THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA1%TVTT T W r~?j',' A - .. -.---. ~ StLN J.aanj ___ PAGE THREE IREDANKm By Jo Worms turn, and so, too housewives who- have sutf much fromn their hot kitcher July and August: they are learning to do the family coo out-of-doors. But it may1 been the manufacturers of c ing equipment who put this1 idea into their heads. Thus,1 are quotations from an adve: ment of a "new type oui grill":- If You have an outdoor fi p ace modernize it by piac, e _cf these deluxe grills in Srif you are building a ti place, purchase a grill for it And another maker's advei nment bids housewives to 'discc the fun cf outdoor ccoking in own backyard. Escape the kitchen during summer. Here new and delightfuily diffei way to entertain your guests., And then editors have t say - as for exampie: "Many the new portable grills are', lapsible, and one large one, b like a tea-wagon, even has ru] tires and warming sheives. PÈ 9 A total lack of Vtammn0 n he b.di causeasolyuut aTh woEs DEB. Cu aae made item wholo whm tram whch none et th. procious wheà jferm has been remoyod. A 'ËOR BREAKFAST, lic sure th ýungutera get foôds that are ricl i 'wéfiergy. Cube contana the whole whes --tic prectcua wheat gertnthe brar tie minerais, the protein. Ti wholesorne, nouniuhing foodi deligfUly taaty, toc. MeUlow mal blexi its goodxiess with the nut-lil flavor of thc whole whet. Cuba corn te your table crlap, crunchy toast* a golden brown. Get a package of Cul from your grocer today. A produot of The Canadien Shradded Whaat Company Limit.d TrHE NEW WHOLE WHEAT CKAL ,j Look into it WHEN YOU buy insuranae consider ffrst the quality of the compaiiy baok of your policy. In insurance, quality means safety and depenabty ... insurance through a company known for doing the square thhig for every policyholder. Je Je MASON I& SON Phone 68 INSURANCE AGENTS Ui - BowmanvIflc Summary of rcturn or clection expensca cf WILLIAM BOSS STRIKE 1 Receipts Receipts, contribu- tions, etc.-----5 758.35 4 Pronuised unpaid contributions, etc. 5.00 Total $ 763.35 First cclumx islatic amount o! reccipts, whilc tic second column la tic numben cf pensons froin whom rcccivcd. Payments Candîdate's per- sonal expcnscs._.$ 500.00 Postage------ ----- 9.60 Pctty dlaimis, in- cluded in below Hire of premnises-_ 117.50 Services --------- 124.00 Goodas upplicd ... 53.99 Advcrtisîng-.------ 437.76 Total $1,262.85 Dated at Pont Hope tuis 6ti day H. R. S. Ryan, Officiai Agent. Wicn anc has seen tic bear in tic woods, he hears hlm growl li every busi.-Geerman Proverb. Fear is the tax that conscience pays ta guiit.--Sewefl. "It is clear that we have ta dlean up our own economic l11e as a mneans nat anly of staying out a! thc war but as a meanu o! meeting whatcver klnd of traglc world will ensue frra ths war.,, -Rev. R. A. McGowan, National CahoicWeare Conferenc. begin 9 pr Authorlsed Bottier ofeCoa-Cl&"fC las CARBONATED BEZVEAGICS Fo OSHAWA PHONEC 755 Di -=n newspapers and magazines. and of ! YO Manyofu in Canada have the j ohn C. Kfrkwood idea that Florida is toc hot in n "R c n e so sumr n httherefore cen Sesio not a vacation country ini Summer. But the very reverse would seeni el do range ail the way from $3.50 to te be true. Flonida advertises it- Conservation Services Present ffered $49. If the grill is nlot set up toc self as a summer tcurist resort! Ixforination for the ns in far from the kitchen, salads may Last wînter was Fiorida's best Consideratijon of now be served in the first flush Of tcurist season in nine years, and %ng their youth; littie baking-powder ncw it is said that it seems likely Council hae biscuits will be piping hot in a that this year's summer's tcurist cook- linen napkin; and the fruit wili volume will reach an all-time On June 12th, members cf the good stili wear that faint patina e! high. Its peak temperatures are Counties Council visited Orono here chill from the ice-box." declared te be lower than those where they attended the meeting rtise- Seoene can have daily picnics anywhere else in the Eastern Un- of Zone 4 cf the Conservation As- tdoor right in one's own garden, thanks ited States. Prices have been fix- sociation. R. S. Carman, Ontario to this outdoor grill, and ail the ed at rates from 30 to 50 per cent Forestry Brandi, told the meetingi ire- things that fancy can suggest and lower than winter rates. that toc niuch interest had been cing, that the purse can buy. As attraction Florida offers shown ta getting water out of the n it.