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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ______________________________________ '----~' ~'*'-'THURSDAIJNS7T,14 Nesteto Ham tonMr. and Mrs. E. Orriston, Bow- Jarvie's... Miss Marion Snow-T on Gordn Flower bearers were ______Ha pon__vleadMr oh rmson enj t Miss Elsie Sanlis, En- T rn MissesnBetty Stapleton and Nancy Oshawa, at Mrs. W. J. Ormiston's.j field. . . Mr. Robt. Collacutt, Mr. ____Godad Messrs. Everett Sta- M. . Mr. W. Gray, Toronto, Misses George Warick, Toronto, at Mr. pleton, George J. Stapleton, Ed. Recent Visitors: Mrs. Patterson, Recent Visitors: Mr. and Ms Elsie, Ada and Florence Rahm, Leslie Coflacutt's. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Samis, Bert Samis, Arthur Bell, Oakwood, witlx Mrs. M. Emerson. Fred Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Union, at Mr. Harold Ormiston's. Me welcome Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wonnacott and Ronnie, Dixie, Wilfred McKay, John Henderson *.Rev. A. W. March, Mr. Leslie Wilbur, daughter June, and son.. Mr. and Mrs. Connors, Pr LairrJr. and duhe iin oa r .A ites r n n i enns Thompson, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Junior, Toronto, visited at S. Ker- Hope, at Mr. Morley Slemon's- our community, having rented Mrs. Goodmnan with his son, Mr. ____ G. Joblin, Sonya, with Mr. L. sey's and G. Adcock's. .. Mr. C. H. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and part of the house owned by Mr. Fred Goodman who is in Port Joblin. .. Mrs. Drinkle, Victoria Wallace, British Columbia, was a family, Courtice, Mrs. J. Allin W.J. Snowden, formally owned Hope Hospital having suffered an Mrs. Andrew McGill Harbour, with her sister, Mrs. G. recent visitor at the Creamery. .. and Mr. Sam Allin, Bowmanville, by his brother, Mr. Samuel Snow- injury to his back. Rsdnso aevlewr Bower's. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Me- Mr. and Mrs. H. Smart and daugh- Mrs. A. E. Harding, Mrs. E. Ash- den. Sympathy is extended to MrssRcedetsof arntville weren Mullen and Marian, Lotus, Mrs. J. ters, Toronto, with Mr. Ken Jack. ton and Jane, Miss Lorna Rahm, Rev. H. Hunter Hillis, Chair- Luther Hooper and Messrs. F. L: drew ckdtole an that rs. Ans- Richardson, Pontypool, Mr. and - . Mr. Raymond Petit, Enniskil- Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gil- man of Lindsay Presbytery, and Byam and Earl Byam in the death vere h éart attack shortly after Mrs. A. Rowan, Yelverton, Mr. len, visited his sister Cecile. . - - bert and Miis~ Velma, Eldad, Miss pastor of Little Britain, occupied of their mother, Mrs. Clara Byam. diuner on Thursday afternoon, J. J. Campbell with Mr. W. Miss Betty Rogers spent the week- Elaine Ormiston, Maple Grove, the pulpit very acceptably on Mrs. Byam was a resident of this June 13th, and passed away quite Campbell. . . Mr. and Mrs. G. end with friends in Bowmanville. Miss Verna Ormiston, Oshawa, Sunday. village for a number of years suddenly at four o'clock. Chapman, Ballyduff, with Mr. G. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett and Mr. Ra]ph Ormiston, Zion, at Mr. Rev. A. W. March, B.A., B.D., prior to moving to Bowmanville. The late Mrs. McGill was, be- Johns. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickey Keith visited relatives at Fenelon Hoskin Smith's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone, will occupy the pulpit A number of friends attended the fore her marriage forty-nine years with Miss M. Williams..