jprobablY has more of these lovely I I flowers groing in borders than W ne ThIe c sl n e e d n anyone else in Newcastle. AIATETWATD 3O I ~ ~~~Phone Clarke 1114S h o l R p r sw ne, P ne 46 a - The Misses Chidley, Toronto, George's Garden Party, a bit of cniin pl retFi are spending their vacation at Entente Cordiale.' DEVITT'S SCHOOL RR ,Bwavle "The Lilacs" Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eîlbeck and Report of S. S. 3 Cartwright; 29.2- Mrs. Orner Cole returned at Jack, Mr. Murray Eilbeck and names in order of menit: nnH Notices I~R ts ~ saeFrSl the end of June from hier visit in Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Kay mot- To Grade 7 - Ralph Herrick. CRYEMA t saa ilr' eat ho ll e O e dAd no chRealen, god positioneper Pieron, owa oreowa.tony Lae onThusdav TonGade6L-aayeerrik, Hspial, uly th,194adte r6 -oseath Heerofion.,JuHo22,cenaalrd csheach FAR FORSALE- GODFO0R eSaprtmet byyoug cople W. A. of United Church meets to visit Mr. Harry Simpson at his Hellen Snudden, Leslie Johnston. an4M0, ervn Cyd ran 1940 wekofMo.,Jy21~* in erin (iimmch arg rgt 2mlsesto ih aemnOfier8 ford's group in charge. Ison, manager of the Woodbine John Thompson. acrefaranstMConessiondart- manet. Apply ox 57, < Mr ad rs EerttBrwn iBranch of Royal Bank, Toronto,! To Grade 4 - Joyce Larmer. trDin ae. Dr. H. Ferguson's office will be fde headrism t tyn, Bowmanville. 28-1 ~g, r no, we re getsBroMnRoal formerly manager of thei To Grade 3 - Eunice Herrick, LEWIS - At Oshawa General closed fromn Saturday-noon, Juîy not paid same week as iser- o Eclag arnwr uda ussa Mrs. oreyoayal~ Bank at Newcastle. Velma Graham. Hoptl1nTusaJl 3th, to Friday night, July 26th. tion. Extra charge of 10c when FAM FO SAE20 CR , Mn. and Mrs. C. S. Horrocks; To Grade 2 - Audrey Larmer. 1940, to Dr. and Mrs. Haitley 28-1* replies are directed to a Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front, IFORECAG -AFOR MissanDors. H. aC Pedeand iand daughters h ave a little girl,l Thelma Freeman, teacher. Lewis (nee Agnes Vanstone), a S_ ma o ubr Darlington Township, 2 sets bre clr lcr v family on a visit to St. Catharines. a nîne year old war guest f rom son. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle's office Births, deaths and marriae good buildings. Will divide. wt vn n ndtm £z ~ î d hEngland. She came over alone wl e 'e ro cdy uy 50 ah nM raes 0 iho ihu rp.Pses funrs.A. of he unclte drnuhend rrived at Newcastle C.N.R. SALEM WERRY - On July 2, 1940, t t o îîbecosedayfror Mcnday,8- Ju orync e plusl0 Meor im,0 Wt r ihutcos.fsos- QebcHatrfrF i anda Rt of lhe to MondayuJulystation 28na2*aforrnoticeevplusMr.caper s.neafordionWeto suit.sApplyssJ.iL. Metcalf,- Range, sintAiAcondition.MeApply RnelofDeseronto, on June 30.'sainSudyateno. ev iReport of S.. Mr Hroo.A Wrr, ere.arling- avetie- Bowmanville. 26-3* t r.J .Elot ..î Rendell, ofland Mrs. D. R. Dewdney wr ,Drrg Kedron, the gift of a daughtcr. The Public Library will be clos- ments accepted up until 6 Breoo hn 1-.2- Mrs. Cumberland, Toronto, is: also at the station to meet hierl ton f or the promotion examina- and baby sister for Ronald ed for holidays frorn July l5th to p.m. Wednesday. FRSL OI RC summering with her daughter,1 A brother and sister are* also oný tions: John. JulyORstSAinlusiveORe-opnRAug Mrs. Geo. Farncomb, at the Lake.. their way from England to be-j To Grade VIII - Daphne Bur- _________y_________ st , ic28ive1Reopent M o d e r n cdoneneneSt. S Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Skinner andicorne wartime guests of miss B.;rus*, Hilda Darch.