PAGE EIGHT THE CA ADIAN ST'ATE MAN, OW MANV LLE. NTART Percy Tuff and Miss Salisbury, C MIG V NT The New aste Achie Martin was accepted in St1 JhnS W. A. will holda I I ew a te ndependent Toronto last week Srt, 'sca nteCuc turned home for the weekend ac- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Edwards, at "The Towers." companied by his sister, Miss Potato Pie and Strawberry Kingston, visited hier parents, Mr. Miss Margaret Toms, R.N., who Aresta Martin, Toronto. Supper, Tuesday, July 9, at 5.30 and Mrs. W. F. Rickard, while has been with her parents, Mr. Mrs. John Devlin, formerly of p.m. on lawn of Mr. and Mrs. on their way to Erie Heights on and Mrs. Herb Toms, since coin- Oshawa, who has been spending A. J. Gay, Courtice under aus. ilassîeal je.t For Salete Loa e Eri d where Mr. Edwards ivesi ,has « turned to W estern Mrs. M erkley Clark, is planning Admission 25c and 15C. 1A dA RES,____________1_____________NG MA is supervising physical activities Hospital, Toronto, where she re- to rejoin her husband, who is in _______________ One cent a Word cash, each roims, for sale. (Hydro), barn wants outdoor work of any at a boys' camp. ceived her training and where she war service at Halifax, this week. insertion (minimum charge driving shed, excellent garden kind. Apply Arthur Watson, Ar -________________ Mr adMr.Jak tokwill be a teacher and supervisor Gordon Laking and Milton BIRTH 25C). Charge of 25e extra is with small fruits and vegetables, gyle St., Bowmanville. Box 327 ea .anp tosOttack Glover to!o nurses in the new wing of the Brown, two Newcastle youngPR made when advertisèment is lwr n an Nc oain 71 ati men who recently joined the PROUT - In Bowmanvilîe Hos- flot pald same week as Iser- foaero ad, 1-4 mNieleomn 7 Thpoyesoffice.sAfandrso acmthryMr. and Mrs. Lewis and family, Heavy Artillery at Kingston, aon J Mune Pro194, ato M.tion. Extra charge of 10e when village. Apply to owner, Mrs. M AS 0ON WORK WANTED - M.GV.OUDBA. . epo y a hee fJ. d ersho Si th Hamilton, with hier parents, Mr. care up on Saturday in ktnhMseM uicirot asn, replies are directed to a W: G. Dod e Ha p n, nt1 Brickwork, Stonework, Plaster- r Cohad he e-a oidyoe and Mrs. Jno. Robinson. uniforms and spent the week-en Donald Maurice.Statesmanbxnmer: odgH ptnOt-'BrseSoctrNa -ed tterrsetv oe.Births, ets andbo nmrges27-1 ng. Phone 2501, Bowmanville.Phn35 Joc ndNny annT- On Wednesday afternoon Marg- at Mr homes.iaes 7- rotoe and argy aetonlTea aret Pearce was invited up taofMC. Carter, teller in the Bank MARRIAGES 50e each. In Memioriams, 50e AM O AE20 CE,2- ak fCmec lg rotao , a re d a yga it h N wcatle Hi h S hooowh r Commerce, returnd from his f r n tc l sl c p r u e for BoORwmaE- 200 ACRE NewasleHih Shol hee or otcepls oc erlie or Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front,:edrsWne Otwaehldyn ihtheir vacation in Nova Scotia and Que- HENDRY-SIMPSON - On Sat- verse. CIassllTeanderesDrinto owshp,2ses W . TRK ____________________T._M. ____So ciety shmetiwasofte ereda ad- cast Thursday, June 27th, and urday, June 29, 1940, at