With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News V O LU M E_ __ __ __ _ __ __86_ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ . M.T A'-,C1 1-'zI . ýZ AXr TTT L X7'i -fI. I .T TIfI~ ~ f T~WJA~JTT. ("A DTJ UrLXTTTrth, 194A Children's A Explains Cou ,hr Cure of 1 Detailed plans for the rece tion and disposition of hundre of British "child guests" have ne been completed, it was reveal at Bowmanville Lions Club lune eon Monday by Mr. Kenni Hodgert, Superintendent of Po Hope Children's Aid Society, wl has complete charge of locala rangements. "I would like it stressed throug th press that thesp children ai noý refugees or evacuees in ar sense of the terms but simply ot guests. Present plans call for ti transportation of British childre only," the speaker said. "Tl Federal government is responsibl for alloting a number to eac province and the Provincial goý ernment will determine how m-hn will be placed in each district." The Chldren's Aid Society hà complete information on eac child and will exercise the utmcE care from the time they first ai rive at the depot in Toroni( There, they will receive a medica examination, immunizations, ani great care will be taken to se, that they are placed in the san, type of home here to which the, have been accustomed. Foster-parents must treat ti kiddies as they would their ow. Any intention to exploit the chilj or have him do an undue amoun of work in return for his boarc cannot be allowed. Misdemeanor of any kin should be reported to his Societ3 which would make efforts to ad. just the situation. When a chul is found unsuitably situated, griel can be spared both the foster-par. ents and the child by a readjust- ment. "How about costs of hospital- ization?" queried a listener. "Any ordinary medical expen- New st. Paul's p At LargeRecepi At the reception service Friday night at St. Paul's United Churcl Rev. A. R. Cragg, B.A., M.A., Ijrthport, assumed the duties of ALS Ministry Ini Bowmnativile. He was told that evening that "great things are expected of him." One may pardonably bea littp dismayed at such a chai. lenIe, but when those "great things" have proved to be part of his daily life, the challenge can be more readily met. A charming wife and healthy baby boy, David Edward, com- plete the Cragg famidly who for the next term will be the in- cumbents at St. 'Paul's. When asked to disclose a few interesting facts about himself, Mr. Cragg began, "Well, you may be interested to know my second wedding anniversary was spent in moving to Bowmanville," We opined that it might have been spent in more disagreeable tasks. "That's right," he rejoined. "However what was much more interesting to me was what hap- pened on that day two years ago. We were married in England. I had been there studying at Cam- bridge, as is the custom of one student each year who has the option of going there on a tra- velling scholarship from Em- manuel College. After I had spent a year there I took my fate in my hands. Florence joined me there; we were married and spent our honeymoon travelling through England, Scotland and ASI1-SEE IT By Capt. Elmore Phtlpott EUROPEAN FINAL Mohandas Gandii as fohowed tise example o! Senator Pitmau and adviaed tise Britisis people to hand over their islaud to Adoîf Hitler rather tisan sec it made a battle? eld and destroyed. It is lauglQable ta sec isow completely outsiders misiudge tise character o! tise Englisis and Scottisis pea- phea. UnlesI am comphetely astray tise ordinary mau in tise tight littie island has more tisan a toucis o! pride lu his heart at tise fact that hie is goiug ta have a chance ta do his bit to bring dnanotiser tyrant, and that tE event is goiug ta fiud him 4~ting at home, for home. Tise best story I have yet heard is o! tise ciirpy ittie cockney Tommy who came home ta find tise missus downhearted aud with that unquenchable good humour remarked: "Cheer up, Mn. We're i thse final, and thia time were playing ou tise home grounds." I would bet everytaing tisat in 'ecoming test there