86W ith W hi h A e l c r o a e h o m n il e s e c s l n e e d n , A d T e O o o N ew s 6 BOWM NVILL, ONTRIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1940 S MIDLAND REGT. NUMBER 27iFai FFICE OPENED .ead AS 1 SEE IT .. nly Smnall Number RegisterRoayFiMnge N HIEORSE BOC Detail Widespread Work By Capt. Elmore Philpott lTo Take Evacuated ChildrenCbB Ths Wog gn pNwFr B A Ca n v lP an nwofn oedietca-M ore Co.operation fNeeded Coseription Nearly 50 Children Re- front, and service now, than that cei lIo Midland Regiment has been au- ceived Aid From Club PAINTER'S TORCH pled int the haftw worwiche LOCAL INSTITUTE Ofiee Open NtteRAeet-g ereunt thorized to recruit to active force During Past Year -apa tteha fti ril.W e ihLtl e rd ulcto me stegt .Po.Mthe urpo of train- New Officers A r e BELIEVED CAUSE For tÉlose two words "Canada 40th ANNIVERSARY sp..... Citize.. Arecnae deai ia n.ffice inthieorse lok de.Please" were not coined by ay rged to Regjsterthbuienwsigupn Bowmanville, and at the Armories .NEWCASTLE BLAZEhihpesradrtinexr. CELEBRATED IHERE No.srceadgvaanitr The Non Permanent Active An interesting report showing They er e n t dvi sed byn anyol- d s ibo dh w ichme dsElliotta ofice has b Miitia unit will train in the even- te wespread activityw as Bow Fire Out Before Local Brigade gvrmn ulct ao ol-Hsoyo h raiainDis- oAlthoughyan offic hsbenscnpcu otae h ting three no iighawekres e ntied yRomtteeheb as atte Reaches Scene -- Moise tical propagandist. They sprang closed and Copies Presented vsnnal ekfrtoei h lit pa wno ginnin Monday, July 8th at 8 lub's finridmeeting of the fiscal House Damaged from the very hearts of British t hre ebr ness ing taegboser thirs roni hmriceta o As Bowarivile has o arm-Duringthe sesio.nFred Cfathers and mothers who applied Te - tnivra ftengad nyasaladdsp togttadgtms Auries an ositle lac for Hoaur win tae sipredntCy.aThe fire brigade was called out to have their children sent over- The40thdannversry o theed oint prensehaen rci-atlththan ht trininganbeno undimedlae-retiar win pr ed rsiden J . tt b t ive o'clock Tuesday afternoon est afouofsfyfrte n' nig ofBwanllertd W ligom- presn of ent theRot tyaalntraiing wll bedone a EarlCunnigham as insalledas- t answr a.cal.in ewcasleJa seas o a paceaocsafeyiforthewenstInsitutewasTclebratd onthe-urlyemnyfperons aeode-W. L.Elliot hopebWt11bea wichnh Orono fotpresent. Anylie one not tea Cnwiscrearyrpacing F - asthe home of Benjaman Moise just duration of this war. Tusa ttehm fMs am rptigofrgseigebs vr able to provide their own trans- Morley Vanstone and other of-- in r f the I peil aa e a In the ffirsy thatpthCare n e dall, h p ee t. T he a quattso ereason b th e com- portation is advised to meet at the 'ficers were also installed. King Stre det. e ovr- stor of earynyearsof the ork m e in chage is nos t MotOienworoner the .3Midla Reg nCrippedlyChildrepomttheewhen pamnters, applying their i nln eal it housand Mrs. Johnston Thickson.So-edurrsothtcirnca nwhill nteMalle na o- a usand et rpldCing.trevealed mthtbo-ocotefae ulig esn ee itdfrtase svenir booklets containing Suthebe broughtoout immediatelyUn A scr is lat e n.Alinyewhas ne arly 50 youings t e of th is-had let it scorch the wall too long soon as possible. And with the baers aof lthe evecatrem-tishreots aemdeterk -ýWon D 1 YI 0 soinethae Regt. Asine May 1, 1938 rct,0taking nalyery muntis i- and somehow the flames gtapltnesta-sh r nlllteps reiet ntr raiato nld aond hs not. lreMay eported frcpt, avgi erceive reamn satwth h als ocal litnhth scharacteristic of and secretaries during the 40 ing the government is held