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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1940, p. 7

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THfURSDAY, JUNE 27TH-, 1940 THECANDIA STTRPi~AMUVflWVqAMftâVIYE'ONAI b -« Fred R. Foley's unique and in- SI t eresting featulre "Singers and Their Sangs." When I am stuck II SOCIAL AND PERSONAL foI al oe udy hl I{Phone 663 1 once prash a sermon on the went vra well as anything 1 Miss Shirley Norris is visiting guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. have ever done." her grandparents in Napanee. Pcthick. Artie Darch, son of Mr. Hers- Mrs. Luther Nichols, Calabogie, The Marjorie Kay Shoppe in celpn h Darch fYok iy i has been renewing acquaintances announcing moving ta its newkepgupteDrhfmy here. location offers sonie very tempt- traditions musically. For in the4 Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Snowening values in summer needs for Long Island Daily Press we see1 owdenArtie Darch and hîs orchestra 3shawa, have been visiting Miss ladies. Read and profit by thesefetrdahadirsntesag ~. A Brmacmbe speialvalesshow and bathing beauty contest r.Bill McGill, Toronto and Rev. A. L. Fleming, Bishop of in Loew's Valencia Theatre. Artie Bowrnanvi1le Beach, spet the the Arctic, will preach in St. as a lad used ta came here in the5 weeknd ith r. ohn ivig. ohn's Anglican Church at the summer with his dad ta visit his1 weeknd ithMr.Joh uvng.evening service Sunday, June 30, uncle Mr. A. L. Darch and aunt Dr. Mary L. Northway, Toronto, in cçnnection with thc 105th an- Miss Bertha Darch. a.ndâ;.-s. Keith McNaughton, Lon- niversary celebration. The representative o! the Lord's don,Vwere recent visitors with Fourth Form o! B.H.S. held Day Alliance, Mr. Angus McDon- Dr. -Torothy M. James. their annual picnic at the Orono aid, is making the annual visit of! Mr. and Mrs. J. Marks and Memorial Park Tuesday after- that organization ta aur commun-c Marilyn, and Miss Annie Allin, and later adjaurned ta Joe's ity. In days o! war it is well ta I Toronto, were guests o! Mr. and Shuffle Shack at Bowmanville remember that, in addition ta Mrs. S. C. Allun, Providence. Beach for an evening o! dancing. war tasks claiming aur time andc attention, the successful prosecu-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clayton, Ta- During the summer months the tian of the war requires the can- ronto, have b cen spending their evening service o! St. Afldrew's tj nued carrying o! projccts that i holida: 3 with her father, Mr. A. Presbytcrian Church will be dis- sustain home efforts conscrvinga E. Belîman. continued. Sunday School wiIl be the well-being o! aur citizens,b Slendor '"Bauty' Tablets for at 10.15 a.m. as usual and the physical, social and spiritual. Toh your waist-linc bulge. Two weeks morning service at Il a.m. conserve our national weckly day f supply $1.00. McGregor's Drug Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cox, New o! rest is a real need, in war time t Store. 26-I York City, have been visiting his as in peace. ' Miss p C. A. Martyn, and her brothers, Kenneth and Elmer Cox. If you sec the kids of the town lI nieeMrs RssSteen, vsîedThey left Wcdnesday ta visit Mrs. bouncing a little rubber baîl at- vý thecferan, Mrs. Cos .P.ri, Is- Cox's parents in Edmonton, Alta., tached to a piece of wood don't tr rahe oces t, . C.P.Is who celebrate their golden wed- think them a little too childish, r EcericSwNde.s eYevn ding this year. it is just the newest plaything, C.Pr. Eistainet at Livring, Mrs. H. W. Foley o! Liberty St. the Bo-Lo. This little do-dad bi spent the wcekend with his par- entertained as wcekcnd visitors originated in South America and ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindells. her brother, Lieut.