are at east tIft ciemeuts iu Britain's defence wisicis will stand like a steel wall. These are tac uavy, aud tise or- diuary people. Ahi tac worldJ knaws about tise Britishs Navy,1 for it has writteu its own ad- vertîsemeuts, long before anc Wmn. Shakespeare took peu lu haud. But uobody that I know has ever donc justice ta tise peo- ple of Enghand wiso supply tise men iu tise rauksanad tise men <Contlnued on page 2) bld Insn ec to r Entrance Resuits f omnil-n-h-ec T PUSNWMNS The followîing candidates were (By Able Dareh) npleted Plans iesfuins in athe rcen- Er.anatrideBeach Messrs. Gilbert anid Jimmny For- trsandicth. below, June 27th Csmoe rsTrno tDnla an Bue 2thanyMr.traand Ms. F . Cashmore, Mr.n Miss Joyce Parkinson, Miss Madeline Boggs, Velma Brown, Mrs. Ryan, and Miss Eileen Byers, nidCDrury, TMrnA.,Bai M rtn Brue Dvi, Gads Divr, uf Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Mrs.C EzToonowth Bert, ýep- ses will have to be borne by the ford Farrow, Norman Fisher, Vel- Byers at Idelbye Cottage. olrLde........ sds home in which the child is placed ma Hallaren, Kathleen Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunion andPoarLde low but we are makmng arrangements Audrey Hunter, Maycie Lang, Mrs. Christie, Toronto, with Mr. Mrs. Dunn at Golden Moon led to create a central fund to look Ray Lathangue, Grace McCul- and Mrs. H. Taylor. Ctage. athfor mextraordarexpen. Hdgtue lough, Ruth Medland, Peter Mu- Mr. and Mrs. C. Cox and ALie, and Jean, Toronto, with the Eng- rth for miedîclcr, M ogr cha, Michael Nimigeon, Edna Mr. and Mrs. M. Corrin, Oshawa, lish family at Lorraine Cottage. or eplindSheckleton, Lewis Staples, Stew- with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Darch at Mr. Eric Wood and Mr. K. Cox, ho The English parents still will art Staples, Phyllis Stewart, Bruce Chetwyn-Villa. Mr. Jim Buchan, Mr. Bill Buchan, ar- have the legal status of guardians White, Maurice Whiteside, Ralph Mr. and Mrs. E. Gingell, Toron- Toronto, at Maryville Cottage. and the homes in which children Willis, Fred Youngman. to, with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Per- Mr. C. Robinson and Mr. W igh are placed will be selected with Blackstock Centre rin at the Log Cabin. Buchan, Toronto, at Ivy Cottage. re utmost care. BtyBaokTem*Fru Mr. Ed. Edwards, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, To- nyr In the case of the fit chiîdren onHad Fder Rupert Gra- Mr. and Mrs. A. Ray at Leaky ronto, at Ravensmeer. the arriving here, they have almost ham, Jack M. Green, Donald Lan- Villa. Mr. C.> Prince, Toronto, Mr. R. 7en exclusively been brought out by sing, Bernice Mairs, Jim Marlow,C Miss Ruth Spence and Mr. Alan Prince, and Mr. and Mrs. W. ,ereaieorfriends and will be Doreen Mitchell, Lola StinsonCherry, Toronto, with Mr. and Lehman, Toronto, at Princeton ______________ île cared for by them, thus their dis- Jessie VanCamp, Merrili Van- Mrs. P. C. Cherry. Cottage. ich position does not come under the Camp. Mrs. L. N. Vanstone, Toronto, Mrs. Barclay, Mr. W. Campbell, Rev. A. R. Cragg, B.A., MA. y-_ Society's jurisdiction. Masonic, Bot-.manville Centre wt Mr. Fro and Mrs. .S arstoe. Mxr. oupar, Mr. and Mrs. D Mr.arFarrow and Mrs.uCarroîliRoxboruhM.jn r. jWho was welcomed to St. Pau' Roayad te rup ihn (Bowmanville School): Phyllis with Mrse Farrow. Miller and Esther, Toronto, with United Church at a well attend to bring out children of their Anderson, James Blackie, Irvine M1r. N. Minard, Mr. J. Calla- Mr. and Mrs. Roxborough. reception service. Rev. and M.1 las fraternal brethren must apply to Brown, Eugene Cole, Roy Con- ghen, Mr. Robin Belt and Billy, Misses Mary and Connie Mc- Cragg and il months old sc ch the Society. ners, Tom Cowan, George Dad- Mr. H. J. Walmsky with Mr. and Phie, Toronto, wîth Misses Velda David Edward come to Bowmai :)St "Canada, please," is the popular son, William Edmondson, George Mrs. Jacobs and daughter Laurie. and Zetta Lattimer at Veletta ville from Northport. He will 1 ir- choice of English