- . Mr. Falls. . . Mr. Frank Rogers and Edwin Ormiston and Walter, this Sunday afternoon., funeral Monday afternoon at her ago, Mary Elizabeth (Polly) and Mfrs. L. Williamson, Ponty- daughter Isobel spent the week- Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. A. ____ late residence. Vae eodduhe ftelt pool, with Mrs. Jas. Williamson. end with relatives at Buffalo, N.Y. Stainton, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. H. Veoecorasstda ogM.and sec ondaughterof he at S Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin, Mr. . . Miss Helen Rogers with rela- Beaton and IanOw, Rev. J. Maple Grove Anniversary Sault anniversar servics ltn n a nhr7r er John Taylor and Miss Audrey tives in Whitby. . . Miss Gladys McLachlan, Newtonville, Mr. and ry rv Sna coo udyScolpeic elds. t olwn e arae h McQucle with Mrs. S. Malcolm. . Chapman, Bowmanville, at Wm. Mrs. Newton Taylor, Burketon, MpeGoeSudySho uday aSchrool nitc hedat-ofllowing her musarriagehe Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinstry, Chapman's. . . Mrs. S. Williams Mrs. J.and Miss Ida McCull Aniesayeueh6h roe t ray atrnoon wlatteream ofalived wth oerhusand oll n tir Misses Snowy and Marie Marlow, visited her daughter, Mrs. E. at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. .. Mr. and be a decided success. Good Bre akwswl tedd amnrho aevle ni Oshawa, at Mr. R. W. Marlow's. Wood, Bowmanville. . . Mrs. W. Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Brooklin, ad anwahrlredogegtose- ThfernoonmssentAintortseetee nd years ago whenctey . . Mrs. O. Bragg and daughters, W. Horn visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Col- cellent services all helped to make au n ohe auseentass A bnti- etie n okursdnei Shaws, Mrs. W. Watchorn with Milton Avery at Buffalo, N. Y. . . umbus, at Mr. R. W. Pascoe's. it a memorable occasion. Rev. C.fupincupewasevdb Jntile Mrs. E. Armnstrong. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Mrs. L. Arnott, Mr. and Mrs. jî G. Park, M.A., Whitby Tabernacle, the ladies. She was a life-long devoted Conraultios o issEfenNapanee, are visiting at C. .Wte n anShnM. gave splendid discourses, speak- Mrs. T. J. Scott is confined to member of the United Church and Emonnatuasinsg heriNorml SouW-'s. CenHbad fatMrs. H. Strin ng in the afternoon on the her bed having suffered a heart served as leader of the choir for cooeam.Pleased to learn that Mrs. H. son 's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke "Human Maginary" to the child- attack at the home of her son, thirtyý years, and gave freely of, and in the evening on "Four Mr. R. B. Scott. Mrs. Wm. Virtue her rich contralto voice in the ser- S. S. Ann scces . aftUiedRue her rnoern atioiri- atdMr. Wa.eFerguson' nns . . Mr.Links of Grace in Christian Edu- is also under the doctor's care. vice of God. She was a valued Church was quite asces fe hrrcnvprtoni r-a r altePatientsuPavilion.T*ror.ocation" Both addresses were very mme fteWmnsMsin vaePtet'PvloTrnoand Mrs. Jerry Solomon, Brigh- ary Society and of the Woman's Nestleton Women's Association General Hospital. ton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephenson interesting, challenging and time- Association and had attended the met at Mrs. A. Suggitt's June 20 Quite a number from Hampton and Vaughn, Haydon, Mr. and ly especially for ail interested in Obtu r Junemetnth