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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1940, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TFIURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 In the Dim and Distant Pasi SOLDIERS'_LETTERS B394314 From The Statesman Files Private W. M. Paterson, _________________________________Na. 2 A.F.W., R.C.O.C., C.A.S.F. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO the suunmer course in Art at Uni- c o Base P. O., Canada. versity o! Toronto. May 25, 1940 From The <anadian Statesman Dear Mr. James - July 15, 1915 Just a few lines in appreciation ______FIFTY YEARS AGO ta your sending the local States- Rev. Winiot G. Clarke B.A., is man ta me every week. There is delighted with the cordiality of Fram The Canadian Statesman no news like the news from home. the citizens of Bawmanville whomn July 16, 1890 We are very busy now and have he has met, and with the large nat mucb time ta write but am congregations that greeted him an Wes Knight who bas been de- sending a few lines to thank yau Sunday. liverirîg far Cawker and Allin, for your kindrîess. I am enjoying In hiswee's ettr fom hewent sailing Friday aboard the this country very mucb altbough Irn t a uls w ri'sletes: "mthen schooner Carveth. 1 wish i was back home agaîn Fron, Dn Dugls wite: "hen Jas. Gilfillan wbo has been in, where I have more friends. Must there's Alf Kershaw, wha rides poor healtb is now laid low with'close now as it is lights out. about on his own horse like an typboid fever. Yours respectfully, officer and cames down to see the Fred Prout, Central Telephone Bill Paterson. boy wbnevr h ca. Td ModyOffice, bas been given charge of is now running the "Grenade the electric light station here. Petawawa Camp Throwers" and he is the rigbt man George Baden and S t e p b e for such a risky job. . . Paper Gardon have secured situations in A.04Win.J K doesn't give bim justice ta so Toronto.A.Wn many things that,.happen in the Wi1Mteslf o i e a June 15, 1940 trenches. There was a mine blown home in Bradford. De George: up and that would take a whole W. R. Climie has resigned the Thank you for sending me The book in itself ta describe." leadership of Trinity Choair and Statesman every week wbich we Lieut. H. W. Cooper writes: W. S. Russell bas been requested enjay very mucb as it keeps us in «The Col. handed me a bunch of ta take the position. toucb with the doings back home. Statesman's this marning wbicb Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, Hamiltan, We getgreat fun aut o! the letters were duly banded ta the boys and have been guests at Mr. John from tbe boys overseas, and hope eagerly perused. Mr. Taylor Of Lyle's. sm day we will meet up with Goodyear bas placed bis car at Meeting in tbe Town Hall ta tbe thewomdbeanelay bable the disposaI o! any o! tbe Bow- bear reports from Roads and ta e h oetempa al masnville wounded but 1 bave Streets Committee in refern W oTeclokest aweawaeryomucb. searcbed tbe bospitals a r o u n d wbat style o! bridge may e buil~Thelsest lac e ois Pebrake- here and cannat find Ira Scott in the west part o! tbe tawn, was mlsaa.W nygtaps or any o! tbem. We continue ta o rs oatnndcMyre.K in a wbile ta go there. We do aur trench-digging tomarrow Galbraith presided. Wollike bta t sovet f artnd so, I'm off ta my bunk." Maple Grove-Monday e . Wilt slim butm it is utno! baund Birth-In Clarke, July 3rd, ta about 60 friends assembled a ta s. o lds.Ca if is finebre.l Mr. and Mrs. Gea. S. Glanville, Allin's with weil-filled ase.Yuwashnki asara a son, for the purpase of having a joîîy battie ta hear the 18 pounders and 25 paunders gaing a!! at Marriage- Saules-Brooks, July tîme. A presentatian was made ta practice. As you know, soldiers 1th at Courtice, by Rev. R. A. Miss Sarah Allun, are up toa ah kinds o! tricks. Tbe Delve, Gertrude M. H., eldest Jacob Stevens had a successful, ather night we were reading The daughter a! Mr. and Mrs. S. S.maving, H. Salter maving the barn Statesman when some ane was Brooks and Mr. Marsball s.S. about 70 rads. Afterwards the kind enougb ta let the tent dawn Saules, Oshawa. yaung men bad a gaod game a! on us. We were looking at the Mr.Osar Pllrdo!th Pstfootball, photos a! the Oshawa Tank Regi- MfficesaPlaffsn udayoithe bs Enniskillen - Programn at Lad- ment leaving Oshawa far Camp father Mr. S. Pollard, Register. îes AdSca1a er hie odn Roy W. Warnica teacher at Vocalists Mrs. J. J. Liddy, Cour- Cobourg battr shr bu Sheguindah, Manitaulin Island is tice, and Miss Hayes were dteserv- ilt ter i e r e about2 home edy enore. Evryting s bom-see many o! the Bowmanville G.oRe. tHme, .. ing at aur machine sbap. boys. Hoping ta bear from you G. upet Hmle, BA.,wbo Mr. Virtue is at it early and, on successfully passed bis civil ser- late and is sending away a num- J. Kane. vice exams bas taken a position ber o! repaired machines. ____ in the Auditor-General's Dept. at Hampton - About 80 fromn this Ottawa. 