parents arrang- Faulkner, Gladys Ferguson, Char- Mr. and Mrs. R. Myers, Mr. Cottage. associate minister to Rev. Cap :0. ing passage of their children. les Fletcher, Kenneth Fletcher, Barry Lavender, Miss Vickie My- Mr. Fowler with his family at W. F. Banister who is on acti- aThis, and a wealth of other in- Elsie Geddes, Jean Gillies, Helen ers, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker, To- Irma-Dei service with the army. Re, nd formation Mr llodgert presented Hooper, Helen Large, Kenneth ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. A. Newton, Miss Grace Cragg's career is both interestir ee to the Lions Club, every member Lemon, Roy McMullen, Wallace Hayes. Newton, Mr. Art Virch, Toronto, and unusual and embraces a lon ne of which appeared vitally inter- R ui t er, Margaret Somerscales, Miss A. Ford and Mr. George with Mrs. Edwards and son Bert. period of training both on thi eY ested in the scheme. Betty Spencer, Betty Trimble, Kennedy, Toronto, with Mr. and Bill Street, Toronto, with his continent and in Europe. he Lion Joe O'Neil thanked the Myrle Virtue, Evelyn Young. Mrs. Rutter and Jack at Malvern pârents at Wene-Verfus. peae fo i (Rural>: Brian Barnett, Doug- Cottage. Miss Grace McGill, Miss Chris n.spae fo hs comprehiensive las Barr, Robert Barrabaîl, Ross Monday the East Beach Was Bar and Mr. Bill McGill, Toronto, RED CROSS HOLDS Idaddress. Interested guests were J. Bragg, Gwendolyn Brooks, Hilda visited by two friends from the at Sunshine Cottage.GA DE P RT ntJ. Miller, Orono; Ross Strike and Cowling, Fay Found (Reg. 10. 6), Cream of Barley Camp. Two Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Luttreli and G R E A T ,dRev. A. R. Cragg, Bowmanville. Clarence Higgins, Robert Lock- small deer were roaming around Anne, Toronto, at XTC. Tebatflgreso An installation ceremony was hart, Mildred Metcalf, Margaret the cottages which madea great MrTadhre .G.Hae, ndMs.J.H H ulgry ere opeMi d held for incoming President T. M. (Beth) Miller, Shirley Park, Sim deal of excitement for jue chil- Jeanette and Dawn, Toronto, atedath scn foaGrd ;y Chant and the other off icers for Penfound, Ronald Smith, Marie dren of the beach as well as some Itsootsus. Pda t he ad f efugee Wardo j- the ensuing year. Lion E. M. Thompson, Greta Wilkins. concern by farmers in damaging Mr. and Mrs. James Burns with Jur n 27thfwhe agroup o ti ftion. Outgoing President Ae Boys' Training School tercos Mr. and Mrs. L. Goddard.I ladies of the Red Cross sponsorei e lxM.and Mrs. H. Hagerman, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Shaw andIaweltend t MacGregor, eeve rM J. J. Cifr la, avyBry Oshawa, are spending their, vaca- Lloyd, Mr. Leslie Hughes and netted them $125 gaftherg hic b.Bontegif t of the Lions, a Donald Brooks, Frank Cole, Low- tion eewt agtr n n fm ,M.E uhs fU ittfrhedte Past President's pin, in recogni- eh Conneil, Robert Dorland, Wil- MnhrwihdutesIandfmyr.EHgeofUtd work. 1tion of his services. liam Gourlay, Edward Higglns, Meda. States, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hughes Rodrik Jnkn, eoge ely, Miss Helen Norwick is assisting and Miss Ida Rundle, Toronto, The following ladies took parl As uualthefinediner as odran Linkinatergea edMar, Mrs. Chas. Depew in the store with Mrs. Hughes at Leasîde Cot-hlng i various capacities sved bythe Carter Faily. ti Nrn, Ji Nkeii, Gerge MProcte, umer.tage thîsHomemade cooking booth, Mns Wila utn ebr ul- The Statesman is on sale at the Mr. and Mrs. McCaul, Lucy andR.WCareMs.DnnSit Wilia Ruta, Hrbrt uli-local stores at the beach, or will Dinny, Mr. B. Hutchinson, Miss Mrs. Harvey Corden; "Touch anc van, Donald Taylor, George Tilt, be delivered to your cottage each L. Bakewell, Toronto,wil Take" booth, Mrs. Ray Dilling esc nla Dre WelchRoa oocok Thursday by notifying Abie Bakewell at Cliff-View Cottage. Mrs. W. J. E.Ormiston. Arrange Ernlsklllen Centre Darch, Statesman representative Lettia Jackman, Mary Alexan- ments for the tea were in the cap. H liFlorence Ashton, K a t h 1 e e n