up. locl taiingis dvsedtodo o fr arius hyica mhnia ckt bigadte was.uicl orm- te whole British people the vast years, had been prepared. Copies We all are or should be Well B:l Rd loatrnnce. thsd odosofroughout th pst yarhandithpse n onhdtefr ne aoiyo h plctosbr of these were presented to Mrs. acquainted with the dire need fMNt eue manyce whouhot he aeanpd tat econro in handwiti ng aroste redFrank Jackman who has been a evacuating these children from the T eleePtslre&ni birt or dter arenow ble t B tetieBomavll irenfrmanadngacrP1 "e rite ember since 1904, to Mrs. E. R. British Isles whTèe daily andOfialyNtie NWOVLEFEDDY rme twhhabenal led 'th mn adgtherted oan mae fte- oi Caaa ease." Those Bunsall who was president in nightly air raids are killing littleFo e omr ATNECATL P R uh oa ter re hndicabtoue ipto nehdgastle, thedblaze hadwords were of course imtended for t906 and to Mrs. John Hooper, children while we in C.anada care- havNI LE F E D DA ue hti l n dma d ien o tris bee ne t he b a zfirt itthe British officias. But in a e oldest member. free, live in comparative comfortWila "R d Mc ut 31y r Newtonvill ~ ~ hae had command ofamoved nde h ota rub threatened to demolish the whôle larger sense they are addressed to A fine paper on Canadian and luxury without fear. We must odbrewocm ee1 on Dominion Day for its annual 1childr(en dare waiting word from Loss caused by the accident was a case of Canada Please. It i ' heresed byeMrs.nAlex Colville.ostemergencyaandconsiebayulbteeinon Stra thaesalhehiefasoef Field Day and Ball Tournament, ,thenew drectors before they re- fairly extensive in the front por- only c•eof1s i npot emmsresdth polintofth-aythelp orthiak s a.B ctibtinannounced that club meb e bstbares n onystr as its own grounds were too wet. ceive treatment, tion of the house, since most of yram cse of hepinma pro-fimmligrtie ondapolicyof tou -da s th wnhis ,wearBeting o, mkprti eer day eciethsokofisle Althogh Netonvile's p o t s i ithe wall will have to be remoe dgrmwih ilevntayft ain the rfoudtionoftour Can aiti hidwe re ding san wouldtae nparftunreveral par- henh aanore hth anahgh ers, Rv .L achlano M s oirrtnttee Chairman F r a n k to repair the damage. mveinto Canadian life a very largeaaadth eutso hspolicyhuniaanwr wic isdeinteerftr.OnW-hdwotecrgvnaayb Lawncrs e very, Arnol adeedo ri gave the report and relat- nubro1ewoesw wil show mn years to come. worthwhile and commendable. nesday, several were taken to the KnmnCu fOhw.I Lawnd e oth er Ahreofd aairs t o th e various cases and humel fnecmes o will rs. Colville sang "There'll Surely, if we were being attacked Whitby Lions-Rotary Carnival addiin ewn100gloso a locl pesona touh wa in-h e everl trps t Tornto hichp tomakethiscounry wa lways Be an England," and Mrs. and England was safe, the people where they, in their new sweaters gasolneogcok teat jelcl ed into the cebhe prei- Had been necessary for treatment. •it should be. It is much simpler Edwin Wood played a mnedley of of those islands would be eager to and crests, made quite a hit ininetofratlstayr seced o the vee .W ak a opmne by icm thantat t sa ae fofei old-time airs. take our youngsters from danger. the parade. July 10th the entire Bil sadmistio aadConnsaanc a ntPresident I rhort heecel-shelter to helpless human beings theMwrs rde omitteconreported A arefugee freovercryother arade 1ere andteon Jth Rota wheitriw trya sat the rive entrance Tweathencords an for the tndos a- -wo will otherwise be subject to that 24 pairs of socks and four parts of war torn Europe, yet they they will go to Port Hoe for uti1Mo eeeh a o adsfinsforthisonte