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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1940, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO 'rTiTTP~flAV .TTTT.V d'Ifl~ 1OAA -u Salem Recent Visitors: Mrs. M. Roach, Rochester, N.Y., at "The Maples.'ý . .Mr. and Mis. G. Burrus anc Miss Daphine with friends ir Oakwood. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moody and family, Mrs. Moody, Sr., Torontor; at Mr. H. Gaud's.. Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis and Mar- ylin, Toronto, at Mr. W. Cann's . . Mis. E. Cain, Orono, at Mr. F. Cator's. C. Pollard, H. Strong, M. Mar- chent and E. Doidge enjoyed a motor trip of 80 miles through the Blackstock SUMMERIZE Your Table With RASSWURE We can supply complete table service wlth attractive and praetieal settings ln glass. A FEW SPECIALS BEVERAGE SET jug and six glasses) ffle KiTCHEN SET (batter bowi, juice jar, three refrigerator bowls, sait and pepper) Comlplete $1.00 An unasual assortrnent of re- Iish dishes. bon bons, etc. 25e and 19e each Picnic Supplies J. W. JeweII Headquarters for Wallpaper and Paint I Econoiny Plus- Satisfaction That is This Family's Idea at This Time OUR DURHAM DAINTY LOAF (Sliced as you lie it) IS ALSO ENJOYMENT At Our Ceunter or From the Wagon Special for This Week End Dellous STEAK PUIES Chees TEA BISCUITS Phone 855 2 for 15c 2 doz. 25c Vouai Fine Azsutment of Layer Clakes and Freoli Pies THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers for Two Generations Bowmanville Join The KENWQQD Christmas Club Buy soft, warm, fleecy, col- ourful KENWOOD Blankets for Christmas - for your- self; for your friends. Do it the easy way - by joining oui KENWOOD CHRIST- MAS CLUB. Eacb week you make a small weekly deposit. Il is enteied in youi KENWOOD PASS BOOK. By Christmas, the blankets you plan to buy are PAID FOR-and -yoV've neyer missed the moýney'. Jnquire at oui blanket de- partment for full details o! this simple, pleasant, pur- chasing plan. rILE STRS fI King Street Phone 451 Bowmnanville -ecil Mr. lIen, elyn To- To-ý Lom- and Porter witfl Mis. Jas. WîiiIamson. jMi. and Mis. R. McColl in To- ronto. .. Messrs. John and Henry IMcGill, Janetville ,wtih their sis- ter, Mis. Jas. Williamson. . . Mr. and Mis. P. L. Malcolm, Toronto, called on fîiends on Satuîday on their way to Ottawa. . Miss Marie Marlow, Oshawa, at Mi. R. W. Marlow's. . Miss Helen Brown and Mi. Haîry Atkinson, Belle- ville, at Mi. L. Joblin's. . . Mis. Sarah Gilchrist, Shanty Bay, Mi. and Mis. H. Knapp, Hamilton, with Miss Mary Malcolm. .. Miss Recent Visilors: Mis. Ci Hyde and Patsy, Toronto, at' J. Aigue's. . . Mi. and Mis. E. Taylor remained for a visit.. Taylor and family, Enniskill at Mi. Ernest Larmer's. Eve, Mi. and Mis. Ivan Shook, ' ronto, with Mis. John Marlov Mis. Frank Dixon and family, ' ronto, with Mis. Florence Thc son. .. Mis. W. A. Dawson. colm El! ord, Mi. John El!o Katherine, Windsor, at Mi. Fi Bailey's. . . Mi. and Mis. M Mis. Fred Day, Miss Velma F guson motored to Manitoulîn land to visit Mi. William Elfo ..Mr. and Mis. Loine Bradbu Toronto, at Mi. Wesley Brî burn's. .. Mi. Morrey Waldi Toronto, with the Smith Bios, Mi. and Mis. Russell Richesa family, Peterboro, at Mi. Richa Hooper's. . . Miss Grace Grali with ber uncle, Mi. J. Flett, Bo manville. The United Cburch W.A. met Mis. James Strong's on Tuesd evening. Mi. Ronald Trewin and1 ar h. Ri ac i Mw IUCEIVBS HONOR north country on Sunday. Donald Scott hiked to Niagara Mi. and Mis. C. Collacutt and Falls. Miss Marie attended the funeral St. John's Anglican Church An- of Mis. Gibson at Orono. niversaîy services weîe held on JChurch service was again with- Sunday. Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming, Idrawn Sunday owing to anniver- Bishop of the Arctic, was the isay services at Haydon where speaker in the morning and Rev. some of the Salem congregation E. P. Wood in the evening. On attendeci while others attended July lst a strawberîy festival Hampton special services. sponsored by the A.Y.P.A. was Next Sunday oui new pastor, held and the evening entertain- LRev. Gardiner, is expected to take ment in the Community Hall was charge here. by Bethesda consisting of choruses The postponed strawberry soc- and quarettes and a comedy, ial sponsored by Salem W.A. took "Rooting for Ruth." A good crowd place on aý,iý attended. lq yr4f1l* ts home The schools are closed for the ofiM 4nd lMs.W. G. Werry, holidays and the teachers have wheîe a bountiful supper with îeft for their vacations. an abundance of strawberries was Mi. and Mis. O. V. Shaw and served and a splendid programn of Leanor lef t Monday to live at and Mis. A. W. Mach when a Brooklin. music and song followed and a __________ presentation was tendered ta Rev. blanket and pen and pencil setNet to were presented fromn the W.A. et to and the Y.P.U. to this very worthy____ couple who had served the Ty- Recent Visitors: Mi. and Mis. rone circuit so faithfully for the J. Hutchison, Miss Marman Pink, past three years. The best of Mi. and Mis. Lillicîap, Toronto: good wishes follow themn to their Mi. and Mis. E. L. Lilliciapp, new charge from the Salem com- Hamilton, Mi. W. Hutchison, Mi. munity. Mis. L. Squair, W.A. Mi. and Mis. J. Stewart, Betty President, and Mi. W. Taylor, Y. and Donald, Peterboro, with Mis. W P.U. President, made the pie- H. Samelîs. . . Mi. and Mis. H. of sentations. Rev. and Mis. Mach Lang, Omemee, with Mis. John C( expiessed their appreciation in Hooey. .. Mi. and Mis. Wm. wx short addiesses of thanks. Jackman andfamily, and Mis. E. Lc 910H SCHIOOL RESULTS <Continued from page 1) Middle Sehool III; F.C., c; Agi. 2, c. Gilbert Mcllveen - ., Geo., c; L.A., c; L.C., 111;1 II; F.C., III; Phy., III; Chem, Marion Mahood-A.H., II;, I; Geo., III; L.A., Il; L.C., 1;1 I; F.C., 1; G.A., Il; G.C., II; Ch Nora Meredith-Geo., Il; .LA c; L.C., II. Jean Metealf - A.H., Il; Geo III; L.A., III; L.C., II; F.A., F.C., II; Chem., c. Madeline Metcalf - A.H., Il Agi. 1, 111. Catherine Agnes Minto--A.H c; Alg., II; Agi. 1, 111. Lindsay Mitchell - A.H., II! Geo., I; L.A., c; L.C., III; F.A II; F.C., II; Chem., II. Gregg Morden-A.H., I; AMg I; Geo., II; L.A., c; L.C., J!; F.A III; F.C., c; Chem., J. Ernest Morris-Agi. 1, c. Horace Moses-A.H., III; Alg MI; Agi. 1, J. Peggy Moses-Alg., c; L.A.,c L.C., c; F.A., III; F.C., c; Agi.,2 III. Kenneth Nichols-A.H., 3; Agr Alan Partidge-Geo., I; L.A. 11; L.C., I; Phy., J; Chem., J. Jean Pattinson- A.H., c; Alg. Fred Payne-Ag., I; Agi. 1, 111 Patricia Pearce-Agi. 2, 1. Helen Pingle-Alg., c. Barbara Rehder - A. H., III Geo., J!; L.A., c; L.C., J1; F.A., II, F.C., JI; Chem., III. Charles Rice - A.H., III; Alg. Il; L.A., c; L.C., c; F.A., III; F.C., C. Jean Rice-A.H., J; Alg., III; Agi. 