at Port Bowmanviile. der and Hilary Stearn, Hamilton, able hands of Miss Jean Morri Ginled Frd Cmro, Dors le r, M argrtWetSdeB<hat Breeze Inn. and Miss Helen Mason. Tea wa. y Giroy Dors Gover Magare Wet Sie BachMiss Dawson, Mr. Harrigan, Mr poured by Mrs. J. A. McCleilar HiUs, John Host, Lloyd Kersey, Many west aidera will be in- Holly, and Miss Turner at Berry's Mrs. C. R. Spencer and Miss Ethe' y' the countries of the continent. Helen Langmaid, Shirley Martin, terested in the engagement in this B6arding House. Morris. h AUlin althe trip comprised about Kenneth McEwen, Louis Miller, issue of Vera Copp, youngest Mrs. Ruitland, Harley Murphy, One of the interesting featuree .2500) miles - and by bicycle, too." Evelyn Parrinder, Garth Perrett, daughter of Mr. and Mis. AbrtMr and Mrs. Cannington with of tais lawn social was thse pres. f The brillant academnic career Lloyd Preston, Betty Smales, Copp of Toronto, who have been fjj and Mrs. Cruickshank, Billy ence o! several soothsayers oi which -led ta Mr. Cragg's sojourn Bruce Taylor, Clifford Trewin, summer residents here for 21 and Rolly fortune tellers who delved intc L i England is worthy of note, for Evelyn, Virtue. years. Thse wedding takes place Mr. and Mrs. C. Oliver, Mr. B. the future by various means and ,fsomniyfaih bacgrfsondpand Janetville Centre in ýqt. Andrew's Presbyterian Bently, Mr. K. Grant, Mr. T. informed ail comers regarding exceptional speaking abity t Ruth Armstrong, MerUl Brown Church, Bowmanviile, SaturdaBdy ig.Bres ootterdsiy hs sci a wii udobtelyled iuto' teDre ok'onl miNr July 2th, at4pm with Jack, Paul and Gordon Oli- ies were Mrs. A. L. Darch, Mrs, b great things" which his congre- mn McGill, Irving Morgan, Bert- Mr. and Mrs. V. Merson and ver. J. O'Neill, is. Wonnacott, anc t rum Shea, Evaline Shea, Audrey Mi. N. Manden, Toronto, at thse Mi. and Mis. L. Guthrie, Mi. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett. <COftnued on Page 7) Staples. Dugout. Alan Pauley, Mi. and Mrs. R. Salt Over 2 00 guests were welcomed Mr. and Mrs. J. Burnett, M. and Frank, Oshawa, Miss John- to the party by Mis. V. H. Storey, Newcastle Burnett, A. Burnett, Miss L. Scott, son, Mi. and Mrs. G. Frogley, President of the Women's War WH EAT AND oATrs mase on Year's Work-Ray- Mnr. S pncerdMr. and 0MLr Esther and Harry, oronto, with Work Committee, and Mrs. Jury MIAY BRUNG PEACE Margaret Ash, IMarilyn Enwright, penter, Mi. and Mis. J. Carpen- Mr. and Mis. J. McCab, Mis Winner of the lucky number on _______ Gr Gibson, Edward Hoar, ter, witis Mi. and Mis. T. Carpen- Mary Murphy, Mr. Bud Cum- a "war-time cake" was Mrs. John B3Y BRITISH WIN GWade McKellar. ter at Rendezvous Cottage. mîngs, Miss K. Green, Mi. F. Spencer. A number of the young- Passed on Examination-Olive The annual Beach Association Green, Ronny and Fred, Mi. and er girls interested in Red Cross Forecast of a British victory in Brown, Roland Burley, Joan dance for thse last Saturday in Mis. J. Butler and June, Toronto, work lent their services to thse 1941 is written on the stalks of Curson, Mabel Gray, John Mc- July is under the management of at Green's Cottage. success of the party by assisting grain in the fields of Durham and Kay, June Ware, Douglas Wood. Mr. W. Street and Mi. Milien.intesrng Northumberland counties accord- Orono The first two motor launches of BEACH ASSOCIATIONinteerng in t eritetreotsfom PasdoYersWrAd-teyaroviîBomnle ELECTS OFFICERS In charge of thse entertaininent farmo ersisthentrseworhvseen asdo ea' okAd teya ovsi omni Mrs. W. E. Gerry saw to it tant letters clardiernibl hae snh rey Billings, Alan Cornish, Car- harbour were from the Unitedth guests wer rvddwt atter anlweat f iseds. unste an Cornish, Marion Cornish, States. One of the vesseis had to Bowmanville Beach Association eerprvddwt Margaret MacKinnon, A n n a return immediately someone re- mtJn3thiDilg'Hall apleasamtu meners to passc Herbert Rundie, R.R. 6, Bow- Staples, Thelma Sweet, Audrey membering that the water-pump Dr. G. J. Millen presided and