da and muto-atvt hihte a te smemas mudeprctiessweaters had been knit during do not complain. their parade. The club is obtain- T hre ta heOhw ther wa a argecro d o ha d ee n dble thpe te. nosaiheibe math erpo ra icesthe month. The registering office is in the ing favorable publicity through hi lf d hnd o 1soyo inholida a geood t o h fn • Iewaabl odclosletha er oougsae lizri fattefotwil h rio t1 was decided to have the an- Horsey Block, opposite The States- its many fine endeavours and this Osha nocpto.H.iie netovillehrdballsetheamun.lost y $200 hadieelhaned to v nar- runsuagistaBowmanvlillkeiRo alstwer nt u th e rtrs nual tea and bazaar im October man and is open every afternoon month received official recogni- fo dai teatrno n its first g ame of tsea owe st w0 a an ohoanizatnsto defensat ntheoma4-1in C oou r bsy in te rear. and to have a draw on a half ton from 2 to 5.30 p.m. and on Satur- tion in the Lions magazine pub- fact Hu htte ra a Potfrt gHo thRascas outplaedfousr oansdurgthe earaniaon denesay enght.i The ugama It used to be said of us Cana- o h ,50 lbs. of sugar and $2.00 day evenings from 7.30 to 10.30 lished in the United States for the thisafetksdvryothcr them 11 to 8. Elmer Pollard, New- that many additional activities tie for the first three innings wýasas that we were a simpl Mrs. Hallagrois.pm.Deoueardowb ist nomto1falLin lb n.ron castle, caught for Newtonville. had been sponsored by the club, suddenly disrupted when Co- rough and ready people, not pol and Ms.a ngopse engheofictda. hde ne sNottmeiaiQiearag eBl saltl ore bu h Alf. Gray pitched part of the including the Rotary Fair, Ladies bourg bats, forced a single counter ished, not overly plite butsi-formed ts Jackma f ýng er- urgent. iMan of thee hire ntigon wsas dvted tous t h oa-lah an.jbbcus1ynt game, workmng hard and well as Night, the annual theatre trip forfintfout n w sithhe. yAtutsi- the ecloeseroe m efeting a not be liviiftey.arenot group' saciities.clubs.nsnihtrh sqitadmr rls halways does and when lhe the youngsters of Cartwright- and fifth.nehpitableteaine n e oAtthosann s arycke rogt ee edaely.bouin townstefolwnsutriigwhehsnwCevlt showed signs of tiring George Clarke Twps., supplying pigs for Witheridge started o dy o netigws eti.Antoeoheoeote etn adfri g mlrubs.iLtes asdreyfnesadade Kimball succeeded him in the the Swine Club, transporting mibund for Royals but was reliev- real family would go through Mrs. Hall, the hotssmoved to M.adrsE.P atwe oatit.fteoulpn fr ea r aonbd ain tlo ut X. It seemed to be an off day children to the Traveller's picnic ed by Dave Osborne in the fifth "eladhghwtr ohelp toeassigo ,ant r nbr.E .Brd eet aeyi o ylangs rwel.o Rty eNewtonville fielders. at Cobourg, assisting the Boy who held the galloping Ponies other human beings indisrs. Next meeting will be in nherorm. peasvealy s rprised Tuesdayr omingthed'boys a n irswhne a dcie taseteda Next event was a softball game Scouts by holding an Apple Aue- scoreless and hitless for the • s nisrss of the annual picn'e to berm ecdMaeive andiitf Mr. dMsArharlaexpcd'tcoefmEn-and not sellhort it and say hnsil btweeTh Newtonville and Orono tion at the club which netted over mainder of the game. Smith was Ns tha e te otoemonstrate o eJlawn thM . Coh d M rtand Mr.anad. Athr anithin loa esho tiand ca'seiv tstu."e"i ora btolders' marathon, a base ball team, supplying milk to pub- in the seven innnigs. quality. onamtrtrph Cnd. esityoflocalmembes beying plicesn oia oeieti sonersnpaade. Neotalo re 1 e ff ord t herena ho ould not Bowmanville's lone run was la s ned o ng e lcl n se erum e hHnlen