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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1940, p. 7

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THIURSDAY, JULY 4TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE~ ONTARTO PAt~ SEVEN PROMOTIONS AT TownshipCouncil PUBLIC SCHOOL __ I~~~I ~~Grade I to I - Joan Manning, CAK ONI I~ IHon.: Donald McLaren, Hon.; Clarke Council met Tuesday Charles Armstrong, Hon.; Bob with ail members present. The OR Goode, Hon.; Sonny Jordan, Hon.; clerk had been in touch with 0. (5N O NEWSJean Moffat, Doreen Fowler, Smith, Engineer, of Lindsay, in Shirley Hobbs, Betty Winter, reference to watèr flowing around brook, Montreal, Oshawa, Port Recent Visitors: Mr. Wallace proving the looks of his home by Kathleen McKenna, Grace Gams- the 4th concession. Meeting is IIH ope and elsewhere. Sisson is visiting here. Misses erecting a new verandah. by, Jim Bruton, Douglas Allen, called for July 7th o! ail those Social and Persofl Mr ad rH James Moffatt, Margaret and Marion Dickson Misses Eileen Souch and Mamie Douglas Layton. ocrid Phone 0rl6 M. and rs. H.Mercer Mrs. ith Mr. J. Dckson.. Sr.mer AGradewiI atton Sum-JeGradWilsonII-JeWaWiden, MorrowMo was w remindede Pne4r6Charles Shaw and Mrs. Walker Mrs. Byworth, Mr. and Mrs H. School at Kingston. Hon.; Lois Dean, Hon.; Patsy Mof- of the Count3's interest in the attended the Keith-Wilson wed- Johnson and Bud, Toronto, Miss Miss Lorna Clarke, who has fat, Hon.; Elenor Hancock, Hon.; land tax sale on July 9th. Mr. John Stewart has leen in ding in Toronto Saturday. Edith Bennett, Ben and Fred1 taught our school for two years, Ray West,, Hon.; Betty Jordan, sroatd tSuheteen asin- the hospital.The Cowan family picnic was Bennett, Bowmanville, Mrs. J. T.1 has resigned. Listen for the wed- Joyce Sutton, Shirley Flintof!, s'ed toav the souinadeninae the hospîtal. held here Saturday with about 50 Morrison, San Diego, Calif., Mr. ding bells. Carole Cornish, Maureen McKen-hepitesouonadsime Sion Band had a delxghtful present. Mr. Thos. Cowan presid- and Mrs. George Morton, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch and na, Donald Mercer, John For- cost o! certain pieces o! workc p i niec at Staples' woods Monday ed in the absence o! President Mrs. Ed. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Eileen, Miss Marion Rickaby, To- rester. Douglas Carleton, Wayne in the township. afternoon. The sports consisted Geo. Cowan. Officers were re-t Charles Stapleton and Walter, ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, Layton. Treasurer was instructed to of a paper chase and games, and elected. and Elsie Rowe, Orono, at Mr. J. Orono, picnicked at Mn. Carl Grade III, to IV - Beverleyreue ay ntfrbodrns thedyeddwtaboneu Aserhih crae exie H. Morris' Sunday evening fol- Billings' Dominion Day.PanH .;Braa ol, fusions sent by Toronto General uper. . d ihaboneu saclgh raedect-lowing the christening in St.PHone; Munel arbd, H on.;Kah-Hospital. spe.ment here Satunday evening. I Saviour's Anglican Church of enGsy Hon.; re Reid H anessath C. F. Awde was instructed to Sîxh in pcnc as hed n tîn d utto co e ro a cîcus M aster W alter Stapleton . M r. Reta MeKenna, Gerald Rainey, continue c leto ! u p i Orono Park Monday wîth nearly near Oshawa. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane, Peteriboro, StLQI viieJenRiy rcm nd).'txs 125 present. After a bounteous North Oshawa school held its at Mr. 0. W. Scott's.. Mr. and Grade IV to V - Bill Mof!att, In reference to the railway supper Miss K. Stewart gave an picnic in the park Saturday, with Mvrs. Chas. Crease and son Paul,'Rcn iios:M.adMs Hon.: Helen Clarke, Hon.; Helen crossings in the south half of the interesting report on the progress 300 in attendance, A feature of Toronto, wih Mrs. Fred Cowan.: Arthur Dunn took a trip to Lewis, Henry Leamen, Bob Wan- township failing on agreement on made in this annual gathering the picnic was the presentation . . Mr. and Mrs. McGee and two! Niagana. . Mn. and Mns. Yule and nan, Wilda Hooey, Lorraine pnice of land to be purchased this since its beginning. Officers were to Miss Courtice, one o! the teach- sons, Ottawa, with Mrs. R. Fair-1 son, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm. Sav- Hobbs, Grace Hudson, Jack Mer- resolution was passed: "That this fnom elecevFienl eTrnt, Miisen rng af hr connectionr waith te trned to Oterso.. n. and 'ry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls cer, Dean West, George Shaw, counicil nequest the lands purchas- _____ellevlle,_ orono,_Mil-___________ onnandon famiteyurMrs. iWestaon.MrTorontonfamConnie., îngiebranchl. of bDept.ofo!pt Highwaysay s~~ chool. Mrs. Robert Best, Thornbury, in:at Mr. Tom Falls.. Miss Nellie Senior tomootaid n lthensaryCprl Bill Armstrong, John Arm- town. .. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shutka and Miss A. Andree, Osh- To Grade RoI-om n obco lnand on lots 8 and 5, C.. strong, John Morris and Percy Linton, Marmora, with Mrs. H. atM.MShtas.. VI-o yHbscsinadonls14nd5,C R 0, U N D T R 1 P Lunn enjoyed a fishing trip to Cantreli and Mrs. Henry Cornish. awa, tM..Shkas Mr Betty Linton, Greta Mercer, Hor- P.R. and C.N.R. crossing ail in Every day people the Pgeon Lake. . . Mrs. W. Rutherford, Mrs. C. and Mrs. B. Best, Thornsbury, at ace York. the township o! Clarke for the AtfAII St. Saviour's chunch Sunday Reid and Hazel, Newtonville, M Mr. er a wls. Mrs. BetTSmilC- To Grade VIl-Peter Chmana, purpose of impnoving the lime woriu over stop a mo- R AIL ARG IN i ng RevDewdney christn-and Mrs. R rseadson, Mn. ioMB u H~ Cal vis rosteoaa m t.en ya cec d Juy -67 ! n.and Mrs. Charles Staple- Monaghan, Mn. and Mrs. A. El- Bert Tnim and sons at Mr. Lav- Anchie McLaren, Albert Mitchell, Ottawa.,,'1 Bowmanvijle to ton, who as a year old thelitan DogsTrtM. ern Patterson's, Orono. . Mn. and.Dw oftHn;Dnl Alec Greig had paid his hospital .oa o nug same day. In lieu of a sermon the and Mrs. W. Elliott, Kendal, Miss Mrs. A. Dobson and daughter at Myles. Murray Patterson, Mont account in full. Toronto -- $1.10 retrra alter ro th M. Fowler, Mrs. Isiah Magee and M.E.Rtvns in Richardson, Mildred Richards, Teeblswr asd their way again wiha Hamilton --2.05 Bishop. Doreen, Peterbono, at Mn. J Gea.av-ee he. Hon.C.B yrl-------------$10 Buffalo - - - 3.80 Eagleson's. .. Mns. Mary Henny,! rai.v ee h happenings C.GrdeVIB.c Tynsh Wilirelo.1, happy after-sense of Goderich 4.35 Decoration services at the Toronto, with Mrs. Magaetinoun section the past week. T rd I-JyeCrih hhirC. Kitchner 265 icemetery Sunday wene very brie!, Coer.'Ms R os ndMs While cool and damp, farmers are Bob Casey, Hon.; Chrissy Jordan, tax !orms, etc---------- 43-67 o pe rf sh nt Owen Su.nd 4.10ing to the nain. Mn. H. J. Souch Lesmnwn tteDcn- usy haying. The big bridge at Thelma Jordan, Donna West, Dean's Bakery, supplies -- 5.04 eerfeh et Oaren Sound - 4.10 pnesided. Prayer anthscnipture Juno et HlnWo.Onono Times ---- ----.-.