PAGE SIX THECANDIA STTESAN.BQWANVlLr O?%JIN 1mni HAMPTON ANNIVERSARY Haydon Zion Sunday, June 3th, dawned ah ________ that could give promise of a beautiful day for Hampton Sun- Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. day School anniversary. However, A. Jones and family, Mrs. R. C. Will Smith and Mildred, Whitby, by the hour of meeting, about McLean and family, Mr. and Mrs. at Mr. Fred Cameron's. .. Mr. 10 o'clock, the clouds began ta H. McCombe, Mr. and Mrs. R and Mrs. Claude Storms'and fam- gather and many wended their Game, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. 0 ily at Mr. Frank Pascoe's... way to the church shed where Hooper, Mrs. F. Lyle, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and the services wene held carrying ville, at Mrs. E. Mountjoy's..- sons, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- umbrellas. Durmng the service Mr. and Mrs. Aikenhead, Toronto ley Coverley and Lloyd, Ebenezer another heavy shower came up, Keith McGill and Allan Werry' Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff and when the speaker had ta vie witi Enniskillen, at Mr. L. Ashton's.. Jean, Maple Grave, at Mr. Wes. the noise of raindrops an the Miss Joyce Kilburn, Oshawa, Mr. Cameran's... Mr. and Mrs. G. metal roof. "There Was a Lad," Joe Hodgson, Brooklin, at Mr. C. Balson at Mr. Chas. Ferguson's, was the text Rev. I. H. Kennedy Crossman's. . . Mr. and Mr.N. Thornton's Corners... Mr. and of Clarenlopnt, chose basing his Hall, Clinton and Beryl, Mr. Llayd Mrs. Chas. Fergusan, Bobbie and remarks on John 6:9-"There is a Hall and Dorothy, Oshawa, at Mamaon, Thornton's Corners, at lad here which hath five barley Mrs. D. Grahaîn's. . . Mr. and Mr. J. W. Balson's. . Misses Eva loaves and two small fishes; but Mrs. Ross Richards and Maurice, Gardon, Oshawa, Geraldine Grac- what are they among s0 many." Bowmanville, at Mr. E. Stephen: ey, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. W.H. A keynote of his splendid dis- son's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grant, McMaster's, Mr. and Mrs. A.le course was "sharing." The Christ- Toronto, at Mr. A. MeNeil's... Knopsle, Taronto, Mr. and Mrs. A ey like way of life, the speaker said, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks, Mrs. C. Eyman and family, Whitby, Mrs. P was the only solution ta many of Saper, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Mc- K. Sidlen and family, Thornton's fi the present-day prablcms. Mr. A. Neil's. .. Mrs. Marchant, Oshawa, Corners, Mr. and Mrs. A. Geiss- a E. Watson, Taranto, tenon soîoist, Mr. and Mrs. M. Elford and Dan: berger and family, Harmony, at sang "The Haly City" in splendid nie, Mr. Elford, Nestleton, Mr. W.M.HnGesrr'.. M sf voice' Rockford, Enniskillen, Mr. and Norman Leach is home after visit- p The skies cleared by the time Mrs. J. Cowling, Clare and Hilda, ing her mother, Mrs. Jna. Vice in M the service was over, which af- Mr. W. Cowling, Salem, Mn. and Saskatchewan. .. Mr. Fred Mar- -f' fored a hace forth uua r- Mrs. Anderson, Toronto, at Mr. T. tin, Mr. Enie Anderson, Miss fi, newal of acquaintances and hand- Cowling's... -Mr. and Mrs. C. Margaret Butt, Toronto, at Mr. S shakes which are so prevalent on Briggs and family, Mr. and Mns. Thas. Martin's.. . Miss Jean Bal- such occasions. Fallawing Old Sal's H. Hale, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. son at