent when ail went COMING EVENTS ________ this fine civmn in publish- ou'tet rs ilbert's garden to see ________________ (Continued from page 1) ing. Bowmanville school has, hier beautiful flowers. There were Salem W.A. wili hoid a straw- andditrit.It asbee sgget-under his direction, set a high 36 in attendance. berry social at the home of Mr. W. an itit lhsbe ugs-standard. Our Dramatic Club have given G. Werry, Salem, Tuesday, July ed tha~ service clubs in this sec- The final article in the maga- their play at Kedron, Yelverton, 2nd, beginning at 4 p.m. (S.T.) tion talke charge. zine reveals that the followin.g Kirby and Long Sault in the last Admission 25c. Program. 26-1 The scheme Is not tee clear at students will be awarded prizes: two weeks. present, but as outlined, each Donald Quick - Men's Canadian __________ home will be inspected, a system Club Prize in Social Studies; Bet- The Annuai Lake Shore Straw- o! registration will be instituted ty Stevens - Women's Canadian NEWCASTLE berry Festival wiii be held at Mr. and other details will be worked Club Prize in Social Studies; Don- ____Wallace Hoimes and Sons, on out later. The difficulty is that aid Quick - Lions Club Prize in BIRTHIS For Sale Casfe dR tsIepW ne al the present trne no financial English; Dorothy Morris - Lions MR. AND MRs. CHRIS LAW Wednesday evenmng, July 3rd. ___________________ __Ad____Rates_____ arragemntshav ben mae; lubPrie i Engish Ruh Aer- 25 YEARS MARRIIED ~Proceeds in aid of the Red Cross. GOULD - In Bowmanville, June STRAW-BERRE O AE-HL ATDSNL A there is no time limit for their nethy - ist prize for essay on Councillor and Mrs. Chpis Law _____ 2- c2thyi40Goul Mr. Iane d-r. ike rst qualy.unlp ari ey. Inerto niuordcarea 1 roera wie. pl stay here; we can't tel just when Lord Tweedsmuir; Donald Quick celebrated their 25th wedding an- Percya oulatic ne aiG Picke resh lydie.catand et ins5).Carof2eertoxtrmm carg hhus otl ewate they wiii be coming, nor are there - 2nd prize for essay on Lord niversary on June i9th, by invit- Crooked Creek Sunday School desd snPtrciSncar.y ur sppy ire.Ct, and elie- ma5e. henarger 2emetais26i any details about what children Tweedsmuir. Latter two prizes îng a number of friends, who wili hoid a Strawberry Festival WOOD- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ed in3,quakn. C.6W. Fee, mad e w dertisment sr E will be sent. were donated by Mrs. J. . H. met weekly for a card game, toi On July 2nd at 5 p.m. A girls' Wood (nee Verna Pethick) of 3 uktn in xr hre0 0 ha gr rwmnfr ea I imagine, lhe continued, that Jury.a ittle partlatheir home. Thôse softbali game and good progran- 12 Lyrrel AeTrno ihFR lio21* n.tacsae of eka nr-iHlP ANE -AYO G those taking refugees will be able presentp'were:Dr. and Mrs. J. A. have been provided. Proceeds for te o unAvte., Trton if OR SAE, - ½ackaH. uP. G S replesmae boreeted t A phueorio sme to state preferences and it has lrýF C. Mrs. Car- Rd Crossdagtr hebrhoBuerRevane Work. Admission: 20c anue Nnc )alGraeHos- enipupacadpmin Statesmanbo nmerApltoBx5,coSa.1 (Nancy ete tat race ns kRoutfit, complete. Wilfred Car- Births, deaths and marriages Off ice 6 beren suggacetidrehat Roan rono News veth, Ms. Floyd Butler and bro- and 35c. 26-i* Pital, Bloor St. East, on Friday, ruthers, Phone 2625, Bowman- 50c each. In Memoriams, 50e hee xl acet hidrn ! o-ther, Mr. Hanlan Parker, and also June 21st, 1940. HL dgar __________________and______MH ville. 