aprvoso with meeting in charge of Mrs. attended the Blossom Festival in Mrs. Albert Wright and Miss Jean any way with Sunday School heAILL.7 etwng the a breîusnts Sing'by Rv.D. . Stinson. rs. BW.M. S. eto Fat the hm.o and Mr. Fred Trewin, Blackstock, work. The singing by the school session she had cheerfully accept- Sin yvan froM.St isophe Mrs. HiltonS. et ter omTesdayMisses Ferne and ?ay and Bill was of its usual hîgh order and Edmund H. Stapleton ed appointments on various com- Suliva frm S. Crisophr Ms. iltn Pter onTuedayGilroy at Mr. James Stark's.. was led by Mr. L. Collacutt, ac- Camp, gave an address; solo by<->afternoon. Mrs. Billett read the Mr. and Mrs. S. Ferguson, Black companied by Miss Edna Swaî- On June l9th, Edmund Hender- mittees. Laverne Sgit"Tell Me the Old 1caîl to worship. A letter o! thanks sok IMs .Sisns lw inswt r ro also tpeo asdt i tr_ To mourn are her husband; one and StR W. Marlow MsPE. a acbyHspital Erinsdlaento, for. ndMrs. Lloyd Ashton and London, on viola, and Masters nal rest in Oshawa Hospital. He 1sisterMrs. Peter Wright (Nettie), Paye R.. Laies "Plae forHasarticl eetinbaleMfrobheaux-o family, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stanley, Bert Snowden, violins. had been in delicate health for a tleton, and four brothers, strawerry adsocial.Net metin iarycesProgrn a was inchare of-Stainton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Congregations were also highly long time but his cheerful and Walter Vaeo Welland, Mar- in abrge ocMa. M.Exmeesong's Mr.PRckham Bie haressonfa Russell Ormiston and Mrs. H. J. favored by having Mrs. R. Mc- uncomplaining disposition misled wood of Halton, oep n in hare o Mr. M Emrso' r. ad by M. Bore lI. The asWerry, Eniskillen, Mr. and frs.Cormick of Vancouver, as guest people as to his true condition adF red f e sie.el a gru. edbyMs Lrno rll h slitwohas won highest s0 bis sudden change for ivtteriehseedu ________________catrwstknb r.Rc-Russell Best and Miss Stella, os bu ekbfr i h oeadatradapbi cham on "asTe Mnib str R Hak- Orono, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bow- Dominion honours. She rendered woea aabot a wek eftsore hiserthee o theanditerd a publc ing.o"The . Wrnitofd aoutman, Port Perry. . . Mrs. S. E. three selections at the two ser- death came as a reat shock. Her p MOTHERS RECOMMEND th Lees fIni." Mrs. C.Wre odaol- McDonald, Miss Margaret and Mr. vices, everyone beîng deeply im- Through ail his sicknesses he has was asstor ev. n Mpev Bery, OREM 0 theE FO wL ae araio eper- CarefcDoalndorotoa Mrs.Cl pressed both by her wonderful always had the best medical ad- ieb omr-atr e.R HIGH NUT BR E VFORUE ance.rKersakefaored with Wlr edBowan's.Tront, Mr. nsgmg and sincerity. Rev. W. C. vice and treatment but nothîng M. Patterson of Trinity Church, a pian soloRNeTtmeetigALiB Mrs. C. Collacott and Miss Marie Smith assisted ut the eveningcudsaehm 0elidon Omemee. The floral tributes were a__pianobeshlon eth metchgîwn. Collacott, Salem, Miss Marion service. his burden of suffering here to many and beautiful. Palîbearers Hampton S. S. Annîversary on Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. On June 19th a large program n reciveaconogec adrsheeLvrn esi.fNw Man mthes n Drhm Sndy, un 3Oh.Rev I HAbernethy and family, Maple of sports was entered into by the H a the yugs o fIL port, Mich., Norman Argue of Many motersin urhm Suday Jue 3th.Rev.I. . H wa th youges so ofMr.Nestleton, Guy