Mrs. M. Praut's, Bowman- le, appcarance between the thunder Ray Brock, Mr. and Mrs. M. ville. .. Miss Bernice Stainton, tio showers in the afternoon, a fine Tucrk, Mrs. Geo. Braaking, Bow- Peterbora, Mayor Anderson, Mr. th evening was partly responsible for mnanville, at Mr. C. Slemon's.. D. J. Brown, Oshawa, Mr. and 1 the large crowd which attcnded Mr. and Mrs. Howard Folcy, Mr. Mrs. A. L. Pascoc, Salina, Mr. and cci the evcning service, when the and Mrs. E. Twift, Maple Grave, Mns. A. Moore, Enniskillen, Mr. th speaker's farceful words an thc at Mr. M. Blackburn's..-. Mrs. M. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Dianc and ab, subjeet, "What Can We (the Habbs and Joan at Mr. H. Chant- Brian, Kedron, Dr. and Mrs. Earl rer church) Do About It?" felI on the -lcr's, Lindsay... Mr. and Mrs. Garfat, Jac and Danis, Colborne, an, cars of a body of intent listenens. H. Ashton, n and Mrs. A. Rend at Mr. A. T. Stainton's.. Mn. and cal He dcemed it advisable ta carry andCayn at Mr. C. Ashton's, Mrs. Fred Harding, Mr. Chas. on as usual with a strong faith Bureo...Ms Marie Ashton Lander, Oshawa, at Mr. Russell cit that through the hclp af the at M.-G.WcnnMs odrdc Stainton's. .. Miss Noreen Lang, err Christian church the world con- Mr ,ad rs. Leslie Graham Toronto, visited Miss Eilccn Stain- exs flict would bc won. Mr. Wilson andrfamily and Mr. M. Habbs at- tan. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Spring- far assistcd in the music with a vocal tcndcd thc Graham famnily picnic stead, Marilyn and BiIly. Mr. and cas selcton "Te it Fur-qureý,at Cameron an Saturday. Mrs. Ross Young, Caistar Centre, Pcs The Sunday School. with thein Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. 1Ars. . . Mr. and tMrs . ai Superintcndcnt, Mr. G. Barron, Walter Bridgctt an the arrival Of Hatt'.. r and o, sWa teMr. and the speaker of the day, had a son. RusllPeand intrs'.M atr.r their usual place on a dais, decon- Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy at- RhunseGcrkTrnto, iMstoliArn ated with ceda boughs and gener- tcnded the Hereford Breedens' at Mn. F.B.Glaspel's. .. Mr. and aus bouquets of summcn flowers picnic at Stauffville on Saturday. Mrs. Stanley Coverley and Lloyd, from local gardens. The singingEbneratM.LvBugs' by thc school under the leader- bNgaratar. Lev isBKatheen' ship of the assistant supcrintcnd- Haydon Anniversary CiaaranFatl..G. s CKahaen, c cnt, Mr. T. Salter, with Miss N. aeo atM.SG.C n's5h Horn, pianist, was quite up ta Haydon Sunday Sehool Anni- Tononto. ha thestadar ofpreiou yers.vensary pnoved ta be a decidcd The cemetcry lookcd vcry beau- a The stards f tprvis cnmn-. succcss. Despite the hcavy rain on tiful on Sunday. Mayor Anderson vie, istr ad sloit wre uchap-Sunday large congregations were af Oshawa, was the speaker and e] pistead slitwremc p present at bath services. Rev. W. the chair sang l'Abide With Me." rej Doinined. grrn o C Sit, outie gave excellent The men of the chair also sang k Doinon Da pagam ofdiscourses. In the afternoon he "The Contrite Heat"emi sparts, supper and concert proved spoke ta the chiîdren and then M ad sFdCmon had succssulseqelta icSunayta uic aider ones, stating that the Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mr. Reford phe services, when ideal weather of youth is important Camýeron attended funeral of Mrs. R prompted a large crowd ta enjoy and aur religion should be taught Wood at Tyrone a holiday ini uic park and partake in aur day schoals and not con -___met____ of a. sumptuous repust fromn tables fincd ta a short periad on Sunday. t0- arrnge onthechuchlawn' In uic evening his subject was Brown*sth which in thc bight sunlight was on "The Church of Christ," giving at a gala sight, with white linen th, virtues of uie early church ship cloths, centred w i t h sun-aner and what they hud ta endure and Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. 