- s.21 For het ousern eastsideoenreSt.lgnt babe, Oshawa, are holidaying at Mcîntosh.1 To Grade VII - Dorothy Winter, - MARRIAGE- APARTMENT TO RENT -3 cheap to close up an estate. INTEETDIIAYMNy Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sallows'. Miss Marion Allun, who resign- George Cowling. WIHMKNO nSt Livestock For Saleroedaatretia Apply A. E. Belîman, King St. -Sitohndemoplr Arnong Newcastle boys who> ed hier position as teacher in PeelI To Grade VI - Clair Cowling, urday, July 6th, at Collegeiecs in Victor Manor A Wst Pon 56.ilt unnedpout.tie r signed up with the Heavy Artil- County to take a position on the D ' FOR SALE - 9 YORKSHIRE, ments, King St. West. Apply . tce~sieetat, ta Dougas Cator. Hegts, Guelph, by Rev. George cofe ec rr os ohue lery at Kingston was Maynard Bowrnanville Public Schooî staff, To Grade V - Lawrence Shortt, Quiggan, Ruth Jean, daughten pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to P. Marjorie Kay Shop, Victor' lelp vvanLeu orsdne hnydytil Clough of the Queen's Hotel. was presented with a set of nested r Billy Moore. of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Lachlan Firiey, 4th bouse north of Manorn 28-tffanouto ,c- Recent visitons wîth Mrs. Non-1 walnut tables and an eîectnîc' c ro o uIp, oGeweork ask cho, hneHLPWNTD - AAfE P ma î ~ Rv iko! table lamp, together with an ad- Jto rd V-Drt Fwe. Tod Wright, sonof Mn. 2an9.28-1* TOR HEP WNTE SUAITEt freOdtals ithLtan ma li er e.E Tn n over Jury & Lovell's store oman for general housework. oliaonJioPdut, 43 Mohawk, Mn. and Mns. Taylor, dness conveying the community's' To Grade II - R e t a C a n n*, Mns. Arthur G. Wright, Harnil- Light and water. Apply Mrs. T» PO. Box 143, Bowrnanville. MnclMnra.2- Chernywood, and Mn. and Mrs: appreciation of lher services and Grant Winter, Donald Richards, ton. FOR SALE - SMALL HORSE,281 ý hirrgrt a ie earuea *Hno .G. Mason or L. C. Mason, 81*______________ Herb. Tink, Solina. theurlregesat hen danne t *ri .oo cheap, or will trade for __________________________ a ubicgahein hldinhe1 Farewell Blackburn, teacher.'D A H type. Phone 345. 2-1 Ban28ste1 Mrs. Ed. Quinlan and younger honour before she neturned home eDE _____________________ _________________MAN_ _ _1_T_ LET - 5_R O O M ED A P 28-1 H ELPW Ar n TE D-S N G LEA N P ers o n al members of lier farnily, Toronto, to Newcastle. FOR SALE - YOUNG WORK T E -OMDAAT own nfr. ApyH are spending their second vaca-' Sunday evening, when Rev. R. HUBBARD - In Enfield, on honses; one Welsh pony, mnarie; ment, tbree-piece bath, eîectric' Earle Osborne, R.R. 4, Bowman- 1 MEN.WN]OML PP tion week at the old Breen home, E. Morton preached on The King- Wednesday, July loth, 1940, Young sow, due next month tnnics, stimulants, oyster ele-ile. 8-1 Newcastle-on-the-Lake. 'dm ! Gd itin sthene Arthur T. Hubband, beîoved. Young pigs. Austin Wood, Bow- OngtAurnace h.a gas. ses- vil..81 iT ryOte abes hi iono Aug. l6tsbte ew1 on 2. 28pply W. T.ANts a ad t norl i Anumben o! Newcastle men, Allun Quartette, Ross, Win., Stan-, husband o! Hannah Hubbard, manville, R.R. 4. 28-1* Syrnons. Phoe25. 8 ELP anTEDr - EXPERIEb mNC- mehe aia e including George Meadows, have ley and Morley, sang Just As Ii Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. in his 58th year. The funeral-- or untîl Faîl. AI lyBo 59, resut îs akg ae e joined the mîlîtia and are goingArn Wthout One Plea. Aften the W. J. Milîs, St. Marys, Mn. and fo ilatresidence, Lot 34, FO SALE - 10 YORKSHIRE FrSaeCo ttsa fie ora- fnsislwpie al rt ou t Oon tre nghs wekmorning service Rev. Morton, as- Mns. G. Kesslen, Brooklyn, N ocsin8 alntn o pigs, 6 weeks old, fed milk and ville 281 Juyf&foveeandall the to drill in the armories. sisted by the Eldens, including Rev. and Mns. E. Beîknap and Satunday, July l3th. Service at pig starter. Thomas Collis, north FOR SAEilWO-HOSEgodu ggss 1t Mrs. Marshall, sister of Mn. ýMn. Thos. Moffat who recently son Murray and daughtens, Bon- 2.30 p.m. (S. T.). Interment at o! Russel Worden's, Maple International hay press or xii'E ATD-AFWMR Wm.NelMis