McGill, Horace County and elsewhere in Canada Kennedy, Claremont, wîhl preach. Grove, Mr. Page Webster, To- children and others. A basebaîl and Mrs. George E. Stapleton and and Andrew Heaslip and Frank have found a marked improve- Mr-. A. E. Wilson, tenor soloist, ronto, Miss E. Alldread and Miss game among the juniors after has spent ail his ile on the home Russel Interment was made in ,ment in the health and sturdiness Toronto, will sing at both services' C. Samis, Oshawa, and Mr. Keith which a league softball gaine was fax-m with them at Lot 13, Con. 2, the farnily plot at Nestleton. of their children alter including See full particulars in Coming Ormiston, Enniskillen, ut Mr. M. played between Courtice and Clarke. His kindly thoughtfulness ____ in their regular daily diet CREAM Events. Samis'. Maple Grove, the visitors win- for others won him a very dear OFBALE. hi opla crelMrs. Frank Gilbert entertaîned nîng. A large number partook of place in the family circle and his John Lumb 0F AREY.Ths ppuar eralW.M.S. o! Enniskillen June l9th. the dainty and sumptuous supper love of fun, when well enough, contyins nrbil up hehboy After a good program they ahl which a served b the lde endeared i toth ilrn The funeral of John Lumb took but ha eea ld giving ories±nfieIci went into the garden, admirîng who received great praise for The large attendance at the opL r teeJnelt, romaishoe bu hs elt-gvigprpetisthe lovely variety of flowers while their excellent repast. funeral and the many beautiful one ibetyu t of great value for adults as well the bountiful lunch was being In the evening Port Hope floral offerings testified to the es- He put up agcageous fight fore as children. Anniversar3r Visitors: Mr. and prepare67 Dramatîc Society presented the teem in which he was held. The diseuse cancer. His strength fail- Only the choicest Canadian Mrs. Geo. Bray and family, Osh- Mr. F. McMullen motored to humorous comedy, "Aunt Tilly funeral took place June 2lst fr drpdl nrcetwes n o ofaRlE iO BAusY, ontan aamptMr. andMr. . rightToronto Saturday taking with him Goes to Town" in an excellent the family residence, Rev. J. M-h p ed peacfuly1h yonb ofCRA 0 BREY cnam- aptna M. .Bry'. his entrance puil and Mr. Mc- manner, each member of the cast Lachlan conducting the servicce- h pay.sH peuy away obyFe ing vitamins B and G, and also Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, En- Clr0f Union, and hîs entrance takîng his or her part most ac- Interment was at Bowmanville Tusa.H ee are u r o fu fs ighnt o ritive vaue ea sEniskillen, Mr ad r . W dr class, visiting the zoo, museunI ceptly, and was well received by Cemçtery. shared his home with his sister, quie of is hgh utrtivevale, e ad sos, nnitheenaudience. oher laceyo werees. aebadieMe.sseyMaryaby LumbMry who wh wasshihais reconmmend CREAM 0F BARLEY Mrs. Percy Langmaid and Miss adohrpae fitrs. assisted between acts by Missandurivin g e Ehisparet Mr. ife longcomagnn.Hte a isbe as an ideal ail purpose cereal. Langmaid, Mrs. H. Parkins, Osh- Vivian Jennings, gold medal solo- two sisters, Mrs. Robt. Gordon kept a gege nNt astreutbe Easily digested, the most sensitive awa, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith, ist, and Mr. Norman Snelgrove, (rn)EibehieadMsMibige n Noh Hstgsattai stomach can retain it. CREAM Jack and Ann, Hampton, ut Mr. B akso kpiano soloist. Total proceeds about AlvinJoe(Oi),PrHp; Nwnvlth oBwa- 0F BARLEY contains