0 flowers in varied color schemes what uic church of to-day may Gea. Stephenson in Oshawa. .. vitl and Inden with the usual quan- be called upon ta endure alsa. Mn. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy, her( tity and quality of vands usually The smngmg of uic sehool was Joyce and Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Iý produced by uic ladies of Hamp- very ably led by Mr. E. E. Staples R. Branch, Pauline and Russell at afte: ton whose culinary arts cannat accompanied by M1rs. A. Rend. Cream of Baley Camp... Miss chai be surpassed elsewhere an similar Newcastle male quartette consist- Madeline Fox with Mrs. Silver, Dav occasions. ing of Ross Allin, Stanley Rick- Starkvilie... -Mn. and Mrs. C. Mn:. The play, "Double Trouble," and Wlbur Baskerville a nd Turner and Sam at Mn. Chas, par( pnesented by Ebenezen draina- Wllbun Blackburn, contributed Osborne's, Ebenezer. .. Mrs. P. men tists, in uic church shed, in thc excellent selectians at bath scr- Hotson, Mr. and Mns. Chas. Ail- chui eVening, provided ententainment vices. The shed was magnifîcently dred and baby, Lake Shore, at Auj for a capacity audience, wiui decorutcd with a profusion of Mn. R. Graham's. . Mrs. J. Brown M~ Messrs. James Hancock and Gea. flowens, ferns and maple leaves wiui Mrs. Tam Woodlock, New- twc Davidge adding variety between by the Young Men's Class directed castle. visit nets with vocal solos and duets. by Mn. E. Stephenson. shaweralfoMn. n tndets e Bob 'S The bail games between Hamp- On Dominion Day uic weathen hwrfrM. n r.Bb S ton and Maple Grave softbull was much more favorable with Hendry, Lake Shore, at Mn. John uic tennis ended in favor of thc latter, no nain falling for n change. A Hendry's. appE while uic football, Hamptan vs. basebail tournament was played Furmers are busy haying. The laig Solina, was also in uic visitons' by Union, Enniskillen and Hay- weathen and scancit3r of help are and favon. don, the wmnner being Union. great drawbacks.M The Women's Institute catered Ail did justice ta a sumptuaus Mns ta uic needs of those who wished supper scrved by uic ladies, v rok dC ee n confections o ice cream, candy, received many comments nteaoo e re pinî saft drinks, etc., on uic park splendid repast. In the evening ie grounids during uie aftcrnoon. uic Mamion Douglasn ~cCo. Sundav School Strauhrr-v Festan, PENGcUiSI PELICANS IYour chouce of 200 titles. The blggest sellng lune of booksinluthe worid. A titie for every reader. Pice - 20-ý each PAPER GOODS Save time and labour use p a per serviettes, toweLs, tableeloths, plates, eups and othcr picillc supplies. GLASSWARE Cool and -attractive for hot weatlier meals. Very iow lu price. J. W. JeweII Headquarters for Wallpaper and Paint Toronto, entertained a full house with a grand vaiety pnogrum which could nat fail ta delight bath old and yaung. Tyrone IRecent Visitons: Mn. Bill Brook; and Miss Doris More, Toronto ut Mn. Leslie Brooks'..