0 place went ta Scugog Saturday. DICK BATHGATE RELATES Blake McMurtry, Dr. A. S. Miss Annie Stanehouse is home EXPERIENCES IN NORWAY Tilley, John Lyle, Jas. Deyman from Toronto... Mr. J. J. Haidge, 9797 won the consolation prize in bow- Taronto, visited friends here. 9709AC74BtgaeR Iin tarnaentat sbaa. We are ta have an express office 263 Squadron Miss Greta VanNest is taking 50011. R. A. F. Drem, Scotland. STOP ED S OP T IEFIJust a few lines ta let you knaw M a 1»f4r that I bave arrived back safe and 1 T C -orMoneysack Tuberculosisîs a thief. He may sound and none the warse for my qwk ~ 0f~, fw othsp.Hemy experiences. I am at present home nahuand rob etnal you o! years a! healtb. He on leave. We landed here an ca. i rus newMed-6snoup. tiim even take your life. Thursday morning after being obbd tohesirrtatonadqiyelffl in If discovered early, tuberculosis seven days an the boat. I have Udie 8o tia D. resitormo7.baÙ . can be cured in ashort time. learned torough Asince Iwent ta vor rugit ody orD.D.D.PRESCRIP11ON. Wben treatmnent is started late, it Norway. We had ta, build aur own _________________________may take years ta get the disease s csi h oos ee a under control. To find tuber- My clothes off for five weeks as culosis early, you must flot wait - it doesn't get dark over there and until you feel sick. Dan't wait until you feel tired, they didn't give us peace ta sleep. Sore essailtbe ime unil yu bve ostThe grub was very bad. We lived Sor nes al we i, until you ave t on bully beef and biscuits most I. ~~that bangs on and on, or until 0 h ie £1 I i7~I l £A'YI A indigestion bathers yau. When You should see me run now. I fr 9o you start ailing, tuberculosis may cudrnuptem naisftr f *.ae beadvancing. Let aour dactor de- than a greyhound. I just toucbed rm ired uce cide. ythe bigb spots. We were vr undegontde rubbin.g If you bave lived inah e lcy only two o! our boys were with therd. i, where sameone was sick or is Stjl killed. One was a mate o! mine 60-year-old remedy sîck witb tuberculosis, you may and I felt very bad about it. We for muscle stran. tiff have picked it up. You should were nat able ta get saap and I or aching joints,, ind out before yau get into did not bave a change o! under- arins. tvris and truble. Go ta yaur doctor while clothing and shirt for over f ive " ~~ rheismatic pain&. Rub tr the pan wa Iwt you feel in good bealtb. Get an' weeks. *., Minards! Itag_____ IX -ray o! your chest ta find out You are very lucky ta be wbere ~Irp,. less; has no un. 'if you have tuberculosis. The X- you are. You will neyer know pleasant odor; driu r ray will show it before symptoms what it is like ta hear the bombs cîutckly. Colds and appear. Being afraid ta learn the: came whistling down. It puts the ordinary sore throt truth may cost yau yaur life. The fear o! God inta yau. A couple o! arereievd y i. o 1 advisory medical committee o! the the boys went crazy, it gat on feet rejoins lin its pentrtig efetie- National Sanitarium Association! their nerves sa much. ness. Get a bottie et States that early diagnosis is one! Thank the Rebekah lodge for your druggiat'a today. o!temtefcivwas!re, the socks and pullover. They cer- Keep it handy. 130 ducing the tuberculosis martality, tainly came in handy aver there. , rate, wbich is greater than any I am at present stationed at oer for people between the ages Drem near North Berwick. It is o! 15 and 45 years. a rest camp. We are supposed ta M IN AnetRpulicge1th i e 2 ing ta France or the East nce he ubli ge th ide'inthenear future. you want to imprave, educate or' If you write ta me send the uif t t btey will run miles', letter ta mother and she will for- LI I E T away.-Alfred Wareing. ward it ta me. Hope this idyo 7A wu.