New- ments acce stfed UP unti 6 aigoo buldinship, divie.tENESWNsD -TN dressand reseted wth avol-was greatly shocked to learn of castle Parsonage by Rev. R. E. Wednesday. Wior wbithd rp.Pses.Idr o eoaingat theNew- Slicito forNBnkRof ontrea ____________________ue of assical compoiti ons for death, under tragic circum- Morton, Ethel M. S i im p s o n, W____or________________Possess-__ Barrister, SolicitortNotary ueo lsiacopstosfrstances, o! the former manager, daughter of Mr. Thomas J. ion to suit. Apply J. L. Metcalf , castle school will be received u oe oLa hn 9 the piano and containing cuts Mr. C. T. Batty, in bis absence. Simpson and the late Mrs. Card of Thanks Bowmanville. 21* oWdnsa, uy10 yIri owmnil, nai and biographical sketches o! many He had seen nothing of the event Simpson to Robert E. Hendry, M.L .Dn n aiyws AMFRSL 7000 Colwill, chairman of the Pro- _______________ of jhe great composers, by t he in the papers down east. Newcastle, Ontario.Mto LA. ethe rinds for t ihi ArbuysOe ofAtE bs-hudrd patiu0rsmy0e.btind Ineditorial staff of the school's year Ms .C oei n oJs perty Committce, from whom .r ASNnA DYE Bw avl boTeBzci prcainP. and Richard, left last week on HANCOCK-GREEN - On Satur- mny3 kind and helpful acts and acres in Cartwright Township.1 27-1- arse oiio Ie of the work she had donc in sten-a motor trip to Virginia, U.S.A. day, June 29th, 7.30 .,atherbuiflloltiue Soil, dlay loam; brick bouse,oay uc- . cilngon hetypewriter copyfosan Phone 8-Hour Phone the year.bokndMiss aurice Po Pearce, Park Street United Church, especially those who kept Mrs. large barn, stone foundation; Li l isbac~ dityarbor- inshiefrcte ad- Toronto, visited Newcastle re- Orono, by Rev. S. Littlewood, Dent's room bright with flowers farm neyer rentcd. Will accept 1 music uevso fi eleio-ncif edte latives on Sunday on their return Marlon Jean Ruth, daughter o! during the long hopeless weeks of $2,000 cash. Write Box 54 CIOSprisr Ofceimdatl at1f-oa 520 Service 520 dress and made the presentation from a week's holiday through. the late Mr. and Mrs. John illness. 27-1* Statesman Office. 2-tf MUSIC SUPERVISQR - MALE Phoe:Ofc68;Hm53 Su mr istors a»l ct which Margaret accepted with Eastern Ontario and New York- Green, Orono, to Mr. Egerton Supervisor of Music wanted for taeql eloi or shnee t eeafThterwards r u n e tgr llwloeor shînc ere ank.Tewrsenl Sae Harold Hancock, Oshawa, son of The family of the late John FARM FOR SALE - 100 ACRES, Bowmanville Public and Hig -Deta service deslgned for them. through the school's new dupli- Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Hancock, Lumb express their sincere thanks Lot 1, Con. 5, Darlington. Brick Schools, 21 hours weekly, able _______________ cating machine until about 200 1 know the Bible is isie Orono. to their neighbours and friends dwelling. Good out-buildings' to conduct orchestra. S t a t e D.J .D lVe yunedyorclte cpeswrepine admdebcas i insmea reterwbo were sa kind during their Hard and soft water through- qualifications and salary expect- Asitn:r.EW.Ssn frehen yued un a herr copresady fo r int edook maeedcpu ths finmy en getha ay EArecent oereavement; also the out. Apply Mac Smith, Orono. cd, duties ta commence Sept -Ga crisp, ea n a cool pho ecnatutor nteon ae.The t _of__________________ ____________and _________________61rSecy- lege, Toronto.. Office: Jury Jubîle editorial staff has rcceived many other book.