-Col. Dr. Gea. was used by the natives nearly Y( Mrs. . W.Mingeud ad so Clingan and Mrs. Clingan o! Vir- 200 years ago partia]ly as a means n Mrs A W.Migead nd onden, Man., and her nephew, Judge o! defense and also as a means o! ca Lawrence, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Frarik Denton, and Mrs. Gordon exercising their arms. All sotW Adlp TckrToonoweeKennedy o! Toronto. a! stunts and tricks may be donce F IHis inany friends in Bowman- with this contrivance when anc ville will be plcased to learn that becomes expert at it. It is also fa Mr ohn Elliott, B.A., Landoný quite a feat o! skill ta sec how wi former principal a! Bowmanville long the little baIl can be kept C( High School, has again been edcc- bouncing off the bat in continuous ye ted by the London United Church strokes. W Conference as a commissioner ta pl the Gencral Council to be hcld in ENGAGEMENTS fo Wnnipeg in September. d Aman, idcntified as !rom Cas- The engaenint is annund tîcton, was picke pon*gayo aro en thcel au by police wha found him acting ter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. J. A. W strangely as he walkcd along the Greet gro aodHn Base Line road near Newcastle. cce,OhEgarton As thcy werc unable ta learn his MsH. acock, Oshaw, so a! he-.tnd ( name or addrcss, thcy took him ms. H. E. Htkeanc, hOrnthe t ta Cobourg pcnding investigation. oaraft aeplc hrl. i He was about 35 ycars aId, drcss- Mr. and Mrs. John Wau-d Brad- af ed in overalin.ley, Newcastle, Ontario, announce C On Saturday night, shoppers i that the marriage o! their daugh- 1 Pontypool wcre entcrtained by a ter, Vivian Gladys, ta Ellsworth Lo, !îst and word fight bctwecn two Stille Van De Veer o! Glovers- Ni Canadians and two men belicved villeNYwl aepaei h e ta be a! Ukrainian origin. Wit nie N.Y., l Ntaewcplae, in thE d nesses state the international situ- UntcdyChutrh, JNcwcastontiL atio wa iniretlyresonsble3 'clock (D.S.T.) instead o! July for thc fight. It cnded wh nce2da rvosyanued h o! the fighters wcnt throughRh-cag du o nfrse ci w - dson's bakery window. Police chmane de aunoesencr-h rnv:estigated. o Rc nap:îuî none. Te l Oshwa fomelcigh-BoMallor MANY STU DENTS anc ville, rankcd second in hier class AWARDED EXAMS ne, at the University o! Toronto, ac- der carding ta the u-sults annaunced. BY RECOMMEND ili She is cnrollcd in a ncw course We * there, the Honour Fine Arts Following arc pupils from Bow- anc Course. During her ycars at the manville Public School who re- hor O.C.V.I., o! which she is a gra- ccuvcd their entrance exams by 1 duate, she did exceptional work recommiendation: Ma in art.-Oshawa Times. Donald Quick, Dorothy Morris, dre r ~ ~ u u Dr. C. W. Slcmon who with Betty Stevens, Audrey Grant, and I~ UU ~ I~.'IMrs. Slemon arc visiting their Margaret Nichols, Eric Mcllveen, Bcl Sdaughter Marion at 670 Newport Ruth Abcrncthy, Marjorie Run- Ave., Victoria, B. C., writcs the dle, Dorothy Bedford, E il1e en editor: Victoria is a lovcly city in Cooper, Audrey Martin, More ati( June. W're having a fine time Neal, Alne Northcutt, Norman -u lS and gctting well rested. Please Blackie, Gerald Purdy, Marjarie in EN IlfU . send me last twa issues o! The 'Kilpatrick, Elwood Thompsan, but IY L R ~Statesman and next weck's as it Louise Hircock, Ronald Johnson' o! telis us all the home ncws. Have Ronald Cole, Jean Living, Donald Mi. mg.attended two Rotary Club