Mgge Ntta.d'celebrated bis 86th binthday, ad- nie and Betty, Hamilton, N.Y. Pine Grove Cemeteny, Prince Gov.2* trade for cow. W. C. Pansons, wanted to act as agents. Must MOHRSRCO MN Misses Peggy Gates and Betty'ministened the Sacrament wbicb Miss Elsie and Mn. Fred Sam~is, Albert. ________________ Phone 2315, R.R. 2, Bowman-1 be convincing taikers to clearly Walker, Toronto, are holidayîng was partaken of by a number o! En! ield, and Miss Joyce Aber- _________ille. _28-_____________ b OREAM 0Fuse at Mn. Neil's Newcastle bouse. summer nesidents and visitons. nethy, Maple Grove, Mn. R. Ste- QUICK - At Belleville General Spaigvle 81 hl explain datges k our usea- BRE O Miss Lilian Pooley, wbo bas FOR SALE - BINDER AWN l read sling in immense benatnigth ihSho Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Stowe, phens, Gornie, witb Mns. C. Bung- Hospital, July 8th, 1940, Amelia PAINTING -WHITE-WASHING, and Coa as TWINaile Procsra Ie duts offer in buense benatnigteHg colMiss Margan and George, To- mbîster. . . Mn. and Mns. T. Mc- Hungenford, widow of Fredenick done by experts. Oshawa Spray- sonable. quality rigbt; early qatte.Do odo a- Man ohr n Dra oayigC wthmer pa Trento s, Mn. and onto, spent a short time at New- Laughlin and Gordon, Toronto, Quick and mothen of Donothy igSrie oeOshawa oresacpe adapeit asieesa ory to showcart- Cut n lehn nCnd Mayn iHb aent ntMrd catle-on-the-Lake Sunday and at Mn. A. Oke's. . .Mrs. C. Burg- F. and Arthur S. Quick. i1855. ie.Pho 27-4 aw a* red By cash edand abu wcan Mn.G. . eaowoaveerne! ccmpayîg he waetwomateewthbe nicefMs.G.__________and_________ Ytîle an tkeoren frosme s haeioudeamakehipvve th lstGea Wn ad r Tos wen nd Pmela , MisCsleogbryj Vasister, s Sephie so ai-eert IaNe MvtMyORIAvinMUnusually good commission. Un- ment ntehat adsdns weeen d getMse eoia'a ap aeLnas e N M M RA otn fV tr'L s R. E. Osborne, Bowmanville. limited earnings possible. Every- Brown have been to Toronto to who are war guests ini Canada tIton. .. Mn. G. Bradley, Camp McREYNOLDS - In sad remem- 1___ 6 82 oy uso ight. For fee cat- of thercidnafeicldg try and eniist in some wan ser- from England. They wene among1 Borden, and bis fathen. Mn. G. brance o! our beloved daughten Voters' Lists, 1940. Municipality FOR SALE - V E N E T I1 alogue and detaiis, Familex, 570intereulraiydtCRA vice, but without success to date. a party who anived in Toronto BradleyToronto, with thEeuieoNecseBae-Fda an wetoBanorees y,,e fonm- and sister, A'edra Sarah, wbo o! Cartwright, County o! Durham. blinds and awnings. Estimates St., Clement, Montreal. 28-1 J 0F BRE1Ti pplrcra Excuiv o Nwcste as-frdyadwn oBnkmer' wife and cbildren.. Mn. was called away July 10, 1933: Notice is hereby given that I have funnished free. Nortbcutt & contaisigeint hc o bailClu andnepesenaties 1 HallThey bave been attending, and Mrs. W. Rahm and famnily at Nothing but memories as we cmle ihScin8o h rihs hn o xhne ~ e n ul the local Red Cross held a meet- Sherbourne school, Dorset, Eng. Mn .R ah's, Union. . .Mrs. S. journey 0f, otpe ithSctin 8ofat Ihe S668. ,Bowmanviîîe, P2on-8 orSale or Ecane Onlybaupteod ing in the counicil chamber to Hamtnis'SftaîernR etbick with Mrs Bruce Wood, Lngig for a srnile fro a pse pat m office ____________________ uthaib-ivnfpogrte makefunherplanhforCiicandsisffost iltwitcNewasterTsont.ilt MssiBrnieNPewcasstole onegon;otn oMtse3rddayo! Jly,194, MATRESES& COFORERSFOReALEOR XCHAGE Ao!grea vaue or auit aswei holiday. - r -tno h r a fJly 90 R O AEO XHNE-as cdenl Mn. nd ns. . G Hay Mn here July 5th, with score New-. Fioyd Pethick, Toronto, at None knows the depths o! our tbe list o! ail pensons entitled to -Mattresses rebuilt, absolutely Farrn wagon for sale or wiil OnytechistCnda Mr n r.W.G aM.castie 16, Hampton 9. The New- Mn. S. R. Pethick's. .. Miss A. deep regret, vote i the said Municipality at new.. Feather beds made into excbange for stove wood (good barieyiusdntemaucue and Mrs. Bud Hay, Mns. A. Otten1 castle girls say it might bave been Allin and Mn. C. Cox with Miss But we reMeember when others municipal elections and that such s an it arny folding mattresses. hardwood). Apply David Mut- o! CREM0IALEcnan donfrmToot t ttn S.,ton girls had not been rendered, MLean and family, Miss Irene -Sadly missed by Mothen and And I eeby caluo ail made into down comfotes. Hospital. 