-. Mis Marion Huywad ut Mrs. J. H Mutton's, Bowniunville..-. Mr and Mrs. Art Spicer, Ilene unc Marilyn, Mrs. Stan Beckett anc Joan, Bowmanville, ut Mrs. Laur, Virtue's. . . Mn. and Mns. C. Pog. son, Bennice und Luellu, Oshawa ut Mn. George Brooks'. . . Mrs Mary Roach, Buffalo, N.Y., wîti Mrs. James Stonie. . . Mn. anc Mns. Harry Hntherly, New Ta. ronto, ut Mn. R. Hnthcrly's..- Miss Doneen Byum, Bownqanvile, ut home. .. Mn. and Mrs. R. H. Stevens, Garnie, Mn. and Mrs. Dave Hicks, Harristan, Miss Susie Van Camp, Blnckstack, at Mn. M. J. Wadly's... Mn. and Mns. L, J. Goodmian attended Old Boys' Reunian at Columbus and visitcc his brother, Mn. Fred Goodman.. Mr. and Mns. N. Waodley, Mn. and Mrs. D. Hicks, Mn. and Mns. R. Stevens ut Mrs. T. Woodley's whc is improving in Peterboroughi Hospital. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. H. Cameron inithc death of her mother, Mns. Woods. Mrs. Robt. Burgess is daing nicely ini Bowmunville Hospitul1 aftcr an operution. Mn. George Brooks is impnoving his house with a coat of paint. Misses Edith Woodley, Suzanne Cook and Marion Partner arc ut- tending Girl Guides' Camp ut Cameron Lake, Fenelon Falls. Rev. Gardner prcached an ex- cellent sermon Sunday manning taking for his subjeet "Why God Daesn't Stop uic War." PORT HOPE LIONS & ROTARY CLUB *Street Fair Two Gala Nights - JuIy I 8th and I 9th Seld ini Central «Park, Queen itreet go Valuable Prizes Each Night prooeeds n luAd of Needy Chlldren and Deservlng War Work. Cs ýa h, i tiva.ld-Týuesday cvening wuas quite a succcss. Evenybody hud lots ta eut and a good time and a substantial sum was reulized for Red Cross Wonk. Crooked Cneek defcated Cow- anville girls in a softball game hene Friday evening. These games pravide good wholesome spart and creute a spirit of friendship in the community. Let us hope that there will be more of themr. .oLioniel Hughes is home fnom owmanville Hospital whcne he underwent an operution fan ap- pendicitis. Bill Reid is out aguin uften his operation for tonsils. Miss Mary Swain hus secured a job lu Uic Civil Service ut Ottawa. Mr. und Mrs. Herb Reid and fumidly fram Oak Hill visîted ut Wilfred Wood's. Newtonville e Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peddie, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roden, Mrs. Hawkin anc daughter, Port Hope, at Mr. S. R. Jones'. . . Miss Annie Nesbiti in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Langstaff, Toronto, with Mrs. Mabel Langstaff. .. Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, at home.. Mr. Alian Haigh, Pagwa, wîtli Mrs. W. Haigh. .. Mrs. Herl Bell, Saskatoon, with Mrs. Hos- rkm. . . Joyce and Jimmy Adams, Toronto, with Mrs. Reiçhrath.. Mrs. J. Stark and Donna in Castieton owing ta the illness of Mrs. Stark's father, Mr. Moore., Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jones, Aneta and Lorne, Cobourg, Miss S. A. Thompson, Miss A. Swimm, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hancock, New- castle, at Mr. George Stapleton's, Jr., and Mrs. Thos. Stapleton's,. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick at Mr. Chas. Osborne's, Ebenezer., Mr. and Mrs. H. Vickers and family, Toronto, at Mr. L. E. Mill- son's. .. Mrs. Willis Jones, Bud and Fae with relatives in Wark- worth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Elgin and Jim are in Kingston. Mr. Savery is taking a suminer course Mr. Sam Smith, Sr. has his new house weIl under way right beside his son Roy's residence. Cccil and Harold Burley and Lanson Millson in Waterloo. Har- old brought horr4e a new tractor. Rev. J. McLachlan's message to the Orangemen Suncay cven~- ing was based on "A Christian Knight." Boys' Fife and Drum Band from Kendal played. There was special music by the choir and Miss Hope Symons, Welcome, sang a solo. Eyesight Educatioi And Efficienel By Olptometrist Eyesigh, Seciojisi DLsney BIdg. (opp. P. 0.> l Oshawa Number 139 To relieve the condition o: [yperopia, far-sightedness, tha- lns is used which shows by thi eye examination to have the pro. per power to make the eye suf. ciently less Hyperopic to focu as it properly should as per thE bandards considered by optical ;ience, normal. The relief giver ?ermits the eyes to work to nor- nal efficiency without strain or fstrained while working suf- cient power may remain in re- ;rve to afford comfort. This lens is considered a plus ens because of the positive ac- ion on rays of llght rendering e parallel rays convergent. To relieve Myopia, short-sight. mess, the lens used must have he opposite effect to, the lens love mentioned. This lens must ender parallel rays divergent ýd being negative as to focus is alied a minus lens. Lenses used in the correction of ither of the above mentioned rrors must be decided by the xamination because it is possible :r certain other features of a se contributing to such a pur- ose as would make the condition ppear to be other than it really (to be continued) Orono News Glen Cumeron passed his Grade histony exanis. in music. We hea several of aur citizens Ive had same unpleasunt inter- Ïws with the gume wurdcn for olatrng hunting and fishing lulations. In fuct, anc well own merchant prince on aur un street iis neponted ta have id his hard earncd cash go up smoke when his fishing para- iernalia was taken from, him. Red Cross inspection conittce et Tuesdny.:Work noom is open day and thase wishing ta sec evariaus articles should do so once as uiey will lfRc13y be ýpd nwny this week. Orno girls defcnted Newton- le lassies in a sof tball garne re Tucsday by 30 to 10. Park St. W. A. met Tucsdny tennoon. Devotional was in arge of Mnrs. W. H. Rowe. Miss iy gave the trcasurer's repart. s. R. E. Logan rend tuicocrres- ndence. Mn. Porter is ta be re- mbcrcd for his wonk at uic urch by letter and cheque. The igust meeting is cancelled. Mr. and Mns. Carscadden and 'children of Rouyn, Que., are .ting ut Mn. Dean Carscad- n'S. Scuts with flashlights pluying Spark anc night -tis week peared from the street lîke a ge numben of large fireflies, Jpnavided a pretty sight. Ir. John D. Brunne, Toronto, sA. Munson, Highland Creek, '.Charles Baxter, Oshawa, >.Humar Disher, South Poncu- e, Mn. and Mns. James Curle- tNew Toronto, were holiday itors ut Mn. M. A. Carlcton's. Enr. and Mns. Fred Lycctt and tDouglas have moved to :no. dn. and Mrs. E. E. Puttenson lJim, Mrs. T. Puttenson, and s. James Englesan uttended the rscadden picnic ut Orillia Sut- lay. r. ,George.Glunville Sr. is in Mihael's Haspital, Tronto. 'amben of Commerce met nday cvening. A report was en of the newly erectcd "Wel- ie" sign ut the south end of village. Police Trustees wii asked ta erect and Pay for a iarn aut the north end of tawn. Ways and means of :ng funds wenc discussed and vas finally decided to leave it membership fees. A lot of ewas spent in loaking into Refugec children question, no action was tuken. About 125 attended the Car- scadden picnic Saturday which was held in Orillia. The weather was perfect and the afternoon band early evening was spent in .sports. Speeches were enjoyed iafter the delicious supper. Offi- cers are: President, Rev. A. Car- scadden, Toronto; Sec'y.