proteins, Fred Smith's. . . Mr. and Mx-s. E. ____ $355-00. adtrebohs, Wltom Mx e wtonv isLthnoBowman-ve which aid in building body tissues. Prescott and faniily, Eldad, Mr. 1__ _adtrebohes ilaMxvlewhr isLm uvvs AI Infants and children thrive on and Mrs. Carl Ferguson, Brook- The W. M. S. met ut Mvrs. Jabez and Cecil, Clarke Township. One him. Mr. Lumb was a member hon CREAM 0F BARLEY adautliM.Nri rsotOon Wgh'sJn 19h Bible suy Mupie Grove Sehool News brother, Mlton, predeceased him of St. Paul's United Church. The ed1 and adu tu in, Mx. N rbi Px es ott Or no, W rî ht Ju e t st dy14 years ago. funeral service w as conducted, in Elda find if a tasty and nourishing ut Mr. AlI. Prescott's. .. Mrxs. and prayer were taken by Mrs~. By Lenore Coflacutt, Doris Palîbearers were six nephews, the absence o! Rev. Captain Ban- cour, food. 20-1 Julia Grieves, Mrs. P. Densemn, DoxrelI. Mrs. Roy Taylor had Stevens and Audrey Greenharn Donald, Bert, Hugh, Jack and ister, by Rev. H. W. Foley who cere: charge of the program. A piano On June 19th we had an after- Charlie Stapleton and Howard was his minister in Hastings over thre solo was given by Beryl Larmer. noon of sports and bull games. Mrs. Honey and her daughter We had a basebaîl game with Ruth, Newcastle, were guests. Base Lmne school who were the Miss Ruth Honey gave an inter- winners. .. On Thursday alter- esting talk on the World Situation. noon Mr. Wragg from oronto Miss Vivian Sadler sang a solo. No0lScolvsie0ursho.. L ove y H ts or rs.N. Muntoy avea rAn . . Just now we are most inter- L v l a s F ron China's Christian Rulers.A ested in our club rooms. Two BOW M AN T ., *piano solo was given by Mrs. G. groups of boys have made club r.adMrs. Chas. Venning rooms in the boys' basement and and Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Rahm were one group of girls have made one in Toronto June 24th attendingj in the girls' basement. .. We are the marriage o! Private Ernest' veny glad that the time for clos- Hale of the Irish Regiment, son ing school is near at hand. We all o! Mr. and Mrs. E. Hale (Ahice hope that by Friday we will have Venning), and Miss June Crane, some vent successful report cards. ut fthe Churcx of the Resux-rection. St. John's A.Y.P.A. gave their Play ut Bethesda Monday evening. S olina Miss Eva Parr undenwent an operation for appendicifis in To- ronto General Hospital Safurday. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Two shipments of goods have Russell Gilbert andà Velina ut Mr. been sent from Cartwright Red Hoskin Smith's, Enfield. .. Mr. Cross this month. On June l7th a and Mns. Henry Cation and carton containing eleven quilts Velma, Miss Jessie Cafion, To- was forwarded (2 from Nestieton, ronto, ut Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'.. S. S. No. 8 Egypt, 3, and Black- Mrs. L. B. Williams, Toronto, Mrs. stock 6). On June l8th a second Hardy Purdy and son Hardy, was sent containing 45 pr. army Larder Lake, at Mr-. N. C. Wot- socks, 4 pr. air force blue socks, ten's. . * Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, 4 navy scarves, 10 air force blue David and Catherine, Oshawa, scarves, 10 army scarves, 3 air with Mrs. Jane Bush. .. Miss H. force sweaters, 1 army sweater, Baker, Peterboro, ut Mr. Jack 3 pr. knee caps and il pr. wrist- Baker's. . Misses Verna, Ella and lets, and 10 pr. of blankets. Doris Millson and Miss Gladys Mr. Don Gillies moved to his Yellowlees wîth friends ut Nestle- new barber sh01). ton. . . Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Rey-1 W. A. o! Sf. John's met at Mi-s* nolds, Mr-. and Mrs. Chus. Rey- Harry McLaughlin's on June 20th nolds, Toronto, ut Mr-. J. W. Yel- with a good attendance. Opening lowlees'. .. Mir. and Mrs. Allan exercises were faken by the pre- MacKenzie,* Columbus, ut Mr. sident. The treasurer's report was Ralpix Davis". . Miss Annie Allin, given showing a balance of $82.55. Trno tM.Ws elwes The study book chapter was talc- .Tor ndutMx- s. yLlowlees en by Mrs. T. Smith; Mrs.J. A. anMd .and atMr.RoyhaJns',i McArhur avea redin on ol-Lakefield. . . Mr-. and Mrs. E. R. erance; Mrs. A. Rahm a neading;TalrM.W..TyortM. vocal duet given by Mrs. F. Craw- Go Taylor n.W.T.Typlout. ford and Mrs. Fred Hamilton; a Gerge an yr'sontypool. an reading by Mrs. A. Bailey. July Mxand Mrs. Enesto arm E.R. meeting ut Mrs. Jno. Carter's. famly, BlackMsockAut .e.oR.s The Anglican ladies turned ouftayor's. . .hM ss A. HRyoarsh Friday affernoon to house dean aMdoth raw iss .Hoat the church. adohrfins Visitors. Mr-. and Mrs. Harry Baker's School Section had Major, a former bank teiler here, their annual picnic ut Orono Park, now manager ut Madoc, called on Friday, with about 45 pensons pre- friends here.. . Mr-. and Mrs. John sent to enjoy the sports and Scott and family, Owen Sound, sumptuous dinner. A presenfafion and Mn. and Mrs. Murkle and was made to thei- teacher, Miss family, Cobourg, with Mr. and Jean McLean, who is leaving. Mrs. W. Scott. . . Mn. and Mns. Mn. Walter Blackburn, who has W. Peance, Mrs. Geo. Crawford, pnesided oven Sauina School for Mn. Harry Olven, Saskatoon, ut five years, has accepted the posi- Mr. Newton's, Torono... Mr-. and tion o! principal ut Janetville Mrs. Russel Willan and Mr-. and School. We wish him much suc- Mns. Robent Willan, Tononto, with cess. The children pnesented their Mrs. Wm. Steele. . . Mn. and Mrs. feacher with a slight nemem- Ross Curtis nd family, Cobourg, brance on Friday. with Mýrs. Roberf Bruce anid Miss Sonry fa lose Mn. and Mrs. H. May King. . . Mn. and Mns. Wal- Taylor and Ronald who are leav- lace Murlow and family in To- ing this week to take up residence ronto. on Vancouver Island. Little Janice Baker had her fonsils nemoved at Nicholîs Hos- Maple Grove pifal, Peterbono, on Monday. _______Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Hardy, Mn. James Shonft, Mr-. and Mns. Wes. Recent Visitons: Mrs. Ross Ychlowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens with relatives in Roch- Langmaid and family attended ester. . . Mn. and Mns. L. Colla_ the Brooks-Langmaid picnic ut cuft, Misses Pearl, Lenore Colla- Cneum o! Barley Camp on Satur- cutt with Mns. Effie Grills... day. Mn. and Mns. H. R. Foley wifhi Mns. S. T. Bartlett, Tononto.. . The world's fuirest take Shendon Mn. and Mx-s. A. Gowen, Missj "Beauty" Tablets. Two weeks Lorraine Gower, Oshawa, werej supply $1.00. McGregor's Drug lanniversary visitors ut Mr-. Robf. Store. 26-1In Laaies Y A.Sunimer Slraws Turbani s Feits Light and Cool in Hot Weather Shades. LARGE SIZE DRESSES This week we feuture Prints, Sheers, Silks and Sport Froeks for ladies who take larger szes. TU iTflIl QUnn HOLIDAY FOOS FOR A LONG WEEK-END With a long week-end i view and hours spent ini the open you'ii need satisfying, easily-prepared foods, look at these suggestions priced at figures that speli economy. Sweet Mlxed Pickles ...................... jar Stuffed Olives............... 