-Coleridge. GLRIH-O udy ueFRSL Treas., Board of dcto US. erial and workmanship of their 3th, at her home, Newcastle, For Sale or Ret ho- e S ide f BenrICowavlSt.uc ,Blg, onanil. fieior yerbook from business firms in NEWCASTLE HIGH Mary Wilmot Galbraith, wlfe o! noernhouse eat ideoenreSt. EXPETS OR 0 VARS Toronto and elscwbere, from pri- SCHOOL RESULTS the late Duncan James Gai- FOR SALE OR RENT - SEVEN- cheap to close up an estate. Notice Phoni9:-Huephn 8 EXET O 0YAS vate citizens and from noted braith, and daughter of the late roomed bouse on Station Street, Apply A. E. Belîman, King St. X-aEuimninOfc educators, including Mr. A. A. Report o! final examinations, Samuel Wilmot, mother o! Mrs. Orono. Modemn conveniences. West. Phone 526. h1-tf THE PUBLIC LIBRARY WlILL BOWMANVILLE - Martin, I.P.S., B.A., B. Paed., June, 1940: A. R. Wynn, Brantford, Ont., lHard and soft water. Apply H. be DR. R. O. DICKSON fro Brighton. and Mrs. A. D. Wheeler, Bow- Cornish, Orono, or Martin Lin- FOR SALE - FIVE ROOMED J lscd fo o iday sinlrov.m T Newcastle girls met s o meMideSho manville. ton, Marrmora. 27-1w* bouse on North Main Street,Reon Auut 1. 27-1 Over LnmnsSoeNw C LE&AN E RS worthy rivals in the Maple Grove Jean Bonatban-Eng. Camp., C; Orono. Apply L. A. Dent, R-pn s.- Oficeas and team in their softball game June Eng. Lit., F; Anc. Hist., C; Alg., IN MEMORIAM Spraying 54.27-1w* HAVING onlyEDTH 26h cr al rv n ;Chem., F; Fr. Camp., F; Fr._____________________________ Power Tbresbing uft 1, W.______________ Newcastle4. Maple F. dear husband and father Wil- done by experts. Oshawa Spray- ______________ ta handle custom tbresbing and Vt .D E SMiss Annabelle Hendry bas Betty Enwright-Anc. Hist., C; liam H. Gay, wbo entered into ing Service. Phone O s h a w a FOR RENT - SUMMER COT- silo-filling. I aim ta give the best -D. .DVY BVS. ___________________ nai Lad' olleesaf W heitby .,E;ithHendry-E. Cmp rest July 9, 1939. 1855. 27-4-w tage by the week, at Bobcay- satisfaction possible. Contact me Mrs. Hitchman, Ottawa, is vis- Anc. Hist., I; Alg., I; Chem, I; Fr. Ldovigly remebee b-w! geon. Fully furnished, fireplace, aJmeGisnsBse ine. Su iting bier daughter, Mrs. Chas. Camp II; Fr. Auth., I; Lat: adide. Weekiy Feed Special garage, wood, outboard nriotor 27-1 Scesrt r .F ih ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Rogerson. M r. Arnold Peterkin, C, p* ; Lat. Auth., I. PRESTON - In loving memomy 3 GR I SC A H (W AT skif. Rev. H. W . Foley, B aw- esi de c - P an 4 ZRýOttawa, motared ber up. CampN.,ATH WHA manville. 26-2* Personal Th mriae !Mis aoty Donald Jase - Eng. Comp., I; o! a dear son and brother Cracked Corn and Buckwhcat) FOR RENT - S MAL L S H OPF ~ Ragen, eldehe mraghro MiDr and Anc. Hist., I; Alg., 1; Chem., I; Jimmie who left us so suddeniy $6 e w. f,.odani E'WN NOMLPP Fnea ietr Raeedrduhe fM.adFr. Camp., II; Fr. Auth., I; Lat. July 7, 1939. 