26-i for notice plus 10e per line for HL ATD-GR O toyarians f o Eg lan and thatWomen's Institute cater- MsW .i isolndMs.E Don't miss the iawn supper atles.Casfidavrie geea oswrk hn 49 Goderemlye w ae rn sbore hois staying with Mrs. es26-iife dvrie- gn children of Goodyear employees ed Tuesday to the staff of Oshawa D. J. Glbraith. This group pe Trinity Church, Thursday, July DEATIIS BERRIES FOR SALE - ANY ments accepted up until 6 in England. Some similar idea Collegiate and their families to ptGsnedMr n re- aw4, ntead of June2tasdvr- quantitY. Get yours while they p.m. Wednesday. rnay be worked out for other the number of about 55. Follow- setet eda r. ile andleMr s. w sls e 27thraspader-o ALLIN - On June 22nd, 1940, at are big and juicy. Lowest eahr Wn d organizations. ing supper in the Town Hall, Osh- as souveniroftiocaonTh Woman's Association. Menu: salad Ti ont, Re9. S. Jaes Alun, p2208. 2*FrRn ATD-AGO ECE Whatever arrangement may be awa people enjoyed contests for meber So!Muicialnouciplae, trwberieJadmceas bld b ______2208____26-_____ made in the future, I feel very which prizes were given. and CrmmniyHal aag-etc. Supper served from 5 o'1ok beoved usband of Ada Darch,_______for________ cerai tatpepleinCaad wll is Ena Sutts cCommlen ittee both remember- untîl ail are served. Aduits 35c; in his 89th year. Brother o! FOR SALE - BINDER TWINE TO RENT - 6-ROOMED BRICK 5.Sttsaryepcdan be prepared and willing to take Grafton held a picnic in Orono edthem with gifts of metai sun- Children 20c. 26-1 .Jh lod n r.Kt and Coai as usual. Prîcsra os, oe ovneces, etiiats ppytoM. lr the children and work out the Park on Wednesday of this week. omcaracafrec. Wight, Bowmanville. sontable, quaiity right aî garage and garden, Church St. ence TreNwate n.R details afterward Toronto, spent Mîany ofth box owners on Rural Lekr BYAM - In Bowmanviîîe orders accepted and appreciat- Possession August ist. Phone R. No 2 The club passed a motion as- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken MliRoteNo , ho M. aw . Anniversary, Sunday eon e.Byfrcs n u a 5.2- Mr. Geo. oore, sericeN7.30Standard Mme. June Saturday, June 2n, 90 ertiuficte sih ayo u savig.R RNT-5OTAG.AS2R6-1Srv suring its war service committee Gamsby. serves winter and summer als rie .0SanadTmJ Clarissa E. Byam, widow of the cR E. Otsorne, Bow avile FRRET-CTTGES the !ullest co-operation in work- Miss Myrtle Tamblyn is on the e esdterineetadr-30th. Strawberry Festival, Wed- laite F. G. Byam, age 80 years. R.EOsonBwavle ing out any plan to take care o! sick list. garssedtheiites and rsa eo nesday, Juiy 3rd, from 5 Int ___________5__________________ o gards withn. giftsarand messages o!re-followed by play by Solina people Inerment Bethesda Cemetery. 26-28-2* bah bdomscendRADî E RVC O L T. . Can, J J Brwcongsenedattublnktioynhe.u-porches, water inside, garage. otateypeecti M.M hnJ .Bonadsn iss M aetas washepre-cogautin entitled "The Path Across the DENT - At Orono, June 22nd FOR SALE - ABOUT 31 ACRES Reasonabie. Phone 391. 26-1 adcrrdo.Rpist ml Chas. Carter were not present as pus1o! Orono Public School on - ________26-_of______________________p. an theylef Monay ornng, ion Wenesdy. he resetaton asoCARECE .1BACYSARENCE 6-1 194, Maild A. endrso0,e ! god love ha,.havy rop FO REN - UMMR CO- eecticalappianes. . Qinn with Ms. Chnt an Mrs. rownverle Paynefor te FUNRAL loed wloved ionile. o!nLionelReA.Geo. antnApply tgRev.thGeo.kMasonca-High wih r. hatan Ms Bowmae yBeere ye fr he IUNERALteis week-end, June 29-30 aged 65 years. Street, Phone 723. 