2, c. Joyce Richaids-A.H., III; Aîg., c; Agi. 1, J. Sidney Rundle-A.H., Il; Geo., I.II. hem.,. h.., J; J; r., J; Weddings o- Stainton-Bradîey A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Tyrone Paîsonage on June l5th, with Rev. A. W. Mach officiating, when Mildied Helena, second eldest daughter of Mi. and Mis. Leonard Bradley, Eýnniskillen, was united in mnai- riage to Donald William James, only son o1 Mi. Luther Stainton and the late Mis. Stainton, Bow- manville. The bride looked lovely ini a gown of old rose crepe with white hat and accessories bo match and carried a bouquet of roses and bridal wreath. Attending the bride was her sister, Miss Gladys Bradley, gowned in mauve chif- fon with white accessories and carried a bouquet of flags and bridaI wreath. Mi. Kenneth Run- dle, Bowmanville, was grooms- man. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents. Later the bride and groom left amid showers of confetti and best wishes on a motor trip to the States. For travelling the bride donned a navy and white dîess, white coat and hat, with acces- sories to match. On their retuin they will reside on bis father's faim, Manvers Road, Bowman- ville. W. J. Riddell, Orono Who at the 86th annual meeting )f the Independent Order of >ddfellows aI Guelph recently was elecîed conductor of Grand Lodge. This is the first lime that in Orono member o! the lodge ias attained such high honor. Mi. îiddell bas been one of the most itive members o! Orono lodge ind is one o! the prime factors n the high standard o! efficiency vhich that lodge bas attained. ora R Wllam.- . Mr. and Mrs. Rae h own ae obtained Chem. . edMalcolm, Yelverton, with Mrs. standing in the Departniental Gordon Scott-A.H., c; C.H., c. mal- Peter Wright. . Miss Marian Wil- Examinations: Jessie Scott-A.H., c; Agr. 1, 11. Fes- liams with Mis. Clarence Ginn. A.H.-Ancient History; C.H.- Bernice Sleep-A.H., II; Geo., ý -..Messrs. Ralph and Edgar Emer- Candian History; Alg.-Algebra; II; L.A., Il; L.C., 1; F.A., 1; F.C., .,îd. son at Mr. M. Emerson's. .. Mvr. Geo. -Geometry; L. A. -Latin Il; Agr. 2, 11. uin, and Mrs. A. Ford, Miss Marian Authors; L.C.-Latin Comp.; F.A. Gordon Slemon-A.H., c; Alg., ad- Taylor, Mr. Robt. Ford, Torontp), -French Authors; F.C.-French I; Phy., I. on, at Mr. S. Malcolm's. . . Mis. Joe Composition; G. A. - German Keith Slemon-A.H., II; Alg., *ýU Wight, Mi. Wrightson Wight and Authors; G.C.-Geîman Composi- c; Geo., c; L.A., c; L.C., c; F.A., adBernice, Bowmanville, with Mr. tion; Agr. 1-Agriculture 1; Agi. III; F.C., c; Chem., c. iard Win. Samells. 2-Agriculture 2; Phy.-Physics; Winifred Smith-A.H., II; Alg., aim Ms .Nsi n isF a Chem.-Chemistry. III; Agr. 1, 1. hoodareon te sck lst.Hazel Aider-A.H., I; Geo., II; Margaret Storey - A.H., III; hoo ae o te icklit.L.A., II; L.C., 1; F.A., I; F.C., I; Alg., II; Geo., c; Phy., c; Chem., ýt at Mis. H. Wheeler is improving Agr. 2, 111. c. lay and will soon be home. Sidney Alder-Agr. 1, c. Helen Sumersford - A.H., c; Service in United Church Sun- Donald Allin-A.H., c; Alg., c; Alg., c; Agr. 1, 111. Mr. day was well attended. Mi. H. Phy., III Kenneth Sumersford-C.H., c; Atkinson's solo "O Lord Of Dentzel Anderson-Alg., c; Agi. Alg., c. Heaven and Earth and Sea," was 1,111 Roy Swindells-Phy., c. Mmuch appreciatcd. Service next' Kelvin Symons-A.H., Il; Geo., Sudywl e omno Millicent Esther