6 e w.Ofrgo ni suitable for store or office. Ap- M-N!WAT NORMAL______________ N~N~ Jl1~.. Mms. H. J. Ragen, Toronto, and Camp., 1; Lat. Auth., I. Ever remembered by Mumi, JulY 11. F. C. Vanstone. Phone ply Mms. J. W. Knight, phone Vira? Try Ostrex Tablets. Their FNRLfIÉTR Mm. E. Arnold Wilkinson, To- Lawrence Millson-Eng. Camp., Dad and Grace Ann. 27* 777. 27-1 448, Bowmanville. 23-tf tonics, stimulants, oyster cIe- Serice n om n a onta, is announced ta take place C; Eng. Lit., C; Anc. Hist., C; -.mnsaead onra e in St. Giles' United Church, Alg., II; Chera., II; Fr. Camp., F; SELLERS - In loving memomy Tuit FOR RENT-FURNISHED BED- aftem 40! If not deîigbted with F .M ri o Toronto, July 6th. The bride is a Fr. Auth., C; Lat. Camp., C; Lat. o! our dear son and brother _________________,A _ room or unfumnisbcd upstairs esults first package, maker me- Modem oo qipet m OSA Agranddaughter o! Mrs. John Auth., C.- Herbert, who died July 6, 1934: TOURIST ACCOMMODATION fiat with downstairs conven- funds its Iow price. Cali, write bulance, n nai a.Ci OS A ADouglas, Newcastle, and bas Mauricé Pedwell -Anc. Hist., Deep in aur hearts is a picture in private home, ail conven- lences and use o! garden if de- Jury & Lovell and ahl other Phone 40o 3,Assat53 Free Parking phone 1011 spent many vacation peiods here. C; Chem., F. Worth more than silver and iences, garage, central location; sired. Apply tai Mrs. Jane Gar- good druggists. 21-tf Miss Dorothy Trcnwith, To- Maurice Powell - Eng. Camp., gold; also furnished cottage at Bow- et, Qucen St., near bigh school.______________________________ onta, visited Miss E. L. Trenwitb. II; Anc. Hist., II; Alg., III; Cbcm., It is a picture o! aur dear Herbie manville Beach ta ent. Mrs. 27-1* Thurs. - Fni. - Sat. Week-end guests at Mr. T. F. C; Fr. Camp., F; Fr. Auth., III; Who's memory will neyer grow W. E. Germy, Queen St., Bow -______________ JULY 4-6 Fenning, Miss Mary and Mm. Lat. Camp., F; Lat. Autb., C. old.1 avlePhn287 26* Anna Neagle - Ray Mllaad Branton's were Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Kathleen Toms -Eng. Camp., Father, mother and Famîly c hn 27 62 Agents in the sparkllg musical _______________ C; Eng. Lit., III; Anc. Hist., C; romance_________ ___ Alg., I; Cbem., II; Fr. Camp., II; WORDEN - In loving memory o! For Sale INTERESTED IN EASY MONEY? Fr. Autb., II; Lat. Camp., I; Lat. Albert Herman Worden wbo _______________- -Sell two .bundred popular, PRESE V ~ irene " - Auth., III. passed away July 7, 1939: FOR SALE -THE FOLLOWING guaranteed products. follet ar-SERV IN GTIM E IeeYou're not forgotten, father creara separators, 1- No. 16 De ticles, spices, extracts, tea, Now is the time to do your preservgwietesrw witI Lower Schooi dear, Lavai, excellent condition; 2- coffee, etc, fmom bouse ta bouse, bernies are in1 their prime. Let us supl o iheey Roland Young, May Robson - Grade X (Letter "P", indicates Nom