26-2 tgen by ftee wee, fat Bobcye hn 7,KngS. at 6 to attend the Lions Convention in juna.iorbroom and Carman Cornis A number o! Newcastle citizens that tee famous Salvation Army SMITH - At his residenei FOR SALE - GOOD QUALITY garage, wood, outboard niiotor DIONSrie efauea Mon tel r. a n tf ill becnti - fr s eno o m fe h ch t e a el a m m e s o u h m East Toronto Silver Band of 30 W awanesa, M an., on Jun e 4 h Oats, 45c a bus. Apply J. A. s ig . eon . F Ffrns e , fr pl c , PH N 4 3 F R E TE A t o th e e p r e s id e n c y . p. s k i f f. R e v . H . W .e LF o l e yAB o w - h oAe st.s e r v i c e ta t r e a s o n a b l e Tie y el erm ! is eecin pulsean. oysd as tr eat og f -celodgesA.of.the At . . oiedthe players wiîî visit Bowmanville 1940, John Smith in his 82nà Houg, Enniskillen, Phone 2152. manvile. 26-2* price . F. Co e Egi Stet Thene oficrswil b i-er 1 eaMis oAdas i eaingthearlatvso the rlaevcP. . tyand Orono. Program: Saturday- year, beîoved father o! Mrs. 26-1 T E TRCRE F Bowmvl e tele ltentmeig uir 1 r o teachin in ohe rasthefuneral psrerice in .F.reception at Post Office at 7.15 Jas. Stone, and Mrs. C. j. Mit- FRSAE-_AL E T KiLETn DvSiE ORNESRetan stvilattelexemen . u ionr o h re ori' uneral afros o mn - p.m .; M usic Festival a t Arm y Hall, chell, Newtonville. F RBALabWLLy C hKniadciison S re t n vile o Mndy !trnon Jne8 p.m. Sunday-Holiness meeting,_______________ 8xl0, in good condition; lot o! four-room apartment on Tem- R F EE PA S24th. Rev. R. E. M rton conduct- il a rn.; Band Concert at Orono, good !ishing tackle.To Ly perance St. Apply C. A. Martyn REFUGE PLANSEnniskillen ed the service an stressed the 2pi. oiwdb n tCra IN MEM ORIAM meQenad Taom Ly or W. J. Martyn. 25-2* BABY CIK EUE (Continued fromn page 1) _______ 'iy o! making one's life o! Dale Camp, 3.30 pxc JointC Phone 379.2 *FOprT iMA ce O nBardRok n .,ar.e - In oving emory !aneghrns, mxed orsexed and the applicant wiil coincide as Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. P agfendy cultivating n ai- service wiil be held in Trinity CReargaretin eoyof-FRRET-S A L H P Lg 8r ing !riedshipskecuaivatingAhaits Church al 7 p.m. Final Sacred eaMrrt Carr, who passed FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F suitable for store or office. Ap- Blood etd!okROP ie fatr Chak LaesaiMl.eeyo! relaxation and placing more Fsia tCemo alyCm away June 3th, 1939, age 30 seed buckwheat. Apply Gen piy Mis. J. W. Knight, phone chicks.AvnCees hn Theas osile.scagdwt h Wearn's. . Mr. and Mrs. Wesle reliance in God and his loving Feti30 a remofBrlyCap years: Brothers, PRR 3, Bo Gmenle 448, Bowsnanville. 3t 24. Te fiers hrged waiteteetheOke, Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, Mr. care. He said what happened 0. .m. 'iosettormmbrRtas hoe261vi FRRET- IE OOE prelieninaryorganizateono!mteeeand'tis.sS.PTurne,21shawa6-a local auxiiiary are: W. R. Strîke, ardThs. Robbirnser inhwa.a might happen tg any one o! us. dear, 1 Oî N FV -ROE chairman; A. M. Thompson, sec- M.To.RbisPceig . Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bowmanville, In future advance notices in any Thoimgh absent !romn us, yet RECONTITIONEt) TIRES - apartment, ai mern conven- Proa retary-treasurer; and a committee Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Pethick,Os a former pastor, assisted. Many part o! the paper announcingevrsner Save up to 50% on tires and iences, ail burner and garage,ME!WN NO ALP , composed o! J. J. Brown, J. wald and Floyd Pethick, Toronto, cars !oiiowed the cortege to the meetings or services o! any kind, Uneebyse eawrldsesad ue.Fuisokbt e n centralIy located. Very reason O'elM . el lxMcGme- Sat M i .thics. . . MsE. Union Cemetery, Oshawa, where, regardless