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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1940, p. 1

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With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 86 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1940NUBR2 AS 1 SEE IT... Part of Carnival Proceeds PARENTS ATTEND AUTO DEMOLISHES Service Clubs to CooperateWMADSCAM ByCat.Eloe hJpotTo be Devoted to War Work SAFETY MEETING CHECKERBOARD AT In Arranging- Many Details REPNIILT O For H Onc TIA fe areeRtryM m er ouc F BICYCLE CLUB STANLEY'SBRIDGE cAiNRAD Foocei___he_____Rtry___esAnouc For Care Overseas ChildrenT. whleeatelywih seeh y -See Youngsters Tried ln Own Rldgetown Driver and Two Sis -___-le________ the Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett. When CorFofrekn tr o Srosy uti hie warned the Empire on Friday Fair on July 1 Oth wiIl NEWS ANALYST Tratfic Rules of Early Morning HIADS COOMTTEE LosCu lasPa Club Pluge Lioe ClublearGrove last that it was the height of Again be an Out- Club Plunge.Ros suicidai folly to take only hall- standing Event with Prnsadmmeso h h a u elmre uv Strike. T. M. ChantMaoJbrgd? measures against the Fifth Col- M n e etrsa the fire vrha bigea umn, he was, of course, referring MayNw F tue Lions Club were given an oppor- atehe CP.R.overead ridg _ _ _ _ _ _o ftn e scs i x c o u n c ilso rsna n d to the long suppressed allegation ~t nt o se fr te sle h victimi of the year early Wednes-At a seil etng o th of tr acher in igh p aces in B o m anv lle R tary lub ork b ing one b theLioesB - of r town ciaime.dChatitsopsecondo Brjitain. But bis warning sbould strikes a new note in its appeal l cycle Safety Club when they were M. C. Campbell, Ridgetown, ac- tý Hampton Creamery, was electedacomnatnwsradfo bellb t wake u up her too in4ý> peritted t attencamieegigresidentnieofythes LionsstMrs.inW.inStewartntMapthe Gonover Canada. sWeerusar siuationthDey o he the Town Hall court room Friday Ruth and Phyllis, approacbed the Club at their meeting-Monday denyn thtse ad ente Caaa eiu a iutote aebridge from the west around one nigbt. He will succeed D. Alexontoum nth freiges There is o ly o e th ng to do d cide tha part 0f t e pr ceed o'clock, crossed the bridge safely, M cGregor. Vice Presidents elect- to c u l m l l z t t e r a from the fair will be used for There, the yduthful cyclists hadcrsditotelreceer ed ncueS R.Jm ,Jeofaeghr'hueabttw abo t raior a so n s hey ar co trbuion t w rth w r ork . se u c urt wih ast Ditr c oard sign andte ntl onge own oerOed inll ad e . . Davm de, o nts aoe a e n s n proved to be traitors and that is wbile the remainder will enablese pcutwt atDsrcbodsinndetononov ONllndG mr to s oot hem as f st a a irin the to stil car y o the valu bleG overnor of Lions, J. J. Brow n the hill, is car rolling over sev- As the m eeting closed the of- bill o h s m 0 75 t o e tsho hmafataa iigte osilcryoth aubeas judge. Youthful police escort- eral times betore reaching the ficial year, President McGregor the rglrfecagdfrsc squad can be got together. H it- crippled children's w ork they botto ed o th c ai an f e ch s r c . M y r J n s a d C u - 1e i isow emir astodhave been doing in past years. ed traffic breakers into the room One 0f o the girlawasinjuedfcmmitee rpor le i isow emir astod The club expects within a few and gave testimony to sh Onbut fnters, acring toomitet, eotonteyarscl( how he fist eaiz d t at heweeks to be faced with the prob- where tey had infringed on the police, whie the others were of the work will be publised at clai me h t M s Se at s o l would eventually control Ger- lem of helping to provide Over- rules. The miscreants were allow- shaken up and bruised. The car a later date. settlete il mnany. When they had him in seas children with homes in this ed to give their defense before suffered considerable damage. In bis retiring address, the pre- In a neve ih Ms prison, caught in the act of violent country and bas agreed to do its ug Brown registered bis deci- Ti stescn cieti ietepesdhsde pr-Se treason against the state, the saei h rjc..rnontb wbîch bas occurred at