Barnett-A.H., III; L.A., c; L.C. c; F.C., c; F.A. c; sunryviceb.acomu I ; Aîg., I; Agr. JI.Chem. II. Nestleton W.I. are invited to Keith Billett-A.H., c; Alg., II; Alan Tamblyn-Geo., III. Shirley W.I., July lOth. Agr. 1, Il. Catherine Thompson - ., Sympathy is extended to the William Brown-A.H., c; L.C., Il; Mlg., III; Phy., II. friends of the late Mis. Margaret c; F.A., III; F.C., c; Chem., c. Tolly Tkatch-A.H., c; Agr. 1, Fallis. Shirley Campbell - A.H., III; III In last week's report of w.i. Alg., c; L.A., c; L.C., III; F.A., c; Arthur Toms-A.H., c; Phy., c. at Mis. A. Suggitt's several line F.C., c; Phy., c; Chem., c. George Underhill - A.H., c; were dropped which should have James Clark-A.H., III; Geo., Geo., II; L.C., c; F.A., c; F.C., c; read: Mis. E. Mairs and Mrs. W. II; L.A., III; L.C., III; F.A., III; Chem., c. Campbell sang a duet "Ivory F.C., c; Chem., 111. Donald Venton-AH., I; Gea., Palaces" and Mrs. R. W. Marlow Herbert Cole-A.H., I; AMg., III; III; L.A., III; L.C., II; F.A., I; F. gave a reading "Peace by Prayer." Phy., II. C., I; Chem., 1. John Colville-A.H., c; Geo., c;, Reginald Ward-A.H., c; Phy., L.C., c; Chem., c. c Audrey Comnstock - Geo., -c, Helen Werry-A.H., 1; Alg., II; H m tnPhy., c; Chem., c. Geo., III; L.A., 11; L.C., II; F.A., Reita Cooke-AIg.. I; Geo., I II.I; F.C., Il; Agi. 2, 111. Recent Visitors: Mr. H. H. Brim- Eileen Couch -A.H., c; C.H., Diana Wheeler-Geo., c; L.C., I; acombe and Mr. H. MeLean, II; Alg., c; L.A., c; L.C., c; F.A., Chemn., I. Hamilton, with Mis. S. Mount- II; F.C., III; Agr. 2, c. Catherine Wight-A.H., c; Alg., joy. . . Miss Madeline Trull, To- Donald Cox-Agr. 1, 11I1; Geo., III; F.A., III; F.C., II;i ronto, with her mother.. . Dr. T. Donalda Creasser-A.H., 1; Alg., G.A., III; G.C., c; Agr. 2, c. 1 A. Partridge and Jean, Bowman- c; L.A., III; L.C., c; F.A., II; F.C., Mary Wilkins-A.H., II; Agr.j ville,.Dr. and Mis. E. E. Steckley, c; Agr. 2, c. 1, 1. Donrlie and Patricia, Oshawa, at Leslie Darch-A.H., c; C.H., II; Helen Williams-Geo., c. Mr. Arthur Allin's. . . Mr. and Geo., c; L.C., c; L.A., c; F.A., c; Louise Wilson-A.H., III; Geo.,t Mis. A. L. Pascoe, Mis. R. J. F.., c; Chcm., c. III; L.A., c; L.C., III; F.A., c; F.C.,S McKessock, Solina, Mi. and Mis. Trevor Davison-Agi. 1, c. III; Chem., c. Eveîett Elliott and daughters, Scott Densem-A.H., c; Mlg., c; Patricia Wilson-A.H., II. Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Bryce Phy., c. Eileen Wray-A.H., c; Alg., c;t Brown, Whitby, Mis. Ida Wilcox Vivian Duck-A.H., II;; Mg., c; Agr. 1, 111. and Mis. Orme Cruickshanks, L.A., III; L.C., III; F.A., III; F.C., John Wylie-Alg., II; Geo., c; Peterboro, at Mi. J. Chapman's. c; Phy., II; Chem., c. PyII .Mi. and Mrs. Preece and daugh- Mamian Dudley-A.H., c; C.H., PyII ter, Mi. and Mrs. A. J. George, III; Alg., 1; L.A., c; L.C., III; F. Toronto, at Mis. M. Clemens'.. A., III; F.C., III; Agr. 2, c. Langmaid-Brooks Mr. and Mis. W. Young and son Patricia Dustan-A.H., II; Geo.,FmlesPci Dennis, Mis. W. McMillan, Peter- I; L.A., II; L.C., I; F.A., I; F.C. a iesP nc boro, Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, I; G.A., I; G.C., I; Chem., II. Mi. Neil Wood, Miss G. Phacey, Blain Elliott-A.H., c; C.H., II; The Langmaid-Brooks familles UpOrono, Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Johns Chemn., III. held their annual picnic at the and family, Lakefield, Miss Ruby