lencoverfthRfue manville, brought several stocks Tebble. had been lef t on in their cottage. spoke of the wonderful work done flv tee, ceedithe Refonugee of oats into the Statesman Office Passed ou Examination-Hilda Several deer have beeri roam- in the past few seasons by thse late aram nts frediteaacnducted on Monday, and those who saw Bell, Fred Berry, John Colville, ing arouud thse lake district, being presîdent C. T. Rosa. Ail stood for tant the affair proceeded amoota- tise leaves could readily dîscern Leona Clark, Donald Goode, chased by doga and eating farm- one minute's silence out of respect îy. the letter B inscribed in the Jean Lageer, James Lowery, ers' cropa. They were released in to his memory. leaves. In some districts it is re- Joyce Lowery, Helen Mercer, the spring by James Lake Mor- Chair was taken by William ported that the letters B and V Shirley Myles (Hon.), William den, owner o! the Cream o! Bar- Street for election of these of. BICYCLE CLUB are botis found and tant in some Rutherford, Pearl Tebble, Marion ley Camp. ficers: President, Herb. Goddard; places the numbers 41 have been Wright. Miss F. Creamer and Mi. M. lst and 2nd Vice President, Dr. Rev. C. R. Spencer was the clearly marked on the wheat Pasaed on Regulation 10 (5)_ Emmerson, Toronto, at Orm-A- G. J. Millen and Bruce Berry; guest speaker at the Lion's Club found. Gordon Rosa. Nook. Treasurer, Elgin Varcoe; Secre- Safety Bicycle Club which met It was also reported in Durham Passedl on Term Work Ray Roach and Marion Dee, To- tary, Mrs. E. Durno; Membership Saturday morning in St. Johsn's thtin118teletters B and V The following candidates are ronto, at Mi. C. Roach's. Convener, Mrs. William Street; Parish Hall. Rev. Spencer spoke tatpae in 1918 o the lae Mr. and Mrs. M. Reed aud Ladies Entertainsuent Comnsittee, very highly o! the club commend- o aea ore tger o heleave those who were succesaful in Joyc, Otwa umrHae r.A olr ing the aims and their activities of nts recnatng t, aig tosin their Etrauce xamin-Cotage. Field Day will be held on Civic also mentioniug the good work Bitrtas ition at hicame, tos nthirtrmswok Mr. and Mis. H. Hopkius, Jr., Holiday with L. Berry chairman of the founders o! the organiza- Briis vctoy hih cmetre. S. S. No. 16, Darlington - Merle Torouto, with Mr. and Mis. H. of nîl Field Day activities. Aunual tion. Bob Rogers moved a vote Oke, Lorna Rahm, Cordula Sting- Hopkins Sr. dance will be held August 3rd iu o! thanks to Mr. Spencer on be- er. Mr. and Mrs. T. Simpson and Dilliug's Hall with Dr. Millen con- hall of the club. STORE MANAGER S. S. No. 11, Darlington - Keith Helen, Toronto, with Mrs. H. W. vener. Yacht races will be held Traffic Court was held offeud- Peters, Cecile Petit, Muriel Smith. Simpson and Albert Willa.. again, to be reported on later. ers being only those who had via- S. S No.16, Manvers-Jen M.ad rsA.Lwncad It is the hope of tae presideut lated the laws the week previus Jarvis, Norman Lowes, Jean Mr. P. Coomes, Toronto, at Casa- and ahl officers that tais year they a perfect sheet being kept for lat Sctt Cova. wîli have every cottage owner as week. Reports were given by ISS.No. 7, Manvers - Jim Ken- Mi. James Moodie and Mi. R. a member of the association and Howard Doner on tae activities 1 nedy, Merril McGill. Macîntosis, Torouto, at Merrimac plans are being made to make this o! the rack Committee; Irene S. S. No. 6, Darlington - Lenora Cottage, possible. Cunningham on the parade at Collacutt, Audrey Grahamu. _____________________________Wiitby. Tise weekly letter was S. S. No. 8, Darliugton - Joan ra yJmyLn.Paswr Autil, Josephine Courti! n ade for the Rotary Club Caru- S. S. No. 9, Manvers - Donald Traveling With ress Party te Calgary ival. Mantle, Elsie M. Webb. __________________________ Newton Hackncy Son o! Mr. and Mra. Walter' Hackuey, Bowmauvihle, wiso was receutiy appoiuted manager o! Number i Ward's Drug Store lu Kingston. lIr. Ward owns four stores in tise city. Mr. Hackuey took over contrai last week. He isas been employed