meet- Wright, Irene Mitchell, Margaret A JLW LR igshee.Stacey, Rac Abernethy, Aura Jcri Pho EW463 Bowmnvll nASunayscooreahe adProut. Betty Sisson, Florence thet cA sleder in a ltte o he cd Chartran, Anna Pingle, Reid Vir- par' tor writcs: "I have been clipping tue. e ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ BISHOP 0F ARCTIC The SPEAKS AT ROTARY whc s-- -- I Rotarians werc pleasantly sur- tlhe prised at their luncheon Fu-îday tory to have a vîsit fram Rev. A. L. cd Pioneer Famlly Announce Resuits Douglas, Mrs. Thomas Brown, Depleted by Death 0f B.H.S. Signallers Ms igaNwate r Of Nerf> Fletcher and Mrs. W. Hall, Messrs. Paul Stephens. Daugias Fontaine, Mis- The following certificates were ses Ursul and Ruth McNeil and The death of Almon Herbert granted ta Signallers training at Mabel Brown, Toronto, at Mr. A. the High Schoal Cadet Corps. Ail McNeil's... Mr. and Mrs. W. Dob- Fletcher in Bowmanville on June candidates passed, meaning that inson and Sandra, Toronto, Miss 17th took from this community over $100 will be given ta the Ritson, Miss Verna Trewin, Osh- a man who will long be remem- signallers in recognition of their awa, at Mr. W. Trewin's. . . Mr. berd bcase f hs ove0fflow- ability. Principal L. W. Dippell and Mrs. Sam Mountjoy, Hamp- bere bec use f hi lov of was the instructor for tke entîre ton, at Mr. T. Mountjoy's. . . Mr. ers, music and children. His beau- Signal Corps and is ta be con- and Mrs. Fred Cowling and Fred, tiful garden, "The Rosary" on gratulated on his*splendid work. Blackstock, at Mr. R. McNeil's.. Queen Street will perpetuate that Sîgnallers will be able ta call for Mrs. D. Higgins, Miss Vera San- memory. their certificates and checks at derson, Miss Laura Phillips, To- Mr. letherwas he ounestC. H. Mason's office when they ronto, at Mr. R. Sanderson 's... Mr.Fleche ws te yungstarrive within a week or two. The Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones and fam- son of the late Gordon and Sarah inlesaeiyM.nd r.P.Rnad Fletcher. His great grandfather. inlesae lMradMs .Ra n at ne im, onedmot o te Semaphore - E. T. Clark, R. L. family, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mc- and onewich ti own wsbufth Evans, D. G. Ferguson, R. A. Mof- Lean and family, Toronto, Mr. He owned 250 acres from Queen fat, G. R. Siemon, W. D. Smith, 1 and Mrs. A. Sharp, Enniskillen, at St. ta Concession St., and from J. Southey, J. H. Stutt, H. A. Mrs. E. Mountjoy's. .. Mrs. Ad- theceetry a heDivsin t.Toms, T. Ward. cock and Dorothy, Mrs. N. Dick- corner. He presented the Wes- Morse - D. W. Allun, A. C.1 inson, Port Hope. at Mr. C. Cross- lcyan Methodists with the land Darch, W. R. Edger, A. B. Fergu- rman's. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brook- where they erected their first son, D. B. Harden, D. G. Mac- j ing, Wesleyville, Mrs. L. Mount- church here, now occupied by Gregor, E. R. Morris, K. Nichoîl, joy, Nestieton, at Mr. C. Slemon's. Trinity United Church. A. C. Smnale. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton "Herb" was a quiet, unassm Advanced - B. G. CrawfordL. and family, Mrs. H. Werry at Mr. ing man, but a great worker in S. Densem, M. W. Lambourne, .Bwa',Efed any organization with which he D. W. Mcllveen, L. Mitchell, H. Mr.CCosanndJnat became connected. He inheritcd Moses, R. B. Rickard. tended the wedding anniversary us lve ! flwer andmuse _______________ of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kilburn at from his parents and spent muchI Mr. and Mrs. C. Slemon attend- urne pursuing that recreation. He 2t edn niesr wvas patient