Betty Emmett-A.H., I; Geo., c; Cream of Baîley Camp, June 22,1 -Clatworthy and Miss Hazel Cun- LA., I; L.C., II, with fifty in attendance. ningham, Cameron, Miss Jean Patricia Emmett - A.H., III; A program 0of sports was en- b.Johns, Bowmanville, at L. Trull's. Alg., II; Geo., III; L.A., III; L.C., joyed with these prize winner Mi. and Mis. Lorne Hoskin, c; F.A., III; F.C., c; G.A., c; G.C., races-boys, 6 and under, Ronald Tyrone, Mr. and Mis. Luther c, Brooks, Kenneth Brooks;' girls, 61 Pascoe, Zion, Mr. and Mis. Ralph Alan Ferguson-A.H., II; Alg., l and under, Marilyn Marks; boys, Glaspell, Tyrone, Mi. Ray Scott, Il; Phy., 1. 10 and under, Keith MeGill, Grant Kedron, Miss Beryl Glaspell, Zion, Bryan Flaherty-Alg., c; Phy., Brooks; boys, 16 and under, Jackj at Chas. Warren's. .. Mr. and III Pea ce,' Charlie Langrnaid; girls, Ms W.White, Donald and Marion Gibson - A.H., 1; Alg., 16 and under, Gwen Brooks, Helen Douglas, Orono, Miss Nancy c, Agr. 2, c. ILangmaid, Frayne Johns; cracker Johns, Toronto, at Mis. C. Johns'. Pearl Gilbert-A.H., c; Mlg., c;, eating and whistle, Ann Allin, ..Mi. anid Mis. A. Wilson and Agi. 1, 11. Mis. Jack Brooks, Mis, S. E. childen, Toronto, at A. E. Bu- Murray Grant-A.H., c; Alg., c; Werry; men's balloon contest, lett's. . . Mi. and Mis. R. Gibbs Phy., c. Clare Aflin, Ray Brooks, Jack and son, Tyrone, Mis. Va n Camp, Myrtle Hall-A.H., III; Mlg., c; Marks; girls' balloon contest, Base Liné, Mis. D. Burgmastei, Agi. 1, 111. Gwen Brooks, Louise Pearce, Enniskillen, at Mis. Charlotte Jean Henderson-ARH., Il; Alg., Velina Pearce; thread and needle Stephens'. . . Mr. W. Pascoe, To- c; Agi. 1 11 race, Louise Pearce, Velma Pearce, ronto, Mi. and Mis. R. Metcalf Gordon Hills-Alg., I. Mis. Wes. Yellowlees; men's nail and family, Base Line, at Mis.A. Wesley Hills-Alg., 1; Agi. 1, driving, Wes. Yellowlees, Jack Tienouth's. .. Mis. Gertrude Ste- II. Brooks; ladies' nail dîiving, Mis. phens, Toronto, Mis. Manning, Chales Hoar - A.H., II; L.A., Wes. Yellowlees, Mis. S. E. Werîy; Bowmanville, at W. E. Stevens'. c; L.C., c; F.C., c; F.A., c. ladies' shoe throwing, Muriel ..Mis. C. Johns ,Miss Nancy Peter. Host-A.H., II; Alg., I;LagadBsie outyM. Johns with Toronto fîiends. Agi. 1, I. ag idBes Mutor. Miss Beryl Glaspeil, Zion, at Mis. William Hutchinson - A.H.,c Aho. ok;ba usig i.W Ralph Glaspell's, Tyrone.,. Rev. Alg., c; Chem., c. Alddjsiet oniu I. E. Kennedy, CIaremont, at the Oscar Jessen-A.H., c.Al1d jsietabonfu parsonage. .. Mi. and Mis W. Mark Lambourne - A H. I picnic suiuper aftei which Presi- Buînett, Oshawa, Mis. H. Hoidge, Geo., III; L.A., c; L.C., II;FA detW Asoncle th as Greta Wickett, Mr. A. S. Baker: 11; F.C., III; Chem. II' sembly together for the business Lindayat . Frgusn's . iss Muriel Langmaid-A.H., c; Alg., Meeting. The minutes of last pic- Mi. and Mis. F. R. Kerslake, c; Agri. 1,11 ncradb e'y r.1o c Bowmanville, at Mis. Bessie Rob- Helen Luxton-A.H., c; Alg., c. iat fofiespesne.o bins'. . . Mis. Ida Tennant, Bruce Catherine Macdonald-A.H., c; 1941 eunfoion ws provened asr Tennant, Mis. Raith, Mr.adAI g., c; Agi. 1, c. 14 eno a prvda Mrs.T. altr. MandhaiMarion McDonald -AH *follows. Pies. -Roy Langmaid;, Mis.t altG erMs. arp, aAT- Alg., III; L.A., c; L.C., I; F.A.Vice-Pes-S. E. Werîy; Sec.- rono, t F G.Kerlak's nd . _____________________ 'Treas. - Mis. W. Yellowleesi, Salter's. .. Mis. Gertrude Pirie, SprsCo.