whether coller-tion or by our sides reconditioned, son real buys abl rnt Aply0.Bo tonicssiuat, ytree gor and J. M. James. The execu- Soc ihhrsstr r.Pe ollowing the burial rites o! the admission is charged or not, will i And whispers: <Dear Ones) G. F. Jainieson, Tire and Bat"- 477 Bowmarivilie. metsar nd t nrmi e teve whi choasfom in comsit- at Mr. A. Stainton's, Toronto.. church, administered by Rev. R. be considered as advertising and detmantdiieeeyShpnigad ivrSs Mrs. S. Pethick in Toronto... M.EMorton, the brethren o! Dur- charged at theeregular rate o! 2ethca-Lgîy emem ereeySop gad byherveRal stae Fr Sle etirstpcae ae Nanson, Frank Williams, A. M' and Mrs. D. B. Kay and Bill, hami Lodge, A. F. & A. M., gath- per word, with a minimum charge Fatem- andlSistars __For____Sale_______ udlts o re al rt Hardy and J. F. Heyiand. . Misses Ursul McNeil and Irene ered around the grave and joined o! 50c per insertion. This action _________and ____________ FOR SALE - V E N ETIAN FAM O ALE20ARS ury&LveladaI te If local organizations want fur- Sharp, Toronto, Pte. W. Evans, in the impressive burial service isfondneesar owing to se EIIG - In loving memary o! blinds and awnings. Etimxates 21-tfRSAE20 CES Jr therexpanaion mae aoutPictan, at Mr. A. Sharpe's... Mrs. o! the Masonic Order. Wor. Bro. many people and organizations a dear father, William Edger !urnished free. Northcutt & Dosarln 0,own r2osts oo ther expranatos t hma emou A. Ormiston, who visited her s'S- Fred Graham conducted this and taking an unfair advantage o!tte whoPpssedeway Jne 27h; SmTowsnBowmpvii2esPhon tese r ne ents o e th i mm 668.pasd aw y Ju e 2 th m ths B w a v21-8 -go wto uilding s. Wml dve. ber, eqess holdbeset m1ter, Mrs. A. Harding, a return- Wor. Bro. T. F. Branton read the free publicity privîleges mn the 1928: 668. g____________ Wmor wbithoui crgs. W Possvies an madiately te A. M. Thompson, ed home. We are pieased to see Creonntadohr S e m oiswl igr Bowmanviile, and a speaker will Mrs. Ormiston around again a!- ps.Crepnet n tes Setmmre illne FOR SALE - RUBBER GOODS ion ta suit. Apply J. L. Metcaif, WANTED-ODHREIN be s nt o atend suctmetin bter beigcc nfiednte he beesliherate Claence T.Tahtewalsen ingCnauch notiesThoud foeve, m plin, eald w apprin8 % F RM ORnS LEices00000 F rm, Tyr ne.Phon 24r. 4-t and give such information as may ,.n Mr.EMisadJo' merce here for thirteenyer be sent or notice will not be in- true,lestnrti.Wiefoma- Applications for Orono and dis- Consecon, and Mms. Burgmastar having vO ybenat Fiesh- aserte eoths oruiin os nat sYear htmycm nt order catalogue. Nov - Rubber buys one a! the hast hundred T uit trict ranl be made at the office of at Mr. Walter Oke's. . . Mr. and roOtapyf0eots !evnshtser Co., Dept. D-4, Box 9,Hai- acres in Cartwright Township. JJ.MloCekadTesrrMsKLam , 20-8 Sasali, dayinth Ioam; brickvetaenplcewhchar i- urlohouse, TOURISTu. to, ntri. , amACCOMMODATION rik oueTORI J. J.helorsipfClerkTmsue Mr. K.rn Lamb's... Mr. A. Boyd, floral tributes were pieces from serted free o! charge. -Ever remembered by family. 2- o!te onsieo.lak.-abFneolFasargcuddentebayaeutrnae aenpac hihar n- Or oin emmrac o ou onOtai. agebin toefonato; npi vtehme Ilcnvn _____________ Mrs. C. Boyd and Miss M. Vir- Durham Ladge, A. F. & A. M., the MATTRESSES & COMFORTERS farmn neyer rented. Wili accept ences, aae eta oain tue at Bailyduf!. . . Mrs. S. May Newcastle Business Men, Board Hampton Sunday Schooi An- Cards of Thanka -Mattresses rebuilt,. absolutely $2,000 cash. Write Boî 54, cla aisoe!uish ctaea S H O ST D N S and Biily, Mr. and Mits. E. Harris- -O! Education and Bowling Clubs. niversar3r Services wili ha heid n_________________made_____ W.atE.