Ornoro a1o8 rninrce.wstooP r enStu et ionh. eting to firs on a ingecond, NO TIME TO QUIBBLE 1HIGH9 SCHROOL IRESaULTS "i u°anthe ca noin neH u mhrs don't A ruofandf it aced th PesdnSut a hgh nis tre, advanced to second on the 1 wi idh eir at hkme.theoryunben quiteffa nmbr owcas te boys praise of the activities of his com- throw-in to third on an error and1 It is obvious that the humanEnlskidefelah eoextdtohaehmwtou and girls were in the prize money. (Continued on page 5) made home on a sacrifice by|sntrem sCoig o-egno ring Nths e ith anesubt n Com.erazor s pping.---- F"N ~~~~Roach. Johnston, Smith, Remes int Caaa before our govern- brackets afte the names, utomecalRslt f . T e ~~~~nd Campbell each scored for1 ment as t plan all ready. As I repeat these subjects in a lower Floigaetenmso OR ACC ORIS Ver WC-obou°"g. writethse ies Ih form. The namnes are arranged those who will receive their 60 0Ru Floyd Bradd was the heavy hit- Cania tes iesI ar of one lalphabetiéally, not according toi commercial diplomas: B. Bettles, MSO O A A etr orte oyl geaig hre n srgo who lookedmrt F. Densem, A. DusenburyJ Dalage ut0 ut GW N U d itsifor tme s at bat. T he oalover the ground for himself in Holmes, J. McMullen, M. *Os- Elads came close to scoring in the England, realized the desperate Fr oHbre .PacJ ruI Dam ge u___B t Ffirsued t we ocRc n rd edfrsed n etotPrize for General Proficiency-. Thompson, H. Tighe. ayctznhvesopdo1 r . .we o aes but stayed thra ee youngse o n h et utseven John Rutter. Supplemental exams will be aM any citensihavetpehi Frd e ckso o GuPth Staney BrdgeAgan i th, ecasle undy nonTraficwene naex tte m e iedybilitrs on is own responsi- Couch Writing Prize - girl, held in the fall when the follow gze t apictrin ethicksickas oiedth 4t LimnelBigt - Tafic in ecae W. F.Thompon racame te acrss wth a eednfed it y. everal of my friends got Sally Cole; boy, George Roberts. ing mnay obtain their diplomas: BarberShpwno tepatadrsfTHg- Officer Nearlyce dent . h mon cane thisSaturday tha e eoyals meeta real shock wente msag st Class Honours, 75% and Dictation and Speed Typing-V. week. It was taken during the 1visitor i owot oH a Lieiht it ingoKur'v Ien n s ce w asn-PtHo e on aythe lol dimnd came over thephne.the child-erHcCole, H.EDevitt L. Hart,' McAllister, N. Armour, I. Jack- Great War of 1914-18 and showslwith hsrgmntfrC1e Dougl ealya sci ostw e, a To sro, wnd- owma= nil l oacl f; i ce, re get ere hon eday. W il you Jo hins on sb Jman, E. man. members of the 2nd Contingent.den. A fm l enin w shl Dnoga skid and camen, ak irt, s; radd,2nd; Colville, ef; Os- take one of more of themn? D. SnowclenJ. Souney.utrCeitheresfolws abo'yhs itwnormthepicur esfachifahrsctgette Accidents were frequent over ,toward him. Fortunately, a col- borne, 1t and p; Ames, 3rd; With- I do not kn2nd ClasshHonour 66% t H. Casbuaoun,- Ookke ping the boysin niforamic he Beahbfoehelet the holiday week-end with over lision was avoided but Foster's eidepan 1t;Rikadc; , now at the govern-7%---L.Bres .Clau t iC acusesLanOficerac-,ires atpizand mithes ae nne A h cnldngsricfS mine occurrin.g between Oshawa car ended with its back againstigh adCodnr. ets plantay be. Bt llymoo, D. rk, D. FegunJ·tBinessLawfLieraure todo wn od xame thmto oh' Aglcn hrc 15h n andNetovile.Daag inse- hefene.Hewilmbacared obur-Jhnson-r;tZalnd cati gvemets ovesowy. ohso, N PrkrR. enormd Arthetc, riin. -- watmay o te lde mn vesar R. ev Biho A L eral cases was extensive, but in- with careless driving. c;Reymes, 3rd; Payne, ss; Camp- Hitler is not likely to wattl e A. Potter, L. Price, V. Read, G' M. Clemence--Rapid