and took great de- e dn1 ed the 2t edn niesr ight~~~~~~~~~~ inehotn i lwr o____ f Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Darke at visitors. Nothing was too much Pot BitisosStrdE trouble for him. Barraball-Alder M essrs. arl Thompson and Ross Ashton attended the Good- He was active in aln-ost every The marriage took- place at the year picnic at Port Dalhousie on band and orchestra in the town home of Capt. Rev. W. F. Banis- Saturday. -J and took pleasure in training ter, Kingston, on June lSth, of Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackburn and 'aungsters who were just begin- Eleen Phyllis Alder, daughter of fami]y attended the Lockhart ing. Many musicians in the town Mr. and Mrs. Frank AIder. Bow-Hm & School Club picnic on can look back and recaîl the days manville, ta William Raymo-nd Saturday. when they were taught by Mr. Barrabaîl, son of Mr. and- Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Mr. Fletcher. Luther Barraball. and Mrs. A. Read and Clayton His work was with the rubber The bride was becoming in a attended the wedding of Mr. and act9ýry, beginning 42 years ago dress of heavenly blue crepe with Mrs. Hubert Simpson (nee Grace ,ite the aId Durham Rubber matching turban and veil and Montgomery, R.N.) at Sherwood .ompany, and.later with Good- white accessories. Her corsage Saturday. cear Tire & Rubber Company was butterf]y roses and bouvar- when they took over the Durham dia. She was attended by her Mr. M. J. Hobbs is presiding lIant. For several years hie was sister, Joyce AIder, in navy linen over the entrance exams at Boys' rmnof the mechanical goods lace and blue sweetheart halo haitTringchoBwaile cpartment and was later pro- and white accessories. Her cor- We were sorry ta learn that Lted to supervisor. He was sage was sweetheart roses and Miss A. Mountjoy fell and frac- nown as a careful and thorough bouvardia. The groom was at- tured her leg. vorkman. tended by his brother, Gardon________________ D uring his m ore than 68 years, B arraba l, C ourtice._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vr. Fletcher was connected witis The young couple will reside in e Methodist Church, later Trin- Bowmanville.I CITIZENg Fleiir ~ahn ,f i, me.. £.tie, ., who is also an Hanorary Member bea a! Bowmanville Rotary Club. He Flci gave an impromptu address deal- ai ing in a most inteu-esting manner Lod with thc hospital wark being car- Boa ried on in his mission fields north Ond O! thec Arctic Circle. yeao Ross Strike gave some informa- Dep tion in reference to childrcn being yeai sent here from England and what Gua was expccted a! Canadians. This vidu subject is deait with more fully M~ in another article ini this issue. man Len. Elliott, manager o! Uic tant Rotar-y Fair, gave another o! his Flet characteristic weekly pep talks ta, ersi strupad enthuse members ta dtWeir 1ul part in putting across this annual event as Uic nceds were greater than ever for crip- pied children and war efforts. President Ross Stutt who prcsid- cd intimated that at the mee'ng Uiis week committee chairmvn Af will give their annual reports and A. D he will sum up the year's activi- June tics o! the club ini his valedictory The addu-ess. from Salem Mu-. and Mrs. F. Cator and grandson Douglas, Mu-. and Mu-s. Jack Caton and son Ralph, Mu-s. Howard Habbs and son Donald and daughter Sandaria, Taranto, at Mr. George Cain's and Mu-. Eveu-ett Cain's, Ou-ana. Church service heu-e was with- drawn Iast weck awing ta anni- versary services at Long Sault. 