~. IVEDPACED OF .h. A REAL alpine vacation awaits yau this summer at jasper . . . enchanted reaini of glittering ~eks, mirrored lakes, mighty glaciers. Samuch ta do-golf, riding, swimming, hiking, 1fi hn,trail or motor tripstoseacaraubi IeifMaligne Lake, Mount Edith Cavell, Ton- qumn Valley. Or, if yau prefer, just rest; you'Il enjoy eveT minute of your stay in Americas largest National Park, as a guest at Canadiao National's Jasper Park Ladge. Rates arc maderat ... from $8. a day with mcats. Accommodation 650 guests. Yau can spend Il days of yaur £ortnights vacation at Jasper, or stop off there en route to Vancouver and Victoria, glamar cities of the West. The modern air-conditioned Continental Limiteci will speed yau Wcst in cvery cornfort. Unexcelled dining car service at popular prices. Your local Agent wil eIadly furnish you with Po r .afie,s d particulars as ta fares, limits, etc. deli ver>,, senparcels Names of Soldiers Enlisted The foilowing list gives the names and addresses o! men wbo have enlisted from Bowmanville. The Statesman knows that this is nat complete but is very anxious ta bring it up ta date. Every day other men are going up for medical boards and every day additions sbauld be made ta this llst, but we bave ta depend on the relatives and friends o! these men to belp us. The Lions Club have been sending letters and cigirettes ta the boys wben tbey go averseas. Other arganizations in town alsa wisb ta send parcels ta certain men, sa yau are doing your friend a favor by belping us keep this list up ta date witb correct addresses. It will also be daing your friends a favor if you notify any o! the following when these soldiers leave Canada: Joe O'Neill, Bert Parker, J. J. Brown, R. M. Cotton, Chie! S. Venton or The States- man Office. This list will be printed !rom time ta time in this paper and will be used by the Legion and ather organizations, so, help keep it carrected. L. A. Austin, C4464, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Base P. 0., Canada. Capt. W. F. Banister, Barriefield Camp, Kingston, Ont. Gunner N. K. Bruton, C50050, 4tb Anti-Tank Battery, Pgterboro. W. H. Bates, C6020, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Pictan, Ontario. P. Batagate, C6019, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Picton, Ontario. H. Bennett, C40632, Arsenal Guard, Lindsay, Ontario. V. Bickell, C40572, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Quebec. J. Bird, B73220,, 48th Highlanders, Base P. O., Canada. Gunner T. Bird, 14th Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. A. E. Boustead, C40565, Midland Regt., Trentan, Ontario. L. Blight, B60684, A Ca., Ontario Tank Regt., Camp Borden. Thos. G. Breck, Pay Office Canadian Military Hdqts., Bromyard Ave., Acton, London W 3, England. E. Bradley, Ontario Tank Regt., Camp Borden. A. C. Brown, B25288, lst Pioneer Battn. R.C.E., Toronto ,Ontario. W. Button, Ontario Tank Regt., Camp Borden. W. G. Coyle, C40678, Midland Regt., Trenton. R. J. Coombes, R65886, R.C.A.F., Camp Barden. D. Cameron, A59, R.C.A.F., Trentan, Ontario. H. Cameron, l4tb Field Battery R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. R. S. H. Candler, C4463, H. Q. Co'y., Hastings & P. E. Regt., Base P. O., Canada. Chas. Cartwright, C40532, Mîdland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. S. Castie, C40588, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ont. Pte. E. Clapp, C6080, Hastings and P. E. Regt., Camp Barden. B. Clarke, C6039, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Picton, Ont! W. A. Clarke, C40592, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ont. L. Cubbage, C5629, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Picton, Ontario. A. V. Damant, B60591, Ontario Tank Regt., Camp Borden. Robt. Davies, A Mess, R.C.N. Barracks, Halifax, N. S. A. Deboa, Ontaria Tank Regt., Camp Borden. A. L. Densem, C5329, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Base P. O., Canada. E. Dent, 2nd Field Co'y., Royal Engineers, Exhibition Grounds, Toronto, Ontario. Gea. Downey, C6018, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Camp Borden. R. Dawney, B60738, Ontario Tank Regt., Camp Barden. F. Dudley, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. J. W. Eatan, B94145, No. 2, A.F.W.. R.C.O.C., Base P. O., Canada.. S. Emmerson, Ontario Tank Regt., Camp Borden. T. Evans, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. C. P. Fagan, C424, M.D. 3, R.C.A., Kingston, Ontario. J. Finnigan, B1347, 53rd Battery R.C.A., Exhibitian Grounds, Toronta, Ontario. Gunner S. G. S. Fowler, C50051, 4th Anti-Tank Battery, Peterbaro. G. Flaxman, B29096, 2nd Raad Construction, R.C.E., Base P. O. James Geddes, C40573, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. John