*** niglit basebaîl games, organized ground without taking steps to ire- I hope that we in Canada wiil water sports cf every kind, fresh see that the water table was ne- t. soon have an opportunity to see and Salt water fishing, sailing and tained at its proper level by con-j tise- the Abe Lincoln film, starring mctcr-boat regattas, swimnuing servation measures.Z over Raymond Massey. Yet in the meets, inland sightseeing, bathing The members cf the Counties« your United States this picture has not beaches, aquariums, motor tours, Council and other guests werei hot been nearly as well rcceived as viewing marine life through glass- wclcomed by G. M. Linton, super-/ e's a was the stage play, despite the bottomcd boats, ice-skating spec- intendent cf the Orono Forestryc erent fact that many have found the tacles, and, cf course, night clubs. Station. Warden Morrow took 2~film, with its langer background * part in the prograni. Mayor H. R.S their possibilities, more te their liking. New York City lias one physi- S. Ryan cf Port Hope, president t ty cf One movie theatre which was cian te each 497 inliabitants. Ac- of the Northumberland and D)ur- i col- to show the filmn advertised it in ccrding to a recent compilation liam Conservation Service Inc., f, built the local newspaper after this the Association o! American Med- aise spoke. bbr ane:ical Colleges reports 12,131 appli- The subjcct cf conservation of li rices "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" is cations for admission in cne ycar, the resevrces in Northumberland t] - the biggest flop in the history cf cf whom 6,223 were admitted. It and Durham has been brougit up c the show business. It is the is autlioritatively said that ne cn previcus occasions during ses- sý greatest mcticn picture in his- cemmunity that can support a siens cf the Counties Council, but t] tery. The RKO-Radio studios physician is without adequate at this session it wiil be studied spent a fortune in money in medical service. on a large scale. The N. and D.1 producing it. Yet the cruel fact Prebably in Canada there is an Conservation Service laid the fol- il remains that the theatre-going equally adequate supply cf medi- lowing information before the s] E public cf America, from New cal men. At any rate our medical Council for its consideration: T~ York te 'Frisco, is shunning this schools are making it increasing- "It wiîî be unneccssary te re- t( top picture cf the century. The ly liard for one te become a phy- mmnd the members of the Counties u public is depriving itself cf the Sician. Ceuncil in detail cf the need for p grandcst entertainment ever Yet there is being develcped a conservation and restoration cf 1sl cenccived on the screen. ncw vocation in the field cf medi- tic natural resources cf tiese- IV Thi adetii se report says, cine whicli is attractive te young ceunties. Flood and drougit have fi prodced erysatisfactory finan- men and wemen, cspecially young lef t their marks in many areas p cial results. women, who are interested in within our boundaries. Dry bi * * Il science and who would like te Streami beds, dry wells, bunnt up t: Radio has replaced the tele- enrollinix the war against discase - pasture, less cf top Soil, guilies ai phone on battie fields. In the first yeung men and wemen who may and washouts, bare hililsides and tu World War one cf thc first things net be able te undertake the pro- blow sand are the evidences o! a yi that happened in any cffensive longcd training requircd for the wasted heritage. It is net tee late 2 