for tise past two years, since graduating, at Karu'a Drug Store, Oshawa. Due to lack o! apace' severai columns o! newa have been let out tisis week. PRESERVING JAN Bowmauvihle Women's In- stitute are doiug tise practical thing ngan. Thsis time it is preaerviug strawberry am for tise Red Cross. Alrendy they have cauned 280 iba. of delicious strawberry jam for tisis worthy purpose o! win- the-war effort. This isas 50 far coat tise Institute over $20 for sugar and bernies. If you would like to coutribute money, strawberries or rasp- bernies ta tise Institute in this commendable work aend it or phone 658 ta Mrs. Johnson Thickaon, Presideut. The In- atitute gratefully acknowled- ges two crates o! husclous ber- ries from Mrs. F. A. Foster, Manvers Rond. Association Canveutio n a'tC-al- gary, July 4tis and 5ta, I wns makig my semi-yeamly caîl on tac five departusents of tac gav- erument at Washington, D.C. As soou as I realized tant I waa ta accomplis a lifelong am- bition and visit tac Nortawest o! my native Canada, I brought my business ta a sudden stop and. hurried over ta Philadephin ta witness at leat anc day a! tise Repubhican National Convention. I saw tise !antastic and cohorful "Mummera" Parade wisich has featured nîl New Year's eve celc- brationa in tise "City o! Brotherhy Love" for over 50 yeara, and was put on for tise benefit and enter- tninment o! tise hundred tisousand visitors. Juat a few hours at Convention Hall where tise iectic demnon- stration waa confusing and dca!- ening, was enougis, and I was arnia -over tac * C.-NR.- The raiu -stopped, tac sun came out i nîl its glory and we have enjoyed perfect weathcr ever since. We are uow at Part Arthsur waiting ta take tac C.N.R. for the 450 mile ride ta Winnipeg. Fros tise minute we boarded tise magnificent Canada Stegui- sip luner «'Noronic" aur party was treated like royal guests, and we leave its palatial accommodations with universal regrets, for tac voyage was aIl tant could be de- ired. The stateroosus are corn- modiaus, thse meals weIl selccted, aphendly cooked and perfectiy serveçI, and other entertalument provided ta suit diverai!ied tastes. The five-piece orchestra aupplied generaus and well seîected music at certain hours, including pro- vocative rythmic atrains for tise <Contlnu.d on page 5) paeIo'5 let ur urban readcrs kuow what is goiug on in thc rural sections these daya: Due ta an abundance a! main and cold weather, haying isas been backward altisougis there is an abundant crop in these parts. Tisere has been a bit o! rivalry amang tise Baker familles as ta which wauld finish hayiug first o! tac tarce generatians. We are informed tise grandson, Mau- rice Baker, finished Satur- day; his father, John Baker, on Mouday, and tac 87-year- ahd grandad, Ex-Reeve Thos. Baker, finisiscd hia haying Wednesday - tise same day as isis lite long nelghbours, S. E. Werry & Sons. All re- port a gaod crop. One reports he drew in 50 londs o! hay off 20 acres, beside putting an- ather 10 acres o! hay iu the silo. Lakef ield Man Wins Car IAt Successful Rotary Fair ExpectNet Nearly $2,OOO <b- Rotary Club memb ers are atilliMcKeever & Smith, Packard wondering just what good fortune Dealers, by that master designer kept the ramn away from Bow- of floats Ron Hewat. Tise Rotary manville Iat nigitst 5 that tixeir float was also very fine, showing Carnival could be completed more a cot coutaining a youngster, John successfully than it has been in Bunner, with Nurse Evelyn Tay- years. Ramn feil in districts with- lor sittiug beside hlm. On tise in five miles o! the town and ai- aides 0of this float were signs tell- most encircled this municipaîity ing f the crippled children's but ouly a few drops feil. Had it1work and tise otiser activities o! rained, several floats too large to th club. be put under cover would have Oshsawa and Whitby Rotary been ruined and the carnivaiClubs were well represented in booths and grounds wouid have the long parade wits beautiful been considerably damaged. 