-Cli-1iJh Mis. Brine, Miss Mildîed Phillips, Bowmanville, at Mi. Clifford Ashton; Press Reporter-Mis. H., Toronto, at W. Craig's. .. Dr. Colwill's. . . Mi. Harry Cowling, Brooks; Provision Com. -Mis. Wallace Hoin, Miss H. Jacob, London, at Jno. Cowling's.. . W. Langmaid, Misa V. Langmaid, Port Hope, at W. W. Horn's. .. Miss Gertrude Petit, Toronto, at Mis. Jack Brooks; Nom. Comn.- Mis. E. Smuîthwaite at Mis. L. Wm. Chapman's. Mis. Ross Pearce, Mis. Roy Lang- Williaamson's. . . Mis. M a ry Sunday School anniveisary ser- maid, Mi. Sam Brooks. Goodman, Miss Louise Goodman, vices on Sunday and Monday weîe It was decided to hold the picnic Mi. C. H. Burîows, Oshawa, at largely attended. n~ ero h t audyi Mi. lanPaîer', Mntral.. .Women's Institute meeting will June, at the home of Ross Pearce. Mr. and Mis. Jno. Williams, Osh- be heid next week instead of An interesting softball game awa, at A. Peters'. .. Mi. Fred this Thursday. took place in the evening to con- Coîden, Bowmanvilie, with fil- Mi. Hilton Peters has been clude a happy occasion. ends. .. Mr. and Mis. Jno. Wiilis, suffering from pleurisy. Toronto, aat Jno. Colwill's.. . Mi. Rev. W. Rackham was at Claie- and Mis. G. Brent and baby, mont on Sunday taking Rev. I. A man is neyer astonîshed'or Tyroiie, at L. D. Sykes'.. . Mi. E. Kennedy's work. ashamed that he does not know and Mis. Frank Hastings and Mis. Chas. Warren attended a what another does; but hie is sur- little daughter, Oshawa, with fri- tea in honour of Miss Beryl prised at the gross ignorance of ends. .. Mr. Bruce Yeo, Mi. and Glaspeil, Zion, at Mis. Ralph the other in ont knowing what he ,P Mis. Geo. Graham and Barbara, Glaspell's, Tyrone. knows.-Haliburton. ' II Mo a RARGAINS IN FINE RANGES moe 84-744 Nt.,Nort i anyway. Beautiful white and c o 1 o r e d 19e Colgates Tooth 1 Regular Size Princesa Soap peonies decorated Enniskillen Un- Powder Flakes ited Church on Saturday after- Both for 34c Both for 34e 1noon, June 29th, for the wedding _________________________ o! Miss Grace Werry, younger daughter of Mi. and Mis. James Tat Nova Kelp1 Batbing Sun A. Werry and John H. Borrow- dale, son o! Mi. and Mis. Wm. A. Ant Traps 79e Caps Goggles Borrowdale, Oshawa, Rev. H. H. 2c 1 92 9 1 c6 c1 c12 Lackey officiated.29 1.927 19 -6c15 -.5 The bride, lovely in a gown of white embossed marquisette, cut on empire lines with a flowing train, was given in maîriage by » FREE DEVELOPING »» her father. She woîe a hip length veil and caîried a bouquet of WE TEST EYES AND FIT TRUSSES Pikrose buds. She was attended Poe R.rop by Miss Anne Buttery, Bowman- PhonewiPrompt- ville, as maid of honour and Miss 695 P. .UVWVLII1U, IIII.D. Delivery Pat Hobbs, Oshawa, as biidesmaid. Both attendants were alike in a______________________________ fîocks and picture hats o! tur- quoise maîquisette, embossed witb floral design, trimmed with pink petit point tea set; Miss Pat Hobbs, MOTHERS RECOOM END velvet îibbon. They caîîied nose- Oshawa, enîertained at a personal gays o! pink roses and sweet peas. shower; Mis. R. Hewat and Mis. CREAM 0F BARLEY FOR Mi. Harold Aimstrong, Oshawa, J. Brough were hostesses at the HIGH NUTRITIVE VALUE was groomsman and ushers weîe Hewat home for a linen shower; Wm. L. Borîowdale,, R.O.M.S., Miss Anne Butteiy and Miss Vera Camp Boîden, and Mi. John M. Lonsberiy beld a miscellaneous James, Bowmanville. showeî