--- 2.50 1 ee ien bryev.anS.itedtion Services. . .Misses J une and the south end o! the subway side unionpWeste Hlen Wood. 32.0 ParrySound 4.85 1 wer give by ev. S Litlewoo; MararetMcDonlMn oroE., J. oRandalald Rut&aFa They pause. .thatalreRf&eF32e0 Sebreiber - - 17.95 Onono band pîayd two hymns, e MDnad oonoaload o rllased ust as a he J. J. Meilon, Juiy saiany -- 50.00 ral and numerous intermediate and Rev. D. R. Dewdney spoke Mn. J. C. Tambiyn's. . . Mn. and I odo rvlpssdoe t h O TIU TO .J onih upis2.1a rea l ea -re points Mrs. D. Found and Bill, Mn. and Isîde noad is now closed to taif!ic.CO TN A INJJ.orihsupes----248 for only a few minutes with the Mrs. L. Keat and Eleanon, To- Mr. W. E. Reid is much im- SCHOOL RESULTS P. A. Blackburn, nelief refreshtno. For train service each direction beniediction aften which eveny- n ____change back Oshawa ---- 8.811 retrnliit, tc. boy anfo thircas s he nto, at Mn. W. E. Davey's. Bill pnoved fnom his iilness. E._L______tan Consuit agentsroc.oge ab ean o tem down.asthe remained. .. Mn. and Mns. David Mn. Ambrose Robinson has I-indicates lst class honours;E.LMcahtn Consul agent-Procue vesgrwne be u tifulld econ-Th Stephens, Lindsay, Mn. and Mns. purchased a new Plymouth car. II-2nd class honouns; III-3rd 6 hospital patients ------ 220.60 Caadan Caadan ated and the new cernent walk attendance convention 15.00 Pacifie Natioa was much appreciated. and son Glenny, Newcastle, Mns. be at 10 a.m. on Sundays for the F-faiiure. Names are in order Mns. J. Ciydsdale, supplies 12.01 uhrzdBtl inlDelve, Oshawa, at Mn. Harvey summer months. o! menit. Where a subject Syd. Lancaster, taxi.......---2.00 HAMLY 'S CARBON Mn. J. J. Melior was chairman Curtis'. .. Miss Edith Cowan, Mrs. H. L. Trim took an active in bnackets after the name o! a R. H. Wood, transients --- 13.10 OSHAWA _________________at Crooked Creek StrawbernY Toronto, was hene. .. Mr. and part in the Mayor Day Wan Fund successful pupil, it indicates W. E. Davey, 3 trips -------- 6.75 Festival Tuesday evening. Mns. Dooley, Toronto, at Mns. W. coiiecting $37 in oun smali com- eîthen a failune or a conditionai Brooks Cowan, supplies --- 2.25 Miss I. Aluin is on the sick list. Cowan's. .. Mr. and Mns. By- munity towand the punchase o! promotion in that subject. Whene Calcium Chionide ---------- 139.50 The Blewett family held an worth, Toronto, at Mn. Geo. Mon- a Bomber Plane. She bas neceiv- a subject appeans in brackets Road Voucher ------------- 1622.91 GIVE MORE THOUGNI enjoyable picnie Satunday in the ton's... Mn. and Mrs. Harley ed an officiai neceipt. She gave after the name o! an unsuccess- Council adjourned t meet Aug.Ob ua y îO YOUR BREAKFAST park with about 40 in attendance. Johnson and son Bud, Toronto, ber service gratis, and made her fui pupil, it indicates promotion 6th at 9.30 a.m. S.T. O iu r Bail was piayed foliowed by a here. .. John, Bob and Menvyn canvas by waiking. in that subject. Funthen informa-_________ sa smtosrepast. Keane, Toronto, were home. .. June 26th Mrs. S. G. Hallowell, tion on the report cards which He e the w y Severaltuous splnt aotMn. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, Miss Norma Hallowell and Miss rnay be obtained fnom Mn. Ros- r.JhGbsnS. veramoronorits phln. dotwas home...Mn. and Mrs. Cal- Marion Green were invited to tea bonough. W euulngs The s. Jhn ordJn, Sr. h Orn iebiaewr aldvin am rs at Mrs. C. Reid's, Newtonville. The report for Grade XI pupils ____Tedahocne ue2t t iou rnoy finebrgade wee lled . aamfterooMisBe- po earnn lengthygth rfrsonytothllnessr-Hacok renandra enta llefewda e t ie gy the o~fnideay CaenoAlln'stoaue. atrce Hammn, Ancaster, at Mr. E. ered at their home about 90 guests mental subjects o! Eng. Liter- days in BowmanviUle Hospital, o! Hop Lunn turned in the alarm . Hm'..MOsM .Roe otk Miss Green by surprise ature, Eng. Composition, French