-GnrOyfiQe.en St, Bow- ______ U ENT ýtan. Toront, at Mr. E. C. Ash-- Felow members o! the Durharrj as foiiows: Sunday, June 3th, The family o! the late John s a nl i t a r y mattresses. FOWAE 0 CE, mnl. E- (Coninud fornpag 1) ton's. . . Mm. S. Trewin at Mrs. Lodge acted as palîbearers. Rav. Ivan E. Kennedy, B.A., B.V., Henry Devitt wish te express their Feathers washed, stipped and FARMFO SAE-10CR , av <Cniudtrmpg > H. Annis'.. . Mm. and Mms. W. Claremont, wiii speak at 10.30) teanks te ail tee friands and made into dowýn comforters. Lot 1, Con-. 5, Darlington. Brick has eenmad bytheschol. ark Vaenta, Ms. . Crpe- -.m. and 7 p.m. Music by the neighbaurs who weme so kind Eiderdowns re-covered. Reason-. dweiling. Good out-buildings. Principal A. M. Thompson, who ter, Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. DEVITT school wite Mr. T. Salter, director duing their recenit trial and ba- able pricas. Rep. here now. liard and soft water through- has riten n inrodctin fo W.Mar, Scgog wih frend...and Miss N. Horn, pianist. Mr. K reavemnent; aiso ta Drs. McArthur Phone 362. 248 out. Apply Mac Smith, Orono. tee magazine, is ta be congratulat- Mr. and Mms. L. A. Fleming, Lis- (Continued tram page 1) Wilson, Toronto, wiil be guest and Storey for their painstaking FOR SALE - 12 24-- ad, for we doubt vary much towel, at Mr. E. Staples'. .. Mrs. soloist. Speciai offaring in aid o! services. ____woî al n ec;as FOR SALE 12SOLIt) BRIC ______________Griava, Miss Gertrude and Mr. R. dite Fallis, Cadmus; Mrs. Edward tee Sunday Schooi. Monday, July d al n ec;as FRSL OI RC Grieve al Mrs. C. Burgmaster's. Miilson, Enniskillen; Mrs. Reg- ist: 2 p.m.-League Girls' Sa! t- Mrs. A. H. Fletcher and !amily ~ n.Aply Modern ns ouse eat idaoenres.St. _________________ Miss Alice Ashton with friands inald Nesbitt, Nestlaton, and one bail Game, Mapla Grave vs. express their sincema appreciation trtt, Tyrone, Phonme 2504. M o eaprtnconenianes Sail in Oshawa and Port Perry.. . sister, Mrs. Samuel Fergusan of Hampton; 6.30 p.m.-Laague Foot- ta the neighbours, friands and-_________________. Apply A. E. Beliman, King St. iMms. C. Burgmastar with Mrs. S. Gorrie. ball Gaine, SaUina vs. Hampten. relatives for their rnany acts O! FOR SALE - FIELD 0F AL - WestPoe56 il-tf Di NN E w R E___ ____ ___ D'N E I A E Brown and at Dr. Farguson's in The funeral which Was ane o! Suppar sarved !romn 4.30 p.m. At kindness during the iiiness and fal! a and Timotey, about 4 t hne56 Bawmanvilie. the lamgest hald in the township, 8 p.m. a play "Double Troubla" death o! a ioving husbnnd and 5 acres; also ana o! i ½te 2 W Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. took place from St. John's Chumch, wîilha prasented by Ebenezer father. acres. Matt. Brown, Box 75, W ekly Feed Special IiLI ILE Bruce Wood (nea Verna Pethick), Blackstack, ta St. John's Cae- rNaecwluaistslcae.ui fla.n Toronta, on the gift of a littie tery. Decensad hnd ba ia be twen acsAdiio:dut- m.adMsGereSplon Nwst. .4 WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Open daughter. long member o! the Anglican Tea and Concert 50c; Tan only Sr. and family wish te tennk fmi- SUMMER COTTAGE FURNI- $2B0nrhe on.35 ar cw ut o A watc he i ~Wedding bails are ringing. Church having hald the position 35c; Concert only 25c. Chidrn- ends and neighbours for nets o! tura, in aur large tmade-in de- $50 a o.Ofrgo ni ae hti neibei Congratulations ta Misses Lorna o! Church Warden for years. Teanand Concert 30c; Tan only kindness and floral offerings dur- partment. Tant, coaniail slave, July 4th. F. C. Vanstona, Phone Ofltl tock Rhm Mrl Oka and Cordula Rev. E. P.Wood officiated al 20c; Concert only 15c. Ahl ser. ing teeir recent sad bereavement. iawn mawar, hase, gasoline 777. 