al-cuwobatae prtipo-" sh r n t e p r j c .s o .ciatio n to ev ery m em b er f th e sid e 0 h t r . " h r u t b Expenses of tbe Carnival this The meeting also included short most the identical spot. It will be clume nustake, she cartntended.Som authorities treated him as a pri- year have been cut to an absolute Capt. Elmore Phiipott th cub ndif wogivn y e ttgathMgard railspotpidandl rbtetPstPe ______onthe______and______ ceedings tbroughout the year. He baventteaiesidawoa- vileged guest. "I knew I would m inimum so that the net returns tdentlJ. J.dBrown, Secretary E. V. cahl wasthemade, butlsIado know beat them in the end as soon as I will be as large as possible to Traveller, soldier, lecturer and Florence Chartran and A lan cabes a few weeks ago, with te WdRetrneOt Jand. PionSt G e. L a E-Vd e thcanntbed ep nil sawtbe weeefradwteshottakfcaei0dteteersncrasng turaket bosaariclsfaveap-etrkevDeail o th fothcmig dive eoarg ther. fr he elptheehd gvenhlm fr pymet 0 tat 75or. me," is the way hee as put it amount of war work. For this peared in The Statesman for sev- Cycling Jamboree at Peterboro Chief of Police Syd. Venton in- Who was selected as chairman of An enviable attendance record NEe-tess MaoJneex reason, the parade committee bas eral montbs under the beading were presented by Lion Charlie vestigated. The car was removed the local committee in charge Of bas been established this year presed etrnain htte bimself. decided to award cash prizes onîy "As I See It." In this week's issue, Carter, chairman of the safety from the bottom of the bill on arranging for the accommodation with 27 out of 32 members having townmu tee hA4~ The lesson of Kerensky in Rus- to the children's section of tbe he presents a revealing picture of committee which sponsored the Wednesday. of Overseas children who are 1005c, be continued. I hope this theob 1 sia is equally plain. Kerensky parade. By so doing, tey will the war and wat may appen in bicycle club. Club members also Thougb this curve is admitted-I soon to be sent to Canada, out o ilb continued and improved aler ahti icsini a was the typical middle-of-tbe- Save well over $50 wbich will be the future according to Hitler's joined in. ly one of the most severe on the the danger zone. Thougb detaiis of wiîîdomnaeiotoe tbag"rdinutcasesry liker thiseenand Mso used to good advantage later o~pandmnton o h . Lions President D. Alex Mc- highway and thougb accidents oc- of the plan have not been com-un ever membeg. prent anod be . dodtn rod emcrt wos oaorca ue apel omechntmanu- Read Capt. Pbilpott's article and Gregor, E. W. Crawford, J. F. cur rather frequently at the spot, pleted, the committee is already sey tig Mr Mceg adsoned by Comncillor Gunn ability enabled bim to take over facturers and the general public you will be better informed on Heyland and Maurice Breslin ad- records f ail to show any fatalities active and will present full par- meig fcmitesb aldtbeaccutfr$t0 utb Russia after the putrid and treac- to prepare decorated floats and the "news beind the news" that dressed the gathering briefly. occurring there. ticulars in the near future. tmengf o ev eeate ctiî a ld ,the rws twl ebn rusAltbougb they wiîî receive no ed public in tbese days of turmoil. H expressed pesr tla reoe lapsed. But Kerensky made the money for doing so, tbey will b muto wr h b lfo lCTTIAfte dets frohrpr mistake of imagining that oratory contributing much to the success iaOfl rU li '.V IsiL r . H ikonbhl fchaserfote oetynrho was enougb wben the old order Of the parade and will indirectly R.H.orCOB iis LLACUTTLE C U SE D. H irs n eal f h R . H . C O L L Ath e G lenub ,a ea nD adrM ro nM GS c u g ogiS t. lay in ruins and notbing stable be doing their part in assisting fA fhl for bis able leadership and for toewho are overseas figliting U O O E ON 111'nTT Tf teclbtane MrMGegriwsdcddtocepte off emerged. So a tiny bandful of The children, wbose prize list S H URT A nvii A V V wvv- frour liberty. iK11R H AYi1h u O e tJ.1ISc o l uinsliean igii a sn-reiousl Reds, wbo knew exactly what is not extensive, are also asked to f l a A its UW AVAILABLE Speaker of the