A quiet wedding was solemn- LuaSms agtro h The building was totally burned Ohawa, and Miss F. Tarvis, An- and present hen with a handsome and Latin. These candidates have ized in Park St. United ChurchLuaSms agtro h W HEAT SERM but surnounding buildings wene caster, at Mn. H. R. Rowe's. .. floon lamp, end table and a alneady been informed concern- Orono, on June 29th, with Rev. S. late Mn. and Mns. A. Samis and save. N aniaiswene bunned. Cif! Cooper was home on leave. beautiful basket o! !lowers. Mns. mng results o! the Depatmentail ittlewood officiating, when Mar- wi!e of John Gibson, Sr., Orono, M.and Mns. Henry Yonken L. Todd pnesented the lamp, Mr~. examinations o! Middle School. ion Jean Ruth, only daughter o!fge 6b e ars. Mnis Gibseonmwin- Actoal lack of Vita - MnH.G MDoad oide and Fred, Preston, here.. Mn. John Stark the table and two o! the late Mn. and Mns. John Green, Min RI in the diet Thunsday afternoon with Mr. and Mns. Norman Williams, Gaît, Miss Green's pupils the basket o! Grade IX to Grade X Onono, became the bride o! Eger- îty as she was an active member () causes palyneuritis. Robb's car at Mn. Chas. Millen's at Mn. F. Hail's. . . Miss Adele flowers. Rev. McLacblan was I-Dan Chmara. ton Harold Hancock, Oshawa, son o! the Women's Institute and corner. Mr. Robb's car was dam- Morton, Toronto, at home. ..-Mn. chairman for this proigram: duet II-Jean Patterson, Muriel Ten- o! Mn. and Mns. Egerton Hancock, Woman's Association and always The wheat derm is aged. Mns. George Buttens was a and Mrs. Neil F. Ponter and Shin- by Donotby Farrow and Sophia nant, Jean Syer, June Goode. Orono. did her share o! the quilting and recognized as a use- passenger in Mn. Robb's car. No ley at Bobcaygeon.. Prof. Miît. Shutka, violin selection by Jacob îMaoie caen Cl- The bride, who was unattended, other work in whîch the ladies aureouade foVtm l Cua oewsind Staples, Guelph, at home. ..-Mr. Hallowell; solo, Josie Trlm; piano eneFroShre-otr wore an attractive redingote wr nae.Hrci!itns are adefro whoe weat Miss Grace Warren, Wbitby, A. Manning and family, Ganden duet, Mrs. Lynch and Ms .J C-Bruce Cbapman (Fnench), costume o! heavenly blue with9Uiehrhoeadcuhwa in which the wheat Éermn is visited friends hene. Hill, were in Orono Sunday. . . Mellon; solo, Gwen Gilmer; nead- Neil Moffat, Jim Patt er s on white accessories and corsage o! in the local softball league which retained ini its entirety. Mn. Ren Foster, Toronto, was Mr. and Mns. Holden and family, mng, Mrs. Tamblyn; solo, Sophia (French), Howard Myles (French) Johanna Hill roses and baby's she attended negularly. here Friday. Oshawa, at Mn. A. Allen's... Shutka; duet, Eileen Todd and Velma Morgan (Mathematics). breath. Sunviving ane her busband, one Mn. and Mns. Austin Shenwin Mn. and Mrs. Holman, Mn. Brass Phyllis Gilmer; solo, Mrs. Lynch. F-Victor Jondan, Lillian Fow- The only guests were the two son, John, Jr., one daughter, and daughter Flora, Hamilton, and Mns. Richardson, Toronto, at Mn. Wm. Savery read a veny 1er (Art), Pauline Cowan.winseM.iloGrnoyZea(M.Midto)ndfu M.and Mr. Binnie Sherwin and Mr. Arthur Saunders'. . . Mn. and complimentary addness outlining brother o! the bride and Mn. Mar- grandchildren, Elmer, Edgar, Enid daughten Marguenete, Burlington, Mrs. Ken Gamsby, Onono, Mn the valued services Miss Green GaeXt rd I lw Hnok rte !teadEncOoo looess visited at Mn. Robent Sherwin's - and r.W iln saa at had rendened in the eight years I-Carol Staples. groom. ter, Mrs. Wilson, and one brother, and Mrs. C. Moon. Kawartha Lakes..