28-1 a amunSEus George's stnawberry festival 0f hors de combat ini tbe first inn- Sauponoono..Musefuln ad Mrte od!ll Emononsr-cBeca Rasn ig eseKoo hrbase, cley, Sturgeon Falls, at Mn. A. ceedins ohae ny ro r able prices. Rep. here now.- recornmn RA FBRE Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. for the visitons, was run into by Sbarpe's. .. Mn. and Mrs. A. Fui: ROBERTS - In loving memory Phonaveanye3n2.o 24-8 Wanted To Rentasn daaipupecee. Fred Couch Jr. (nee Eva Hawke) Betty VanDusen as she was rush- 1er, Listowei, renewing old ac- of Ina, only daughter o! Mn mison 'conrected according to Poe32asiydgsetems estv on the birtb o! a son, and also to ing ion second to third and had quaintances hene. .. Mn. and Mrs. and Mns. Wm. Roberts, who le! i law, the iast day for appeal being RECONDITIONED TIRES - WANTED TO RENT - SMALLstrabcnetmi.CEAu Mn. an Mn . ran M lle ~ ' b r oot in une . he as una e A . Sharpe and Ivan, M rs. C . San- us to be w it b Jesus, July 4th, th 2 th d y o J l , 19 0 Save up to 50% on tires and apartm ent on ground floor or 0F B A L Y c n a n pr t s prantdweek . Rbr iig Kendai. . Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Ash- O. for the touch o! a vanished o! Juiy, 1940. reconditioned, some real buys. fenred) . Wanted by man steadily Infantsadcide stoe nd aubte fom et- S. EORE' GADE PATIton, Miss Margaret Dalton and band, WM. BEACOCK, G. F. Jamieson, Tire and Bat- enloyed with C.N.R. Immed- CREAM0IALYadaut stnean dugte ro Lth S. EOG'SGADE PRT'Mn. Orville Ashton at Mr. S. And the sound o! a voice that Clerk o! Cartwright. tery Shop, King and Silven Sts. late possession. Appiy Box 58, find i at n ouihn berid, Aa.,Idare visitingdber sis. N T A B Y S C A M ay's and Rev. H. Stainton's, is stiled. 28-1 23-tf dlo Statesman Office. 28-1 food. ters, Mrs. Ida Corner and Mns.Sundidge. M s. Ashton emaining Also in loving merorýr o! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brown, at "Longwood", Newcas- A Fourth of JuIy Success wt r.S omn otPny Auntie Ruth o! Rosemount, Mns. Wallace and sons, Sengt. The ladies o! St. George's for a visit. .. Miss June 'Ashton Montreai, wbo feil asleep July Ï Jae adToae o sm huc wr fvrd ih e-with bier sisten, Mns. I. Traveil, 2nd. 1937. mering ini their cottage at the fect weather for their StrawbernyOsa . lake. Sergt. James Wallace bas Social held on the rectory grounds "The Stay-At-Home Christian" Card of Thanks been attending an officers' train- on Juiy 4th. The crowds in at- was the sermon given by Rev. H. ing camp at Niagara. tendance must have deiighted ail Lackey Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Moise, Newcastle wisb to thank the J. U Mn. Geo. Gray, veteran o! the those wbo had planned and lab- Our Red Cross Society had a Anderson Smith Company, its VCE Great War, carneborne frorn ored to make the event a success. success!ui quiiting Tuesday whenemoysan oteswogv Christie St. Hospital Saturday Besides local residents there wene about 40 ladies were present. Four suh aaloe assstaers in s av- rmugtP] t l and will be home for a !ew weeks. mn rsn nm uad onsqiuits were quilted. If the ladies sng heir ubore assiotncte rent Fniends were delighted to see andi as fan away as New York, and knew how delighted the leaders fire. greet him after bis long stay in, Calgary and Lethbridge, Alta. were to have 50 many present hospitai.1 Many summer nesidents at the they would ail try to keep up COMINO V N SP e a l O Rev. R. E. and Mns. Mortonj lake were in attendance. Besides their attendance.