1floats, and there were so many - Winner of the grand prize at other groupa and business places the fair, the 1940 De Luxe Ply- represented that we have just mouths Coach, was Len Dunsford,,picked out tise moat outstandig. R. R. 4, Lakefieid, Ontario. Dan-iThere was also a black face jazz ul'a ny Daniel, Oshawa, won the baud which not only provided ed huge do!! and $25.00 which was considerable music but dragged a Ira. pinned to it. Miss Eileen Couch, tin can which could be heard for 3n Beech Ave., was the quilt winner. 1bocks. be- As usual, the parade was an Tise Fire Department was given be outstanding success altisougis not a.n opportuuity to try out its new ip.as elaborate an affair as at year. siren several times and nearly iv The Bowmanviile Legion Band deafened the closely packed eV.under leadership of George Hood, throngs. Tise parade was led by l Oshawa, excelled itself and thriîî-' Traffic Officer W. F. Thompaon, ig ed tise large crowds by pîayiug closely foliowed by car given by Lis "There'hl Always Be An Eng- Jack McKeever containing Ris land" and otiser well k.nown sel- Warship Mayor R. O. Joues, F. C. ections sucis as the "Barrel Pol- Hoar, Presideut o! Rotary Club, ka." Other banda included Osis- and Ted Chant, Presi-deut Lions Y awa Sea Cadets, Girls' -Flute Club. Chie! o! Police Syd Ven- VBauds, and tise Jubilee Flute Baud ton and Constable Walter Hall as from Oshsawa. usual did an efficient job direct- r. Tise cisildren, about 50 or 60 ing aud holding back the crowds. ,n stroug, were dressed in the weird- At the grounds, dozens o! booths en est and moat wouderful costumes did a rusising business for over rk imaginable, depîcting many types three hours, most o! taem selling le O! characters from the Devil ta out long before closing time. Due *d Little Bo Peep. Pets aiso were ta the excessive warmta o! the h plentiful as were decorated bi- evening, tise soft drink and ice ir cycles. cream boots was not quiet for a Parade Prize Winuers: Beat minute and soft drink represen- t Character Group, Jean and Aud- tatives ba-rely had tinse ta remove rey Fletcher, Moore Family, Mary empty cases and re!ill the large s:Alldread and Rutis Dumas; Best coolers. hrDecorated Bicycle, baya, Jack Resuits of tise fair are atmj not idMuuday, Ray Munday; Beat Dec- complete, but it looks as thougs orated Bicycle, girls, Edua Tom- a larger amaunt wiil be realized 'linson, Thelma Stovin; Beat Dec- tisan last year, the net proceeds e-orated Carrnage, Pat Mason, Mari- possibly reaching close' ta $2,000. Plyn Carpenter, Betty Farrell; Sisortly after midnight preai- 'S Beat Decorated Wagon, boys, AI- dent Fred Hoar addressed tise as Ian Moffatt, Duncan Phithhps, crawd frorn tac car ticket boota, n' Jimusie Blackie; Best Costumed explnjning the Rotary Club's sc- elBoy, Harold Welsh, Billie Slaght, tivities and thankig those pre- Billie Harnden; Best Castumed sent for their co-operation. Litte es Girl, Betty Welsh, Bernice Han- Miss Helen Terry, daugister o! S- son, Joan Wanuacott; Best D.ec- Mi. and Mis. Win. Tcrry, South Dr arated Tricycle, Ileen Veana, ifl1 Wad, onc of thse youngstcrs cared to Leakaris, Kathierine Dilling; Best for by the club, drcw tac winning id Pony Outfit Grant Brooks, 'Doug- ticket frasu tac large. wdll-flled 19 las Heyland; Beat Pet Turnout, barrel and a huss came over thc 1- RaymOa7 10Nons. Judges: Mis. J. people as they wnited for tac S-O'Neill, Mrs. F. V. Ott and Mia. nanse ta be rend out. Id C. D. Searle. Tise evening concluded with the Tise Lions Bicycle Safety Club booth chairnien counting Up the d hnd gane ta cansiderable trouble total receipts and transporting it 7for the event. Under leadershsip ta tac bank. a!o tiseir chie!, Charlie Carter, Mucis of the crcdit for the fine Y cacis o! the 60 boys and girls in fair goes ta Manager Len Eliott tise turnout had decorated isis or wiso understudied Gea. Chase for "hler wheel with crepe paper in tac last two years intise tougist "exactly tisane manner sa that, job a! tac lot. Mr. Chase did it rîding in double formation, te