was the destruction o! phone Uines profession of medicixie. The work- te stop the conversion of large hr by the enemny bombardnient, with ens in this field are knewn as areas cf tiese counties into a de- a] the resuit that many commanders "clinîcai laboratory technicians'" sert, but action must be prompt, wene net able to get a complete or "medical tecinologists." The adequate and well directed li or- el Spicture o! the strategièal situa- medical teclinologist does is der to be effectual. s tien wien such understanding work in a clinicaî laboratory, "TeNrhmrlnadDu-c wa nurgent necesty. whiCh is a spcalized cliemical ham Conservation Service, Incor- ir portable rdo and transmitters, ed to a hospital, or he operates ~rtd ne rvnilcatr and are in direct communication indcpendentiy under the direction bas beexi formed te point out the se by voice, net cnly with their own cf a dlinical pathologist. The me- need cf action, te explore and e:i unit but aise with the chie! cf dical technologist makes analyss survey the means te be usedI and w, opeatis~ ear urnefies tenm hplan and carry eut a program ON operaions.An oral order can be and reports ef blood, sputum, for united action by the land- L given adhadsimultaneeuslyurnfcs tmhcoetti by cvery unit e! a iundred thou- tissue, and the like. cotnsowners, the township and couxity ar sand mcxi. Truck convoya have ceunicils and the government te th two-way sets similar to the police put an end te the destruction o! an radio eutfits. Mobile reconnais- Efection- Expen»s s Our resources and restere them to ai, sance cars have the same equip- Durham Candidates their proper level. wl ment. Airplanes talk to troo,,ps on "Many members cf your ceun- es the greund- and receive and oive Federal Eîction cil have played an active part in an orders by voiée. With radio equip- conservation work, and particu- gr ment ta gencral use a commander We publisi ierewith summary larly in the formation cf this ser- ce does not have ta delegate com- cf return cf election expenses, as vice. In addition, we have already pi mand. Radio communication and rcquired by Section 63 (5) cf The had support anid advice frem cex- pr fie especially direction finders are Dominion Elections Act, 1938, a perts in agriculture, forestny and pc a i playing vital noies i tank, ma- summary signed by the officiai ether fields cf science; se neces- suj «t noeuvres and movements of mc- agents cf Wilbert Franklin Rick- sary for the prepen treatment o! er t tcnized columns. .'I ard and William Ross Stnike, th!s great pnoblem, and the pro- gr; Radio bearns are direct pointers candidates at the necent election mise cf further aid whenever we the te cîties: planes can ridé the te serve in the House cf Com- require it. The provincial govenn- in waves itt a city. The radio direc- mens cf Canada held in thaeîec- ment has apprcved our under- %~ atien finder gives fixe bom~ber the tonal district cf'ura Cuny takings and has a]ready given us a, sense of a bloodhound. * Said retunns are on file at the valuable advice an*d han promised Canda *office e! L. C. Mason, Returning furtier assistance i ail aspects cf is Canda ex- Officer, at Bowmanville, and may, our work. ,a year is beingex on payment cf a fee cf twenty "Our genenal plan o! operation - mt 1tcnsively advertiscd as a play- cents, be there inspected and ex- is almost self -explanatory, but at (« ce 'ground ad teurist land in U.S.A. tracts taken thenefrom at any the present time we propose te ne public atifons - and net alone by reasonable time during the six lay greater stress on the follow- ed th iedera and tic Provincial mentlis next after thc 5th day cf ing: bs gcvcrnments. Thus, in tice New June 1940. "(1) Educational work tirough-th York Sunday Times cf date Juneth 9th there wcrc advertiscmcxits Summary cf return or election eut tie counties te show e cadi about tic attractions cf Canada expenses cf separate landowner, if possbera and cf particular spots and nesonts IILBERT FRANKLIN RICKARD iow lie can make islsand more the