evening was thees a n1,v tey wanted, and how tey pro- do their part to make this year's An interesting event took place r n pa Rotary Past President W. Ross it inseea asadlct posed to get it, finally seizedl con- parade the outstanding success.of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pr n ip l n oinpson e o Strike who outlined proposed hp former years. Details of the prize BlmBwGirls Given Ovportunlty For plansl trol of all Russia. Wben you are list will be publisbed next week. Blmn omanville. June 22, Sm erplagatLw cbîn rom Be crtaof 0f 940 axes to takeranicare Lwohldrverseasriaitona 5 t iu fteaac dealing witb tough customers you As usuai, the parade will also when Mr. R. H. Collacutt, To- Board o f Education LIFE DEVOTED TO Cost The Dominion government bas A1 bave to be tough - and fast. feature good bands, floats from ronto, celebrated bis 85th birth- signified its intenltion of accept- on Ithink a final test for this other Rotary clubs and organiza- day witb about 27 of bis relatives Makes Plans to, Take PUBLIC SERVICE Miss Greta Pollard, on the Ing the responsibility for caring the fomtno!acvlga. thn ~~~tions and the mucb lauded and and frienc's. He received many C re of R ug s COMES TO AN END teaching staff o! Macdonald Hall, for as many children as are sent Cun. hs ere oe hti tng called democracy will be applauded Lions Safety Bicycle birtbday cards from bis chlfdren C r f R fge Guelph, was home over the week- and they in turn have asked the belaido h al hl h what it does with its traitors as Club with members numbertag and grandchildren including one From War Zone end and called on the edîtor ta provinces how many eacb will be Canadin(zo a otce ,&ffn as it finds out who they are. over 100. They wiil make quite a from bis grand-daughter and ,,. One of the oldest, best known gvehîm some particulars in re- able to accomniodate. Saskatcbe- for firhrifrain Plan now to attend the Rotary ford. Tea was served on the lawn The principals o! Bowmanvile Cartwright Township, John Henry next week at the Ontario Agri- vtce wil take care o! 10% o! all grantedpriso aueRtr Ihave heard nothing sadL - Carnival and to take part in the and a social time was enjoyed by scoos ave been asked to report Devitt, passed away from this cultural Colege for girls and that are sent, but the otier pro- Palk fo StJoehsGrn than the words of one French parade. If you have not already ail. After tea everyone enjoyed bow many Enghsb cbildren they life Friday, June l4th, in bis g0th young women. Miss Poilard bas vinces are delving into the mat- Partyro ul 5 catinet minister on the day that obtained tickets on the 1940 Ply- playing games and 'staging songs. would be able to absorb into their year. He was a son of the late asked us ta give publicity to this ter before repîymng. P. O( clen eceayo h France decided to sue for peace: mouth Coach whicb wil be the Wben departing for home eacb classes next Fal, it was revealed Thomas Devitt and Jane McKee. course in the hope it wll interest In Ontario, the problem has BowlingCuwoet eeec main prize o! the evening, do sol wished Mr. Collacutt many more at Tuesday nigbt's meeting of the In 1880 he married Elizabeth young ladies o! Bowmanville and been handed over to the WeIfare to thedicon uenS.fntg "The struggle was decided by before July lth. Years o! health and appiness. Board o! Education. Most of the Watson who predeceased imi Durham County. Dept. who ave placed Childrens on the rpry h opan machinery and treacbery, and youngsters are expected to be o! eleven years ugo. The course runs froni July 2nd Aid inspectors in charge o! local wii ain vetiatb France was no match for Ger- public scool age. Principal A. In public ife Mr. Devitt played ta July 26th and includes these operations. As most o! these are Henefrbaltesoudna many in either.a LAOll Ithat is.MTbompson presented a report a prominent part. He sat in the very important branches o! home s0 busy they have not time ta do dangeroscniin ilb e just another way o! saying that C o o u g o ie L s F rs a e n te staio hc np co Ontario Legislature for 14 years, taining: (1) Fam ly Meal