Geddes, C40522, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontaria. H. Gibbs, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Pictan, Ont. J. F. Gibbs, B89902, Na. 5 F.A., R.C.A.M.C., Base P. O., Canada. J. Goodaîl, C40557, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. H. Gould, C40537, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. T. Graham, C6041, Hastings & P. E. Regt.. Pictan, Ontario. S. J. Hagarth, C40589, Midland Regt., Trenton. Hubert Hoaper, l4th Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. C. J. Hall, l4th Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. G. M. Hart, C18654, l4th Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. R. T. Hayes, C4043, H. Q. Co'y., Hastings & P. E. Regt., Base P. O., Canada. Cpl. G. Hallingsworth, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Camp Borden. J. Haneyman, R52736, Air Craftsman, R.C.A.F., llth B. R. Squadran, Dartmouth, N. S. R. J. Hooper, C18648, l4th Field Battery, Petawawa Camp. F. Hughes, B94448, 2nd A.F.W., R.C.O.C., Base P. O., Canada. E. Hunt, C5343, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Picton, Ontario. H. H. Hunt, S.P.O. K5084, R.C.N. Barracks, clo Fleet Mail Office, Halifax, N. S. A. Johnson, l4th Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. James Kane, C404, R.C.A., Administration Wing, C.A.S.F., Petawawa Camp, Ontario. L. Kilgannon, C40631, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontaria. J. L. Kimbel, C18656, l4th Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. J. Knight, R.C.A. Band, Petawawa Camp. J. Knox, C40523, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ont. D. Little, C6077, Hastings & P. E. Reg., Camp Borden. W. D. Locke, C4135, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Base P. O., Canada. H. Lycett, C40504, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ont. J. Mathews, C40516, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ont. C. McMann, R.C.C.S., Barriefield, Kingston, Ont. McKenna, C40506, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. W. McKenzie, 40524, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. H. McKnight, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Picton, Ont. R. McKnight, C6078, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Camp Borden. S. G. Mitchell, C28645, R.C.O.C., Kingston, Ont. J. Mantle, C6079, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Pictan, Ontario. D. Moore, C40674, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ont. J. Parker, C18653, 4th Brigade Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. Wm. Patersan, B94314, 2nd A.F.W., R.C.O.C.. Base P. O., Canada. N. J. Richards, C40538, Midland Regt.. Trenton, Ontaria. G. T. Rolpb, C40562, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontaria. W. Spencer, Midland Regt., Trenton. A. Spencer, Midland Regt., Trenton, Ontario. W.O. Tom Spencer, R.A.M.C., Winnipeg. A. Smith, A11726, Machine Gun Battn., Stratfard. Ontario. S. Spencer, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Covefield Barracks, Quebec. J. Snowell, C18556, l4th Field Battery, Petawawa Camp. R. Stocker, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden. J. Stabart, Ontario Tank Regt., Camp Barden. W. J. Terry, C40539, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Camp Borden. E. Tice, l4th Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. F. E. Trer'ýouth, B84512, lst Munition Depat R.C.O.C., Base P. O., Canada. H. J. Welsh, B94347, No. 2, A.F.W., R.C.O.C., Base P. O., Canada. G. Weston, Ontario Tank Regt., Camp Barden. L. Wiseman, C18655, C Battery, Kingstan, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. K. B. Wood, C18538, l4th Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. R. J. Woadward, C18657, l4th Field Battery, R.C.A., Petawawa Camp. W. R. Wright, C4237, Hastings & P. E. Regt., Base P. O., Canada. in the best o! health. Your laving brother, Dick Bathgate. ALAN DENSEM WRITES FROM ENGLAND England, June 23, 1940 Hello Johnny,- Just a few lines ta, let you know I get The Statesman every week and thanks very much as it is great ta, gets news from home. All the boys from town look for- ward ta getting your paper. Jack Bird is witb the 48tb Highlanders from Toronto sa if! you have the odd one Iaying around send it ta him. I used to let bim have mine but I don't se bu very aften as we are movlng around part of the time. I also received some cigarettes !rom the Lions Club, so would you be kind enough ta thank them very much for sending them ta me as I know they bave lots