ever shail yau be; No. 12's, rebuiît; 1- No. 7 Mas- No isk under thirty-day trial. hg you need to make your p Alan Marahal, Biflie Burke that a pass standing bas been As long as life and memory last, sey-Hammis; 2 Crown gang pîows. If anxious tai work, ask for coin- 0 à L secumed; "F" indicates failure): We shail remember you. Appîy O. Hyland, Burketon, plete free details without any Fresh StrawberriesDal Friday a .. HAR Doris Allin-Eng. Camp,P; Eng. Lavingly remembered by Lamne, Ontario. 27- lw* obligation. Jito Praduets, 1435 REVIVAL I Lit., P; Art, P; Science, F; Can. Iva and Ruth. Montcalm, Montreal. 27-5 Rubber Gem Jar Rings -GmJr Fridy at11 .m. il ist. F; eog IXP; ath. P;FOR SALE - HAY, BY ACRE TheAdvntuesBOWMANVILLE Hs,;Go.X ;Mt. ; Tewr !teetosuet or~ ond sbames; aiso a quantity o LADIES WANTED - A FEWM b SBey Th detrs .1Home of Regal Entertainment Robert Allia -Eng. Camp., P; is wortby of special praise. Eacb rin bac 28. mcore cntlad ers td: ust ee a es.Boe e DnihnlEng. Lit., P; Science, P; Can. Hist, bas secured first class honours lan J placnvngtaîkesors ta od irclearly e....... 0f oi oo P; Geog., P; Math., P; French IX, seven subjeets during the current FOR SALE - 2,0 FT. WHITE plaei advantagcsa s aeod MrceW i......3 z a Errol lyn, lvi e'avP;Tus.-Lat-St. Kirnt EgPCap.iF year. Tbey are two o! tbe best pine plank, 3 years dry, suitable Products affer ta buyems. AI- wl~~eth atnEng. Li. ;Sine ;Can. isF;stdensh ave ever taugbt, and for silo. Apply Orville Greer, ready selling in immense quan- Krf S Erol m lnd n loraDevlous . r.- a. Eg.Lt, ;SincP ab itIpredistIa billiant future for Bumketon R .3 71 iis ort orcnasn rf Velveeta Cheese .. . . tehndIncoor JUY 45- F; Geog. IX, P; Math IX, P, otb a!f tbem. necessary ta, show articles and Finest Assortment of Christies'Feh lÊ- tecniclorJUL 4--6French, F; Business IX, P. P a Grade X the work of Law- FOR SALE - 3,000o CELERY take orders for saine. Good coma- CU ~s r .Pauline Dliae-Eng. Camp., P; rence Morton bas been outstand- plants, 1,000 cauli!lower ta mission. Unlimited eamaings FRESH FRUIT AND VEGTBE Mo. Tes ACm urcus Eng.Lit., P; Science, P; Can. Hist~ . esids winning theGencrai clear. ApplyS. J. Jackman & passible. Fiends, neighboms, hFhFoy "AtLTh8-9;Latin, P; Math.,_P;_French,_F______esanyone will be glad ta arder.Fra JUY89Ltn .I.this by bas been daing brilliant -____________ With the Marx Brathers Ruby Gibsonf-Eng. Camp., ,F1 work in music, and this spring FOR SALE - FOX TE RRIER For free catalogue and details BrotherOrchiEanng. Lit ; r , P;SineI,. won thie gold medal for piano pups, 3 manths old. Apply R. write: Familex, 570 St. Ciement, Comey - ews an. ist. F;Geog., P; Math. IXsolo at the Music Festival held la Colville, Liberty St. N., Bow- Mnra.2- EdadGwinsnAn P; French IX, F; Business, P. Bowmanville. manville. Phone 538. 27-1 Nothing is s0 indicative o! HKARIRY A L N Edar GwRbisohnn Mfatinee Satu.rday 2.30 p.m. Dora Martin -Eng. Camp., F; The General Proficiency awamd epscutr as a tne con- Phn36-8 THE CRE R Sothera, Humphrey Bogart _____________ Eng. Lit., P; Art, P; Science, F , for Grade IX went ta Farncomb FOR SALE - THREE QUAR- sideration o! the ignorant.