Plan- te jb t oo g l, c m ite o e n a vc ! te P bi no oîyRo a~ L uaT. R. McEwen had approved. Ap- nang; (2) Food Conservation; (3 are being set up in each town Propert planes and tanks, but also Frenchb oy sonL ong End of 1-0 Score tproxiaothel 50 chîl pen icbeCbreand Tainng;(5) HomeDeuyReeMriadCo- traitors on bier side. s4- cbool grades witbout overcrowd- Nursing. Each one of these sub- We can leave the British trait- ihrdeAlw PieHt ru otidafrsngn o ing or overburdening the teach- jects wIllbave a bearing on pre- I ors, if any, to people like Winston Wi lwsFv it aroun d to tbrd afteighn o ers. sent war problems and partic- r e a P n fo R f ChuchllandAnhoy den Bt ndStrikes Out Four- in but was caught on a throw from Chairman o! the Board Fred ularly to better understand the r pa I for one would feel a lot more Close Battie the pitcher. Again in the fiftb Cryderman was absent, bis place problems o! caring for -refugee OA fie f rR g sr to conidece f oug ol LlydRice reached second but failed tý being ably taken by Trustee Dr. Gorgeiee in touhe abne, t owvle Roaydbnddget farther when the team retired. G. C. Bonnycastle. O e n O fc o Geogewee n hecaintat owanin Ryas anedA charge o! only $25.00 is being ______ this particular time. Or if Tories Cobourg Ponies their first loss o! Ralph Ames played bis first Beginning with the new termni made to cover registration, board the season when they de! eated game o! the season holding down a ruling will be observed requir- and room. Rooms wiil be provided W. R. Strike Heads GroUp DarlingtnadOooadds are preferred I think R. B. Ben- the Countytowners 1-0 in a twi- second base. Osborne was on xg hesigig ! heNaioa ne t ou d ak a w nd rf l ec l g t am h re la t i ht D ve fg st n them in ail sc o of st eNation ce in the dorm itries o! the college 1lrA teand meas will be served in the ReSPOnS ibi6 f o r Placi g t ct bu nt cud g Ne ua e 1a da main dtaing hall. It will be nec- Evaouees Under Children , o h itrc atoat retary o! civil security at this Osborne scored the winning run Penty o! local fans turned out ay essary for eacb person to bring Ai lceyThe time. Our job is with Canada. rechn second on a bit to deep to see the gume but a large per- A mte ocring p - -.te oîota eupmnt2parsHrsy lckSopsiech A resolute government could when Bob Kent doubled to left cheer the local team on to vic- Public school was brougbt up. set o igebd,2plo tts deal with any number o! traitors field. The lone and winning run tory from behind the fences in One o! the two old mowers is said- cases, 1 pillow, 1 bed spred, Mr. K. J. Hodgert, Childrehs registrio adwilhopn n in Canada even under our long came in the 4th inning. the outfield. to be beyond repair. One member towels, ýsoap and a laundry bag Aid Inspector, as formed in Bow- Saturdé feno adeeig standing laws aginst trr ason. Witheridge was the winning Bowmanville - Crombie, If;o! the Board questioned the nec- on h ae lal akd ale ih eheoutsideheRo J une 2th Une h WrMaursEe-hurler, pitching steady ball Rce, s;J. Colville, cf; D. Os-essity of the purchase and was oAppely sdiety o heO tary brn onTheCubsdre st aid S UdrteWrMaue mr hogotteetr aeadborne,st; Witheridge, p; Kent, adviseci thut the only way to make AgiutrlCleeGepo l r ii b vaîb g e c y A t t c o l b v s c s o , b o u h u t t e ten t r g a m e a n r d R , r ;a d m i s s i o n . a n d e v c u e e s i n t h e U n i t e d C o u n - u e o if necessary in a matter o! ours, gave any free tickets to first base 2nd. im to "go up there with the Ti orei an pnoe iso otuneîn n u-completinu h ieo h p fot weeks or months. But it Smith was on the mound for Co: Cobourg - Payne, ss; Zeland, members o! the Property Com- byThcre anadian Mudiu Asoc- hum. Assistantsberwind hadpru- might be better if Ottuwa follow- bourg, striking out four players. c; Reymes, 3rd; Campbell îst: mittue and cut a little grass." At b h aainMdclAsc a.piai The ae n !teBatemun fHuto np mt:ti rpseossgesinteito n h nai gihl hsi h fiiladoI iton.a ed the example of the Motherland this seuson, was almost lacking in P; Dawe, cf; Johns, 2nd.' objector subsided.h 1; 1f; Houstone rf;thmitb' the