effectively for severai years and Smade a perfecthy matched group Mi. Eiliott carried on taceisigis erîding in pairs and keeping in standard ie had set. T. Wesley gwell formed rauka. This is tise Cnwker proved an able assistant. firat local appearance a! tise group Tise Rt Club alsa expres- iu a parade altisaugis taey have ed its depaReoaint a ttaken part in affairasu other many friend, Lions -and aller towns where their fine riding and helpers wiso willingly, without soutfits drew mucis favorable com- tought o! reward or recampense ment, o! any kind, helped in tac baoths Other higis spots o! tise parade and in tac other tnsks. Witaout iucluded tise unusual fIat re- tacir Hielp, tac fair would nat have sembliug an airplane built for been tc unqulfied succes. Further Details on Registration Concerning British Child Guests After several weehcs o! uncer- young children while tac average tainty, tise government and vani- age o! taoae ta be brought out oua organîzations tarougisout tise will be about 10 years. Citizens inguesa to take aIdeérchldren-be- cse these can be accamnsodated. more readily in tac local scisools. Furtaer details are coutained in tise reparted address a! Children's Aid Superintendeut Hodgert at Lions Club on Monday night. Tise local office in tac Horsey Block is stUll oPen every afternoon and an Saturday cvening. Many more registrations are ncedcd im- mediately 50 tac Organization may complete its plans. FURTHER RESULTS 0F MUSIC EXAMS A further lst of succesaful can- didates in examinations hield by tac Toranta Canservatory o! Mu- sic follows: Lillian Naylor - Grade Ill Har- many, pass; Grade III History, honora. Eileun Piedl, Ebenezer - Grade IX Piano and Grade V lstary, honora in bath. Wilma Marshsall, Ebenezer - Grade III Piano, honora. RAuth James - Grade X Siging, pais; Grade III Harmony, honora; Grade V Counterpoint, honora. Grade IV Harmony - Margaret D=nut Mary Denauit. Gradex III H ar zony - M ad yn Grade II TheorY - George Ro- berts, lat class honora. Mrs. E. S. Ferguson, A.T.C.M. Piano pupils obtained tise foIIow- ing marks: Grade 1 - Kny Lycett, lst Han. 85; Peggy Dippeil, lat Hon. 82; Lamna Sudds, Hou. 78; Grade 3 - Beverley Sudda, lst Hon. 81; Jean White, lat Hon. 81; Grade 4 - Laurie Hart, lat Hon. 80; William Kuox, Hon. 78; Grade 5 - Glen Hodgsou, Hon. 76; Lor- yne White, Hou. 75. gucats. Details which have becu uncertain, have been ironed out s0 that citizens may be awarc o! tise final arrangements. There are tisree ways in which children will be brougist from Britain ta .Canada - and only threpaa 1. There may a transfer o! coplteunîts suci ssacisools. 2. Private indivîduals mi a y make arrangements wita frienda or relatives iu Euglaud for tac transfer a! cisildren ta Canada witaout any expense ta tise gav- ernunent. 3. Cisildren may be brought out at gaverument expense and plac- ed iu homes here taraugh tac Children's Aid Society. This meaus tisat all People who are prepared ta take these chUl- siren into tacir homes must regis- ter at tac local office. Registra- tion is flecessary whetaer you have arranged ta take these chUl- dren througs a apecial graup or riot, or if they are relatives who are comning out under tise goveru- ruent sciseme. Every passible ef- fort is being made ta have tae special groupa o! children reacis :heir destinations and yaur regis- tration forrn wihl carry tac neces- sary information. In ail cases, tise greatest o! care is beiug taken ta have these chil- dren sent ta tac same type o! homes taey have, le!t i Egland. risey will first came toan central depot at Toronto and have a spe- cial medical examination and af- ter an iterval a! a few days will ce sent ta their dcaignated homes. Many Bawmnanvllc citizens arc expressing their preference for gils, but it mnust be remenmbered, there wlU be n large Percent;age of boys who Must also be placed. M'any arc also a6king for very INUIVimf4ýK Mx ll"VVIVI.'IINVILjJ-jP-j. UINIAKI(). 'J'ht]HNI)AV -JTTT-V 114-1, 1GAA t r a ri f s t s h 1 d e ti b e 9 t zbx