-Em- Can. Hist., F; Gcog., P; Math., Le Gesley. Aîtbough this boy bas ter bed witb springs and mat-_____________________________ F; Business, F. ust begun bis Higb School career, tress. Also large aak table. Wednes. - Thurs. Mon. - Tues. - Wed . Lawrence Morton-Eng. Camp., b is doing excellent wamk and is Phone 661. 27-1 JULY 10-11 IlEg itP cine ; a.bun" ta have a very successful BERRIES FOR SALE - ANY TWOGRATFETUESJULY 8-9-10 Hist., P; Geog., P; Math., P; tuture. WOGETEAUEFrnyhMurmayt nCm., P J. Coombs, Principal. quantity. Get yours while they yyRy______________., P arc big and iuicy. Lowest - "Th For ustMely ou WiesEng. Lit., P; Science, P; Can. Hist., prices. Phone Bowmaavilc eI wihP; Geog., P; Math., P; French IX, NWATEPBI 2208. 26-2* I lE HuhSnlar rnisL etrigteLneSsesP; Lat., F. -- Hugl Siclar, ranis . Peturng he aneSisers Muirel Pcdwell -Eng. Camp., SCHOOL RESULTS RECONDITIONED TIRES Sullivan Gofe ynadJ h s,P; G eogit P; inMF ath. heSave up ta 50% on tires and V AA T IN The most breath-taking bit y ynadj IHi., Eng Lit., P; cienc , ; an resuîts are given in grade tubes. Full stcck botb new and In years Garfield French, P; Latin, P. forra: reconditioncd, some eal buys.Ri1IM M and Hazel Powell-Eng. Camp.. P* Senior Room G. F. Jamieson, Tire and Bat- Eng Lt.,P;Science, P; Can From Grade 7 ta Grade 8-A tery Sbop, King and Silver Sts. Qulyan Fes esinE ryA ile. " hoHist.,P; Geog., P; Math., P: standing-Doreen Enwright, Mary 23-t! BESRhTeTEN H FrenchP; Lat., P. Purdy, Francis Jase; B -Tracy 11 G os CrnsHoe" ROA O1JLY1THE DlyPry- a.Cm ;Embly, Jacqueline Smnitb; C-_ FOR SALE - VENETIA EnCce c, P;A de d ud y ( aod liden w iasfsi ae Pn. e A e N yer nde sol Exer lcese mchnis rerae hee ayiEng. Lit., P; Art, P; Science, P; Grade 2 ta Grade 3-A-Claire EP ATD FRMHN Exper Iic nscd mech nics re rre t ese ays!Br. Hist., P; Geog., P; French, P; Alli, Helen As, Hazel May wated at once. Apply Laverne Il c . I W i e S o a t . . . . . . . . .5 Drive in today. Motor fils diaguosed by Business, P. Fisher, Ronnie Hockin, Rodger Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, Winner o! Wilmot Medal for Mellow, Grace Ana Preston, Phone 2436. 27-1 specahits higbest standing ia the Middle Marjorie Toms; B ____________________ Scbool-Donaîd Jase. Mary Margaret Bnt ,Ida For Sale or Exhange UU L v E L Winners o! Montague Scbolar- Rogerson, Newton Sclby. sbips ($125 each)-Editb Hendry Grade 1 to Grade 2-A-Cath- FOR SALE OR EXCHJANGE JUY- LVL GA T NS G R G and Donald Jase. aine Dedny Keitb Mellow, Farm wagon for sale or wifl rxe D S*oe GARTONS GARAGE Winner o! French Pize-Edith Ernest Secr B-Velma Al- xchaiigestov waad. (g40d' Hendry, dread, Allan Branton, Ronald \APPIY David Mut- Phone 778 W'hen We Test Eyes It Io Done Properly Bwavll Phone 2666 King St. l Winner a! Math. Prize-Donald Graham, Dorcen Selby; C-Jack S. North o! Jase. Gray. 27-1* 'il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, -ONTARIO fr!LrT rDC21'% A %Y rTTT XY A- ...-