John Henry Devltt tural College, with the co-opur- agency responsible forteplcgti. a d spiiulh ied r u ha e w modem -onerq te eatr er wo 1- B w an ile 00 10 -1 5 i ni g in S pt m e, e -Cos et-ub m.H.w s aCofadluy il lo.o k ufe-al o! igint e r po-ur ! o d bataÏi.iau__bii LU nln- thu Roy"ý-ý'---al Black Knigbts Mr. Schooi. Isna vuhryAbadamsan,ldnd. eywllrmanayu world plan. It is an efficient plan. atainwth a smaîî buercmtenientwmnville, Port the Board. He is leaving townt evt ayarmrkbercord. The front cover ut once attracts AnmtuAlteeholdh staff to train Non-Permanent Ac- Hope, Ccobourg and Campbel!ford. take a new position in Sault Ste. auyb adclbae is 65th attention. It is done in colors and To achhmifteyca Ideed it miglt bu said that i eMittitiasr ngh o a o tThse will form a rsrvu o! train- Marie. R get-ly rsg a y as a dBaecklKnigt. d At the announces the third annuel Junu t e ot w rly e tr s o!e d rfnor thurf od o gi g o c diabolicuily efficient a plan 800. ed personnel for the Vturans tion was accepted and the secre- last Orange oelubration ut Orono issue o! "Turmpt"UdrThe Trumpeter ae psz-w n g, Youilrcveaomee 'that the wholu world, which is Hedquarters o! the unit wiîî Homne Guard C.AS.F. and wil bu tary instructed to address Mr. bu was in the parade, the oldest the able guidance o! Don Quick, ning essay on the life of Lord h soryo!tecidad!cu's -bu ta Millbrook wicb ls centraîy available for Home Dfence. Sutton a ltter xpressing regret Brother to turn out that day. He as editor-t-chief, the Stfo wusurb uhAentycontc n o t y e o u r c m e b y t h u N a i s . o c u u d u n b a a g o d r m u r y . R e c r u i t i n g w i l l b u t a f u l l s w i n g u i u a t r a p r c a i n w a s a m e m b e r o f t h e R o y a l S c a r - f o u r ( B e t t y S t e v e n s ,e a d -an IOftwe d m u o n t h e R u h o o l G ret he a e t a a s o s b e should know about it now, whilu Companies will bu rane .i by July lat. Permanent staffs will o! the fine work lie did in the lut Chaptur and the Canadian dy, Eric McIlvuun' ad Auryancomohnsv acuto!m l eags! the childrGaren, accord-ar thure 15 stil timu ta do somuthing armouries ut Orono, Port Hope, bu present at the Armouries in scbools. Hmeancd Gat)hvepAdc d rmpee cal acteive dungthef suaoli- egorenplswlhafo abo t i. Milb ook Co ou g, nd Cam - he rea ev ry ay and uv ntg. A n application w as h ard from H is son, R eeve Creig lton p. m agazine. year giving the prize-w lxuers in 5 to 16 ye rs Tiplnhsbe ecie ybelford or Norwood. Men wishing to oin any branch Dr. T. A. Partridge applying for Devitt, who survives, is carrying Liku al good publications its the Music Festival where tife The fom(o ucmlue i Thi pln iasbeu dscrbedby Recruits will bu enlisted and o! the army are advised to cal ut the position o! Director o! Music. on the splendid !amnliy tradition "editorlal page" is given promin- school was well represented, and low youtosteteauaxad many people with inside know- given a period o! trtaning in the their local armounls for infor- The mattr was not sttld t once holding many o! h ffcswhc nce. It is devoted to a discussion the inevitable "Gab Column" - number o hlrnyuaepe ldguo! ta veNai ien trons e ir evenia n gs after wActv be rvwice bu m tati nd a om itte asfoor rbiecrur el. ecese r> ! he arino usrtsIn t e c lo al"W inchell" flashes. pared to tk. In paig cid n r u v l a t o n h a e e e n p r o u d a c - t r n s f r r u t A c i v S e v i e N a r e t r m o n l s f r r c r i t s b r ngia e c o m m e n d a t i o n s . T h e y l a v s t r e e d a u g l t e r s , M r s . M r e - y o u n g f o l k s t a i r e n o i n t e r e s t i n i s o t s , t o o , a g o o d r e c o r d t h e r a c eu nr e io n! t hci d (Cotinedon age2) units or kupt on the rolis for De- from Bowmanvllle wil bu ut weru givun power to advertise for (otne npg 0 the colossal struggle going on? (otne npg 0 C ( C o tl u. o p ie R>f n ce o ! C a n a d a . R c ru its w ill b u O ro n o . a p p lic a tio n s.< O f t n d on p e 1 > P o e try a n d p ro se ta k e u p th seO t n . n p n 0 ( O lI l O n P G 0

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