- -Mns. G. H. she had been in our midst as II -William Colville, George After the ceremony the happy Leslie. Mis ilaNde hsbenLinton and Miss Iva, Toronto, teacher. The address was signed Walters, Carol Dent. couple left on a wedding trip to Rev. S. Littlewood conducted 4 [liss iolatasNode hasmbee with Mn. G. M. Linton, Mns. Lin- On behaif o! the community scbool III-Bernice Colville and Len- points in Eastern Ontario. the funeral service Tuesday after- hor.aîGatFa sumer cA.,anp. ton remaining. . . M. James Lin- section No. 10 and Shiloh Chuch ora Wood equal, Bob Cooper noon. were Messrs. R. G, w ie BAt. n ton is on.a two months trip with by Mrs. W. A. Hallowell, Ms. (Latin), Jim Ard (French, Latin). Keth - Wilson Cornfoth, C. S. McLaren, W. B. BRbRaotw aiidatM. a suveying paty. .. M. and Ross Hallowell, M. Lorne Todd. C-Ruby Allin (Mathematics, Hoar. R. Sutton, Geo. Cooper, H. - H. R. Rowe's.Mns. Fred Lorriman, Toronto, Mn. Miss Green made a fitting neply. daMls(ahmt cs) Bo A veny pnetty weddmng was The Statesman wiil be sent to A. Stevenson and chum, Mont- Soeeches wene then made by Rev. Coatham (Latin),EeaoRns solemnized in Toronto, June 29th any address in Canada until end real, at Mn. J. F. Lorriman's. cahaM.MoMs . benry (Mathematies). when Freda, daughten o! Mn. and o! 1940 for $1.00. W. H. Rowe was in Madoc. .. Mn. Robb, Mn. Lorne Todd and Mn. FWlimBrd(g. uiMns. Charles Wilson, became the Misses Ruth Lowden and Aud- and Mrs. Douglas Redpath, Mar- Levi Hallowell. Art), Calvin Dunn. s'bride o! Mn. George Keith. Rev. ff~i rey Cowan, Tonont, visited at Mn. garet and Dorothy, Oshawa, Mn. __________ Hunter officiated.ine rf ctT C. Lowden's. Fred Shenwin, Herbent and Olive, Grade XI te Grade XII The bride looked charming in a The park was a busy place Roseneath, at Mn. Walter Shen- Ebenezer Staples. frock o! flowened sheer chiffon Satunday with three picnics. wis...M.adMs JakI-nd oeGlnTmb with white hat and accessonies, E A new hock lias been put on Marks and Barbara, Toronto, at cosgofre. h wore the hibrary doon as the key was Mn. C. B. Tyrrel's... Miss Elva Recent Visitons: Mns. Walter III-Jean Fornester, Margaret the gi!t o! the groom, a !ancy bar stolen.Tucker, Toronto, is boiidaying Sniden and daughter, Vivian, with Flintof!, Kathleen Simpson. pin set with diamonds. Kirby de!eated Fonestny Il to bere. . . Mn. and Mrs. S. Payne Mns. Muin at Brantford and also C - Dick Morton (French, Mrs. Arthur Falls, Bowman- ~g p . 6 in Th4rsday's softball game and Beve ley at W est Hill.. iiebM.nie a a ies i d. er o wnh wasideo! se which was very unexciting and Miss Gloria Richardson in Osh-Mn. and Mrs. Oliver McCulloch Forester (French, Latin). sheen chiffon vioe, asheofse quiet Midleto and im Wod aa. .. Mr.Ed. itheidge n an Mr.MDrrk MPattensonn.F-Dak whitesn.bater whiteo v aoeesnsoniesre and pitched and Major and Winter North Bay. .. Edgar Middleton field, at Mn. Blake Oke's. . . Mns. awieht ht cesre n caught for Forestry while Morton at Musselman's Lake. .. Miss Walter Walken, Victoria, B.C., a bracelet o! lucky stones, the S and L. Loweny pitclied and caught Bernice Stainton and Mn. Towns, wîth her cousin, Mrs. A. J. Gay CAMP FIRE SERVICE gift o! the groom. Hen corsage wthroughout for Kirby. West and Cobourg, at Mn. Stainton's ' and other relatives. .. Mrs. W. R. was roses. Mn. Arthur Fails was Fred Wood umpired. Messrs. Harold Seymour, *Elgin Countice and Ronald, Toronto, IS GALA EVENT best man and received a wallet _______________ U b E NQEWIT IItJune 25th was very enjoyabe. adMr.Goro ugttadandih nelatie oM, Jkwith Pic- The camp fie service Friday the igroom. ceemony a e- b Cubs contain the whole