L ~productive and his farming opera- for and hotels, sîgned by these adver- Receipts tiens more profitable. lin] tisers: Canada Steamship Lines; Receipts, centribu- "(2) Publicity work, te con- par American Express; Vacationland; tiens, etc -5---- 1,063.08 1 vince tic gencral body cf citizens lawi SEnsign Tours; Canadian 'Pacific Promised unpaid cf tiese counties that conserva- as Hotels; Canadian National Rail- contributions, etc. nil tien and reforestation are prcsmg' e ways; Timagami Lodge; Canadian needs, nequirîng practical steps te wer Pacific Railway; CIbalet Cochand, Total $1,063.08 lie taken and not merely the ex- tic Ste Marguerite Statien, Québec; First column is the amount o! pression cf sympathy and thc star Ment Tremblant Lodgc, Lac Mer- receipts, while tie second column passing cf nesclutions. corn cicr, Que.; Royal Muskoka Hotel; is tic number cf pensons frein "(3) Ustag every source o! in- Manor Pineteau, Lake Tremblant, whem neccived. formation available, suci as ne- Que.; Ciantecler, Ste Adele cxi Payments ports ef Govennment and private Cc haut, Que.; Nova Scotia Province; Candidate's per- experts, te determine tic kind o! a le Domaine d'Estrelle, Ste Mangue- sonal expenses --- $ 450.00 werk te be undertaken, the key cmir rite du lac Masson, Que.; Yar- Hire cf premises.. 106.50 5 arcas toelie treated, tiat la te say, forr mouth, N. S .; Manoir Richelieu, Services ------------ 451.18 23 strategic positions whose refores- gual Murray Bay, Que.; Chateau Fron- Travelling expen- tation will iniprove Strcam and clan tenac, Quebec City; Launentide ses and ire of water conditions over a widc area eign Inn, St. Agathe, Que.; Laurentian vehicles ------------ 50.00 1 and whose furthen dcniuding will occa Resorts Association; Jasper Villas, Goods suppliicd---- 216.87 20 tend te produce a désert. Suci Pe0I Montreal; Touriat Bureau , Pro- Advertising ------- 238.53 à ________________Tow vince cf Quebec. 1 .~mur Thus it is seen that in addition Total $1,513.08 rega te wiat our governiments may be First coiumn amount expended, be r spending to attract tourists te while second colunin indicates T * had ICanada, are tic spcndings of pri- number e! persons paid. hi1rSL stops~ menr vate and commercial advertlsens. Dated at Bowmanville this l4th anirn Aise to be spoken of arc tic cdi- day o! May, 1940. guar torial articles in important U .S.A. Emerson U. Fisher, L U ct ____________________________Official Agtent. -u p n '~ tsc fARDEN URGES ZEALOUS ACTION DURING SESSIONS DCounties' Council report con- tinued from last week) Delete Sections Notification was received frorn * Department cf Highways that rtain sections cf the by-law ssed by the counties regardmng e rebates to towns and villages rtheir county road connecting is should be deleted. The de- tment asked that a new by- w be prepared. These deletions, desired by the department ýre those li which the council ýre most interested and brought cmatter right back to where it Led, the clerk and treasurer mmented. Forminc Clvlc Guard 'uncil discussed at some length ltter from the provincial gov- iment ini connection with the nation of voluntary civil àrds. Several councillors de- red that the presence of for- ners in various townships was isioning uneasmness among the ple. Reeve R. Mallory of Percy wnship moved that the com- nication from the governinent Lrding the home guard unîts received and filed, but counceil 1decided to discuss it. The mbers, although agreeing un- riously that a volunteer home Sd should be formed, express- their ignorance cf just how ha group would be formed for nty service. It was decided to if a government officiai would te down and explain the mat- on Friday before the council )urned. LiabIJity Insurance Nearly Trebled '-laws were passed equalizing assessment for 1941; Ievy of r ate, education cf county pu- authorization of an appeal in Wooler School dispute and lwmg of money to meet cur- expenditures. The insurance lr for $1,132.74 for the count- accident liabîlity was ac- ed, only