1 Mu-s. C. M. Carruthers enter- taincd a number o! lady fricnds nameiy Mu-s. W. Bradd, Taronto, Mu-s. J. Dudley, Mu-s. W. McDon- aid, Mu-s. R. Scott, Tyrone, andi Mu-s, W. Milieu-, Bcthesda.à The rainy weather made if necessry to, posfponc the stuaw-c bcrry social, the W.A. o! Salem, were ta have held at Mu-. W. G. Weru-y's, tili next week. Mrs. L. Squair has been indis-c pased for several days.à Mu-. and Mu-s. E. Silver motou-edç ta Brampton on Wednesday ta attend Uic wedding o! a grand r niece, a daugliter o! Rcv. anda Mu-s. Anderson, ta Rev. McCor--V mick of Pontypool. t Mr. W. Taylor wha was on Uic lick lit is impuovng. I THE _ _ _ _ _ _ Marjorie Kay SHOPPE Announces New Location - In the - 'VICTOR MANOR ANNEX KING STREET, WEST JUST A PEW 0F THEIR OPENING SPECIALS GIRLS' PLAYSUITS. 9C Sizes 8 -10 -12 -- - ------------------------ --------------- LADIES' HALTERSi Priced at - --------------------------------------- 2 1A.c BRASSIERE TOP HALTERS ALSO A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT 0F BEACHWEAR LADIES' SUMMER PURSES i UthSedsioChura as eme 1the Seess oardheand a n chool orchestras. He was a member o! Jerusalem odge A. F. & A. M.; Florence Tghtingale Lodgc, I.O.O.F.; Or- en o! the Eastern Star, No. 181; he Royal Templars, and the L. O. 2348, Bawmanvillc. During thc past five ycars hie as not been in good hcaith and ias forced ta give up participa- on in musical activities, but re- aind his interest in gardcning id had alrcady prepared several ew varieties o! roses ýor his gar- en for this year. He was taken 1suddenly following supper cedncsday evcning, June l2th, .d passcd away June l7th at his ome. He is survived by his wif e, lary E. Fishleigh, and two chil- ren, Mrs. Elmo Andcrson (Edna) nd Almon T. Fletcher, both o! owmanvillc. The funeral, which was largcly tended, was heid fu-om, his home ne i9th, with Rcv. S. Davison charge. Foilowung a fitting ti- te, Mr. Davison rcad the lines Tennyson's "Crossing Uic Bar," I.Flctchcr's favorite poem. 1 At the graveside, members a! ýrusalem Masanic Lodgc paid ieur last tribute ta a beloved de- irting member. Palîbearers werc ssrs. Wi. Faund, Fred W. )wen, Dr. J. C. Devîtt, H. Nanson .Moyse and W. H. Thickson. e Durham Old Guards, men .o were emplaycd with the Dur- Li Rubbcr Company, formed e guard o! hanor and Uic Fac- ry Council o! the Goodyear act- as fîowcr bearers. Floral tributes were many and Lutiful from Jerusalcm Ladge, rence Nightingale Lodgc, Loy- Orange Lodge, Truc Blue Ige, the Legion Band, Trinity ird o! Sessions, Trimity Choir, dcr a! Uic Eastcrn Star, Good- Er Recreation Club, Goodyear pts. 290-293 and 270-274, Good- ir Porter Service, Durham Old urds, and many prîvate indi- luaIs. Eu-s. Fletcher has also received uy letters from. local and dis- ýpeaple who remembered Mu-. cher for his kindness, lis Iead- hip and his love a!fialwers. Obituary Mu-s. L. A. Dent, Orono !ter a lengthy iilness Mu-s. L. Dent passcd away on Saturday, Le 22nd, at heu- home in Ou-ana. funeral was heid on Tuesday ing a service at Uic house. Rev. S. Littlewood officiated. The late Mu-s. Dent, who was 65 years o! age, was the former Matilda A. Henderson, and came ta Leskard with heu- husband and family upan Mu-. Den't retirement from the Toronto Police Farce. A !ew years ago Uiey built a new house in Ou-ana and moved there. Bath this wau- and the war o! 1914-1918 affected the Dent fam- ily, several sons gaing ta Uic last war and Ernest naw being in Eng- land with thc Royal Canadian Engineers. Several o! Uic large !amily pre- dcceased Mu-s. Dent. Two daugh- ters and four sans, Ernest, George, Walter and Gardon, and several grandchildren survive ta mouu-n the loss o! a laving mother and comfort the beu-eaved husband.'