-Treas., Mrs. H. Carscadden, Stayner. An intcresting feature was that six of seven sisters were present ta en- jay a pleasant re-union. These were Mrs. Thos. Patterson, Orono, Mrs. D. Johnson, Parry Sound, Mrs. E. Neibergal, Panry Sound, Mns. G. Stewart, Creemnore, Mrs. W. T. Norse, Avening, Mrs. J. W. Hutchison, Thornbury. The onc sister unable ta came was Mrs. Flora Johnson, Portland, Oregon. Aniong the many places repre- scnted wcne: Creemore, Orono, Kendal, Burketon, Stayner, To- ronto, Parry Sound, Thornbury, Maple Valley, Collingwood, Mea- ford and Avening. The pienic wil] be held at Orillia next year. Solina visi' M son Orai M and Mns. Cars urda Mi St.1 ci Mon givei com( the be a simil the raisii it wý ta n tinie the buti Recent Visitons: Mrs. N. C. Yel- lowlees with her sisten, Miss Jes- sic Cation, Toronto..-. Mn. and IMrs. Les. Thampson, Art and IMarie, Tynone, Mn. and Mns. Neil Yellawlees, Bowmanville, ut Mn. Mns. Chas. Allin, Mn. Albert AI- lin, Miss Annie Aluin, Bowman- ville, Miss Nan Allun, Mn. D. Smithcns, Toronto, Mns. Norman Allia and Mamion, ccsî u Mn. Wes. Yelloles'..- -Mn. Bill Clark, Gneenwood, at Mn. N. C. Yellowlees'..- -Mn. and Mrs. WilII nHemphill, Mdsth, lHcmphiîî, Breo Miss Irene WdwotToronto, B reo Mn. and Mrs. Alf. Pnescatt and____ family, Mn. Aylmer Prescott, En- Recent Visitors: Mrs. T. Bailey, ~field, Mn. and Mns. Les. Gibson Ruby and Betty Moffatt at Mn. Y and fanlily, Mn. Gea. Gibson, Sn., C. Bruint's and Mn. J. Burn's, Mrs. Alvin Spencer and Grant, Janetville. . -Mn. T. Bailey and Columbus, Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Orland wcne in Lindsay and caîl- k Gibsan, Marilyn and Keith, Black- cd at Mn. J. Burn's, Janetville.. waten, at Mn. Edga Pncscatt's. . Mns.T. Brcck and Bill wene in Miss Collins, Taranto, Mr-.0. Tononto. . . Mrs. L. Abbott, Jean- Rolph and Barbara Anne, Orono, ne and Margaret ançI Ronald Ab- at Mn. J. Baker's. .. Mn. and Mns. bott uit Mr. W. Haacy's Tyrane.. Hanry Grooms and Mary, Ta- Mn. and Mrs. D. Gntchcll and Mn. ronto, ut Mn. S. E. Werry's... James Gatchell motored ta Kmn- Mrs. J. T. Rundle ut Mn. Roy Pen- maunt. . . Mn. James Gatchell found's, Lindsay. .. Mn. and Mrs. lcft for Sudbury Mandny with Mn. Art Moore, Mn. and Mrs.. A. L. Mervin Gatchell, Oshawa. attcnded Decoratian service at Breo coladSna Zion and visited at Mn. A. T. Bnkt Shool edterand ua inay )fStainton's. . -Miss Anna JohnsSehool helthCeimofrnul enieo it Lakefield, Mn. and Mns. Ross Fnialteamo ale Bw le Fennec and family, Ebenezen, Mn. manvile -and Mns. Foster Snowden and -family, Kedron, Mns. W. Lang- [S muid, Sybil and Vida, Oshawa, Eiil ,eMn. and Mrs. Sam Brooks andEni d il_ __ _ n family, Providence, Mn. and Mrs. Visitons: Mn. Earl and Miss I. -Roy McGill, Kcith and Revu, Mrs. Wadswonth, Mn. and Mns. Will Chas. Lnngmaid, Enniskillen, ut HmhlTrno tM.Af r. .Roy Lngmaid's. PHemphill Tor.tonutMr. AH. -Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. Persattds - .MiTn.ond Mr.H and rs. B ru e T nk , M r. and G odfrey B ow m an's and M n. W il- sMrs. Walter Paninder and Eve- fred Bawnian 's. . . . Mn. Frank -lyn, Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Davis Campbell, Bnaoklin, Mn. and Mrs. gattcnded Columbus Anniversany McCanthy, Mrs. McCanmick, Miss services. Jean McCormîck, Toronto, ut Mn. - Miss Doris Mîlîsan lef t for Albent Niddeny's. . . Mrs. A. F. eOttawa on Sunday ta take a fiveiAbernethy and fairhily, Muple sweeks' education course. Grave, Miss Corsinu Samis, Osh- t Sympathy is cxtended ta Mn. awa, at Mr. Milton Samnis'.. . Mn. tJ. R. Kivcll in the death of his and Mrs. L. Stinson and family,' smothen. Hampton, ut Mrs. J. Stinsan's...1 On July 3rd a successful Straw- Mn. and Mrs. Haskin Smith and fberry Tea was held ut Spnuce Mn. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Lloyd 1Lodge, the home of Mn. and Mrs. and Jean, ut Mn. Arthur Smith's, *E. A. Millson, unden auspices of!r Columbus. . . Mrs. W. J. Ormis- ýC.*G.'I.*T.* Mns. Milîson and Honor- tan in Bawmanville. iary leader, Mrs. S. E. Werry, ne- Mn. F. McMullen is taking al -1ceived the gucsts and pqèured tea summer course ut Quecn's Uni-1 iwhile uic sixteen membens, attir- I versity, Kingston, ed in regulatian C.G.I.T. costumes __________ with purple and gold aprons and headgear, served ut the tastefuilyB decoruted tables pluced an the BlacksLockS lawn. Mn. Neil McCullough fav- - ___ ourcd with violin music accom- Recent Visitons. Rcv. and Mrs. panied by Miss Ida McCullough;r E. P. Wood have gane ta Lake hun-orous readings by Betty Stev- Simcoe fan holidays and Mn. ens, Maple Grave; Ewurt Leask Cathcant, Westan, took the service and Betty Smales wene much Sunday morning. . . Miss Ruth enjoyed. Mns. Will Leask also and Mildred Butler, Mn. and Mrs. contributed a fine neading and Bert Allen, Toronto, with Mn. and vocal sala. Pnacccds donuted to Mrs. Fred Builey ut their cottage, jWur Chanities Fund. Cuesanca.. Mn. and Mns. Hurry Maple Grove Recent Visitons: Mns. A. Tren- outh, Hampton, Miss Beatrice Pritchard, Mn. Ross Trenouth, Mn. and Mns. A. Gunning, Miss Gladys Gunning, Toronto, ut Mn. J. R. Metcalf's. . . Mn. and Mns. Leslie Collacutt, Misses Pearl, Lenore Collacutt ut Mn. W. Wcstlake's, Solinu. .. Misses Mildred Snow- den and Jean Janvie at Ingensoll, IMiss Jean Miller returned home Iwith them fon a visit..-. Mn. jHarold Miller, Kingston, visited ut Mns. L. C. Snowden's. . Miss Muriel Stevens is visiting Nancy VarcoÇ ut the beach. Miss Nellie Snowden is tuking a five weeks' course in music ut Toronto. Congratulations ta Miss Peggy Finnigan on her murriage. A Strawbcrny Social was held ut thc home of Mns. J. R. Metculf, Base Line, ta nuise funds for the Red Cross purpose. It was an ideal day and a good crowd us- sembled ta enjoy uic treat and listen ta thc pnagnam. Over $25.00> was raised. summer cottage, Cuesaca, of Mn. VicentL, TorontoL, at Mrl. Chas. Smith's. . . Miss Edith Brown, Vasey, ut Mn. Roy Ferguson's. . . a Howard and Harold Fonder had a t tripta Niagara Falls. . . Mn. Bob b SnIith, Timmins, is home for hi holidays. . . Miss Venu Fonder is t in Whitby..