one tendering. Last the premium was $441.87, due to several accidents and 'tdaims, the rate was raised. new premium is 'still only third that o! the 1936 pre- te counceil was addressed Fni- by Jack Burnet of Cobourg, Commander of the Legion, explained the formation and ,a f the Civil Volunteer *d which the counties are to rdze. ae chools committee report brief. One recommendation that school requisitions must àby April lut, or else there d be no grants. Buy Tax Sale Lots ereforestation comnitteé re- I that bath foreste in the Jes had been lnspected and 1satlsfactory. Ini Northum- Ld 84 acres were purchased rar and planted wlth trees. 1acres were replanted. In Rn County 57,000 trees were ed lust year. T'he committee court sec i: comm terc adjo, Li the tende cepte year but c court one-ti iuzr The ay t Zone uties Guard rgani The mas tl 'ould The >untli ound ast Yi ,nrty lantec recemmnded that 332 acres in Refo es'ttionDurham County, listed for tax ns i Cobourg 11.1 No Action Takea 6b - Ex-Warden W. Davey infonmed frtic yhcouncil that Wellington coun- anas should be attacked fis.t encil iad added one mîli te Wiere available information 's its rate, thc amount reccivcd to tasuffîicient wc shaîl have te make be turncd over te tic Dominion investigation o! our ewn. Government te assist its war cf- "(4) Tic undertakixig by tic fort. The cx-wanden cxpressed Counties Council e! a scieme e! tic opinion that tic counties extension cf tic Counties Forest, ceuncil o! Northumberland and keeping in mtad tic principie laid Durham siould act ta a similar down by R. S. Carman, o! tic manner. Howevcr, ne action was Provincial Forestry Brandi, ta ils taken on his suggestion. report on tic Wilmot Creek area, ' Ishcre thc Money Goes o! which tic greater part -is lxi Clarke Township. Tuis pinciple Administration o! justice, $3,- is that reforestation slould con 554.90; law csts, $500.00; roads, sist o! sepaate plots strategicaîy $36,362.29; indigent patients, $4,- placd at or around tic head- 574.69; ngistry offices, $98.0; waters, tic springs and tributar- printing, postage and statieneny, les e! drina e s ste , nd $352.54; counties home, $5,345.44; anound tic sand hll areas w îic î al l7 23 ; u i i a e c n arc tic sources f tic most f our ment, $7,844.433; lans npaid, watercurss t tese aras. $59,000; interest, $1,636.93; edu- "Tic Provincial Government li $160.00; reforestation, $454.59; de- of! tic opinion tiat tic proper bentures, $32,962.56; committec rncthed cf iandling tic public pay sheets, $175.03. side of reforestation la tirougi 1,0 o atiteGat the County forests. Thc Govenn- 5000 fr Ptltc G a t ient lias agreed te plant and cane Tiecocmmittee neportcd that for separated plots of nt less $10,000 be set aside for patriotic than twenty-five acres caci; tic grants, $2,000 gcing toecaci c! tic location f ecad to be approved by Y.M.C.A., Salvation Army and thc Forestry Brandi, wicn pur- Red Cross. Tic sum cf $4,000 is .liased by tic Counties, on tic te be hcld over for future grants. same~ terms as those goerning Ahl grants, except tic foregoing, the present County Forests. are te be laid ever until tic No- "Experts estimate that between vember session, including tic 150,000 and 200,000 acres of land grant àsked for by tic Northum- in these cunties, now clared, berland and Durham Conserva- ihould be ungrazed woodlands. tin Association. The Counties Council started fif- Tic wadn appotted Reeves teen yars ag, but bas nt kept Reid, Mallory and Edmondstone L~ t c p ce. It s n t t be sup- to interview tic d cputy-m taister upoteta pac t s gr e a aea te obtain prompt approval cf tic ihould le planted publîdly, but r a e a e b - a a o d r t a Mr. Carman says tat te be' f- municipalities dpending n tiese fective thc eforesting must be ebates te do municipal work, planuid and tic key areas slould migt be able te go ahad witi it. e publicly centnllcd. Tie Ceun- ies Ceuncil should lead tic way, CAN'T COMPARE and we suggest that tuis Council LIVING COSTS undertake te plant 400 acres a ear