- In spite a! sorrow and in later yeau-s, sickness, Mu-s. Dent was checu-ful and courageaus Uiraugh- out hieu- life and pu-aved f0 be a kind and thaughtful neîghbau-. Shc was a member a! the United Church and the lar-ge funcral and many beautiful floral offerings showed the esteem in which she was held and Uic sympathy o! al ta those bereaved o! a loved anc. Interment took place in Ou-ana Cemetery. Haydon Haydon Anniversary is putting on a big spluu-ge in the way a! cnteutainment an July 1st which is scldom scen and heard autside o! metropolitan cities. It's a high ciass variety concert Uiat will de- light old and young. Sec Coming Events column fou- iist o! artists- and other details. Then, o! course, on Sunday, June 3th, there wili be services at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Standard Time, with Rev. W. C. Smith, Courtice, preaching, and special music by the school chli- du-en and Newcastle Maie Quar- tette. 26-i Recent Visitors: Mu-s. John Lowest Prices ALWAYS UNIFORM 3fo2c TEXTURIE CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP 4 Cakes and23 Sample Face Powder__ LYSOL DisWnectant Antiseptie 3 oz.-35e 7 oz.-G65e 16 oz. 1.25 If Vour teeth look duil and dlngry nxake them brlght as peau-la wlth Trartaroif - - - 25c A WEEK'S FR(E SUPPLY 0F Ig AQUA 4VEL VA NOw à generous baille ot large cie tube of Wil- iams Shavuftg Croom a rGlide"No.Brush" .2cAI EX .1MM SILK PURSES We have just reeeived a quantlty of genulne hand embroidered Hungarlan and Czechoslovaklan Children's Dresses and Ladies' Blouses. No two alike. Expert Corset Flttlng and Adjustment a Speclalty BRASSIBRES39 -4 c 59 Reduced ---------------------------- 9 9 9 - AGENTS FOR HOLT - RENFFREW FURRIERS - Your Boys of the Ontario Regiment at Camp Borden Need Sports Equipment NEW OR USED. BASEBALL « LACROSSE - SOFTBALL SOCCER - lIORSE SHOES Contributions of Equipment, New or Used, orCash to, Purchase Gratefully Received. - WRITE OR PHONE - DON CHRISTIAN, OSHAWA 84 Sports Division Citizens Committee. 4-99t a Z dýG n PGin oUI 1 SENSA TwLoFSies ENiONAL OFFE BATHING CAPS - - - 19e te 49e VACUUM BOTTLES, 15 oz. - - 39e Paper Napkins 10e Waxed Paper 50 ft. - 18e Eveready Flashllghts --89 Tincture lodine, 1 oz. 15e Golf Balla 25c Skeeter-Skatter 250 Poison Ivy Lotion ---25o Sta-Way Lotion 9oc Speciai fff m 5eProphylactie TOOTH BRUSH CLEAR TEE SKCIN N o w 2 1 $ 0 0 ; 1 . 0 0 ; 6 3 . 0 0 -Bargain Listerine AMINÉRA Lmm0 TOOTH PASTE Mw1wI DINEbr42 3 - 250 tubes FOR VIGOROUX HUSAITH AND STUNGTH 1 HInd's Croam I1-ox. size 49e 'McOREGOOR Phono 792 Wo DIIvor HOLIDAY N'EEDS We list below many items which you wifl require for your picnit, holiday or vacation. Note the money-saving prices. Don 't delay. Buy to-day. Prices are rising on many items. -FILMS - - - Complote Fresh Stock CAMERAS - - - 69e to $20.00 PHOTO FINISHING - - Speedy Service SUNBURN REMEDIES WHITE SHOE CLEANER 2 5 e N o x z e m a - - - - - -- 1 5 e t- - - - - - - 5 2 e Tangel ---- --- 50e Palm Beach.------- e Meca Ontment ---23c-45e25 Calamine Lotion 4 oz. 25e Tops --------25e Suntan 011 SO-6Oe Shu-Milk - ---- 15-25e 0ve Oil~4 oz. 25e Bunny Ban --- ------ aooa,7S~oyAusOG-ua'Pr eipioalue -- 49c a 1 . 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTIr.-r.P. nUlr,&'D"e% q p'] ai Dr ýdi ai d( Etr ,Pl ir ai tu ffi n: ýt !tc hi Lfi M Le ý 1 m --------- - -------- - - - - ------------- - ------ $ 1.4 9 IS OF ONTARIO COUNYY il 1 SUN COCCLES 19C to $1.95 1

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