________________ and Laurence attended a family the supper o! strawberries and The Werry Famiy Reunion wiii gathering o! ber people up Geor- cneam, cake, tants, etc., there be held in Hampton Park on gian Bay way on Friday and an were several othen features to at- Satunday, July 2th, at 10 a.m. annul gtheingo! Mn. Morton's tract attention and make theiri am to people at Keswick, Lake Simcoe, appeai and incidentaily to swell 2- on Saturday. the proceeds. An ice cream and ____ 2- SDCR Junior and Senior C. G. I. T. sundae bootb was operated by Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. The Annual Coliacutt Picnic Groups, with thein leaders, Mes- Mns. Tbos. Spencer and Miss June W. Spracklin, Toronto, with Mns. wiil be held Juiy i7th at 2.30 SDCR dames Geo. Walton and Inwin 'Gray. Tickets on the fo]dingiJno. Colwill. .. Mrs. J. R. Rey- p.m. i Hampton Park. 28-1 Colwili, held a successful home- lounge chair were sold by Dorairnolds and son, David Ross with made cooking sale July 6tb. Pro- Martin and Dolly Purdy who!h er parents and sister in To- Auction Sale A camp funds and part for Red candy in various containers was Mn. J. C. Naylor's. .. Mn. J. W. Fniday, July l9th, at 1 p.m., Cross. sold by Mary Pundy and Ruth1 Chapman, R.C.A.F., Trenton, Mrs. 125 bead of good stocker cattle, A picture o! Pilot Offîcen Mur- Overend. Ciock golf appealed to Chapman and daughter, Gael, consisting o! steers and heifens, ray Butler o! the RA.F., Engiand, those wbo have a !ondness for a Toronto, at Joe Chapman's . . weighing frorn 450 to 800 ibs. Sale appeared in The Stan o! July 6th, greensward garne. This was ini Miss Doris Cryderman with bier wiii be heid at Ernest Werry's with the brie! notice that lie was change o! Farncomb Le Gresley brother, Mn. Merwin Cryderman, farm, i mile nonth o! Enîniskiilen. listed as missing. Relatives in and Murray Walton. In separate Oshawa... Mn. and Mrs. H. Cattle wili be deiivered free. Newcaste received word fnorn tents under the big old apple Srat and daugbtens, Toronto, at Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auc- NCO England on June 22 that he was trees, identified by their mystic Mn. Ken Jacks'. .. Mns. W. W. tioneer. 28-2 missing and there bas been no signs, Mrs. Saxon Graham and Horn with friends at Port Hope. futher word. Miss Helen McEvoy pnactised . . Mns. Jno. Colwili with friends Work Wanted Mns. John Douglas rnotored to thein occuit arts and told fortunes. at Brooklin. .. Mrs. Ken Cavenly, Toronto with bier son, Mn. Walter Many found pleasure in stroliing sons Douglas and Bruce, Toronto, M A S O N WORK WANTED- Douglas o! New York to attend around the grounds and viewing with Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Brickwork, Stonework, Plasten-Wehv alrg nu er fw ndr lusdc s the wedding o! bier gnanddaugh- the long bondens and beds o!..JcnolnTrno tMn n.Poe20,Bwavie Ou PicsAr Nve igeran ftn owrE.A foumrsAgDlurha on II u I Our Prces Ae Neye llger andOftenLowerE A Sume rsAiurthm i IuU ty, in bis weekly crop report to n U 1RDUi the Department makes this in- terestinig comment: Six acres o!fO RT C JU YfiLVLed hast yean by one o! oura-C U TE J URY&LOVEfeld ybineeofhicb wapray- *7 ~ '~ tr ers with the sodium chlorate, Phone 25 10 General Motoris Sales andSrvc Ràýec6a'D4u sioee mmoiumsulphate rnixed, ris henWe estEyesIt s Dne ropely owmnvile hows practically 100%4 kili o! Phon 77 Whn WeTes Eys I Io oneProerlyBowanvUe this weed. The weed was sprayed a few weeks a!ter barvesting a M cnop o! fail wbeat. i k , i X PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JULY 11 1 o&n