wheat-the Fllwing suppe a play "Un- Nancy, Toronto, at Mn. Wm. Sey- tives. Te boys will remaîn at niglit turned out to be an evenmng ception was held at the home of precous wheat germ, the bran, the tanglin oy and accordian mour's. Mrs. Harold Seymour the !anm for the sumnmen. o! fun in the Park St. Sunday the bride's parents which was mierls Ad n ddtintobenga ols y is ors hye f etrndhoe it hr usan, Miss Grace Tulwopassed Sh nl oom. Newcastle Uinate dby aot5 people. Re- sori nis A n ndtineto Oolos wee enjoyed. and Mrs. Suggitt and Nancy re- hen Normal Sclool exams, will membes were guests. Foiowing ceving were Mrs. Wilson, Sr., are also delightfully tasty. The nu-ik rs. A. Clougli is on the sick mained. . Mn. and Mns. A. Wliyte, be in charge o! Baker's Sehool a sing-song and a brie! worship whose frock was black and wore fayon of the wheat is biended i ist. Miss Dorothy Whyte and friend next Faîl. Miss Florence Bennett period conducted by Rev. S. a corsage o! roses, and Mns. James mellow malt to, make it more enticing .Mns. J. T. Mornison. San Diego, Toronto, at Mn. F. B. Whyte's. will bave change o! the Junior Littlewood, in which Olive Brown Mof!att, Onono, aunt o! the bride, stili. Give the family a reai treat. Serve is guest o! relatives hene. Mrs. John Henry, Toronto. visit-no tN.8 read the scripture;. Liteodwo oeanvybu pitd ndeditho Rv. W.. L the menu being bacon 9-dictionary, the wisè nia's .jcatives andi fniendis was opcned. work at examination time and of r u any advantages ... Cot Sis ress lrk nin tony.-Mary Baker Eddy. r- vison responded thanking the through the ycar. etoau... lowet coet per yearc Coas Sit - rese ~Unin _______________givers. Rev. S Littlewood also Red Cross Coînntttechad a . .. good appffarance. Correcti Mr.Eachck - 2 foron1.OOocpare journed te the house, beautilully cecds aven $20. o Cedar Wood, creating tnip] 75ÇEa h 2fo $100off«W decorated with roses and peonles, Congratulations to Mn.r n heat and winter eold-ceffecting ing a silo. ni« wee a sing-song with Miss B. Mms. Robt. Hendry, Lake Shore, u o uipriuas Osha a Lundy & ry leaingMiss Marlon Rickaby ha ns TG "4 CH L Bragg at the piano was enJoyed. on their murniage. Mrs. Hendry Oshawa Laundry Dry Cleaning tunned after hohidaymng with Miss uu4-hil lefoo "d V tu delightfuî evening to a close. A No. 5 for four yeans. Copny imtdEileen Soucb. Usima ~woeId4ao. eOd&5 large bouquet of roses watukenOS A A WD 1 Phone 419Lime CUFr elvr Mn. Ed. Gruhamn, who had his ovo.i¶dD adqià, ~ t o Miss Myrtle abysse h ulenvrkoswa iallm otIuiliuAm !FoTrbynasstd hepuli nye kow watPhone lwmnilc-2130 Poe49tonsils removcd, la back to wonk. nec1 urbatus ofî r the groom, w ho is Wi, and thua it wants until it gets it.-St. Jh _________________________________p Mn. Marshall Chatterton la lin- Fm0.1>.blilP ' clleunable te attend. Ervine. rBAT R E f p' ler of "Coca-Cola" NATED BEVERAGES PHONE 755 207 Mercer. Floral offerings were beautiful and showed the esteem in which deceased was held. Fr1- ends were present from Toronto, Oshawa and Lindsay. Ask your ueighb<rs what Bray Cicks dld for them. Then sec Sonc of us for prices and de- livery dates. F. C. VANSTONE, Bowmanvline F. L. BYA1M, Tyrone J. E. NICHOLSON, Pontypool R. LLOYD STEPHENSON, Newcastle irst Quencher 7TEA e WIII Arrange BUlS iaerials, Red Cedar Shingles . resistance to hall and wind of fe ... naturé.l insulation application gives three lape le protection from summer a decided fuel saving. Cali PRODUCIS CO. Oshawa - 6W THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO -.-- --l

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