6.0z. bottle Supreme Swect Mixed Pickles................. 6-oz. jar Wonderful Laundry Soap ..................... 5 bars Special Oranges .................... doz. 19C 23c lOc 16C lOc FRESH STRAWBERRIES AT ALL TIMES THE BEST IN TOWN PRICIED WJTH THE LOWEST - - Fresh Fruit and Vegefables Daily for Your - Suimer Diet. E. LUNN Bowmanvflle M k. Neariy 20 hooths wiii provide everYone with a good opportunity to Win valuabie prizes at the Fair. New games and features of Interest wiii make for a fine evening of merriment and excitement. Plan to attend. THE MAIN PRUZE 1940 PlYmouth Coach Will bc sold for $1.00 to the person holding the ticket eorresponding to thut drawn on the night o! July 1Oth ut the Fair. Tt'ckets a-a a-a250 Iy years ago. He was assisted Rev. W. A. Bunner and Rev. ad Joblin. John Lumb was a et, kindly, industrious man and levoted member of his church. was for fity-one years a mem- of the Orange order and had ained the highest degree in the ler. Ifter a short service at thxe ne at noon the cortege proceed- -- -;ýîî&1 = M- ' man er son Mvervmn ity. The Orange grvidehaeolten visited Mx-s. Thos. ' emony was held as his bre-1 Brown and her daughte- Violar n hid him a lust Iunewell. ei-e. VILLEI An-ong those listed as missing or killed in action in the war is the name Of Pilot Officer Mervin jBrown, son Of Mx-s. and the late IMajor W. J. Brown near Kincar- Brown, Centre Street. Miss Brown stafed she behieves thaf the late Major Brown was the army of- ficer who gave Col. L. T. Mc- Laughlin his first nilitury train- ing. We were unable f0 confirm CARNE VAL PARADE - AT 7.30 p.M. As in former years the Fir wiil bc preceded by a large' Parade feutuIring eoatumed kiddies, fine bands and flouts. To keep expenses ut a minimum float prizes wiI not bc given, The kiddies' classes wiil be judged and awurded prizes as In former yeux-s. PROCEEDS FOR WAR WORK AND CRIPPLED CHILDREN Due to the serlousness o! the war, a portion of the proceeds frosa the Faix- wiii be devoted to Overseas Refugee Work, Red Cross and other commendable 'var actîvities. The Crippled Childx-en's und othex- regulur activities wiil also bc caried on. By contrlbutlng to the Rotai-y Fair- you are heling a wrthy cause.1 HELP US TO HELP OTHERS! t .. , »»FREE DEVELOPING »» By tis yu sve 1e oneac rol of ilt - - . - 9Ste$10.00 Cameras 50e Prophylactic Eveready Flashiight Tooth Brush with Batteries Now - 25c 79c FOR YOUR WHITE SHOES Nyai Cleaner -------- 25e DONIT PUT UP ANY LONGER V4ITH Tops -- --- ------- 25e SOR Sh-Ml ---------- 5 eO E EETb- Palm Beach ------- 25c HEREIS RELIEFS It ------------- 15e-25c Cinderella --------50ce&lealy soothe painful, hum ng 9aching feet, control Pr spi a ion neu. Noze aralire foot ,,dors Ont>' 250 a pair. INFI Sun Tan 011 -- 50c-60e IIAI Burn Ointment -----25c N - E T NOE Tangel ---------- --.50c Unguentine -------44c Bathing Caps Nova - KeIp Assorted Shades 150 300 750 19 o6C Tabets Tablets Tablets 19 t16c 79e 51.39 $2.79 English Kkovuh Grupe Eno's H ealth S uifs S uifs S uifs F iu it S uIfs 39c îs~39~5oii~29c-53c 87c 3 Regular 25e Tubes - WE TEST EYES AND FI TRUSSES 95P. R. COW LING, Phm.B. W Delive i. L <t' iii iuwiIiimur RATS DRESSES ROTAIRy h.. WEDNESDAYJ JULY '101H 1940 %Rotary Park, DBowananvlle Phone 596 GROCER E THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAPIn « 49e We Deliver 1 will be held

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