for tic ncxt five years, say 200 acres in Durham and 200 acres Often wc icar demplaints that in Northumberland, in plots e! taxes anc higi and tat tic cost e! bou 50 acr s c ci t k y p ints, living is napidly tacneasing. There "bot5 c ricewiasat whcPoe- ne doubt tiat every additional ve pSsribe i tisletion o lraks d l"ticthefamily budget -ve posib e i t e slecion ofm ak si difficult fcr tiose w ti cci ites, arrangements for purciane, limited incomes te maintata ticir col idvice cenccnning planting, and present style o! living. Witi a i every otier way possible. Canada now at war witi Italy let hi "Tic Service is a voluntary As- us suppose conditions like tiose in ti ociaticn but must incur certain Italy were imposed on Canadians! 20 mpenses. Secretanial werk, field People in Reme, we are tald, pay qui 'ork suci as contacting land- abcut $1.25 for a pound o! butter, sm )wners, and survey, and explora- as comparcd te 27 te 32 cents hene. poi !on work, and cbtaining tecinical Soap costs tic Fasclat about 14 pri m d s c ie n tif ic a d v ic e w i ll m e a n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bat wc must engage mployees- id experts for full or part time id from tinme to time, and tiere viii be certain travelling expens- e.We are ccunting for our fin- ices on pivate subscriptions and rants frein municipal and other rpcratc bodies. There is even a Sospect, on wich we cannot at Sesent rely, o! Governinent sup- ort. Wc therefore respectfuly uggest tiat your Council censid- * favourably tic making e! a From the start, Picobac bas been the pick (the best> of Canada's Burley crop. Canada raised just as good Burlcy as yeu'Il find anywhcre. But Canadians have a way cf net being satisficd with "«just as good." Sa govcrnment experts jeincd banda with growers te pro- duce a finer, ligbter, more uniforin leaf which would give a stili mlder, cooler, sweetcr smoke. Thcy suc- cecdcd! And Picobac ia new the pick of this iniproved crop. Wbich la grand for you pipe-smokers because, more. tlan ever, dit DOES taste gooci in a pipe 1 its a Cake. There is very little &fcc in Italy and it costs '$1.12 pound against about 50 cents me for tic bcst grades. Sugar la cee times as costly in Italy at cents a pcund. Bread o! paon ilityv la quoted at 14 cents a 'all loaf. Meat la 50 cents a nid gencnaily. These tacrcascd te suifer, and anc beaning their ces 'must lic met by Italians burdens without complaint. carning 40 te 50 cents a day on thc farin. Minera are thc highest paid class, earning froin 75 cents ta 51.0(1 a day. Let us thank God we are flot suffening as these people, on as those in Great j3ri- tain and France are called upan 11W UrflI~ h h or r The Martins are typical of thousands of Canadian men and wor.n who have safeguarded thefr future through their savinge in lIde iflaurauce. These thrifty people, in every part of the country, face thé future with confidence. Their »aV. ings in lite imeurauce Rot oulY, protect their famailies today-bhut' al»o huild a consfortable nest.'eg ANOTHER STORY 0F LIFE INSURANCE IN ACTION <TruO in eveY datait, except the nan.) UYUIPOLICYHOLDERS RECIEIE 70% 0F LIFE INSURANCE PAYMIE!fS BY Ownlng lf. Insurance, you don't have ta "die ta win". Ifsca significant fact that Îast year, neurly 70% of ail payments by lif. Insurance com- punies operatlng In Canada, were mode ta living policyhQlders. Tbey thus recived ffi. benefits of their own lfe Insurance durinq thelr 11f e-trne. O N U 0 f U I M 0 f M U U S A U F o', &gluu sMji mg.u w i This happy couple is guaranteed an income as long as they live 0 When Jaek Martin quit work, he irnrediately began ta receive a eamfortable rnnhly incarne frons hi& lite insurance. Today, the Martins live happily ln their little home, and they have enough mney to take an occa- sional trip. Beet of ail, they have no finaucial worry about the future. They have an incarne that will continue as Jong as either Jut he bett 1 1 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANviLLn- omrApTn i ý 1 Just the best m L-