-. Mn. and Mrs. Wal- lace Marlow and fnmily ut Mr. R. Heaslip's, Credit River. . . M. su and Mrs. Lamne Brudbunn, To- ronto, ut Mn. Wesley Bnndburn's. of ..Miss Joyce Scott is in Owen vi Sound. . . Mr. and Mrs. Millard wi Fullis, Rockglen, Sask., and famn-- ily with relntives. Mrs. Fais is- Uic former Ednn Fergusan, young- est daughten of R. J. Ferguson... Mns. Durnford, Elmvnlc, ut Mn. J. A. Jahnston. Victonian Womnen's Institute met ut Mrs. John Cantcr's, July 3nd, wiui 50 present. Mrs. Carter gave an intenesting paper an caring for poultry. Mn. E. A. Summers gave a talk on pests and inseets which destray gandens. Miss Ethel Car- ter gave n piano solo and com- munity singing wns enjoyed. Ladies of Punple Hill quiltcd 8 quilts for Uic refugees. Forty guests gathened ut the Bizes il to 2 ~Af~t' CLEARANCE SALE JuLY LADIES' SLIPS These gooti looking slips ar-e our best sellers. Smoo t h 1 y tallored 1 n rayon satin strlped jac- quand crepe. Blas ent. Tea Rase and VWte. 32 to 42. Reg. $1.00. 7O MENS SLACKS Men's santiforiz- cd cotton slacks. Pleated and wlth beit of matchlng matenil. Wash- able. Sizes 29 to 36. Smart fo r sportswear. $1.98 SHOP AT ARCADE THE 1 PANTIES - STEP-INS Made of a light, smjooth rayon fabnic. Some are of run - proof mesh celasuede. Lace trim- mcd or Plain. Tea Rose Or Whlite. Suzes maal, mnedum a n d large. Reg. 29C. -15 c MEN'S WINDBREAKERS "Oouble breasteti COSSack style wlth lide fastuer on front andi pocket. * Guaranteed , wash- able, Showerproof material, wlth col- lars of contrastlng colours. - 59c SUMMER CLEARANCE 0F DRESSES S k , c o tto s , ~fSfitennispuns, chUf- - tfons, Sun Valley P r ints, and Amn- enican v oile s. Flattering styles Sandi ail are wash- able. Size 14 to 20, 38 to 44. CHIDRE'SOUTING SANDALS Popular T strap design ln brown or white duck. Sprlngy rubber. Sbies 5 to10 . . . . 49c S. S. d 3. tt t- h ;S h b n ,f a 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 'PACIP. QvlrvwT COWLING'S DRUG STORE la Your Assurance for ILowest Prices GUARD AGAINST HAY ATHLETIC SUPPORTS YE VER All Sizes Take Nova Kelp Now Assorted Prices 79e - $1.39 - $2.79 50e - $2.25 Tat Memba Memba Parowax Ant Seals Fectin 1 lb. Box~ Traps 3 for 2 for 2 for 29c 27c 25e 19C 75e Listerine Tooth F a ste - S p e cel - ---- 49c 85c Noxzema -------59c 25e Noxzema -------15e Dodd's Pis -------- 33e $1 Hind's Cream ----49e Tooth Brushes ----- 9c Minty's Tooth Faste 19e 10 Cakes Castile Soap 19e Lunch Kits complete 23ç O 5 with bottle --------99e 6 Gillette Sun Tan Sun Tan Ffrst Aid ]Blue Blades oul Cream Kits 25C 30e -39c 30c 29c, - 79c HAY FEVER HOLIDAYS REMEDIES Sta-Way --------------39e Actephedrin JeIly --- 50e Tangel -50----------- e Gluco Fedrin -----85c - 0 Razmah Caps.-----5c-.0o Burn Ointment ---------25e Estwin ------ --- - _ 1.23 Bathing Caps --------- cg-69e Hay Tone ---- 25-50c-1.00i Sun Goggles ------- 15c-1.25 We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses to Your Satisfaction Phone ff 'l II f L.D Prompt 695 PR . COUUV LIIIU, IIIl.D.Delivery and Mrs. Fred Bailey on Sunday by Mr. Cathcart and Rev. Ken- to celebrate Mr. Bailey's 75th nedy. birthday. The family presented im with a signet ring. Afternoan tea was served. If thou art wise, thou knowest thine own ignorance; and thou art Miss Eva Brown is taking a ignorant if thou knowest not thy- smmer course at Guelph. self.-Luther. Sunday evening the annual l2th It is with nations as with in- )f July walk was celebrated. Ser- dividuals, thase who know the ice was held at the Armouries least of others think the highest witil Rev. D. M. Stinson, assisted ..of themselves.--çoton. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE (Corner Queen and Division Streets) "'Proof From The Bible That England Shahl Win The War," ilear This Subject Sunday, JuIy I 4th at 8 p.m. By REV. C. A. HARRIS. AT THE ARCADE