26-1 of litemr au hnn Stck Stngron psigteretac h uea evc n a s ie on Standard Time. camp stove, blankats, refriger- a. yu ac on teryaar's work. sisted hy Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles. A cinSl tr$,cpor 2 al 1 Work Wantedsevcdoreardb e- ... ........Our Red Cross workers have a Friands from many parts o! On- On Monday, July lst, at 8 $1, cauch $3. dresser $4, perts. * great deal o! nacessary work tarmo gatharad ta pay their hast a grand and extrnordinary concrt Juiy lst - 50 head o! stocker dining-room suite $12, chester- WORK WANTED - WOMAN, ahead a! them and bag frmore respects at theefuneral service on will ha given in connection with ctigo efbed iibe fadsie$,bbSrm$. ida ae ek oiin . J A T warerse Thys ae wrkigyiatheSudayrJueilth.Thnpat-hHydouanivesar byteeMar1sodtb.pulicaucionon uly Raaly undedso! argins wiow.Appy Msth.eFMntr- K StingmaaSiI Orange Hall for summer months. beamers werae Brother Orangeman ion Douglas Concert Ca., Tarante, Ist at 9 o'ciock in tee mamning Wilson's Furnitura Ca., 20 dlo Mis. J. C. Nnylor, Hampton' ENGLISH & CANADIAN WV. M. S. met al Mrs. F. Gil- Fred Wilian, Herbert Hooey, Les- cansisting a!: Marian Douglas' (Standard Time) on the fnmm o! Chumch St., Oshawa. 26-1 26-l' bert's, En! ieid. Prasident Mrs. H. ie Brooks, Henry Thompson, Quaen a! the Xylophone, winnar Ernest Warry, norte o! Enniskil -__________________________ "Rose Garland" McGili presided. Scripture was Herbert Swain and Rupert Byers. o! tee highest number o! votes Ian. Free delivery o! cattie. Tarms - _______________ s,ýread by Mrs. R. McGill, Mrs. N. The remnrkable career o! John evrer recorded on n famous Amer- cash. Ted Jackson ton toear. ________________________________________________ A e aten eviefr Wright, Mrs. G. Leask, Mrs. R. Henry Devitt was outiined by his ican Amateur Broadcast. She wiii_______26-1_______ eight and tweive. McLaughlin, Mrs. W. Ashton, Miss ractor, Rey. Wood, who paid him also play the cathedmai chimes and AN ][DEAL WEDDING GIFT E. Orchard and Mrs. F. Gilbert. the foiiawîng trîbuta, "Ta-day we orchestra balls. William McQuoid, Furniture Sale Program was in charge o! Mrs; mourn the passing on ta higher fnmed bass baritone, former direc- StraJn 9h-A n Aiso a alt of other smart R . Ormiston's graup o "Pence.' evieo! truly grant man, full tom o! ana o! tee largest chairs in pattrnsfromwhih tochose.Sketches on the subi ect were read jo! years, and highiy esteemad by Belfast, Ireiand. The ana and only nsiln h oshl untr by Mrs. E. A. Werry, Mrs. J. A.!I his fellaw men, honored and famous Harmy Harby, English and affects a! the laite Frank Rab- A TO1 SUMMER SAVINGS 1 Werry, Mrs. W. Sandersan, Mrs. loved by ahl who knew hlm and music hall comedian wîîîl crante bins wiil be said by auction in- Hobbs Mrs. E. Wright, Mrs. S. 'laaving behind hlm a fine record mirte every moment. A 12-place cluding dining-raom, bedroom and See our paper cups, plates, Traxvin, Mrs. R. Rowen and Mrs. !,f achievemnent o! which an3yone orchestra wilî entertain with soos S ice unt;ale .Soanduatdt serviettes, wax Paper, forks, 1F. Wrry. Mrs. Lackey gave a might ha proud. Th, aoa !tis tc annHnbraJo! woad.Sae2pm StnrdQ aiy ndF snes nEer Atcl .

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