Calcula- time in n lookjed lsuieattatFlmgo the Artiprace juries were not severe. At Newcastle, A. R. Ritzman, bell71t; Smith, p; Dawe, ef; get the barbed wire entanglem RobeWrs, . WW. Spncr, T ti, tenography Theory, Liff sice ajesty s uifo r hermo.I a priual On Friday evening, just west of Akron, Ohio, skidded into the Houston and Bateman, f; Johns, of the Britishgorh emenaAts Wrd, E. Wight. ' P6% ratie, Artetlic, Wrting it- rand Ms. W.J Mls, t. inehad imltak Alwh Newcastle, a lhne of cars formed guard rails at the west end of 2nd. Esh igt Nedo roth eic trd ClY a Honour ls, 0% to e ature,-Spelin s , -Mrs, m ompany withookythhardhm ocrrdtatte attempted to move an American by~'C. E. Wilson, Ohio, who was Cobourg ---- 100 120 x--4 4 4 side of the world comes word too Clarke, A. Clemence, J. Cock-~ pondience, BookkusiginesCores-Mr.,eo. esslerBroklyn than byhe twtrc the messageH he broughtdR He thrn car out of the ditch. About five suffering from blood poisoning Bowmanville 010 000 0-1 e 4 that women and childre rane, L. Cole, C. Colville M. Problems, Rapid Cluan , Typig N.., enj'oe a moto tr to e.Seaiga irto h mand X.Ferende an Dr drve hme or reatent Thir ort ope g ng.m .st ole, . Gibonga, R. EJao ng, ite ratue sseLaw, Writ- ham" on Tuesday when he took Bishopsadhwolntdel Ferando Riberio of Washnn , ca. r iped fourgar osstbtItteefr ses ometatMncDnld.. ilaF.Mr D e, ing ariulrpidonddlihti t entho tepatassc with careless driving. most head-on. Graham will be Hardy Ruth Reynolds (equal). one month, one year, or mrep - G.Cwk3r. odeP An hour latr, StanleyBalk- chared with caeless drivng. 1 :à 3d Class Honours, 60% to Business Correspondence. rcain o ise etwr h ye 1, Is Clas H n.-R y baly ive ears Whe itis o er K Sison - ookk epin , T p- toasternin ase sr ool Anch ourltered Sta nley ak.cared it caelessdivn. Grade I, st Class Hon.-Ray baly tfiv ea W her 66%--G. Cawker, H0%. Corde P Bak O -mmrc . pe orhr eiaton fomrsblefanetwoff. prrnar The couple of times and rolled over Monday, featuring bright sun- Lycett, Peggy Dippell; Hon.- so upset in life that it will bei son (Fr.), H. Bird (Fr.), M. Crago Beeak ofiComece P Mrzafre r. fell ohemes o h tf.sriei a eal ogv sidway seera ties efoe t sineanddryroas ad mreLorna Sudds, RthBrag.ible oruiefmleim-h(Maths.), A. Dadson (Maths.), A. Genrea rfcec agrtM.J .Jontnwoi e h ayeegny Biealkilsuffver ibed onuesit n, days p yrevos as wtotacnraeId -Dm tetgd fourims.Fai. aton(F. D& mMaths.), M Bank of Montreal Cup for words of appreciation for his and qicaiovrtenmr fracturdcllaffredbon as nd ribs identi ths, sec t LynchdeI, on.-Dorothy R. lies will not be reunited. Gibson, D. Hardy, M. HooeSpe et ted d AcuacyinTypng. wrka regret athidepatre.mighqu iosoftosth chia, ad rb nuriesBlkwllGrdenVHon-Btt-Betls, erefore our national program (r) cetpD aknThese are only Departmental various gifts to which hemawith rea nrergnysvienth willd bharbjrgesth arles Ms Mre alad r. G.werade II,Pss Mi Dnn- shuldbebasd o rliy sQuim.)ey E(Fr.), ers, NeO(ivatsH. Results, other results will not be reply, much moved at tiismde area thichyae eiet <livn. one ornovsie a r Gade II, is C Moirmuch a.shol humedo yanity.M. Sevensr., H.Tait (ahs.)P, available to students until schqol monstration of the loyalty of his Forvlnayorohrie wl E r e to an acci et i H.Millai's. w*aNorthutt.,Ras Ho.-Arl n c os nitdtbev, A . Wheeler(Fr.), M. opens im September. pupils. A sketch of Mr. Johnston's manvil Hapale rd tBw EnrotetoanacidntinH.Dilig'. orhctt (oninedon page 2) Wilcox, N. Wilcox (Fr.). (continued on page 4) elseherere i efude thisise esewllb rtrndtot