o! places and children ta help wita their money. Ahl the ather boys got theirs so we bave lots to smake for sorfie time. What is the matter with the bahl team ta let Cobourg win the first game and how is the so!tball coming along? See Mike's team won their first game. What on? Bun Moore bit a borne run. Guess he's still good. They should have somne of that wine we bad when we were in France. One boy tried ta get a drink of water in some farn hauses and came out every ie wlthout axîy water but al- ways with a big bottie of wmIe He had 12 battles before he got his drink o! water. Wbat do you tbink of that? I wonder how the firemen would like to get called from France?mA Will say so long and thanks agamn for your paper. I remain your friend, C5329Denny. Pte. A. F. Densem, Hastings & Prince Edward Regt. First Canadian Division, clo Base Post Office Canada. HAMLESOS HAIT always a milci, cool, sweet smoke: more men DANGE OUS ABIT smoke it, andi keep on smoking it year after year, The editor of a small weekly than any other pipe tobacco in Canada! newspaper in an Ottawa Valley town recently stated, in his paper If the majority find Picobac exactly to their that the abandonmient af the ducking-sool, as a punishment for taste, isn't it highly probable that you, too, will r feminine tale-bearers, was a tri! le find "the pick of Canada's Burley crop" exactly premature; many who have lis- whtyu atfo acopteysifig tened ta the conversations of some htyu wn fo acmpel sifig women will agree. smoke? From coast to coast you hear men say The milk o! human kindness ofPcb: seems ta run thin in the veins o! fPcbc our sex; tolerance o! the failings i~Jlem o! our fellows is far too often re- 1tD E taste good mn a ipe* markable for its absence. Like the rolling snowball, a story is allow- ed ta grow until it is distorted out o! ahl semblance to itsi original. "hrsol n csn"sy We refer flot particularly to"Te'solon ao,"ay pernicious gossip, but to the little Mr. Picobac, "why Canadians remarks whicb slip carelessly off bymr iobcta n the end o! the tongue. Careles, bado ac- it may be, but sharp in their sting j other bado pipe oac when tbey eventually work their hyiekbee. waY around to their object. I lk i ete. To indulge in apparently harm- less gossip is to skate on very thin ice. When a woman will gossip with you about some mutual ac- HNYSA-IH OC quaintance, she is just as likely 1eB LKTP I as not to chat cosily witb some as akdi oktTn other dear friend about you. It os dkdi oktTn has been said that women, like elephants, neyer farget; but tbey do, sometimes, forget details, and fi in the empty spaces fram their imaginations. Gossips do not trust eacb other, na matter how faithfully they, may swear. "0f course, my dear,1 you can tell me: I wan't repeat it, * to a soul." If they will listen they will tell. It migbt be better ta broadcast fromn the house-tops, rather than by the grapevine -,wben it seems about ta reach the o may have the illusion that for the whispering-route takes the dangerous edge. Talk about things they have aihdntti ir stoy ro oe istrtontoan rahe tanpeple bt h* hva no ishednoti ir other. That simiple little bit of Vocal speculation about affairsi surprislng improvements, being friendly gossip may become a of which you may know 1nlythe1 transformed into samething else choice piece o! slander that will bare outline is another brancbof entirely, they ferment for a while destroy a friendsbip, or upset a gassip. Your speculations will be i in your listener's mmnd, then once happy home. repeated as truth ta someone else, more take wing. It is easy enaugh ta turn the and once they get away from yau, One can be an abstainer from conversation into safe channels: you can neyer recapture them.: gossip, just as from drunkenness. t ' K-~ GOODf~6 If IACK i A F/NtR~ kM/t EAG~ COSIS LES *For a long-wearing, mile-eating tire with every Goodyear quality for sale, low-cost service choose the ever popular"G3". Ifs long-lasting dia mond tread gives needed four-way traction- its robust new Supertwist Cord body is more than ca match for the strain of today's hard driving and its twoA protector-cord plies give extra armour ta body and tread. The resuit? Thous- ainds of miles of care-free tire service..1 Thre's a Goodyear Dealer near you see hlm today for the flnest tire values of 19401 .M Don't use old ~ Stubes in new tires ;; ; ask for Iow-c@sî Goodyear Tubes end stort off rlghtl <k 14kttG3 #4 6 #4 1#4

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