at the home of the laIe Many mothers îi" ý'Yuribam Wedding music was piayed by Mis. S. C. Hilier, Beech Avenue. County and elsewheîe in Canada Mi. George Werry, Solina and The giaduate nuises o! Bowman- have !ound a maîked improve- Miss Ruth James, Bowmanville, ville Hospital, at a party in the sang "I Love Thee," during the Nurses' Residence presented a ment in the health and stuîdiness signing of the register. congratulatory address and a nesî of their children afteî including A Guard of Honor, including 12 o! walnut tables, made by Miss in their regular daily diet CREAM members o! the lst Company Marjorie Forsythe, classmate O! 0F BARLEY. This popular cereal Bowmanviile Rangers foîmed out- the bride-to-be. Enniskillen com- nas grdet whhno side the church as the happy munity piesented an occasional Conasigeint hc no couple lefI. chair and a walnut table. only !eed and build up the body A îeception was held aI the __________ but bas health-giving properties home o! the bride's parents, whenofgetvleorausaswl ber mother îeceived in a crepe Thrills! Adventure! Romance! ao! giatle fradlsasw jacket-frock of navy and white_____achden border prinI, and carnied white Facing weird perils, a millionare Only the choicest Canadian carnations. Mis. Borîowdale woîe and bis glamorous daughter, be- baîley is used in the manufacture a dress o! giey French crepe trayed by spies, uncover a Plot o! CREAM 0F BARLEY, contain- printed'in pastel shades, witb pînk to conquer the world in theïrir gvtmn n ,adas carnations. exciting journey into the myster- igvtmn n ,adas For travelling, the bride woîe ious Gobi deseit. Read this excit- a useful amount o! iron. Becaus a navy and rose sheer with match- ing story by Herbert Jensen in the Of its high nutritive value, xZ ing accessories. Afteî a short first instalîment of "The Wings recommend CREAM 0F BARLEY honeymoon, they will reside at 8 o! The Dragon" ini The American as an ideal ail purpose cereal. Amylene Apts, 9 Quebec Street, Weekly, the magazine distributed Easily digested, the most sensitive Oshawa.1 with next week's Detroit Sun- stomach can retain it. CREAM Prior 10 the wedding the bride- day Times. 27-1 0F BARLEY contains proteins, which aid in building body tissues. to-be was honoied at several Infants and childien thîive on showeis and presenlations. Mis. Ask us about Slendor "Beauty" CREAM 0F BARLEY and adults Gordon Lowry was hostess when Tablets. $1 .00. McGregor's Drug find it a tasty and nouiisbing their bridge club presented a -Store. 27-1 food. 20-J I I Il 'I 1 qmmàtmveemm 1--- -- COWLING SELLS FOR LES And Serves You WeIl the quality ice Cream in brick or bulk delivered at your speci- S . e w o S fied Urne. SPECIIAL LISTERINE PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH PASTE TOOTH BRUSHES 15C value Hait Prlce For 49c Now 25c Arrid Crearn - 39c-59c CN il- Murn - - - 33c-53c Odorono Creani - 33e Buish - - - 15c-33c LOWEST PRICES 100 A.S.A. Tabs. - 9e Pinkham's Cornp. 87e 100 A.B.S. & C. --9c 25C Noxzerna --15c Eveready Flashlight with batteries 79e 33e Colgates Tooth 1 Giant Size Princess Soap Powder Flakes Borrowdale-Werry Don Christian Electric THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAXVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JULY 4TH. lQ4n ,--- OA OSHAWA 38 sfinmA rf W..f16 L-.--L63ý

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